Type of food in hotels. The chef of an all-inclusive hotel shared the secrets of cooking what is all-inclusive called?

“All inclusive” is not just a food system. If this is not a way of life, then it’s certainly a way of relaxation. Let's look at the pros and cons of such a vacation.

The very concept of rest (from English " all inclusive") firmly entered into our everyday life a couple of decades ago, although it arose long before that, back in the 80s of the last century. It originated in France, then spread throughout the rest of the world in one form or another, but reached its peak of popularity in Turkey. It was here that the system was finally formed in the form in which it became known to our tourist.

The main difference between the all-inclusive system and others is that, in addition to hotel accommodation, you also pay in advance for at least three meals a day (including locally produced alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks), the services of entertainers (animators), as well as access to the hotel infrastructure (beaches, swimming pools, saunas, fitness centers and much more).

  • This is interesting:

As for nutrition itself, it occurs according to the principle of the so-called “ buffet" You can choose any of the dishes presented in the restaurant; their quantity is limited only by the size of your stomach. That is why we should not try to embrace the immensity, which is often the sin of our compatriots, who are guided by the principle “if we don’t eat it, then at least I’ll take a bite.” You can unmistakably recognize those who are on an all-inclusive holiday for the first time by the plaintive sighs over their heaped plates.

Benefits of the all-inclusive system

Let's start with the fact that you don't have to worry about anything at all. Your task is to choose a suitable hotel, the tour operator will do the rest for you, eliminating the need to think about how to get from the airport, where and how to eat, how to entertain yourself, how to get to the beach...

Since you have paid for the entire tour in advance, now you don’t have to worry about how much money to take with you, in what form to take it and where to hide the cash. If you wish, if your plans do not include shopping and excursions, then you can go with an empty wallet, or take only change for pocket money and souvenirs.

  • Do not miss:

Non-stop entertainment. Good animators will not let guests get bored during their vacation. During the day there are various games and competitions on the beach and near the pool, and in the evening - entertainment for adults and children.

Safety. Of course, if you wish, you can find adventure while locked in your room, however, in general, hotels operating on an all inclusive system are quite safe. Even in countries like Egypt, where there are periodic explosions, you can feel relatively safe on the hotel grounds.

Saving. An all-inclusive holiday is usually much cheaper than a similar class hotel with independent catering and entertainment. Drinking especially hits your pocket, because often a few glasses of beer or wine in a city restaurant can cost more than the dinner itself.

Ease of communication. It is no secret that the level of knowledge of foreign languages ​​among our compatriots, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. The advantage of all inclusive is that the system allows you not to bother your head with all sorts of unnecessary nonsense; just memorize the phrase “garson, tu bir, pliz” - and you won’t be lost. In addition, the staff usually understands Russian, even if they pretend that it is not so.

  • Might come in handy:

Well, and the most important thing is the incomparable feeling of the “ball” that we love so much. Yes, we paid money, but it was still at home. And now we are already here and our task is to eat and drink enough in the first 3 days to “recoup” the money spent on the trip, and enjoy the rest of the vacation because we are already “working in plus.”

Disadvantages of all inclusive

Yes, they are. And yes, there are a lot of them. If a person is on vacation abroad for the first time and immediately ends up in an all-inclusive hotel, then he experiences something like a “culture shock.” Of course, mountains of food, liters of booze, entertainment... And it’s “free”! However, after just a few days, insight sets in, and this happens both in the budget “three” and in the elite “five”.

For example, the picture with food is not as rosy as it seemed on the first day, when after a grueling flight you found yourself in the canteen for the first time. Despite the apparent diversity, every day you have to cut more circles along the notorious “buffet” in the hope of finding something that is not even “same”, but simply stands out from the overall picture. As usual, it is located where the line is longest... Now you begin to notice clear signs of zero-waste production in the form of lasagna, which was naval pasta at lunch...

It's the same story with drinking. Having tried all the cocktails, after a couple of days you cease to distinguish their taste, since they are made from the same disgusting local swill, which you can drink “clean” only once, and then only out of curiosity. Moreover, the proportions of the cocktails are chosen in such a way that you are more likely to get tired of running to the toilet than to experience the desired intoxication.

It is unlikely that you will be amazed by the level of service. The all inclusive system is more focused on self-service; waiters are here mainly only for serving and cleaning tables. Although a good tip sometimes works wonders. In addition, quite often one can notice some prejudice towards tourists from post-Soviet countries.

Of course, only our compatriots can be blamed for this, and after just a couple of days, seeing your goodwill and politeness, the staff will begin to treat you with respect. However, you must admit, you just came to relax, and you are not at all obliged to prove to everyone you meet that, apart from your nationality, you have nothing in common with the people bawling in the pool “We don’t need the Turkish coast...”

  • This is interesting:

The main disadvantage of "all inclusive" is that it does not allow you to fully experience the delights of staying in a foreign country, as is the case with independent organization trips. This is understandable, because the stay at the hotel has already been paid for, but you need to pay for excursions separately, and besides, you have to go somewhere in the heat... So it turns out to be a kind of psychological barrier, because of which many people never leave the hotel during their entire vacation . Therefore, it often happens that upon arrival there is nothing special to tell: well, they drank, ate, swam, sunbathed... In general, they did what they could just as easily do at home.

Having considered the advantages and disadvantages of all inclusive, we can say that, of course, everyone chooses what they like best. If you are a fan of beach leisure, and in addition don’t mind eating and having fun, then “all inclusive” is your thing. But if you prefer more active recreation and “immersion in the environment,” then it is better to give preference to breakfast only. Yes, self-catering will cost a little more, but you will have complete freedom of choice plus a lot of impressions.

A tourist who is traveling abroad for the first time or has not yet sufficiently mastered all the intricacies of visiting foreign countries will be interested in the types of food in hotels. Whether it’s an inspection or a trip to distant Argentina, when checking into a hotel, everyone is faced with information of this kind.

What do hotel food forms mean?

The form of food is the number of meals for which a tourist pays when purchasing hotel accommodation. The form may include one breakfast, or breakfast and dinner, or 3 meals and other services. You will have to pay extra for additional food.


The abbreviation BB (Bed & Breakfast) hides a service that includes payment only for breakfast and sleeping place . The traveler pays for the remaining meals separately or eats in other places (which happens very often during an intensive excursion program). Particular attention should be paid to additional abbreviations:

  • CBF(Continental Breakfast) – continental breakfast. The so-called “economical option”, which can most often be found in European 2-5 star hotels. In other parts of the world it is less common and mainly in hotels of the lowest category up to 3 stars. Breakfast may include coffee or tea, pastries, cottage cheese, eggs, fruit or yogurt, as well as butter per 1 serving.
  • ABF(American Breakfast) - American breakfast. The menu includes an expanded list of dishes; this type of meal is more dense. Includes a standard continental breakfast set, as well as additional options: sausages or sausages, cheese, vegetable salads. Most often found in hotels North America and Western Europe.
  • BBF(Buffet Breakfast) - buffet. The most popular type of breakfast. The composition includes the most varied dishes, from which the tourist chooses new variations every day. At the buffet you can find both dairy and meat dishes, as well as vegetables, fruits, a variety of pastries and desserts. When it comes to drinks, hotels give preference to local products. A slightly less common option is the inclusion of alcohol. The key feature of a buffet is unlimited portions; a person takes as much food as he wants. But the quality and abundance of products is always influenced by the category of the hotel.

A meal plan that only includes breakfast is best for active tourists. If you are going to either visit another beach resort, then you can pay attention to the meal plan with dinner.


Under the designation HB ( Half Board) is hiding regime including breakfast and dinner. An alternative name that can be found when booking a hotel is half board. There are also options where the tourist himself chooses whether it will be breakfast with dinner or lunch.

Important: the cost of drinks is not included in the HB plan; at dinner you need to pay for them separately (in some hotels even for water). And in the mornings, only non-alcoholic products are included in the price.

Most often, the HB type is found in European hotels - it is a varied and profitable food option. It may contain several types of breakfast, including a buffet. Its main advantage is the freedom of the tourist, since he does not have to think about skipping lunch when visiting excursions. But for those who go on vacation to have fun at night, it is better to pay attention to a different plan. After all, the hotel dining room in most cases is open only until 10 am, limiting breakfast hours. At other times you will have to pay for food.

Important: There is also such a variety as HB+. This meal plan is similar to the standard meal plan, but includes a selection of alcoholic beverages. Most often, tourists are offered locally produced products.


FB (Full Board), or full board, - This three meals a day plan. It includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, but strictly at set times. If you missed a meal, wait for the next one or pay separately. The main disadvantage of this plan is its strong dependence on the hotel. This the best choice for those who go on vacation to spend all their time on the beach nearby. But for lovers active travel and FB excursions will be an unprofitable solution.

Important: The plan includes only soft drinks, and you will have to pay separately for alcoholic beverages. The FB+ format includes locally produced alcohol.


AI (All Inclusive) - all inclusive - a meal plan that includes any amount of food, locally produced non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks. Some hotels even include snacks and lunches with pastries, fruit, canapés and other snacks. At the same time, you can enjoy culinary delights until midnight (the time is indicated in the plan). This is the most convenient type of hotel food, but too uneconomical for those who attend excursions and are rarely in their room.


Ultra All Inclusive, or premium all-inclusive system. This designation is used for VIP meal plan option. Most often found in such popular tourist countries like Egypt and Türkiye. In other countries, UAI is not widespread. It differs from the usual all-inclusive mode by the presence of foreign alcoholic drinks in the assortment. A bonus when ordering VIP meals is increased quality of products, options for dishes with delicacies.

Additionally, tourists can enjoy meals in an A la carte restaurant - it is located on the territory of the hotel complex, but offers a certain cuisine: Japanese, Chinese, Italian or any other. This is the most expensive system food in foreign hotels, dangerous for people prone to drinking. Unlimited amounts of alcohol can be harmful to health and ruin your vacation.


RO Plan (Room Only) does not include any power– the tourist pays only for the room. This scheme is widespread in inexpensive hotels. There are additional abbreviation options:

  • OB – Only Bed;
  • RR – Room Rate;.

But on the hotel premises, as a rule, there is a cafe or restaurant where you can eat for a fee.

Alternative abbreviations

The standard nutrition classification is not found in all countries. Thus, in the UAE you can find additional abbreviations:

  • CP instead of BB – indicates a continental meal plan with light meals once a day (in the morning);
  • BP – Bermuda Plan – hearty morning lunch with meat or fish dishes, scrambled eggs, salads, pastries;
  • MAP is an alternative shortening of half board, which includes a combination of breakfast + lunch, sometimes there is an additional snack during the afternoon snack;
  • AP - American Nutrition Plan, or Complete Diet. It includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as 2-3 snacks.

Other abbreviations are much less common, but the list presented is the most common.

Let's sum it up

A meal plan is an additional expense that can be reduced when thinking about your vacation and calculating your budget. The saved finances will allow the other country to receive more unique gifts and souvenirs, and will also expand the tourist’s opportunities when visiting excursions.

If the trip is planned mainly for beach holiday, then a tariff that includes breakfast, lunch and dinner seems more attractive. If you want to save as much money as possible, then you can completely refuse meals, preferring a trip with RO.

Majority Russian tourists When going on a long-awaited vacation, they prefer to relax using the all inclusive system. And it’s not surprising, because by paying the cost of the tour, you can have a great time in a hotel with all the amenities and not spend anything more than what you paid at home.

Most often, the all-inclusive food system is offered in hotels, but sometimes it can be found in other countries. Due to the fact that there are more and more varieties of all inclusive every year, it is better to understand what their difference is and what is included in the “vacation package”.

The essence of the concept of “all inclusive”

All-inclusive meals, or in English (ALL) are pre-paid services that are provided to the guest after check-in. The most common ALL options are the following list of services:

  • accommodation in a room of the designated category;
  • three meals a day throughout the day on a buffet basis;
  • locally produced drinks, including alcohol;
  • other types of services (in-room safe, mini-fridge, etc.).

Thus, all-inclusive meals allow you to forget about many of the problems associated with organizing your vacation. There is no need for additional costs Money to pay for dinner in restaurants, since the hotel will offer tourists buffet meals, where no restrictions are imposed on the amount eaten. Depending on the hotel category, the number of dishes ranges from 3 to 10, and fresh pastries, desserts, sweets and fruits are also provided.

Drinkers will appreciate the all-inclusive meal plan due to unlimited access to locally produced alcohol. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that strong drinks that are not produced in the holiday destination will need to be paid extra. Freshly squeezed juices and ice cream, as a rule, are also not included in the ALL price. Among the services free of charge will be relaxation at the hotel pool and on the beach, a children's animator and, possibly, an evening program.

Types of all-inclusive system

Exist different types all inclusive, which differ depending on the country of holiday, the level of the hotel, the cost of the trip and other factors. It is worth noting that there are no standards for what should be included in all-inclusive meals, so a lot depends on the hotel’s reputation, competition and the imagination of the managers.

Despite this, hotels with a 2-3 star level also offer locally produced drinks at their own expense. In 4-5 star hotels, the price also includes the use of beach accessories and related equipment.

There are several abbreviations for the term "all inclusive". Almost every tourist knows how the concept is defined. The most common are ALL (all inclusive), mini ALL (used in UAL (a wider range of free services in hotels

Ultra all inclusive meal plan

Ultra All inclusive is a significantly expanded list of services that a tourist pays for when purchasing a voucher to the selected hotel. This system is most developed in luxury five-star hotels in Egypt and Turkey. Typically, it includes the following:

  • 24-hour food service (brunch, afternoon snack, night dinner);
  • food delivery to the room;
  • imported alcohol;
  • daily replenishment of minibars in the rooms;
  • free tennis and bowling;
  • visiting the SPA center, sauna, massage room;
  • entertainment in hotel amusement parks and water parks;
  • water sports.

All-inclusive meals (as we have already said as it is designated) are a very convenient holiday concept. But the “ultra all inclusive” system is usually quite expensive (more expensive than simple All inclusive). It is worth clarifying that, in turn, Ultra All inclusive has dozens of types: Mega All inclusive, Imperial All inclusive, All inclusive de luxe and so on.

All inclusive in Europe

The European ALL system differs significantly from the all-inclusive meals in Egypt and Turkey. The reason for such differences lies in the very nature of All inclusive, which is in demand at resorts where all entertainment is located on the hotel premises. European tourist centers, on the contrary, abound in various restaurants, bars, discos and local attractions. Therefore, Europeans consider the all-inclusive system an unnecessary excess.

Having paid for All inclusive, the guest receives a bracelet or other insignia, which gives the right to three meals a day and local alcoholic drinks. Among additional services water aerobics, tennis or sauna may be offered. 3-star hotels do not provide any special entertainment.

When buying a ticket, it is better to check with the tour operator which system is used in the selected hotel and what is included in it. Upon arrival on vacation, you will be able to receive complete information about the services provided.

Meals at the hotel are an important point when planning a vacation. However, the large number of varieties of this service greatly complicates the choice. Explaining and translating the abbreviations used in vouchers can make finding the perfect holiday destination much easier.

Types of food in hotels (decoding and translation of generally accepted abbreviations are presented below) are of 8 types:

Name International


Translation Description
Only Bed O.B. Accommodation only The guest paid only for the room. Organization and delivery of food is not provided. Sometimes the abbreviations RO or Room Only, RR or Room Rate, AO or Accommodation Only are used
Bed and Breakfast BB Bed and Breakfast In addition to the apartment, the guest paid for the morning meal
Half Board HB Half board The visitor is fed 2 times. Tea, coffee and soft drinks are served only in the morning
Half Board + HB+ Extended half board The guest is provided with 2 meals a day and local drinks.
Full Board FB Full board Meals are taken 3 times. Hot and cold drinks are served in the morning and/or afternoon.
Full Board plus FB+ Extended or full board The visitor is provided with 3 meals a day and drinks, which are served directly during the meal. Another name for this scheme is Extended Full Board (ExtFB)
All Inclusive Al, ALL All inclusive The price includes main and additional meals, regional drinks.
Ultra AIl Inclusive UAI, UAL Ultra all inclusive Similar to All Inclusive. The only difference: along with local drinks, foreign drinks are served
Deciphering the types of food in hotels. 11 types

In America, a slightly different classification has been adopted. However, in essence it is similar to the global one.

Types of food in hotels (decoding and description of abbreviations used in the USA are presented in the table below) are of 5 types:

Name Reduction International analogue Description
European Plan E.P. R.O. Only accommodation is paid
Bermuda Plan B.P. BB A hearty late breakfast is included in the package.
Continental Plan C.P. BB Breakfast is included in addition to your stay
Modified American Plan MAP HB Guest pays for accommodation and breakfast with lunch
American Plan AP FB In addition to the room, 3 meals a day are paid for

Power RO

The guest has the right to use his own room. However, to eat, he will have to go to the nearest cafe or restaurant. This situation has its pros and cons.

The first includes:

Among the disadvantages of RO are:

  • Relatively expensive.
  • Inconvenience. Finding the nearest cafes and restaurants takes a lot of effort and time. The same goes for organizing your own cooking.
  • In some regions, the public catering system is very poorly represented, or there is no opportunity to go to any restaurant or bar. For example, in Egypt or the Maldives.

This option is more suitable for active tourists who want to completely immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a particular place.

It will also be appropriate for short-term trips or business trips, when attending conferences or seminars. For lovers of a quiet holiday who want to completely relax, it is better to stay in a hotel where visitors are fed.

Meals BB (Breakfast only)

In addition to accommodation, the price of the tour includes meals. This option is good for short business trips or excursion-filled tours. Naturally, the region should have an extensive network of various catering facilities.

Breakfast can be different: from light continental to buffet. Sometimes there is a brunch with cold appetizers, pastries and drinks. A variety of salads, soups, cheeses and hot dishes can be served.

This model is used in large chain hotels. But most often, B&Bs are small family hotels with 4-12 rooms. In some cases, the owners live in the next wing of the inn. They will most likely be engaged in cooking. Therefore, the type and quality of breakfast depends solely on the imagination and culinary abilities of the owners. Often such hotels are organized in: picturesque cottages, farms, lighthouses, decommissioned yachts and airplanes.

In concept, they are very close to the now popular boutique hotels. These varieties are most relevant in the USA, Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia.

Meals HB (Half board)

The HB designation on the voucher means eating in the morning and evening. Very rarely, the latter option is replaced for lunch (for example, in the UAE). This type of food is mainly practiced in 3 or 4 star hotels.

Local drinks are served in the morning. At other times you will have to pay extra for them. Service is organized in the form of a buffet or carried out by waiters. You should specifically focus on breakfast and dinner.

The first usually takes place from 7.30 to 10.00 and consists of:

Sometimes the following may be served:

  • meat dishes (sausages, sausages, fried bacon, chicken thighs and breasts, various chops and schnitzels);
  • fish (salted or baked as part of a Scandinavian breakfast);
  • salads, vegetables, fruits.

Drinks include water, juices, milk, tea, coffee. Alcohol usually costs extra.

If the service is carried out according to the “a la carte” principle, then the menu will be less varied, but more refined. For example, beef tartare, grilled pepper shrimp, crab cake. In this case, the guest is given a list the day before, from which he chooses what he will eat. However, this variety is extremely rare.

As for dinner, it is usually held at 18.00 – 20.00.

If the service system is a buffet, then the following will be presented there:

  • salads;
  • cold snacks;
  • hot dishes;
  • several types of side dishes;
  • desserts, pastries and bread.

Drinks are not served (with rare exceptions - water, juices, tea, coffee).

The menu in the restaurant is more healthy and interesting. For example, fried shrimp with coconut sauce or chicken breast with salsa sauce and crispy croutons. Most likely, you will have to take care of drinks in advance or pay for them additionally. Although, in some restaurants, when ordering two or more main courses, alcohol is provided as a compliment. Most often these are dry white wines.

Half board is suitable for tourists who come for a short time and want to be independent of the schedule.

Instead of lunch, they will prefer active recreation, staying on the beach or exploring local cuisine at a nearby restaurant. Each of the guests will be able to manage free time at your own discretion. Choosing HB will allow you to save money and significantly diversify your vacation without being tied to a hotel.

Meals HB Plus (Half board +)

The plus in the name does not mean that lunch or afternoon tea is included in the price. He says that the tourist package includes locally produced drinks: hot, cold and alcohol, which are served with every meal.

Half board is perfect for anyone who wants to include cocktails and beer in their holiday without overpaying. The model is very similar to All Inclusive, but costs several times less. However, HB Plus is quite rare, because in hotel business It is much more profitable to work according to the “All inclusive” scheme.

Meals FB (Full board, Extended board)

The cost of this service includes accommodation and 3 meals a day. Hot drinks and juices are served in the morning. During the day and evening there will be only water on the tables. You will have to pay extra for other drinks. There are boarding houses with 4 meals a day. But they are extremely rare. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify everything in advance and agree with the hotel administration or tour operator.

Service can be provided in two forms: buffet or waiters. Despite the apparent lack of variety, in the second case there is a chance to get more original, high-quality dishes compared to the first option. The menu depends on the area and specifically on the hotel administration. Most often it is similar to half board with an additional meal.

This model is ideal for lovers of passive recreation who want to explore local drinking establishments on their own, or who practically do not drink alcohol.

Plus, FB is much cheaper than All Inclusive. And multiple meals completely free tourists from wasting money, time and nerves on preparing food. And vice versa, for lovers active rest It is better to choose a room with breakfast or half board.

Meals FB Plus (Full board +, Extended board +)

This item is completely similar to the previous one, except that guests are provided with local drinks during meals.

Sometimes they are available 24 hours a day. This variety is relatively rare, because it is unprofitable in comparison with the same All Inclusive. It happens that guests are given unlimited access only to certain types of drinks. This question should be clarified with the manager

travel company

Types of food in hotels, explanation of names, differences between specific types, features in individual countries are different. A distinctive feature of All inclusive is that it provides main and additional meals. Moreover, guests have access to locally produced alcohol, hot and cold drinks.

Often, the purchased travel package includes:

  • animation
  • visiting a sauna, massage room, SPA salon;
  • tennis court;
  • aquapark;
  • bonus trip to restaurants at the hotel complex.

All inclusive is not so much a type of food as a standard of service. Currently, hotel owners are coming up with more and more new types of this scheme.

Here are some of the examples:

  1. AI. Light. Includes multiple meals and unlimited access to locally produced drinks until 11 p.m.
  2. Royal AI. Paid for 3 meals, brunch, afternoon snack, extra dinner, night soup.
  3. AI hard. Allows you to use some services: yoga or surfing lessons, gym, sauna or massage.
  4. Select AI. The guest has the opportunity to visit from 1 to 12 specialized hotel restaurants (meat, fish, Italian, French) for free.
  5. MAI (Maxi All Inclusive). An additional service package was paid for, which does not cover the use of the telephone, trips to the laundry, services of the first aid station and shops.
  6. HCAL (Highclass All Inclusive). Fine cuisine and the opportunity to use the hotel services for free.

The All Inclusive concept is suitable for families with children and people who have worked very hard and would like to relax as much as possible.

In some countries, this type of food is the only option available. This may be due to climate, an underdeveloped economy, or social instability.

Examples include Egypt, Algeria, Kenya, UAE, Cuba, India, Goa, Tunisia. Here, hotel complexes can act as small towns with their own infrastructure: shops, hairdressers, dry cleaners, cinemas. In Europe with her rich history And big amount

attractions, there is no point in overpaying to spend your entire vacation in a hotel. It is better to avoid All Inclusive for active tourists who do not plan to stay for a long time, and for people going on short-term business trips.

UAI meals (Ultra all inclusive)

This is a more expanded version of the previous type.

That is why there are so many varieties of All Inclusive. For example, the concepts Premium All, Elegance All, Super All, Imperial All differ from each other only in the quantity and type of free services provided.

Who should choose this type of holiday:

  • Families with children who are very picky eaters. After all, the presence of a children's menu, big variety dishes and unlimited access to sweets and ice cream will allow you to feed any child.
  • For guests who plan to spend a significant portion of their time at the hotel or on the beach.
  • If the hotel complex is remote from big cities, shopping centers or a cafe.

Conversely, if it is located in a busy historical or shopping area, then it makes sense to choose a simpler scheme to save money on visiting interesting attractions.

Types of breakfasts in hotels

Types of food in hotels, explanation and description of the main types of breakfasts are given in the table below:

Breakfast type International


Translation Explanation
Continental Breakfast CBF, CB Continental It includes coffee, juices, tea, croissants, pastries and toast. They are served with milk, chocolate, jams, and butter. May also include omelettes, boiled eggs, cereals, fruits, cold cuts and cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurts
American Breakfast ABF, AB, CA American It is an extended version of the continental one. Sometimes fried or baked meat, poultry, fish, pies, and vegetable salads are served
English Breakfast E.B. English In addition to hot and cold drinks, it includes scrambled eggs, special sausages or blood sausage with baked tomatoes, beans, bread and mushrooms, boiled potatoes and cabbage. Products can be replaced with more universal ones, or, conversely, supplemented national dishes. Then, the voucher will indicate that it is a Scottish, Irish, Welsh or Cornish breakfast
Brunch dinner+ ВD+ Late breakfast Very often practiced in resorts in Austria and Switzerland, where late breakfast turns into early lunch. Soups, hot dishes of meat, poultry or fish, desserts can be served

Buffet at the hotel, what is it and what are the advantages?

This is the most democratic type of service in catering. It is very popular in hotels of any class. It is essentially a self-service option where diners choose what they want to eat.

The number of meals is not limited.

The only rule: You cannot take food outside the restaurant. Drinks are either served on adjacent tables or served automatically from special devices. Alcohol is most often poured at the bar or served by waiters.

The undoubted advantage of the buffet is the variety of choice, which allows you to satisfy even the most demanding requests.

Meals a la carte

There are 2 varieties of this food model - in both, visitors are served by waiters.

In the first case, the night before or during breakfast, the guest himself chooses from the proposed menu what he will eat. Next, the order is sent to the kitchen.

In the second case, we mean restaurants at hotels with an all-inclusive system. This is a great alternative for anyone who is tired of the buffet. Such hotel complexes guests are invited to visit various restaurants for free: French, Italian, Japanese, fish, meat. This can be done one or more times by first registering with the administrator.

The advantage of this type of service is that the dishes here are more interesting, healthy and original. The disadvantages include the lack wide choice

compared to a buffet.

Baby food in hotels When planning a vacation with a child, you should carefully study and consider baby food

. After all, a situation may arise when, upon arriving at the hotel, to the joy of the baby and the horror of the parents, it turns out that the main part of the menu is fast food. Therefore, you should discuss this issue with the tour operator.

Ideally, the hotel should have special dietary or children's meals. If they are not available, then it may make sense to order an individual menu for an additional fee.

Also, when traveling, you should not overuse local or exotic cuisine, which can cause health problems for your child or simply not be to his liking. It is best to find a type of food that will feature mostly familiar European dishes.

Before the trip you must:

Recommendations will help tourists choose the most optimal of all types of food in any hotel. After all, analyzing these incomprehensible symbols will help you avoid getting into trouble and keep only pleasant memories of your trip. Article format:

Vladimir the Great

Video about food types in hotels

Explanation of food type designations in hotels:

Naturally, not only the cost of the trip depends on the type of service, but also how quality the vacation will be.

RO (room only), RR (room rate), OB (Only Bed), AO (Accommodation Only) means only hotel accommodation without the possibility of free meals. Choosing this type will allow you to save a decent amount of money when purchasing a tour. At the same time, you will need to take care of your own food, which can sometimes be very inconvenient.

However, many tourists specifically choose “accommodation only” in order to explore the flavor local cuisine and try out several restaurants and cafes. Before your trip, you can study the place and the nearest popular establishments in advance; fortunately, such an opportunity is now available on the Internet.

BB ( bed breakfast) - literally translates to "bed and breakfast". Breakfast is usually either continental or buffet. A continental breakfast is a certain fixed set of dishes that is offered to the guest, and unlike a buffet, it is a lighter form of breakfast. As a rule, this type of food is chosen by active tourists - travelers who do not want to be tied to hotel meals.

BB+ (bed breakfast plus), unlike BB, a more dense, expanded menu option is offered.

HB (Half Board) or "half board" means accommodation with breakfast and dinner. You will need to take care of your own lunches. This type of meal does not include additional snacks or alcoholic drinks.

HB+ (Half Board plus) similar to HB, only here you can get free alcoholic drinks, mostly locally produced.

FB (Full Board) or “full board”, i.e. the tourist has three full meals a day. With the FB system you cannot count on free alcoholic drinks. However, this type of food is very convenient for couples with small children, because... everything has already been thought out and there is no need to look for a place to eat. Many modern hotels also offer their guests a children's menu, which makes life much easier for parents.

FB+ (full board plus)- also “full board”, but includes a small list of free alcoholic drinks, most often locally produced.

AI, ALL, UALL (all inclusive) or all-inclusive. The dream of many tourists, because... You can eat without restrictions, especially if you are not on a diet. Depending on the star rating of the hotel, this type of food can be either three times a day or multiple times throughout the day (restaurants, barbecues, grills, bars). Depending on the level of the hotel, mainly local alcoholic drinks are provided, and sometimes imported alcohol.

UAI, UALL (ultra all inclusive) or “ultra all inclusive” - similar to the previous type of food, only a large selection of local and imported alcoholic drinks is provided. This type of accommodation with meals will of course be the most expensive, but also the highest quality.

Alternative classification and decoding

But not all countries use abbreviations for the standard classification of hotel food types. Sometimes hotels with a swimming pool in the UAE offer an alternative designation:

  1. EP (same as OB) and means that visitors will not receive free food here at all, because... this is not included in the price;
  2. CP (or continental plan), which provides tourists with a choice of light meals (tea/coffee, buns, sandwiches, fruit) and only once a day in the morning;
  3. BP (bermuda plan)- this is a hearty morning lunch in American style, i.e. they will offer meat/fish dishes, salads, pastries and many other products that are not at all suitable for a vegetarian or a person on a diet;
  4. MAP- half board, consisting of a full breakfast and a hearty lunch. Can also be supplemented with afternoon tea according to the British tradition, even in hotels in the UAE;
  5. AP (american plan), which means full board, i.e. three meals a day with additional snacks.

Types of breakfast

In some cases, when choosing the type of accommodation in an Adler hotel with meals, details such as the type of breakfast may be specified. There are only three of them, different in cost and content:

  1. Continental Breakfast– a light and simple set of dishes and drinks (coffee/tea/juice, buns, fruit);
  2. English type, consisting of hearty scrambled eggs, hot toasters, scones with jam and butter and coffee/tea;
  3. American type– this is the most satisfying and high-calorie set of dishes: hot and cold appetizers, baked goods, sliced ​​dishes, etc.



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