Vpd on the train. Instructions for registration of transportation according to military transportation documents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Military requirement for a train

Military travel cards

Transportation of military personnel, members of their families, as well as luggage and cargo luggage is processed by railway stations on the basis of transportation documents issued by military units and institutions of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal border service And Federal service security. Military transportation documents (military requirements, reserved seat and luggage coupons) are monetary documents.

Military requirement for obtaining tickets for travel on direct (direct or local) routes or with transfers (except commuter trains) one is issued for the entire route along one of the directions in accordance with the signs passenger routes. To travel on a direct route, the requirement must indicate the type of carriage and category of train in which the serviceman can travel. In exchange for the demand, he is given a military ID. The requirement for travel with transfers indicates the type of carriage “General” and the category of train “Passenger”. In exchange for the request, the serviceman is issued a military ticket for the entire route.

On the military ID there is a blue grid, and on the reserved seat there is a purple grid of a special shape. A military ID consists of the ticket itself (right side), the spine (white left side) and the middle part, divided into seven columns. When issuing a ticket, the cashier fills out the left and right sides by hand, indicating the carriage number, seat numbers, type of train (passenger, fast), departure and destination stations, names of transfer points, number of passengers (adults, children), number of the request made and makes a note on the collection of insurance fees. Such a ticket, cut accordingly, can be issued for travel in any train carriage. The military ID is cut from bottom to top along a control column of numbers indicating the number of passengers.

One military ticket can cover travel for no more than ten people. If a request is made to transport a team of more than ten people, two or three tickets will be issued.

To obtain a seat in a carriage with numbered seats (reserved seat, docked, soft) when traveling with transfers and for the right to travel on fast trains, a military member is issued a military reserved seat. At the departure or transfer station, in addition to the military ticket, a reserved seat is issued to the destination station indicated on the ticket, but no further final destination route or transfer point indicated on the ticket. The military reserved seat must correspond to the type of carriage and train category indicated on the coupon.

When traveling with a military personnel, children under the age of 10 years are entered in the “Children” column, and those over 10 years old - in the “Adults” column. The control coupon about the number of passengers is cut off by the cashier when issuing a ticket, taking into account both adults and children.

A baggage pass entitles you to transport baggage or cargo luggage. In exchange for a coupon, the sender of luggage or cargo luggage is issued luggage or cargo receipts. Such receipts must indicate: names of stations and railways departures and destinations; sender of baggage or cargo luggage; weight of luggage (cargo luggage); series and number of the baggage pass on the basis of which the receipt was issued.

Military transportation documents are valid for three months from the date of issue. Documents must be filled out in Russian or the language of the state where the documents are issued. All columns that do not require filling out are crossed out. The military requirement must contain the following data: names of stations and railways of departure and destination; the passenger’s route, his rank, surname and initials; car type and train category; number of passengers (adults and children separately in words); date and year of issue (in numbers), month (in words); procedure for paying the insurance fee.

The military request must be signed by the appropriate official and certified with an official seal with the conventional or current name of the issuing authority and state.

Corrections to military requirements can only be made by military commandants of railway sections and stations, and in their absence - by the garrison commandant, the nearest military commissar, the relevant financial authorities of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Border Service and the Federal Security Service of Russia. All corrections must be made clearly and legibly and certified with an official seal or stamp.

The soldier who presented the ticket office a military ticket whose expiration date expires en route, a military reserved seat can only be issued to the station at which the ticket expires. If a serviceman wishes to pay the cost of travel from the station where the military ticket expires to the destination station indicated on the ticket, the cost of travel is collected as for a new trip on a receipt, and a military reserved seat in this case is issued for the entire route.

If along the route one of the group of military personnel traveling on one military ticket (military group ticket) falls ill, the ticket cashier, at the request of the group leader, changes the group ticket to two military tickets: the first - for travel of persons continuing the trip, the second - for travel sick person after recovery. On the back of the second ticket, the cashier writes: “Replaced due to illness of the passenger. Act from...” The replaced military ID with the stubs of new military IDs and the act of removing the sick passenger from the train are sent to the financial service of the railway.

If a passenger deviates en route from the route indicated on the military ID, all travel documents are considered invalid. For the further route to the exit station for his route, he must purchase a ticket for a fee.

#vpd #law #right #military rights#soldiers

Military transportation documents are issued to eligible family members of military personnel for travel and transportation of personal property by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) public transport.
Military transportation documents include:

1) requirement of form 1 - for issuing passenger tickets for travel of family members (close relatives) of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, railway, air and by water transport. Form 1 requirements are issued for travel in a direct direct connection, and in the absence of a direct connection - with the least number of transfers in accordance with the signs of passenger routes in the shortest message, which are developed and distributed to military units by the heads of the military communications service of military districts and fleets. In the absence of a direct connection, Form 1 requirements are issued for each section of the route. Form 1 requirements may be issued for travel to and from the place of vacation use along a route other than the shortest one. At the same time, the difference in the cost of travel is paid by family members of military personnel to the cash desk of the military unit as a restoration of cash expenses with the subsequent transfer of funds to the manager of budget funds, who makes payments to transport organizations in a centralized manner. The requirements of Form 1 are exchanged for passenger tickets at ticket offices of transport enterprises (organizations);

2) requirement-waybill form 2 - for registration of transportation of personal property of military personnel and members of their families;
3) requirement of form 3 - for issuing passenger tickets for travel by family members (close relatives) of military personnel by road (except for taxis), as well as for issuing passenger tickets for travel by rail and water transport in suburban traffic. Form 3 requirements are exchanged for passenger tickets at the ticket offices of departure stations (train stations);
4) luggage pass - for the transportation of luggage * (35) or cargo luggage * (36). Baggage coupons are exchanged for luggage or cargo receipts at the baggage counters of departure stations (stations).
Military transportation documents are valid for three months from the date of issue.

The issuance of military transportation documents or funds is made in all cases before travel and transportation of personal property, and the final payment is made after their implementation.

Military transportation documents are issued to family members of military personnel performing military service under a contract for travel:
a) to the place of use of leave and back once a year when traveling together with a serviceman or separately (with the exception of family members of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in formations and military units of permanent readiness in positions subject to recruitment by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen , and entered military service under a contract after January 1, 2004).
Military transportation documents can be used by family members of military personnel until the date of exclusion of a serviceman from the lists of personnel of a military unit in connection with dismissal from military service, death, recognition as missing or declared dead.
Family members of military personnel can use military transportation documents to travel to and from the place of use of leave for the past year in the first quarter of the next year when traveling together with a military serviceman in the case when, in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for military service, the main leave for the past year was granted to the military personnel in first quarter of next year.
If military transportation documents are used for the current year for travel of children of military personnel to children's health camps, re-issuance of military transportation documents for their travel to a place of rest in the same calendar year is not carried out;
b) for treatment in medical institutions according to the conclusion of the Military Medical Commission, and where there is none - on the direction of the doctor of the military unit, and back. When transferred to continue treatment from one medical institution to another, as well as when discharged from a medical institution, military transportation documents are issued in the manner prescribed for military personnel.
Family members of military personnel who permanently live separately from military personnel use military transportation documents to travel from their place of residence. permanent residence. At the same time, military transportation documents are issued at the place of military service of the serviceman.

In the year of dismissal from military service, the serviceman and his family members use military transportation documents to the place of vacation and back until the day the serviceman is removed from the lists of personnel of the military unit.
Military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, officers undergoing military service by conscription, in connection with a transfer to a new place of military service or moving to a new place of residence upon discharge from military service, are issued military transportation documents for the transportation of up to 20 tons of personal property in universal ( 3-, 5-, 10- or 20-ton) containers by rail with small shipments, baggage or cargo luggage in any combination of tonnage, but the total cost of their transportation should not exceed the cost of transporting one 20-ton container, in the absence railway transport- other modes of transport (except air).

Transportation of personal property is carried out from the serviceman’s previous place of military service (family residence) to the new place of military service (new place of residence). Military personnel who have graduated from military educational institutions of higher professional education, as well as members of their families, are issued military transportation documents for the transportation of personal property from the location educational institution or, at the request of the specified military personnel, from the place of residence of the family or parents of the serviceman to the new place of military service of the serviceman.

In cases where a husband and wife are military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, or one of the spouses is undergoing military service in other troops, military formations or bodies in which military service is provided for by law, military transportation documents are issued for travel to everyone of spouses at the place of their military service. Military transportation documents are not issued to them as family members of a military personnel. Military transportation documents for travel of members of their family are issued at the place of military service of one of the spouses on the basis of the requirement of Form 1 (certificate, if the issuance of requirements at the place of military service of the serviceman is not provided), issued by the military unit at the place of military service of the other spouse, indicating in it that at the place of military service military transportation documents ( cash) were not issued to family members for travel.

In cases where a husband and wife are military personnel for whom different categories of travel are established, one of the spouses is issued military transportation documents at the place of his service at his request in accordance with the category of travel established for the other spouse, on the basis of a certificate of the established form about those included in his personal the case of a serviceman with members of his family, issued at the place of service of the other spouse.

The costs of delivering personal property in containers from the place of residence to the station (pier, port) of departure and from the station (pier, port) of destination to the new place of residence are reimbursed on the basis of documents confirming transportation.
Persons who have the right to travel or transport personal property at the expense of the Russian Ministry of Defense, who have not received or have not used military transportation documents, are reimbursed based on actual expenses incurred, but not higher than the norms established for the corresponding categories of military passengers.
The basis for reimbursement of expenses in these cases are a report (application), documents confirming the right to travel or transport personal property at the expense of the Russian Ministry of Defense (instruction, vacation ticket, travel certificate with appropriate notes on stay at points of vacation or business trip, certificate about stay in a sanatorium, rest home, hospital, etc.), and documents on expenses incurred (travel tickets, receipts for additional payments, invoices, luggage and cargo receipts, etc.), unused military transportation documents or certificates issued on the form requirements of Form 1, indicating in it that the benefit for travel or transportation of personal property was not used.

Reimbursement for loss or damage travel documents(tickets) used for travel are not made if the restoration or identification of travel documents (tickets) cannot be carried out by transport enterprises.
Expenses associated with the use of bedding and travel in carriages increased comfort, payment of additional fees established for transport (with the exception of costs associated with the delivery of tickets to home, reissuance of tickets at the initiative of the passenger), are reimbursed on the basis of documents confirming the actual costs of travel and transportation within the limits established for the relevant categories of military personnel, citizens, discharged from military service, as well as members of their families (close relatives).

Koryakin V.M., Skulakova O.V. Social guarantees provided to military families. - “For the rights of military personnel”, 2010

Today, it is possible to issue air tickets by military documents, which according to the generally accepted abbreviation are called VPD.

In order to find cheap air tickets on VPD, we recommend using the search form.

These documents allow employees of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to buy airline tickets.

Employees are allowed to issue VPD tickets for flights of any Russian airline. In addition, they are also allowed to issue foreign air tickets on the basis of the VFD in the case when a business trip serves as the basis for the issuance.

When issuing air tickets, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs going on vacation abroad have certain privileges of partial payment, i.e. part of the route on the territory of the Russian Federation is free, more precisely at the expense of the ministry, the rest is from the personal funds of passengers.

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During the registration process, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not spend personal funds or any additional fees for purchasing tickets.

For FSB employees there is also the opportunity to buy air tickets using air tickets. And again, during the process of issuing air tickets, there is no talk of additional fees and surcharges.

Please note that when returning or exchanging air ticket VPD, additional payments are collected from the passenger in cash.

In the case of a flight of a family of 3 members (father, mother and child), misunderstandings often arise: the mother and father are indicated in the VPD, taking into account the fact that the child is registered in accordance with child ticket, i.e. with discount.

However, a ticket for a child is issued only in connection with the ticket of an adult passenger. In this case, the VPD ticket cannot be considered a standard adult ticket, therefore, the child cannot fly at all.

Therefore, your child can only be registered as an adult client. It turns out that, unfortunately, you won’t be able to save on children.

Memo to School cadets and their parents on the use, storage and handling of VPD

Military transport documents (VPD)- strict reporting documents.

Upon returning to the School, within three days they are required to submit a report on their use in the prescribed form.

1. Parental responsibilities

1.1. Agree with the school administration the destinations to which VDP will be issued for travel to and from the vacation destination. Vacation destination means: place of residence (stay) or place of work of parents.

In some cases, upon the written application of the parents and the decision of the head of the School, the VPD can be issued for travel to another vacation destination and back, for example, to the place of residence of a grandmother (grandfather), or a place of rest (treatment).

VPD are issued:

From: Schools (Tyumen) - to one of the vacation destinations.

Back: from one of the vacation spots - to Tyumen (School).

1.2. Purchase passenger tickets using the VPD at the ticket offices of transport organizations.

1.3.Keep unused VPD and hand them over to the school (through your son, a cadet of the School) upon returning from vacation.

By rail - in reserved seat carriages any category of train;

By air - by plane in economy (lower) class cabins;

By road - in buses, and in their absence - in soft buses.

3. Using VPD

3.1. Registration of military travel documents, travel, and settlements for unused military travel documents is carried out in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2001. No. 200 and the rules for the carriage of passengers in force on the relevant modes of transport.

3.2.Documents to be submitted upon return from vacation:

Vacation ticket with appropriate notes on stay at vacation destinations (when taking a vacation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, marks are not made at the vacation centers);

Certificate of stay in a sanatorium, rest home (if the VDP was issued for travel to a place of rest (treatment) in a sanatorium or rest home);

Passenger tickets received via VPD at ticket offices of transport organizations

Receipts for additional payments, documents confirming actual expenses associated with the use of bedding, travel in luxury cars, and payment of additional fees established for transport.

4. Compensation for travel expenses to and from your vacation destination

Compensation for actual (documented) travel costs to and from the vacation destination is provided in the following cases:

a) VPD were not used, and passenger tickets were purchased using personal funds;

b) additional payments and expenses have been made in accordance with clause 3.2, paragraph 4 of the Memo.

Compensation is made after the receipt of funds allocated for these purposes from the budget of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation upon an application (in the prescribed form) of a School cadet addressed to the head of the School.

The following are attached to the application:

Vacation ticket with appropriate notes on stay at vacation destinations;

Unused VPDs (in this case, a written application from the parents addressed to the head of the school is attached with a request for compensation for travel costs, explaining the reasons for not using the VPD);

Passenger tickets purchased with personal funds at ticket offices of transport organizations (when following by air A boarding pass is given along with the ticket);

Documents on additional payments, documents confirming actual expenses associated with the use of bedding, travel in luxury cars, and payment of additional fees established for transport.

5. Features of compensation payments

5.1.In the case of issuing an electronic passenger ticket, the following must be submitted:

Railway transport - boarding (on the travel document form) and control coupons electronic ticket, fiscal receipt, or other payment document confirming the fact of payment;

Air transport - route/receipt of an electronic passenger ticket (issued on a passenger ticket approved as a strict reporting form), original boarding pass, fiscal receipt, or other payment document confirming the fact of payment.

5.2. In case of purchasing tickets for travel in a category different from the one allowed for payment (see clause 2 of the Instruction), a certificate of the established form from the transport organization that sells travel documents on the date of travel about the cost of travel in a reserved seat carriage of railway transport is presented, in the economy class cabin of the aircraft;

5.3. The following additional fees and travel expenses are subject to compensation:

Passenger ticket issuance fee (usually a K-95 miscellaneous fee receipt);

Expenses for travel to the place of vacation and back, if the point to which the flight instructions were issued was a transfer point and not a vacation point (passenger tickets for travel not higher than the permitted category of travel are presented - as a rule, railway and auto);

Expenses for travel on the Aeroexpress to the airport and back at the “standard” fare.

5.4.Not subject compensation payments travel documents:

Damaged, wrinkled, hard to read;

Not from Tyumen (School) to one of the vacation destinations (except for travel with a transfer);

From one of the vacation destinations to another destination, and not to the city of Tyumen (University) (except for travel with a transfer);

Passenger tickets purchased with personal funds, if tickets were previously issued under the VPD, but were not handed over in the prescribed manner to the ticket office or refund office (a document confirming the return of tickets must be submitted);

From a point of departure to a destination other than those indicated on the vacation ticket, or in the absence of marks of stay at the destination.


1. When issuing train tickets for travel by a School cadet during the period winter holidays it is necessary to use the benefit provided by JSC Russian Railways to schoolchildren, students of cadet and Suvorov schools in the autumn-winter period (50% discount on the fare for long-distance and suburban traffic). The discount is provided only for travel within the territory of the Russian Federation. When issuing a ticket and boarding a carriage, schoolchildren over 14 years of age must present a certificate from a secondary school, and students of cadet and Suvorov military schools must present a certificate of entitlement to benefits. To issue a ticket taking into account the school discount, when placing an order, you need to check the “school student” box next to the passenger’s last name, then, as soon as the ticket mask is displayed on the screen, the cost of the order will decrease;

2. VPD to the place of vacation and back, located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, is issued only if the parents of the School cadet are serving there, and a certificate from the parents’ place of service is attached to the application of the School cadet for registration of VDP.

3. The phrases “up to 5 years” and “up to 10 years” should be understood as follows: on the date of departure of the train, the child was under 5 and 10 years old, respectively.














In accordance with Part 7 of Article 86 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53 (Part I), Art. 7598; 2015, N 51 (Part III), Art. 7241) I order:

1. Determine the procedure and cases of providing students with general educational organizations with special names “presidential cadet school”, “Suvorov military school”, “Nakhimov naval school”, “cadet (naval cadet) military corps”, “cadet (naval cadet) corps ", "Cossack Cadet Corps" and professional educational organizations with the special name "military music school", which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport (Appendix to this order).

2. To finance expenses related to the implementation of this order at the expense and within the limits of budgetary funds allocated according to the consolidated budget estimate of expenditures of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the relevant areas of activity.


to the order of the Minister of Defense












1. Students of general educational organizations with special names “presidential cadet school”, “Suvorov military school”, “Nakhimov naval school”, “cadet (naval cadet) military corps”, “cadet (naval cadet) corps”, “Cossack cadet corps" and professional educational organizations with the special name "military music school", which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as students, educational organizations, Ministry of Defense), in order to exercise the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and by road (except for taxis) military transportation documents or funds are issued in cases of travel from the location of the educational organization:

a) to places of practice, olympiads, sports competitions, training camps, competitions and other organized events provided for by curricula and academic calendars, and back;

b) to the place of use of the summer vacation ( summer holidays) and back, and to students who are orphans, children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, as well as students of the federal state educational institution "Moscow Cadet Corps" Boarding house for students of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Federation" - to places where summer vacation (summer vacation) and winter vacation (winter vacation) are used and back;

c) to the place of use of leave for personal reasons in the event of serious illness or death of a parent, adoptive parent, guardian, trustee, sibling and back;

d) to the location of the medical organization (when referred for treatment) and back.

In the cases specified in subparagraphs “b” and “c” of this paragraph, military transportation documents or funds are issued to students for travel to the place of vacation (vacation) and back across the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. Students who are orphans, children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, in the case of a free trip to a sanatorium-resort organization or health-improving organization of the Ministry of Defense, are issued military transportation documents or funds for travel on one of the routes:

from the location of the educational organization to the location of the sanatorium-resort organization or health-improving organization of the Ministry of Defense and back;

from the location of the educational organization to the location of the sanatorium-resort organization or health-improving organization of the Ministry of Defense, from the location of the sanatorium-resort organization or health-improvement organization of the Ministry of Defense to the place of use of summer vacation leave (summer vacation) or winter vacation leave (winter vacation) and from places of use of summer vacation leave (summer holidays) or winter vacation leave (winter holidays) to the location of the educational organization;

from the location of the educational organization to the place of use of summer vacation leave (summer vacation) or winter vacation leave (winter vacation), from the place of use of summer vacation leave (summer vacation) or winter vacation leave (winter vacation) to the location of the sanatorium organization or health-improving organization of the Ministry of Defense and from the location of a sanatorium-resort organization or health-improving organization of the Ministry of Defense to the location of an educational organization;

from the place of use of the summer vacation (summer vacation) to the location of the sanatorium-resort organization or health-improving organization of the Ministry of Defense and back.

3. Military transportation documents or funds are issued to students for travel in a direct direct connection, and in the absence of a direct connection - with the least number of transfers along the shortest route.

4. If students use vacation (vacation) in several places, they are issued military transportation documents or funds for travel from the location of the educational organization to one of the places of use of vacation (vacation) and back from one of the places of use of vacation (vacation) to the place location of the educational organization.

5. Military transportation documents or funds are issued to students for travel:

by rail - in reserved seat carriages with seats for lying down or carriages with seats for trains of any category (service class “3”), 3rd class carriages fast trains commuter service indicating the seat, in economy class carriages of Aeroexpress trains;

by air - in economy class cabins;

by sea - in cabins of category IV ships of transport lines;

inland water transport - in cabins of category III ships on transport routes;

by road - in general buses, and in their absence - in buses with soft folding seats.

6. Military transportation documents or funds are issued to students in accordance with the order of the head of the educational organization, issued on the basis of an application from the student or one of his parents or adoptive parent, guardian, trustee, which indicates travel routes taking into account the requirements of paragraphs 3, 4 of this Procedure.

In the case specified in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 1 of this Procedure, the application is accompanied by a document confirming the fact of serious illness or death of the student’s parent, adoptive parent, guardian, trustee, sibling.

7. Students who did not use military transportation documents or used them partially, if they or their parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees of travel documents (tickets) purchase at their own expense, the costs of travel for students by rail, air, water and road (for excluding taxi) transport in the amount of actual travel expenses (including fees for using a set of bed linen, fuel surcharge, airport taxes, fees for issuing travel documents (tickets), fees for the provision of services of automated booking systems), confirmed by travel documents (tickets) , other strict reporting documents or cash receipts.

These expenses are reimbursed by the educational organization based on the application of the student or one of his parents or adoptive parent, guardian, or trustee.

The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the expenses incurred, as well as unused military transportation documents, if they were issued.

8. In the case of travel by a student on a route different from the shortest one, or with a break in the route (with a transfer) in the presence of a direct connection, as well as in the case of travel with classes of service higher than those specified in paragraph 5 of this Procedure, reimbursement of expenses is made in an amount not exceeding the cost travel of a student in a direct non-stop service under similar actual travel conditions (mode of transport, class of service, date of departure) and purchase of travel documents (tickets) (name of organization, date of purchase) for travel in accordance with the classes of service specified in paragraph 5 of this Procedure.

Federal Law of July 3, 2016 N 226-FZ

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090

Federal Law of July 26, 2006 N 135-FZ

Federal Law of 04.05.2011 N 99-FZ

Federal Law of January 17, 1992 N 2202-1

Federal Law of 02/08/1998 N 14-FZ

Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ

Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ

Federal Law of 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ

Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ

Federal Law of December 2, 1990 N 395-1

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 275-FZ

Federal Law of 02/07/2011 N 3-FZ

Laws of the Russian Federation

“On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the introduction of the possibility of legal entities using standard charters”

“On Amendments to the Federal Law “On State Registration” legal entities and individual entrepreneurs"

“On introducing amendments to part two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and invalidating certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation”

Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation

“On approval of the composition of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for state awards”

“On approval of the List of strategic enterprises and strategic joint-stock companies”

“Issues of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief”

Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation

“On the Chairman of the Russian part of the Intergovernmental Russian-Bangladesh Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation”

“On the provision in 2017 of a state guarantee of the Russian Federation in the currency of the Russian Federation to ensure the fulfillment of obligations of the joint-stock company United Engine Corporation”

“On the draft federal law “On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences””

Legislative framework of the Russian Federation

Free consultation
Federal legislation


  • home
  • “Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities”, N 51, 12/17/2001
  • “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, N 248, 12/21/2001

Accounting for military transportation documents

28. By order of the commander of a military unit from among military personnel undergoing military service under a contract or employees<*>appointed responsible person for receiving, recording, storing, processing, signing and issuing military transportation documents.

When he leaves on vacation, on a business trip, for treatment, etc. military transportation documents, accounting books and other materials are transferred according to the act to another person temporarily appointed responsible for military transportation documents, who is appointed for this period by order of the commander of the military unit.

When the person responsible for military transportation documents leaves for a new place of military service, his dismissal, etc. an extraordinary audit is carried out by a representative of the military communications institution or an audit by an internal audit commission.

The availability of military transportation documents during their transfer and revision is checked page by page.

The act of transfer of military transportation documents, accounting books and other materials, as well as the audit report, indicates the number of unused, issued and damaged military transportation documents, their series and numbers.

29. Military units receiving military transportation documents to supply them to attached military units and for current needs, keep records of these documents in journals of strict reporting forms of the established form.

30. In the register of strict reporting forms, a separate personal account is opened for each military unit involved in the supply of military transportation documents. The personal account keeps records of issued military transportation documents.

Spent military transportation documents are debited from the personal account on the basis of the annual report of the military unit, and their balance is displayed on January 1 of the year following the reporting year. The journal of strict reporting forms is numbered, laced and sealed.

31. Military transportation documents received by military units for current needs are entered on the day of their receipt in the journal of strict reporting forms based on the invoice.

Spent military transportation documents are written off from the register at least once every six months on the basis of an act of the internal inspection commission. The act of writing off military transportation documents is approved by the commander of the military unit.

At the end of the year (before January 5), military units make the following entries in the journal of strict reporting forms:

military transportation documents were received during the reporting year (by series and numbers);

transferred to other military districts and fleets (by series and numbers);

used military transportation documents for the reporting year, including spoiled ones (by series and numbers);

balance of military transportation documents at the end of the reporting year (by series and numbers).

32. A report on the availability and movement of military transportation documents is submitted by:

by January 10 - commanders of military units, military commissars of districts, cities without district division or other municipal (administrative - territorial) entities equal to them - commanders of formations, military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, respectively, with whom they are responsible for supplying forms of military transportation documents;

by January 20 - chiefs of staff of formations, commanders of military units, military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - heads of military communications services of military districts, fleets, chief of military communications in the Caspian Sea basin, respectively.

The rest of the military transportation documents are deciphered by series and numbers.

Heads of the military communications service of military districts, fleets, the head of military communications in the Caspian Sea basin, military units and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, responsible for supplying forms of military transportation documents to the Central Directorate of Military Transport of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a report on the availability and movement of military transportation documents are submitted to the head of the Central Directorate of Military Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by February 1.

I used VPD to travel on my main vacation for 2015. The vacation ticket was issued from June 29 to August 1, I purchased a ticket for June 28 since it is Sunday, and for the return trip on August 3 due to the lack of tickets. The traffic police inspector, guided by Moscow Avenue number 200, paragraph 45, made a charge in the amount of 67 thousand for the illegal use of traffic police within the limits of a vacation ticket. According to Article 20 of the status of military personnel, military personnel are provided with free travel once a year. Are the inspector's demands to collect the full amount from me legal? And why did I cause damage to the state that I am obliged to compensate. Why can't I be disciplined? Do I have the right to purchase a ticket a day earlier if it is a legal holiday?

Lawyers' answers (5)

Good afternoon. Formally, he is right if you traveled outside of your vacation, since this right can only be used within the time period specified in the vacation package.

The situation is not new.

But I also believe that you have not caused any damage, since the Ministry of the Russian Federation would still have to pay for your travel, that is, no damage has been caused, but there is a violation of the rules for using the VPD, for which you can be subject to disciplinary action.

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In your case, it makes sense to appeal this charge in court.

Client clarification

No measures have been taken yet. What measures make sense to take?

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Has the money already been withheld?

Client clarification

An accrual was made, and now they are demanding compensation. Tickets were issued according to the VPD earlier.

« Military personnel have the right to use military transportation documents only within the time limits specified in the leave ticket.”

In your case, it makes sense to appeal the invoice, citing


1.1. Military personnel performing military service under contract in the regions Far North and equivalent areas, other areas with unfavorable climatic and (or) environmental conditions, including remote ones, as well as on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation included in the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts, cadets of military professional educational organizations or military educational organizations higher education before concluding a contract with them for military service have the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport once a year across the territory of the Russian Federation to the place of use of the main (summer vacation) vacation and back. Military personnel performing military service under a contract outside the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) once a year to the place of use of their main (summer vacation) leave on the territory of the Russian Federation and back.

Federal Law of July 12, 1999 N 161-FZ “On the financial liability of military personnel” (as amended and supplemented)

Article 1. Subject of regulation and scope of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law establishes the conditions and extent of financial liability of military personnel and citizens called up for military training (hereinafter referred to as military personnel), for damage, caused by them in the performance of military service duties to property that is federally owned and assigned to military units, and also determines the procedure for compensation for damage caused.

Article 3. Conditions of financial liability of military personnel for damage caused

1. Military personnel bear financial responsibility only for the damage through their fault real damage.

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2001 N 200 “On approval of the Guidelines for the preparation, use, storage and handling of military transportation documents in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (with amendments and additions)

Military personnel have the right to use military transportation documents only within the time limits specified in the leave ticket.

In your case, the law establishes the right of a serviceman to travel to his place of vacation, which is what you did, no material damage was caused, the RF Ministry of Defense would still reimburse Russian Railways for your expenses.

The indication in paragraph 45 of PMO 200 on the terms of use is not aimed at establishing the right, but at regulating the use of the VPD, since formally you left the garrison without the permission of the commander. To exclude such situations, clause 45 requires the use of VPD only within the limits of vacation pay.

However, your right to free travel should not be violated.

In your case, you are deprived of it.

Client clarification

Thank you very much, this is what I need.

When did the passage take place? During vacation?

Suggest they go to court

Article 8. Compensation for damage by military personnel

An order for compensation for damage caused by the commander (chief) of a military unit is issued by a superior commander (chief) of the military unit in the order of subordination.

The issue of compensation for damages, the amount of which exceeds one monthly salary of a military serviceman and one monthly bonus for length of service, is decided by the court according to the claim commander (chief) of a military unit. A claim for compensation for damage caused by the commander (chief) of a military unit is brought by a superior commander (chief) of the military unit in the order of subordination.

In any case, more than one ODS and no additional payments will be collected.

But I think this shouldn’t happen either.

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Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 200 on VPD with amendments 2017

Military transportation documents are documents on the basis of which a serviceman can travel by train or plane to the destination indicated in them. Previously, such documents were also provided to military personnel and members of their families for an annual vacation trip, however, the VDP year is only required for military business trips, moving to a new duty station, trips for treatment and rehabilitation, and also, once, upon dismissal from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation . In addition, the issuance of VPD has a number of features, which we will try to describe in this material.

What laws and orders govern the provision and use of VPD in 2017?

As is usual in the armed forces, quite a lot of documents have been published regarding the VPD. However, only some of them are regulated by VPD. So, the most basic document is, of course, Federal Law No. 76-FZ of May 27, 1998 “On the status of military personnel.” This law defines the basic and most important principles. Article 9 of the Federal Law states: “Costs associated with the transportation of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, members of their families and the transportation of personal property by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport, booking rooms in hotels when sending military personnel to work business trips are reimbursed at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.”

In addition, Article 20 of the Federal Law states that: military personnel have the right to travel free of charge :

— By road (except taxis).

- on business trips,

- to a new place of military service,

- to places where additional leave is used (only military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription),

— to places of rehabilitation holidays,

- to and from treatment,

- to the chosen place of residence upon dismissal from military service.

Thus, it is obvious that military personnel have the right to reimbursement of travel expenses in all of the above cases. This applies to both rank-and-file conscripts and contract soldiers from privates to generals. But the procedure for registering military documents is regulated by the Guidelines for registration, use, storage and handling of military transportation documents in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2001 N 200. In addition, there is a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2004. N 704 “On the procedure for compensation of expenses incurred by organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the implementation of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” and Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated May 27, 2013 N 400 “On approval of the Instructions for organizing military transportation by air transport of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

All these documents complement each other, therefore, when deciding on the issuance of VPD, one must be guided by the norms from all of them.

When is a military personnel entitled to VPD?

As mentioned above, VPDs are not issued if the serviceman and his family go on annual leave. In this case, a different system applies travel compensation. And it applies only to military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, other areas with unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions, including remote ones, and on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation included in the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern Federal district, as well as outside the Russian Federation. Together with the serviceman, only one member of his family is entitled to compensation.

Some features of VPD

Due to the fact that transportation documents are serviced only by those airlines that have entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and their number is constantly changing, before issuing a flight document for the chosen route, it is necessary to clarify the possibility of using a flight document for such a flight and only then submit a report for the issuance of transportation documents .

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