The most interesting ideas for the summer. What should you do in the summer? List of “150 things to do for the summer. Make a boat and send it on a long voyage

We all wait for summer for so long, we are so happy when it comes, and we are so sad when summer ends... These 3 months fly by at great speed, and therefore we need to have time to enjoy the warmth and sun as much as possible. In order not to waste precious days, you can make a list of what you need to do in the summer. the site will try to help you in this matter by offering an already compiled list of 150 things to do for the summer.

Summer to-do list “Outdoors”:

  • 1. Remember your childhood and run after butterflies with a net.
  • 2. Go to the forest to pick berries and mushrooms.
  • 3. Weave a wreath on your head from wildflowers.
  • 4. Run barefoot on the grass.
  • 5. Have a picnic with friends on the river bank or in the forest.
  • 6. Bake potatoes over a fire.
  • 7. Swim in a river or lake.
  • 8. Jump over the fire on Kupala holiday.
  • 9. Have a Vodian Day and douse yourself with water.
  • 10. Ride on a swing.
  • 11. Sleep in a hammock.
  • 12. Swim “naked” at night.
  • 13. Catch a grasshopper.
  • 14. Lie on the grass, looking at the clouds.
  • 15. Climb a short tree.
  • 16. Go camping for several days with tents.
  • 17. See a beautiful rainbow and make a wish.
  • 18. Run in the rain.
  • 19. Arrange a summer photo shoot in flowers.
  • 20. Take a running jump into the water.
  • 21. Swim with your clothes on.
  • 22. Swim in the sea.
  • 23. Build sand castles on the beach.
  • 24. Sunbathe on the roof or balcony. (Read, how to sunbathe properly ).
  • 25. Get a bronze, even tan. (Read, how to tan quickly ).
  • 26. Plant a tree.
  • 27. Stay up all night counting the stars.
  • 28. Watch the sunrise on the banks of a river or sea.
  • 29. See a shooting star.
  • 30. Fall asleep listening to birds singing.
  • 31. Collect a bouquet of wildflowers.
  • 32. Scream at the top of your lungs in the forest.
  • 33. Stand for 15-30 minutes, hugging a tree, charging with energy from it.
  • 34. Work in the garden or garden.

To-do list "Health and beauty":

  • 35. Get into the habit of drinking a lot of water.
  • 36. Cleanse your body.
  • 37. Make face masks using all types of fresh berries.
  • 38. Make masks from all the healthy vegetables growing in the garden in the summer.
  • 39. Learn walk gracefully and beautifully .
  • 40. Lose a few extra pounds.
  • 41. Collect medicinal herbs and dry them on the balcony.
  • 42. Sleep (lay in bed) all day.
  • 43. Find new ways to care for the skin around the eyes .
  • 44. Take a break from phones and computers by not turning them on for a day or two.
  • 45. Have a fasting day, giving up food (but not water).
  • 46. ​​Go for a massage.
  • 47. Give someone a massage.
  • 48. Do your make-up in a new way.
  • 49. Learn to walk in high heels.
  • 50. Change your hairstyle.
  • 51. Go to a beauty salon.
  • 52. Dye your hair.
  • 53. Apply a temporary bright tattoo with summer motifs.
  • 54. Buy a bright swimsuit.
  • 55. Get rid of bad habits.
  • 56. Get a summer manicure.

List of “delicious things to do” for the summer:

  • 57. On your own prepare a cold brew, okroshka or gazpacho.
  • 58. Make your own ice cream.
  • 59. Drink kvass.
  • 60. Make a fruit salad.
  • 61. Eat a big chocolate bar.
  • 62. Give up coffee for a week.
  • 63. “Eat your fill” of strawberries and cherries.
  • 64. Eat a huge watermelon alone.
  • 65. Prepare some very complex exotic dish.
  • 66. Drink champagne for breakfast.
  • 67. Eat cotton candy.
  • 68. Drink freshly squeezed juice every day.
  • 69. Create your own cocktail.
  • 70. Try 15 types of cocktails.
  • 71. Learn to marinate meat for barbecue.


  • 72. Learn to roller skate. ( What sports to do in summer .)
  • 73. Play tennis or badminton.
  • 74. Ride a bike.
  • 75. Launch big and beautiful kite.
  • 76. Make morning jogging.
  • 77. Go water skiing.
  • 78. Ride a boat or catamaran.
  • 79. Go fishing with a friend.
  • 80. Learn to serve the ball correctly when playing beach volleyball.
  • 81. Learn to dance beautifully (waltz, salsa, twist).
  • 82. Go to Ice Palace and cool down.
  • 83. Ride the bungee.
  • 84. Learn to swim in a new style.

List of summer things to do in the city:

  • 85. Read an interesting and exciting book.
  • 86. Read a book on self-development and changing your consciousness.
  • 87. Go to a concert of your favorite artist.
  • 88. Visit an exhibition, museum or theater.
  • 89. Go to the zoo and “take pictures” with the animals.
  • 90. Learn 100-1000 foreign words.
  • 91. Learn a beautiful poem.
  • 92. Acquire a new hobby (embroidery, scrapbooking).
  • 93. Draw summer (do this even if you are very bad at drawing).
  • 94. Assemble a huge puzzle from many small parts.
  • 95. Draw on the asphalt with crayons.
  • 96. Remove summer video.
  • 97. Find a part-time job. ( 21 ways to make money on the Internet )
  • 98. Learn to save money .
  • 99. Write short-term and long-term goals. (Read about mistakes when setting goals ).

  • 100. Draw a beautiful butterfly or a cheerful face on your face and show yourself to your friends.
  • 101. Launch sky lattern.
  • 102. Throw out all the trash from the house.
  • 103. Meet fly lady system .
  • 104. Grow strawberries, parsley or flowers on the balcony.
  • 105. Write a poem.
  • 106. Change the design of your room.
  • 107. Make a wish card.
  • 108. Play a once-favorite board game.
  • 109. Ride the Ferris wheel.
  • 110. Get up at 5 o'clock in the morning.
  • 111. Hitchhiking.
  • 112. Travel to three cities.
  • 113. Go to church.
  • 114. Buy a lot of balloons and release them into the sky.
  • 115. Ride a trolleybus, minibus or bus all day.
  • 116. Talk to a foreigner on Skype or on social networks in a foreign language.
  • 117. Take part in a flash mob.
  • 118. Feed the pigeons.
  • 119. Talk while “breathing” the gel balloon.
  • 120. See fireworks.
  • 121. Leave a tip for the waiter.
  • 122. Finish abandoned and unfinished tasks. (Read, how to finish what you start .)
  • 123. Learn to play the guitar.
  • 124. Meditate.
  • 125. Find your old dolls and play with them, plunging back into childhood.
  • 126. Buy a notebook with a lock and keep a diary.
  • 127. Visit the sights of your city.


  • 128. Just give a gift to a friend, mother or loved one.
  • 129. Have a romantic candlelit dinner.
  • 130. Ask for forgiveness from the one who is offended by you or the one with whom you are offended. ( How to forgive an insult? )
  • 131. Write a letter to your childhood friend whom you haven’t seen for “100 years.”
  • 132. Get rid of obsessive people in your surroundings.
  • 133. Bring breakfast in bed to your beloved man (if there is none, then to mom, grandma or dad).
  • 134. Have a heart-to-heart talk all night.
  • 135. Spend the sunset sitting on the roof with your boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • 136. Finally meet a man, with whom I have long wanted to talk.
  • 137. Spend the whole day just with your child.
  • 138. Tell your parents how much you love them.
  • 139. Learn adequately respond to criticism .
  • 140. Throw in Mailbox loved one nice message.
  • 141. Cover your loved one with chocolate or whipped cream, and then….
  • 142. Gathering with the whole big family around a huge table just like that, for no reason.
  • 143. Forget your ex. ( Statuses about ex-boyfriends )
  • 144. Throw a themed party, for example, a pizza party or a musical evening with friends.
  • 145. Visit your grandparents.
  • 146. Become an optimist .
  • 147. Cheer up your man when he is sad.
  • 148. Learn to smile at passers-by.
  • 149. Help a stranger.
  • 150. Confess your love.

You can add your own ideas to this list of things to do in the summer. And, of course, at the end of the summer, don’t forget to make a plan for the fall! Have a nice summer!


Travel as much as possible to summer time. Take a few days of vacation at your own expense if the official one does not fall in the summer. Every trip outside your hometown will add to you great amount new impressions and bright emotions. It is not necessary to go to overseas regions if this is not possible for some reason. Do you know your country or even the immediate area well? Get train tickets to any settlement, which you have not been to yet. Take a walk around unfamiliar city, admire the sights. Even a short trip of a couple of days will add strength and good mood to you.

Walk outside more often. Often people are eager to leave their city for impressions, but at the same time they are not well acquainted with the place in which they spend most of their lives. Change your usual “home-work-shop-home” route. Explore new areas of your city, breathe the air. Visit museums, theaters, attractions. Perhaps such walks will not only diversify your vacation, but will also inspire you with new feelings towards your city.

Sunbathe and swim. Summer is the best time to get a natural tan. In addition, it is a very pleasant and relaxing pastime. Find out about your city's beaches and recreation areas. Gather a group of friends and have a beach party. An overnight trip to the forest is also suitable for outdoor recreation. Conversations around the fire, scary stories and sleeping in a tent are real romance. You can combine this holiday with fishing.

Chat with friends. In the bustle of work, there is often not enough time for friendly meetings and warm communication. In autumn, winter and spring this is also often prevented weather– sometimes snow, sometimes rain, sometimes strong wind. Therefore, in warm summer days try to meet as often as possible. Go shopping, buying bright summer clothes, dance in nightclubs, and then walk around the city at night. Try not to waste a minute, because summer is very short. Make it so that you don’t have to regret the lost time, gain strength for the cold and cloudy autumn days.

With the onset of the beach and swimming season, you need to remember simple rules that will help maintain beauty and health. As nice as soaking in the sun can be, it can cause serious burns, heatstroke and other health and skin problems.


If you have freckles, this is an indication that your skin is very sensitive to the sun's rays. Use a sunscreen with an index of at least 30 to avoid sunburn. The nose, ears and forehead and other protruding parts of the body burn the fastest. Reapply sunscreen frequently in these areas.
Water-resistant sunscreen is less likely to wash off later, so it protects longer.

Ice cream perfectly cools the body, but provided that the temperature outside is not higher than 25 degrees. Otherwise, the hot person will get stressed from the ice cream, which will lead to a sore throat or laryngitis.

You can strengthen your immune system over the summer by swimming at least 1 km during the season in any natural body of water and walking barefoot on the grass or sandy beach for 3 hours (in total).

Only warm water is suitable for showering and washing during hot weather. Cold water can cause vasospasm and heart attack, and also clogs the pores on the skin, resulting in acne.

If you decide to take a shower before going to the beach, then do not use soap and shower gel, as they wash away the protective layer of the skin and it burns more easily.

Blush and perfume exposed to sunlight can cause age spots to appear. Use them only in the evening.

Video on the topic

Everyone loves summer. And our body, as a rule, loves it too: a lot of sun, fruits, and if you’re lucky, also the sea! However, summer is not only a time of bliss and relaxation, but also great opportunity improve your health. When else can fresh fruits and vegetables appear on our tables from our own plots, or at least from the plots of grandmothers selling at the market? Everything is better than foreign “artificial” ones. Let's see what else useful we can do for ourselves!

In addition to global vitaminization of the body, we can also put the body in order without much effort if we did not manage to do this before the onset of the season. And here an abyss of possibilities opens up before us!

Firstly, going to barbecues. And don’t laugh, you don’t have to lie in the shade, eating pieces of meat one after another, but replace them with grilled fish and vegetables and a game of volleyball! Don't like volleyball? Then tennis, football, swimming, if there is somewhere nearby to swim. The main thing is not to be lazy, but to move, move and move again. If it’s too hot, have a water fight: pour cool water on each other from special pistols or regular bottles. You can also use heavy artillery - buckets. This way you will kill a whole herd of hares at once: you will burn calories, tighten all muscle groups, have fun, cool down and relieve stress!

Secondly, if you are suddenly not on vacation, then go for a walk after work. If children and a significant other are waiting at home, so much the better - grab them with you and go conquer new lands. And here, too, there are many bonuses, in addition to the destruction of calories: you don’t have to cook, and therefore wash the dishes, since you’ll obviously run somewhere for a snack or have fruit for dinner; spend time alone with yourself or with your family, in each case the advantages are obvious and do not need explanation; take a break from the “work-home-work” routine, and this is almost a vacation!
Thirdly, in the summer many events are held in cities, such as open airs, outdoor exhibitions, and various master classes. Choose those that interest you or those that you know nothing about and visit them. Expanding your horizons, getting to know interesting people, improvement or acquisition of various skills - this is the irreparable benefit such a summer pastime can bring to you. And this is in addition to normalizing weight, because all these actions are quite energy-consuming.

And finally, do charity work. To the best of my ability, of course. This could be assistance to animal nurseries or orphanages, both material and physical. Perhaps you decide to help your old neighbor with her garden, well, this is also a wonderful way to do good. Good deeds done unselfishly make a person happier. A happy people- the healthiest!

Summer has arrived, and with it sultry, hot days. An air conditioner will help us cope with the summer heat, of course, if this device exists in the house. What to do if this device is missing?

Taking a shower is one of the the best ways cool down in hot weather. But it should be borne in mind that during this procedure the water should not be cold or, on the contrary, hot, but should correspond to the temperature of the human body. When taking a cold shower, the cooling effect will be short-lived, as the blood vessels will dilate and the feeling of heat will be even greater. Taking a cold shower in summer is not a safe procedure for people prone to hypertension, as it can trigger a spike in high blood pressure.

To get rid of sleepiness in the heat, sprinkling your face with cool water from a spray bottle will help. This method will help you freshen up well on the street, as well as at home or at work.

In the summer, there is no great desire to eat, but the body requires large quantities of water. You can remove the feeling of thirst not only with water. There are many fruits that will refresh, cool, and even improve digestion. One of these fruits is peaches, the juice of which will cope well with thirst and will not harm your figure, as it is considered a low-calorie product.

Green or black tea is an excellent drink that will help you quickly and well quench your thirst on the hot days of summer. It is drunk everywhere and always in any heat in the east. To quickly feel the cooling of the whole body when drinking tea, you need to drink it hot, in small portions.

Much attention should be paid to summer clothes. The fabric for it should be made of light, natural fabrics. The cut of the clothes is loose, not restricting the body.

In order for your apartment to always be ventilated, the windows in it should be opened only at night, and during the day they should be closed and covered with thick curtains from the sun's rays. You can also replace the curtains with a damp sheet and point a fan at it. This can achieve the desired coolness. Eating plenty of raw vegetables and fruits, as well as water rich in minerals, will help your body cope with the heat and always feel in good shape.

You also need to think about stocking up on vitamins and microelements necessary for your health for the winter, because summer is the most suitable and best time for this!

I've compiled a list of hundreds of ideas for how to spend the summer with your kids. Active games, quiet gatherings in the evenings, natural crafts, activities for company, ice cream recipes, places to go, for any weather, for every day. Be inspired by my list, offer your own options and let our summer with children be like a flock of sunbeams.

1. Create a family dance

7. Join the library and pick up a bunch of cool books

8. Go camping (for a day or a weekend with an overnight stay in a tent)

9. Go to a water park

10. Give it to everyone and organize an art marathon

11. Have a picnic with friends in nature

12. Try everything

13. Look at the stars in the evenings and check with the starry sky atlas

14. Do a science experiment at home

15. Set off fireworks or light sparklers in the evening

16. Set up a small vegetable garden on your windowsill

17. Make it homemade game dough (play do, play dough)

18. Spend the night on the living room floor.

19. Make a kite and fly it into the sky

20. Pick strawberries in the forest

21. Paint with watercolors, make a mosaic, master the decoupage technique (something you’ve never tried before)

22. Go to the zoo and sketch your favorite animals

23. Draw a family tree

24. Go to an unusual children's museum ( Living systems< , Experimentarium , Alice in Wonderland and others)

26. Go on a family bike ride

27. Go to the river to swim and fish

29. Organize a treasure hunt (with a drawn map, dressed as pirates and treasure hunters)

30. Take a ride on catamarans

31. Go pick some mushrooms

32. Go to a children's city festival

33. Make dolls and put them up

34. Go to Botanical Garden(Apothecary garden)

35. Have a water battle at your dacha (water gun, water balloons)

36. Prepare popsicles

37. Throw a themed party (Hawaiian, princess, watermelon, pirate, green party or sing-along party)

38. Blow huge bubbles in the yard

39. Play badminton

40. Make a sandbox at home with kinetic sand

41. Have an evening of cherries (strawberries, apricots, plums, watermelon)

42. Ride the monorail

43. Make a home beauty salon and give your children the opportunity to be stylists (if you are brave enough parents, of course)

44. Set up a path with obstacles and ride roller scooters and bikes

45. Do exercises or yoga together

46. Go bowling

47. Wash your car together while listening to music

48. Make summer smoothies

49. Make jam at home

50. Bake cookies and fill your home with the aroma of baking

51. Paint each other's faces with special

52. Learn to fold animals using the origami technique

53. Observe beetles and butterflies with a magnifying glass

54. Make it for birds

55. Make a berry pie

56. Make a summer album of impressions (with photographs and drawings)

57. Go for a sleepover with friends

58. Go to a park you've never been to before

59. Invite your friends for an evening of filmstrips with a projector

60. Have a dance party

61. Set up a fun photo booth

62.Send parcels and letters to friends and family in other cities

63. Play charades

64. Make masquerade masks

65. Go to planetarium

66. Look at clouds that look like animals

67. Have a pajama party

68. Remember howjump into a rubber band

69. Take a pottery class

71. Make beads from berries or pasta

72. Play cowboys and Indians

73. Make boats from milk cartons

74. Keep a summer diary

75. Build a sand castle

76. Take part in a city quest

77. Bury a secret under a piece of glass

78. Make a hut in the yard or a house out of chairs and blankets at home (by the way, did you know?)

79. Take a tour of your favorite neighborhood

81. Clean out your closet to donate unwanted items to charity

82. Let in the sunbeams

83. Take part in a garage sale

84. Feed the ducks in the park

85. Print your favorite photos and hang them on the wall

86. Paint one wall with chalkboard paint and draw on it with crayons

87. Learn to play petanque

88. Make a home video for your favorite song

89. Have a Chinese Lantern Festival

90. Dry the herbarium

91. Bake potatoes in the fire

92. Arrange it in the evening

93. Replant the flowers

94. Meet the dawn

95. Paint with flowers and twigs instead of brushes

96. Hang a hammock in the garden or room

97. Run barefoot on the grass (preferably in the rain)

98. Collect a collection of unusual pebbles

99. Try woodburning with a magnifying glass.

100. Take a walk in the forest and learn to distinguish the sounds of birds

101. Make crafts from natural materials

102. Fly in a wind tunnel or hot air balloon

103. Weave a wreath of summer flowers and herbs

104. Throw burning candles down the river

105. Get together in a big group and dance in a circle

We wish you a warm, unique and fabulous summer!

Text: Maria Rozhkova
Illustrations: Lyalya Bulanova

Summer is an exciting time of year! You can do whatever your heart desires without worrying about tests, homework or grades. To have a good summer, spend time doing fun outdoor activities, developing useful skills, and hanging out with friends or family.


Spend time outdoors

    Swim to cool off in hot weather. If you live in an area where summer is a hot time of year, swimming is a great activity to help you cool down during the hot weather. Head to the lake, river, a friend's house with a pool, or the city pool for a little swim and a fun game of Marco Polo.

    • If you don't know how to swim, summer is a great time of year to learn how to swim. Find out if your city offers courses to teach this valuable skill.
  1. Play sports games with your friends. Since most of your friends are also on vacation and have a lot of free time, invite them to play basketball, football or field hockey. Taking part in a team game is a great way to make new friends and get some exercise throughout the day.

    • Make sure you have the necessary equipment to play. Also, don't forget about safety while playing. If any player is injured, stop playing immediately and ask a parent to help you.
  2. Ride a bike or go for a walk with a friend in the evening. During the summer, evenings tend to be cooler than during the day, making it an ideal time to get outside. Go for a bike ride or a walk in the park to socialize with friends and enjoy a nice walk outside in good weather.

    • Make sure you have the necessary equipment, including a helmet and knee pads. This will allow you to ride your bike safely.
  3. Organize a picnic in the park. Grab your favorite foods and drinks and a blanket and head to the park for a picnic with friends. You will be able to enjoy the fresh air and pleasant food. Be careful not to let ants get into your food or onto your bedspread.

    • Follow the rules established in the park. Pick up trash after yourself. When going on a picnic, bring a bag with you in which you can put dirty paper plates, glasses and napkins to dispose of them at home or in the park in a designated place.
  4. Go hiking or walking in beautiful place. Download online maps tourist routes and go explore them. Choose appropriate hiking shoes, such as boots or sneakers. If you do not have the necessary experience, the hike is accompanied knowledgeable person could be easier and faster.

    Learn something new

    1. Join a club where you can learn art, music or language skills. Find out if there are clubs that offer summer classes in your area. If you've always wanted to learn to play the piano, draw, or speak Spanish, now is the time to do it.

      • For example, visit a music store if you want to play the guitar. You may be able to recommend a teacher who will teach you how to play the guitar.
      • If you want to learn a foreign language, find out where classes are offered in your area.
    2. Read a new book, magazine or comic. During the school year, you may have very little time to read your favorite literature. Choose a topic that interests you and read the relevant information. Even if you only read one book over the summer, your mind will be more prepared for the start of the school year.

      • Some bookstores have sections with summer reading literature. This opportunity is only available to young people. You can also use this service when you see the title of your favorite book!
    3. Create a summer playlist. If you have time, use apps like Apple Music or Google Play to create a summer playlist that you can listen to on free time. Make a selection of songs from different styles of music that will make you think of summer.

      • For example, you can download new releases of your favorite summer songs or popular songs at the beginning of summer.
      • If you're planning to travel, create a playlist of songs about traveling or visiting new places.
    4. Visit a museum. Museums are a good way to spend time in a cool place and learn something new. Many local museums offer summer discounts for pupils and students. In some museums in summer period Entry to the museum is completely free for children and teenagers. Take advantage of this great opportunity!

      • If you love art, visit a gallery or art museum.
      • Many cities have city history museums where you can learn about the history of your city. You can even touch artifacts or talk to someone who witnessed a historical event.
    5. Get a part-time job. A job will help you gain valuable experience and allow you to earn some money. Working part-time during the summer will give you a fun time. Plus you will benefit. The schedule will allow you to not only dedicate all your time to work, but you will also have enough time to communicate with friends and family.

      • Send your resume to stores and restaurants that are close to your home. If you have experience, you can also try yourself as a nanny or gardener. In addition, you can walk your dogs. Contact people who need your services.

    Spend time with friends and family

    1. Go on vacation. For many families, summer is an opportunity to travel. These can be trips, both short and long distances. Pack your essentials and do some research about your destination before heading out. You should have a few interesting places in mind that are worth visiting.

      • If your family isn't going on vacation, don't worry. You can convince your loved ones to visit interesting places in your city or in nearby cities. Explore the sights and interesting places in my city.
    2. Prepare food for your family. In summer you will have a lot of free time. Since your parents are likely to spend time at work, help them out by preparing lunch, for example. If you've never cooked before, ask your parents to teach you how to cook their favorite dish. By the end of summer, you may be able to prepare a few meals yourself and set the table.

      • You can learn how to cook simple but tasty dishes - spaghetti and cutlets. If you've never done this before, ask a loved one to teach you! Take notes. Prepare delicious dishes in the summer to please your loved ones.
    3. Relax with friends. Watch a movie or play games together. Sometimes it may feel like you have nothing else to do outside. This means it's time to go home. Select interesting film and pop some popcorn or play Monopoly or cards. Relaxing at home will help you recuperate after long stay on the street.

    4. Schedule interesting events with relatives. Your parents may have to work in the summer, but you can still have fun together in the evenings or on weekends. Let your loved ones choose something interesting, something they love to do. Ask them to teach you this.

      • Spend time with your parents in the summer. This is a good opportunity to catch up. You will be able to tell them about what is happening in your life. Chances are, after a long week, they're looking forward to hanging out with you!
      • If you have siblings, spend time together. Set aside one day a month where you can spend time with your sibling, perhaps doing something you both enjoy.
      • Maintain relationships with other relatives during the summer. Call your grandparents regularly, text your cousins, and chat online. in social networks with my aunt and uncle. You never know who will ask you to do something important and when!

Summer is a wonderful time. In every hard worker, the desire is seething with might and main for at least short term say goodbye to boring everyday life. And don’t hesitate with this!

Below are 25 ways you can have a great summer in the city and make this period truly special and unforgettable.

Trip to nature

If you live in small town, then you won’t have any problems with this point. If the city where you live is large, find alternative options: get together for the weekend and get away from the bustle of the city and stone walls, or visit the city’s green parks.

Picnic in nature. Some consider picnics an outdated and useless activity, but in vain. So feel free to fill your basket with food and drink, find a long-abandoned deck of cards or board games, invite friends or family - and enjoy have a pleasant holiday in the fresh air.
Relax by the nearest body of water. And the type of reservoir is not even so important: is it a river, a lake, or a sea. , go fishing or diving. Being near a body of water, you can relax in different ways.
Kebabs. If your grill has been collecting dust in the garage or on the balcony for a long time, it’s time to remember it and use it for its intended purpose. Just the memory of the smell of fried meat can drive you crazy. And you shouldn’t limit the list of invitees, because the more people, the merrier.
Hike. A worthy and undeservedly forgotten way to spend time. But this is a great opportunity to leave civilization and enjoy the benefits of nature. How long has it been since you slept under the stars or ate food cooked over a fire? Yours is enough old tent gathering dust in the closet, take it out and go on a hike.
Bonfire. To spend a pleasant evening with friends by the fire, you don’t have to go into the forest for the night. Find a scenic spot in a permitted area, provide yourself with a fire and sausages, and enjoy the memories of the pioneer past with scary stories for the night and a pleasant company of friends and family. Just remember to take your guitar, and try not to set anyone or anything on fire.
Picking fruits or flowers. Surely, not so far from you, there is at least a part of nature that has not been gnawed by man. Walk through the field, pick daisies, or pick berries in the forest nearby - this way you will relax yourself and be able to please someone close to you without any reason.


How long have you met and chatted about nothing with friends? Maybe it’s worth renewing old relationships or making new friends this summer?

Meetings with friends. Unfortunately, today the Internet consumes the lion's share of humanity's time. Even when in the company of friends, every second person finds it difficult to take his eyes off the screen. Try to resist the urge and conduct an experiment: choose one evening, turn off the means of communication and spend time with friends or family as you did before the Internet. At the same time, give your brain a break, for which it will definitely reward you later.
Movie. Even if you often visit the cinema, try to plunge into the world of cinema not in ordinary stuffy halls, but in a cinema under open air. Fresh air, an interesting film, pleasant company - isn't it wonderful?
Flash mob. Flash mobs are sources of unusually bright and what should you do: dance with a crowd in a supermarket, swim in a fountain or shoot strangers with water pistols? The most wonderful thing is that it’s all free.
Fireworks. There is no need to wait for a special occasion if you love fireworks. Gather your loved ones and cheer them and your neighbors up! Of course, it is worth remembering that it is better not to do this late at night, because at this time people are sleeping.
Summer blockbuster. Summer is the right time for the release of the brightest and most unforgettable action films, which then never leave the lips of people around. You shouldn’t hug your laptop at home with the thought that the torrent will download all the blockbusters you want. Gather your friends or family, buy some popcorn and have fun with others in the room. And don't forget about have a nice walk after.

Fresh air

Have you worked for a whole year, and then ran home to cook dinner and get ready for work? It's time to take a break and finally get some fresh air.

Hiking. Do not forget that legs can replace transport. In addition, the warmth of the sun during a walk will give you a lot of vitamin D. So don’t miss the chance to get it.
Help grandma in the garden. Of course, you need to help your family not only in the summer. And now we are not talking about the moral principles of society, so at this point it is worth paying attention to the word “garden”. It is a well-known fact: working closer to the land has a positive effect on a person both physically and mentally. So, in addition to helping your grandmother, you will relieve your nerves and calm down. Plus, that's not all the positives: at the end of the summer, you can literally reap and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Hammock. Finding and installing a hammock may not be the most pleasant and easy task, and not everyone succeeds in getting into it the first time. However, you will certainly appreciate its benefits, as sleeping in nature is a very satisfying and beneficial thing.
Watching the sunset. Regardless of where exactly you live, you will find a place convenient for enjoying this miracle of nature within an hour's drive from you. This could be the beach, the top floor of a high-rise building, or some other similar location. Of course, everyone likes sunset photos on the Internet, but this cannot be compared with the real sensations.
Open air. Just in the summer there are many outdoor festivals. You can, of course, hang out with other lovers of inadequacy right next to the stage, or you can sit comfortably a little to the side and enjoy what is happening from there.

A great activity to have a great summer in the city, don't miss your chance to find new hobbies.

New skills and abilities. Summer as a child was a time of new beginnings every year. Childhood has passed, but this tradition can be continued. If you have long had a desire to jump with a parachute, learn a foreign language, kiss the first person you meet, or realize another dream for which there was no place in your schedule, you have three months. So make a plan - and go for it.
Do some handicrafts. At school, everyone was taught labor skills: sewing, knitting, embroidery, or the ability to create interesting crafts or useful things in other ways. Why not remember what you were taught and find application for the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired long ago? After all, you just have to put in the effort and you will definitely end up with something useful.


There’s nothing even to talk about here, sport means health, a great mood and a great pastime. Rate it.

Sports activities. There is no other time of year that is so ideal for getting in shape. How to do this is up to you, because the weather allows a lot: from a group game of football to a basic jog around the house. But even if it’s raining outside, don’t let that stop you! Do the simple ones. Of course, this is far from a full-fledged workout, but it will give tangible results by the fall, and ten minutes three times a day will not harm you in any way for the benefit of the body.
Seasonal sports. Of course, watching different sports is not bad, and even interesting. However, it is the summer ones that you can experience more conveniently and fun for yourself. Playing football, badminton, tennis or volleyball will not only get you in shape, but will also help you spend an interesting evening in pleasant company.

Other matters

Besides nature, meeting friends and sports activities, there are many other ways to have fun in the city during the summer. Look and choose.

Vacation. What could be more obvious? However, this does not mean that it is not worth mentioning. Be sure to take as much as possible. After all, having escaped the tenacious clutches of gray everyday life for at least a week, you can completely reboot your body, giving it strength for a very long time.
Housework. Surely everyone has whole list a task that is still waiting to be completed. It's time to tackle them. Fix something, clean behind or under bulky interior items, wash windows or baseboards. Let your enthusiasm last as long as possible large quantity business
Zoo. If you have children, then visiting the zoo should become an integral part of your life. This type of pastime will benefit not only your children, but also you. You will learn more about the various inhabitants of our planet, including those whom you would otherwise never see in person. In any case, you will have the opportunity to take a photo with them.
Volunteering. Help is always needed. You can entertain children in hospitals, donate things to children from an orphanage, volunteer to renovate it, chat with elderly people from a nursing home, walk dogs from a shelter, or buy what you need at any of these or other help centers. Choose one of them or figure out how you can help and help. After all, there is greater happiness in giving than in receiving.
Sale. That pile of completely unnecessary things that is discovered every time during a total cleaning does not necessarily have to vegetate in a landfill. Different people's views on the same things can be very different, and what you call junk may just as well turn out to be practically priceless to another person, so try listing all these things as lots in online auctions. After all, sometimes crazy collectors are ready to pay a considerable amount for a simple trinket.

Summer is a wonderful time, three sunny months that you can fill with fun, meetings with friends and evening gatherings.

You yourself are the architect of your own happiness, so start a diary and plan at least five of the above types of recreation.

Have a nice holiday and a fun summer!

30 March 2014, 18:25


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