Papua New Guinean culture. What are the names of the indigenous people of New Guinea (7 letters)

Since time immemorial, Russian and foreign sailors began to explore the islands located in the Pacific Ocean. These natural complexes so amazing and unusual that they are considered to be separate continents with their own culture and way of life. From school we all remember that in Oceania after Greenland is Papua New Guinea.

The island is washed by several seas: New Guinea, Solomon, Coral, as well as the Gulf of Papua. Close study natural resources, local culture and the indigenous population were studied by N. N. Miklouho-Maclay, a Russian biologist and navigator who made a significant contribution to geography, history and science. Thanks to this man, the world learned about the existence of wild jungles and original tribes.

True, tours to an island in Oceania are not in great demand and remain a rarity. But travelers who have visited the local jungle, untouched by civilization, remember their vacation with rapture and delight. Rich vegetation, exotic animal world, amazing landscapes, diversity of languages, customs and cultures leave a memory indelible impression. Our publication is dedicated to this state.

Geographical description of the island of New Guinea

A tropical island is in the waters Pacific Ocean, connects two parts of the world: Asia and Australia. It has been an independent state since 1975, also a member of the British Commonwealth and a member of the UN. Its capital is the city of Port Moresby. The origin of the island of New Guinea is continental. Almost the entire territory is covered with massive hills and rocky ridges.

Most of them are of volcanic origin, rising 3000 meters above sea level. According to scientific data, the most high mountain Wilhelm is considered to reach 4509 meters. Between the hills there are wide basins filled with water, densely planted with tropical trees.

Several rivers flow through the island: Ramu, Sepik, Markham, Purari, Fly. Scientists involved in the geological study of the island claim that the continent has high seismic activity. Last eruption recorded in the last century, during which thousands of people were injured, and enormous damage was also caused to agriculture.

Island of New Guinea: population

Life on tropical islands originated thousands of years ago, no one can name the exact date. The last census took place in 1900, at that time the population was about 10 million people. The indigenous people are the Papuans, who belong to the equatorial race. In addition to the Melanesians - this is also what this nation is called - there are Asians and even Europeans.

The lack of civilization, jobs, as well as unfavorable living conditions and the presence of a high crime situation forces the aborigines to migrate from the “mainland” of New Guinea. The island lives by its own customs and laws. Papuans create clans, tribes, elect elders, without whom important tasks and decisions are not made.

The main occupation of the population is Agriculture. Wild tribes plow the land, plant palm trees with bananas, coconuts, and pineapples. Fishing and hunting are no less popular. Some natives mine precious metals and then sell them on the black market.

Climatic conditions

Huge masses of water and small land sizes influenced the climate as a whole. In the north there is a humid equatorial climate, characterized by heavy rainfall and slight winds. Summer temperature regime fluctuates between +30...+32 °С, at night it decreases slightly.

The southern part of the continent is under the authority of the subequatorial climate zone. During the winter months (January-February) strong winds prevail on the island of Papua New Guinea. The island, or rather the southeast (May-August) and the central part, is heavily flooded with tropical rains.

The rest of the coastal area (lowland) experiences drought until late autumn. In areas with high mountains and ridges receive little precipitation, since the elevations act as a protective barrier against cold air masses and rain.

Economic situation

The relief of the ridges prevents the construction of highways and connecting routes. There is currently no land connection with major New Guinea. The island has only air connections with the Pacific regions. To maintain and develop the economy, the state in Oceania regularly receives financial support from Australia.

However, the infrastructure remains at antediluvian levels. The main reason is the lack of respect for law and order on the part of local residents. Crime and civil strife flare up in rural areas. In order to protect their property from robbery and ruin, residents create communities.

The main activity of the population is agriculture. Thus, market relations are established between tribes and regions. IN mountainous areas They cultivate sweet potatoes, tea, and in the lowlands - vegetables, bananas, yams, and taro. They grow various cereals, fruit, coffee and chocolate trees. Animal husbandry is practiced. Papua New Guinea is abundant mineral resources. The mining industry is actively developing.


The territory of the island of New Guinea is covered with evergreen savannas. Valuable plant species and relict trees grow in the jungle: sago and coconut palms, melon and mango trees, rubber plants, ficus trees, bamboos, pandanuses, and casuarinas. The forests contain pine trees and ferns. And mangroves grow in swampy areas. Along the banks of the rivers you can see thickets of sugar cane.


The fauna is rich and diverse. Local rivers are home to alligators, dangerous and poisonous snakes, as well as lizards and chameleons. The fauna is represented by amazing insects, exotic birds and reptiles. Birds of paradise, cassowaries, and large parrots live on the mainland. Large turtles crawl along the coast. Marsupial badgers, kangaroos, and cuscus are found in the forests. Locals They breed animals familiar to our region: pigs, cows, horses, goats and other livestock.

Tourist orientation

Avid travelers know where the island of New Guinea is located, and therefore strive to get here in the summer months to see the colorful and diverse world jungle In warm weather, enchanting festivals with national Aboriginal dances are organized here. Many people are attracted to excursion holiday in the wild jungle with a local guide, others - exploring the sights of nearby resorts.

Things to do?

When purchasing a tour to Papua New Guinea, be sure to go diving. Every hotel and inn offers similar services. The waters of the Pacific Ocean are an incredibly colorful world, teeming with coral reefs, amazing sea creatures, large predators. You can see sunken ships and planes on the ocean floor.

Surfing and windsurfing are no less popular. The best beaches For this extreme activity there are the coasts of the resorts Wewak, Madang, Vanimo, Alotau. Fishing is allowed in the coastal waters, which is what guests of the island do. You can catch mackerel, giant trevally, dogtooth tuna, barracuda, salmon, perch and many other trophies. Rafting, canoeing, kayaking, and boat trips are in great demand.

Papua New Guinea - natural miracle world, fraught with many mysteries and seductive with its resources. If you are not afraid of tropical mosquito bites and the aggressive behavior of Papuans, then feel free to purchase a tour to the picturesque island.

The total population is about 5.6 million people.

The ethnic composition of the country's population is very diverse. The indigenous people of Papua New Guinea are divided into four regional, cultural and political groups - Papua, or as they are not entirely correctly called in our country - Papuans (inhabit the southern regions); mountain peoples ( Northern part New Guinea); islanders (mostly representatives of Melanesian peoples) and people from other countries. The total share of Papua nationalities reaches, according to official estimates, 84% of the country's population, and the total number of different tribes of this ethnic group is estimated at several hundred! Melanesian peoples (about 15.5%) are partly part of the indigenous people of New Guinea and form part of the Papua tribes, partly represented by people from the nearby islands of Oceania, as well as islanders of the Bismarck Archipelago and Solomon Islands. In addition, the country is home to Polynesians and Micronesians, as well as about 43 thousand people from Europe, Australia and Southeast Asian countries.

The distribution of the population across the islands is also heterogeneous - more than half live in the area of ​​​​Port Moresby and Rabaul, while isolated hinterland All the islands are extremely sparsely populated.

Political state

The Independent State of Papua New Guinea or Papuaniugini is a constitutional parliamentary democratic republic within the British Commonwealth.

The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor-General, elected by Parliament after legislative elections. The head of government is the prime minister. The Cabinet (National Executive Council) is appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

Legislative power is vested in the unicameral National Parliament, or House of Assembly (109 seats, 89 deputies elected independently, another 20 - one from each administrative area country, the term of office of deputies is 5 years).

The country is administratively divided into 20 districts (including the special National Capital District of Port Moresby, NCD).

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spring 2016

Despite the fact that outside the window is the rapid 21st century, which is called the age of information technology, here in the distant country of Papua New Guinea, it seems that time has stood still.

State of Papua New Guinea

The state is located in Oceania, on several islands. total area about 500 square kilometers. Population 8 million people. The capital is Port Moresby. The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain.

The name "Papua" translates as "curly". This is how the island was named in 1526 by a navigator from Portugal, the governor of one of the Indonesian islands, Jorge de Menezes. 19 years later, the Spaniard, one of the first explorers of the Pacific Islands, Inigo Ortiz de Retes, visited the island and named it “New Guinea”.

Official language of Papua New Guinea

Tok Pisin is recognized as the official language. It is spoken by the majority of the population. And also English, although only one person in a hundred knows it. Basically, these are government officials. Interesting feature: There are more than 800 dialects in the country and therefore Papua New Guinea is recognized as the country with the most big amount languages ​​(10% of all languages ​​in the world). The reason for this phenomenon is the almost complete lack of connections between tribes.

Tribes and families in New Guinea

Papuan families still live in tribal mode. An individual “unit of society” is simply unable to survive without contact with its tribe. This is especially true for life in cities, of which there are quite a few in the country. However, here any city is considered locality, whose population is more than a thousand people.

Papuan families form tribes and live close to other urban people. Children usually do not attend schools located in cities. But even those who go to study very often return home after one or two years of study. It is also worth noting that girls do not study at all. Because the girl helps her mother with housework until she is married off.

The boy returns to his family to become one of the equal members of his tribe - a “crocodile”. That's what men are called. Their skin should be similar to the skin of a crocodile. Young men undergo initialization and only then have the right to communicate on equal terms with the rest of the men of the tribe, they have the right to vote at a meeting or other event taking place in the tribe.

The tribe lives as one big family, supports and helps each other. But he usually does not contact the neighboring tribe or even openly quarrels. Recently, the Papuans have had their territory cut off quite heavily; it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to maintain the old order of life in nature in natural conditions, their thousand-year-old traditions and their unique culture.

Papua New Guinea families have 30-40 people. Women of the tribe run the household, care for livestock, give birth to children, collect bananas and coconuts, and prepare food.

Papuan food

Not only fruits are the main food of the Papuans. Pork is used for cooking. The tribe protects pigs and eats their meat very rarely, only holidays And memorable dates. More often they eat small rodents that live in the jungle and banana leaves. Women can cook all dishes from these ingredients amazingly deliciously.

Marriage and family life of New Guineans

Women have practically no rights, submitting first to their parents and then entirely to their husbands. By law (in the country the majority of residents are Christians), the husband is obliged to treat his wife well. But in reality this is far from the case. The practice of ritual murders of women who bear even the shadow of suspicion of witchcraft continues. According to statistics, more than 60% of women are constantly exposed to domestic violence. International public organizations and the Catholic Church are constantly sounding the alarm on this issue.

But, unfortunately, everything remains the same. A girl at 11-12 years old is already married off. At the same time, parents lose “another mouth to feed”, since a younger girl becomes an assistant. And the groom’s family acquires free labor, so they look closely at all girls six to eight years old. Often the groom can be a man 20-30 years older than the girl. But there is no choice. Therefore, each of them meekly accepts their fate as a given.

But the man himself does not choose his future wife, whom he can see only before the traditional wedding ceremony. The decision on choosing a bride will be made by the elders of the tribe. Before the wedding, it is customary to send matchmakers to the bride’s family and bring a gift. Only after such a ceremony is the wedding day set. On this day, the ritual of “kidnapping” the bride takes place. A decent ransom must be paid to the bride's house. These can be not only various valuable things, but also, for example, wild boars, banana branches, vegetables and fruits. When the bride is given to another tribe or another house, her property is divided among the members of the community from which the girl comes.

Life in marriage cannot be called easy. According to ancient traditions, a woman lives separately from a man. In the tribe there are so-called women's and men's houses. Adultery, on either side, can be punished very harshly. There are also special huts where husband and wife can periodically retire. They can also retire in the forest. Girls are raised by their mothers, and boys from the age of seven are raised by the men of the tribe. Children in the tribe are considered common, and they are not treated on ceremony. Among the Papuans you will not find such a disease as overprotection.

This is the difficult family life of the Papuans.

Witchcraft law

In 1971, the country passed the Witchcraft Law. It says that a person who considers himself “bewitched” is not responsible for his actions. The murder of a sorcerer is a mitigating circumstance in court proceedings. Very often, women from another tribe become victims of accusations. Four years ago, a gang of cannibals who called themselves witch hunters killed men and women and then ate them. The government is trying to fight this terrible phenomenon. Perhaps the witchcraft law will finally be repealed.

    The indigenous population of Guinea will be the PAPUANS.

    Papuans are engaged in agriculture, as well as gathering - almost like ancient people, they also go hunting.

    And for many today the Papuans are a wild tribe.

    Basics indigenous people the state of Papua New Guinea is called Papuans (required seven letters). This state is located in Oceania. The territory area is 462,840 square kilometers, the population is 7,275,300 people.

    Papuans are the indigenous people of New Guinea.

    This name comes from the name of the state of Papua New Guinea, which occupies the eastern half of the island.

    The word Papua comes from the Malay papuwa, meaning curly. The natives of New Guinea look like this - dark-skinned and curly-haired.

    The indigenous people of the island of New Guinea are PAPUANS.

    The main occupation of these island residents is agriculture. They mainly grow coconuts, bananas, yams, and taro. They also engage in pig breeding and hunting.

    Actually, if you don’t immediately slap down the obvious name of the inhabitants, but do a little research and read about them, then the Papuans were and are called indigenous. The two letters SY have already been attached to the name of the aborigines. And there should have been five letters. But the modern interpretation dictates that they still be called PAPUANS, although they say they (the natives) are offended by this-)

    PAPUANS, apparently. Or a GUINEAN, but it’s somehow quite simple...

    New Guinea is very big Island, it is the second largest in the world. Due to its unique topography with an abundance of isolated valleys and dense tropical vegetation, it is inhabited by many nationalities and tribes. How many of them are still not known exactly, there are up to 800 languages. And they call them all PAPUANS.

    In Papua and New Guinea live the Papuans, who were engaged not only in farming and hunting, but also, until very recently, in cannibalism. According to some assumptions, it was they who ate the missing son of Rockefeller, who went to study the life of the Papuans.

    However, to the credit of the Papuans, it must be said that, according to their concepts, they do not engage in cannibalism, because in their language only the inhabitants of a given tribe are called people, and everything outside is already the animal world.

    In a corner of nature that is amazing for us - Fr. New Guinea - the population lives mainly in villages and has the following racial composition:

    Based on the fact that a seven-letter word is needed for the answer, we can choose both Papuans and Negritos.

    But based on the name of the country Papua New Guinea, most likely you should select Papuans.

    The people of Papua New Guinea are called Papuans. They have been engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding since ancient times.

    The correct answer is seven letters - Papuans.

    It will be very easy to answer this question if you remember the full name of the above-mentioned country - the Independent State of Papua New Guinea. All basic information about this country can be found here. Peoples inhabiting New Guinea- these are Papuans, Malaysians. There are also pygmies (Negroids), but there are very few of them. The bulk - 78% - is Papuans- the answer to our question.

    The indigenous people of New Guinea are called PAPUANS. Location of New Guinea - Oceania. Speaking about the number, it is worth noting that it is almost 8 million people. Papuans are mainly still engaged in traditional farming. They grow many useful products


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