When is the best time to go to France? Climate and weather of France When is the best time to go to France on an excursion?

Having lived in France for a year, I had the pleasure of observing the change of all seasons. I lived in Paris, but traveled around the rest of France from time to time. I must say, it was not always easy because of the weather. In winter I was very cold, since winters there are not dry and cold, like in Russia, but very wet, with a lot of rain. I remember that it was cold, especially in the Paris metro. When I went down there, it was as if I was hit with an additional wave of cold.

But summer came very quickly, already in March, which couldn’t help but make me happy. Then I fully realized why impressionism was born in France. Roses and other flowers bloom in the gardens all around and a pleasant, spicy aroma spreads throughout the city. It is especially pleasant to walk in the suburbs of Paris at this time: the trees are already green, rose bushes hang over the garden fence, and light birds chirp among the flowers.

Summer in France

It's very hot. Temperatures rise to +25, and in some regions – up to +30. The most unfavorable time to arrive in. Unless, of course, you want to get sunstroke in an endless queue to the Louvre or Eiffel Tower. Even to buy ice cream, you have to stand in line. It seems that at this time all the tourists from all over the world come here. The Parisians themselves laugh that they are just leaving their city, going on vacation to the Riviera or some resort, leaving tourists to be torn to pieces.

Things to do

Things to do

In spring, it’s nice to walk not only around the city itself, but also to go, for example, to Vincennes Castle and Park. A visit to the castle, of course, is paid (about 10 EUR), but the park is completely free. Peacocks walk there and you can meet other animals. Flora is presented there different countries: from Japanese garden to tall maples.

There are also excursions to Giverny. It was there that Monet painted his famous water lilies. It is amazing a nice place. I remember that Bus tours there were only 35 EUR.

The Loire Valley is also nice to visit. When influential nobles and kings usually built parks and gardens, amazing in their taste, next to their castles.


Therefore, depending on the season, go to the corresponding regions of France. Either way, you won't be disappointed. She is beautiful at any time of the year and will give you the most enjoyable education. I liked spring in France most of all. At this time, indeed, all the streets are simply fragrant with the smell of flowers. My friends and I went to parks in the spring and had mini-picnics. It's nice to sit there on the grass, in the shade of the trees, watching the people passing around.

When going on vacation to the country of the musketeers, you, of course, think about when is the best time to go to France. Perhaps the main way to answer this question is to decide why you are planning a trip. Summer is the time when you should go to France to the Cote d'Azur and the Atlantic coast. Although the Mediterranean Sea has its own little secret as velvet season in September. In winter, there comes a time when you should fly to France in the direction of the Alpine ski resorts. And here excursion routes It’s worth visiting in spring and early autumn, when it’s not hot.

Holidays in France in spring

The weather in France in spring is very changeable. Spring makes its way across the country gradually, from southern Aquitaine to northern Normandy. And if on the Cote d'Azur in March it can already be +15°C, then in March it is much cooler. In April, there are more sunny days throughout the country, and the air warms up significantly. Well, in May, during the flowering period, the tourist season officially begins.

Holidays in France in summer

The weather in France in summer varies from region to region. On south coast it can be quite hot, while on the Atlantic coast there is no heat, and in Paris the weather is very moderate. In summer, many lovers flock to France beach holiday those who want to soak in the waves Mediterranean Sea And Atlantic Ocean. And in the summer Disneyland Paris extend working hours until 22:00

At what time of year will a holiday in France be most comfortable? When does the season on the beaches and beaches begin? ski resorts France.

Cosmopolitan and diverse, France is a country of romance, the cradle of art and culture, and a trendsetter in world fashion. Elegant and sophisticated Paris with the Champs Elysees and, gastronomic provinces where you can taste the most delicious wine and cheese, luxurious beaches Cote d'Azur, elite ski and balneological resorts- this is not the entire list of tourist delights that it promises. It is not surprising that almost 100 million people from all over the planet visit this country every year.

For tourist season France has a year-round cycle. Conventionally, it can be divided into ski, beach, wine, and excursion.

When does the ski season start in France?

The French Alps begin to actively welcome guests in mid-December. In resorts such as Chamonix and Tignes, the ski season starts even earlier, around the second half of November. Their high-mountain routes are on glaciers that do not melt throughout the year. It's in full swing ski season in France it falls between January and April. Of course, vacations at this time will be very expensive.

Those who want to save money should head to the slopes of the Pyrenees, as they are not as crowded in winter as in Alpine mountains. As for discounts on renting chalets, villas and apartments, it is appropriate to hope for them only at the end of February.

When does it start beach season in France

The Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea are the main regions that attract tourists to France in the summer. In August, the French, and specifically the Parisians, generously hand over their capital to a crowd of travelers, while they themselves go to relax on the Mediterranean beaches and shores of the Atlantic Ocean. That is why August is the most expensive month of the year for a holiday on any of the French coasts.

During the period from May to June, you can try to search for seas warmed to pleasant temperatures on the Riviera, but there is no guarantee that the search will be crowned with success. is a country with moderate climatic conditions however, the weather in each individual region may be different.

To insure your vacation against unpleasant surprises, it is best to go to sea in France from the beginning of July until the second half of September, when the water in the Atlantic, as well as near the Cote d'Azur, warms up to the optimal +27 °C.

When is the best time to go to wine tours To France

The grape harvest in France is a real holiday. Already in the last days of August, various festivals begin to be organized in the wine-growing regions of the country. Bordeaux, the Loire Valley, Burgundy and Champagne are the provinces where the art of winemaking is best developed, so the celebrations here are extremely colorful. At the end of September, numerous villas and French chateaus lure curious travelers to demonstrate the mystical process of the birth of wine.

The Dijon Festival, the Claireret Festival, and the Arbois Festival are just some of the 100 different festivals that take place in France during the first month of autumn.

Excursion season in France

Best time for excursion holiday in France!

The excursion season in France is the autumn and spring months (April - October), which are characterized by pleasant and warm weather. At this time, it will be as comfortable as possible to get acquainted with the natural, cultural and historical heritage of the country. Particularly important during this period is visiting museums, as well as architectural monuments. Besides, given time Perfect for a family trip to the famous Disneyland.

In every season, at every time of the year, you can find something interesting for a trip to. Some kind of seasonal, festivals, or just especially beautiful nature at one time or another will make your trip special and interesting. Want to know what to do and where to go during specific times of the year?

- the most popular time of year for traveling to France, when all its beauty is fully accessible. Sun, warmth, flowers, fresh fruit, warm sea. From to to and the weather is warm. Slightly milder and cooler in the northwest and slightly hotter inland in the east. July 14 is a national holiday, when a festive parade takes place on the Champs Elysees. In June, the famous medieval fairs and festivals are held in. Starts from June swimming season on, reaching its peak in August. From the end of June the famous flowers begin to bloom. This miracle lasts until the end of July - beginning of August, depending on the region.

On the last Wednesday of June begins, which lasts the whole of July (five weeks).

Autumn is a great time to travel around France. The summer heat is subsiding, fruits and, most importantly, grapes are ripening all around, and the air is filled with the cozy aromas of roasted chestnuts. So you can engage in both active recreation, traveling around the country and admiring the beautiful French architecture, and enjoy culinary tours. It is autumn - best time for tastings and visits, where you can taste freshly prepared, sweet young wine.

In early autumn you can go to numerous places, for example, since in winter many of them are closed to the public. Thanks to the fact that the flow of tourists is decreasing, the queues for popular ones are finally becoming smaller, so in Paris you can visit Louvre, Notre Dame de Paris And Eiffel Tower no hour long queues.

It’s worth going to or: tasting wine and admiring the golden vineyards. It is at this time that it is simply fabulously beautiful here! There are also mountains nearby, which in autumn are colored with a rainbow of shades, and the clear autumn air opens up panoramas of the surrounding area for many kilometers around!

Average monthly temperatures in France by month

Jan Feb March Apr May June July August Sep October Nov Dec
+10 +9 +12 +20 +18 +24 +27 +26 +24 +20 +15 +11
+8 +6 +10 +16 +17 +24 +27 +25 +23 +17 +11 +8
+6 +6 +10 +15 +16 +24 +26 +26 +21 +16 +9 +6
+13 +12 +14 +17 +21 +26 +28 +28 +26 +22 +18 +15
+5 +5 +10 +15 +16 +23 +25 +27 +22 +15 +10 +6
+12 +12 +13 +18 +20 +27 +28 +28 +26 +21 +16 +14
+6 +6 +10 +16 +15 +22 +25 +24 +21 +16 +13 +9

Travel The World answers the question of when is the best time to go to France for vacation, excursions and acquaintance with local customs and traditions.

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Travel The World answers the question of when is the best time to go to France for vacation, excursions and getting to know local customs and traditions.

A trip to France is an important event that is often awaited for years. To avoid spoiling your trip, you should carefully plan it in advance. In addition to compiling excursion program and choosing a hotel, you need to pay attention to the time of year to visit. This will help you avoid unpleasant surprises, and make your acquaintance with the country memorable only on the positive side!

Most tourists who have already been to France agree that it is best to plan a trip in late spring or early autumn. Weather conducive to walks in the fresh air: comfortable temperature, absence of prolonged rains and strong gusty winds. In May, the cities of France are filled with the soaring aroma of blooming lilacs, almonds and chestnuts, which creates a romantic atmosphere and encourages the purchase of various souvenirs.

If the trip is planned for the purpose of relaxation seaside resort Mediterranean Sea or Atlantic Ocean, washing France, then you need to give preference to the summer months or September. In this case, you will be able to swim and sunbathe - summers here are hot, temperatures often reach +30 °C. But for tourists who want to visit the sights and wander the streets of Paris, such heat is unlikely to be a good companion for a walk. It can also be difficult to find a free room in hotels at this time of year.

Walking around Paris

Those who are not afraid of the cold can plunge into the atmosphere of French Catholic Christmas. The trees on the boulevards are shrouded in numerous garlands, shop windows are decorated with beautiful decorative Christmas trees and lights. This holiday will surely be remembered for a long time!

Winter is the best time to travel to France and for lovers active rest. The snowy slopes of the Alps await skiers, snowboarders and everyone who decides to spend their holiday “at the heights”. You can also choose the summer months to travel to the mountains: in this case, you can enjoy the famous freshness of flowering alpine meadows.

When planning a visit to France, you must take into account that due to its geographical location and relief, the weather in different parts of the country can differ significantly. Northern regions It’s best to visit in the summer, but to travel to Corsica it is recommended to choose the beginning of autumn, when the Mediterranean heat subsides a little.

When to go to France? The answer to this question depends only on the wishes of the tourist. Those who have been here more than once note that the country is magnificent at any time of the year - there are umbrellas and warm sweaters.

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