What things to take to Crimea in September. What to take with you to Yalta. Medicines for traveling by train with children

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Vacation is here - a time of rest and relaxation. To have a great time, many people go to the sea. During training, each of us faces the same problem - how to take everything necessary for have a wonderful holiday, but also not to take a lot of unnecessary things. Let's try to figure out this rather difficult task. In this article you will find the necessary information that will help you thoroughly prepare for your vacation in Crimea.

First, you need to familiarize yourself with information about the place where you plan to spend your vacation. Thanks to this information, you will have the opportunity to spend your vacation fun and interesting. Be sure to purchase a guidebook or maps; they can also be easily found on the Internet and printed. With maps you can easily navigate the area, which will make it easier to find the objects you need. It is better to mark in advance the places you would like to visit.

Clothing, shoes and hygiene products

On holiday in Crimea summer period It is worth taking light clothing. Comfortable things are suitable - shorts, capris, tops, T-shirts. Don’t also forget about the necessary clothes for relaxation: a swimsuit, beach slippers, sunglasses and, of course, a hat. If you want to spend your holiday on the move, get acquainted with the sights, walk around mountain slopes and valleys, it is better to take additionally comfortable and lightweight moccasins or sneakers.

Warm clothes may not be useful during your vacation, but it’s still worth taking a few of these things. Jeans, a sweatshirt or a tracksuit are suitable for evening gatherings or walks on the embankment.

Beach flip-flops are a must on vacation; it’s better to purchase them in advance so you can wear them in a little at home. Calluses on the beach are of no use to you, they will only leave memories of your vacation, they will not be as rosy as you would like.

Wonderful views Crimea - Mangup-Kale

A light beach bag or a small nylon backpack will be needed for a trip to the beach; you can put everything you need for relaxation in it.

Be sure to take everything you need for a shower: hair and body products, towels, shaving kit. Girls, of course, should take a handbag with decorative cosmetics and necessary facial care products. Don't forget about sunscreen lotions and creams; they will be useful for both adults and children.

An important element that you must have with you while traveling is wet wipes. They perfectly disinfect and clean the surface of hands when it is not possible to wash them with water. In addition, they perfectly remove dirt from clothes. When traveling with children, such a hygiene product will be especially relevant.

Documents and tickets

When packing your suitcases, make sure you have everything necessary documents, worry about round-trip tickets in advance. In the chaos of getting ready, some vacationers often forget to take documents that confirm their identity, which can result in problems.

Buy tickets at reverse side, since in summer the number free seats by plane or bus is limited due to the large flow of tourists (especially important at the end of August).

If you want to get to the peninsula through the crossing, you should find out about the queue; this information can be obtained through CCTV cameras. A sharp deterioration in weather affects the number of ferries departing. To purchase tickets for the crossing, you should go to the official website, where you can easily buy them online. On this moment, the “Single Ticket” program begins to operate, where you can immediately purchase a ticket for a train and a bus ticket to a certain Crimean city.

Money, bank cards

There are currently problems in the field of banking services on the peninsula. Visa and Mastercard are in the process of resuming activities in Crimea. Money transfers are also quite problematic. It is necessary to calculate in advance how much Money will be necessary during rest. Even if you have more money than you expected, you will be prepared for possible unforeseen expenses. Small money will also come in handy; you can easily pay for the goods purchased or for the service received, because sellers try to take more from vacationers and tourists, citing the lack of change. For tourists arriving from mainland Russia, it is better to open a “Mir” “Dolphin” PRO100 card, which is issued instantly, at the local branches of the RNKB bank, and use it on the territory of the peninsula.

Mobile phone, tablet

Modern gadgets are simply irreplaceable on vacation. A mobile phone will help you contact the police if necessary, or you can call an ambulance; it is also used as a navigator. If you are on vacation with children, then a tablet or mobile phone can briefly distract the little one with cartoons or games, and parents can get some time to relax.

Mobile operator MTS operates on the peninsula Krasnodar region, which offers some of the most competitive rates available today. The “Win ​​Mobile” operator is also present; to configure it, you must manually select “Rus 32”, “25032” in the phone settings. You can connect from any Russian SIM card.

In addition, many cafes and even beaches have free Wi-Fi. Every visitor will be able to enjoy a wonderful holiday and communicate with friends and family via the Internet. It is also worth understanding that Mobile Internet on the peninsula it is practically absent, and if there is anywhere, then its speed wants to be better.


Every vacationer wants to capture the pleasant moments of their trip and then share them with their relatives and friends. Take a camera with you, the main thing is to take a charger or batteries for it, so as not to look for them in a hurry in unfamiliar city.

When going on vacation, do not forget to get an insurance policy

Magazines and books

On vacation, you want to completely relax and read your favorite book or magazine, and some people want to solve crossword puzzles. If you like to spend time with a book in your hands, don't forget to put it in your bag with your things. Plus, while waiting for a bus, train or plane to arrive, a magazine or book will help distract you, and the time will fly by.

First aid kit

If you are going on a trip by car, do not forget to take with you a portable first aid kit that will contain all the necessary medications. On the peninsula, the range of medications is not so wide, so the drug you need may not be available. The first aid kit should contain items that are useful for providing first aid, anti-allergy tablets, wound healing creams, protective spray and insect repellent ointment.

Children may need motion sickness pills. In Crimea, the roads are winding, even an unaccustomed adult will feel uneasy. Therefore, it is worth adding this remedy to other medications. Russians must have a mandatory insurance policy for their documents. health insurance in order to use the services of medical institutions in case of injuries and illnesses.


Put non-perishable food items in your bag; you may need them at first. After all, you cannot know for sure how long it will take you to get to your destination and when you will visit a store or market. Bottle of still mineral water and packaging with snacks or cookies will be completely useful. Thanks to this supply, you can quickly have a snack and feed your children. Now food prices in Crimea have risen quite a bit, including fruits and vegetables, so keep that in mind.

  • You should not take beach umbrellas, large mattresses for swimming, fins with a mask with you to the sea, there is no particular point in them (unless, of course, you are going to wild beaches). Everything you need can be purchased or simply rented.
  • It is better to buy Crimean wines in specialized stores so as not to run into fakes.
  • Now many Russians are trying to master resort towns, but they forget about the villages Big Yalta, like Gurzuf, Simeiz, Foros. Here, prices for housing and food can be lower than in the city, and there are fewer crowds of vacationers.
  • In Crimea for lovers extreme recreation There are many different programs and tours, you can get acquainted with them in more detail.
  • If you don’t have enough money for a vacation, then it’s better to rent housing further from the sea. For example: - Yalta is a small city and getting to the sea is not difficult. Find out: How to relax cheaply in Yalta.

Gather everything you need for your trip and hit the road. Let your holiday in Crimea give only positive emotions not only to children, but also to you!

What are the ingredients for a successful holiday? – Right choice places, great weather and... a first aid kit for vacation! By preparing and taking with you all the necessary medications, you will protect yourself and your loved ones from possible troubles that may happen during your trip.

The main thing about the product

We decide on the characteristics of the place of stay

A responsible approach to choosing a vacation spot will determine the possible dangers when visiting a particular resort.

Holidays abroad will require more detailed preparation. Finding medications is not a problem here, but often purchasing them will require prescriptions, which can only be obtained from a doctor. You can save yourself the extra steps by packing your own travel first aid kit.

Exotic countries determine the expansion of the list of traditional remedies. There is a great danger of infections, insect bites and burns from poisonous plants - which means you need to take protective equipment, ointments and get the necessary vaccinations ahead of time.

Resorts with an increased risk of intestinal infections also require special medications in the first aid kit.

The first aid kit on vacation depends on the travelers themselves. Immediately determine the age characteristics of tourists and, taking this into account, adjust the composition of your first aid kit. Elderly people and children all require individual medications.

First aid

It will be great if you have retained basic knowledge of first aid and can independently help the victim at least in the first stages. If you have forgotten everything, then it would not be amiss to refresh your memory at least on the basic provisions: applying a splint in case of injury and fixing hemostatic bandages, actions in case of loss of consciousness and the rules for performing artificial respiration.

In any city, in our country and abroad, there are first aid stations or ambulance stations. In urgent cases, be sure to call an ambulance. To avoid getting into trouble, take care of the necessary telephone numbers, addresses, and also write down the translation of some diseases and symptoms, then it will be easier for emergency doctors to figure out what exactly happened to you, unless of course you are fluent in the language of the local population.

Main components of a first aid kit

If you have not yet decided on the choice of region, method of transportation, duration of the trip, season and type of terrain (mountains or desert, North or South, city or wild nature), then such a standard first aid kit for vacation would be appropriate in any case:

  • Means for treating and dressing wounds (sterile bandages, brilliant green and iodine (preferably in the form of pencils), hydrogen peroxide, elastic bandage)
  • Remedies for stomach pain. For diarrhea - motilium. Adsorbents – activated carbon, smecta, enterosgel. For pain - Maalox. For vomiting - Aviamore, Dramamine or mint tablets. Laxatives – regulax, guttalax.
  • Antipyretic and painkillers - paracetamol, citramon or ibuprofen.
  • Antibiotics. Take them with you only after consulting your doctor. Do not take strong drugs on your own. If you have indications for their use, choose sumamed or augmentin - the most popular and widespread antibiotic agents.
  • Antiallergic drugs - Suprastin or Zyrtec.
  • Nasal drops. Vasoconstrictors will quickly make breathing easier, but will not solve the problem at the source (naphthyzin, vibrocil). For complete treatment of even advanced forms of the runny nose, use Polydex or Isofra spray.
  • Eye drops - Garazon and Sofradex - drops containing antibiotics will quickly help with purulent conjunctivitis.
  • Ear drops - Otipax - will quickly relieve pain from otitis media. But you should not use them for ear discharge, they can cause harm.
  • Medicines for sore throat - tantum verde, cameton, faringosept.
  • Antitussives and mucolytics – bromhexine, lazolvan.

First aid kit for vacation with children

If you are going on vacation with your children, then the first aid kit for your vacation will change somewhat. Children will need more gentle and safe medications.

In addition to the above medications, you need to stock up on the following:

  • Antipyretic and painkillers - children's Nurofen. The best option for pain and fever.
  • Antispasmodics – no-spa
  • Antibacterial drugs - phthalazole, levomekol
  • For the treatment of burns - panthenol in the form of a spray, bepanten, children's lifesaver
  • Antidiarrheals – Hilak Forte, Linex
  • To relieve itching after an insect bite - fenistil-gel, calendula tincture

When collecting medications, only put in your medicine cabinet those medications that you have already used to avoid unexpected side effects and allergic reactions.

First aid kit at sea

We will put all the basic components in it + a first aid kit on holiday for children if we are traveling with the whole family. And as an addition to the trip to the seashore we will take:

  • Sun cream – sanosan, chicco, My sunshine and others. Be sure to take it with maximum protection SPF 50.
  • After sun milk – MagicHerbs, pantesol
  • Mosquito repellents (spray, milk, bracelet) – Deta, BugStop, Babycoccole, Gardex
  • Be sure to buy bottled baby water. Follow this rule strictly for children under 2 years of age.

Health hazards when holidaying in Crimea

A high probability of allergic reactions occurs precisely in the summer, when everything is actively blooming and smelling in Crimea. The most highly allergenic plants here are wormwood and ragweed. Using antihistamines, you can quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms, and for treatment to proceed as quickly as possible, temporarily exclude melon, beets, seeds, bananas and honey from your diet, as these products can intensify the allergic reaction.

First aid kit for a car with children

If your little one has never gotten carsick, it may be that long road and shaking can change this moment. Do not take anti-sickness medications with you for your first aid kit on vacation - Dramamine, Air Sea, Aeron, menthol drops or lozenges.

When packing a first aid kit for your seaside holiday, keep in mind that many medications should not be stored above certain temperatures. And as you know, the road is long and hot. The presence of air conditioning greatly simplifies the storage task, but to be safe and protect the contents of the first aid kit as much as possible, pack medications in special thermal bags.

Medicines for traveling by train with children

Everything we take in the car with the child, we automatically take on the train. Antipyretics, antiseptics, painkillers, a thermometer (preferably an electronic one due to the danger of breaking the mercury) - all these are essential attributes when traveling with children.

In addition to medicines, it would be a good idea to take antibacterial wipes, a large supply of diapers or a potty with a lid on the train.

Flying by plane with a child

Before the flight, it would be a good idea to put vasoconstrictor drops (naphthyzin, vibrocil) in your child’s ears, so you will relieve your child of unpleasant sensations during takeoff and climb.

On the plane itself, you don’t have to take the entire first aid kit, but choose from it what you need – antipyretic, vasoconstrictor drops, patches, antihistamines.

We travel with pleasure

By packing a first aid kit on vacation, you guarantee yourself peace of mind in any unforeseen situations. Falls and bruises, sprains and burns - you always have the necessary first aid at hand.

A first aid kit for vacation is your first companion and assistant on long and short trips. Pack it wisely, carefully studying the characteristics of the region, because intestinal infections at sea, for example, they take not only children, but also adults by surprise. It will be sad to spend several days in your room when you could have protected yourself by using water disinfectants (Pantocide or Aquasept) or buying bottled water. Have a good and enjoyable holiday!

Not long ago, Crimea joined the list Russian resorts. Many immediately decided to spend their holidays on the peninsula. But, overwhelmed with anticipation of the trip, even the most experienced travelers Sometimes they make annoying mistakes when collecting luggage. So before you set off, you should make sure that you have other useful items in your suitcase along with sunscreen and sandals.

Documents and return tickets

At a minimum - a certificate proving your identity (passport fits better Total). It would seem like an obvious thing, but in the bustle of getting ready, you can lose sight of it too. And this will lead to serious problems for ferry crossing, as well as upon settlement. You should purchase return tickets in advance: when you decide to end your vacation, there may not be seats at the station ticket office for the date you need.

Money cash

Due to temporary problems in the Crimean banking industry, receiving a money transfer or withdrawing cash from an ATM may not be possible. It is best to take 2 times more money than necessary - just in case (remember that if force majeure occurs, you may not receive monetary reinforcement from the mainland). Don’t forget to stock up on small change: “lack of change” is one of the most popular excuses for extortion from unscrupulous sellers.

Portable first aid kit

The range of medicines in Crimean pharmacies may differ significantly from what is available in your city. Therefore, if you are used to taking certain medications, you should bring them with you. In addition, you must have an antihistamine, wound-healing ointment and first aid supplies, including an effective antiseptic and dressings.


Bring a small supply of non-perishable food items with you. Who knows how long you will stay at the crossing and how soon you will be able to get to the local market. Buying provisions on the go can be quite expensive: sellers in crowded tourist areas are not shy about their prices.

Maps and guides

If you are lost without GPS, and your smartphone cannot find the network and connect to the Internet, regular maps, which you wisely put in your pocket before leaving, will come to the rescue. Just be sure to make sure you purchase the most current edition: Grandfather's 1963 map may differ significantly from the actual terrain in 2014.

Spare batteries and accumulators

It will be a shame if your camera runs out of charge at the very moment when the beauty of the sunset reaches its apotheosis. And finding yourself on a dark forest path without light because the batteries in your flashlight are dead is downright dangerous. Therefore, you should have a set of replacement batteries and a battery for the camera with you.

Proper packing of luggage means that you take everything you need, and everything that could become a source of trouble - heavy, valuable, unclaimed at the resort - will remain at home. This approach to packing your suitcase will help you enjoy your vacation and avoid disappointment.

| Sights and secrets of the South Coast | Vacation tips| Photo, Video | |

We are going to Crimea

In this section I will try to talk about the features of the holiday - how to get to the South Coast, where it is better to stay, I will tell you about the beaches, food and excursions.
Everything stated below is my own opinion, based on the experience of holidaying and living in Crimea at different periods.

What to take with you on a trip

The first is, of course, documents. Now this is a Russian passport for Russians and a foreign passport for others. Train/plane ticket and money.

Regarding money - in 2014, for 2 weeks for 2 people (food, excursions, souvenirs) $1000 was enough, which is relatively little. Excursions in Crimea are still inexpensive. Although I continue to insist that you need to walk more on your own, it’s cheaper and healthier.

Next - summer things. It is worth considering that at the end of September, when it is “Indian summer” in central Russia, South Coast Crimea may experience “Indian winter” for several days, i.e. Temporarily cool down (especially at night, up to +15). Therefore, when going to Crimea in September, take something with you for a cool evening.
Be sure to bring good sneakers or summer boots with large treads. It's best to go straight to them. In addition to them, regular flip-flops are required in which you will wear to the beach. All kinds of high heels, etc. Leave the glamorous things at home; there is almost nowhere to wear them on the Southern Coast of Crimea. Although the author of the site has repeatedly observed girls in high-heeled shoes desperately climbing mountain paths. A heartbreaking sight!!! :)

Another important item is a flashlight and a set of batteries for it. It is better to take even two flashlights - one smaller, and the other large and bright. And of course, a camera with a sufficient supply of memory/film.
It is worth taking a mask or swimming goggles. When the water in the sea is calm, you can dive and see a lot of beautiful and interesting things.

A bottle of water (1.5 liters) and a package of cookies for a snack immediately upon arrival will not be superfluous. It is also worth taking care of a remedy for motion sickness if you are susceptible to this disease or eat with children. Mountain serpentine in Crimea it is very winding and you can get motion sick in just ten minutes of travel, especially on a minibus.

Every time we get ready to go on vacation, we are faced with the dilemma of how not to forget what is necessary, necessary, and pleasant, but at the same time not to gain too much. This article will help you cope with this difficult task. It lists those things that will be useful to you on vacation.
By studying information about the place of your upcoming vacation, you can make it more meaningful and eventful. Print and take with you maps and guides, this will make it easier for you to navigate the area. Mark the places you want to visit.

Documents and money refer to obvious things, the question is often asked about What currency should I take with me to Crimea? Here it can be noted that you can bring both dollars, euros and hryvnia to Crimea - you can always exchange them for rubles on the spot. In addition to cash, you can take payment or credit cards, but you need to take into account that Visa cards do not currently work in Crimea; there is conflicting information regarding the operation of Mastercard cards. PRO100 payment system cards work.

Clothing and toiletries. For summer holiday in Crimea by the sea are required light clothing - T-shirts, shorts, beach slippers, swimsuits, hats, sunglasses. If you are planning more leisure– sightseeing, mountain walks – take your lungs comfortable sneakers. Warm clothes in the summer will most likely not be useful, but just in case, you can take a tracksuit or paita with you if, for example, you are planning night gatherings by the sea. An integral element of any trip are wet wipes. They are suitable for hand disinfection and for removing contaminants on clothing in the absence of the necessary conditions. They will be especially valuable for those traveling with children.

Camera. Holidays are always replete with moments, the memory of which you want to preserve forever, for yourself, for your family, for your friends. If you are not going to send your photographs to photo exhibitions, then a digital amateur camera can easily cope with this. The main thing is that they evoke pleasant memories for you. Important: don't forget charger or spare batteries!

Book, magazines. What kind of holiday would it be without a relaxing love story or an exciting adventure, or a serious detective story, or an immortal classic, or a stunning fantasy - all this will give you a book. It will also help you pass the time on the plane, train or at the station. .

Laptop, tablet, mobile phone. Some might think that this is not the most best idea. A laptop, tablet, phone are things that can distract and ultimately interfere with proper rest. But there are a number of reasons that will show the need for these things on vacation. Firstly, in unforeseen cases, they can serve as a life-saving connection with the outside world, in which case you can always call an ambulance or the police, etc. Secondly, these are indispensable navigators. If children go on vacation with you, they will be an excellent escape from whims and will give you a few minutes/hours of peace. Children can be occupied by watching cartoons and playing games.

First aid kit. In Crimea, some medicines are not available without a prescription, and the prices may not please you. So it’s better to pack the first aid kit with the most necessary things in your opinion - you never know what can happen at the resort itself or on the way to it. It is important for those who travel to beach resorts, put a good sunscreen and after-sun product in your first aid kit. Because sunburn can ruin your entire vacation. Don't forget about protective sprays. It’s unlikely that anyone would enjoy a vacation with endless itching from insect bites. However, if you forget to put something in your first aid kit, you can always buy it in Crimea.

Extra bag. Whatever one may say, we bring back from a trip more than we take with us: souvenirs, new clothes, spices, Crimean wine). So, an extra bag will come in handy.


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