Nature reserve in the eastern part of Cyprus. Akamas National Park. National forest parks of Cyprus

The unique Akamas Peninsula is located in the northwestern part of the island of Cyprus, 48 ​​km from Paphos. A fabulously beautiful reserve, born of nature itself, will pleasantly impress any tourist. Perhaps because of the rare beauty of herbs and flowers, preserved only on this peninsula, and once growing throughout Cyprus, the famous Homer called it “The Fragrant Island of Flowers.” Clean springs flow from the crevices, and even islanders from nearby villages come here to get drinking water. A wonderful place, the air here is filled with the aromas of a pine forest and wild herbs.

The history of Akamas is closely connected with Greek mythology, for example, the myth of Theseus, who defeated Cretan monster– The Minotaur, with the help of the royal daughter Ariadne, in one of the modified versions takes us to Cyprus. The ship on which Theseus escaped from the island of Crete with his beloved Ariadne, her sister Phaedra, as well as the people he saved from the monster, was washed up on the coast of Cyprus by a strong storm. Tui the hero had to leave Ariadne, who was pregnant and could not continue sailing with everyone else. After some time, Theseus returned for his beloved and learned that Ariadne had died during childbirth.

When Theseus returned to his native Athens, where he was king, he married his sister Ariadne, who gave him two sons. Many years later, one of them, Akamas, who became famous for his agility and strength, replaced Theseus on the throne. The people revered and loved their new king so much that they erected a monument to him in Athens.

There is even a hypothesis that in ancient times there was a fairly developed civilization on Akamas, the center of which was Akamantida. But no trace of her has yet been found.

The origin of the name of the peninsula has long been of interest to Cypriot researchers. According to one version, the word “Akamas” means “akavtos”, i.e. fireproof. This version is supported by the fact that Leontios Macheras, a famous Cypriot chronicler, wrote about how the Saracens (as the Europeans called the Arab conquerors) quite often attacked Cyprus, robbed and burned it. After one of these attacks, the island was completely incinerated to the ground - only Mount Akamas remained.

The landscapes of Akamas are incredibly beautiful: fossilized shells, parts of ceramic vessels, which are reminiscent of the settlements that existed here in ancient times, have created many stories and legends. Their echoes can be found in such poetic names as: Fortress of Rigena, Fountain of Amoros, Baths of Aphrodite and many others.

The Baths of Aphrodite are very popular among travelers who come to Cyprus. As myths say, it was in this place that the goddess of love and beauty, also called Cypris, took baths. Here love was born between Aphrodite and Adonis, but just like mere mortals, the gods of Olympus were jealous and envious. And the beautiful young man dies from wounds inflicted by the boar, which was sent by Artemis. Aphrodite, mourning her beloved for a long time, turned him into a beautiful flower. Roses bloom from the blood of Adonis, anemones from the tears of the goddess.

Now the Baths of Aphrodite, a small lake northwest of the coast, fed by a mountain stream, reminds us of the beautiful goddess. By washing in this stream, you can get eternal beauty, but swimming is prohibited.

The Akamas Peninsula is the most amazing and wonderful place in Cyprus, where nature has been preserved in its original form. The peninsula is home to 168 species of birds, including the rare Vulture griffin, 20 species of reptiles, the majestic mouflon, and a variety of bright world butterflies.

Every year, green (Chelonia midas) and common (Caretta Caretta) crawl into the dunes of Lara Beach. sea ​​turtles so that thousands of eggs can be laid here in small bays. In the Paphos area there is an incubator station that artificially breeds sea turtles. On the peninsula, underway Full time job on the protection of reptiles, protection of their habitat, especially breeding, feeding and wintering areas.

On the Laona plateau lies a mysterious three-kilometer long cave with its impressive caves. Relatively recently, in the Akamas forest at a depth of 70 meters, a labyrinth was found, which previously only a few local shepherds knew about, but were afraid to go down there because of its inaccessibility. The cave has two exits, which are currently closed as a precaution.

To get into the caves, you need to go through one of the passages with a diameter of 3 meters, and then crawl along a 30-meter hole, after which a zigzag tunnel begins, which stretches 20 meters and where a person can stand at full height.

After walking a short distance, you find yourself in a gallery with large stalactites and stalagmites. This place is home to thousands of bats. It is difficult to imagine the surprise of the researchers who descended to the depths using special equipment and discovered a copper arrowhead and ancient pottery there. How these objects ended up in the cave, none of the researchers can understand; it will probably remain a mystery.
Public organizations and the state are closely monitoring the Akamas to prevent civilization from encroaching on this unique corner of nature, which the islanders inherited from previous generations.

It is better to explore the peninsula on your own, on foot or by bike, walking through the most beautiful places in Cyprus tourist routes: Aphrodite's Path and Adonis' Path (both start at the Baths of Aphrodite). This type of holiday is now very popular among foreigners. You can grab a map of the routes at the station tourist information, as well as in the offices of the Cyprus Tourism Organization.

You can get to Akamas by ordering.

National Park Akamas is a delightful, deserted monument of nature and history. This place is included in the UNESCO world list. It is located near the city and attracts a lot of attention.

On an area of ​​230 sq. km. reserve you can get acquainted with the most interesting views plants, wonderful animals, rare species of birds that fly here to spend the winter. No one will bother you here. People come here to enjoy the beautiful natural harmony and be inspired by the wide, amazing panorama. You can take a bike ride through the park or swim in the clear, warm water on the rocky shores.

Park legend

Many historians cannot give accurate answers to the questions: what happened in the park before our time and how did it appear in the first place? Answers can only be given by mythology, which says that Theseus’s son Akamas was forced to settle in these places after being expelled from Athens. He built here Big city and named it after himself. The city began to quickly populate and grow. Aphrodite herself soon became the patroness of this place.

Akamas National Park today

The government of the peninsula, and the population of Cyprus itself, is quite careful about the Akamas National Park. For them, this is a valuable place that no one is allowed to spoil. Even created public organizations who monitor order in the park around the clock. Akamas National Park is of great interest to botanists and scientists, because it contains about 530 rare plant species, 126 of which grow exclusively in Cyprus. That is why scientists are afraid to somehow disturb the park’s landscape. In spring, beautiful jasmine and orchids bloom throughout the park. The stunning aroma of the buds spreads throughout the entire park.

Akamas has a sandy Lara beach. Its main inhabitants are sea turtles that nest on the shore. Sea turtles have become an endangered species of animals, so a special authority constantly ensures that nothing can destroy the nests (animals, waves, etc.). If you visit the beach in September, you may see small turtles hatching and running into the sea. This is an amazing sight.

The local fauna on the island is also impressive. Of the “residents,” the most prominent are the Vulture griffins, a rare species of predator that has recently been nesting here. The butterflies in the reserve are also impressive; there are more than three thousand of them (25 species, 16 in the Red Book). They are not allowed to catch them, but you can take pictures. In the Akamas National Park you will also see wild flocks of goats living in their natural flora. Mostly their flocks graze on the hills. On the peninsula's wild rocky beaches and gorges you may encounter amphibians and mammals. Only brave people go to this part of the peninsula, because there are quite a few poisonous snakes here.

Safety in the park

Akamas National Park may not be safe. Why? Firstly, many types of plants (especially Cyprian) can cause allergies, so take the necessary medications with you. Secondly, the park is visited by careless tourists who may not notice and step on a snake or a spider’s house. Take with you the antidote and necessary medications for these cases. Thirdly, you can get various injuries (abrasions, scratches, etc.) on rocky coasts; green paint will be enough for these cases.

How to get there?

The peninsula with the Akamas National Park can be reached by bus, which departs from the city and crosses Polis. Route No. 705. You can also use taxi services. The most economical option would be Taxiaeport. It is better to return from the reserve by your own car or taxi, because the bus to this place operates only four times a day.

Cyprus is rich not only in its historical values, but also in natural monuments: the deserted Akamas National Park, the Avakas Gorge, which is difficult for a simple “bus” tourist to reach, and Lara Beach - one of the few places in the Mediterranean where endangered species of sea turtles Green turtle and Hawk's swim to lay their eggs. Bill turtle.

1. The Akamas Peninsula (emphasis on the second “a”) is 50 km away. from Paphos and while we are going to it, we do not miss the opportunity to explore other attractions.
This is Edro. More precisely, the Albanian ship Edro III that crashed.

2. This is the second ghost ship I've owned. Edro III is a large Albanian merchant ship built in the late 60s and sailing under the flag of Sierra Leone.

3. Edro III was sailing from Limassol to Rhodes when on December 8, 2011, during a storm, the ship’s engine failed and it ran aground near the village of Peyia. No one was injured; the crew of seven (five Albanians, two Egyptians) was evacuated from the ship by military helicopter.
Due to the complexity, repairs could not be made, and now it is rusting in the shallows. In 2014, the ship was cleared of fuel and grease that could pollute the sea. Since then, it has remained in the same place - the owner's insurance does not cover the costs of moving the ship from the wreck site.

4. Nearby is a banana plantation.

5. Sea Caves are also located near the village of Peyia.

6. The caves were formed in a steep limestone rocky shore as a result of the work of a natural sculptor - sea waves.

8. In the small village of Agios Georgios, on the very edge of the rocky coast, stands the Church of St. George the Victorious (1928).

9. The temple is small and surprisingly harmonious. Its architecture is reminiscent of Byzantine churches, only without domes. The interior and interior decoration of the church is very simple.

10. The church is famous for the fact that it houses an ancient icon of the Great Martyr George, which was miraculously found on the site of a destroyed and abandoned monastery, which was previously located on the site of the church. It is believed that St. George is the patron of lovers, so you can ask him to help strengthen feelings, marriage and protect your relationship.

11. Agios Georgios is a small village on Cape Drepanum, separating the Paphos region from the protected western part of the island - the Akamas Peninsula.

12. Geronisos Island. Excavations carried out here proved that the island belonged to the Ptolemaic dynasty and was inhabited back in the 50s BC, when it was ruled by the Egyptian Empress Cleopatra. The area of ​​the island is about 12 thousand square meters. meters.

13. Having left the territory of the village of Agios Georgios, we find ourselves in the territory national park Akamas, which occupies a significant part west coast Cyprus. On an area of ​​230 square kilometers there are picturesque valleys, gorges and wide sandy bays. For diversity wildlife The European Council has included Akamas in its program to protect the nature of the Mediterranean Sea.
The best way to move around the reserve is in these jeeps: there are no asphalt roads here. But we drove safely in a rented compact hatchback. By the way, in the territory of Akamas (outside public roads) insurance from the rental agency is not valid.

14. Avakas Gorge is located near the entrance to the national park.

15. Here you can find rare plants, as well as pines, cypresses, junipers, wild fig trees, ferns and oaks.

16. The gorge begins quite harmlessly - wide, with a good path.

17. But, as you go deeper, the rocks become closer and hang more and more overhead.

18. The height of the walls reaches 30 meters.

20. Avakas Gorge (length - 3 km), formed in limestone rocks due to the intense influence of winds and precipitation and the river flowing here. This miracle of nature is more than a thousand years old.

22. The walls of the gorge rise higher and narrower towards the top. A path winds through the gorge, in places covered with slippery boulders.

23. And here is the main attraction of Avakas - a stone stuck between the walls.

24. The stone got stuck here a long time ago, during the next rockfall, which happens here regularly.

25. As a rule, all excursions end here - further on the path becomes impassable due to boulders and a stream.

26. The Miracles of Fig Tree Survival.

28. Animal world The gorge is represented by foxes, hares, falcons, crows, night owls, butterflies, reptiles and goats. We only encountered numerous lizards and pigeons.

29. Having driven several kilometers along a rocky road deep into the Akamas National Park, we find ourselves in a unique protected place on Lara beach. This beach is also called “turtle beach”.

30. The fact is that this is one of last places in the Mediterranean, where turtles come to lay eggs. Due to its protected status, there are no sun loungers, cafes, shops or other equipment on the beach (there are also no toilets).

31. Lara Beach is located in a small bay formed by a protruding cape coastline. It is quiet and uncrowded here, but there is excellent and clean sand and a smooth sandy entry into the sea.

32. This best beach which we visited in Cyprus.

33. A scientific station was organized on the coast, whose employees protect egg laying with special nets that allow the offspring to safely go to sea without becoming victims of foxes. In Cyprus, turtles and their nests are protected by the state.
Rare Mediterranean loggerhead and green turtles make their nests on this beach. Turtles lay eggs from early June to mid-August. They are very careful and wait for the safest moments to go ashore. This usually happens at night, so seeing them is very lucky. Having laid their eggs, the turtles return to the sea, and after 7 weeks, small turtles only 5-7 cm long hatch from the eggs and rush to the sea.

34. To get to the other, northwestern, part of the Akamas Peninsula, you need to return to the highway and drive about 35 km. towards the city of Polis. Just on the way to Polis we passed the so-called “Anti Gravity Road” - anomalous zone, where objects roll uphill and water flows upward.
The photograph shows a distinct downward slope from the observation point. But water spilled on asphalt does not flow down, but up, to the feet of the pourer.

35. Even if you climb onto the side of the road and look at the road from the angle of this thorn, you can still see the downward slope! What's the matter? Is it really an anomaly? In fact, this is an optical illusion: due to the complex terrain of this area, the horizon line is incorrectly perceived and the slope that is felt as a downward slope is in fact still an uphill climb.

36. “Autumn” landscape in the middle of summer - fields stretching into the sky, not far from the city of Polis.

38. We enter the Akamas Peninsula from the other side. The area here is mountainous, covered pine forest. More recently, until 2000, the peninsula was controlled by the British military.
Under a 1960 treaty, the British Army was allowed to use the Akamas for military exercises and shooting exercises for up to 70 days a year.

39. Currently, Akamas is entirely protected area. Some plant species grow only here. You can be convinced of their diversity if you take a walk along the “Aphrodite trail”, which starts right from the well-known “Baths of Aphrodite” - one of the excursion places in Cyprus. Along the trail, next to the plants, there are often signs with their names.

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Troodos is nature reserve which is located in the middle of the island. Its most impressive feature is the mountain group in the center, creating a unique contrast with Mediterranean Sea. Most high point These mountains are Mount Khenistra, reaching a height of 1952 meters. A bird's eye view offers a wonderful panorama, and the clean and clear air is saturated with the smell of cedar trees growing nearby. The difference created by nature amazes the human imagination, despite the close location of the coast.

There are many attractions in the mountains. During tourist trip definitely worth a visit Nine Byzantine churches. They are distinguished by their exceptional architecture, icons and frescoes.

Mouflons are protected by law, so they live and breed freely in the Cedar Valley. Today, these cautious and rather fast animals can be seen very often. There are many mountain trails for walking, where you can see many different birds belonging to different types, endemic flora, waterfalls and designated picnic areas, as well as villages with a leisurely flow of life. The mountain people of these villages are very friendly and welcoming. Each village has its own special type of activity. Mountain residents are always proud of their rich fruit harvest.

The Troodos region is home to many monasteries of historical value. Considered one of the most outstanding Kykkos Monastery. In the possession of this monastery is the Golden Icon of the Virgin Mary, painted, according to legend, by St. himself. Luka. Chrysoroyatis Monastery has the most enchanting panorama, and the monasteries Macheras And Trooditissa have a unique architectural appearance - a high, distinctive roof. In the eastern region of Troodos, at an altitude of 0.87 km, there is a monastery Macheras. It is surrounded by the picturesque area of ​​Mount Kionia. The monastery resembles a fortress impregnable to enemies, with very narrow windows. And the covered arcades reach a height of 19 meters.

Slightly below the location of Troodos, at an altitude of 0.7 km is Solea Valley populated by many beautiful and ancient villages, snoozing comfortably on the green mountain slopes. In the central part of the valley is the village of Kakopetria, surrounded by rich gardens, poplar groves and pine forests. Residents of the capital Nicosia often visit these places on weekends to wander through the cool winding streets and forget about the city heat and bustle. It has a mild climate and beautiful scenery. Two turbulent river streams flow through the village, as if cutting it into three parts. The center of this village, called Old Kakopetria, is under state protection, and all the houses here are being carefully restored. Traces of restoration are visible everywhere: both in small streets and inside cozy courtyards. According to local legends, the village was named precisely because of a huge stone, around which, according to legend, young people who married three times were supposed to walk. But then one day a couple of newlyweds, after performing the ritual, fell dead. Since then, the stone has been considered “bad.” But still, the life of the villagers, contrary to the name, flourishes, maintaining charm, beauty and unique architecture ancient dwellings and Byzantine churches. As a result, the “bad” stone became golden for the residents of Kakopetria - today this place attracts thousands of tourists and is a center of eco-tourism.

Walking along the winding streets of Old Kakopetria, your gaze involuntarily stops at the gloomy houses, sandwiched by various shopping shops, with wooden balconies and narrow staircases decorated with flower pots.

In Kakopetria, everything is provided for a good rest: several cozy hotels, restaurants famous for their expertly prepared dishes, and most importantly, magnificent nature that has a good effect on all guests of this colorful corner. The road leading to Kakopetria starts from Nicosia, followed by Troodos, and finally two villages with sonorous names - Trimiklini and Kato Amiantes.

Akamas Nature Reserve (Polis, Cyprus) - exact location, interesting places, inhabitants, routes.

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The Akamas Nature Reserve is an amazing natural and historical monument Cyprus, which attracts a lot of attention. It invites its guests to get acquainted with the world of plants, rare species of birds and many animals. In addition, the reserve is included in the List world heritage UNESCO, which only adds to its significance. Travelers visit these places in search of aesthetic pleasure, natural harmony and amazing panoramas; the pristine beauty of the local nature fully satisfies these needs.

Researchers to this day do not know what happened in the reserve to this day, and how it appeared in the first place. Many find the answer in mythology - according to one legend, after Akamas (the son of Theseus) was driven out of Athens, he settled here and built beautiful city, naming it after himself. And soon Aphrodite herself became the patroness of this place. ABOUT further events history is silent. Today the authorities and local residents They protect the reserve with all their might. There are even special organizations that monitor order around the clock.

What to see

A park of great interest with an area of ​​230 square meters. km represents from a scientific point of view, because over 500 species of plants grow there, more than 100 of which are found only here. In spring, the surrounding lands turn into a real garden with fragrant jasmine flowers and orchids, their aroma permeates the air for tens of kilometers, and butterflies flutter around, 16 of the 25 species of which are listed in the Red Book.

The local fauna is no less impressive. The Vulture griffins deserve special attention - the rarest birds of prey that moved here relatively recently. In addition to birds, this part of the island is home to wild goats grazing on the hills, and mammals and amphibians live closer to the water and in the gorges. By the way, you should be very careful when exploring the park, because poisonous snakes are not uncommon here.

On the picturesque sandy Lara beach you can take a break from a long walk and take a swim. Sea turtles, considered an endangered species, nest on the shore. Tourists often watch small turtles that have just been born running towards the waves.

There are also several attractions in the reserve - the Adonis trail, the Aphrodite trail and bath, and the Avakas canyon. Their visit is part of excursions, including jeep tours, but independent bicycle rides are also popular. A sports or mountain bike will be an excellent company and will allow you to visit the most secluded corners of Akamas.

Practical information

How to get there: the park is located near the town of Polis, which is most conveniently accessible from Paphos. Buses on routes No. 645 and 705 depart daily from the Karavella bus station at Andrea Geroudi Street. And from Polis you go straight to the reserve minibus № 622.


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