The most catchy jigs. Winter fishing with jigs. Video: catching roach in winter with a jig

How to fish in winter with jigs Fishing with a jig- the most common type of fishing in winter. Fishermen are constantly improving their playing techniques and inventing new forms of jigs. Example - recently gained popularity fishing in winter with a jig without nozzle. To fish with a jig without an attachment, you need a special jig and a game that is very different from fishing with a jig with an attachment.

The possibilities of fishing with jigs are far from being explored and exhausted. Changes that have occurred over last years, touched on all aspects of fishing - both fishing gear and jig fishing techniques.

Previously, it was believed that fishing in winter with a spinner and fishing with a jig were the same winter fishing rod.

The specificity of jig fishing is such that it requires continuous play with the jig at a fast pace with a small amplitude. Winter fishing rod for jig fishing has become significantly shorter - no more than 30 centimeters, with a comfortable handle and equipped with a reel. Weight has also been reduced winter fishing rod, now it does not exceed 125 g.

To fish with jigs, buy a winter fishing rod equipped with a reel, preferably a closed type. A winter fishing rod with a reel is more suitable for winter float rod . On an open reel, the line will freeze after you throw a winter fishing rod onto damp ice.

The reel of the winter fishing rod should rotate freely and be securely locked by tightening the nut. The hole for the fishing line on the reel of a winter fishing rod can be too small. It needs to be expanded with a thin drill or a thick heated needle or awl.

The handle of a winter fishing rod would best be made of porous rubber, cork, or porous foam (not pressed into balls). This handle of a winter fishing rod will be warmer, and you can stick a jig hook into it. Plastic or wooden handles of a winter fishing rod are worse.

The whip of a winter fishing rod should not be fragile, made of frost-resistant plastic. It is advisable that a winter jig fishing rod be painted in a bright color - this way it will be more noticeable in the snow.

Video: Winter fishing rods for fishing with jigs

Nod for jig fishing

Nod on a winter fishing rod- the most important component of successful jig fishing. The nod is not only a bite signal, but also an element responsible for the correct play of the jig.

There are many designs of nods for jig fishing. Of those that are now on sale, the most common are lavsan nods and steel strip nods.

Dacron nods more sensitive, transmit the slightest movement of the jig. They do not freeze or rust. Due to the fact that they are thin and wide, lavsan nods play strongly in the wind. It is better to use such nods when fishing in a plastic fishing tent, or on small lakes or rivers, where the wind is not as strong as on large rivers and reservoirs.

Metal spring nods Jigs convey the game slightly worse, but are resistant to wind and allow you to distinguish a fish bite from a gust of wind. And there is almost always wind in winter. It is better for a novice fisherman to fish with a jig with such a nod. It is less capricious than a lavsan nod.

Fashionable in its time boar bristle nods not practical. They are sensitive - like nods made of lavsan. Boar bristle nods are round in cross-section, and not flat, like mylar or metal nods. And the wind blows in a horizontal direction. Therefore, boar bristle nods move left and right even in a slight breeze.

At one time, complex design nods were common, made from a piece of thin steel wire soldered to a spring, which was put on an axle. The nod was located perpendicular to the whip of the winter fishing rod, and was more noticeable. The lifting force of such a nod began evenly from the lowest position to the highest. This made it possible to control the most timid bites. The fish does not feel the increasing weight of the jig. This nod was very wind resistant. Now you can’t find such a nod in fishing stores. You can find it at fishing markets from homemade craftsmen, or you can make it yourself.

Video: How to choose a nod for a jig for a winter fishing rod

The length and elasticity of the nod must correspond to the weight of the jig and the nature of the game with the jig. When fishing for bream, roach, and silver bream, the game is not played at a high pace. The nod should be long. The bite usually happens “on the rise”. The nod is adjusted so that, under the weight of the jig immersed in water, it bends at an angle of 30-40 degrees. The nod is extended to a length of 7 to 10 centimeters.

With this setting, the game turns out to be the opposite of the stroke of the rod whip. The rod whip moves up - the tip of the nod pecks down, and vice versa. The nod produces a wave that goes from the base of the nod to the tip.

When fishing for perch in winter, the frequency of play should be maximum. The perch bite is very sharp, it pulls the jig down. The length of the nod should be 4-5 centimeters, the angle should be 15-20 degrees. The game turns out to be direct, without a wave: rod down - nod down.

Types of bites on a winter fishing rod with a jig

  • The nod pecks down. This is how perch bites, ruff. Less commonly, roach and silver bream.
  • The nod goes up. This is how bream, roach and other white fish bite.
  • The nod does not fall or rise, but freezes. The game ends. This is how inactive fish bite in the middle of winter.
Any fish bite should be immediately hooked. A mistake novice fishermen make is “oversleeping” the fish bite. They do not distinguish a bite from a gust of wind or freezing of the fishing line in the hole. If you are not sure whether there was a fish bite or not, then stop playing with the jig. During a pause, the bite is more noticeable.

Jigs for winter fishing

Jigs are distinguished:
  • by the method of tying to the fishing line (horizontally and obliquely suspended jigs), by weight - light (weighing less than 0.4 g), medium (weighing from 0.5 to 1 g) and heavy (weighing over 1 g).
  • in shape - jigs are spherical, teardrop-shaped, flat, conical and faceted.
  • by color - light and dark jigs, black, red, green, white, copper, silver.
Ball jigs don't have games. Only when the rod moves up and down does the hook with the nozzle deflect. Ball jigs attract fish, especially when playing near the bottom - moving, tapping on the bottom.

Drop-shaped jigs They sway better when the winter fishing rod moves. Jigs - droplets are used for reelless fishing with an inclined suspension. They also attract fish when they move on the bottom.

Flat jigs plan to the side when moving with a winter fishing rod. Playing with flat jigs consists of slow and smooth swings.

Faceted jigs usually made of copper or silver. They have sparkling edges and are suitable for jig fishing at great depths or in muddy water.

Cone-shaped jigs And drop-shaped jigs The fish grabs deeper, which improves their hooking.

Video: The best and catchiest jigs

Jigs are tied to the fishing line by the shank of the hook or through a through hole in the body of the jig. With the last method of tying a jig, you can use a fishing line to tighten one or more bloodworms - this way they will remain alive for a long time. But the hook still needs to be disguised with bloodworms.

If you fish at great depths - more than 4 m, then you need to use heavy tungsten jigs. Then the jig reaches the desired depth faster, and the game is more clearly transmitted to the nod. In order not to use a very large jig, you can tie two jigs - the light one is 10-15 centimeters higher than the heavy one.

A black jig-droplet is placed at the bottom, a copper jig-ball is placed at the top. The greater the depth of fishing, the greater the amplitude of playing with a jig is needed - movements with a fishing rod are damped under the influence of a layer of water.

Having chosen a place for fishing with a jig, the angler drills holes. The ice chips from the hole must be thrown out with a scoop behind the angler’s back, under no circumstances in the direction of the wind, where the fishing line will fly away. When fishing on great depths It is recommended to sprinkle the hole with snow and make a hole for the fishing line with a stick. But this does not always give results - sometimes the fish are caught better in a clean hole.

To actively play with a jig, you need to hold the winter fishing rod with both hands. The right hand holds a winter fishing rod and rests on the thigh above the knee. The left hand clasps the right hand and is pressed to the side. The hands should be relaxed when playing with the jig, and tense while hooking the fish.

When fishing with a jig, hooking is done with any movement or change in the position of the nod with a short movement of the hand.

Fishing technique with a jig in winter

Having found the desired depth of descent, place one or more bloodworms, thistles or mayflies on the jig. The jig is lowered to the bottom, controlling the descent with a nod. Then shake the jig at the bottom, knock 5-10 times so that a cloud of turbidity rises. Start lifting with rocking at a fast pace with an amplitude of oscillation of the rod tip of 1.5 cm. Raise the jig to a height of 50 cm and wait a pause of 2-3 seconds. Lower the jig to the bottom on a bent nod. After 5-10 cycles, you need to try to change the pace of the game and reduce the amplitude of vibrations, raise the jig higher.

1. Lower the jig with bait to the bottom. Raise the jig 1-3 cm and begin a leisurely rise, playing with the tip of the fishing rod at a pace of 90-120 times per minute and an amplitude of 0.5-1 cm. Stop the rise every 3-5 cm, shaking the jig 2-3 cm. At a level of 60-70 cm from the bottom, finish lifting and lower the jig for a new cycle.

2. Lower the jig to the bottom. Swing the jig, lifting it 0.5-1 cm above the bottom. After 3-4 cycles, pause for 5-7 seconds. All movements should be slow. After 1-2 minutes, direct the fishing line to the edge of the hole. Without stopping playing with the jig, pull the line to the other edge of the hole. This is good jig fishing technique, when the fish is sluggish in the dead of winter.

3. Lower the jig to the bottom. Raise it 3-5 cm and play it like a spinner 3-5 times. Hang above the bottom and pause for 2-4 seconds. Start lifting, slowly accelerating, and leave the jig 40-50 cm above the bottom. Then lower it in jerks by 2-3 cm with a pause of 2-3 s. Leave on the bottom for 3-4 seconds. This technique of fishing with flat jigs is suitable when the fish is quite active.

4. . The jig sinks to the bottom. Then a slow rise begins with trembling oscillations, the rate of which is 100-300 times per minute, the amplitude is no more than 1 cm. The slower the rise and the shorter the amplitude of the oscillations, the more often fish bites occur. If there is a failure in tempo, it is better to start lifting the jig from the bottom again. This technique of fishing with a jig brings success all winter, with the exception of the middle of winter - the time when fish are most unbiting.

5. The jig is raised above the bottom by 0.6-1 m, and proceed to the game. The jig is lowered by 2-3 cm and, holding it, pause for 2-3 seconds. During the pause, they rock gently. Having reached the bottom, pause for 3-4 seconds and move the jig, repeating this 5-6 times. The jig is slowly lifted from the bottom 0.5-1 m.

6. The jig is lifted from the bottom slowly. Swing the tip of the winter fishing rod at a rate of 10-20 times per minute with an amplitude of 2-3 cm. Stop the rise after 15-20 cm and pause for 2-4 s. You can not raise it above 60 cm.

7. Moving the jig on the bottom, moves the tip of the winter fishing rod from edge to edge of the hole crosswise. This jig fishing technique is called “crossing the hole.” White bream, ide and chub are caught.

Video: Winter fishing on a jig

This jig fishing technique is not exhaustive. An angler can look for his jig fishing technique. But you need to be guided general principles. The technique of fishing with a jig should depend on the time of year, the fish you are going to catch, and the weather.

If there is no oxygen deficiency in the reservoir, when there is first ice or in the spring, jig play can be more active. If there is a lack of oxygen and fishing with a jig in the middle of winter, before the snow begins to melt, it is necessary to sharply reduce the amplitude of oscillations of the winter fishing rod and reduce the activity of the game.

Most winter fishing enthusiasts prefer to use jigs, as they are the simplest in design and quite effective when catching many types of fish. Winter fishing conditions are radically different from summer fishing, including the use of baits. In summer, the range of baits and lures used is much larger, but in winter period Most anglers switch to fishing with jigs. Today there are quite a lot of different catchable jigs for winter fishing. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

A jig is an artificial bait for winter fishing, which is used by a large number of ice fishermen. Thanks to its shape, as well as its specific game, it actively attracts fish, which explains its widespread use. The jig can be described as follows:

  1. The basis of the design is a weight to which a fishing hook is attached using soldering.
  2. The bait is attached to the end of the main line. Baiting techniques allow you to imitate the actions of either small fish or insects, which is attractive to fish.
  3. All models differ from each other in shape, weight, color and nature of the game. This allows you to choose exactly the design that will most interest the fish.

Such baits are classified according to various factors, the main one of which is weight. Therefore, jigs are divided into:

  1. Heavy ones, which are used when fishing at great depths and in fast currents. Heavy baits reach the appropriate depth quite quickly.
  2. For medium-sized jigs, which are the most in demand and most popular.
  3. Use light baits, which are most effective in shallow areas and in bodies of water where there is no current.

The production of jigs, like other baits, is constantly being improved. Increasingly, modern materials are used for their manufacture, which can increase the mass of the jig without increasing its size. These jigs include baits made of tungsten.

The best jigs for winter fishing

Tungsten jigs are most in demand on the market for such products. This is due to the fact that jigs made of this material have decent weight with small dimensions. They are indispensable under certain fishing conditions associated with decent depth and fast currents. Such baits provide:

  1. A high degree of immersion to greater depths, as well as a more stable position in the presence of current.
  2. Activation of the bite due to the nature of the game, since in winter time Most fish feed on small representatives of the underwater world.
  3. Believable play due to its small size. At the same time, we should not forget that the outcome of fishing depends not only on high-quality bait. Of no small importance is the correct selection of other elements of the tackle, such as fishing line.
  4. Tungsten jigs are more reliable and durable.

Jigs with bait are a classic option for winter fishing. The point of using them is that bait is attached to the jig, for example, in the form of a bloodworm. They work well when the fish are not particularly active. They are not expensive and can be purchased at any retail outlet that sells fishing supplies. In addition, they are easy to make yourself and just as easy to use.

Such baits are divided into two types:

  • Pellet. One of the most common baits for winter fishing. It has round shape and various color designs. It is used for catching perch and roach.
  • A drop. In appearance it is similar to a pellet, but has a more elongated shape. It is effective with active wiring, when its game has its own specifics. Such bait play is especially attractive for perch, as many ice-biting enthusiasts claim.

Reelless or nozzle-less jig

This type of jig does not involve the use of bait, so you will have to demonstrate your own skills in organizing a tempting game. Such jigs catch well when the fish are especially active and do not overdo it with baits. Such artificial baits also have their own classification. For example:

  • Uralka. Quite often used by anglers to hunt striped robber. This is a classic type of jig and is a must-have in any ice fishing enthusiast's arsenal. In appearance it is a drop, but curved. A hook is soldered into its narrow part. Specialized retail outlets may offer Uralkas, which differ in size and color. In addition, there may be beads of different shades on the shank of the hook.
  • Devil. It is more used when fishing for pike perch, although it is no less effective when catching other fish. There are jigs with both three and four hooks. At the same time, it should be noted that a completely different artificial bait called a balancer is used to catch pike perch.
  • Goat. Many anglers characterize it as separate species jig, although it is a subspecies of the devil. As a rule, a devil can have at least 3 hooks, but a goat can only have two. For the goat to appear catchable bait, it is necessary to carry it out correctly in the water column. As a rule, such a jig is made of brass or copper, but it is almost impossible to find such a bait made of tungsten. “Goat” is a universal under-ice bait that can attract any fish.
  • Boat. This design is designed for fishing peaceful fish species at depths of up to 2.5 meters. A jig like this requires active retrieving to attract peaceful fish. The bait can have any color, with the presence of additional elements that attract fish.
  • Ant. In shape, this bait resembles the well-known ant. This jig is used for catching bream or roach during periods of maximum activity. As a result of the movement of the fishing rod, the ant performs small amplitude movements. In such conditions, the bait repeats the movements of an ant caught in the water. Almost all of them have the same size and weight (0.3 g). The weight can be increased if the bait is equipped with beads.
  • Donkey. In appearance, this jig is similar to a quarter of a coffee bean. It works well in any conditions, both with and without current. As a rule, such baits are black in color and equipped with one hook; however, they may differ in weight.

The best manufacturers of jigs

It’s impossible to simply determine which brand’s jigs are the most catchy unless you try it yourself and put them into practice. But for this, they need to be purchased, spending a lot of money. This is especially true if the baits are expensive. But some experienced fishermen point to baits from the following well-known manufacturers:

  1. Fishing manufactures lures for winter fishing from tungsten, which indicates their advantage over lead jigs.
  2. Lumicom It also produces tungsten jigs at an affordable price, which determines their demand.
  3. Ladoga is a domestic manufacturer of various types of jigs at an attractive price. As a rule, domestic models are much cheaper than foreign models.
  4. Salmo- this is one of the famous companies, which specializes in the production of various fishing accessories and more, as well as artificial baits, designed for different fishing conditions. In any specialized department you can pick up the most interesting jigs.
  5. Lucky John is another popular company that has been on the market for similar products for more than 30 years. Its products are of excellent quality and are always in demand. The company offers baits for both summer and winter fishing.

TOP 5 most catchy jigs

It makes sense to focus on more catchy models of jigs for ice fishing. Again, based on reviews from experienced fishermen. There are five similar models. Here they are:

A domestic manufacturer, it is made of lead and is an excellent representative of jigs of this class. This bait weighs 0.28 grams and is equipped with a No. 16 hook made of thin wire from a Japanese manufacturer. Has a silicone tube and yellow beads. Costs about 35 rubles.

This is a triangular shaped devil that has a loop. The jig is produced in Latvia, with hooks No. 18 and weighs 0.25 grams. This tungsten jig costs about 140 rubles.

Weighs about 1.3 grams and has a diameter of about 5 mm. The main material is tungsten, which is also coated with a polymer composition. This factor has a positive effect on its performance characteristics. This is a strong and durable bait. Its approximate cost is 150 rubles.

Jig "Lumicon Female ant d.3.0"

Imitates the behavior of the corresponding insect that found itself in the water and which is included in the diet of many predators. This is a large bait that matches the size of a female ant. Sold in sets of 10 pieces, which is estimated at 250 rubles.

Jig "Sava Uralka"

It is also made of tungsten and represents a classic example of jigs of this type. The jig has a hole with a diameter of 1.5 mm. Sold mainly in packs of 10 pieces, costing 340 rubles.

DIY jig

As a rule, every fisherman immediately thinks about how to make a jig himself. By the way, most experienced fishermen do this, especially since there are no special difficulties, if only there was a desire and a minimum set of tools and accessories. As practice shows, homemade baits are in no way inferior in catchability to industrial designs. Some fishermen make them so well that they are superior in catchability to industrial models.

  • First, you need to decide on the material for making the jig sample. It should be a material that can be easily processed with cutting tools. As a last resort, a blank made of dense wood, such as oak or ash, will do.
  • In this fragment, for example, of wood, a spherical depression is made, which should be slightly smaller in size than the future jig. This operation can be performed using a figured chisel.
  • During the work, care should be taken to ensure that the recess matches the shape of the future bait. To do this, you can use a set of shaped chisels, for example, for wood carving.
  • As soon as the recess is ready, it should be carefully processed (cleaned with sandpaper), after which the entire surface is treated with dichloroethane.
  • Then you need to take a strip of copper or brass and attach it to the mold. The thickness of the strip can be 0.25 mm or thinner. After this, take a suitable tool and make the same indentation on a metal strip. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the strip. To do this, all movements should be as soft as possible and without much effort.
  • In the process of extruding on a metal strip, you should get the same depression as in a wooden blank.
  • After such a recess is completely formed in the metal plate, the edges must be removed (trimmed), and the form itself must be processed and tinned with solder.
  • In the center of the workpiece you need to make a hole with a diameter of 0.2 mm so that the wire can be pulled through it. You must then attach a hook to this wire.
  • As soon as the hook is installed, the recess is filled with solder using a heated soldering iron.
  • After the solder has completely hardened, the wire is removed. Finally, the jig lends itself to further processing: grinding and polishing. Alternatively, the jig can be painted any color or varnished.

Every year, baitless fishing is gaining more and more popularity among winter road fishermen. An unprecedented interest in this fishing method has been aroused among fishermen, primarily with an active search for fish throughout the entire water area of ​​the reservoir. There is no need to sit for hours at baited holes, waiting for the fish to come to your holes, but to look for and find active fish, which are still present in the reservoir and often move in search of food.

Over my many years of practice, fishing with reelless and baitless baits, I have developed some approaches in searching, serving, as well as designing the baits themselves, which, in general, have brought and continue to bring positive results.

For myself, I classify baits as follows:

Rewindless– baits with hooks, instead of live bait, various types additional elements: beads, sequins, cambrics, silicone balls, etc. Additional elements act as attracting fish with their additional vibrations, and also act as a counterweight to the bait, and therefore, the vibrations of the same jig are more pronounced.

Nozzleless– baits that have nothing on the hooks, i.e. just a bare hook. Such baits include devils, jellyfish, jigs such as bugs, cobras and the like.

During the fishing process, I noticed that the fish accepts baitless bait without an additional point of attack, which is why the specimens are caught less often, but larger. Reelless jigs are more versatile in this regard, but they have a big drawback, which lies in the supply of bait, namely, the required high frequency of oscillations to give the appearance of an edible moving underwater object. During the so-called “dead” period, even active fish prefer the slow vibrations of the jig, so I am more inclined to baitless baits.

The devil is an excellent bait throughout the winter season, but it has its drawbacks. The disadvantages include the presence of three or more hooks, which in turn do not always make it possible to fish in areas of underwater vegetation and snags, because This bait is extremely fond of clinging to any obstacles. And fish gatherings are not rare. In this regard, a jig with one hook is clearly the leader.

Probably many baitless fishermen have noticed that if you break off one hook out of three on a devil bait, then sometimes the bite noticeably improves, but when you repeat the same operation with the second one and leave only one hook, then there are practically no bites at all...
It is quite difficult to explain this pattern, but I assume that this is primarily due to the shape of the devil’s body. Apparently the devil’s body, plus two or three hooks together, resemble some kind of underwater living creature and the fish adequately takes it for granted. With the same hook, on the contrary, there is no similarity, therefore the reaction of the fish is the opposite.

However, if you choose the right form of bait in the right way, you can also successfully fish for almost the entire season, both in snags and in places with underwater vegetation.

This form of jig was suggested to me by a fisherman I knew well. Once while fishing, when he ran out of bait, he tried to fish simply without anything and to his surprise, the fish was caught just as well.
I tried it, made a similar form and was convinced of the correctness of his words. Below I will give an example of how to make a very catchy baitless bait yourself at home.

And so, we need a copper plate with a thickness of 0.15 to 0.3 mm, hooks, POS-61 tin, soldering acid, or another substitute. For external decoration, a piece of tulle curtain.

It is better to anneal a copper plate over a fire to give it the necessary ductility. First, we clean the copper plate on one side with sandpaper to make it easier to tin in the future. To begin with, you can use any available tool as the required shape, and then machine a punch from a duralumin blank that can easily repeat the required shape.

When using a punch, I install a lead plate in a vice, then a copper plate and the punch itself. Then I squeeze everything with a vice.

The output is the required shape of the crown, which I then cut out with scissors and fill with tin, and first I prepare the hooks for soldering.

A standard hook has a straight fore-end; in order to give the fore-end the required shape, for our jig, the metal must be lowered. I heat the fore-end with a lighter, but not to the point of red, otherwise the metal of the hook can overheat and it becomes brittle. Using round-nosed pliers, I give the hook shank the necessary shape so that later, when soldering, I can completely immerse the hook shank in the tin. I clean the hook shank with sandpaper, apply soldering acid and tin it with tin. I install the hook in the middle of our copper crown and fill it with tin.

These are the jigs you get. Why was the material chosen copper? I noticed that in most reservoirs where I fish with no bait, the color of copper attracts fish the most different types. An even better effect is achieved when the copper crown of the jig tarnishes. This is probably due to the food supply of fish in these reservoirs.
In principle, the bait is ready and you can catch it as is, but I decided to add similarity to underwater organisms, do it on the outside, say “upgrade”, add “legs” and “tail” to the bait.

In this case, it is better to use the material used by fly fishermen. Again, such specialized stores are not always found in the outback, so as a substitute, I found a small piece of tulle curtain, the nylon threads of which are very thin and soft.

On the tin side I apply a small drop of super glue and form something similar to the elements of the limbs of underwater inhabitants.

When gluing, you need to make sure that the glue does not spread over the threads, otherwise the imitation of “legs” will turn out rigid, and this is not good... Therefore, I advise you to do everything carefully, without rushing. I use the same thread to form the “head” of the bait. After the glue has dried, I apply a small portion of iodine with a toothpick, matching the overall color of the bait. Then I paint the “head” with black varnish and add a couple of dots on the “stomach”. To secure, I next apply a drop of transparent varnish on the side of the surface to be glued. The varnish also needs to be applied very carefully so that it does not get on the “limbs” of our bait.

From the outside it may look unsightly, but the fish really liked this “clothes”!

I color the paws with a permanent black marker.

Bait scale sizes:
length 9mm
height at the “hump” 3mm, thickness at the hump 3mm.
weight 0.33-0.35g.

Now the bait is finally ready, you can go to the pond.
First, about the gear.

fishing line

From my experience of fishing for devils, I tried a lot of lines from different manufacturers and finally settled on the Ultegra Silk Shock line from Shimano. Very good price-quality ratio, which suits me quite well. The line is very close to the stated actual diameter. The surface is smooth, does not tangle in the wind, there is no “memory”, it holds the load on the nodes very well.


You can use nods made from various materials. I'm more satisfied with the conical nod made of lavsan.

Nod sizes:
length 13mm
end width 4mm
initial width 1.5mm
thickness 0.3mm.

In this case, the nod without load is slightly bent upward.

Under the load of the bait, the nod is lowered slightly below the horizon and becomes, as it were, “sprung”.

Fishing rod

Each fisherman chooses a fishing rod for himself, individually. These can be fishing rods of the “balalaika” type, as well as fishing rods with a handle. Throughout last season and the beginning of this season, the “Classic S” model from the Artud company served me faithfully. No complaints, it works like a clock! Mostly this fishing rod I use it for fishing with devils, but it has also proven itself well when fishing with no bait.

Soft spool movement, smooth friction brake, no backlash or squeaks. The entire surface is polished to a shine. Large spool diameter and reliable button lock. The fishing rod is collapsible and takes up little space in the fishing box.

When catching a large trophy, press the reel lock button and the smooth clutch releases the required amount of line clearly, without jamming. What’s interesting is that the weight of the fishing rod is much greater compared to a foam balalaika, but it’s practically not felt when fishing, because The center of gravity of the fishing rod is located just in the area where the hand is held. Your hands don’t get tired, even after two days of fishing in a row.

It is convenient to fish with a fishing rod from the Artuda company, as with fishing box, and from the knee.

The back remains straight and the load on the lower back is not felt. Unfortunately, we are not getting younger every day, and for some, a specific problem with the lumbar region is generally at the forefront of everything.
Yes, a fishing rod is not cheap, but the time spent fishing profitably, without nerves and all sorts of troubles associated with a broken fishing rod, cannot be measured in money. Here you will once again think about what is more important - the fishing process itself, or the constant problems with gear.
Let's return to our baitless baits.

This jig does not have a distinct game of its own. Moving through the water column resembles the same little devil up and down. There may be fluctuations, but at least they are indistinguishable to the eye.

But the shape and additional elements of the bait apparently have a simply hypnotic effect on the fish! As confirmation, the first fishing trips with this bait showed their worth. Despite the fact that jigs with a bait had practically no bite, this bait caught almost all the “winter” fish quite well - white bream, roach, perch, ide, dace and even the ruff itself!

And the caught specimens, compared to jigs, looked more significant. During the so-called “deaf” period, active fish are still present in the reservoir, the only thing is that it prefers wiring with a low frequency of oscillations of the nod, as well as its small amplitude. Therefore, I didn’t have to adjust to the wiring change after the devil. Effective wiring turned out to be almost the same.

The first ones caught using a baitless jig were small roaches. Just like in devil fishing, changing leads always brought a positive result. The roach really liked this jig and there wasn’t a single body of water where she didn’t try it.

Wiring with a frequency of 80-120 vibrations per minute and a small amplitude turned out to be the most effective for roach, and irritating wiring with 150-200 vibrations per minute worked best.

Some specimens of roach simply “knocked” the fishing rod out of their hands! Most likely, the unique appearance of the bait and the correct wiring did not give the roach a chance to doubt that this was not a trick, but a living, realistic object.

The low grip of the baitless bait on underwater obstacles increased the fishing zone in snags and near underwater vegetation, where perch likes to stay. The striped one greedily swallowed the jig up to the gills; sometimes it was difficult to remove the last one from its mouth. It is also interesting that the perch responded to almost any wiring, both with low and high frequency oscillations within the range of 150-300 counts per minute. I also noticed an interesting fact. When I caught a bream with this bait, usually a bream retrieve with a relatively large amplitude, the perch, if it was in this place, always reacted well to it. Simply amazing!

If, during the search, you came across a school of perch, the so-called distribution began. The bait, not having time to reach the bottom, was immediately attacked by another striper. The fishing was already taking place in lift mode, as if a spinner was tied to the other end of the fishing line instead of a jig.

Practical use of this bait in reservoirs revealed a number of advantages compared to the devil. Good cross-country ability in snags or places with underwater vegetation. No derailments due to the use of one hook. Good catchability of the bait in general, different types of fish. Easy to make at home.
I advise you to try this bait on a pond and I hope that you will not be left without a catch!

The most effective and common type of winter fishing is jig fishing. This simple but catchy bait has long been successfully used by anglers around the world. The shelves of fishing stores are so crowded with such baits that it is sometimes difficult for a novice fisherman to make the right choice.

Let's try to figure out what kinds of jigs there are for winter fishing, and which ones are better suited for catching a particular fish.

What is the best bait for winter fishing?

A jig is a specialized attachment for a winter fishing rod, which is a weight with a hook soldered into it. This attachment, being tied to the end of the fishing line, with the help of skillful wiring carried out by the fisherman, plays the role of a small spoon, attracting and hooking fish.

Modern jigs for winter fishing are baits that combine all the necessary features of shape, weight and color. Efficiency depends on these three criteria.

Types of jigs

Jigs for winter fishing are classified into regular and baitless (reelless). The first are a classic bait, consisting of a round or oblong weight with a soldered hook. They are not distinguished by a variety of shapes and colors and are designed to attract fish using bait of animal origin (bloodworms, maggots, caddis fly larvae, pieces of worms, etc.).

No-attachment jigs for winter fishing, on the contrary, attract fish with their shapes and play, imitating insects at various stages of development, small crustaceans and mollusks.

Classification of jigs by weight

By weight, jigs are divided into:

  • lungs;
  • average;
  • heavy.

The choice of bait by weight is carried out depending on the intensity of the current in the reservoir and the depth. There is only one rule here, and it is simple - the faster the current and the greater the depth, the heavier the jig should be.

Until recently, it often happened that when fishing in a relatively fast stream it was necessary to use lead baits of quite large sizes, which, you see, is not at all justified for hunting small-sized fish. But at a certain point they were replaced by tungsten jigs for winter fishing. Why tungsten? Yes, because its density is almost twice the density of lead, and therefore the weight is twice as much. Thus, the size of the bait was reduced by half.

Today, tungsten jigs for winter fishing are used both in fishing with and without bait. This unique metal, due to its specific structure, unlike lead, lends itself well to painting.

Jigs for fishing with bait

Jigs for winter fishing with bait are a classic of ice fishing. They are cheap and easy to use, and you can easily make them yourself. According to their shape, ordinary jigs are divided into only two groups:

  • “Drobinka” is a classic jig with a round shape. Excellent for catching perch, roach, and silver bream.
  • “Drop” is an elongated teardrop-shaped jig, distinguished by a special game with fast high-frequency wiring. It is believed that “droplets” are the best jigs for winter fishing for perch.

It is clear that bait in the form of a ball or drop of lead by itself is unlikely to attract fish. Bait is definitely used here as an addition. Most often it is a bloodworm. It is quite bright and mobile, and in addition has a smell attractive to fish. Several larvae are attached to the jig hook, resulting in an excellent bait that smells pleasant, is bright, and even plays.


Reelless jigs are called baitless jigs for winter fishing. The very name of the bait suggests that no bait is used here. The essence of the reeler is to attract fish with just its appearance and play. And here a lot depends on the fisherman: what the game will be like, so will the catch. There are dozens of species of mothless baits, differing in size, shape, color, game, and intended for catching different fish. Among them, the most popular are the following jigs:

  • "Uralka".
  • "Devil."
  • "Goat".
  • "Boat".
  • "Ant".
  • "Donkey."


“Uralka” can rightfully be called a classic rewinder. It can be found in the arsenal of every winter fishing enthusiast. The shape of “Uralka” resembles a curved drop with a hook in the narrow part. Thanks to its unique game, it is able to attract both predators and peaceful fish.

“Uralka” is manufactured in different weights, starting from 0.4 g. It can be made of both lead and tungsten. Most often it has a golden, silver, copper or black coating color.

Additionally, it may have beads, sequins or pieces of cambric on the hook.


“Devil” is no less popular, especially among those who like to hunt predatory fish. Such baits are the best reelless jigs for winter fishing for pike perch.

The shape of the “Devil” resembles an inverted drop with a tee hook at the bottom. There are several varieties of this jig:

  • simple “Devil”;
  • curved “Devil” (has a body in the form of a curved drop);
  • composite “Devil” (the body of the jig consists of two moving parts);
  • “Mini-Devil” is a smaller version of the simple “Devil”.

This rewinder is made of lead, tin and tungsten. Depending on the variety and size, it can weigh from 0.2 to 1.5 g. Most often it is painted golden, silver or black.


The Koza reelless reel is distinguished by its versatility, therefore it is used for fishing for any active fish. The body of the jig also has a drop-shaped shape (some models have a cut-off inner side). “Goat” is equipped with two hooks resembling goat horns.

When guiding, its movements resemble those of an amphipod.

The weight of the jig, depending on the size and material, can vary from 0.2 to 1.5 g. Most often, “Goats” are made of copper and brass, but there are options made of lead and tungsten.


The “boat” is used for catching small peaceful fish at shallow depths (up to 2.5 m). The shape of the jig is an elongated curved drop. Weight from 0.3 g. “Boat” is characterized by high mobility during intensive wiring.

Made from lead and polymer materials. The most common colors are silver, copper, black. The hook of the jig is additionally equipped with dim beads.


For catching roach, bream and bream during periods of their highest activity in large bodies of water, the “Ant” is ideal. The shape of the bait resembles the body of a real ant, and when retrieved it plays a small-amplitude game. These catchy jigs for winter fishing are not distinguished by a variety of sizes and colors, and have the same weight - 0.3 g. They are painted, for the most part, black and may have an additional body kit in the form of several bright beads.


The donkey is shaped like a quarter of a coffee bean. Excellent for catching peaceful fish both in still water and in the current. It can have a weight from 0.4 g to 1.5 g. Most often, the “Donkey” is made of lead alloys, equipped with one hook and painted black.

When casting in a current, the jig additionally attracts fish with the unique vibration it creates, which is good for attracting predators.

No matter how diverse the range of baits in stores is, there will always be craftsmen who can make them themselves. And the point here is not so much about saving money, but about excitement and passion. In addition, it often happens that homemade products are significantly more effective than factory-made products. Whether you use store-bought or homemade jigs for ice fishing is your choice, but if you suddenly decide to make a few baits yourself, the following information may come in handy.

There are several ways to make jigs:

  • sawing;
  • soldering;
  • forging;
  • casting.

The easiest way to make homemade jigs for winter fishing is by sawing them out. This is the easiest way. Blanks of the required sizes and shapes are cut out of pieces of copper, bronze, brass or other metals using a hacksaw, after which they are processed with a file and sandpaper. Next, a hook with an eye is simply soldered to the workpiece. During secondary processing, the jig is painted in the desired color.

The soldering process is also not difficult. It is enough to take a hook of the desired size and shape, apply solder to its shank and give it a certain shape using a needle file and fine sandpaper. Next, the jig can be painted in any color.

Lead is used to make forged bait. Using a small hammer and anvil, the workpiece is given the desired shape and size. After this, a hacksaw is used to make a recess in it, into which a hook without an eye is soldered.

But a good rewinder can only be made by casting. To do this, you will need to prepare an appropriate form of plaster or wood in advance. It's easier, of course, to use wood.

A recess is made in a wooden block in the shape of half of the future jig by drilling or burning. The same recess must be made in another bar, having previously provided a hole through which hot lead or tin can be poured. When the form is ready, the two bars need to be folded together and secured. Next, you need to place a hook with a cut off eye inside the mold, and then fill the mold with metal. After the workpiece has cooled, all that remains is to file it and paint it.

Fishing with a jig is the best popular look winter fishing. Anglers are constantly inventing new models of jigs and new ways of playing. All the capabilities of such fishermen are not known. Since jigs for winter fishing are constantly being improved, it is enough to choose the best one. Fishermen use two methods: fishing with a jig with bloodworms and without it. Let's take a closer look at these methods.

All anglers who have fished at least a little in winter will confidently say that it is best to use jigs for fishing with bloodworms. Such baits are considered classic and the most popular jigs for winter fishing are initially produced for fishing with bait. Below we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of these baits and discuss the nuances that affect the success of fishing.

During winter fishing there is no secondary gear; all components are very important. The success of fishing depends on everything, from the fishing line, rod, reel and the right jig. I advise you to use the following gear:

  • a “balalaika” fishing rod that will fit comfortably in your hand with a long whip (about 15 cm);
  • thin but strong fishing line (give preference to branded fishing lines with a diameter of 0.1 mm);
  • soft nod with high sensitivity (length about 5 cm);
  • Well, a catchy jig weighing about 0.25 grams.

Now a little about the shape of jigs. Classic jigs, which are made in the form of a shot and can be tied to a fishing line using an eye or a through hole. Such jigs can be lead or tungsten. Tungsten pellets are heavier than lead pellets, but are slightly more expensive.

If you fish at shallow depths, then you shouldn’t spend money on a tungsten jig, it doesn’t matter. But when fishing at great depths, and even if there is a current, lead jigs are not suitable for winter fishing. Do not forget that tungsten will quickly fray the fishing line, so it is best to choose baits that have a cambric or protective tube passed through a through hole.

An equally important factor is the size of the bait. As practice shows, on most reservoirs, pellets measuring 2.5-3 mm work very well. In currents and depths above 5 meters, you need to use larger jigs. You can see a bunch of small jigs in the store, so know that they are often used only for sport fishing.

Drop-shaped jigs are no less popular. If such a jig is made of tungsten, then it is considered universal since it works as a reelless jig and with bait. You need to choose such a bait according to the same criteria as a pellet. Just remember that the area of ​​a drop is larger than that of a sphere, and the drop will be slightly heavier than a pellet of the same diameter. Therefore, in identical reservoirs it is necessary to use smaller droplets than pellets. The remaining parameters of these baits are absolutely the same.

The choice of jig color when fishing with bloodworms is unlikely to be an important factor. However, in some bodies of water dark baits are better to catch, while in others light baits are better. From this we can conclude that you need to have several jigs with different parameters and select the best one when fishing.

Winter jig fishing attracts more and more people. Last year, while fishing, I had the opportunity to meet one wonderful person. He insisted that you can catch a lot with a jig without a bloodworm. more fish than with him. Undeterred, I suggested giving him a little competition. And guess who won. He. And this didn’t happen because I’m a bad fisherman.

My opponent equipped the rod with a 0.1 mm fishing line to which a small reelless reel was tied and went to the fishing spot. The depth there was about 5 meters. His catch mostly consisted of perch. Local fishermen were not at a loss and began to drill holes under his feet, but in vain. There was no such equipment, and the fish did not want to be caught with a jig and bloodworm. He even decided to give up a few holes to the locals, but they didn’t fish there.

The result of fishing with jigs for winter fishing directly depends on the equipment and certain conditions. The smaller the bait you have, the better. The use of large jigs dramatically reduces the chances of a bite. But such baits are very difficult to find and much easier to make them yourself. Be sure to make the jig matte, yellow or white. A lead rewinder works somewhat worse. Tin rewinders are an excellent option; some also use a lead-tin alloy to increase weight.

It is best to use jigs in the form of a shot, which flows a little onto the hook. Choose a hook similar to the color of the jig and small size. Well, a thin fishing line, 0.1 mm is quite enough. The guard is adjusted when fishing and it must be matched to the weight of the jig.

Control of the rewinder is of great importance. All you need to do is lift the jig up while giving it oscillations. It's not very difficult, you just need to know some secrets. It is easiest to play if the rod is held with four fingers, with the index finger extended along and lightly tapping the rod.

The main advantage of this method of fishing is clear from its name; it is fishing without the use of bait. In the cold, it is very difficult to hang a bloodworm on a hook and it takes a lot of time, besides, it is not always easy to find, so it is much better and faster to catch without it.

But it is not without its drawbacks; the main disadvantage is the lack of the ability to fish in the current. After all, even at a very low flow speed, the nozzle will still be carried away. Fishing at great depths is also not entirely comfortable, since the jig will sink for quite a long time, and the guard loses sensitivity. Yes, and a sharp hook can tear off the tackle; it is best to make short hooks, about 20 centimeters long.

Tungsten jigs are very popular among ice fishing enthusiasts. The main advantage is greater weight with smaller dimensions. This allows you to use small jigs for winter fishing without wasting time lowering them into the water. At first the assortment was quite meager, which cannot be said now. They are produced both for fishing with bloodworms and without a bloodworm.

And so, we already know that fishermen love tungsten jigs very much and use them very often. And the whole secret lies in the features of the baits, which give anglers an advantage over others. Many of you think that lead jigs are the best, but this is not true.

Let's not beat around the bush, but immediately consider all the advantages and disadvantages. The specific gravity of tungsten is the main secret of the success of jigs. Tin has a very small weight, lead has an average weight, and tungsten has a very large weight. From this we can conclude that, taking jigs of the same weight, the tungsten one will be the smallest, and the tin one will be the largest.

After all, everyone knows that the heavier the jig, the easier it is to play with it. And as you increase weight, you have to increase volume. Well, the winter period is known for the fact that the fish are sluggish and prefer smaller baits. Well, here tungsten jigs with their own parameters come into play (large weight with small dimensions). The range of lures is simply amazing, they come in different colors, shapes, sizes, weights and with different methods of attachment. Such jigs are painted by spraying or applying special paint.

There are a lot of advantages, but there is also one big disadvantage, this high price. It will not be possible to make tungsten jigs yourself, since its melting point is very high and processing such material is much more difficult. There are several schemes and “secrets” for producing such jigs at home on the Internet. But they seemed crazy to me, so I won’t talk about them for now.

Let's start our rating of the best and most catchy jigs for winter fishing from the classics, and I put the Uralka as the first jig. You can see this bait among both amateurs and professionals. The shape of Uralka is simple, it is an ordinary droplet, slightly curved in the middle, which is extended towards the hook. It is this shape that gives the bait an interesting game, attracting predatory and peaceful fish.

The minimum weight of such a bait is considered to be 0.4 grams. In stores you can find tungsten and lead uralks. The color range is not very wide, and most often consists of 3 colors: black, silver and gold. Fishermen complement the game of such bait with the help of beads.

No less popular among fishermen are catchy jigs for winter fishing called “devil”. Most often they are used for predatory fish, namely pike perch, and are not equipped with bloodworms. The shape of this bait resembles a drop, only instead of the usual hook it is equipped with a tee. There are several types of such jigs:

  • simple “Devils”;
  • curved “Devils” (the shape resembles Uralka, a curved drop);
  • composite “Devils” (have a body made up of several parts);
  • “Mini-Devils” is a classic jig, only very small.

You can find such baits made of tungsten, tin or lead. The weight of such jigs ranges from 0.2 to 1.5 g and depends on the size and material. There are also three colors: golden, silver or black.

And the next jig catches a variety of fish, so it is considered universal; fishermen call it “goat”. The shape of the jig is again similar to a drop, but you can also find models with a cut-off inner side. The “Goat” is equipped with a double. This is why it got its name; the hook resembles the horns of a goat.

The weight of a jig is affected by its size and material, and it ranges from 0.2 to 1.5 g. You can find brass, copper, tungsten and lead jigs.

At shallow depths best bait for peaceful fish than the “boat”. The shape of such a jig resembles a boat - it is a slightly curved and elongated drop. The lightest “boat” I have ever seen weighed 0.3 g. The high frequency of vibrations during a leisurely retrieve allows the jig to attract peaceful fish. Most often you can see lead jigs and those made of polymer materials.

The best jig for catching roach is considered to be “Ant”. The shape of such a jig is very similar to a real insect. When retrieved, it exhibits play with a very small amplitude. Such catchy jigs for winter fishing are made standard. Weight 0.3 grams and same black color. Some are equipped with beads.


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