It's cheaper to fly to Goa. Independent holidays in South and North Goa. What you need to do long before your trip to Goa

The Goan coast looks like a real paradise for travelers on the avenues. At the same time, there are enough dangers here and there are subtleties that need to be studied before the trip. One cannot ignore the plant and animal world: for example, are sharks or snakes dangerous in Goa.

The burning question is, what do you need to travel to Goa? What facts and holidays deserve special attention? And, of course, purely practical issues: tips, taxis in Goa, illnesses, medicines, sockets and the right to drive the ubiquitous scooter.

Plants in Goa

The coast on which the former Portuguese colony is located is covered with tropical jungle. The vegetation is lush and vibrant. Towards the end of the season, it dries up, but does not lose its attractiveness. There are several spice plantations and national parks, where you can see not only birds and animals, but also a rich flora.

Tourists are attracted by the thickets of banyan trees and the impressive juxtaposition of tropical palms and vines with assorted conifers in Goa.

Holidays in Goa

When going to the former Portuguese colony, you need to be prepared that the holidays in Goa are held on an enchanting scale. Hindu rituals intricately intertwined with medieval Catholic traditions and showed the world endless carnivals and processions.

Noisy processions are accompanied by installations of images and sculptures of deities, saints, and talismans. Fresh flowers, fire shows and paints are a must. It is necessary to go to the holidays in clothes that you don’t mind. Take an old T-shirt - it will be completely covered or filled with paint.

What you need for a trip to Goa

It is impossible to give comprehensive advice to tourists in Goa. Travelers are different, everyone has their own needs and characteristics. If you have money, problems that arise can be solved locally, but a supply of first aid medications should be on hand.

What medications to take to Goa

The difficulties of acclimatization are solved in Goan pharmacies. Usually there is an exhaustive list of medicines made in India, which are dispensed on the recommendation of a doctor. It is much more important to take emergency supplies with you:

  1. Antihistamines. Medicines must be carried with you. In case you suddenly develop a food allergy to some spices or you are exposed to jellyfish.
  2. Painkillers and antispasmodics. No-spa or citramon should be on hand.
  3. Disinfectants: iodine, peroxide, brilliant green. Better in special pencils.

If there are children on the trip, the list of medications to take is longer. Antipyretic and dyspeptic drugs are definitely added.

Reviews about Goa insist that you need to use high-sensitivity sunscreens while traveling. But you can buy them locally.

How much money to take with you to Goa

Everyone calculates their own budget. A complete vacation in Goa for one traveler here is enough for $800–1000 per month, provided that you are not the king of glamorous parties and have not decided to provide work for all the taxis in Goa. Having a reserve, you can expand the program and look at neighboring states or manage them in your own way.

When paying for a trip to a tour operator, ask separately how much the fuel surcharge is and whether it is included in the price of the trip. Otherwise, there will be an unpleasant surprise before departure - additional expenses or refusal to travel with great losses. Fuel surcharge can be $50–$75.

What do people wear in Goa?

Reviews about Goa are full of the word “shanti”. This is an indescribable atmosphere of absolute calm and joy that permeates everything around. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised: tourists come here in all sorts of clothes. Considering that the season on the coast is eternal summer, you can take with you:

  • swimwear;
  • loose, long-sleeved shirts;
  • shorts;
  • hats.

Glamorous appearances are accepted only on south goa, yes even then night life It’s not particularly popular there and any dress code is acceptable.

Experienced travelers do not take outerwear with them at all, but buy what they need in the markets - the price/quality ratio allows it. In terms of dollars, it's not very expensive.

Attention: Women, even when accompanied by their stronger half, should not neglect the basic rules of decency and appear dressed in public places. Swimsuits, transparent tunics and minis are best left for the beaches.

Dangers for tourists in Goa

Unpleasant and downright dangerous situations are possible everywhere. There are many rumors about Goa: sharks, snakes, stingrays, poisonous jellyfish, tsunamis and all kinds of tropical misfortunes in the form of diseases. Although more injuries are suffered by tourists who inadvertently hid under coconut trees during the wind or decided that they knew everything about Indian roads.

Snakes in Goa

When traveling to India, you need to be mentally prepared for meeting animals. Snakes in Goa are an unpleasant but inevitable phenomenon. There are marine and land species here. On the coast and in nearby waters, tourists are interested in marine ones. However, there are not many of them and they swim far from the shore. Indian fishermen fearlessly pick up snakes and assure them that they are not poisonous. Reviews from tourists periodically frighten with fear-inspiring photographs, but not a single case of death from an encounter is reported.

Sharks in Goa

Sharks are also considered a danger in Goa. However, they, like snakes, do not swim close to the shore. The obstacles are strong currents and natural instincts, forcing them to stay away from noise and tourists. They are active at night. They are found mainly in fish market stalls. Judging by the reviews, there are no cases of attacks on tourists at all. Schools of dolphins often swim to the shore.

Diseases in Goa

The tropics and unsanitary conditions in Goa pose a threat of intestinal infections - they develop here literally at lightning speed. What do you need to know? Maintain good hygiene. The rest can be done even without vaccinations. But insurance in case of force majeure circumstances must be taken out. When faced with jellyfish or injuries, you will understand that it was not superfluous.

Tsunami in Goa

The west coast of India lies in a relatively calm zone where the threat of tsunamis and tectonic instability is low. The last tsunami was recorded in 2004. The consequences were minor.

What you need to know about a tsunami: to disperse a high wave you need deep water that comes directly to the shore. The coastline in Goa is wide and flat. A tsunami has no chance.

The smallest state of India and a former Portuguese colony is interesting due to many features:

  1. Wide coastline stretched for almost 100 km. The north will provide you with a lot of impressions and relatively affordable prices. The south will delight you with peace and quiet. To find your Goa, you need to travel around it completely.
  2. Friendly Indians speaking a striking mixture of Konkani, Porto and English. The set is not complete without Russian and German. Therefore, for 100% understanding you will have to master sign language.
  3. Left side traffic. The roads where they exist are narrow and bad. Rules are a relative concept. Traffic is often chaotic. Most participants prefer scooters and bikes.
  4. Cows and dogs. It is not customary to chase them or offend them in any other way. Cows are sacred animals.
  5. The sunrise and sunset in Goa are mesmerizing with their beauty and transience. In no more than half an hour, night comes to replace day and vice versa.
  6. Hindus have a special place in cleanliness. And not in the actual best place. Garbage and landfills are on every corner, and intestinal infections waiting in the most unexpected places. Carry alcohol wipes with you.
  7. Attractions. In addition to the stunning richness of the natural landscape, Goa has many Hindu and Catholic temples.

Frequently asked questions and answers

What can you encounter in Goa?

The first thing an inexperienced traveler will have to deal with is a taxi in Goa. Getting to know cunning and often boorish owners of cars and licenses discourages you from using their services for a long time. Meanwhile, the secret of mutually beneficial relationships is the rule of always bargaining and firmly, but benevolently, refusing the imposed service. Other issues can be easily resolved.

How much do you tip in Goa?

According to reviews, the standard tip is about 10–20 rupees. It is customary to leave them for any services. Starting from the airport, you are literally attacked local residents in a sincere desire to help with things. Next - the maids. It is not customary to leave a standard dollar on a bed in hotels below 4 stars.

Even the colorful Goans who enterprisingly sell various small items on the beach are much more willing to pose for money. In restaurants they leave about 5% of the bill.

What outlets are there in Goa?

Tourists recommend taking 2-3 tees with them to India, preferably with grounding. They will allow you to safely use electrical networks. The voltage is the same as ours - 220, but the sockets are often loose and it can be difficult to fix the plug in them. Standard used: C,D,M. The first is for regular and Euro plugs without grounding.

If the outlet does not work, it may be turned off - the toggle switch is usually located at the entrance to the room.

Where is it safe to exchange dollars in Goa?

Of course, it is best to change money at official institutions marked Exchange. They exchange dollars upon arrival, in hotels, in special bureaus and banks. But these are classic safe options. This inscription can be found in shops and stores.

Less safe options are from taxi drivers, in random shops or from hand. Goans will willingly exchange dollars, but the safety of large sums will be questionable. Although reviews of Goa say that the criminal situation is strictly regulated by religious dogma - you cannot take someone else’s. Therefore, Indians limit themselves to scams of various scales: they inflate prices and cheat.

Do you need a scooter license in Goa?

Taxi in Goa is not the last means of transportation. Having looked closely, tourists switch to scooters and bikes. Officially, you must have an international license with category “A”. Unofficially, other solutions are possible. When renting, documents are not required, and if you are stopped by valiant police officers, then know: corruption in India is also a tourist attraction. Bargain.

Before your trip, you need to know in advance what you cannot bring from Goa. Tips for tourists who love expensive souvenirs: do not buy antiques. It requires certificates and a lot of permits. In addition, you cannot export:

  1. Indian currency.
  2. Precious metals in ingots.
  3. Representatives of local flora and living fauna.
  4. Fishing items: feathers, fur, skins.

The former Portuguese colony in India attracts with its picturesque nature and no less vivid impressions of the original culture and its bearers. Before your trip, you should carefully study all available information and reviews about Goa.


First, decide for yourself whether you really want to go to India? If you are a fan of all-inclusive holidays, then this is definitely not the place for you. And the level of service in most Indian hotels (except perhaps a small handful of five-star hotels) is frankly lame. But if you want to plunge into the unique culture of this country, learn about ten million gods, visit ancient temples, see the famous Goan sunsets - pack your bags and fly!

To make your life easier, you can buy a ticket from a travel agency. The package includes flights, transfers, accommodation and meals at the selected hotel. All you have to do is decide whether you'll go north Goa- where there are a lot of discos, bars and budget hotels, or to the south, where hotels are more expensive and it’s quieter. When choosing a hotel, please note that in India almost all beaches are public; only a couple or three hotels located at a great distance from civilization have their own. There is no point in choosing all-inclusive meals. Firstly, there is very specific food there, which you may not like, and secondly, having lunch or dinner in a restaurant on the shore (the so-called neck) costs absolutely nothing - 80-300 rubles per person, including alcohol.

If you are not looking for easy ways and want to save money, you can organize a vacation. To do this, you will need to buy a ticket and book a hotel or apartment. There are several air carriers in Russia that operate non-stop flights. Goa. Aeroflot flies on a regular basis, Transaero and several other smaller airlines have charters. The cost of the flight is from 20,000 rubles and above. Consider purchasing your ticket in advance. Major carriers often have sales, and flights on certain dates are sold at huge prices. This will significantly reduce your vacation costs.

Purchasing a ticket from foreign airlines will allow you to reduce your flight costs even more. But in this case there are no direct flights; you will have to make a transfer. Etihad Airways (in Doha), Emirates (Dubai), Qatar Airways (Doha) will take you to Mumbai or Delhi, from where you will travel to Goa on local airlines or . Ticket prices are from $150 and above + transfer to the hotel ($100-200 round trip).

Choose any flight option and go to Goa! Believe me, you will remember this trip for the rest of your life. And even though the Indian streets are not very clean and the bed linen in the room is changed once a week, all this will be covered by the fountain of impressions from the beauty of waterfalls, Hindu temples, Portuguese forts that you can see in this country. And, of course, plunging into the warm and gentle waters of which you will forget about all your problems. Good luck and have a nice holiday!

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When you obtain a visa yourself at the embassy, ​​you will be asked for proof of a hotel reservation. Book your hotel online and print out the confirmation email sent to you. Remember that if you wish, your reservation can be canceled within 10 days without penalty.

Helpful advice

Buy tickets in advance - this will significantly reduce the cost of the flight.
Keep an eye on airline promotions.
Children under 2 years old do not need a ticket, you only pay boarding pass.


Mysterious, mystical Asian magnet. We bring to your attention the answers to the most important questions when preparing to travel to this country. They will help you plan your trip and spend an unforgettable time without much hassle.


Why go?

Decide for what purpose you want to visit the country. First of all, India attracts tourists who want to enrich their own spiritual life. People come to this country in search of the meaning of life, hoping to gain new knowledge from teachers in Ashrams (a place for meditation, prayer and self-knowledge). On the other hand, many vacationers are attracted to Goa, a state that is one of the best Asian resorts.

How to get to India?

Select an airline. Airplanes from Aeroflot (flights from Moscow), Air India, Turkmenistan Airlines (Turkmen Airlines), Qatar Airways ( Qatar Airways), "Kyiv Airlines", "Emirates", "Etihad Airways". Non-stop flights are operated only by Aeroflot (6 per week to Delhi and 3 to Bombay). From the point of view of saving money, it is most profitable to travel with Turkmenistan airlines, which are developed at the European level. Flight cost from 15,000 rubles. up to 24,000 rub.

Do you need a visa?

Resolve your visa issue. India - visa. You can obtain a visa yourself by contacting the Indian Visa Center (IVSC) in Moscow. To obtain a visa, the following documents are required: a valid passport and its copy, 2 photographs 3.5x4.5 according to the requirements posted on the website, copy of Russian passport, completed questionnaire, declaration, copy of round-trip air ticket, voucher for hotel accommodation in India. Visa processing takes 5-7 working days. In special cases, the embassy may invite you for an interview. Most travel agencies will help you not only obtain a visa, but also book a hotel.

What types of hotels are there?

Select your place of residence. Hotels in India are varied. These are luxurious 5-star hotels such as Sheraton and Taj (an average room per day costs from $300), and average 3-4* (from $100 per day), and economical 2* (from $60 per day), and cheap non-star (from 50 rupees per day). Moreover, prices are significantly reduced if the room is booked in advance.

What to see and how much will the trip cost?

Make a plan cultural events and sightseeing. Of course, first of all, this is the “Golden Triangle”: Delhi-Agra-Jaipur, tours from $420. Trip to the Ashram: Ashram in Delhi (Sri Aurobindo Ashram), accommodation from 10 to 65 rupees per day or Ashram in Bombay (Sathya Sai Baba Ashram “Dharmakshetra”). In total, taking into account flights, hotel costs and excursion programs, for a two-week trip you will need about $1000.

Video on the topic

Oh, India, how you attract tourists. Everyone watched Indian cinema, and it could not leave anyone indifferent to the culture of this country. If you are planning to visit India, then read how you can relax there.


It doesn’t matter whether you decide to fly to India on your own or through a travel agency, you must think about what exactly you want to get from the trip. Some people want only a passive stay in a hotel with an “everything system”, some want, on the contrary, to go on all excursion trips, and others want to combine the above.

Doing nothing and carefree relaxation can be achieved at the very popular resort in India - Goa. You will only need to choose the optimal hotel according to your requirements for service and price. Snow-white sand and the clearest sea will make your vacation unforgettable! You can also go diving and surfing - the places are simply ideal for this.

You can unusual place in India and live for a certain number of days in Tibet. You will be able to resolve your spiritual issues and receive advice from wise monks. The most interesting are the Tibetan monasteries of Dankar, Tabo, Lalung, Komik and Ki, the temples of Hanuman in Shimla, Bhimakali, Bijli Mahadeo and Raghunath, as well as the most famous temples of Shiva and Vishnu in Badrinath.

To feel the spirit of India, go to the capital of the country - Delhi. There are many historical monuments. The city is full of beautiful temples, various museums, and unusual buildings. In terms of the abundance of museums, Delhi can rival any capital in the world. You will need to visit National Museum, Archaeological Museum Red Fort, Indira Gandhi Memorial with "crystal". The city of Agra is the Mughal Empire. The “wonders of the world” are concentrated here - the Taj Mahal mausoleum, the Great Fortress of Agra, the marble mausoleum of Jahangri Mahal, the tomb of Itemad-ud-Daula. So you won't be bored!

In order to fly to India, you need to purchase an air ticket and apply for a visa to this country. You can order tickets online on the website of one of the airlines operating flights to airports in this country.


Buy a ticket from Moscow to Delhi, the capital of India. You can choose non-stop flight Aeroflot, the flight will be a little over 6 hours. Other airlines operate one-stop flights to Delhi, including Aerosvit Airlines, Emirates, Turkish Airlines, Qatar Airways, China Eastern Airlines, Swiss Airlines, LuftHansa, Air Astana CJSC, Air France, Austrian Airlines, Royal Jordanian, KLM, FinnAir, Etihad Airways, Brussels Airways. The duration of the trip largely depends on the flight connection conditions. Please note that Aeroflot offers very attractive prices compared to European airlines.

Head to India's largest Mumbai, previously known as Bombay. There are no non-stop flights there from Russian territory. One-stop flights are offered by Turkish Airlines, Swiss Airlines, Qatar Airways, Etihad Airways, Korean Air, LuftHansa, Emirates, KLM, Air France, Royal Jordanian, Austrian Airlines, Thai Airways International, Egyptair, El Al. If the flight connection is successful, the entire journey will take from 9 hours. Please note that airlines provide significant

India is a country of contrasts, original cultural traditions And bright holidays. In this multicultural and multi-religious country, it is customary to celebrate holidays of different religions. Therefore, the number of holidays here exceeds the number of calendar days in a year. And Indians are friendly and cheerful people, despite the rather harsh living conditions. They do not live well, but their families always have many children. To a European, such living conditions will seem terrible, but the Indians themselves believe that they are quite happy in life.

Independent travel

Only such trips allow you to immerse yourself in the Indian flavor, as well as learn a lot of interesting things about local traditions and cultural customs. To get an objective picture of the life of Indian society, you need to live in this country for at least one month, traveling to different cities and communicating with local residents.

Most Indians have primary education and speak good English. English language, so don’t neglect the opportunity to chat a little with a rickshaw driver or a souvenir shop seller. They will be happy to tell tourists about their family and work. However, be careful with local residents and do not leave your personal belongings unattended. Representatives of the lower strata of the population make their living through theft, so you need to remember to be vigilant. And if problems arise, you should contact the tourist police.

The most unpleasant thing that awaits tourists in India is unsanitary conditions. Therefore, you should not buy food on the street, or eat unwashed vegetables and fruits. It's better to eat in a cafe. Tap water in India is not suitable for drinking. To avoid health problems, it is better to avoid buying bottled drinks on the street and not to drink juices with ice. It wouldn’t hurt to take medications with you on your trip to treat digestive disorders.

Holidays in India on a package tour

If you are not ready to travel around India on your own, you can buy a ticket to one of major cities of this country. Most often, tour operators offer trips to Delhi, Mumbai, Bombay, Bangalore, and also Goa.

Even going to expensive hotel, you should not count on impeccable service. It is important to understand that India is not Europe; here people have a rather specific concept of comfort, convenience and hygiene. The most best hotels can be found in Goa. This state of India boasts a fairly developed tourism infrastructure and cleanliness on the streets, which is generally not typical for India. Goa is a resort, so here you will not see the Indian flavor in all its glory, but you will relax in civilized conditions.


  • Tips for traveling around India
  • India is a land of contrasts
  • Where is the best place to relax in India?

India is undoubtedly the most mysterious country peace. But to see it with your own eyes, you need to get to India! Today we will touch on the burning topic of air tickets to India, what are the ways to fly there cheaply and conveniently, as well as our tricks and tips on where and how to catch low prices for flights to India.

How to get to India from Russia?

Direct flights to India

There are currently direct flights only from Moscow to Delhi. Not counting, of course, charters in Goa :) But for most travelers, it makes sense to start a trip to central and northern India from Delhi. Just 5-6 hours and you are already in India!

They fly there Aeroflot and AirIndia and Transaero. In general, you can choose any of these airlines, but lately we have stubbornly preferred Transaero, thanks to their pricing policy. Their ticket prices were almost 2 times lower than their competitors (Alas, this was the case until recently... added 10/05/15 )

Another advantage of Aeroflot is that it has convenient connections for those who fly to Delhi not from Moscow, but from other Russian cities. Although in this case you can choose a flight from one of the Arab airlines.

Flights to India with transfers

“Arabs” is what we call carriers that fly to almost all Asian countries, including to India, with a transfer to the UAE (in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah) and Qatar (in Doha). These are known to everyone Etihad, Flydubai, Emirates, Airarabia, Qatar and some others. There are also Turkish Airlines(Turkish Airlines), which has flights to India with a transfer in Istanbul.

In what cases can the “Arabs” help us?

1. You prefer to fly not from Moscow, because... it’s inconvenient for you to get there, it’s far away, etc.

In this case, you can be happy, because flights to India are possible from major Russian cities, and you can choose the one that is convenient for you. By the way, the cost of these flights is often cheaper than the road to Moscow and a direct flight from there.

  • Etihad is ready to offer flights to India from St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Kazan, Samara, Ufa with a transfer to Abu Dhabi;
  • Flydubai flies from Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Ufa, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk via Dubai;
  • WITH Emirates you can fly to India from St. Petersburg;
  • U Qatar there are flights from a large number of cities, but they all have an additional connection in Moscow, which is not very encouraging;
  • Turkish Airlines surpassed everyone. They have the widest network of departure points from Russia. Moreover, not only cities of the European part of Russia were included here. The list is very impressive, there is Astrakhan, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Murmansk, Rostov, Sochi, Stavropol, Syktyvkar, Tyumen and much more. But, unfortunately, flight prices are not encouraging, to Delhi Turkish Airlines flying is frankly expensive, although in case of promotions and sales there are acceptable options.

2. You are not flying to Delhi, but to another city in India.

If your itinerary in India includes many cities, returning back to Delhi for your flight home may not be possible. the best option. Or you desperately need to go to Mumbai. Or somewhere else, but not in Delhi. This is where Arab airlines come in very handy, because they have a very wide network of departure points throughout India.

When we traveled with groups on a route that included a holiday in Varkala in southern India, returning to Delhi for a flight home was very inconvenient. And the nearest international airport is Trivandrum (or Thiruvananthapuram, if you can pronounce it :)) is only 1-1.5 hours away from Varkala. So the guys booked tickets Moscow-Delhi and back Trivandrum-Moscow. One of the advantages here is the reasonable price for the flight. The only downside is, perhaps, the connection on the Moscow-Delhi route.

Looking for cheap flights to India

How to fly away cheap to India? This question worries many travelers on a budget. Us included :) Therefore, we constantly monitor prices for air tickets to India, both for us and for our tourists. It’s most convenient to look for tickets on search engines like and, but sometimes it doesn’t hurt to look directly at Websites of airlines flying to India.

Based on our experience, the cheapest flights to India are here:

  1. Flydubai indispensable if you are flying to India not from Moscow, but from other Russian cities. The prices are very reasonable, but you need to book tickets quite a long time before the departure date, at least several months, and, of course, keep an eye on sales.
  2. Air arabia- a dark horse. This is a low-cost airline, and their ticket prices are set differently from other carriers. If you book with Airarabia round trip flight(and the return flight can be from any point), then a discount is given, and a significant one, sometimes tickets are 50% cheaper. Air Arabia also has the already mentioned flight Moscow-Delhi and back Trivandrum-Moscow, and the price is lower than a similar flight from the same Qatar or Etihad. Previously, Airarabia flew from different cities Russia, now - only from Moscow, after all, the crisis is having an impact, eh...
  3. Air Astana, the national carrier of Kazakhstan, has recently been pleased with low prices for flights to Delhi from different cities of Russia. Of course, the flight will have a transfer in Astana, but the connections are short in duration.
  4. Aeroflot cannot be discounted either; from time to time they have good prices for flights Moscow-Delhi.

This is what booking flights looks like on the Airarabia website

At the same time, air ticket search engines, for example, the respected one, sometimes do not take into account this Airarabia discount on a return flight at all! Therefore, the price of Airarabia air tickets in search engines can be higher than the real one. Be sure to check out the airline’s website, you can buy cheaper tickets there!

Everyone independent travelers those exploring Asian destinations should pay attention Airarabia Special attention. After all, they fly not only to India. We chose this airline for a tour to Nepal (where flights are traditionally expensive), both for ourselves and for our groups. Round trip costs less than $450, transfers are reasonable in duration. And here one way tickets from Airarabia turn out to be a little expensive, it makes more sense to buy a round-trip ticket from them.

Do you want to go to India? Join us!

For beginners, India is not an easy country. We have been bringing groups here for 3 years now. Our travels allow you to see the country from the inside and are not like ordinary ones sightseeing tours. At the same time, you will be with an experienced accompanying guide, and not left to your own devices, and you will be able to see, taste and touch fantastic interesting India without unnecessary nerves and troubles. See the description and current schedule of upcoming tours to India

Let's fly to India cheaply: how and when to catch air tickets?

Many people try to buy tickets almost a year before departure. This rarely pays off. Yes, in the case of low-cost airlines like Airarabia and Flydubai It’s better not to delay the purchase, but you shouldn’t try to buy tickets as early as possible at any cost.

Firstly, your plans can change over many months, and tickets, especially cheap ones, can be non-refundable.

Secondly, this does not at all guarantee that you will save money, believe me. Moreover, many airlines throw away worthwhile special offers for enough short term before departure, a month or two or three. So it makes more sense to monitor the shares of airlines that fly in the desired direction.

You can subscribe to special offers on airline websites, and you can find out about new promotions on air tickets to India. on Buruki- convenient search engine- via this link, they constantly post interesting airline promotions, or subscribe to their newsletter and receive information about ticket sales by e-mail.

Have a good flight everyone and enjoy exploring India! Perhaps we will meet there :)

Goa is the smallest state in India and is very different in infrastructure and hygiene from other places in this diverse country. He is among best resorts planet, where tourists are offered both high-quality elite service and a budget option recreation. It all depends on the location of the resort, and there are more than forty of them in Goa.

A nice bonus only for our readers - a discount coupon when paying for tours on the website until April 30:

  • AF500guruturizma - promotional code for 500 rubles for tours from 40,000 rubles
  • AF2000TGuruturizma - promotional code for 2,000 rubles. for tours to Tunisia from 100,000 rubles.

Until April 22, he gives up to 2,000 ₽ when purchasing a tour to any country (except Russia). Departure date is April 27 to May 10. Minimum tour amount – 40,000₽

  • LT-OVERSEAS-1 – 500 ₽ per 1 adult
  • LT-OVERSEAS-2 – 1000 ₽ for 2 adults
  • LT-OVERSEAS-3 – 1500 ₽ for 3 adults
  • LT-OVERSEAS-4 – 2000 ₽ for 4 adults

110 kilometers of beaches can be divided into North and Southern part. This is a conditional division, since the warm sea, air temperature and nature on the coast are equally beautiful. The difference is expressed only in the “stars” of the hotels, the public and the prices.

These resorts are preferred by wealthy tourists, for whom comfort and luxury during their vacation play an important role. Well-maintained hotels, high level of service, comfortable beaches, spas, Ayurvedic schools, luxurious green parks and so on. The hotels are located at a considerable distance from each other, so vacationing tourists can fully enjoy the silence and find a secluded corner where they can meditate or simply contemplate the splendor created by nature.

North Goa

For those who prefer budget holiday North Goa is suitable. This place attracts young people who come here to actively relax, make new acquaintances and have fun full program. This tradition dates back to the late seventies, when the first hippie groups arrived here, and since then its character has changed little.

The level of hotels here is represented by one or two stars, the prices are low, the food is of good quality. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to drink tap water either in cheap or in expensive hotels. Tourists are offered only bottled water, which must also be used to wash fruits. The beaches are located at a short distance from each other. They are home to numerous bars, nightclubs and noisy discos.

4 star hotels in Goa - overview of the best options.

How to get to Goa

Just as a holiday in Goa can vary significantly in cost, the journey to India can be fast and expensive, or it can be less expensive, but not so comfortable. Let's consider both options. Let us immediately make a reservation that the reduction in travel costs is presented within reasonable limits, so rail, road transport and hitchhiking are not considered.

Convenient option

Dabolim is the only airport in Goa that receives airliners international companies And charter flights. The flight time from Moscow to Dabolim is from seven to ten hours. Taking into account this factor and the carrier company, the price ranges from 15 to 23 thousand rubles one way. It is best to purchase tickets one and a half to two months before departure. This makes it possible to find a cheaper option and save a lot of money. Also, various tour operators periodically offer their clients discounts, and those who are lucky - last minute tours. About a month before departure, tickets may become more expensive.

A significant advantage of this method of travel is the absence of transfers. For those traveling with small children, this is of great importance.

A budget option

It is very logical to assume that tourists choosing a holiday in North Goa choose a cheaper and more accessible flight option. It involves a flight from Moscow to Mumbai. This Indian airport, located approximately five hundred kilometers from the resort. There is also a transfer to planes. local airlines to Dabolim. You can also use New Delhi Airport for this. In terms of time, such flights can take from eleven to twenty-six hours, but the price will be about ten to eleven thousand rubles one way.

One thing worth knowing in advance is that there are two airports in Mumbai. international Airport receives and dispatches planes of international companies, but domestic airport serves domestic flights only. A bus runs between them, which is easy to find by looking at the signs that say “shuttle”. If you need to get there quickly, you can use the services of local taxis by ordering them directly at the airport at the Prepaid taxi counter.

There is a special warning for photography enthusiasts. The fact is that Dabolim Airport, in addition to civilian airliners, also receives military aircraft. Tourists should not take pictures in front of them, as this can lead to serious and quite unpleasant consequences.

Railway connection

You can also get to the beaches of Goa from Mumbai by train. This is a very economical option that also allows you to experience local sights and customs.

It all starts with purchasing a ticket, during which you must indicate your age and gender. These criteria are taken into account when choosing a seat, and it is possible that husband and wife will find themselves in different carriages. Before departure, you should check if your name is on the lists posted in the station building, as well as on the train cars.

There are such classes of cars as: 1. 1 AC can be compared to a Russian compartment carriage.2. 2 AC is a kind of reserved seat, which has air conditioning.3. 3 AC is similar to the previous version, but the sleeping shelves are arranged in three rows, which makes a total of six seats instead of four.4. Sleepper is a shared carriage with bars instead of glass on the windows. It is used mainly by local residents, so it is not worth purchasing tickets for this class.

Bus transportation

From Mumbai or Delhi you can also get to the beaches of Goa by bus. Tickets for these can be purchased at Indian travel agencies located near bus stations.

There are two types of buses - night and day.

With daytime buses, everything is clear, since they do not differ from the usual buses. But the night option implies the opportunity to sleep lying on a kind of shelf. Here you need to take into account that the shelf is double and you will have to sleep next to your travel companion. To avoid this, it is worth purchasing two tickets at once, especially since their price is not high.

How to get to Goa: by plane, train, bus or car. Current prices, useful tips, all the nuances and details of the route to Goa from “Subtleties of Tourism”.

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India is not a place where people go to relax as a “vegetable” - lying on the beaches and drinking cocktails. There is a lot to marvel at and why stay. If your vacation is no more than two weeks, the best way to save time is to take a direct flight to Goa. But there are plenty of other options. Tourists often choose a slightly more time-consuming, but much more scenic route via Delhi and Mumbai: there by plane, and then by train or taxi.

And a very extreme, but quite feasible option is to spend several weeks (or even months) on the road and get to Goa by land, visiting Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Iran, and Pakistan at the same time.

By air

By taxi

This travel option is convenient if you are traveling in a large group and want to get to your destination among “your people” and in comfort. A taxi ride from Mumbai to Goa will take 8-12 hours and will cost from 10,000 INR. Iron rules when communicating with a taxi driver in India:

  • negotiate the price in advance and do not give money up front;
  • indicate your destination, arrival time and the fact that you will not pay extra money if the driver gets lost;
  • Find out if you will have to pay for luggage separately.

Theoretically, you can also get to Goa from Delhi by taxi, but this method of transportation, to put it mildly, is not very popular among tourists. A trip of almost 2 thousand km will not only be tiring, but will also cost a serious amount of money. Moreover, the driver may demand payment for his vacation at the hotel.

By rented car

This option, judging by the reviews of tourists, is almost never practiced. The fact is that if you rent a car in Mumbai, you will have to return it there. It is inconvenient to constantly travel by car in Goa due to the chaos on the roads, there is almost no parking there, and besides, the car may simply break down, which will create difficulties when returning it to the agency.


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