Cambodia: fragments of the great Khmer empire on the ocean. How much does Cambodia cost - independent travel Independent trip to Cambodia

Cambodia is a country ancient civilization Khmer Empire, in different time called the Angkor Empire, People's Republic Kampuchea and the Kingdom of Cambodia. Magnificent views await you in Cambodia sandy beaches, pristine islands washed by the crystal clear waters of the Gulf of Thailand.

And of course Angkor Wat - this gigantic temple complex was built by King Suryavarman II (900 years ago). The complex was “discovered” in the jungle for European civilization only in 1861 by the French traveler Henri Muot. In 1992, Angkor Wat was declared a world heritage site and is under the protection of UNESCO.
Reverse side:
Cambodia is one of the most heavily mined countries in the world. Three decades of war and civil conflict have left several million mines scattered across this country. During three and a half years of Khmer Rouge rule, 25% of the city and 15% rural population countries (about 1.7 million people). The wars only ended in 1989.


Independent travel from 03/17/2012 to 03/29/2012 (14 days) along the route Moscow - Thailand (Bangkok) - Cambodia (Siem Reap - Angkor Wat - Phnom Penh - Sihanoukville) - Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City) - Moscow.
Budget: 50,000 rubles per person.
Two main goals:
1. Get acquainted with cultural heritage ancient Khmers (3 full days);
2. Beach holiday (3 full days).

Brief travel plan

Day 1 Flight from Moscow to Bangkok (Russia)
Day 2 Arrival in the “City of Angels” Bangkok (Thailand)
Day 3-6 Siem Reap, cultural treks to the temples and Angkor Wat complex (Cambodia)
Day 7 Phnom Penh, capital (Cambodia)
Day 8-11 Sihanoukville, beach holiday(Cambodia)
Day 12 Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)
Day 13 Departure from Ho Chi Minh City to Moscow (Russia)

  • Early rise at 05:30 and breakfast
  • Small circle:
    — Angkor Wat
    — Angkor Thom:
    * Bayon
    * Baphuon
    * Terrace of the Elephants
    * Terrace of the leper king
    * Phimean Akas
    — Ta Prohm

    Angkor is open daily from 5:30 to 17:30. Inspection 4-5 hours. Ticket 40 USD for 3 days, Rent a Tuk-Tuk with driver for a day 15 USD. Travel by bicycle is possible.
    Dawn begins at 5:30, by 18-00 it is already dark. You need to leave as early as possible to avoid tourist groups and the Chinese (“the influx” starts at 08:30).
    Near the Bayon Temple or at the South Gate of Angkor, elephant rides are available during the day and in the evenings ($10).
    Elephants are also based in Phnom Bakheng, from where you can ride an elephant to the top of the mountain to watch the sunset ($15).

Fig.6 Temples of Angkor

Bayon - This is an amazing temple with 54 towers, from which the four-faced Buddha looks at all sides of the world. The various expressions of Bayon's 216 faces are called the "smile of Angkor".

Baphoun is a huge temple in the center of the ancient city of Angkor Thom. The temple is seriously damaged, on the western side of the temple there is a large reclining Buddha, which was added to the temple later.

Phimeanakas is the "Royal Temple of Heaven" or the royal palace as it is often called. It is very interesting, despite the lack of artistic carvings, and is also the tallest building in the city of Angkor Thom, from which it opens beautiful view to the surrounding area.

Terraces of the Elephants and the Leper King - The terraces are located in the city center on the royal square. The powerful stone walls of the terraces are decorated with deep carvings.

Ta Keo is a temple whose ancient name can be translated as “tower of five golden peaks.” According to experts, the temple carries a very strong positive energy, which Buddhist monks endowed it with during its consecration in the 14th-15th centuries.

Ta Prohm - The walls of the temple are squeezed by the roots of huge trees. One of the most famous temples of the complex, with ratings not inferior to Angkor Wat itself. Angelina Jolie also added to the fame of this temple by starring in the film “Lara Croft – Tomb Raider.” image of a stegosaurus at Ta Prohm

Angkor Wat - This temple is considered the pearl of the Angkor Empire. Angkor Wat is the largest religious building in the world, which embodied all the architectural achievements of that time. It is the national symbol of the Kingdom of Cambodia and is depicted on the state flag. Phnom Bakheng is a Hindu temple recognized as the oldest of all temples dating back to the heyday of the Khmer Empire. One of the temples shown in the film "Lara Croft - Tomb Raider". It offers beautiful views as it is built on top of a mountain from which you can see Angkor Wat illuminated by the sunset.

  • breakfast 06:00
  • Big circle:
    Inspection 6-7 hours. Possible transportation options: bicycle rental, tuk-tuk or guide with a car (car with driver 40 USD).
    — Banteay Srey
    — Pre Rup
    — Neak Pean (temple-pool)
    —Preah Khan
    —Ta Keo

Pre Rup - This Hindu temple-mountain, built of brick in the 10th century, was partially restored in the 20th century. The temple offers a beautiful view of the surrounding villages; tourists often visit this temple to watch the sunset. Traditionally it is believed that this is an ancient crematorium.

East Mebon - This is a Hindu temple very similar to Pre Rup. It is built in the center of a large artificial reservoir, the Western Baray, which was once part of an ancient irrigation system and has now dried up. In the temple you can see figures of elephants.

Kravan - A small Hindu temple built of yellow bricks. Completely restored by German specialists. Inside the temple you can see exquisite images of Vishnu and his wife Lakshmi.

Banteay Srei is a Hindu temple considered the pinnacle of Khmer art. Banteay Srei Temple is the only temple built from pink sandstone, it is decorated with intricate decorative carvings, so deep and graceful that the temple can easily be mistaken for a wooden one. The temple is miniature in scale, but is considered the pearl of the Angkor Empire.

Ta Som - A small temple, beautiful in its own way and worthy of a visit. Designed in the Bayona style, it was built at the end of the 12th century by King Jayavarman VII. The temple is like Ta Prohm in miniature. A huge banyan tree grows on top of the eastern gopura, to see it you need to go from central entrance in the opposite direction.

Neak Poan - This is a complex of reservoirs intended for treatment. This is an ancient hospital based on the knowledge of Ayurveda - ancient Indian medicine, which believes that the guarantee of human health lies in the balance of all four elements in his body (earth, water, fire and air). A small prasat has been erected in the center of the island.

Preah Khan - This is a huge temple built in honor of the victory over the Chams by King Jayavarman VII at the end of the 12th century. According to another version, the temple was dedicated to the memory of the king's father. Back in the late nineties of the 20th century, like Ta Prohm, it was a jungle-covered ruin with huge trees growing on it. Nowadays, the clearing and removal of huge centuries-old trees is gradually underway.

Day 6 (03/22/2012) Distant temples

  • breakfast 06:00
  • Distant temples:
    Possible transportation options: car (about $90 to Koh Ker and $60 to Phnom Kulen).
    — Koh Ker is a Mexican pyramid in Asia. The most mystical place Cambodia (ticket $10)
    — Boeng Maley
    — Beng Miele (ticket $5)
    — Banteay Srei and Phnom Kulen (ticket $20) — Sacred mountain Phnom Kulen with waterfalls and the Thousand Lingams stream.

— travel plan for attractions exotic country in Southeast Asia and guarantee that your trip to the Khmer country will be successful. You can very easily create your itinerary based on your interests and in accordance with the number of days, using my article. I have traveled to Cambodia several times at different times of the year. I have accumulated a lot of experience, and based on it I have compiled several routes - from two days (for those who only want to drop into Cambodia), for a week or two (to see only the main attractions), to three weeks and a month for independent travelers in Kampuchea who want to thoroughly explore this country.

For a successful trip to Cambodia, it is better to plan and work out a route to famous attractions in advance and have a rough idea of ​​how the trip will go. You need to know in advance what exactly you want to see in Cambodia and what you expect from it. This will make it more convenient to travel and there will be no hassles or problems.

Cambodia is a poor country, but with rich history. Now it distinguishes three main tourist destinations (for active trips and beach holidays):

  1. Siem Reap and Angkor Temples- the greatness of the Khmer Empire and the wonders of medieval architecture. It is the other temples of the ancient Khmers that are the main attractions that all tourists watch, bring money to the budget and feed the country at the present time.
    All Siem Reap hotels with prices and reviews from tourists
  2. Capital Phnom Penh, where you can get acquainted with the culture of the country - in museums and by visiting. Modern Cambodia will be found on the streets and on the embankment. Also near Phnom Penh there is the former capital of Cambodia - Oudong, where it is worth visiting a beautiful temple on a hill. In the province of Takeo, near Phnom Penh, small temples from the pre-Angkorian period have been preserved, which are older than the temples of Angkor.
    Nice hotels in Phnom Penh it is better to book
  3. Sihanoukville- This popular destination beach holiday in Cambodia. Although the beaches of Cambodia cannot compete with the best, but, as experienced travelers say, they are better than in Thai Pattaya. This is a relaxing holiday by the sea, which will be quite reasonable after a stressful tourist trip sightseeing and diving ancient history of this country.
    You can choose a good and inexpensive hotel in Sihanoukville follow this link >>

Gardens around the Throne Hall of the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh

But upon a more detailed study of the country, it turns out that there is an interesting province near Sihanoukville Kampot is the birthplace of the famous black pepper in Cambodia, as well as resort town Kep, where the French came to rest. Today it's relaxing youth resort, where you can stay inexpensively in bamboo houses and relax in hammocks.

Recently, a new direction of tourism has been actively developing in Cambodia - these are cities Battambang And Pailin- the birthplace of Cambodian gems.

And now you can safely travel to the eastern provinces of Cambodia - Mondulkiri And Ratanakiri, where it is interesting to learn about the life of ordinary Khmers, towards whom civilization is still moving at a leisurely pace. For now, it is better to visit natural attractions and mountain tribes with an experienced guide, so as not to expose yourself to danger, including due to mines that have not yet been cleared, left after the war.

As you can see, Cambodia offers a wide range tourist destinations. And the traveler needs to decide on the time of the visit and buy tickets to Cambodia and book hotels where necessary.

Read also:

  • Review article about what to bring from Cambodia as a souvenir

I offer several options ready-made routes on Cambodia, based on my experience visiting this country.

Mr. Samet takes us around the sights of Siem Reap in his tuk-tuk (or rather remorse)

A short route around Cambodia for the lazy - 3 days

At the very short route in Cambodia You can include a visit to the main attraction of the Khmer country - the Angkor temples in Siem Reap. You can even try to squeeze highlights into one full day, and leave the other two days for travel between and. The easiest way to travel along this route is to pre-purchase plane tickets from Bangkok to Siem Reap and fly to Angkor airport, then you will be able to allocate two whole days to different temples of Angkor and a visit to the main attraction of Cambodia - Angkor Wat!

Here is a three-day Cambodia itinerary for those who are short on time:

  • 1st day— arrival at or arrival by plane at Angkor airport. You can buy cheap plane tickets.
  • 2nd day— inspection of the temples of Angkor by or by.
  • Day 3- transfer from Siem Reap to Bangkok by bus and taxi, or visiting other temples of Angkor (for example, Beng Melia or the death pyramids of Koh Ker) and evening by plane.

Our first visit to Cambodia took place along this route. Traveling independently in Thailand, we went to Cambodia for a few days. In two full days we managed to see almost all the nearby ones and got rich impressions, and also visited a couple of distant ones - ancient city with the Koh Ker pyramid and the atmospheric Beng Melia temple, hidden in the Cambodian jungle.

It took us almost two more days to get on buses and planes from, as well as return to Thailand and travel by train to the south, to.

Buddhist monks at Angkor Wat

Cambodia itinerary for a week or 10 days

In a week in Cambodia you can see the main attractions and relax a bit on the beach. I recommend the following program for visiting Cambodia in 1 week:

  • Visit the city Siem Reap and see many of the temples of Angkor (3 days);
  • Get to know the capital of Cambodia - Phnom Penh (1 day);
  • Relax on the beaches of Sihankuville (2 days).

This is the simplest and optimal route, during which you will see the most important thing that Cambodia has. The route will be eventful and rich in impressions, but last days the beach will help you relax and unwind.

Read our detailed guides by city in Cambodia:

Do not forget that you also need to allocate time for moving between cities one day at a time, as well as for the days of arrival and departure. Everything will depend on the transport you choose. Planes are faster, but more expensive. Buses are very inexpensive, but take a long time.

If you really only have a week in Cambodia, then it’s worth shortening your days in Siem Reap and Sihanoukville to devote them to travel, and it’s better to fly to Cambodia itself by plane. But if you have ten days, then the three days added to the week will be spent moving between cities.

Children from a floating village easily navigate a boat on Tonle Sap Lake

Cambodia travel itinerary for two weeks

If you have two weeks, you can no longer rush so much and include standard route different interesting cities and temples close to the main attractions. So you can find out about this amazing country much more.

  • For example, a visit to the temples of Angkor can be spread over four to five days and even a trip to the famous Preah Vihear, over which Thailand and Cambodia periodically fight. Visit and atmospheric, and also go on an excursion to the floating villages.
  • See everything and then go to and to the former capital of Cambodia, Oudong, which will take 2 days.
  • And in Sihanoukville, relax on one of the many beaches, and also visit the islands, national park Ruam (it is better to take 3-5 days for this).

This was the itinerary for traveling around Cambodia for two weeks, including transfers.

Galleries of Ta Prohm Temple - Angelina Jolie's temple in Cambodia and tree roots

Cambodia travel program - three-week itinerary

Cambodia travel itinerary for three weeks will allow you to add additional cities and attractions for the above two-week itinerary. I suggest the following big route, detailed by day:

As a result, together with all the transfers or flights, it will be possible to spend about three weeks in Cambodia.

Interestingly, in this case, a circular route through Cambodia is obtained, which is convenient because it will end in the same place where it began. For example, you flew or arrived by land to Siem Reap, visited the temples of Angkor, went to Phnom Penh, then to the beaches and Kampot province. From there you can return to Phnom Penh and immediately go to Battambang. And then you can either return to Siem Reap and fly away, or go through the city of Sisapon to the border with Thailand.

Upon entry into Cambodia, all tourists at the border are given a visa for 30 days. All these days can be used for sightseeing in Cambodia. Despite the fact that a whole month seems like a lot, you need to be more careful when planning your route, since now you can visit everything interesting places, scattered throughout Cambodia.

When planning a route around Cambodia for a month (4 weeks), you should definitely pay attention to the following attractions:

The total is 24 days of travel throughout Cambodia, during which you can see all the sights, and 6 days will be spent traveling between cities.

Tropical paradise in Cambodia

If you start your visit to Cambodia from Siem Reap, then you should devote a week to the temples of Angkor, then go to Battambang, and from there stop by Pailin. The next point will be the capital Phnom Penh and other attractions nearby - Udong and the Pre-Angora temples.

Relaxing beaches of Sihanoukville and Kampot province with national parks will become a little rest on the route.

And then you will need to return to Phnom Penh and go to the towns of Krati or Stung Treng (depending on which hill tribes you want to visit). Afterwards you will need to return to Siem Reap and fly away. Or go to, if you are traveling to several countries in Southeast Asia at once.

If you arrived in Phnom Penh

If the first city on your trip to Cambodia is Phnom Penh, then I suggest the following route:

  • Phnom Penh and surroundings
  • Kampot, Kep and Phnom Bokor
  • Sihanoukville and islands
  • Battambang
  • Pailin
  • Siem Reap and Angkor Temples
  • Hill tribes of the eastern provinces
  • Return to Phnom Penh

We can absolutely say that such a trip to Cambodia for a whole month will be very memorable and you can consider that you have seen the whole of Cambodia.

Hotels with discounts on RoomGuru

The once great power of Southeast Asia can today be considered the most economically poor and ruined state. Having been excluded from the world community by the regime of dictator Pol Pot for seven long years, Cambodia was left without intelligentsia, specialists and simply educated people. The long civil war completely ruined the country; only by the mid-90s did peaceful life begin to improve.

Tourism for Cambodia is the most important revenue item in the budget. Despite the weak infrastructure, the country is proud of its temple complexes, natural parks, great beaches and delicious cuisine. The mild climate, very cheap housing and food well compensate for the lack of European comfort and inconvenience when moving around the country.

Many domestic tourists note the similarity of the current economic situation in Cambodia with Russia in the 90s. High corruption, an abundance of poor people and outright beggars on the streets. On the other hand, they try to protect tourists from all possible troubles. But vigilance will never be superfluous.

Travel companies sell five-day tours to the country of jungles and Hindu temples at prices starting from 1,400 euros for two (without meals, the price includes flights and a simple room in a 3* hotel). The real cost of the trip in this case will eventually increase to more than a thousand euros per person. Can you save money by traveling on your own? Let's figure it out!


Despite the fact that Russians need a visa to visit Cambodia, it will not significantly increase the travel budget. A visa can be obtained in Russia, through a travel company, or in person at the consulate, as well as at the airport terminal.

The cost of an entry permit does not cost more than 18 euros (in both cases). True, if you use the services travel companies, you will have to pay approximately the same amount.

A Cambodian visa entitles a tourist to visit Thailand and return back. An undoubted advantage, isn't it?


Direct regular flights between Russia and Cambodia are absent. Organized tourists enter the country charter flights, getting a ticket for which is quite problematic. You will have to fly with transfers in China, Vietnam or Thailand.

The cheapest months to fly to Cambodia are November-December and February-March. At this time, the most attractive discounts on tickets from Moscow to Phnom Penh or Sihanoukville are offered by China Eastern - from 525 euros round trip. The flight takes about a day (long wait at the transfer in Shanghai). A flight through Thailand or Vietnam can be found much faster, but the cost of such a flight will be more than two thousand euros per person.

Hotels, apartments, residences

Most often in Cambodia there are hotels that do not provide meals to guests. This circumstance will not spoil your vacation, since in any city in the country the number of cafes, restaurants and eateries is amazing.

And the prices are very reasonable:

  • You can find a European-level hotel for one hundred euros per day, or you can stay in an excellent small guest house a kilometer from the beach for 6 euros (in November-December, Double Room with fan and free internet).
  • For 12 euros you can rent an excellent room with air conditioning, TV (satellite TV, several Russian channels), in a hotel that provides a fairly high level of comfort.
  • A bungalow fully equipped with all amenities (shower, toilet, air conditioning, terrace, outdoor cooking facilities) will cost no more than 13-15 euros.
  • A hotel room that provides guests with breakfast starts from 22 euros. Bungalow 300 meters from the beach - from 30 euros (breakfast included).

The level of service for tourists in hotels is very high. Khmers in general are very friendly and helpful people.

Gastronomic features and prices for food in restaurants and cafes

Traditional Cambodian dishes are not very different in their ingredients from neighboring countries(Thailand, Vietnam), well known to our tourists. But the taste of these same dishes here is completely special: not as spicy as in Thailand, not as balanced as in Vietnam. Khmer dishes are almost always a little sweet, and the range of spices is such that it creates a special and unique aroma.

In Cambodia, an Asian and traditional country, rice is the basis of nutrition. Meat and fish are also held in high esteem here. The climate provides an extraordinary variety of vegetables and fruits in the diet. If in other countries South-East Asia, dishes from insects and reptiles are prepared more for tourists; in Cambodia, the local population enjoys eating red ants, larvae, spiders, beetles and grasshoppers, snakes, fried or stewed frogs. Such exotic dishes most often appear in the form of snacks for strong alcohol.

Exotic dishes of Cambodia are not in demand by all tourists, but all travelers note the especially delicious dishes prepared from traditional European ingredients:

  • Bai sach chrouk is a widespread, inexpensive, but very filling and spicy dish. Spicy rice with pieces of pork roasted over an open fire, served with fresh cabbage and a cup of broth. Excellent breakfast, costing no more than 1 euro;
  • Lap Khmer is a great salad with marinated beef and vegetables. It may well pass as a main dish, especially in the hot season;
  • Kdam chaa - fried crab with herbs and local pepper, served in resort towns on the ocean;
  • Ankh dtrey myk - grilled squid with lime and basil sauce;
  • Fried fish is a very special dish, the fish is cooked in coconut milk and served with a sauce of many spices and lime juice.

Prices for food in street cafes are very low, and the quality of food is always excellent. If you feed yourself, you will have to spend a little more.

The fact is that in Cambodian supermarkets the products are mostly imported. Their prices cannot be called low, and their quality is even more so. There are frequent power cuts in the country. During the hot season, food spoils quickly.

Eating in inexpensive cafes and restaurants, expenses must be planned as follows:

  • Breakfast - one dish and a drink - 1.5-2 euros;
  • Lunch - two dishes and a drink - 3-4 euros;
  • Dinner - one dish, beer or wine - 3 euros.

The daily food budget is therefore between 7.5 and 9 euros per person.

Historical and natural attractions

All the main tourist beauties of Cambodia can be divided into three groups: temples, beaches, natural parks and pepper plantations.

Cambodia offers so many sites that no matter where you are (Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville, Kampot, etc.), you can visit many unusual temple complexes, special museums, walk through the real jungle and enjoy the most fantastic views.

List of objects of the “obligatory” tourist program:

  • Angkor Wat is the main treasure of Cambodia, which no tourist can miss. A Hindu temple city, symbolically representing the center of the world - Mount Meru. Dedicated to god Vishnu. Despite the fact that the temple is abandoned and has not been active for a long time, when visiting it, you must observe some restrictions on clothing (shorts and short T-shirts are prohibited). It will take several days to explore the complex. The best option is a 72-hour ticket (35 euros). Taxi (tuk-tuk) from the nearest large city(Sien Reap) - 10 euros (if rented for the whole day). You can get from the capital by bus (the journey takes 7 hours, ticket costs 13.50 euros one way). Best time to visit - early morning (no later than 5 o'clock), at other times you will have to wade through the crowd;
  • Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, has only two real interesting objects for a tourist: Royal Palace and a genocide museum. The Royal Palace will take at least two hours. The main thing here is the silver pagoda and the emerald Buddha. Entrance ticket - 8.5 euros. Covered clothing is required to visit (no shorts or short T-shirts!). Genocide Museum - scary place, political prison from the time of Pol Pot. Torture chambers, punishment cells, historical exhibitions - all this makes a strong impression. Entrance ticket - 2 euros;
  • Sihanoukville - main resort countries. There are many ancient temples in the city, and in the city surroundings you can see waterfalls and pepper plantations. But the main thing here is the beaches (they are basically free, a sunbed is provided after ordering at the beach bar - from 1 euro). Prices in the city are higher than in other areas of the country;
  • Kampot is a small town in the vicinity of which there is natural Park Bokor. In addition to the natural beauty, you should definitely see the abandoned royal residence and caves. In the town itself there is an unusually original market, where you can find not only vegetables and fruits, but also inexpensive and high-quality silk scarves (5-7 euros). You can explore the park and temples for free;
  • Uninhabited islands near Sihanoukville - visiting these islands is a unique opportunity to escape from civilization and relax in the wilderness virgin nature(conditionally, of course, there are now many people who want to visit these islands).

Precautions and features of Cambodian life

The main troubles that tourists encounter in Cambodia are related to three features of the country:

  • Lack of ATMs, currency scammers;
  • Corruption;
  • Beggars (most often children).

In the first case, you need to have cash with you. American dollars are best; they can always be exchanged in banks and exchange offices at a favorable rate. Moreover, you can pay with dollars almost everywhere, although this is not convenient. The best option: Have cash in local currency and dollars in small denominations.

In the second case, nothing can be done. You need to be doomedly prepared that the “magic” 1 dollar bill will solve almost all misunderstandings: crossing the road incorrectly (although the locals never follow the rules traffic), you want to stay in the temple longer (almost all of them are officially open until 6 pm), you want to get a working sunbed, you want your room to have a view of the sea... Everything can be decided, and the price is 1 American dollar.

In the third case, you will have to work harder. To keep the beggars away from you for the entire duration of your vacation, you will have to make a scandal with the participation of the tourist police once. They will leave immediately and forever!

Enjoy your holiday in Cambodia!

Where it all started

Our story began simply and simply. A stuffy summer Moscow office... I still remember the first time I saw it. He walked down the corridor in a gray suit and I, like all dreamy girls, thought that here he was, the man of my dreams. Like Carrie Bradshaw (the heroine of the popular women's television series "Sex in big city") I had to try to be noticed, appreciated and loved. 4 years of work, friendly communication and quarrels have passed. I changed, and so did he. Winter has come to Moscow. The time has come for New Year's corporate parties and so, finally, WE appeared. Galya and Ruslan.

First trip. Vietnam!

Our very first trip took place 3 months later, we flew to Vietnam, Hoi An. We had too big luggage past and we were getting used to each other again and getting to know each other, so Hoi An was at the same time forever remembered by us and also erased from our memory. It has become too personal a city for us. Traveling has taught us to understand and hear each other, as well as the wonderful surrounding world that is new and so different from ours, so perhaps the phrase that travel is the best teacher would be appropriate here. Because this is really true.

Therefore, I want to tell you about our second journey - Cambodia, magnificent in its beauty and so distant and unhappy for its own people.

Travel to Cambodia

Since we decided that we would never go to corporate events again (you never know how it could end up ☺), for our trip we chose the glorious month of December, already far away in 2014. When everyone in Moscow is wrapping up warmly and preparing food for the most important night of the year, we decided to bask in the sun and enjoy the spicy taste of local cuisine.

It turned out that you can’t just fly from Moscow to Cambodia, there are no direct flights. Yes, and you still need to apply for a visa. And the sea and Anchor are located in different parts of the country. Call! A real traveler would think. Call! I thought too and got down to business. Plans, budget calculations, reservations and finally we are on the plane. It was very scary to fly. What awaits us there? Will we be able to travel from north to south on our own? But I have the perfect man with me, I thought. And he knows English well, so why should I be afraid? Moreover, I’m already sitting on the plane and there’s nowhere to go anyway).

Visa. Everything is simple here, there are 2 options, you can buy it upon arrival for $25 after standing in line, or just buy it on the Internet by paying $28 and print it in two (or better yet, three, and if you are sloppy or confused, then in ten copies on a color printer (this is important for them, because there is a photo!) One printout is taken by the customs officers upon arrival, another upon departure, and just in case.

Flights. There are two airports in Cambodia, in the north of the country, where the Ankor Wat temple complex is located, and in the capital. We decided to take it to Siem Reap to immediately begin exploring the country from the Ankor Wat complex. We bought tickets in August and they cost us almost 70 thousand for two. But! We were flying on new year holidays and in transit through Korea (we were lucky, Russia just canceled the visa on January 1 and we took enough time to admire the sights of another new country for us). By the way, now is the most cheap ticket Aeroflot costs 43 thousand per person with one transfer in Shanghai. There are still no direct flights, and the price has increased during the crisis... You can, of course, fly to the capital, Phnom Penh, if your goal is the sea. But is it worth flying such a difficult route without visiting some of the main attractions of Asia to the South China Sea, when there are direct tickets to Vietnam?

Returning to my memories... The plan seemed ideal to me: We fly to Siem Reap, stay there for 2 days, admire the Ankor temple complex, take a night bus to Phnom Penh (12 hours), admire the Royal Palace, be horrified by the genocide museum and take a second bus to sea ​​(4 hours).

It’s worth clarifying right away that Anchor Watt is located at a fairly decent distance from the city and it’s almost impossible to get there, buy tickets and get around everything yourself. We allocated two days (Ruslan could have spent his whole vacation there, but I really wanted to swim) and it was decided that we would go broke and take an excursion.

After looking through a mountain of sites, for example, I was upset, everything was very expensive and usually the excursion was divided into two days - into a large and small circle (each excursion costs $100 per person). And I really wanted to go to Phnom Kulen National Park. It was here that King Jayavarman II laid the foundation for modern Cambodia in 802 by declaring the independence of the Khmer state. On highest point This mountain contains a small temple, located on a stone ledge, in which there is a statue of Buddha. For some reason, I really like Buddha statues and really wanted to go there too.

But, indeed, everything in life happens for a reason... At lunch in the office, I got into a conversation with a colleague who, it turns out, lived all last winter in Cambodia and traveled through it length and breadth with a Ukrainian who moved from Poland, who previously sold souvenirs, and now carries Russian-speaking tourists . He offered his services for 300 bucks for two for the whole day, Anchor (the best of the big and small circle). We paid entrance tickets separately, $20 per person for Anchor Watt and also for Phnom Kulen. Expensive, but we only live once... Cambodia is very dear country(attractions, domestic flights), and in some ways you feel like a king, buying beer for 0.5 cents...

Adventures in Cambodia

The adventure began as soon as we arrived at the hotel. The beautiful picture of the booking did not at all coincide with what we saw - a mattress on the floor and a hole in the floor as a shower... It was one in the morning, we were supposed to be picked up for the excursion at 4 in the morning, I was on the verge of panic/hysteria.

The hotel employees, after we filed a complaint with them, told us that they had posted the best room on booking and we needed to pay another 20 bucks for it, but it was still occupied now... Then they stopped understanding altogether English language. I wanted to go with my suitcases and look for another hotel, but my husband decided that sleep was more expensive, it wasn’t worth spoiling my vacation and it was easier to pay extra.

The analogue of the “best” room had old furniture, separate beds and there was absolutely no soundproofing, so I personally never managed to fall asleep, I enjoyed the loud beats of the nearby bar street... Tan Kang Angkor Hotel, I really don’t recommend it) How Our guide later told us, and also, from the experience of our friends who went the next year and found them in a similar situation in the capital, this is a common practice among Cambodians. And here no one is safe. Upon arrival, I wrote a letter to booking, but they didn’t even answer me.((

Anchor. He is beautiful. I don't know what to write about him. It needs to be seen. Just like the Eiffel Tower of Paris. This is a kind of Eiffel Tower of Asia. A little advice: to enjoy the deserted and deserted Ankor, you need to go to its opening, at 5 am, almost at dawn, otherwise all the beauty will be lost behind the crowd of Chinese tourists.

By the way, I’m wearing a stupid T-shirt with a Smurf... in such a place... and all because women need everything to be covered, otherwise they won’t be able to enter many temples, Cambodians sacredly revere this place, and I only had one T-shirt with me((

National park in Cambodia

But even more than Anchor, I was impressed by the national park. We drove through mountain serpentine to the top sacred mountain Phnom Kulen (on the road sometimes it seemed like there was no road at all; in the jeep we were shaking as if we were riding a bicycle over bumps), namely to the statue of an 8-meter Reclining Buddha in the 16th century Preh Ang Thom temple, carved right on the top rocks.

Buddhist pilgrims from all over Cambodia come here to worship the Great Buddha. The monk here tied a red thread for me for good luck. It is different from the white thread that is tied for a wish in Thailand (by the way, my thread came undone after 2 hours and my wish came true, so it works!) Next we went down to the stream of 1000-lingams, delivered on elephants from India in 802 .

The river bottom is almost completely covered with stone carvings. At different times of the year, at the bottom you can see stones of the male (lingams) and female (eni) origins. According to Khmer beliefs, water flowing through the lingams and yenis becomes healing. Therefore, many Khmers come here in search of health. Then we swam in the waterfall and saw a circular rainbow (I really didn’t want to get into the icy water, but the guide said that it was impossible to drive such a distance and miss such beauty and practically pushed me into the water, which I was then very grateful for).

Trip to Phnom Penh

The next day we planned to go for a walk in Ankor on our own, but we were so tired that after sleeping for 12 hours we just went for a walk around the city. In addition, we had a goal, we needed to get to the next point of our journey - the capital Phnom Penh.

Initially we planned to take night buses, but the guide said, guys, why? Everyone travels this way, because no one simply knows that you can travel by boat on the Mekong. At the same time, he said, you will see floating villages, consider it also an excursion. We were simply fired up by this idea; by the way, finding a travel agency that provided this service was as easy as shelling pears. As long as the river does not overflow its banks, this is a frequent way of transportation. By the way, it cost a little more. If a bus to Phnom Penh would have cost us 15 bucks per person, here we paid 20. Having booked everything and happy, we went to eat, not knowing what awaited us tomorrow morning.

Pay attention to the last two lines))

The person who was supposed to pick us up and our suitcase was an hour late. I panicked, Ruslan was waiting. We were about to go to yesterday’s travel agency to find out how two motorbikes arrived, the three of us were riding on one, and our suitcase on the second) When they brought us to the square to a group of foreigners, we thought, oh, great, then everything will be fine. But fate is an insidious thing)

The bus that was supposed to take us to the pier was crowded and it was simply impossible to get on it, we thought that it’s okay, there are about 30 of us left here, another one will arrive, we’ll wait. But a truck arrived... you know, the one in which animals are transported in Texas in American films? This is the truck they put us in)

We rode like herrings in a barrel, jumping up and falling on each other on any bump in the road. But, apparently, only positive people go to Cambodia, everyone was having fun, when will you ever ride like that, pressed on one side by an Englishman, and on the other by a laughing Frenchman. The branch that hit me on the head (by luck, I was standing on the edge) dampened my ardor a little, but it set the topic for fun for another couple of kilometers.

A boat... it really was a boat) And there was even enough space for almost everyone)) The rest were taken to the roof. We were glad that we managed to take our seats for exactly two hours, then the bottom flooded and our legs were ankle-deep in water. cold water. And we also climbed onto the roof. Here the trip already became cool, we enjoyed the view, the Cambodians were immediately selling beer and nuts. We sailed like this for 4 hours. It’s a pity that no one thought of selling protective cream (((And the suitcases were securely packed... I burned like never before in my life, even my ears were peeling off))) But, impressions for life) In addition, Ruslan fell into the water glasses, then we'll be back))

In Phnom Penh, I didn’t want anything more than to check in quickly, wash and put on sunscreen, so we immediately took a tuktuk. Well, to be honest, I missed this moment and didn’t study the location of our hotel. We paid 5 bucks and rode around the capital for half an hour, although as it turned out later it was only a five-minute walk)))

Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh is the capital. The king lives here. Siem Reap is a village in comparison. In the morning we had breakfast (we were lucky, the hotel was wonderful, they even booked us a bus to the seaside of Sihanoukville, it cost $11 per person and brought us to the reception).

We had a goal in the capital. Ruslan is interested in history and really wanted to go to the genocide museum. To be honest, the only thing more terrible is the museum in Hanoi, where the Vietnamese thought of planting mannequins in the image of victims. I couldn’t even make it to the end; I sat waiting for him on a bench, watching cute Cambodian girls jumping over a rubber band.

Our vacation then proceeded without incident. We booked a plane back from Sihanoukville to Siem Reap. The way home was very difficult - as many as 3 transfers, I probably will never dare to do this again, it is very difficult. We paid 16 thousand for a one-way plane for two. There, too, they wanted to scam us out of money, not allowing our bag with hand luggage, allegedly it is too big. They asked for more than 100 euros, but I was no longer ready to pay them for anything more, considering the ticket prices, I took out winter clothes and told Ruslan to get dressed. Here they probably thought what kind of crazy foreigners were, when I was already buttoning my jacket and tying myself with a scarf (luckily there was an air conditioner in the room), we were allowed to take our bag for free into the cabin of the plane and we flew home!

And now photos of beautiful beaches (there are quite a lot of them, there is a lot to choose from), and in the evening all the beaches turn into parties with music, coastal cafes set up tables on the beach. But we liked going to family restaurants on the second line more; by the way, it was cheaper there.

The beaches are very beautiful... but there is one big problem! They steal there. In broad daylight, children run up, grab everything that is lying around and run away. I myself saw how a French woman’s glasses were stolen. Together we never went for a swim, unlike in Vietnam, where we did it all the time. An eye and an eye were immediately needed. This is a very unpleasant moment. People live very poorly, the same bracelets on the beach cost 1 dollar and the child just walks around begging to buy these bracelets from him, we took a few... besides, I love bracelets)

This concludes my huge story, thank you for reading! Somehow I didn’t expect it to be so long)) I hope it was informative!
If you are ready for such adventures, then you will definitely like it in Cambodia! It’s a pity, of course, that with the current exchange rate it has become less accessible.

P.S: On my own behalf, I would like to say a big thank you for your site) While in Nha Trang, we were looking on the Internet for where to eat, what was recommended, and I came across your site with a description of a local restaurant, we became regulars there until the end of the vacation, we really liked it) Sami We would probably be afraid to go into such a cafe) And now I’m studying your articles about Gelendzhik, because 9 months ago a new traveler was born in our family and this Sunday this young guy is going on his first trip - to the south of Russia. What am I talking about? Thank you very much for your site!

Getting there:

The most convenient way for an independent trip to Cambodia is to start from the capital - Phnom Penh. You can get here from Bangkok with a transfer on Thai Airways, Bangkok Air (spend about $200) or using the services local airlines(a flight with AirAsia will cost you about $100).

We apply for a visa:

If you have enough time to prepare for an independent trip, you can apply for a visa in advance. If you don’t have the time or desire to do this before your trip, you can register it at the border. Cambodia shares land borders with Vietnam, Laos and Thailand. You can apply for a visa upon arrival in Phnom Penh or Siam Reap. According to tourists, this is the most quick way of all. On land crossings, officials often require a kind of “tip,” but applying for a visa in advance involves a loss of time, and often the procedure does not look very transparent. Registration of a visa at the airport most often takes 15-20 minutes without any unnecessary problems. To obtain a visa, you need a foreign passport, which expires in at least 6 months, and three photographs 3X4 or 4X6. The cost of a visa for a month's stay is $20.


The main purpose of visiting Cambodia is independent travelers, so tourists who come with the help of travel agencies see a visit to something lost among the tropical jungle temple complex Angkor. This huge place of worship is the most impressive religious building in the world. Cambodia is currently a peaceful country, so anyone who has the financial ability to come here can get acquainted with this ancient capital, the heart of the once powerful Khmer state. Unfortunately, today Angkor is no longer a city, but the remains of ancient temples scattered throughout the jungle amaze with their unusual style and size. No binder was used in the construction of the temples. Wood, used for the construction of residential buildings during the heyday of the Khmer state, collapsed under the influence of moisture and heat, while temples built from stone blocks have survived to this day, although, of course, not all of them. At the time when Angkor was at its peak, the number of its inhabitants exceeded a million people. In Europe at that time, it was rare for a city to have a population of fifty thousand. Only based on these indicators can one judge the former power of the Khmer Empire.

The jungle was slowly but surely conquered and finally hid the majestic city. It was only “discovered” and rediscovered for the world in the 19th century by European explorers – by accident. I still can't understand why the city at one time it was abandoned by residents. The complex is currently being reconstructed, the temple buildings are being cleared of vegetation, but there is still a lot of work ahead. Not all buildings are still known - today there are about a thousand of them - only local residents know the paths to some.

What to do in the country:

The country's capital, Phnom Penh, deserves a couple of days of your trip. The first day can be used for visiting National Museum– here you can see sculptures that were taken from Angkor. You can spend the second day wandering around the Russian Market and also visiting the Genocide Museum. You can brighten up the evening by visiting some nightclub or restaurant, where you can gawk at the locals having a rest.

If you want to take a break from walking through the jungle and the noise of the capital, go to Sihanoukville. This resort offers beach holidays. Inexpensive restaurants with fresh seafood, sand, sun and clean water - what you need for relaxation. Those who love leisure, can use the services of diving centers. Trips to the beach can be diluted with visits to local attractions - pagodas and trips to the islands.

"Must-do's" in Cambodia:

Admire the sunrise near the main temple of Angkor Wat

Visit the majestic Bayon Temple

Wander through the Ta Prohm temple, entwined with the roots of giant trees, where Lara Croft was filmed

Admire the beautiful carvings of the successfully surviving Banteay Srei Temple

Take advantage of free movement on your own and visit the hard-to-reach Kbal Spean Temple

Transport in Cambodia:

From the capital to Siam Reap, which is located near Angkor, you can get by bus for $5 and six hours. By plane – 35 dollars and 45 minutes. On Tonle Sap Lake by boat - 20-25 dollars and 5-6 hours, respectively. The last option is the most exotic.

Where to live:

When traveling around Cambodia on your own, there are no problems finding cheap accommodation - you can always stay in a guesthouse for $10. The level of comfort will be appropriate. If you are not satisfied with it, go to a more expensive hotel, there are many of them for any budget.

Weather in the country:

Cambodia is a country with a tropical climate. There is a rainy season (May to October) and a dry season (November to April). It is better to go in the dry season, between November and February: there is practically no rain and it is not very hot. Temperatures during the day are up to 30 degrees, at night about 20, in some regions it can drop lower.


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