Where are the Alps: interesting facts about the mountains. French Alps

The Alps are the most high mountains Europe, consisting of complex systems of ridges and massifs stretching in a convex arc northwest from the Ligurian Sea to the Middle Danube Plain. The Alps pass through the territory of 8 countries. The length of the Alpine arc along the outer edge is approximately 1,200 km, and along the inner edge about 750 km. The width reaches 260 km. Mont Blanc is the highest point of the Alps, its height is 4808 m.

Origin Alpine mountains began about 300 million years ago. The folded structure of the Alps was created mainly by movements of the last 50 million years, which in geology are called Alpine folding.

Where are the Alps? They can be divided into Western, Central and Eastern.

  • France occupies most of the Western Alps;
  • Switzerland – Central;
  • Austria - Eastern.

The Alps are mountains that attract millions of tourists. Every climber dreams of conquering the majestic Mont Blanc or overcoming the dangerous Matterhorn. But the Alps are not only a paradise for climbers. Lovers flock there alpine skiing, paragliders and simply nature lovers who want to breathe fresh mountain air and see the local landscapes with their own eyes. Today we share with you the most interesting facts about these mountains.


The Alps are 180 mountains with a range of heights from 1200 to 4800 meters. They include the famous Mont Blanc - the highest mountain in the Western Alps and in general in all of Europe.


The mountain range occupies a huge territory and is located on the territory of 8 countries. Moreover, in some cases, mountains occupy most of the country. For example, Austria is almost 70% mountainous, and Switzerland is 61%.

Longest staircase

The longest staircase in the world is located in the Alps. It is located in Switzerland and serves to allow tourists and athletes to climb Mount Niesen via the Niesenbahn funicular. If the cable car breaks down, workers have to climb to a height of 2362 meters on foot along the steps.


In addition to the longest staircase in the world, there is the steepest one Railway Pilatusban. The route runs at an angle of 48° and serves to transport tourists to the Pilatus Mountains in Switzerland. There are a total of 10 carriages operating there, accommodating a total of 400 people. The journey to the top takes half an hour, and back – 40 minutes, because transport moves at speeds of up to 12 km/h.

Aiguille Du Midi

At the top of the Aiguille du Midi, which is located in the French Alps, the most terrible Observation deck in the Alps. At an altitude of almost 4 kilometers above sea level (and a little more than a kilometer above ground level), an observation cabin was built entirely made of glass. To ensure that this glass remains transparent, tourists are given soft slippers, thanks to which the floor does not scratch and remains in its original form.


Another record belongs to the Alps - this is the highest metro in the world. The metro is located at an altitude of 3000 - 3500 meters and runs between Felskinn and Mittelallalin. The peak of Mount Allalin is at an altitude of 4027 meters.

Ice Grotto

Mittelallalin has another record-breaking attraction - the largest in the world ice grotto, which is even included in the Guinness Book of Records. The halls of the grotto have lighting, ice sculptures, labyrinths and a working chapel where you can officially get married. There is also a crevice in which rescue operations are simulated - they pull out a fallen climber.


The Alps are home to the Ibex mountain goats. Animals are unique in that they can calmly climb even the steepest walls better than experienced climbers. To do this, they have movable cloven hooves and a special leg structure, thanks to which they can easily jump long distances. By the beginning of the 19th century, they almost became extinct - there were about 100 of them left, because the animals were destroyed for their horns and hooves, but the Italian king decided to protect them and transported them to a reserve. Thanks to this, today their number exceeds 30 thousand.


He is also known as Otzi, a Tyrolean ice man found in the Alps in 1991. This is the oldest human mummy discovered in Europe. Its age is approximately 5300 years. Today it is exhibited at the South Tyrolean Museum of Archeology in Italy, and at the site of the find there is a monument 4 meters high, made of stone in the shape of a pyramid.


In 2013, a real treasure was discovered in the French part of the Alps. There was a box with emeralds, rubies and sapphires worth 250 thousand euros. Most likely, the container belonged to the Indian airline, whose plane crashed in the mountains, and was part of the luggage. This is confirmed by the fact that the box contained the inscription “Made in India”.

To the question Where are the Alps mountains asked by the author Zhankozha Sarsengaliev the best answer is In Switzerland
Alps (German Alpen, French Alpes, Italian Alpi, Slovenian Alpe), the highest mountains Western Europe- occupy part of France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Slovenia.
A complex system of ridges and massifs, stretching in a convex arc to the northwest from the Ligurian Sea to the Middle Danube Plain. The length is about 1,200 kilometers (along the inner edge of the arc about 750 kilometers). Width up to 260 kilometers. The transverse valley between Lake Constance and Lake Como is divided into the higher Western Alps (up to 4,807 meters high, Mont Blanc) and the lower and wider Eastern Alps (up to 4,049 meters high, Bernina Mountain).
The folded structure of the Alps was created mainly by movements of the Alpine age. The highest, axial zone of the Alps, is composed of ancient crystalline (gneisses, mica schists) and metamorphic (quartz-phyllite schists) rocks, characterized by a wide distribution of mountain-glacial relief and modern glaciation(about 1,200 glaciers with a total area of ​​over 4,000 square kilometers). Glaciers and eternal snow drop to 2,500-3,200 meters. To the north, west and south of the axial zone there are zones of Mesozoic limestone and dolomite and younger flysch and molasse formations of the Pre-Alps with mid-mountain and low-mountain relief.
The Alps are an important climate division in Europe. To the north and west of them are areas with a temperate climate, to the south are subtropical Mediterranean landscapes. Precipitation on the windward western and northwestern slopes is 1,500-2,000 mm, in some places up to 4,000 mm per year. In the Alps are the sources of the Rhine, Rhone, Po, Adige, and the right tributaries of the Danube. Numerous lakes of glacial and tectonic-glacial origin (Bodenskoe, Geneva, Como, Lago Maggiore and others).
The altitudinal zonation of the landscapes is well expressed. Up to an altitude of 800 meters, the climate is moderately warm, on the southern slopes it is Mediterranean, there are many vineyards, gardens, fields, Mediterranean shrubs and deciduous forests. At an altitude of 800-1,800 meters, the climate is temperate and humid; broad-leaved forests of oak and beech are gradually replaced upward by coniferous forests. Up to an altitude of 2,200-2,300 meters, the climate is subalpine, cold, with long-lasting snow. Shrubs and tall grass meadows predominate; summer pastures. Higher up, to the border of eternal snow, there is an alpine belt with a cold climate, a predominance of low-grass sparse alpine meadows, covered with snow most of the year. Even higher is the nival belt with glaciers, snowfields, and rocky slopes. Interestingly, the eastern spurs of the Alps - the Leith Mountains and the western spurs of the Carpathians - Hundsheimer Berge are separated by only 14 km.
The Alps are an area of ​​international mountaineering, tourism, and skiing.

The Alps are the highest mountains in Western Europe. They began to form 300 million years ago. Today the Alps are a favorite place for climbers, skiers and tourists from all over the world. This was largely due to the unique geographical position of the mountains. We will tell you where the Alps are located in this article.

Features of the geographical location of the Alps

Alpine mountain system spread over the territory of eight European countries: Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany, Monaco, Austria, Slovenia and Liechtenstein. The Alps are a very complex system of massifs and ridges that stretches from the Middle Danube Plain to the Ligurian Sea. Total length The Alpine mountain system is 1200 km long. The highest point of the Alps is Mont Blanc, its height is 4810 m.

One of geographical features The Alpine mountain system is that in the Rhine River valley it is divided into the Western and Eastern Alps. At the same time, the height of the Western Alps is significantly higher than the Eastern Alps.

Throughout the Alpine mountain system you can find not only great amount comfortable ski slopes, but also lakes with crystal clear water, small villages and historical sites. In addition, there are more than 1200 glaciers in the Alps, total area which is about 4000 km. This allows you to open ski season in many regions as early as October. In summer, a unique microclimate reigns, in which low humidity, comfortable temperature and healing mountain air allow you to improve your health and simply have a pleasant rest.

Location of the Alps mountain system on the world map

(the boundaries of the mountain system are approximate)

The Alps are the highest and longest mountain range among systems entirely located in Europe. Wherein Caucasus Mountains higher, and the Ural ones are more extensive, but they also lie on the territory of Asia.

The Alps are a complex system of ridges and massifs, stretching in a convex arc to the northwest from the Ligurian Sea to the Middle Danube Lowland.

The Alps are located on the territory of 8 countries: France, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Slovenia. The total length of the Alpine arc is about 1200 km (along the inner edge of the arc about 750 km), the width is up to 260 km. The highest peak of the Alps is Mont Blanc with an altitude of 4810 meters above sea level, located on the border of France and Italy. In total, there are about 100 four-thousander peaks concentrated in the Alps.

Where are the Alps: interesting facts about the mountains

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Where are the Alps?

Where are the Alps? Coordinates, map and photo.

The Alps are located in Central Europe
and are located in the territories of southern Austria, northern Italy, the southern half of Switzerland and the eastern edge of France.

In the map below, the Alps are highlighted in a darker color than the adjacent plains. To see the snow-capped ridges of the Alps, switch the map to “Satellite” mode in the upper corner.

46.5082512 northern latitude
10.8489056 east longitude

Alps on interactive map , which can be controlled:

Alps are on the list: mountains

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Alps Mountains: description, where they are on the map, photos, height, peaks

Alps- the highest mountains of Western Europe - occupy part of France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Slovenia.

A complex system of ridges and massifs, stretching in a convex arc to the northwest from Mediterranean Sea to the Middle Danube Plain. The length is approximately 1200 kilometers (along the inner edge of the arc about 750 kilometers). Width up to 260 kilometers. The transverse valley between Lake Constance and Lake Como is divided into the higher Western Alps (up to 4807 meters, Mont Blanc) and the lower and wider Eastern Alps (up to 4049 meters, Berdina).

In the Alps are the sources of the Rhine, Rhone, Po, Adige, and the right tributaries of the Danube. Numerous lakes of glacial and tectonic-glacial origin (Bodenskoe, Geneva, Como, Lago Maggiore and others).

The altitudinal zonation of the landscapes is well expressed. Up to an altitude of 800 meters, the climate is moderately warm, on the southern slopes it is Mediterranean, there are many vineyards, gardens, fields, Mediterranean shrubs and deciduous forests.

At an altitude of 800-1800 meters the climate is temperate and humid; broad-leaved forests of oak and beech are gradually replaced upward by coniferous forests. Up to an altitude of 2200-2300 meters, the climate is subalpine, cold, with long-lasting snow. Shrubs and tall grass meadows predominate; summer pastures. Higher up, to the border of eternal snow, there is an alpine belt with a cold climate, a predominance of low-grass sparse alpine meadows, covered with snow most of the year. Even higher is the nival belt with glaciers, snowfields, and rocky slopes.

The Alps are an area of ​​international mountaineering, tourism, and skiing.

Basic ski resorts: Megève (France), Chamonix (France), Courchevel (France), Zermatt (Switzerland), Grindelwald (Switzerland), St. Moritz (Switzerland), Davos (Switzerland), Lech (Austria), St. Anton (Austria), Kitzbühel (Austria), Seefeld (Austria), Cortina d'Ampezzo (Italy), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany).

Photos of the Alps mountains:

Where are they located on the map:

Alps or Alpine mountains- the highest and longest mountain range among systems entirely located in Europe.

The snow-capped Alpine mountain range forms a massive barrier between Northern and Southern Europe.

Alpine countries

Some highest peaks The Alps are found in Germany, France and Italy, but most of them are within three alpine countries: Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria. The ice and rocks of the peaks give way to green alpine pastures, colored in summer with bright herbs. They descend to forested valleys and deep lakes.

The melting snows of the Alps feed the most large rivers Western Europe: Rhine, Rhone, Po and the Inn-Danube system.

Switzerlandsmall country, divided into cantons. Here you can hear four languages: French, German, Italian and English. Although Switzerland has little natural resources, not counting hydropower, it has become rich country through the production of watches and precision instruments. It is a center for banking and tourism. Impressive mountain landscapes with lakes, waterfalls and colorful villages, it attracts athletes in winter and holidaymakers in summer. Switzerland is a neutral country that has not participated in European wars since 1815.

The capital, Geneva, is the headquarters of many international organizations, including the International Red Cross and the World Health Organization.

East of Switzerland is Liechtenstein- a tiny German-speaking state that was able to maintain independence from its larger neighbors.

It is a monarchy, but the elected government makes the laws. It has close ties with Switzerland and uses the Swiss franc as its currency.

Passes and tunnels in the Alps

Getting across the Alps has always been very problematic and dangerous.

Now the roads to the south pass through deep tunnels cut into the rocks.

  • Simplon Tunnel between Switzerland and Italy, the world's longest railway tunnel, opened in 1922. Its length is 19.8 km.
  • Gotthard Tunnel(16.4 km long), built in 1980, holds the record for the longest road tunnel.

Where is it located and how to get there

Address: Europe, Alps

The Alps are a mountain system in Europe on the map

GPS coordinates: 46.01667,11.18333

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The Alps Mountains are one of the largest mountain ranges in Europe, extending from Austria and Slovenia to the east
The most high peak Alps Mont Blanc height 4807 m, the Alps mountains are on the French-Italian border.

The Alps are generally divided into Western and Eastern Alps, the division being along the line between Lake Como and Lake Constance, along the Rhine River. The Western Alps are located in Italy and France, and the Eastern Alps are located in Austria, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein and Slovenia. In Switzerland, both parts.

The most high point the western part is Mont Blanc in France (4807 m), and then Monte Rosa (4634 m) and the Matterhorn in Switzerland (4478 m) and Bernina along the Italian-Swiss border (4052 m). The Alps are 1000 km long and up to 250 km wide. 28.5% of the Alps are located in Austria, followed by Italy (27.2%) and France (20.7%).

View of the Alps

The Matterhorn in Switzerland is one of the most famous Alpine peaks.

The Alps have a total of 82 peaks over 4000 m, 55 of them entirely in Italy, France and Switzerland, and 27 bordering.

Rivers and lakes

The most long rivers, which flow through the Yin and Drava Alps. The lakes in the Alps were formed by ancient glaciers, there are still glaciers, but they are only the tip. Most beautiful lakes in the Alps Lago di Maggiore, which comes from the flow of the Po River and Lake Garda, located on the banks of the Adige River.


The climate is mountainous. The average annual rainfall in the Alps is 1450 mm.

The Alps are divided into five climate zones, each with different types environment. The climate, plants and animals are different in different parts or regions of the mountain.

The area, which is more than 3,000 m, is called the "glacial snow zone". This area, which has the coldest climate, is constantly covered with compressed snow.
Alpine tundra is located at an altitude between 2000 and 000 m3. This zone is warmer than the Neva region. Here you can find wild flowers and herbs.

A little lower is the subalpine zone - from 1500 to 2000 m above sea level. Here the temperature slowly rises, beginning to meet fir and spruce forests.
At an altitude of approximately 1000 to 1500 m, arable land is occupied. Oak forests are common in this area, but also a place for agricultural production.

Below 1000 m of lowland. There is a much greater diversity of plants occurring there. Human settlements are also in the lowlands, because the temperature is more tolerable - both for people and animals.


Vegetation zones in the Alps gradually changed with the ascent of the mountain. The natural height limit of vegetation is determined by the main types of deciduous trees - oak, beech, ash and sycamore. They do not reach the same level, or even frequently come together, but their upper limit corresponds exactly enough to the transition from temperate to cold climates, which also indicates a change in herbaceous vegetation. This limitation is usually located approximately 1200 m above sea level - on the northern side of the Alps, while southern slopes often rises to 1500 m, sometimes even to 1700 m.

This area is not always marked by the presence of characteristic trees. Human intervention has almost destroyed them in many areas, with the exception of beech forests in the Austrian Alps; deciduous forests are rare. In many areas where it once existed such forests have now been replaced by pine and spruce, which are less vulnerable to destruction by goats, which are the worst enemies of such trees.

Forests are often small, squat, which in turn have been replaced by bushes - usually Rhododendron ferrugineum (on more acidic soils), or Rhododendron hirsutum (on more alkaline soils). Above them there are alpine meadows, and even higher the vegetation becomes increasingly sparse. In the Alps some plants over 4,000 m have been recorded, including Ranunculus glacialis (type buttercup), Androsace Alpina and Saxifraga biflora.

The most common animal in the Alps is the Alpine marmot. In addition, eagles, Alpine ibex, chamois, Cory crow, Alpine zavirushka, bearded vulture, brown bear, lynx, deer, wolf and tundra partridge. There are 14 in the Alps national parks, which make up about 30,000 animal species.


In 1991, the preserved mummy of a man who lived around 3300 BC was found in the Alps. In 218 BC. The Carthaginian commander Hannibal launched a campaign into Gaul and the Alps with an army and war elephants to invade the Roman Empire from the north. About half of the soldiers who die during the transition period. However, Hannibal won the Battle of Ticino.

In 46/47, the Romans built the first Roman road in the Alps - Via Claudia Augusta - Connecting Augsburg (then Augusta Castres) to Venice through the Alps, through a pass resolved. The road was wide enough for ATVs to pass. Many roads were built in the Alps. By the 11th century, many of them were destroyed.
In the 18th century, many new roads were built to allow traders to quickly transport goods and quickly carry weapons during the Napoleonic Wars.

On May 16, 1854, the first railway in the Alps opened - between Vienna and Graz. In 1882, the 15 mile Gotthard Tunnel was opened, through which trains travel from Lucerne to Milan. Thus, the transit time is reduced by several days from eight to ten hours. Today it is less than four hours by train and less than three hours by car.

On September 23, 1910, Peruvian-French aviator Geo Chavez became the first to fly over the Alps, but crashed shortly before landing. In 1913, the Swiss Oscar Bider duplicated the field and landed successfully.

On December 24, 1934, the first modern ski elevator. The first season was used from October by 70,000 tourists. In 1908, the first cable car was put into operation in Bolzano. In 1974 the first motorway across the Alps was completed connecting Innsbruck and Modena.

Where are the Alps mountains located?


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