Legends of Pshad waterfalls. Pshad waterfalls and dolmens in the Pshada river valley

Pshad waterfalls are unique natural complex of more than a hundred beautiful water cascades scattered along the riverbed of the Pshada and its tributaries. Every year, with their picturesque rocks, they attract hundreds of not only tourists, but also artists, poets, and photographers.

The Pshada River begins between the mountain peaks of Pshada and Papai. Its length from source to mouth is 35 kilometers. Pshad waterfalls, the route to which is quite complicated, fascinate with their mystery and pristine natural landscapes. The main part of the waterfalls is located in the upper reaches of the river. Despite the fact that the waterfall chain includes a large number of drops of varying heights, on the map it occupies a small area, only about one kilometer.

Eight waterfalls are located on the Krasnaya River, its right tributary. At the place where these two watercourses meet, there is Kid `s camp. The remaining waterfalls are located at the confluence of other tributaries into the main channel. For example, another route is popular, which will introduce you to the second group of Pshad waterfalls - there are about 15-20 of them, and they are very picturesque. To see them, you need to get through the Kochkarev gap to Gorlyanovy Stream.

The largest Pshad waterfall - Olyapkin - is located on the Krasnaya River. Its height is 9 meters. In Grape Creek there is the second highest waterfall - its height is about 7 meters. The size of the remaining specimens is not so impressive, but in their beauty they are in no way inferior to their more impressive counterparts. The height of the smallest waterfall, which is part of the complex, is no more than one meter.

There are several versions of the origin of the name “Pshad Waterfalls”. Some believe that Pshada translates as “Valley of Calm.” This name is associated with one of the local legends about the north wind who once lived here and fell in love with a mortal girl. She refused him, and the Wind left these places forever, which made the area windless. Another legend says that the river received its name from immigrants from the Czech Republic who lived in this area many centuries ago. The third version tells us that Pshada is an exclusively local word, the name of an aul that was once located on this territory.

Do you want to visit Pshad waterfalls? How to get to them - every tourist decides this question based on his physical fitness, budget and time. When setting out on a journey, you need to realistically weigh your own strengths. An organized excursion to Pshad waterfalls is the simplest, safest and quick way admire the natural beauty. You will not need any special physical training; you can take children and teenagers aged 10 years and older with you on this excursion.

The tour includes a visit to only the eight main waterfalls, and also includes a walk along the banks of the Red River. On the way to the springs, tourists visit Pshad dolmens - ancient structures of megalithic culture. They were erected ancient peoples who lived in this area in prehistoric times. Locals We are firmly convinced that this place is special. If, for example, you make a wish, it will certainly come true.

For those who prefer wild nature, there are many special routes, which are not so easy to overcome. Where particularly difficult climbs are found, special cables are laid. They help you climb to the very top of the waterfalls.

The valley of Pshad waterfalls is not a “place forgotten by civilization.” Thus, at the end of the routes there is a cozy cafe where every visitor can try freshly caught fried salmon, which is caught in the purest mountain river.

If you decide to go to Pshad waterfalls by car, the most convenient way to get there is own car to the village of Pshada and leave your car in the parking lot at the intersection of Krasnaya and Kubanskaya streets. At this parking lot, drivers of GAZ-66 or UAZ all-terrain vehicles await tourists, who will take you to the apiary 9 km from the village borders. This is where it starts hiking trails to the waterfalls. You can also walk from the parking lot to the apiary.

If you go to the Pshad waterfalls on your own, be sure to visit the chapel of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Here you can drink crystal clear water from a spring called Natasha. According to local legend, the spring is a petrified girl, and the water is her tears. Newlyweds love to visit this place: it is believed that if the bride and groom drink water from this spring at the same time, they will never part and will love each other forever.

When planning a visit to the Pshad waterfalls in the hot summer, keep in mind that in these places there is very little water in the rivers on hot days. Therefore, instead of waterfalls, tourists can simply see picturesque stone ledges and cliffs.

IN Krasnodar region there is a big one beautiful river Pshada. It is famous for its enchanting waterfalls, which are at the same time majestic and graceful, powerful and sophisticated. There are legends about them, known not only to Russian people, but also to many foreigners.


Before you get to the Pshad waterfalls, you need to have an idea of ​​their location. After all, such a wonder of the world is not so easy to find!

Pshad waterfalls on the map can be found in a section of the valley called Bazami. Their more precise location is the Krasnaya River, which is a component of Pshada itself. The latter originates on Mount Papai and continues its flow all the way to the Black Sea.

Water flows reach 270 meters above sea level. In general, there are about 100 waterfalls that accumulate in one small area.


If you look at photos of Pshad waterfalls, you will notice that they are all different from each other.

Olyapkin is the largest and most powerful. Despite this, the height of its water fall along the picturesque slope does not exceed 10 meters. On the right tributary of the river there is the second highest waterfall. It reaches 7 meters in height. The rest of the Pshad waterfalls are not particularly high (from 90 to 250 cm). Due to the fact that dense bushes and trees were cut down in this area, this is what the Pshad waterfalls look like now, photos of which are shown to us wild slopes, washed with transparently clear water, like a tear. There are no longer wild animals here as before. Hares, deer, wolves, bears... They all disappeared. And no wonder. After all, man managed to develop these once wild lands.

Today, the flow rate of waterfalls in these places depends significantly on the seasons and the amount of precipitation.


Almost all attractions Krasnodar region have their own history. The unique appearance of the waterfalls is so mysterious that it beckons with some unknown force to come closer to the water and enjoy the freshness and smell of the forest. Or maybe this beauty is controlled by the Pshad Maiden, whom, according to many local residents, they saw in these surroundings? She should be feared. She usually appears here at night. The Pshad Maiden is a ghost. Her blurry silhouette hypnotizes people and then leads them to dangerous places waterfalls


Local residents can probably tell you where the ghost that haunts the Bazame Valley came from. There is a whole legend about the Pshad Maiden.

In ancient times, there was a custom according to which the younger brother was supposed to marry only after the older one. But in one family, the youngest son fell in love first. At this time, a landslide occurred between the two villages, after which the water of the river began to overflow its banks, and people were threatened with a real flood. The son in love was sure that he would remove all the stones from under the rubble, and in return he demanded permission from his father to marry before his older brother. The elder agreed. The happy son left and was never seen again. Heartbroken, the guy’s beloved went to the river at dusk and drowned there. After this, her ghost constantly wanders in these places and hypnotizes people, especially those who do not specifically know how to get to Pshad Falls. But why he does this, we can only guess...

Places to admire mountain waterfalls

If you want to see the miracle of the Krasnodar region, then you are probably wondering how to get to the Pshad waterfalls. Indeed, this is very relevant. Because knowing the road leading to water cascades will save you not only time, but also energy. After all, in these places there are waterfalls 15-30 meters high! And getting through them is not so easy. In addition, some of them cannot be crossed at all.

As a rule, photos in travel magazines show us the water flows of Pshada on Gorlyanov Stream or in the Kokcharskaya Gap. It is these places that are the most passable and popular among lovers wildlife. Here you can admire 20-25 waterfalls of different heights!

Road to Pshad waterfalls

One of the most common and safest ways to mystical places Pshads are considered as follows.

From Gelendzhik you need to get to the village of Vozrozhdenie. Further along the mountains to the north reach your destination. Or first get to the village of Pshady, which is large for that area, and from there continue your way to the northeast.

Of course, the fastest way to see Pshad waterfalls is by car. But here it is worth considering that only an experienced driver needs to drive a car in this area. After all, the road to the water cascades is far from easy and requires special driving skills.

If you are planning to get to the Pshad waterfalls on foot, expect that it will take you more than one daylight hours. In this case, it is imperative to take with you a tourist backpack that contains not only food and basic hygiene products, but also a sleeping bag, as well as climbing equipment. In addition, find out in more detail from local residents how to get to Pshad waterfalls. It will be great if they draw you a map.

Excursions to Pshad waterfalls

An independent road to the enchanting places of the Krasnodar Territory requires special efforts. Therefore, before you set off, you need to really weigh your own strengths. What to do if you don’t have enough physical fitness, but you really want to see the Pshad waterfalls?

In this case the best option will be for you organized excursions. Typically, you can use these services in almost any resort town Krasnodar region.

Experienced tour operators will not only provide you with a service called “Pshad waterfalls by car”, but will also offer you a try to do this extreme view sports like canyoning. Many people trust the organizers of the trip through the forests. After all, who else but they knows how to get to the Pshad waterfalls, spending a minimum of time on it.

Of course, everyone chooses a method of travel that is convenient for them. But whether you go in search of adventure on your own or decide to use the services of guides, you will definitely be satisfied that you will see such a wonder of the world as the Pshad Waterfalls.

Pshada Valley is located at Caucasus Mountains and has a long history. This most picturesque and uniquely beautiful corner of the Black Sea coast is a must-see for every tourist who has visited Anapa. The ancients called Pshada “the valley of calm,” and many legends and tales were created about it. The name speaks for itself: it is the peace and fusion with nature that every person who has been here at least once feels.

Only the sound of water and mountain streams disturbs the usual silence of this place. Along the valley there is a river of the same name - quiet in summer and restless in spring, when it carries meltwater into the sea, completely flooding the valley and sometimes destroying everything in its path.

The valley is notable for its stunning waterfalls. Getting to them is not very easy for an ordinary tourist, but believe me, the difficulties are worth it! Local residents consider the Pshad waterfalls - like the famous dolmens - to be of particular value, and it is unlikely that anyone will disagree with them. There are thirteen main waterfalls in the valley (eight on the Krasnaya River, others on the tributaries of the Pshada), and each of them is a unique natural wonder of the Krasnodar region.

Like the Pshad Valley as a whole, the waterfalls keep many secrets and legends. One of them says that a traveler who lingers in this place until sunset can see with his own eyes the Pshad Maiden, who emerges from nothing and attracts people. If you succumb to the spell and follow her, she will push the gullible traveler into the abyss of the waterfall. Do not rush to chuckle skeptically, because the apparent fiction corresponds, as they say, to a real story.

In ancient times, in this place there was an aul where sedate mountaineers lived. They had an ancient custom: to marry their sons according to seniority. It so happened that one of the younger sons met his betrothed earlier than his older brother. But one day an unforeseen situation occurred - an avalanche came down from the cliff, and a huge stone blocked the river bed so that it began to flood the village.

The young man volunteered to help in trouble, but only if he was married before his older brother. However, the attempt was unsuccessful, and no one has met him since then. The bride rushed to look for her betrothed at night to the waterfall and also disappeared. This is exactly how the legend arose about a beautiful girl who appears in the form of a snow-white cloud and destroys people.

This legend also has other versions. One of them says that the girl was married off to an unloved man, and the other claims that she ruined herself because she could not marry her lover from a hostile community.

They also say that a ghostly truck appears in those parts - a wartime GAZ-63, with only one headlight on. Allegedly, it stops with travelers, and everyone who risks getting into the cabin disappears without a trace. If you don’t accept the driver’s invitation, the truck simply drives away.

Tourists visiting Pshad waterfalls also willingly follow old tradition. Local residents keep a legend that says that a forest man, Shokhlar, once lived in the surrounding forest. And everyone who leaves the forest thicket must certainly leave some food for him under the tree. Thus, Shokhlar will favor you, help you not to get lost in the forest and get out of it safely.

We won’t bore you with geographical information about Pshady waterfalls. It will be much more interesting to receive this information from the guides who will give you an excursion to the valley. This is a very popular tourist route, which is definitely worth taking if you want to recharge yourself with positive emotions for a long time.

A waterfall is a natural decoration of any landscape. Moreover, this does not depend on its size. Both a cascade of small streams and a powerful stream falling from a great height evoke a feeling of peace, joy and admiration. Falling water brings with it a feeling of freshness, acting as a huge natural air conditioner. Waterfalls on the Pshada River decorate the Krasnodar region.

Some waterfalls have a convenient swimming bowl

Hazelnut Valley

The most scenic spots Krasnodar Territory are located along the Black Sea coast. Often steep rock ledges approach the water itself. They alternate with small cozy bays, which attract with their beaches. It was here that such popular resort centers like Gelendzhik, Divnomorskoe, Dzhanhot and Arkhipo-Osipovka. In summer, many tourists and vacationers from all over the country come here.

The waterfalls of the Pshada River are located approximately in the middle of this resort area near the village of the same name. According to one version, the name settlement comes from the Adyghe word “psh’ede”, which means “hazelnut”. These gifts of nature grow in abundance in the mountain valley.

The distance from Krasnodar to the waterfalls is about 150 km, from Gelendzhik – about 40 km. The sea coast is no more than 25 km from here. The Don highway passes through the village of Pshada, which provides transport accessibility this natural masterpiece.

Do not forget that in the vicinity of the Pshada River there are more than 70 dolmens. The purpose of these ancient buildings still remains a mystery. They are shaped like birdhouses. Some dolmens are no bigger than a dog kennel. But most have more impressive dimensions - their length is 2.5 m, width - 2 m, and the thickness of the walls is 60 cm. They are made of several flat stone slabs. One such “brick” can weigh up to 40 tons! A plug weighing about 100 kg is attached to the perfectly round hole.

It is also worth paying attention to a nice place on the M-4 highway near the village of Pshada. It is called Mikhailovsky Pass. It has a source called "Natasha". A trickle of crystal spring water flows from the neck of the jug held by the girl. In addition to the spring, there is a souvenir market. Nearby there is a fountain, a cafe, a chapel and a small cascade of man-made waterfalls.

From Papay to the Black Sea

Pshada's birthplace is located on the pass near two mountain peaks Pshada and Popeye. water flow runs briskly down the slope Caucasian ridge and flows into the Black Sea. The length of the river is only 34 km. It cannot be called a rushing river. The water has carved a shallow, flat bed in the stone, which ensures a smooth flow.

In some places it accelerates its flow, and quickly falls down from the cliffs. This is called a waterfall. The fullness of the Pshada depends on the season and the amount of precipitation. During high water it becomes more stormy. During this period, the waterfalls look especially impressive.

Nestled in her valley small lake, which is called "Aphrodite's Drop". According to legend, the goddess Aphrodite, while washing herself, dropped a drop of water on the Earth - it formed a lake with icy dark blue water. Legend claims that if a woman swims in this lake, a miracle of rejuvenation will occur. For this reason, a women's bath was installed here.

Pshad dolmen

Pshad hits

Since there are many cliffs on the river, more than a hundred waterfalls have formed in the valley. Many small streams and rivulets flow into Pshada, and they also have their own waterfalls. For example, in Gorlyanovsky Stream and Kokcharskaya Gap there are more than two dozen of them. Another 13 pieces are located in the upper part of the river, where it is more difficult to reach.

The most popular are the eight waterfalls bubbling on the Krasnaya River, a right-bank tributary of the Pshada. Usually travel agencies organize excursions to this particular place, since it is located downstream and therefore more accessible. They are often called Pshad waterfalls. The tourist trail does not overgrow here.

A significant part of the journey will have to be covered on foot

SPA center overlooking nature

The largest waterfall bubbles on the Krasnaya River. He was nicknamed Olyapkin - in honor of the water thrush. These funny, intelligent birds live in dense coastal thickets. The stream here falls from a nine-meter cliff. Due to its impressive size, it was given a second name - Big Pshad Waterfall. It rises above sea level at 245 m. A little higher, at 270 m, the next largest waterfall bubbles up. It falls from a height of seven meters, and is part of the Grape Stream, which, in turn, flows into the Krasnaya River.

The remaining specimens are smaller - on average about 4-5 m. The smallest do not exceed one meter. Many have a bowl in which you can bathe comfortably. Strong sensations are guaranteed if you stand under a stream of water falling from steep cliff With high altitude. This is something like a natural SPA center with hydromassage. The water in the mountain river is very clean and slightly cool even at the height of summer, so a shower gives you a surge of vivacity and energizes you.

The water in Pshad is very clean and clear

Our tourist club offers the following hiking programs to Pshada:

By all-terrain vehicle, jeep and on foot

Excursions are organized from Gelendzhik to Pshad waterfalls. In this case, from Pshada to the pedestrian part of the route, tourists are transported off-road in a GAZ-66 car. Private owners offer jeep tours in domestic UAZ vehicles.

You can also get to the waterfalls on your own. From Gelendzhik via Pshada there are buses to Krasnodar, Rostov, Sochi and Tuapse. During the day, eight flights operate from the bus station. The earliest bus leaves is at 8:30 am. Travel time is 45 minutes. It is better to check the return schedule with the driver.

The most difficult part of the route begins in Pshad, since you will have to walk up the river to the cordon. The distance is about 10 km. The journey can take up to three hours. It will take about another hour to get from the cordon to the first waterfalls. In some places you will have to walk straight through the water. The difficulties of the route are fully compensated by the picturesque views.

Pshad waterfalls.
Pshad waterfalls are a whole constellation of waterfalls in the Krasnodar region, located in the valley of the Pshada river. They are located in the upper reaches of the Pshada River itself, as well as on its numerous tributaries: on the Krasnaya River, on the Sosnovy stream, in the Moldovan gap. The exact number of waterfalls is unknown, but it is assumed that there are more than a hundred. Excursions are conducted to the most accessible waterfalls of Sosnovaya Shchel (Pine Creek); you will have to get to more remote, high and secluded waterfalls on your own, spending several days on it.

The Pshada Valley is located near the Caucasus Mountains. Along the valley there is a river of the same name - quiet in summer and restless in spring, when it carries meltwater into the sea, completely flooding the valley and sometimes destroying everything in its path. The length of the river is about 35 km. In its upper reaches, the Pshada is a mountain river flowing into a gorge with steep, forested, rocky slopes. There are many boulders in the river bed. In its middle course, the river valley widens and becomes flatter, and the river flow calms down. The slopes of the Pshada River canyon have varied heights, in some areas they rise up to 5 meters. In some areas, the steep walls of the river form a stepped surface. The river has several large watercourses: r. Krasnaya Rechka, r. Cold Spring, r. Popeye.

The abundance of waterfalls in the Pshad Valley area is dictated by the peculiar composition and structure of the lithosphere, formed about 145 million years ago, during the Cretaceous period. River canyons are shrouded in layered intergrowths of volcanic shale and clastic sediment rock– sandstone. The height of the waterfall cliff depends on the thickness of the pulled together plates and their inclination. The strength of the water stream and the flow speed of the Pshada River depend on the amount of precipitation that fell during the season.

The most popular thirteen waterfalls of the Pshad waterfalls are densely dispersed over a 1-kilometer area along the wooded canyon of the Krasnaya Rechka River and in the upper reaches of the Pshad River - on Vorovsky Stream. Eight of them, the most famous, are located on the Krasnaya River, the rest are at the mouths of the Pshada tributaries.

Most big waterfall 9 meters high - Olyapkin (sometimes also called the Big Pshad Waterfall). This waterfall on the Krasnaya River is located lower downstream than the others, at an altitude of approximately 245 m above sea level. With a ledge height of 9 meters, the water jets may seem shorter; this is due to the natural slope of the ledge towards the river to the left. This is the lowest waterfall, named after the water thrush - Olyapka, which lives in the valley of the Pshada and Krasnaya Rechka rivers. The Pshad tourist shelter is located near the waterfall.

The second highest waterfall, 7 meters high, is located at the mouth of the right tributary of the Krasnaya River - the Vodopadny stream, at an altitude of 270 m above sea level. Official name it is not assigned to the waterfall. This waterfall is the highest of the Pshad waterfalls. The rest of the group of Pshad waterfalls accessible to tourists reaches a maximum height of 3 m. In the valley of the Pshada River there are a large number of waterfalls with a height of 15 to 25 meters, but it is not possible for travelers to reach them.

Another group of waterfalls is located in the Kokcharskaya gap and on Gorlyanov Stream. These are two tributaries of the Pshada on different banks. There are 15-20 waterfalls in total. There are several waterfalls in the Kochkareva Gap on the right tributary. On one of them, a giant stalactite has been formed over thousands of years. 300 meters above the mouth of Kochkara, the Gorlyanov stream flows into Pshada from the opposite side (right tributary). There are more than a dozen waterfalls 4-10 m high.

The upper reaches of the Thab River are known as the “Gorge of Forty Waterfalls”. There are no waterfalls in this place; they are impassable. Their height often reaches seventeen meters. The gorge is rarely visited, probably due to the difficult route.

On the Black River, the left tributary of the Papaya River, which in turn is the right tributary of the Pshada River, Papaya Falls became famous. To the waterfalls from the abandoned village of Cherny Aul - 2.5-3 km, up the gorge-shaped valley. At first, you come across minor rapids and waterfalls, then waterfalls up to 3 m high appear, and a little higher - 8 m. After 10 meters, another ledge is formed with a water drop of up to 7 m. Even higher, several waterfalls of 4-6 m each. There are picturesque 25-meter cliffs around the waterfalls. Closer to the source there are gushing springs with clean water. Centennial yews and junipers grow around.

4 km from the Krasnaya Rechka River, a left tributary departs from Pshada - the Kholodny Spring stream, washing the surroundings of Kholodnaya Skala/Church Ridge (384m). There is an opinion that in the valley of the stream there is a waterfall 25 m high, but no one has yet been able to discover it. On the right side of the Cold Stream, the Mill Stream originates. The planned trail in 25-30 minutes leads to a 7-meter waterfall with a gorgeous pool. There are other small waterfalls up to 8m.

About 80 more waterfalls were discovered, not reaching 5 km from the village of Pshada, between Mount Chumakova (597m) and Oblego/Oblyago/Obligo (747m). The most visited is the high (about 8m) waterfall "Rusalka" in the Abramov gap. The waterfall is powerful and high. Someone installed a figure of a Mermaid in the basin of the water boiler; perhaps this toponym will be assigned to this waterfall.

The Kazennaya Kochkara stream flows next door. In the Kochkarev gap you can find another group of water cascades (15-20).. On the opposite side of the Pshada river bed, near Mount Moldovanskaya (779m), the Moldovan stream overflowed. The flow of the stream is also accompanied by an abundance of waterfalls.

The vicinity of Mount Papai has long attracted scientists and tourists a huge amount mysterious tiled dolmens (ancient fortresses) built a long time ago in a wooded area. Disputes among local historians and local historians about the mystery of the origin of these structures are still ongoing.

Pshad waterfalls are a popular tourist route in the Krasnodar region. In the valley of the Krasnaya Rechka River, the Pshadskie Waterfalls tourist center was built and a tent camp was equipped, on the territory of which there is a memorial obelisk dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Visiting Pshad waterfalls is free.

How to get to Pshad waterfalls.
Most of tourist routes to the waterfalls starts from the apiary, which is located 9 km from the outskirts of the village of Pshada. You can get to the apiary either on foot, along the Pshada River, or by renting a passable vehicle - GAZ-66 or UAZ in a large parking lot approximately at the intersection of Krasnaya and Kubanskaya streets in the village of Pshada. You can leave your personal car here in the parking lot. When planning a visit to the Pshad waterfalls in the hot summer, keep in mind that in these places there is very little water in the rivers on hot days.


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