List of what to take on vacation at sea. What things to take to the sea to relax in comfort and gain strength

When the long-awaited date finally approaches, it’s time to think about what to take with you on vacation at sea? A list of the most necessary things you will need on vacation. In order not to forget anything, it is best to start packing your suitcases in advance, so that at the last moment you do not rush headlong in search of missing things, or even worse, run to the store. We hope our list will help you pack your suitcase for your trip without any hassle, and most importantly, don’t forget to take a good mood!


The top things on your list are passports and money. Everything else can be bought, but without a passport or money, the vacation will be hopelessly ruined.

Without documents, your vacation can be ruined already at the airport (it’s good if in your own country), so passports and money should always be in your area of ​​attention, not only during preparations, but throughout the entire vacation. Therefore, let's start with the main thing:

  • Passports (check the validity in advance, at least 6 months from the date of entry into the destination country);
  • Photocopies of documents (in case of loss and so as not to carry the originals with you);
  • Tickets (train or plane);
  • Vouchers (agreement with a travel agency);
  • Driver's license (yours and his, in case you want to rent a car);
  • Bank cards and money;
  • Medical policy (insurance).

It is better to break the money into several parts and divide it among family members, and one bank card can be put in your luggage. In this case, if you lose your wallet, you will not be left penniless. Remember that a bank card placed in luggage must have a chip code so that no one can use it if it is lost.

What to take with you on vacation at sea: a list of clothes

The most difficult thing about packing a suitcase is choosing clothes. We love to take our entire wardrobe with us and by any means we convince ourselves that everything will be useful. In fact, no one except your other half will appreciate your outfits, but he has already seen it all. Therefore, we recommend taking clothes at the rate of one outfit for 2 days.

For a standard 7-10 day seaside holiday, we recommend that you include the following items.

List for women and girls

  • Swimsuit 1-2 pcs.;
  • Pareo, tunic - one at a time;
  • Skirts (short and long), shorts – 1 piece each;
  • Jeans or trousers – 1 pc.;
  • T-shirts, T-shirts – 3-4 pcs.;
  • Blouse (dressy) – 1 pc.;
  • Dress (cocktail) – 1 piece;
  • Briefs - 1 pc. for a day;
  • Bra - 2 pcs.;
  • Night pajamas - 1 piece;
  • Sandals - 1-2 pcs. (including elegant ones);
  • Sandals without heels or ballet shoes 1-2 pairs;
  • Beach slippers or flip flops 1 pair;
  • Warm blouse, cardigan or windbreaker (for the evening) 1 pc.;
  • A light shirt with sleeves (in case you get sunburned), or better yet, sunscreen – 2 pcs. (to have enough);
  • Sports pants/breeches (or tracksuit) - 1 pc.;
  • Headdress (1-2 pcs.).

A sports outfit may come in handy on some excursions and for morning wars for a place in the sun, when you need to throw a towel on a sunbed by the sea at 7:30 in the morning :).

When choosing clothes, preference should be given to light-colored fabrics made from natural threads, either linen, or preferably cotton. In such clothes you will feel comfortable and not burn from the heat, because they “breathe” and allow air to pass through well.

List for men

  • Light trousers (for walking in a hotel, on excursions, around the city) – 2 pcs.;
  • Classic trousers (to go to a restaurant or to an evening program at the hotel) – 1 pc.;
  • Shorts - 2 pcs.;
  • Swimming trunks – 2 pcs.;
  • T-shirts and T-shirts, 0.75 pcs. for a day;
  • Light shirt - 2 pcs.;
  • Socks 3-4 pairs;
  • Briefs – 1 pc. for a day;
  • Sandals - 1 pc.;
  • Slates - 1 piece;
  • Summer shoes 1 pc.;
  • Headdress 1 pc.

It is also better to take men's clothing from natural, light-colored fabrics. A dark shirt can be useful for going to a party or disco. During the day at sea under the hot rays of the sun, it will be useful to you only if you are traveling to cold countries.

What to take with you on a seaside holiday: a list for a child

  • T-shirts 1.5 pcs. per day (getting 2 dirty during the day is not a problem for a child);
  • Shorts, skirts;
  • Socks;
  • Cap or Panama hat (2 pcs.);
  • 2 swimsuits (one to dry, the other to swim in);
  • Cotton clothing with long sleeves (in case the child gets sunburned);
  • Clothes for the evening;
  • Warm clothes (if you are not traveling during the hot season);
  • Sandals;
  • Sneakers for excursions;
  • Pencils, notebook, coloring books, etc. (what to do with a child on the road);
  • Armbands for the pool (if you can’t swim);
  • What other things will be useful for a child at sea?

Let's make a small useful aside about how you can ergonomically pack things in a suitcase. For this you will need vacuum bags and a vacuum cleaner. Please note that you will also need to return the vacuum cleaner during packing. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to stuff all your clothes into your suitcase.

"Women things"

In order not to lose face at the evening outing into the spotlight of the all-inclusive restaurant, do not forget to take with you:

  • Beach bag – 1 pc.;
  • Clutch – 1 piece;
  • Beads;
  • Earrings;
  • Belts;
  • The scarf is light;
  • Sunglasses (for yourself and for him);
  • Hairpins, elastic bands, bobby pins, etc.;
  • Sewing kit;
  • Hair curling iron (if needed);
  • Foam sponges.


  • Day moisturizer in the morning;
  • Light caring shine in the morning too;
  • Sunscreen for body;
  • After-sun cream or body lotion;
  • Foam sponges;
  • Night cream;
  • Milk and tonic;
  • Beautiful lipstick in the evening;
  • Mattifying powder, preferably loose;
  • A small palette of shadows;
  • The mascara is simple and waterproof;
  • Waterproof cosmetic remover;
  • Eye and lip pencil;
  • Nail polish (2-3 types are possible);
  • Nail polish remover;
  • Favorite perfume;
  • Manicure set;
  • Paper handkerchiefs;
  • Cotton swabs and disks;
  • Wet wipes.

Hygiene products

For woman

  • Shampoo and hair conditioner (hotel shampoos are usually of poor quality);
  • Comb – 3 pcs. (massage, simple and for him);
  • Shower gel;
  • Body cream;
  • Deodorant;
  • Soap;
  • Antibacterial hand liquid (useful for the whole family on walks)
  • washcloth;
  • Toothpaste and brush 2 pcs each (for yourself and for him);
  • Machine for shaving;
  • Pedicure set;
  • Hand and foot cream;
  • Do not forget about critical days;
  • Beach towel 2 pcs. (if not provided by the hotel);
  • Pregnancy contraception (if needed).

For a man

  • Shaving gel or foam;
  • A shaving machine, maybe a pack, i.e. 5 pieces.;
  • After shave balm;
  • Shower gel;
  • Soap;
  • washcloth;
  • Perfume;
  • Deodorant;
  • Condoms (if needed);
  • Toothpicks or dental floss.

What to take with you on vacation at sea: list of medications

We have already written about what should be included in a tourist’s first aid kit, so we will limit ourselves only to the types of medications that should be on hand on vacation:

  • thermometer;
  • painkillers;
  • from poisoning;
  • on temperature (just in case, climate change);
  • from burns;
  • from allergies;
  • from thrush;
  • iodine patch;
  • from the throat.

Equipment and more

In the bustle of collecting clothes, cosmetics and hygiene, do not forget about the most important thing - a camera or a smartphone with a camera. After all, it is thanks to these technical creations that later there will be something to remember and show to friends at work.

The same goes for Russian-language books, which, oh, how you will miss them on the beach. So we suggest adding these devices and ideas (sometimes a little crazy) to your list.

  • Books on vacation;
  • Coffee (not everywhere it is like at home);
  • Umbrella or plastic raincoat (if there is a chance of rain);
  • Plastic hangers (for clothes);
  • Plastic box for food (you can take a snack on the plane and carry fresh fruit to the beach);
  • Spare car keys (if you leave them at the airport);
  • Pyrocheny knife (never superfluous);
  • Children's toys for the beach (you can always buy them on the spot);
  • A camera or camera (both are possible);
  • Monopod (stick) for selfie (if necessary);
  • Tripod for camera;
  • Charger for the camera (camera);
  • Cell phones;
  • Chargers for phones;
  • Memory card (one more, in case it’s not enough);
  • Flash drive, preferably 16 or 32 GB (larger);
  • Laptop, netbook or tablet;
  • MP-3 player;
  • Iron (usually available at the hotel, but you never know);
  • Small kettle (if the hotel is not all inclusive)
  • Hairdryer (if not provided in the hotel room);
  • Tourist SIM card;
  • Fumigator (from mosquitoes and other insects);
  • Multicooker (if you plan to cook yourself or have special dietary requirements).

If you get creative with packing and packing, you can fit much more into one suitcase than you might imagine.

Useful things

On vacation, you can finally do those things that you didn’t get around to during everyday work. For example, finish reading a book and take it to the beach or take a cuticle care course and take nail oil with you. Think about what you can do usefully on vacation and take the right thing with myself.

If you don't want to read in bright sunlight, you can take an audiobook that you can listen to through your MP3 player. If you are a writer, on vacation you will probably be inspired to finish a story you started or resume writing in your diary. By the way, vacation is great for sports.

Physical activity is necessary if you do not want to return from vacation with extra pounds. But I somehow don’t want to burden myself with exercises during the holidays. Although, if you turn it into an exciting game, why not? You can buy a pedometer and record how many steps you take every day.

While walking, you will simultaneously be doing something useful - strengthening the muscles of your legs and buttocks. Also, make it a rule before breakfast to do as many push-ups as you can - by the end of the vacation you will notice that the initial number of push-ups has increased several times, and the muscles in your arms have visually tightened.

Cock everything again

That pile of outfits that you mercilessly shoved into your travel bag was in vain not carefully inventoried. You brought half of your things back without even unpacking them, and besides, during your vacation you acquired a couple more outfits, which you wore throughout your vacation. In the photo you can see how you constantly wear the same T-shirt and shorts.

The question is: what should you take on vacation? Why take a lot of things if you still won’t wear even half of the wardrobe you took with you? Pack only the most necessary things: a swimsuit, a beach tunic, a cap or hat, shorts, several T-shirts, a couple of sundresses and sandals in which you can go to a restaurant.

You should not take too many clothes with you, because you will spend most of the time without them - swimming in the sea, lying by the pool, walking along the beach.

Cosmetics – should I take it or not?

Imagine that your skin constantly endures a ton of cosmetics. Even if you only use powder and mascara, vacation is the period when you can completely give up makeup. You won't stand out too much from other girls, since most ladies don't wear makeup on vacation.

You need to moisturize your skin even on vacation, so you can put your favorite cream in your bag. It’s also advisable not to forget your eyebrow tweezers, otherwise an extra hair that suddenly appears will ruin your mood for a long time, and this way you’ll be fully armed. The most important cosmetic product that you should take care of first is sunscreen.

Smear it as often as possible, it will simultaneously moisturize the skin and create protection from ultraviolet rays. It has been proven that a beautiful and even tan can only be obtained with the use of special products. Keep this in mind when you are planning to go on vacation.

Even if you haven’t thought about what you need to take on vacation and you don’t have some important item in your travel bag, don’t worry! Almost any thing can be purchased on vacation, unless, of course, you went on vacation desert island. We wish you a great rest and time with benefit for the whole body!

What to take with you on vacation at sea: list

Hello, dear readers of the site. The long-awaited vacation... All work matters have been completed, a place to relax has been chosen, tickets have been purchased or a route for the car has been laid out, and a hotel has been booked. My eyes are burning in anticipation of impressions and I really want to shout out: “Let’s pack our suitcase and go to the sea!”

It’s easy to say “collect,” but harder to do. After all, the hand just reaches out to unload the entire closet with clothes, generously sprinkle everything with cosmetics and jewelry, decorate this splendor with new shoes, it’s good if there is a place somewhere for analgin with activated carbon. At the end of the vacation, you realize: you only wore shorts and a T-shirt, your attempt to wear new shoes failed - they rubbed your feet terribly, but there was nothing to relieve the allergy attack, and an extra charger for your mobile phone would not have hurt.

To avoid excruciating pain for small, but annoyingly forgotten useful things, be sure to make a list of necessary things for a vacation at sea.

The most important and important: documents and money

As the famous proverb says: “Without a piece of paper you are nothing, but with a piece of paper you are a person!”

Passport or international passport - we save copies of documents in cloud storage, photocopies on plain paper - we put them separately with things in a suitcase, aerobatics - notarize the photocopies;

Train or air tickets, if applicable online purchase– print in advance;

Don’t forget about medical insurance, if you have one;

A driver's license, an international driver's license, if you are traveling in your own car - documents for the car and an insurance policy are required;

Don't forget to print your reservation at hotel room or apartments. It would also be nice to know the exact route to your future place of residence if there is no transfer;

Money - cash and credit cards, if necessary - currency, but do not store everything together!


Don't be intimidated by the long list - it takes longer to write than it does to assemble. And tablets, as a rule, are packaged in blisters and do not take up much space, but they save a lot of time and nerves in case of illness. If there are medications that you take regularly, buy enough of them.

On your trip you will need:

Pain reliever;


Sorbent - will help with stomach disorders and allergies as an auxiliary treatment;

Antihistamine – for the treatment of allergic reactions;


Probiotics and anti-poisoning;

Don’t forget the enzymatic agent - it will help digest large and unfamiliar foods;

Cream or balm for treating insect bites;

Adhesive bactericidal patch;

Sunscreen and burn remedy;

Preventive measures (if necessary);

Thermal water in a small volume will help with sunburn and will refresh your face on a long flight.

We remember that in hand luggage, you can take no more than one liter of liquids on the plane! Mascara, lip gloss and creams are classified as liquids, so keep this in mind.

Hygiene items

Typically, hotels and apartments pamper their guests with branded hygiene products - shampoos, shower gels and soap. If you don’t trust their quality, then you should take all of the above with you, namely:

It is better to take “2in1” shampoo;

Shower gel and soap;

Cleanser and toner;

Mini toothpaste, Toothbrush and thread;

Hand and foot cream;

Body cream;

Deodorant and eau de toilette;



Manicure scissors and file, polishing grater for heels;

Means for “critical days”;

Loofah and shaving machine.


In our digital age, it is impossible to do without all kinds of devices. We prepare for the trip in advance and thoroughly: we charge powerbands (external batteries - rechargeable), buy SIM cards for roaming.

When traveling, the following are required:

Mobile phone – clear your memory for new photos in advance, don’t forget about additional map memory, deposit a sufficient amount into the account;


Chargers for equipment;

Adapters for Euro socket or “tee”;


Large flash drive;

Laptop or tablet;

A navigator with maps of the area if you are traveling by car;

A selfie stick so you don’t have to ask others to take a photo of you in front of something.

A hairdryer and an iron are quite bulky and cumbersome; they are usually present in hotels, so you shouldn’t pack them in your suitcases unless you have a personal porter.


Do not take with you evening dresses, wide-brimmed designer hats in boxes and high-heeled sandals with mink fur - unless you plan to vacation at closed fashion parties and beaches.

For a democratic holiday, the following is appropriate sample list of things:

Swimwear – one will definitely not be enough;

Pareo or tunic for the beach;

Headdress – Panama hat, soft hat or baseball cap;

Several changes of linen;

Knitted shorts and denim shorts;

A pair of blouses and T-shirts;

Knitted sundress;

Cocktail Dress;

Light trousers or jeans;

Don't forget a cardigan or windbreaker for cooler evenings;

Some jewelry and sunglasses;

Shoes: for the beach, “going out” and comfortable for walking;

Beach bag and evening clutch.

Try to choose things from natural fabrics - silk, cotton, linen and viscose, but with the addition of elastane - such things are easy to care for and almost do not wrinkle. Without synthetic additives, things made from these materials turn into crumpled rags in a matter of minutes.


This list is arbitrary, everyone collects it according to their needs, here are common items that may be useful:

Small sewing kit;

Beach towel and blanket;

Multiknife (multitool) - it has a corkscrew, a knife, and an opener;

Fumigator with liquid to repel insects;

Thermal mug - good for hot and cold drinks.

After our vacation, we save especially successful lists in handwritten form or electronically - they will definitely come in handy for subsequent trips. We wish you the endless sea, the gentle sun, positive impressions and have a good rest!

Travel vacation: “Packing a suitcase: list of things to pack for a seaside vacation”

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Hello again, dear readers of the site “I and the World”! Spring has arrived, summer is just around the corner, and the long-awaited vacation is here. Some will stay at home, while others will go to other countries “to the seas and oceans.” Today we invite you to discuss: what to take with you to the sea?

Where do you start getting ready for vacation? Of course, by thinking through and making a list of things that you will take with you. Everything you need will depend on the time of year you plan to vacation. But since we have spring and summer ahead, we will talk specifically about these months.

Let's start with the most necessary things: documents and money. Foreign passport, tickets, insurance, driver's license (if you have one), credit cards, plastic cards, cash. These items should be at the top of your list! Everything else can be bought, but if you leave behind any documents or money, consider that your vacation has been ruined.

The necessary medications must be placed in the first aid kit in advance. It’s even better to put in something extra than to later realize at the most unpleasant moment that these pills are not there. We will provide a list of the most necessary medications, which are difficult to live without in a foreign country:

  • medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • painkillers and antipyretics;
  • for indigestion;
  • of course, bandage, cotton wool, iodine, plaster;
  • sedatives;
  • from poisoning and allergies;
  • from motion sickness.

Remedies for insect bites are not medicines, but they are very useful in any exotic country. Well, why not take contraceptives for fun “to the fullest.”

A list of hygiene products is also quite necessary. And although all this can be bought, as they say in any store “around the corner,” nothing is superfluous:

  • toothbrush and paste, toothpicks;
  • soap, shampoo, gel;
  • toilet paper;
  • comb;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • for women and teenage girls - pads or tampons;
  • for men - razor or machines, foam;
  • Definitely a favorite perfume.

If your holiday will take place under the hot sea sun, do not forget to pack sunscreen and tanning products suitable for your skin in your suitcase.

Have you already imagined yourself at the seaside in the summer? And what clothes and what shoes will you wear to the beach, and then walk around the city. For a typical holiday of a week or 10 days, take with you:

  • lightweight, quick-drying slippers and cotton clothing;
  • sunglasses;
  • swimsuit, swimming trunks;
  • towel, pareo;
  • T-shirt, shorts, blouse;
  • shirt, light trousers, summer shoes, socks;
  • hats;
  • a book (so as not to fall asleep and burn out) or a children's book with fairy tales.

By the way, when choosing a country for your vacation, know that each is unusual in its own way. For example, in Turkey the sea begins to warm up only in mid-April or May holidays. So you need warm clothes for evening walks. But let us remind men who smoke that they need to take cigarettes, because some complain about the poor quality of Turkish tobacco.

You can take an air mattress with you, but it is an extra burden in your suitcase, so you can take it at the hotel or at the beach.

You took almost everything, but what about the camera? It's good if your smartphone has an excellent camera. But if this is not the case, then you simply cannot do without a good camera on a trip to the sea. Beautiful photos A must give to your friends!

To the subject for filming you need to add:

  • selfie stick;
  • Charger;
  • flash drive;
  • laptop or tablet.

If you're going on a trip with your child, grab a couple of his favorite toys. It will be easier for the baby to adapt to an unfamiliar place.

If you are going to travel by car, you cannot do without food on the road, so as not to stop and shop once again. What products should I take with me?

  • Whole grain crackers.
  • Hard vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, radishes).
  • Place the fruit in a box with a small amount of ice.
  • Any nuts and seeds (you can make granola).
  • Instead of soda, take water or homemade lemonade.
  • Sandwiches.

There is a day left before the trip, and you are in painful thoughts: how to stuff all this into a suitcase? Vacuum bags and a vacuum cleaner will save you. But when leaving the hotel, you will have to ask the maid for a vacuum cleaner. If you get creative with your packing, you can cram a lot more stuff into your suitcase or travel bag than you think.

See also video:

We have offered a list of things that you, of course, can change to your own. But we tried not to forget the most important thing: what clothes to take, what sunscreen, what will be useful on vacation in the summer and spring, medications, etc. If you want to add something, write in the comments and share with your friends. And we say goodbye to you until we meet at sea!

Any vacation trip involves a packing process. We decided to make this task easier and, together with our regular readers, we compiled a list of things to do on vacation for the whole family. It is aimed at a standard Russian family, in which the woman will pack the suitcase.

Men can relax and take only money and a passport with them :)

It is better to start packing your suitcase 2-3 days before departure, since in your wardrobe there will always be something that has sharply decreased in size during the Last year, went out of fashion or simply disappeared somewhere.


The top things on your list are passports and money. Everything else can be bought, but without a passport or money, the vacation will be hopelessly ruined.

Without documents, your vacation can be ruined already at the airport, so passports and money should always be in your area of ​​attention, not only during preparations, but throughout the entire vacation. So let's start with this:

  • Passports (check the validity in advance, at least 6 months from the date of entry into the destination country);
  • Photocopies of documents (in case of loss and so as not to carry the originals with you);
  • Tickets (train or plane);
  • Vouchers (agreement with a travel agency);
  • Driver's license (yours and his, in case you want to rent a car);
  • Bank cards and money;
  • Banking access (PIN generator, password card, etc.)
  • Medical insurance;

It is better to break the money into several parts and divide it among family members, and one bank card can be put in your luggage. In this case, if you lose your wallet, you will not be left penniless.


The hardest part about packing a suitcase is choosing clothes. We love to take our entire wardrobe with us and by any means convince ourselves that everything will definitely come in handy. In fact, no one except your other half will appreciate your outfits. Therefore, we recommend taking clothes at the rate of one outfit for 2 days.

For a standard 7-10 day seaside holiday, we recommend that you include the following items.

  • print list

List for women and girls

  • Swimsuit 1-2 pcs.;
  • Pareo, tunic - one at a time;
  • Skirts (short and long), shorts – 1 piece each;
  • Jeans or trousers – 1 pc.;
  • T-shirts, T-shirts – 3-4 pcs.;
  • Blouse (dressy) – 1 pc.;
  • Dress (cocktail) – 1 piece;
  • Briefs - 1 pc. for a day;
  • Bra - 2 pcs.;
  • Night pajamas - 1 piece;
  • Sandals - 1-2 pcs. (including elegant ones);
  • Sandals without heels or ballet shoes 1-2 pairs;
  • Beach slippers or flip flops 1 pair;
  • Warm blouse, cardigan or windbreaker (for the evening) 1 pc.;
  • A light shirt with sleeves (in case you get sunburned), or better yet, sunscreen – 2 pcs. (to have enough);
  • Sports pants/breeches (or tracksuit) - 1 pc.;
  • Headdress (1-2 pcs.);

A sports outfit can be useful on some excursions and for morning wars for a place in the sun, when you need to throw a towel on a sunbed by the sea at 7:30 in the morning :).

When choosing clothes, preference should be given to light-colored fabrics made from natural threads, either linen, or preferably cotton. In such clothes you will feel comfortable in hot climates.

List for men

  • Light trousers (for walking in a hotel, on excursions, around the city) – 2 pcs.;
  • Classic trousers (to go to a restaurant or to an evening program at the hotel) – 1 pc.;
  • Shorts - 2 pcs.;
  • Swimming trunks – 2 pcs.;
  • T-shirts and T-shirts, 0.75 pcs. for a day;
  • Light shirt - 2 pcs.;
  • Socks 3-4 pairs;
  • Briefs – 1 pc. for a day;
  • Sandals - 1 pc.;
  • Slates - 1 pc.;
  • Summer shoes 1 pc.;
  • Headdress 1 piece;

It is also better to take men's clothing from natural, light-colored fabrics. A dark shirt can be useful for going to a party or disco.

The eternal problem: how to put all the unnecessary things in one suitcase? 🙂

Child's list

  • T-shirts 1.5 pcs. per day (getting 2 dirty during the day is not a problem for a child);
  • Panties;
  • Shorts, skirts;
  • Socks;
  • Cap or Panama hat (2 pcs.);
  • 2 swimsuits (one to dry, the other to swim in);
  • Cotton clothing with long sleeves (in case the child gets sunburned);
  • Clothes for the evening;
  • Warm clothes (if you are not traveling during the hot season);
  • Sandals;
  • Sneakers for excursions;
  • Pencils, notebook, coloring books, etc. (what to do with a child on the road);
  • Armbands for the pool (if you can’t swim);

To ergonomically pack things in a suitcase, you will need vacuum bags and a vacuum cleaner. Please note that a vacuum cleaner will also be required when packing back. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to stuff all your clothes into your suitcase :)

"Women things"

In order not to lose face at the evening outing into the spotlight of the all-inclusive restaurant, don't forget to take with you:

  • Beach bag – 1 pc.;
  • Clutch – 1 piece;
  • Beads;
  • Earrings;
  • Belts;
  • The scarf is light;
  • Sunglasses (for yourself and for him);
  • Hairpins, elastic bands, bobby pins, etc.;
  • Sewing kit;
  • Hair curling iron (if needed);
  • Foam sponges;


  • Day moisturizer in the morning;
  • Light caring shine in the morning too;
  • Sunscreen for body;
  • After-sun cream or body lotion;
  • Foam sponges;
  • Night cream;
  • Milk and tonic;
  • Beautiful lipstick in the evening;
  • Mattifying powder, preferably loose;
  • A small palette of shadows;
  • The mascara is simple and waterproof;
  • Waterproof cosmetic remover;
  • Eye and lip pencil;
  • Nail polish (2-3 types are possible);
  • Nail polish remover;
  • Favorite perfume;
  • Manicure set;
  • Paper handkerchiefs;
  • Cotton swabs and disks;
  • Wet wipes;

Hygiene products

For woman

  • Shampoo and hair conditioner (hotel shampoos are usually of poor quality);
  • Comb – 3 pcs. (massage, simple and for him);
  • Shower gel;
  • Body cream;
  • Deodorant;
  • Soap;
  • Antibacterial hand liquid (useful for the whole family on walks)
  • washcloth;
  • Toothpaste and brush 2 pcs each (for yourself and for him);
  • Machine for shaving;
  • Pedicure set;
  • Hand and foot cream;
  • Do not forget about critical days;
  • Beach towel 2 pcs. (if not provided by the hotel);
  • Pregnancy contraception (if necessary);

For a man

  • Shaving gel or foam;
  • A shaving machine, maybe a pack, i.e. 5 pieces.;
  • After shave balm;
  • Shower gel;
  • Soap;
  • washcloth;
  • Perfume;
  • Deodorant;
  • Condoms (if needed);
  • Toothpicks or dental floss;

First aid kit

We have already written about what should be included in the drug, so we will limit ourselves only to the types of medications:

  • thermometer;
  • painkillers;
  • from poisoning;
  • antipyretics;
  • against burns (primarily sunburn);
  • antiallergens;
  • from thrush;
  • iodine patch;
  • throat suckers;

Equipment and more

In the bustle of collecting clothes, cosmetics and hygiene, do not forget about the most important thing - a camera or a smartphone with a camera. After all, it is thanks to these technical creations that later there will be something to remember and show to friends at work.

The same goes for Russian-language books, which, oh, how you will miss them on the beach. So we suggest adding these devices and ideas to your list (sometimes a little crazy :)

  • Coffee (not everywhere it is like at home);
  • Umbrella or plastic raincoat (if there is a chance of rain);
  • Plastic hangers (for clothes);
  • Plastic box for food (you can take a snack on the plane and carry fresh fruit to the beach);
  • Spare car keys (if you leave them at the airport);
  • A pocket knife (never superfluous);
  • Children's toys for the beach (you can always buy them on the spot);
  • A camera or camera (both are possible);
  • Monopod (stick) for selfie (if necessary);
  • Tripod for camera;
  • Charger for the camera (camera);
  • Power banks;
  • Cell phones;
  • Charging device;
  • Adapter for sockets (if needed);
  • Memory card (one more, in case it’s not enough);
  • Flash drive, preferably 16 or 32 GB (larger);
  • Laptop, netbook or tablet;
  • MP-3 player;
  • Headphones;
  • Iron (usually available at the hotel, but you never know);
  • Small kettle (if the hotel is not all inclusive)
  • Hairdryer (if not provided in the hotel room);
  • Tourist SIM card;
  • Fumigator (from mosquitoes and other insects);
  • Multicooker (if you plan to cook yourself or have special dietary requirements);
  • Clothesline;
  • Beach tent (for protection from wind and sand)

If you get creative with packing and packing, you can fit much more into one suitcase than you might imagine. Watch the video! And remember that this is a backpack. And you have a whole suitcase!

When going on vacation at sea, you need to take care in advance about the things you will take with you. It often happens that you seem to have already taken everything you need, and only at sea it turns out that some very important thing is missing, it remained lying somewhere in the closet, and without it, the vacation becomes not as comfortable as it could be with it . That’s why you definitely need to read this article, which has already helped several thousand people relax at sea comfortably and without trouble. So, what to take with you to the sea.


Select clothes based on the climate of the country where you are going to go on vacation. If you are lounging on the beach in your country, then choosing the right wardrobe will not be difficult. But if you want to visit another state, then find out in advance about the local climate and rainy season, because in some countries it can rain for several months in a row. Therefore, the answer to the question “What to take to the sea?” not as obvious as it might seem at first glance.

Don't take too many things, as most of them won't be needed at all. Also keep in mind that the suitcase should not weigh more than 20 kg if you are flying by plane (most airlines have such conditions), otherwise you will have to pay a lot, and it will be cheaper to buy things near the sea than to carry them from home. If you want to buy things cheap, then buy them not in shopping centers located near hotels or beaches, and in markets where they sell everything for local residents. You can find out about such places from your guide, at your hotel, or at the consulate.

If you are driving your car to the sea, you don’t have to limit yourself in choosing things; take what you want.

For women

  • Swimwear (2 pieces). 2 swimsuits will be enough. You bathe in the first one - the second one dries, in the second one you bathe - the first one dries and so on in a circle. Better take swimsuits different models and colors. No swimsuits or some that are already out of fashion? It doesn’t matter, it’s just an excuse to buy a new beautiful swimsuit. A huge selection of swimsuits is presented on, and they will be delivered quickly.
  • Pareo (1 piece). An excellent addition to a beautiful swimsuit and an almost obligatory attribute for a vacation in hot countries. The main thing is to choose.
  • Skirt (1 piece). It is better to take one long skirt for going to restaurants or entertainment venues. For the beach, the item from the next paragraph will be useful.
  • Shorts (1 piece). Very convenient for the beach, not hot, practically do not get dirty. What else is needed:)
  • T-shirts (2 pieces). Comfortable, can be worn anywhere.
  • Tops (2 pcs). The same as in the previous paragraph.
  • Hat (1 piece). It will protect from the sun and will serve as a beautiful and interesting addition to any clothing.
  • Jeans or pants (1 piece). If it suddenly gets colder, then thanks to jeans you will be warm and comfortable, and you can wear them in any place, be it a hotel, restaurant or shopping center.
  • Evening dress (1 piece). Take it only if you are sure that you will attend exhibitions, expensive restaurants, dinner parties, otherwise it is better to leave the evening dress at home. If you unexpectedly need it on vacation, it won’t be difficult to buy a new one on the spot; remember the weight limit on luggage on the plane; if you take everything in a row, you’ll end up with a significant excess.
  • Sandals (1 pair). Take them only if you are sure that you will need them (see point above).
  • Flip flops (1 pair). Excellent shoes for the beach, and in some places even mandatory for going into the sea, as there are beaches near which the bottom of the sea is covered with stones that can injure your feet.
  • Sneakers (1 pair). Take it if you are going to visit sights, take a long walk around the city, or go to mountainous areas. And in cool weather, these shoes come in handy.
  • Jacket (1 piece). Even in warm countries It can get unexpectedly cold, especially at night, so take a light jacket with long sleeves.
  • Underwear (3 sets). This is quite enough for an average holiday of two weeks.
  • Pajamas (1 piece). Sleeping in the same clothes you've been walking down the street in all day is not quite the right decision, so take one pajamas or nightgown with you.
  • Decorations (minimum). Do not take expensive jewelry made of gold or with precious stones. There are thieves at every resort, so precautions will not be superfluous. Read the article about.

For men

  • Swimming trunks (2 pcs)
  • Briefs (2 pcs)
  • Socks (5 pairs). If your feet give off a foul odor, take more socks and change them every day. Of course, women like some of the smells of men, but the smell of socks can be killer, in some cases even in the literal sense of the word :) .
  • T-shirts (3 pcs). If you sweat a lot, it is better to take 5 T-shirts or take the existing ones to the dry cleaner.
  • Panama hat (1 piece). Good protection from sunstroke.
  • Jeans (1 piece)
  • Shorts (1 piece)
  • Jacket (1 piece). It is better to take a long-sleeved jacket, not too warm, but not too cool.
  • Flip flops (1 pair)
  • Sneakers (1 pair)
  • Shoes (1 pair). Take it if you plan solemn event or going to expensive places.
  • Dress shirt (1 piece). Take under the conditions described in the previous paragraph. It is better to take a shirt with short sleeves so that it is comfortable and not hot.

For children

  • Swimming trunks or swimsuits (3 pieces). For a boy, take three swimming trunks, and for a girl, 3 swimsuits.
  • Briefs (2 pcs)
  • Socks (3 pairs)
  • Jeans (1 piece)
  • Shorts (2pcs)- for a guy
  • T-shirts (2 pcs)- for a guy
  • Dress (1 piece)- for girl
  • Skirt + top (1 set)- for girl
  • Panama hat (1 piece)
  • Jacket with long sleeves (1 piece)
  • Light pajamas (1 piece)
  • Flip flops (1 pair)
  • Sneakers (1 pair)

List of “What to take with you to the sea”

Creams, ointments, etc.

  • Sunscreen (1 piece)
  • Tanning product (1 piece)
  • Wet wipes (1 pack)
  • Mosquito cream (1 piece)
  • Shaving cream (1 piece) – men
  • Toothbrush (1 piece)
  • Toothpaste (1 piece)

First aid kit

What medications should you take with you to sea? Pack a mini first aid kit just in case. Although there are hospitals in every city, especially resort town, but there are situations when help needs to be provided immediately, and sometimes you just have a headache, and you shouldn’t go to the hospital because of this when you came to rest.

  • Activated carbon
  • Mezim
  • Medical alcohol
  • Band-Aid
  • Disinfectant (you can use brilliant green)
  • Pain reliever (for example, analgin)

Electronic devices

The fewer gadgets you take on vacation, the better. Take a day off for your electronic devices. Of course, whether to take a laptop with you or not is up to you; for some people it is necessary, while others can easily leave it at home.

  • Photo-video camera (preferably)
  • Mobile phone
  • Phone and camera charger
  • Small laptop (you can do without it)

Of course, you will take at least one electronic device with you. But keep in mind that phones, tablets and cameras often run out of charge at the most inopportune moments. Sometimes you don’t notice how time flies on vacation and you use the camera for a long time, and at some point it turns off due to a dead battery, and how much more could be done interesting photos, which would delight you for many years. It is for such cases that portable chargers were invented, with which you don’t have to worry about battery life. One such device can provide power to a tablet, smartphone, player and other devices. You can purchase such an irreplaceable item inexpensively in an online store; almost all experienced independent travelers have this device in their bag, so you can buy it right now.


What should you remember to take with you to the sea? Documentation! You can't go anywhere without them.

  • Passport
  • International passport
  • Tickets (plane, train, bus)
  • Printout of hotel reservation
  • Visa (if required)
  • Consent to take the child abroad. Required if only one of the parents goes on vacation with the child.
  • Money and bank card. I recommend reading the information about.

Other useful things

  • Sunglasses
  • Cosmetics (minimum)
  • Small umbrella
  • Board games
  • MP-3 player

Attention!!! Don’t forget that for traveling you need a comfortable and high-quality bag or backpack. An incorrectly selected backpack can create troubles that will be felt already during your vacation. Therefore, to make your trip enjoyable, purchase special backpacks for travelers (all recommendations are written in), these are sold in the online store for low prices, and the quality is very good. In general, I recommend it, take it - don’t hesitate.


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