Eastern peak of Elbrus height. Russia. What is the famous mountain

View from an airplane.

Elbrus is a double-peaked saddle-shaped volcano cone. The western peak has a height of 5642 m, the eastern one - 5621 m. They are separated by a lintel with a height of 5300 m and are approximately 3 km apart from each other. total area Elbrus glaciers are about 150 km 2. The last eruption dates back to 50 AD. e. ± 50 years. The adaptive capabilities of the body end precisely at these heights. The highest mountain settlement in the world (large) is located at an altitude of ~5100m. is the city of LaRinconada in Peru. Above the 5200-5300 m mark, the earth's atmosphere is so rarefied that the amount of oxygen in the air is half the norm - a person cannot stay there for a long time. Digestive, respiratory, etc. systems. are not able to perform their functions at 100, therefore long-term stay in such conditions is associated with certain risks to life and health, which is possible only thanks to the internal reserves of the body and only with appropriate preparation.

View of the southern slope of the mountain. PHOTO TAKEN FROM THE OPEN RESOURCE “YANDEX.PICTURES”

The above information is for general informational purposes only; more detailed information can be read on any Internet resource.


Viam supervadet vadens
(May the one who walks master the road)

I don’t encourage people who read this story to immediately grab a backpack, crampons and an ice ax and rush headlong onto the nearest train or plane to the cities of the Caucasus. Yes, we went without a guide. But you can’t imagine how much organizational work was done to make everything work out the way it did. This story is not a guide to “How to go to Elbrus without a guide.” This is just a subjective description of our journey. Probably, a professional climber would have written the text in a completely different way. Jokes with such heights can end badly! We were very lucky, but we shouldn’t rely only on fortune. At the time of the trip, both members of the expedition had the status of far from “dummies”. I already had good experience organizing tourism events, almost eight years of walking and about four years mountain tourism under my belt, as well as two years of work as a guide in the southwestern Caucasus. Kostya had been involved in athletics for many years, as a result he had incredible endurance, he already had a sports rank in tourism and good skills in handling climbing equipment. If you do not regularly engage in these sports (mountain tourism, mountaineering) and are not different high level GPP (general physical fitness), then you should not go to Elbrus alone. Find a team with relevant experience, master all the necessary skills and spend money on a guide. This could save your life. Get ready to climb! The biggest difficulty of Elbrus is its simplicity. “Thousands have risen there, and I will rise,” a beginner will think. As long-term statistics show, about 90 climbers achieve success. Such figures create a deceptive illusion of accessibility, but this is not an outdoor camping site - this is the highest point in Russia, the main peak of the Caucasus, the “roof” of Europe, a five-thousander. And yet, before you go there, ask yourself the question: do I need it, and if so, why? After all, every year on Elbrus, on average, about ten people die, which is approximately 0.1 of the total number of climbers. Someone will never return from the Mountain, don’t forget about it...


The idea of ​​going to SUCH a mountain arose a long time ago, but somehow it didn’t come together. At first there was a lack of finances, then time and equipment. And year after year, traveling through the southwestern Caucasus, climbing three thousand meters, I never stopped dreaming of such an ascent. Elbrus loomed on the horizon, beckoning with its sparkling white dome.

in the photo: view of Elbrus from the top of South Pseashkho (3251m.)

It was a DREAM - Elbrus! This one word turned my whole mind upside down. And since there was a dream, then soon a GOAL appeared. About a year before the trip, I firmly decided to make the climb in 2014. "Elbrus-2014!" - this became the life slogan of all subsequent months before the trip. But it is impossible to go to such a mountain without an experienced team, without people who have been there before! Six months before the ascent, I had the opportunity to go to Elbrus as part of an experienced team of excellent comrades from hometown Sochi, who already had quite a lot of experience in climbing above 5000 m.

Months passed, preparations were underway. Physical, technical, inventory, information. And all these six months I pushed away the bad feeling that something might go wrong and I would be left without a place on the team. Theoretically, I accepted the possibility that the trip as part of this team would not be possible. And therefore, I tried to collect more information about the mountain in advance: I read a lot of articles on the topic of acclimatization, reports on the ascent, and tried to ask as much as possible all my friends who had been there at least once. And, of course, I didn’t forget to prepare myself: regular trips to the mountains for one or two days, jogging 10-12 km, horizontal bar and parallel bars. Summer has come. The peak season of mountain tourism has begun. Now, when Elbrus was again revealed to the eye through a veil of clouds, I knew that it would be soon... And then something happened that I was afraid of, but for which I was ready: a call from the leader of the team in which I was supposed to ride. They go to another mountain - Kazbek 5033 m, which is located on the border with Georgia.


I had neither the time nor the desire to quickly make a passport. My goal remained unchanged - “Elbrus-2014!” Having thanked the manager for agreeing to take me on the team in the first place, I began independent organization departure to Elbrus. At first I tried to “get on the tail” of another team, but they didn’t want to take me. The reasoning was harsh and exhaustive - lack of sufficient confidence in my preparedness for such a campaign. Oh, how I understand them now!... There was just over a month left, and there was so much to do! It’s good that I had a large “package of information” about the area. All that remained was to find a travel companion. The criteria, of course, are very strict: a great desire to go, good physical and psychological preparation, availability of all the necessary equipment, and much more. The search circle closed on only one person - Konstantin Pavlenko.

At that time, I had known Kostya for only six months, but in such a short time he managed to establish himself only with positive aspects. Calm, balanced, honest, responsive, superbly prepared both physically and psychologically, possesses all the necessary skills for such an ascent and, most importantly, he was fully aware of what he was agreeing to. In general, wherever you look, there are only positive qualities, with the exception, perhaps, of some absent-mindedness characteristic of many romantics, although here I can compete with him. A month before departure... We bought train tickets in advance to determine the exact departure date - July 31, flight Adler - Vladikavkaz. Now all that’s left to do is get ready and hit the road! Two weeks before the trip, we underwent preliminary acclimatization on the Pseashkho massif and, after spending the night at an altitude of 2600 m, climbed Mount Pseashkho South, 3251 m high.

The last week before the trip is probably the most stressful. What is revealed is simply a sea of ​​previously unresolved organizational issues. And there is very little time left. So, July 31st. The backpacks are packed. Boarding the train. Now no one and nothing can stop us! After all, we didn’t tell ANYONE that we were going just the two of us. According to legend, we are members of a team of “experienced and qualified instructors from Krasnodar.” Well, what can I say! The biggest adventure of our lives has begun!

Part one

“Only mountains can be better than mountains,
Which I haven’t been to before"

Vladimir Vysotsky

The first day. Check-in On the morning of August 1, our small detachment arrived at the station in the city of Mineralnye Vody.

Alone, in unfamiliar city…. But this does not scare us, we know what all this is for. An attempt to find direct transport to the village of Terskol (the closest village to Mount Elbrus) was unsuccessful. Taxi drivers “charged” us astronomical sums for the transfer, in connection with which we decided to go to public transport, which, of course, is not so convenient, but several times cheaper. And now, we are in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, passing the Baksan Circle traffic intersection.

Our path lies through the administrative center of the region - the village of Tyrnyauz. After some time we enter the territory of the local National Park. They decided to base themselves on the territory tent camp"Bivouac".

The place is simply beautiful - a fir grove. Not a speck, not a bump - what else does a tourist need? The weather is magnificent. During the day it will not be hotter than +20, and with sunset the thermometer will drop only 6 - 8 degrees. Although in the mountains the weather will always find something to surprise a tourist: the hot sun is scorching, and in an hour the temperature will “collapse” and it will rain and snow, which in an hour or two may be replaced by the appearance of a bright luminary. So you need to be on your guard. As soon as we leave the forest zone, the Azau peak and Mount Cheget 3770 m open to our eyes, to which we will go tomorrow.

Having received an incredible boost of energy at the waterfall, we decide to go further to the observatory located nearby, at an altitude of 3100 m.

Unfortunately, we were not allowed into the observatory itself, but the local guards advised us not to stop there and go to the “Ice Base”, where in Soviet times training took place before climbing Elbrus. Well? No sooner said than done! Let's go to the Ice Base, at 3700! The road is no longer so good, you can’t get through here by car. Hundred by hundred we gain altitude. Now you can admire the legendary Semyorka glacier, which lies on Mount Donguz-Orun. And then, after the next “take-off”, it was revealed to us... yes, it was HE – Elbrus! I, of course, understood that Elbrus is a mountain of considerable size, but not so “considerable”! It's just huge! This is a great spectacle! Relative to our location, the mountain rises another 2 km up. We are enjoying the views and the panorama that opens up to us, when suddenly we notice some “dots” on the Terskol glacier. This is a group of mountain climbers returning from an acclimatization trip, maneuvering between huge cracks in the glacier. The surface of the glacier is like bottle glass: the blue ice is crystal clear, transparent several meters deep, but it is hard as stone.

Crossing a glacier is not an easy task. You must have a number of special skills: be able to move in a team, fight on the ice, and much more. While we are waiting for the climbers, we look at what is happening on southern slope Elbrus - some are moving up along the Pastukhov rocks, others are moving down from the “oblique shelf”. The process is fascinating, and we involuntarily begin to speculate about what exactly is happening there. Also from this point you can study the location of various objects relative to each other: lift stations, “Bochki”, “Shelter 11”, rock ridges of “Shelter”, Pastukhov rocks, “oblique shelf”. On the way back we come across a small island of “green life” in the endless stone sea. What a contrast!

Let's go down.

Day three. Going to an altitude of 3700 m on the first day was not the best best idea, but what has been done cannot be changed. We received a lot of information from a group of climbers we met at the Ice Base. After yesterday's forced race, we decided to rest a little, not get up “at first light” and sleep two to three hours more than usual. But by 9 am the rising sun turns our tent into a “crematorium”, so we had to wake up. Today our program is simpler - a radial exit to Mount Cheget to an altitude of 3400 m. Having “dropped” about a hundred meters through the village, we get to the “Glade Cheget”, from where the chairlift begins. But we don’t need it, since acclimatization requires physical labor, and a ride on the cable car doesn’t quite reach this concept, so we go on foot.

The ascent to the slope of Mount Cheget begins. At the exit from the forest zone there is a turn to Lake Donguz-Orun-Kel, but it is located in a specially protected five-kilometer zone adjacent to the state border with Georgia. The border runs along the top ridge of the Donguz-Orun and Nakra-Tau mountains. A pass is needed only if you want to get to Lake Donguz-Orun-Kol, the Shhelda glacier or the Azau gorge. All this is not necessary for climbing and is a pleasant “bonus” for acclimatization trips. Without special permission, going there is fraught with very unpleasant consequences. With a sigh of disappointment, we continue to climb. In the second hour from noon we reach the desired altitude. At this point everything is covered in clouds. No wonder. The weather in the mountains often worsens in the afternoon. But we were able to see Cheget itself, to which there were still 300 vertical meters of pure mountaineering left. The clouds are thickening too quickly, it could rain at any moment, so we go down “bourgeois style” - on one of the oldest cable cars in Russia. This will be the last night in the village of Terskol. Primary acclimatization has been successfully completed, so tomorrow we will move directly to the slopes of Elbrus. Day four. We leave the wonderful fir grove that sheltered us and go to the kingdom of eternal snow and ice. But before that there was mandatory registration with the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Of course, we do not plan to use the services of rescuers, but anything is possible - safety comes first. We are leaving Terskol.

The cable car, which leads to the slope of Elbrus itself, begins from the Azau Glade, which had to be reached by taxi due to the complete lack of local transport. The cashier insisted that we buy round-trip tickets, assuring us that even after a few days the descent tickets would be valid. At the cash register we were given beautiful plastic cards.

Well, now the most interesting thing awaits us - we begin to reap the benefits of not having a guide. Of course, the main details of the route were very carefully thought out in advance, but it was impossible to pay attention to every detail. Due to our insufficient awareness of the specific location and exact altitudes of the camps, a rash decision was made to spend the night at an altitude of 3450 m, near the station cable car"World". It rains all day, with snow at night. There are noisy, dissatisfied vacationers constantly walking around the tent, some incredibly smelly equipment is driving around, and in general... I don’t want to waste time on further description of this day, since nothing interesting happened anymore. Day five. We wake up to the noise made by yet another incomprehensible large-sized equipment passing by, and begin to prepare for the upcoming road. Breaking up camp in the rain is not a pleasant pleasure, but there’s nothing you can do – you have to. We return to the station: in front of us is the “Mir - Gara-Bashi” cable car. We pay separately for the third stage, already at the top.

The cable car seats are single seats, so you have to send your backpack with your belongings on the next seat. On each support, the chair shakes and bounces terribly - just look, the backpack will fall out and fly into hell. It’s scary to look at - after all, EVERYTHING is in the backpack! By this point, it became clear that before the trip it was necessary to put on a hat and a down jacket, since moving to warm up, especially with a second backpack on my lap, was uncomfortable and dangerous. In addition, the cable car stops periodically so that workers can accept the load that travels in the same chairs. This is how we get to a height of 3700 m. And in the direction of the “Shelter” there are already support piles for the new line of the cable car, which will reach a height of more than four thousand meters! What's next? Will they reach the Pastukhovs, and will they sell pies on the saddle?

It has already become noticeably cooler here - you can feel the proximity of the border of the snow zone. The guard at the upper station of the cable car, seeing two boys getting wet in the rain, immediately invites us to his guardhouse. How friendly people are here! But no matter how sad this may be, after drinking hot tea near a warm stove, we have to leave the hospitable host and go in search of a place to set up camp. Our path lies past the Barrels shelter.
Having established the camp, we collect radial backpacks “for transport”, completing them with the heaviest, that is, food and gas. We got to this place by cable car, thanks to which, at an altitude of 3500 - 3700, we eat fresh vegetables and fruits, cheese and meat, and other products that we absolutely don’t want to carry further on our hump. We have to walk the rest of the way. It is not possible to carry about 70 kg of cargo at a time for two people, so we do a “drop”: we carry 10 - 12 kg of cargo each to the site of the second camp in order to carry away everything else the second time. Or you can descend to the level of “mattresses on a snowcat,” which is completely unsporting.

Previously, the legendary Shelter 11 was located at an altitude of 4050 m. Some reports talk about the 4200 m mark - don’t believe it, it’s not true! Where every meter counts, such a difference is critical. Built back in the Soviet years, on August 16, 1998, the practically ownerless “Shelter” burned down due to violations of fire safety rules. Now the “Shelter” is the name given to the former boiler house building, which can comfortably accommodate several dozen climbers. The owner of this establishment turned out to be as good-natured as the guard at the Gara-Bashi station. Probably all the people here are like that. He gave us hot tea, and while drinking tea, he told us a lot of interesting things about Elbrus. In the hospitable company, time flew quickly; it was already getting dark outside. It's time to go down to camp at 3700. Upon arrival, we hide all electronic devices inside the sleeping bag - they can get damaged in the cold. Day six. Having left ourselves only enough food and gas for a day, we have no other option but to go with all our luggage to the upper camp. We walked from “Barrels” to “Shelter” with large backpacks. It’s good that the weather is cloudy; walking under the scorching rays of the sun would be much more difficult. We mentally thank the weather. With faces expressing the wisdom “He who knows life is in no hurry,” we slowly crawl up to our next stop.

Meanwhile, the fog is thickening, so a decision is made - first set up camp, and only then pick up your “drop-off”. The place was simply magnificent! Not far from the Shelter, at an altitude of 4150, there are large and flat areas where you can place at least a company of soldiers. We were very lucky - a few hours earlier the group had left this place, freeing up a perfectly prepared place for a tent. What a wonderful wall! Thanks to it, we don’t feel the wind at all.

So far everything is going very well, although in the details there is again a lack of a guide. At the transition “Bochki” - “Shelter” we did not put on either crampons or climbing shoe covers (special insulated covers for shoes), since this section does not present any technical difficulty. But the snow plowed by snowcats melts during the day, since even at this altitude in clear weather above-zero temperatures prevail. Because of this, the entire path turns into a squelching and slurping mess, which not a single membrane on the shoes can cope with. As a result, we get thoroughly wet feet at an altitude of more than 4000 m. There is nowhere and nothing to dry our shoes with...

Regardless of the weather, it is impossible to violate the canons of acclimatization. The rule “climb high and sleep low” must be followed. Therefore, we warm ourselves and go upstairs in conditions of almost zero visibility. Snow groomers (snow rolling equipment) regularly travel up to a height of 5080 m, leaving behind trenches about 20 meters wide. Along the sides of these trenches there are red flags every 10-12 meters indicating the direction of movement. It is simply impossible to stray from such a path. Having reached the lower limit of the Pastukhov rocks (4550 m), we understand that this is worth stopping at. At least today. Visibility is no more than 10 m, there is a strong wind, and the time is already approaching sunset. It's time to go back down. Day seven. The first night at an altitude of over 4000 m above sea level went well. We slept very soundly; altitude sickness had not yet made itself felt. Climbers from the neighboring tents told us how to dry our shoes - we need to sleep with them in our arms. Yes, it’s unpleasant, but it’s very effective. Tested on. It was quite warm at night, the thermometer dropped only to -6 degrees Celsius. The next morning Elbrus reveals itself to us in all its grandeur! It seems that you can run to the top in a few hours. What a deceptive illusion, because it’s one and a half kilometers away, in altitude, of course... Up to 4600, the altitude is practically not felt, at 4700 severe shortness of breath appears, and walking becomes very difficult. At an altitude of 4900 we turn into robots. We walk “automatically”. In such conditions, if you suddenly slow down, a feeling of suffocation is guaranteed for half a minute. Attempts to restore breathing by taking a deep breath are futile. There is still not enough air. Remembering the words of A.V. Suvorov, “It’s hard to learn, easy to fight,” we continue to move.

We decide today, at all costs, to cross the 5000 m mark. No sooner said than done. The last “take-off” completely exhausts our strength - the speed does not exceed 1 km/h. Every step is given with incredible difficulty! I have to “pull myself out” with my hands, leaning on poles, and for the first time in my life Kostya regrets that he didn’t take trekking poles. How useful they would be to him now! Almost five hours later from the moment we left the camp, we reach the end of the “snow groomer boulevard” - at an altitude of 5080 m! This is the beginning of the “oblique shelf” - the traverse of the slope Eastern peak towards the saddle. The snowcat does not go further than this place.

We are at an altitude of more than five kilometers! What a view! Below us is a cloudy ocean, from which the highest peaks of the Main Caucasian Range “stick out” with snowy peaks. It was worth the effort spent getting up. By studying the rocks located directly above us, we compare recommendations for descending from the saddle with the actual location of objects when it is impossible to find the “oblique shelf” due to poor visibility. To the left and right of us there are massive glaciers and multi-meter cracks gape. And again we see the Semyorka glacier. Now we are one and a half kilometers higher than him! As we go down, the weather noticeably improves and rewards us with beautiful sunset panoramas. Having descended to the camp, I understand that the first signs of altitude sickness or “miner sickness” are catching up with me. Kostya feels great, but my condition is completely different - my head is cracking like a transformer box, in addition there is a strong nosebleed (after all, the body cannot withstand such pressure changes), which can only be stopped with vasoconstrictors. The consequences of exposure to altitude affect each person exclusively individually. Some have a headache, some have a stomach ache, some have no appetite, and some don’t care at all, although, of course, there is a certain, most common “package of consequences.” And I’m very tired today (after all, we climbed to an altitude of more than five thousand!), and it’s simply impossible to fall asleep - the transformer in my head still doesn’t want to shut up, and on top of that I’ve added increased nervousness. I don’t know whether this was a consequence of the headache or a separate symptom, but I snapped at Kostya, cursing him for no reason whatsoever. When I realized that the “miner” was speaking in me, I had to make a lot of apologies to my comrade. Attempts to turn off this infernal chatter with aspirin and citramone were unsuccessful. Another hour of agony. It was possible to plunge into the world of dreams only after taking a double dose of sleeping pills.

Elbrus is the most famous mountain in the world. She is an object everyone's attention, a dream for people who prefer extreme sports, and an object of admiration for tourists. Almost every traveler knows where Mount Elbrus is located, and therefore dreams of going to the distant and unexplored Caucasus.

For many, the Caucasus is the territory that is worth visiting. After all, everyone knows that it is here that you can feel complete freedom from the hustle and bustle and fully enjoy, truly, incredible landscapes. For a long time, it was considered the place on Earth that could be called “paradise.” Nature has rewarded the area with unusually beautiful relief and diversity. flora. The air here is clean and transparent, which is the main feature of this territory.

The Caucasus is mountainous region Eurasia, which has a whole variety of amazing places, but perhaps the most famous of them is Elbrus. This mountain has already become business card» area, since it is precisely this area that attracts many tourists. It is worth noting that the country is divided into two parts - South and North, conventionally called two half-worlds. Of course, the two parts are united by common traditions and culture, but tourist attendance is different.

What is the famous mountain?

The formation of this point began more than 218 thousand years ago. Since that ancient and forgotten time, lava and tuff have erupted 15 times. It’s impossible to say whether it’s a lot or a little, but it was they who gave humanity such an extraordinary gift.

Elbrus is a stratovolcano in the Caucasus, it is called the highest point in Russia. It is one of the Great Seven of the world's most famous peaks. Its location is unique, since it is located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Externally, it is a double-peaked cone-shaped volcano that has not erupted for a very, very long time ( last eruption dates back to 50 AD. e.).

Each nationality has its own name for the volcano mountain, which, increasingly, in translation means “height”, “elevation”, “highest point”. Such definitions are not accidental, because they are based on the coordinates of the height above sea level. By the way, the exact height of the mountain was first determined back in 1883. This was done by the famous academician and scientist V.K. Vishnevsky. He indicated and recorded data according to which Mount Elbrus has a height of 5421 m. These figures became unchanged, because no transformations were observed in the volcano. Until this time, accurate data simply did not exist.

It should be noted that the mountain remained an object of research for a long time, each new ascent gave everything new information, which was recorded in the necessary documentation. Today this place is interesting for various reasons, so let’s find out where Mount Elbrus is located on the map of Russia and how can an ordinary traveler find it?

Correct coordinates

Of course this place is famous local residents, and you can easily find the treasured mountain. But, in order not to worry, it is better to find out about everything in detail before the trip. First you need to find general information about the place you are interested in, then analyze the territory and note the data you need.

Many travelers have developed a search pattern that is based on data from cartographic sources. From them you will know that Elbrus is located in the Caucasus, exactly 130 kilometers west of the city of Nalchik, within the northern part of the Main Caucasus Ridge. To find where Elbrus is located on the map, you don’t need special knowledge and skills, since the most detailed maps and well-known routes. It won’t be difficult for you to find the object, it will be much more difficult to conquer it, and therefore we will continue our preparation.

About methods of transportation

Depending on what you are going to travel on, you need to choose the right approach to the mountain. Since this place is specific and not close to civilization, there is no better means of transportation than a car. Further, the route will be on foot, as expected leisure. There is another option - to travel by bus, but it is only suitable for large excursion groups. If you are traveling with a small group of like-minded people, then a car would still be more appropriate.

Where to start climbing?

Of course, everyone has their own rules and principles for relaxation, but when it comes to Elbrus, the village of Azau is considered the first point of departure. Experts recommend acclimatizing and spending some time here (1-2 days), and then hitting the road.

Remember that the best time to get to the mountain is in the summer, when there are no obstacles on the way. The period from September to September is a unique time in every sense and it is best suited for every tourist.

Regarding July and August, it must be said that this is the optimal period due to the fact that the weather is incredibly warm and stable, there is no dampness, rain or any noticeable temperature changes. But sometimes surprises happen, and therefore you should be prepared for anything in advance, because the Caucasian weather is very often unpredictable, remember this. For this reason, when planning a route, one extra day is always included. A winter climb is possible, but the weather is against you here as it can be very cold at this time of year, down to -40 at the summit.

Many return here at other times of the year, after the first ascent, to appreciate the beauty in other contrasts. For others, coming here becomes a challenge, since the low air temperature becomes an obstacle. It is important to note that it is always beautiful here, only in its own way. Different time makes it possible to see unique features that would be invisible in another season. Also remember that there are always a lot of tourists here, so you won’t be alone.

Mountain coordinates:

43.3469353 north latitude

42.4528694 east longitude.

Unsolved mystery

There is one main question When Elbrus wakes up and whether this will happen in the future, scientists have not yet given an answer. This means that climbing it will be possible for a long time, so it’s time to start your preparations for such an amazing point on our planet. After all, if an eruption takes place, the danger will be incredible. Firstly, there will be a release of ash and lava, and the possibility of unprecedented flooding from melting glaciers will increase.

Elbrus is a mountain that really knows how to bewitch, both climbers seeking to conquer the next peak, and the most ordinary travelers who annually come to its foot to feel all the power and strength of the stone peak. And of course, no one is disappointed.

This article will tell you not only about which mountains Elbrus is located in, but will also introduce readers to its features, the secret of its name, myths and legends.

Section 1. General description of the geographical object

Elbrus is a mountain rightfully considered the highest point Russian Federation, located in the northern part on the border of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

Due to the fact that the exact border between Europe and Asia has not yet been established, the mountain is sometimes equated to the highest European mountain peak and is classified as one of the “Seven Summits”. Perhaps some time will pass and geographers will finally resolve this dispute, but for now it is known for certain that Elbrus is a mountain that is a so-called double-peaked stratovolcano. Its cone-shaped peaks were formed on an ancient volcanic base, and from a geological point of view, both peaks are absolutely independent volcanoes, each of which has a classic shape and a clearly defined crater.

Caucasus Mountains... Elbrus... These places are actually famous for their ancient history. Few people know that age is determined by the condition of the upper part, which, for example, highest peak Russia is destroyed by a vertical fault. It was also possible to establish the date of the last eruption: it happened around the 50s AD. e.

Section 2. The mystery of the name of the peak

Perhaps, the question of where Mount Elbrus is located, even with a little thought, will be answered by an ordinary average schoolchild, but few know about the etymology of the name.

In general, it should be noted that this peak has several names at once. In total there are more than a dozen of them.

Today it is quite difficult to determine which of the names appeared earlier and which later. The modern name of this mountain, according to one version, comes from the Iranian “Aitibares”, which translated into Russian means “ high mountain"or "brilliant" (a variant from the Zend language). In Karachay-Balkar the peak is called “Mingi-tau”, which is translated into Russian as “mountain of thousands”. However, there are Balkars who call it a little differently - “Minge-tau”, which means “mountain saddled”. Modern representatives of this nation also say “Elbrus-tau” - “the mountain around which the wind swirls.”

Among the many names of the stratovolcano, the name “Jinpadishah” is also distinguished, which in translation from Turkic sounds like “lord of spirits”, “Orfi-tub” (Abkhazian) - “mountain of the blessed”, or “Yal-buz” (Georgian) - “snowy mane".

Section 3. What is the height of Mount Elbrus?

Perhaps this question has interested many curious people at least once in their lives. But the answer is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Why? It's all about the features of its structure.

As noted above, Elbrus is a mountain consisting of two cone-shaped peaks. The height of the western is 5642 meters, and the eastern is 5621 meters. The saddle separating them rises above the surface by 5300 meters, and the distance from each other is about 3000 meters.

The size of Elbrus was first determined by Russian academician V.K. Vishnevsky in 1813.

Let us remind you that today the highest peak in the world is considered (Chomolungma), whose height is 8848 meters, in comparison with which our mountain peak looks tiny.

Section 4. Severity of the local climate

Mount Elbrus... Climbing to its peak is often dreamed of by both experienced climbers and beginners. However, this cannot be done at any time. It is considered the most favorable summer period, July August.

At this time, the weather is most stable and safer for visiting such heights. The air temperature in summer rarely drops below -9 °C, although during the rise it can easily drop to -30 °C.

From October to April there is a harsh and cold winter in these places. During the cold season, visiting the peak is almost impossible, and climbing it is tantamount to suicide.

Section 5. Volcanic activity

Elbrus is amazing and unique. Description of the mountain takes too much time, because each time more and more interesting features are discovered.

In this article we will touch only on the most little-known ones. Geological studies of this extinct volcano have shown the presence of layers containing volcanic ash, which was formed as a result of ancient eruptions. Based on the first layer, scientists have proven that the very first eruption of Elbrus occurred about 45 thousand years ago. The second layer was formed after Kazbek. It happened approximately 40 thousand years ago.

It is now known for certain that it was after this second, most powerful even by modern standards, eruption that the Neanderthals, who settled in local caves, left these lands and went in search of more favorable conditions for life.

The most recent eruption of the Elbrus volcano occurred about 2000 years ago (50s AD).

Section 6. Legends of Elbrus

In general, the Caucasus Mountains, Elbrus in particular, are shrouded in many of the most amazing and mysterious legends and myths.

One of these tales tells that in time immemorial there lived a father and son - Kazbek and Elbrus. Both of them fell in love with one beautiful girl, whose name was Mashuk. Only the girl could not make a choice between two glorious heroes. For a long time, father and son competed, not wanting to give in to each other, and a mortal duel ensued between them. They fought until Elbrus defeated his father. But, realizing his terrible act, the son turned gray with grief. He no longer wanted love, gained at the cost of his life. loved one, and Elbrus turned away from the beautiful Mashuk, a little later stabbing himself with the same dagger with which he killed his father.

The beautiful Mashuk wept for a long time and bitterly over the knights and said that there were no such heroes in the whole earth, and that it was hard for her to live in this world without seeing them.

God heard her moaning and turned Kazbek and Elbrus into high mountains, more beautiful and higher than which there are no other mountains in the Caucasus. He turned the beautiful Mashuk into a smaller mountain. And now, from century to century, day after day, the stone girl stands and looks at the mighty peaks, never deciding which of the two heroes is closer and dearer to her stone heart...

Section 7. History of great conquests

In 1829, led by the leader of the scientific expedition, Georgy Emmanuel, the first ascent of Elbrus was made. The members of this expedition were mainly representatives of the scientific community: physicists, botanists, zoologists, geologists, etc. They conquered eastern part Elbrus and went down in history as the discoverers of one of the largest peaks of our planet Earth.

The first to climb Elbrus was Kilar Khachirov, a guide. A few years later she was conquered and more high peak this mountain is the western one. An expedition organized by English climbers, led by Florence Grove, made a trip to the western part of Elbrus in 1874. The very first person to climb to its peak was also a guide, a Balkarian, Akhii Sottaev, a participant in the first expedition.

Later, a man appeared who managed to conquer both peaks of Elbrus. It was the Russian topographer A.V. Pastukhov. He was able to climb the western peak in 1890, and the eastern one in 1896. The same person compiled detailed maps of Elbrus.

It should be noted that the stratovolcano is still the most popular mountain among climbers from all over the world. To climb to its peak, climbers spend an average of about one week.

But nowadays you can use the cable car, which makes the journey much easier and saves time.

At an altitude of about 3750 m there is the Barrels shelter, from where the ascent to Elbrus now usually begins. This shelter has six-person insulated barrel-shaped trailers and a specially equipped kitchen. At a level of 4100 meters, the highest mountain hotel in the world is located - “Shelter of the Eleven”.

Section 8. Stone mushrooms on Elbrus

Elbrus is a mountain that knows how to captivate travelers with its natural features, for example, unique rock formations called Rock Mushrooms.

Until now, no one knows why these stones were popularly called mushrooms, and such sculptures are no longer seen anywhere in the Caucasus. On a small flat area (250 x 100 m) a couple of dozen of these “mushrooms” are picturesquely scattered. In many of them you can see indentations.

Perhaps our ancestors used them for some religious purposes. Particularly impressive are the stones that resemble a face looking up. Many people believe that this is a place with very strong positive energy, and even the weather here is very abnormal.

Section 9. Museum of Defense of the Elbrus Region

The Defense Museum is the highest mountain museum in the world. It is located at an altitude of 3500 meters from sea level.

The uniqueness of the exhibition also lies in the fact that it is not limited only to the building, but continues in the surrounding area.

This institution has been operating since January 1, 1972. Its development and preservation of the collections are always monitored by a researcher and two employees.

The collection contains more than 270 items. It should be noted that during the Second World War, the highest mountain front was located in the Elbrus region. Fierce battles were fought in these places, which the Nazis tried to capture in order to get to Transcaucasia.

Photo-documentary materials of these events have been kept in this museum for many years. The Elbrus Defense Museum is an organization of regional subordination, in which cultural and mass work is carried out.

Section 10. Interesting facts about the mountain

  • In 1956, in honor of the 400th anniversary of Kabardino-Balkaria, a group of 400 climbers were able to simultaneously climb Mount Elbrus.
  • In 1998, the building of the Shelter of Eleven hotel burned down in a fire. Today, local authorities are building a new one on the site of the old wooden building.
  • In 1991, Outside Magazine named Shelter of Eleven's toilet the worst toilet in the world. This is not surprising, given the fact that thousands of mountain tourists and climbers from all over the world have used this place for certain purposes for years.
  • Elbrus is rightfully considered one of the most dangerous peaks peace. Accidents are very common when climbing a mountain. In 2004 alone, 48 extreme skiers and climbers died.
  • In 1997, for the first time, a specially equipped and modified Land Rover car was able to climb to the top of Elbrus. The man who drove this car is Russian traveler A. Abramov.
  • Mount Elbrus is one of the “Seven Summits”; in addition to it, the list includes: Aconcagua in South America, Chomolungma in Asia, McKinley in North America, Vinson Massif in Antarctica, Kilimanjaro in Africa, Puncak and Jaya in Oceania and Australia.
  • There are also 22 glaciers on Elbrus, in which three Baksan and Malka originate.
  • Sometimes from the top of Elbrus climbers can immediately see the Black and Caspian Sea. This depends on air pressure and temperature, due to which the viewing radius increases significantly.
  • In 2008, Mount Elbrus was recognized as one of the

Blessed is the mountain, the sparkling mountain, the mountain of joy, the pearl of the Caucasus, whatever names one of the highest mountains of Russia and Europe is called. But in reference books and guidebooks we know it under the name Elbrus, which from the Balkar language means “a mountain around which the wind swirls.” The fact is that the Balkar tribes who lived at the foot of the mountain often noticed the so-called “Elbrus whirlwinds” - these are masses of air visible to the human eye, which seem to be twisted into a horn.

Mount Elbrus: description, photo, video

Elbrus is a volcano with two peaks that died out two thousand years ago. The western peak has a height of 5641, the height of the north is 5621 (a difference of twenty meters). To help you imagine the height more clearly, we inform you that Elbrus is 4400 meters higher and 2300 meters higher. The first ascent to the summit took place on July 22, 1829, led by Georg Emmanuel. Despite the fact that since the discovery of this by scientists, it is considered extinct, gas eruptions have recently been noticed, which may indicate that the volcano is only dormant.

But tectologists are confident that an eruption could theoretically occur only in a couple of thousand years, and the obvious processes of gas eruption are only the beginning of a long process of awakening the volcano. And the current prospects for an eruption do not prevent tourists from all over the world from visiting one of the largest and beautiful mountains Europe.

The air on Elbrus is of high purity and crystal clear, thanks to which it offers views of two seas that are nearby: and. Experienced climbers always warn: Elbrus is a two-faced mountain with a changeable character. At an altitude of 3756 meters (where the cable car leads), the weather can be warm and little windy, but after a couple of hours of ascent it changes sharply and the ascent can become very difficult. Therefore, you must always be prepared for the manifestations of this miracle mountain, because the climb is worth it.

It is also worth separately noting the territory of the Elbrus region. During the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles took place here, in which the Edelweiss special forces division took part. This division brought together the toughest soldiers of the Wehrmacht, who had previously served and trained in mountainous areas. Interestingly, Hitler himself considered the operation to capture Elbrus and raise the flag on its top a waste of effort and resources.

Panorama of Mount Elbrus

First attempts Soviet army in August 1942 the liberation of Elbrus was in vain. The fighters had neither special equipment nor alpine skills and were doomed. There were several attempts to storm Elbrus and liberate the Shelter of Eleven, the Ice Base and the 105th picket, but only at the end of the 42nd with the joint efforts of the NKVD, aviation and special forces. A group of soldiers with mountaineering skills and the proper equipment managed to dislodge the Edelweiss from Elbrus and raise the Soviet flag at its peak. Monuments to our fallen heroes testify to these battles in the Elbrus region.

Today, the Elbrus region is one of the most developed tourist regions in the Caucasus; due to the number of tourists, this territory is among the ten most popular and visited in the world.

Where is Mount Elbrus located?

Elbrus is located on the border of two republics: Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, within the northern part of the Main Caucasus Range.

Mount Elbrus on the map

Coordinates of Mount Elbrus on the map:

  • Latitude — 34°69′35′′
  • Longitude — 45°28′69′′

The volcano mountain is located 130 kilometers west of the city of Nalchik.

How to get to Mount Elbrus

As a rule, most travelers prefer to join or form tourist groups. These groups are transported by excursion bus to the towns of Neutrino, Terskol, Tegenekli, Elbrus and Baidaevo. These villages, as well as the Elbrus-Azau and Cheget ski resorts, are located along the main route. Also, you will not have any difficulty getting to them by car. There are no other options today.

When is the best time to visit Mount Elbrus?

As mentioned above, Elbrus has unstable weather conditions, which change quite sharply and quickly. It’s as if he’s trying to prevent the climber from reaching the top, testing him: with a nosy, cold wind, the smell of hydrogen sulfide, and fatigue. Therefore, people with poor health are highly discouraged from starting such a climb, and everyone else must use the services of a professional guide, due to the need to undergo training.

As for the optimal season for climbing, experienced climbers say that summer is best for beginners. Then the ascent conditions are a little milder, the daylight hours are longer, and the temperature is within normal limits. The only significant obstacle is the fairly frequent thunderstorms in this area, from which it is difficult to find shelter. Therefore, carefully study the weather forecast, and try not to start climbing on a day when there is supposed to be a thunderstorm.


The volcano mountain itself and the Elbrus region are quite tourist developed. This resort is in no way inferior to its Himalayan and Alpine counterparts. Of course, he has his own Slavic characteristics. On its territory there are a number of hotels of various price categories, and several ski resorts. So, even without planning a climb, you'll have a great time skiing some of the longest ski runs in Europe, or reflecting in the local spas. In general, there is something to do.

At your discretion, at an altitude of 4110 meters, there is the most high mountain hotel in a world called "Shelter of Eleven". From the cable car (height 3750 meters) there is a path to this hotel. If you wish, you can use the lift, and then walk to it.

What to see in the area

What else is interesting in the vicinity of Elbrus and is a must-see? Mount Cheget, which is located on the opposite side of Elbrus and offers views of the entire volcano. By the way, most of the presented photographs of Elbrus were taken either from or from Mount Cheget.

The Baksan River is one of three rivers that flow from the glaciers of Elbrus with a beautiful azure hue of water. Visit blue Lakes Nalchik is one of the favorite attractions of local residents.

It doesn’t matter for what purpose you are going to this mountain: to visit places of military glory, test yourself in climbing, walk around the outskirts of Elbrus, or just relax at local resorts and go skiing Elbrus will entice you. It will interest, entice and leave behind the memory of a proud and self-sufficient mountain, the highest mountain in Europe and one of the seven wonders of Russia.

And if he allows you to climb, if you can climb to the highest point of Elbrus, the view that will open before you will be worth not only the effort and money spent, but also a new ascent, because according to the statistics, 6 out of 10 people who climbed Elbrus for the first time , do it again.

Elbrus is a large stratovolcano, composed of layers of lava and volcanic ash. It has a conical shape with two peaks located at approximately the same height. The western peak of Elbrus rises 5642 meters above sea level, the eastern peak is slightly lower, at 5621 meters. The peaks are separated by a flat saddle about 5,300 meters above sea level and are located three kilometers from each other.

Elbrus is considered an extinct volcano, but the last eruption occurred not so long ago from a geological point of view - at the beginning of our era, approximately in the first or second century.

There are several versions about the origin of the mountain. According to one of them, “Elbrus” means “high mountain” or “sparkling mountain” in Iranian. The Karachais and Balkars, who have been living in the Caucasus in the Elbrus area for a long time, call this volcano Mingi-tau, which translates as “eternal mountain”.

Geographical location of Elbrus

The Caucasus Mountains are divided into two parts: the Greater and Lesser Caucasus. Big Caucasus ridge passes on the Russian border with other southern countries(Georgia, Azerbaijan) from the Black to the Caspian Sea. The territory of the Greater Caucasus on the Russian side is divided into several republics and regions: Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan, North Ossetia. Elbrus is located on the border of the Kabardino-Balkarian and Karachay-Cherkess Republics.

A few kilometers south of the foot of the volcano lies the Russian border with Georgia.

The mountain is located in the northern part of the ridge at a distance from the other peaks, so it is clearly visible from all sides of the Ciscaucasia - the double-headed cone is visible even a hundred kilometers away. Elbrus is between the central and western Caucasus. West Side mountain system runs from Elbrus to Black Sea coast, the central one lies between this peak and Kazbek.

The volcano is surrounded by several gorges - Adylsu, Adyrsu, Shkheldy, glacial massifs and mountains. The area at the foot of Elbrus and in the area of ​​the upper reaches of the Baksan River, which is part of the Terek basin, is called Elbrus. This resort region and a protected area with unique natural beauty, sources of healing mineral water and excellent opportunities for skiing and hiking holidays.

The borders between Europe and Asia are not precisely defined, and if we consider the Caucasus Range to be the border, then Elbrus is highest point Europe. Otherwise, that title belongs to Mont Blanc in the Alps.

Elbrus is one of the highest mountains in the world, located in the northern part of the Greater Caucasus mountain system, in the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria. This is the highest peak in Russia and is often considered one of the highest. mountain peaks Europe (the so-called “Seven Summits” list).

Location of Elbrus

Mount Elbrus is located between the republics of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. The mountain has a double peak, the western one has a height of 5642m, and the eastern one – 5621m.
. The mountain has two peaks, one of which is slightly higher. Scientists believe that there were two significant eruptions in the history of the mountain, and rocks Elbrus, according to research, is approximately 2 or 3 million years old. Analysis of volcanic ash showed that the first eruption occurred about 45 thousand years ago, and the second about 40 thousand years ago.

Despite the fact that the mountain is very high, it is relatively easy to climb; it does not require exceptional qualifications, as, for example, for, and quite a lot of people try to do it. Up to 4 thousand meters the slopes of the mountain are moderately flat, but beyond that a serious climb begins. The steepness of the slopes can reach 35 degrees! Ascents are made to both the Eastern and Western peaks.

How is the ascent going?

Usually the ascent begins from the village of Azau, which is located in the upper part of the Beksan Valley. Here tourists spend about a couple of nights in order to acclimatize to the altitude and not suffer from “gornyashka” - mountain sickness associated with thin air and unusual atmospheric pressure.

On the first day, people usually go to the Pastukhov Rocks, and on the second day they schedule the climb itself. They leave the camp at about 2 am. First they go to the Pastukhov rocks, and then they reach the saddle of the mountain, where the routes are divided in the direction of the Eastern and Western peaks. A little rest in the saddle - and tourists move on to climb one of the peaks of Elbrus.

History of Elbrus

Stunning beauty mountain landscapes, as well as the mountain itself - since ancient times, all this has been the reason that people from all over the world came to the Elbrus region. The history of Elbrus climbers is proud of the names of the most worthy climbers, starting from the 19th century. Among them there are both domestic mountain lovers and foreign ones.

The peak of Elbrus's popularity came in the 60s, when mountaineering was especially popular in the USSR. In the Beksan Gorge, the road was even paved, and several mountaineering and tourist bases were built in the vicinity of the mountain.

Today this place is also popular as ski resort. People make descents from the slopes of Elbrus and Cheget - this is a mountain located nearby, it also belongs to the Greater Caucasus system.

On the territory of the Elbrus region there is a national natural Park, created with the aim of preserving the nature of Kabardino-Balkaria. All conditions are created in the park so that people can relax in an organized and comfortable manner.

Elbrus is the most high mountain In Russian federation. Its height is 5642 meters. The mountain is located on the border of two regions - Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

History of Elbrus

The study of Elbrus began in the 19th century. The first scientific expedition visited Elbrus in 1829. Part of the expedition only reached a height of 4800 m. They carved the number 1829 and the St. George's Cross on the stones. Only the Kabardian Killar reached the top. He was proclaimed as the first climber of Elbrus. In honor of this event, cast iron boards with an inscription were cast, which are currently kept in the Pyatigorsk Museum.

The first mention of the mountain was found in the “Book of Victories,” which was written by the Persian historian and poet Sharaf ad-Din Yazdi. The book tells about Khan Tamerlane, who climbed to the top of the mountain during military campaigns.

In 1942, the Germans, after an intensified war at the foot of Elbrus, erected Nazi banners on the top of the mountain and renamed it “Hitler Peak”. But in the winter of 1943, Soviet troops drove the Nazis out of the slopes of the Greater Caucasus and placed Soviet flags on the top.

general information

Elbrus - dormant volcano. The name comes from the Iranian word "Aitibares" - high mountain. Elbrus, which was formed about a million years ago, consists of lava, tuff and ash. The western and northern slopes are strewn with plumbs and rocks. The southern and eastern slopes are more even and gentle. The last time the volcano erupted was 2 thousand years ago. Nowadays there are eternal glaciers on the peaks of Elbrus and their area is approximately 140 square meters. km. Because of this, the mountain is even called Little Antarctica. In the spring, when melting from glaciers, they form water flows, which feed the Baksanu, Malke and Kuban rivers

Elbrus is a “sleeping” volcano, but life inside it is in full swing. It is from its bowels and depths that the famous springs of Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Narzan and Mineralnye Vody. The masses seething inside the volcano saturate local springs with mineral salts and carbon dioxide and heat the water temperature to +60°C.

The slopes of Elbrus are a favorite place for athletes and tourists. The middle of the mountain can be reached by using a cable car. Next, at an altitude of 3500 m, is located


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