The safest mode of transport according to statistics in the world and in Russia. The safest mode of transport

Which transport do you prefer?

Every day we go somewhere: to work, to the store, to nearby town or neighboring country. Any person cares about his safety, especially if he goes far. If it is possible to reach the final destination using different modes of transport, people evaluate their safety before buying a ticket. Statistics and the results of sociological surveys indicate which transport is the most dangerous.

Most dangerous transport according to Russians

Sociologists are conducting large-scale research to find out which types of transport Russian citizens consider the most dangerous. Most often, Russians believe that the most dangerous look transport - automobile. First of all, we are talking about buses and minibuses. However, people are mostly afraid not so much technical malfunction public transport, how much human factor. You can often see a minibus or bus driver talking on the phone while driving, smoking, and charging fares. Because of the fear of missing out on profits, drivers race, forgetting that the health and lives of passengers are in their hands. The second place in terms of danger is given to trains, although ten years ago they were more feared than cars. In third place is water transport, although many people are more afraid not of the danger of accidents, but of pitching and seasickness. Aircraft took fourth place in this ranking.

What the statistics say

If we analyze the statistics on the number of victims of various types of transport, we will see that people’s attitude towards cars is completely justified. Largest number People die in car accidents. The total number of victims worldwide each year is approaching 1.2 million. Second place according to statistics is occupied by trains, although they are gradually becoming safer. For example, the modern Sapsan train already has a European level of reliability. The number of deaths on water is about 2 thousand people annually, so aquatic species transport ranks third in terms of danger. Airplanes are considered the safest, since approximately 1.5 thousand people die in plane crashes every year, which is tens of times less than as a result of road accidents. However, this type of transport has a significant drawback. If a plane crashes, the chances of survival for all passengers and personnel are minimal.

Unaccounted modes of transport

Opinion polls on the topic of travel safety are conducted only on the most popular means of transportation. Rare and unusual types of transport are not included in the rating. Otherwise, spaceships would occupy the last place in the danger rating. The number of accidents that led to the death of people can be counted on one hand. So the most safe transport so far only in space. However, space tourism is developing, so in the future ships flying without airspace, may well be included in such ratings.

Every person regularly makes business trips or leisure trips. But when choosing a method of transportation, few people focus specifically on protecting their own lives during the trip. Most focus on speed, comfort and prestige. And in vain, because human life and health should come first. Therefore, we will consider all the possibilities of movement and determine the most safe look transport.

The safest mode of transport in the world can be determined according to several criteria:

  1. by the number of accidents among the total number of flights;
  2. by the number of victims from the number of passengers or those who were in the accident zone and became victims;
  3. by the number of deaths due to an accident or accident per 160 million kilometers.

The opinion of world statisticians agrees that the safest way to travel is by plane. They drew this conclusion from the negligible proportion of accidents in the sky relative to the total number of flights made. There are only 0.6 fatalities per 100 million miles. At the same time, about 30 million flights are sent annually, of which about 20 end in disaster. We should not forget that half of these aircraft are cargo, and only 10 are passenger.

It's hard to disagree with the exact mathematics, but the chances of surviving an airliner crash are practically zero. Thus, we can conclude that the probability of getting into a plane crash is not high, but if such a fate occurs, death cannot be avoided. Although there are also exceptions to this rule. Modern advanced technology is designed to cope with an emergency landing on water.

Safety statistics of modes of transport in Russia

As practice shows, domestic studies of a particular country can produce data that differ from international ones. Thus, the safest form of transport in Russia is the train. According to official statistics from the State Statistics Committee for 2017, there were 0 deaths among those traveling on the train, although 1,626 pedestrians were killed by trains. It turns out that moving around railway there is no threat within the composition. The same cannot be said about those who enjoy walking along the paths. Such places are most attractive for teenagers.

In addition to deaths due to one’s own negligence, there were also those that followed accidents.

The most common causes of railway accidents:

  • derailment of the train;
  • neglect of safety precautions;
  • train collision;
  • collision of moving cars with lost locomotive spare parts.

Unfortunately, not all trains are in good condition. technical condition. Even the painstaking work of engineers cannot compensate for the wear of parts. On this moment V Russian Federation a project has been launched aimed at improving the safety of an industry such as railway transport.


Unfortunately, the mortality statistics for airplane passengers are not as encouraging as those on the railway. Russia is one of the three so-called leaders in the number of deaths due to aircraft crashes. In addition, this number also includes the USA and Canada. Over a period of 30 years, 307 domestic airliners crashed, killing 7,061 victims on board.

Accidents in the sky never happen due to just one specific reason.

In order to completely lose control of an airplane, a number of circumstances must occur:

  • human error;
  • external weather conditions;
  • equipment failure.

A miscalculation by the dispatcher can cause quite unpredictable consequences, because in the airspace, as on the roads, there are clear routes. Precipitation, fog, and wind are also considered unfavorable for flights. But the most dangerous thing is the malfunction of the airliner. Although engineers anticipate emergency situations and develop backup control systems in this case, the confluence of all three factors is extremely risky.


Traveling by bus means that a person completely trusts his own life to the driver. If we talk about general emergency statistics on the roads, which includes all types ground transport, then she talks about 194 thousand victims and 17.2 thousand fatalities in 2017. This high number is due to human factor and malfunction Vehicle.

Recently, the number of disasters involving passenger buses. Serious incidents occur several times a month, sometimes resulting in death. According to statistics, it is in summer time Such cases become more frequent and decrease closer to winter. About 5 thousand accidents involved buses, killing 290 people and injuring 7,700. In 2016, this figure was slightly lower and totaled 214 deaths. Due to the growing trend of the negative coefficient, the head of the traffic police, Mikhail Chernikov, commented on the situation and promised to take the situation under his own control.


In 2013, Russia adopted a program to reduce car accidents by three times. 35 billion rubles were allocated from the budget to carry out the necessary activities. But to date it has not been possible to solve the problem. As of 2017, there were 153 thousand serious road accidents. Because of this, 194.3 thousand people were injured and 17,185 died. Despite such frightening characteristics, they nevertheless decreased slightly compared to 2015 and 2016.

The most common causes of road accidents are:

  • drunk driving;
  • vehicle malfunction;
  • ignorance or failure to comply with traffic rules;
  • over speed;
  • failure to maintain distance;
  • inattentive driving;
  • failure to comply with overtaking regulations.

To reduce the number of accidents, every driver must drive responsibly, since not only his own life, but also that of other people depends on it.


It would seem that nothing could be safer than spaceships. They are built from ultra-dense materials and undergo thorough engineering testing, but, alas, the shuttles cannot provide 100% reliability. Accidents on satellites occur periodically and most often they can no longer be repaired. As for the spacecraft themselves, 16 people died throughout the world during the flights, 4 of them Soviet.

The most common causes of disasters were:

  • unsuccessful launch or landing;
  • destruction of the shuttle in the air upon entry into the dense layers of the atmosphere;
  • incorrect calculations;
  • technical malfunction.

At the stage of space tourism, it is important to take into account all the aspects and dangers of such travel, but the high cost of the flight is beyond the means of the majority of the population.

Water passenger transport

According to surveys by social organizations, half of people consider water transport dangerous for movement. This opinion is not justified by statistics. Sea and river vessels rank second in terms of safety in Russia. The peculiarity of this type of travel is that the lion's share of passengers die precisely because of the human factor.

Today, ships are equipped with lifeboats, which are sufficient for everyone on the ship. Another characteristic feature of water vessels is high speed. Some passengers do not drown, as many believe, but die from a strong push against an obstacle.

The largest water accident in the Russian Federation for last years The shipwreck of the ship "Bulgaria" is believed to have taken place on July 10, 2011. The incident occurred in the Kuibyshev reservoir, Republic of Tatarstan, and resulted in 122 deaths.

Mopeds and motorcycles

The largest share of deaths occurs in road accidents involving mopeds and motorcycles.

This situation is due to minimal protection of passengers from impacts and damage. At best, the racer will be dressed in a special suit and helmet, but they don’t always save the day. Drivers of this particular vehicle are 29 times more likely to get into accidents than, for example, a motorist.

For some, this type of movement is also fun, similar to Russian roulette. But common sense suggests a fairly high probability of dying while driving a bike: for those who travel 24 kilometers daily, this is 1/860. If we consider accidents in one area, then about 6-7 thousand car accidents occur per year, 250-350 people die and 7-9 thousand are seriously injured.

Of course the rhythm modern life is impossible without long-distance travel, and there is no way to completely protect yourself from them. But it is possible to follow the basic rules of self-preservation, which greatly increase the chances of salvation and preservation of health in an extreme situation. And for complete peace of mind, you can choose the safest form of transport according to statistics - the train.

In the midst of it summer period many begin to leave for various resorts. Therefore, the question of what is the safest mode of transport began to appear among people more and more often. The reason for its relevance is the large number of different accidents that have occurred recently both in the air and on the ground.

Frightened people are no longer able to believe in the safety and reliability of vehicles and begin to spend hours on the Internet in search of an answer to the question - what kind of transport should they use to travel or fly? In this case, everything is taken into account: the characteristics of the vehicles, the degree of their wear and reliability.

But you shouldn’t go into too much detail on this topic, but rather try to find the safest mode of transport for yourself. Recently, particularly witty people have begun to argue that soon the most safe means movements will become because the horse is sometimes smarter than the person who controls it. Following this simple logical conclusion, it will even be possible to exclude

So, you should turn your attention to the problem called “the safest mode of transport”. The statistics have remained virtually unchanged over the past few years. Therefore, we can safely say that the first position, according to the people surveyed, is occupied by railway transport. On last place aviation is located. About 70 percent of respondents were in favor of electric trains and trains. Approximately 84 percent decided that aircraft were the most dangerous means of transportation.

But the undisputed leader in the field passenger transportation are cars. About 82 percent of people worldwide use a variety of makes and models of cars. Moreover, most of the respondents do so very often. About 64 percent of people prefer to travel by train. The least number of people on earth use aviation and water transport - only about fifteen percent.

But everything that was listed above relates to the purely individual opinion of people. However, an independent study identified a completely different safest mode of transport. We are talking about aviation. This means of transportation is the most reliable and safe. After aviation, water and railway means are in the ranking. But cars are, on the contrary, the most dangerous means of transportation.

But if we take the mileage traveled as a basis, then the safest mode of transport is spacecraft. Only three such devices have failed in the entire history of mankind. In addition, despite the high cost, it is becoming more and more popular and is already in great demand.

Over the past two years, out of one million Russians transported, about six were injured in aircraft accidents, according to a study by the National Union of Liability Insurers (NULI). Statistics Russian airlines, which last year received a satisfactory assessment of the Convention on International civil aviation(ICAO) in terms of safety indicators, private aviation has been spoiled.

There really are one or two incidents with private jets every week, and people die. But if people insure their personal cars, then private jets most often - no. Many owners don't even register them. But at the same time, without a license to transport passengers, they take on board people who are not legally passengers and cannot claim insurance of two million rubles. “These unfavorable statistics include only a small segment of air and helicopter transportation, which is carried out by small domestic carriers and, as a rule, in hard-to-reach areas of Central and Eastern Russia“, explained NSSO President Andrey Yuryev. It is general aviation that is in first place in terms of the average number of victims in one accident (more than two people) and in terms of the average severity of harm caused, he noted.

Last year, private transport was the most dangerous on roads. Of the 199 thousand road accidents, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, only 10 thousand cases involved buses, seven thousand - with licensed carriers. That is, only five percent of road accidents involved buses. The number of injured passengers for every million transported over the past two years by rail and buses turned out to be scanty - no more than 0.2. But there was a major accident on the railway in May last year with by passenger train long distance near Naro-Fominsk in the Moscow region. Six people died and 45 were injured. An investigation is ongoing and final conclusions about the reasons have not been made, Rostransnadzor noted.

Insurers considered trolleybuses and trams to be the least dangerous in all respects. Almost all insurance cases recorded to date were isolated incidents in which a passenger fell in the cabin during sudden maneuvers by drivers, the union notes.

The lowest in terms of transportation volumes, water transport is in second place among insurers in the accident rate rating. Although they currently carry no more than two percent of passengers. Other transportation along the river can be considered tourist or cruise. But here passengers are insured as expected. The high accident rate in insurance statistics is due to the fact that in 2013, the Polesie-8 motor ship, which was cruising along the route Omsk - Achair, was wrecked.


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