Active volcanoes: in pursuit of extreme sports. Volcanoes of the world: active and extinct volcanoes

The volcano is one of the most beautiful, unexpected and terrible mysteries of nature. There are more than two hundred of them on Earth, and each one amazes with its height and power. Even volcanoes that are considered extinct cannot be trusted, because one day they can “wake up” and start erupting lava. Which of all active volcanoes is considered the highest? Where are they most? We will talk about this and much more in this article.

The area with the most active volcanoes

A volcano is a crack in the earth’s crust through which ash, steam, fiery lava, and gases are ejected. The appearance of the volcano resembles a mountain. Why are volcanoes divided into active and extinct?

If the slightest activity has been recorded in human history giant mountain, which means the volcano is considered active. It doesn't have to erupt. By activity we mean even if it simply emits steam and ash once every hundred years.

Many active volcanoes are located in the Malay Archipelago, which is geographically adjacent to Asia and Australia. Russia also has a dangerous zone of active volcanoes. It is located in Kamchatka with capture Kuril Islands. According to scientists, at least 60 volcanoes show signs of activity there every year.

The largest volcano in the world

Mauna Loa is the name of the giant, which in size surpassed all other volcanoes in the world. It is located in Hawaii. Translated from the local language, the volcano is called “Long Mountain”.

The giant's activity was first recorded in 1843. Since then, it has erupted 33 times, making it perhaps the most active volcano on the planet. Last eruption happened in 1984. Then lava covered 30 thousand acres of land. After the eruption, the territory of Hawaii increased by almost 200 hectares.

Above sea level, Mauna Lao has a height of 4,169 m, and if you count the height from the very center, you get almost 9 thousand m. This is even higher than the highest high mountain world - Everest.

Mauna Lao is not only the largest, but also the most powerful volcano. 75 thousand cubic km - this is its total volume.

Tallest active volcano in the world

In this part, even scientists have divided opinions. As for the height above sea level, there is no doubt, the highest is the Llullaillaco volcano - 6,723 m. It is located in the Andes between Chile and Argentina. Its last eruption was recorded in 1877.

Another part of the scientists gives the laurels of championship to another volcano located in the Andes, but on the territory of Ecuador - Cotopaxi. Its height above sea level is slightly lower than its competitor - 5,897 m. However, its last eruption was in 1942. And it was much more powerful than the eruption of Llullaillaco.

All scientists agree on one thing - Cotopaxi is the most beautiful volcano. It has an elegant crater and incredibly beautiful greenery at the foot. However, such beauty is very deceptive. Over the past 300 years, 10 powerful eruptions have been recorded. All 10 times, the city of Latacunga, which is located near the foot of the giant, was completely destroyed.

The most famous volcanoes in the world

Despite the fact that the previous volcanoes are the largest and most beautiful, few have heard of them. But there are two leaders that are known to everyone since school lessons - Fuji, Vesuvius and Kilimanjaro.

Fuji is located in Asia, on the island of Honshu, not far from the Japanese capital. Since ancient times, local residents have elevated the volcano to a cult. It rises 3,776 m above sea level and has beautiful contours. The last powerful eruption was recorded in 1707.

Vesuvius – active volcano in the southern part of Italy. By the way, this is one of the three active volcanoes in the country. Although Vesuvius is not as high as other volcanoes (only 1,281 m above sea level), it is considered one of the most dangerous. It was he who completely destroyed Pompeii, as well as Herculaneum and Stabiae. Its last eruption occurred in 1944. Then the cities of San Sebastiano and Massa were completely destroyed by lava.

Kilimanjaro is not only the highest African volcano, but also the most high point on the continent. Scientists believe that the history of Kilimanjaro goes back two million years. The volcano is located 300 m south of the Equator. Despite this, a large number of glaciers have accumulated at its foot.

The tallest extinct volcano in the world

The tallest extinct volcano is also located on the territory of two countries - Chile and Argentina. The peak of the Ojos del Salado volcano (translated from Spanish as “Salty Eyes”) is located on the Chilean side. The height of the peak is 6,891 m above sea level.

In the entire history of human existence, Ojos del Salado has never erupted. There were several cases where it emitted water vapor and sulfur. The last time such a case was noticed was in 1993.

This fact made many scientists think about whether Ojos del Salado should be included in the ranks of active volcanoes? If this happens, it will become the tallest active volcano in the world.

Today there are several hundred active volcanoes on our planet; among all this diversity there are both the most powerful and largest, and the highest. Each of the volcanoes has one important characteristic that unites them all - they have great potential and power. Volcanoes rise majestically above the ground from several hundred to several thousand meters above the ground.

In addition, volcanoes have two unpleasant characteristics - they are very dangerous and unpredictable.


We can probably safely say that the most massive among its relatives in the whole world is located in Hawaii and has the name Mauna Loa. Indeed, it can be called a real giant, and it occupies a huge area on Hawaiian Islands. Firstly, this volcano can scare anyone with its gigantic size, and secondly, today it is the most active volcano in the world. The first eruption of Mauna Loa recorded by people occurred in 1843, since then there have been 43 such eruptions.

The last time a fairly powerful eruption occurred was in the 20th century, namely in 1984. It was then that a huge amount of lava poured out of the crater of the volcano; it covered an area of ​​more than 12 thousand hectares of land. Also, solidified lava significantly increased the area of ​​the island itself. Mauna Loa rises 4,170 meters above sea level, but do not forget that the volcano goes under water for a similar distance. Therefore, if you combine the height above sea level and the depth below sea level, it turns out that this particular volcano is the highest, and also that it is the most big mountain on the planet. According to this total indicator, Mauna Loa even surpasses the famous Jomalungma.

Among a large number of scientists, there is an opinion that Llullaillaco should be considered the most massive volcano on Earth, and we are talking about volcanoes that are currently active. This volcano is located in the Andes, and more specifically, among the Argentine and Chilean Andes. Llullaillaco has a height of 6723 meters; the last time it awoke was in 1877, but all local residents remembered this eruption.

Llullaillaco volcano

But there is disagreement among scientists about which volcano should be called the largest. For example, some believe that the tallest and most big volcano located in South America, near the equator. This actually means a huge volcano called Cotopaxi, whose height is 5879 meters. Despite its lower altitude than Llullaillaco, the Cotopaxi volcano has more rich story eruptions, the last time this happened was in 1942.

Cotopaxi volcano

And if Cotopaxi cannot be called the most big volcano on Earth, then he definitely deserves the epithet “most beautiful”. Judge for yourself - at the foot there is simply an abundance of green vegetation of the tropical jungle, and the top of the volcano is covered with a white snow cap. Of course, like the entire family of volcanoes, Cotopaxi is also quite dangerous, since during the entire period of observation it woke up more than a dozen times and erupted a huge amount of lava from its crater. During one of these eruptions, the city of Latacunga was completely destroyed.


If we talk about such a characteristic as height, then the highest of all volcanoes on Earth is Ojos del Salado. This volcano is located between two countries - Chile and Argentina. In Spanish it translates to “salty tears.” The height of this volcano is 6890 meters above sea level, with the highest peak located on Chilean territory. This cannot but please the citizens of Chile; moreover, they are proud of the presence of such a high volcano in their country.

Various scientists conducted a large number of expeditions to this volcano, conducted a lot of research there, and ultimately came to the unanimous conclusion that Ojos del Salado did not erupt even once. More specifically, we are talking about the last two million years. Despite the fact that the volcano is dormant, as recently as 1993 it released large amounts of sulfur and water vapor into the atmosphere. Therefore, this is not only the most high volcano on the planet, but also the calmest to date.


The most powerful volcanic eruption, documented information about which has survived to this day, is the eruption near the capital of Indonesia - the city of Jakarta. Its inhabitants felt all the fear and power of the volcano. The tragic events occurred back in 1883, it was then, on May 20, that a local volcano called Krakatau awoke. At first, the eruption was manifested by strong underground tremors, the earth literally shook. It is worth noting that Krakatoa itself is located 50 kilometers from Jakarta. Actually, over the course of three months, tremors of varying strength occurred from time to time, but the worst began on August 27, it was on that day that Krakatoa truly woke up.

It began with a terrible explosion; it was even heard by those who were 5 thousand kilometers from the volcano. Then a huge cloud of ash rose into the sky, and the volcano threw it to a height of 30 kilometers. If we talk about the gas-ash column, it flew all the way to the mesosphere. Then a deafening explosion sounded, today it corresponds to a force of 6 points. The ash, which settled for a long time, covered almost the entire territory of Indonesia. The terrible explosion triggered a devastating tsunami, the impact of which killed 37,000 people in one day. Some eyewitnesses claimed that in some areas the wave reached a height of 30 meters.

As a result, the volcanic eruption completely destroyed 165 villages and cities. Huge clouds volcanic ash for several more years they settled throughout the Earth and influenced the climate throughout the planet for two years.

All tourists and travelers are interested in learning about the largest volcano in the world. A volcano is a formation on the surface of the Earth from which magma emerges, forming lava, rocks and volcanic gases. There are a huge number of such formations on our planet. Some of them are considered active because they were active during the historical period.

Many of the volcanoes are extinct and dormant. The latter include those whose eruption is already unlikely, while the former have the possibility of activity. Some volcanoes reach incredible sizes and are distinguished by their extraordinary power and beauty.

Of course, active volcanoes are of great interest to all travelers. They are extremely beautiful and fascinate with their danger of eruption at any moment. Having once seen such a phenomenon, a person receives a lot of incredible impressions that remain in memory for a lifetime. Llullaillaco is considered the highest active volcano in the world. It is located in Argentina in the Peruvian Andes. The height of its peak is 6739 m. The last eruption occurred in 1877.

At the top of this volcano there is eternal glaciation. It is formed in the shape of a cone. This natural formation has been considered an archaeological site since 1999, as human mummies were found on its top. These were the children of the Incas. There is a possibility that they were sacrificed about 500 years ago.

Mauna Loa Volcano

In terms of volume, Mauna Loa is considered the largest active volcano. The height of its peak is 4169 m, and its volume is estimated at 75,000 km. It is located on the island of Hawaii in the USA. The last time an eruption occurred was relatively recent - in 1984.

This volcano, more precisely, its peak and southeastern slope, is part of national park Hawaiian volcanoes. This park is included in the famous List World Heritage UNESCO. Mauna Loa is home to animals and plants called endemics. This means that they have a small habitat. Very often, such animals are considered rare and are therefore listed in the Red Book.

Dangerous volcano Merapi

Most dangerous volcano in the world - this is Merapi. It is located in Indonesia on the island of Java. Major eruptions occur every 7 years. Small eruptions occur twice a year. Many settlements were destroyed by this mountain. Back in 1006, he wiped out the Javanese-Indian kingdom from the face of the Earth, and in 1673 one of the most destructive eruptions occurred. It immediately destroyed several cities and villages that were located at the foot.

In 1930, the volcano also caused major destruction. This eruption killed 1,300 people. After 44 years, Merapi destroyed 2 villages, and a year later - another village, 5 bridges, killing 29 people. Moreover, the eruptions overtook many scientists and tourists. The last activity of the Merapi volcano was recorded in 2010. This time, about 350 thousand people were initially evacuated. Some residents did return. Among them, 353 people died, caught in the flow of volcanic gases, ash and stones.

Volcano with the most powerful eruption in history

This is an active volcano, which demonstrated its most powerful eruption in the 19th century. The volcano is located in Indonesia. Now its height is 813 m. Before its famous eruption in 1883, it was much higher. Moreover, he was one big Island. During the strongest volcanic activity, the main part of the island was destroyed.

The roar from the eruption was heard even 5,000 km from the volcano itself. The volcanic edifice spread over 500 km. The ash rose 30 km, and the gas-ash column - 70 km. Scientists estimated the force of the explosion at 6 points. The result of such a strong eruption was 37,000 deaths and 300 villages destroyed.

There are a lot of different volcanoes in the world, which differ either in their height, or volume, or actions. Some of them are the most dangerous or the oldest. Scientists have not yet compiled an accurate list of volcanoes by their size or degree of danger. Each of them is interesting and unique in its own way. There are volcanoes that are known to every traveler and tourist. The most popular of them are Vesuvius, Fuji, Etna. These are the active volcanoes of the world.

Vesuvius has been attracting tourists for many years. Those who visit Naples usually don't miss the opportunity to admire and even climb it famous volcano. Previously, it was possible to climb the mountain using a funicular, and then a regular ski lift. However, the transport was destroyed by subsequent eruptions. They did not restore it, so this moment The mountain can only be climbed on foot along a hiking trail.

Mount Fuji is located Japanese island Honshu. He is popular tourist place. Residents consider it sacred. The mountain is also a place of religious pilgrimage for Buddhist and Shinto cults. A temple was built on its top. In addition, there is a weather station and even a post office. Scientists believe that Fuji is a weakly active volcano, since the last eruptions occurred at the beginning of the 18th century.

A popular volcano located in Italy is. It has many craters, and from time to time lava erupts from at least one of them. Sometimes Etna's actions are destructive in relation to nearby settlements, but despite this, new residents do not stop settling here. At the foot of the mountain there is very fertile soil, which allows you to grow a variety of vegetables and fruits.

Tourists have the opportunity to visit this extraordinary mountain. You should climb it on foot. You can get to the tourist base by bus. For souvenir lovers, there are shops on the mountain itself where you can buy some kind of souvenir or even a popular 70-proof liqueur.

All these and many other volcanoes are extremely beautiful and interesting for residents, travelers and tourists. Each mountain has its own history. Before climbing any volcano, it is necessary to find out accurate information about its activity and the possibility of eruption, since such natural formations can begin their actions at any time. Therefore, having decided to admire extraordinary beauty volcanoes, protect yourself from accidents.

Volcanoes are not only a fascinating and dangerous sight. Thanks to volcanic activity life began on planet Earth. The atmosphere and hydrosphere appeared due to emissions huge amount carbon dioxide and water vapor. Today, some fire-breathing mountains remain dormant, while others cause trouble and disturbance to humanity.

Volcano Vesuvius. Italy

It is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in Europe. It was he who destroyed several ancient Roman cities, including Pompeii, in August 1979. He wakes up approximately every 20 years. The last time was in 1944.

Volcano Yellowstone Caldera. USA

About a third of the territory of Yellowstone National Park is occupied by an active volcano. Inside, a bubble of magma constantly heats up thermal springs, which manifests itself in the formation of geysers and mud pots.

Volcano Krakatoa. Indonesia

It last erupted in 1883, resulting in the destruction of the island on which the volcano is located. The process lasted from May until the end of August. The victims of the ash and tsunami were 36 thousand people and 259 settlements. Today, a 1.5 km area around the island is closed to the public.

Mauna Loa Volcano. Hawaii

It is the second largest of the megavolcanoes, the top of which is covered with snow from January to March. Sometimes it wakes up and pours out lava flows.

Mount Kilimanjaro. Tanzania, Africa

The volcano consists of 3 extinct peaks. However, scientists discovered that only 400 m below the crater of the mountain there is hot lava. In addition, the centuries-old ice cap that covered the peak has almost melted.

Eyjafjallajokull volcano. Iceland

Not long ago, a volcano paralyzed the work of several European airports. The eruption was rated 4 on the VEI scale. Some researchers believe that the awakening of Eyjafjallajokull could be the trigger for the Katla eruption.

Volcano Cotopaxi. Ecuador

This is the most active volcano. After more than 150 years of silence, Cotopaxi came to life again in 2015. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Volcano Merapi. Java Island

One of the most active volcanoes It erupts at least twice a year, with major eruptions occurring every seven years. Local residents have to evacuate. The top of Merapi smokes non-stop.

Volcano Popocatepetl. Mexico

The most powerful eruption occurred in 2000. It was preceded by 15 years of increased activity fire mountain. In March 2016, Popocatepetl raised a column of steam, gas and ash to a height of 2 km. The cities of Mexico City and Puebla are at risk.

The volcano map shows the most dangerous volcanoes on Earth, which are currently being closely monitored. The following is a description of them with a forecast of possible activity and its consequences. Additionally, volcanoes are marked with a red ring, the eruption of which could have catastrophic consequences for the entire world.

Vesuvius (Italy)

Its proximity to Naples (15 km) makes this volcano deadly for more than three million Italians. It begins its sad fame in the year 79, when the cities of Herculaneum, Stabiae and Pompeii were destroyed during an eruption. Eruptions alternate with fairly long periods of calm. During the XVII – XX centuries. Vesuvius erupted with a period of 30-60 years. The last eruption was recorded in 1944. Scientists are unanimous in the opinion that the “killer of Pompeii” will one day wake up; only the timing and strength of the eruption remain unclear. But this doesn’t seem to bother the frivolous Neapolitans at all.

Galeras (Colombia)

Located near the town of Pasto. The most active volcano in the region. Its activity began about 5 thousand years ago and does not subside to this day. Dangerous eruptions were observed in 2008, 2009, 2010, and each time thousands of people living nearby had to be evacuated.

Galunggung (Indonesia)

Located on the western tip of the island of Java. Its eruptions are very powerful. In 1822, it claimed the lives of 4,000 people, and in 1982 forced the country's authorities to evacuate about 35,000 residents. It last erupted in 1990. It is included in the list of the most dangerous volcanoes on the planet.

Yellowstone Volcano (USA)

It is located in the state of Wyoming, and, fortunately, it is calm today. It has been active several times over the past 2 million years, and its last eruption was more than half a million years ago. The next eruption is expected no earlier than in several tens of thousands of years. This volcano is so huge that if it awakens, the United States will be almost completely destroyed, and the Earth will be covered for a long time with an impenetrable curtain of volcanic ash.

Katla (Iceland)

Located in the very south of Iceland. Over the last thousand years, according to various sources, it erupted from 14 to 16 times and caused significant melting of glaciers, leading to the flooding of nearby settlements. It is located near the Eyjafjallajökull volcano that recently erupted and blocked air traffic in Europe. Experts believe that the eruption of the latter is the starting mechanism for the awakening of the Katla volcano, the destructive potential of which is much greater. The conclusions are also confirmed by the fact that recently the level of magma in the depths of the volcano has risen noticeably. In this regard, an eruption is expected that will be many times more powerful than the Eyjafjallajökull eruption. If it happens, the consequences could be catastrophic for the entire planet - in addition to the formation of a huge cloud of volcanic ash, there will be melting of glaciers and extensive flooding.

Colima (Mexico)

Located in the state of Jalisco in western Mexico. The last major eruption, accompanied by the evacuation of the local population, was registered in 2005. last years The activity of the Colima volcano increases. It is also called the “Mexican Vesuvius”.

Koryakskaya Sopka (RF)

Located 35 km. North of the city Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Powerful eruptions occurred before our era, as well as in 1895 and 1956. May pose a threat to the population of Kamchatka. It is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world and is under the close supervision of specialists.

Cumbre Vieija (Canary Islands)

Located on the island of Palma, part of Canary Islands. As a result of numerous volcanic eruptions, the coast of the island has undergone significant erosion. One of the slopes of Cumbre Vieiha is unstable and could collapse as a result of a powerful eruption or a series of small eruptions. A 500 billion ton rock falling into the ocean will create a tsunami that will destroy almost everything East Coast USA and will cause difficult to repair damage to countries Caribbean. Fortunately, the volcano has not yet shown alarming activity, and the danger of a supertsunami is still hypothetical.

Mauna Loa (USA)

Located on the island of Hawaii. It is the largest volcano on the planet by volume (80,000 cubic kilometers). The nearby Kilaue Volcano is considered one of the most beautiful volcanoes on Earth.

Merapi (Indonesia)

The largest active volcano in Indonesia and one of the youngest in Java. It erupts approximately twice a year, with a fairly violent eruption every seven years. It poses a great danger to nearby populated areas. In 1673 it destroyed several cities, in 1930 it caused the death of 1,300 people, in 1974-75. destroyed three villages.

Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia)

Located in the departments of Tolima and Caldas. The largest active volcano in the Andes. Remains active for about two million years. In 1985, its eruption caused the death of more than 20,000 people. The approaching eruption was announced in advance, but no one heeded the warning due to several false alarms the day before.

Niragongo (Democratic Republic of Congo)

Located in the Virunga Mountains on the border Democratic Republic Congo and Rwanda. The most active and dangerous volcano in Africa. Although Niragongo is currently relatively calm, his awakening could be disastrous. Its potential is enormous, and in the event of an eruption, not only Africa, but also Europe and part of Asia may be under the shadow of volcanic ash for a long time.

Pinatubo (Philippines)

Located on the island of Luzon, almost 100 km. From Manila. Until 1991 it was considered extinct. Its awakening was unexpected and rapid - during the eruption in 1991, it was destroyed military base US Air Force and killed about 1,000 people. The main danger of this volcano is the large-scale release of volcanic ash. In a matter of days, the 1991 eruption released about 10 cubic kilometers into the atmosphere rocks. Then, for several months, the Earth's stratosphere was filled with sulfuric acid aerosol, which led to the formation of an ozone hole over Antarctica gigantic size and a temperature drop of 0.5 degrees Celsius.

Popocatepetl (Mexico)

Located near Mexico City. During the entire period of the presence of Europeans in America, it showed rather weak activity, but in recent years it has become more active. It poses a huge potential danger due to the proximity of a metropolis of twenty million.

Rainier (USA)

Located 85 kilometers southeast of the city of Seattle. The last eruption was a century and a half ago, but recently the volcano has become more active. If an eruption occurs, the lives of about 200,000 people will be at risk.

Sakurajima (Japan)

Located in Kagoshima Prefecture on the island (originally) Sakurajima. As a result of the 1914 eruption, the strait was filled with lava, and Sakurajima became a peninsula. Its location near the city of Kagoshima, with a population of almost a million, makes this volcano one of the most dangerous on the planet. Probably for the same reason it is called “eastern Vesuvius”. Monitoring it and predicting its activity is one of the main tasks of Japanese geologists.

Santa Maria (Guatemala)

Located near the city of Quetzaltenango. A young and large volcano, whose activity has been growing recently. A major eruption occurred in 1902 and caused the death of 6,000 people. The roar of the explosion was heard at a distance of 800 km.

Tambora (Indonesia)

Located on the island of Sumbawa. It is famous for the fact that its eruption in the spring of 1815 was the largest in the last several thousand years, both in terms of the number of erupted rocks and the number of victims. The eruption released 140 billion tons of solids into the atmosphere and killed 10,000 people. The total number of deaths eventually reached 100,000. In fact, this volcano destroyed the developed and ancient Tambora culture that existed on the island. The ejected ash plunged an area of ​​more than 500 km into complete darkness for three days. from the eruption site. But the consequences extended much further. In Europe and America in 1816, extremely low temperatures set in, and the snow melted only in the summer, which is why the year was called “the year without summer.” Naturally, this led to crop failures and numerous deaths from starvation throughout the world.

Ulawun (Papua New Guinea)

Located in the eastern part of the island of New Britain. It is one of the most active volcanoes in Papua New Guinea, one of the most frequently erupting, which is actually remarkable. It has been known as an active volcano since 1700. In 1937, during an eruption, the capital of the country, located more than 100 km away, was practically covered with ash.

Unzen (Japan)

Located on the Shimabara Peninsula in the southwestern part of Kyushu. Currently, it is weakly active and is considered the most dangerous due to its history. Its eruption in 1792 is one of the most destructive eruptions in the world. The tsunami generated by it, 23 m high, claimed the lives of about 15,000 people.

Etna (Italy)

Located on the eastern tip of the island of Sicily. The most active and highest volcano in Europe. It erupts small amounts of lava about four times a year and, on average, completely destroys one or more nearby settlements every century and a half. The danger is addiction local residents settle close to Etna due to the extreme fertility of the soil formed as a result of constant eruptions. Numerous lovers of high yields risk one day suddenly dying.


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