What you can visit on Valaam. Valaam Island. How to dress, what to bring, how to get there. Directions to the Valaam Monastery

Since childhood, I have treated the holy Orthodox monasteries with special trepidation and reverence. You enter the temple, look into the dim light of the candle, and your soul becomes somehow warm and calm. Moreover, it is amazing that you will not find identical temples anywhere. Each of them is special and unique, each has its own soul.

Karelia is famous throughout the world for the strength of its Orthodox monasteries. Believers come here to receive help, healing of mental and physical ailments, to communicate with God and to find themselves again. Tourists - admire the marvelous nature and architecture, get acquainted with the Orthodox faith and try to better understand the soul of the Russian people. Of course, the brightest in the pearl necklace of Karelian monasteries is the Valaam Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, which is located on island of the same name Valaam in the north Lake Ladoga. That's where we're heading today.

The question of whether to go to Valaam or not when planning our trip to Karelia did not arise at all. Definitely go! One might even say that it was the persistent desire to visit the Valaam monastery that prompted us to spend our vacation in Karelia.

As I said above, Valaam is an island in Lake Ladoga, so the answer to the question “How to get to Valaam?” very simple: you can only get there by water or air.

Boat cruises from St. Petersburg are very popular among tourists. True, as you might guess, this is not the cheapest pleasure. And on the way you will have to spend the whole night there and the night back.

In addition, from St. Petersburg they go to Valaam and “Meteora” - high-speed hydrofoil boats. On Meteora you can reach the island in just 4 hours.

Residents and guests of Karelia choose a different route, the starting point of which is the border city of Sortavala. On Mondays and Fridays, regular ships depart from here to the island, and on other days you can use the fast Meteor. Unfortunately, there is no clear schedule for the movement of Meteors to Valaam. An approximate schedule can be found. You can get there from Sortavala by motor ship in 2.5 hours, and by Meteor – in just 50 minutes.

The “Reverend Seraphim” meteor arrived in Sortavala to take us to the island of Valaam

The best way to go to Valaam Island is with a tour. It is the excursion groups that board Meteor first. Then, if there are seats available, they are seated local residents And independent travelers. IN high season there is a risk that there will not be enough seats for everyone on Meteor. You will have to wait at the pier for several hours, which is not very convenient.

Excursions can be booked in Sortavala itself (there is a small kiosk next to the pier), or you can come with. True, Sortavala is separated by 250 km, so you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend an extra 5-5.5 hours on the way, which means you will have a very early departure and a late return. If this option is not suitable, come to Sortavala (there are buses from Petrozavodsk Shuttle Buses) for 2-3 days, see the city itself and its surroundings, and on one of the days plan a trip to Valaam.

In addition, to organize an excursion, you can contact the pilgrimage service of the monastery itself, or go to the island as a pilgrim, worker or volunteer, live there for several days or weeks, and then return back. You can even do military service on the island! It is best to find out all the necessary information about organizing such a trip on the official website of the monastery.

It is also worth remembering that Lake Ladoga is not always calm. Storms are not uncommon in these parts. On such days, navigation is closed, and no ships go to Valaam. If you are suddenly “lucky” to get caught in a storm, you will either be offered to reschedule your trip to another date or your money will be returned. So always leave one or two in stock. free days in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Sights of Valaam. What to see in 1 day?

I would like to say right away that one day is terribly short for Valaam. The maximum that you will be able to see is the central part of the monastery and 1-2 monasteries.

Note! Valaam Monastery is active monastery. Before entering its territory, you must take care of the appropriate appearance. Women must enter the monastery territory in a skirt below the knee with their shoulders and head covered, men - in trousers and shirts covering their shoulders. T-shirts and shorts are not allowed on the territory of the Orthodox monastery!

In fact, Valaam is not just an island, it is an entire archipelago of 50 islands. It is called northern Athos, because monks from Greece, the Monks Herman and Sergius, began to develop these lands back in the 10th century, laying the foundation for the northern monastery.

Already when approaching the island, you will be greeted by golden domes Nikolsky monastery, like a beacon illuminating the way for wanderers and travelers.

A couple more minutes and you will find yourself in Monastyrskaya Bay. This is where all Meteora arrives with pilgrims and tourists.

The bay is decorated with several chapels: Intercession, Annunciation and the chapel of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” The last one is the brightest and most picturesque. It is lined with red Valaam brick and trimmed with black and red granite, mined here on the shores of Ladoga.

Chapels in Monastyrskaya Bay: Intercession (left), Annunciation (center) and the chapel in the name of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (right)

In Monastyrskaya Bay, arriving tourists are met by representatives of the monastery’s pilgrimage service. As on, all visitors are divided into small groups and accompanied by local guides.

Detailed map of Valaam Island (click to enlarge)

First of all, our escort Natalya takes us to monastery garden. The gardens on Valaam are an amazing phenomenon. You can hardly find fruit trees anywhere else in northern latitudes. And even more so on the island, where there is no soil at all, only lifeless volcanic rocks, covered with a thin layer of earth no more than 10 cm thick. To grow apples and pears here, the monks manually imported soil from the mainland and created an artificial hill.

Everything in the gardens is thought out to the smallest detail. From the icy ones northern winds cultivated trees are protected by majestic inaccessible cliffs on one side, and coniferous giants on the other. Some of the apple trees in the monastery garden are over 100 years old, and they continue to bloom and delight the brethren with their fruits.

In general, many names on Valaam echo the names on the Holy Land of Israel. In addition to Favor, there is also Mount of Olives, and the Kidron Gorge and the Jordan River. The names of temples and monasteries also echo the Holy Land. So it stands on the Mount of Olives Gethsemane Monastery, and Mount Tabor is decorated with a handsome man Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral. That's where we'll head now.

Along the way, it is not difficult to notice two more sights of Valaam, reminiscent of the visit of the island by the august persons from the Romanov family - these are memorial obelisk And Znamenskaya Chapel, built from local marble in honor of the stay of Emperor Alexander II on Valaam in 1858.

In memory of the stay of the august persons from the Romanov family on Valaam, a memorial obelisk and a chapel of the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” were erected.

A few more steps and we find ourselves at Holy gates, leading to the main Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the monastery.

Monday morning, and we ended up on the island on Monday, July 11, turned out to be clear and sunny. By an amazing coincidence, we arrived on the island on the day of the patronal feast - in honor of the founders of the monastery, St. Herman and Sergius of Valaam. This is the only day of the year when His Holiness the Patriarch visits the island. This is one of the few days when our President V.V. was on the island together with the Patriarch. Putin. Unfortunately, we were never able to see them. The President flew to Moscow even before our arrival, and the Patriarch was protected from curious tourists by several police cordons with metal detectors. We were led around in circles in roundabout ways until the distinguished guests left the holy monastery.

Well-fed Valaam cats greet guests in the courtyard. No wonder they are so well-fed here. The monks of the monastery are engaged in breeding and harvesting trout, and they also have their own dairy production. Insanely delicious ice cream with berries is made from milk on Valaam, as well as cheese according to old Italian recipes.

Note! Smoked trout on Valaam is the most delicious fish I have ever tried in my life. Moderately fatty, juicy, literally melts in your mouth. You won't taste such deliciousness anywhere else! I highly recommend buying it. The price for a fish starts from 1000 rubles and depends on its weight.

Along the cell buildings we go to Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Spring” and the Life-Giving Trinity.

The dome of the church in honor of the Life-Giving Spring icon

It is in this small temple that the Valaam choir sings for tourist and pilgrimage groups. Here you can also buy recordings of church chants performed by the choir. Real divine music! Listen for yourself!

In the monastery courtyard, you should definitely visit the Transfiguration Cathedral itself. In fact, two temples were “hidden” in the cathedral. The upper one is consecrated in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the lower one is consecrated in honor of St. Sergius and Herman of Valaam.

From the shrines in the Transfiguration Cathedral, you can venerate the shrine with the incorruptible relics of the founders of the monastery, St. Sergius and Herman of Valaam, to the relics of St. Antipas of Valaam (Athos), as well as several miraculous icons. The most famous image is the Mother of God of Valaam, painted by the monk Alipius in 1878.

Interesting fact! It was this image from the lower church of the Transfiguration Cathedral that was sent to the ISS. Face with the astronauts Holy Mother of God flew around the Earth 488 times and was then returned to the monastery.

In addition to the Valaam Icon of the Mother of God, the copy from the Athonite Icon of Righteous Anna, the foremother of Christ, which grants healing from infertility, as well as the image of the Mother of God “The All-Tsarina”, which helps in the healing of cancer, are especially revered.

In addition to the Transfiguration Cathedral, among the attractions of Valaam one can highlight the monastic hermitages. There are many of them and they are scattered throughout different islands. Some monasteries in the recent past were connected to the main island by small bridges, so most can be reached on foot, without the use of boats.

The excursion will definitely include a visit to one of the monasteries (there is unlikely to be enough time and energy for more). Within walking distance from the cathedral are Gethsemane, Resurrection and St. Nicholas monasteries.

So we were taken to the Nikolsky monastery, the road to which one way is about 1.5-2 km. Along the way, the guide introduced in more detail the history of the monastery, its past and present, the life of the laity on the island, because Valaam is not only a monastery, and also spoke about amazing nature this northern region.

Another attraction of Valaam is the stage of the annual concert festival of sacred music “Illuminator”

The nature here is truly amazing. Inaccessible rocks of volcanic gabbro-diabase, cut by numerous bays, straits and rivulets, overgrown on all sides coniferous forest, and the blue surface of the harsh northern lake merging in the distance with the soft blue sky covered with white clouds. Mighty waves along the shores exposed lifeless, impregnable rocks, and a few steps away is a shady forest, where birds sing so loudly.

Interesting fact! More than 480 species of various plants grow on the island, and almost 200 species of birds and small mammals live. Of the large animals in the pine forests of Valaam, only elk can be found.

A leisurely walk along the beaten path and now we are standing at the Nikolsky Skete, sparkling with golden domes. In addition to the small temple near the monastery, you will definitely come across a worship cross and a small flower garden with a vegetable garden where the brethren grow various vegetables and berries.

Here, in the depths of the island, where there are not as many people as in its heart, you feel a special peace and breathe so easily that you involuntarily understand that this is exactly the place where you want to return again and again...

Well, the time has come for us to say goodbye to the Valaam monastery. Inspired by the grace of this holy place, filled with a lot of impressions, we returned back to. After all, our amazing journey through Karelia is not over yet. Very soon we will get acquainted with the second largest city in Karelia - Sortavala, and also go to admire the marble canyon and picturesque waterfalls. Don't miss new posts 😉

When planning such a trip, you need to start from the fact that you can only get to the island by water and not all year round. Tourists have this opportunity only in the warm season; storms begin in August and many flights are cancelled, and in winter the island is almost completely cut off from big land. In this case, mosquitoes and other insects that you mentioned in your question fade into the background. In addition, it is not at all necessary to go to this island with an excursion; you can do it on your own and get to know the main attractions of the island in just a few days.

The most convenient way to get to this island on your own is through Priozersk or Sortavala. You can get from Sortavala to Valaam by meteor, but in high season it is advisable to book in advance. Travel time is about 50 minutes and for such a short trip you need to pay at least a thousand rubles (even more expensive on holidays and weekends).

A meteor ticket from Priozersk will cost about 1,500 rubles, but the travel time is slightly longer - 1 hour 15 minutes. You can save 300-400 rubles and go by slow-moving vehicle, but then the one-way trip will take three and a half hours. All ships arrive at Monastyrskaya Bay.

Before your trip, you should carefully read the weather forecast for several days, since the island of Valaam is located on Lake Ladoga, which in turn is known for its storms, which is why ship flights are often cancelled, especially for slow-moving ships.

Still, you shouldn’t completely discard the option of a tour. Purchasing an excursion guarantees you the availability of space on the boat, and as for the frequency and cost excursion tours, then they directly depend on the size of the tourist group. From Sortavala, the cost of the excursion, including travel there and back, will be approximately three thousand rubles, and from Priozersk a thousand more. Again, on weekends and holidays prices may increase by 10-20%. You can sign up for excursions at the offices located directly on the piers.

If you know geography well or have simply studied in detail the issue of a trip to Valaam, then you have probably noticed that the lake can be reached by ferries directly from St. Petersburg. This is due to the fact that the Neva River flows directly from Lake Ladoga. In St. Petersburg, many companies organize such tours; they can vary in duration, cost and routes. But taking into account the fact that the journey is not close, ferries usually leave St. Petersburg in the evening or at night and arrive on the island early in the morning, where they spend the whole day, and set off on their way back in the evening. St. Petersburg ships use Bolshaya Nikonovskaya Bay as a berth.

Tourists who come to this island have several accommodation options, but in the warm season you can save on hotels and stay in a tent, which you should take with you in advance. But this does not mean that everyone can put up a tent wherever he wants. For this purpose, there are six special tourist sites with equipped fireplaces and firewood. On the island it is possible to rent a bicycle and this way you can get to know this place, its attractions and features much faster.

But with nutrition the situation is somewhat more complicated. Although there are not many cafes on the island, they do exist. You shouldn’t count on a large assortment of dishes, and at the same time you need to be prepared for the fact that the prices will be much higher, but when there is no other alternative, you have to buy what is available at the offered prices.

Pulkovo Airport, where Russian and international flights, located a short distance from the city and has excellent transport accessibility.
The nearest metro station is Moskovskaya, which is connected to the airport by the following public transport routes:

  1. Bus No. 39, travel time - within 40 minutes, work schedule: from 5:30 to 1:30, departure time: 12-20 minutes.
  2. Express route No. 39e, the journey takes 20 minutes, operating hours: from 5:25 to 0:30, line access interval: 25-30 minutes.
  3. Minibus taxi No. K39, the journey also takes 20 minutes, operating hours: from 7:00 to 23:30, departure interval is 5-7 minutes.

The cost of travel on any type of transport is 40 rubles.
The bus and minibus stop is located next to the arrivals area.

For those living in the central part of Russia, bus and train services can serve as an alternative.

From St. Petersburg to Sortavola

Public transport operating in this direction are buses and trains.

Buses depart from Northern bus station. This could be a direct route to Sortavola, or it could be one that goes to Petrozavodsk, and the desired station is an intermediate one.
The average travel time is 5 hours, the fare is 600 rubles.

Area y Finlyandsky station St. Petersburg

As for trains, here you can take train 350A from Finlyandsky Station to Kostomuksha and get off at the desired station after 5 hours. There is also a more complex and time-consuming option - with a change of trains and a transfer in Kuznechny.
The railway station in Sortavala is located on the street. Petrova, 2.

From St. Petersburg to Priozersk

To Priozersk from Northern capital the path is a little shorter. An electric train from Finlyandsky Station will take travelers in 3 hours, and travel will cost about 400 rubles. Required train: 6547 to Kuznechny or directly to Priozersk.

An alternative to the electric train is a train going to Kostomuksha.

You can also get to the departure point by bus. There are regular flights to Priozersk from the Northern Bus Station, as well as from the Parnas metro station. The ticket will cost 285 rubles, the journey will take approximately 2 hours 30 minutes.

It is worth considering that from bus stop, as well as from the railway and bus stations, you will have to get to the pier. It is located 6 km from the central part of the town and is called “Valaam”; you should definitely inform the taxi driver about this, who will take the traveler to the lake for 250 rubles.

Important to know! The advantage of driving through Sortavola to more meteors heading to Valaam, and in Priozersk you need to clearly arrive at the time of Meteor’s departure - around 11:00, otherwise you will have to spend the night in the town.

Sortavola, like Priozersk, is also suitable for travelers by car, as they offer parking near the pier. Cost – 100 rubles.

To Valaam by water

You can't get to the island without traveling by water transport. It’s just the place of departure and the travel program that can turn the trip into an exciting adventure.

You can get to Valaam from the following cities:

  1. - where they come from cruise ships with parking in Valama;
  2. – ships depart from River station on the Neva, which is directly connected to Lake Ladoga;
  3. Petrozavodsk - ships from Lake Onega reach Ladoga along the Svir River. It is worth noting that the most popular and in demand is traveling by water from the Northern capital.

From St. Petersburg

You can go on an exciting journey by boat to Valaam either from the capital’s River Station or from the Marine Passenger Station.
The journey takes about 13 hours. Such trips are often designed for several days, so they include meals on board and on the island, as well as excursion support.

From Priozersk

There are several options to go to the monastery:

  1. Meteor from the pier Valaam Monastery, which is 6 km from the center, departs on schedule. It's official. In practice, it is not stable; most often, departure occurs at 11:00 and latecomers will not be waited on board. Travel time is just over an hour. Price – 1700 rubles per person, and from June on Saturdays the cost will be 1900 rubles
  2. An alternative to Meteor is the motor ship OM. It departs several times a day. Ticket price starts from 1,450 rubles, and on summer Saturdays – 1,600 rubles/person. The travel time here is strikingly different - about 4 hours.
  3. The cargo ship "St. Nicholas" - officially it does not transport travelers, it works to transport monasteries or workers, as well as those who have reserved a place in a hotel on the island. It will be possible to get on the ship only if the person is on a special list, or if the pilgrim did not have time for all of the above transport. In this case, landing will cost twice as much. The journey will take 4 hours.

An alternative to regular transport is to negotiate with the captain of one of the private ships docked here. As a rule, not all of them are friendly and immediately agree to persuasion, but it’s worth a try, although it’s unlikely to be cheaper than going on a meteor.

From Sortavola

The pier is located on the street. Pristanskaya, 1.

Ways to get to the island:

  1. Meteor - usually has 2 regular flights at 9 and 11 o'clock, sometimes there are 1-2 flights in the afternoon. Vessels can make more exits if a significant number of groups are recruited, but getting on them independent tourist will be quite problematic. The price of a one-way ticket is from 1200 rubles (from June 1300 if you are planning a trip on a Saturday). If you don’t have tickets, you can negotiate with the captain, but it will cost three times more.
  2. Motor ships make more trips than meteors, and this is their main advantage. Ticket price is from 900 rubles, travel time is from 1 to 2.5 hours.
  3. Private ships do not have a schedule, they depart as the group reaches 6-15 people, the price depends on the ability to negotiate.

To Valaam in winter

Cold times are not popular for visiting Valaam. After all, of all the buildings of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, only one is heated - lower temple, which means only it is available for visiting.

Another aspect: winter is the time when the monks rest in prayer, which means the island accepts only small groups of pilgrims, but others will have limited access to the shrine.

In winter, you can get to Valaam by boat equipped with an air cushion. On a frozen lake, a ship can accelerate at more than 100 km/h, and on snow cover it can travel more slowly.

From Sortavala to Valaam, a similar ship takes 1 hour. Capacity of this vehicle– 6-12 people.

The season starts in mid-January.

The fare is about 1,500 rubles; payments will have to be made with the captain at the pier.

What else do independent travelers need to know?

  1. Balaam is aimed at group excursions. Therefore, a single tourist will often hear that there are no tickets for the meteor, there is no room in the hotel, or there is nowhere to dine. When going to the island, be prepared to use all your eloquence to achieve what you want.
  2. Constantly rising prices. Be prepared that not all prices indicated in the article will be the same at the time of your trip. Popular tourist destination, which is Valaam, contributes to the fact that prices increase annually by 10-15 percent, plus they increase noticeably in summer periodbest time for a holiday on Valaam.
  3. Even if a tourist travels independently, it is recommended to order the service of a guide. For 600-900 rubles you will not only learn much more about the shrine, but also understand certain rules that prevail on the island.

When traveling on your own, it is best to stock up on a map of the island while still at the pier, because otherwise there is a risk of losing sight of many hidden attractions. For those wishing to stay on the island longer than one day, there are monastery hotels. There are also monastery souvenir shops on the island. When going on an independent trip to Valaam in 2019, you should remember the need to comply with the dress code and other rules applicable on the island.

Valaam from the air - in the video:

has always attracted pilgrims. Solitude and prayers on Valaam bring peace and strengthening of faith. Plays no small role in this beautiful nature islands: sheer cliffs, tall pine forests, warm lakes. Question: How to get to Valaam on your own is of interest to travelers.

The name Valaam is translated from Finnish as “ high ground"or "land of oath, light." Many believe that the name comes from the name of the pagan god Baal. Legends say that once St. Andrew the First-Called reached these places and blessed the mountains of the island. Now Valaam is a place of worship for Orthodox pilgrims.

You can come to Valaam with an excursion group. There are many weekend tours to the island from St. Petersburg. The cruise is designed for 2 days: departure in the evening on the ship, the whole day on the island, and the return trip. In the morning you are already in St. Petersburg. Price from 3600 per person. But many tourists prefer to visit this holy place without a crowd of strangers. And then the question arises. How to get to Valaam on your own?

There are several routes

Almost every day from Priozersk, the motor ship “Valaam” departs from the pier of the Valaam Monastery at 9.30. The boat trip will take 3.5 hours. You can also get there by meteor at 11.00. The journey will take just 1.5 hours. You just need to negotiate on your own.

You can get from Sortavala on your own by regular boat, which runs on Mondays and Fridays at 16.00 or 17.00. Travel time is 2.5 hours. You can also come by excursion ship “Meteor”. He goes to Valaam every day, but without a clear schedule. To get to the island you will have to buy tickets yourself from the ship staff.

Cruise ships sail regularly from St. Petersburg. You may not get there, since tickets are sold immediately before departure, on a residual basis.


If you have not purchased return tickets in advance, then there is no guarantee that you will return back in the evening. Landing on motor ships and meteors occurs first excursion groups, and then tourists and pilgrims. You simply may not have enough space. You can try to negotiate with the owner of the motor boat. You also have to remember that you are going to an island. Ladoga autumn is turbulent, and you may get stuck on Valaam if a storm begins.

For extreme sports enthusiasts, a trip to Valaam by car is possible. In Priozersk you can arrange and come by ferry. The cost of the ferry is 15,000 rubles one way. Of course, not the cheapest option.


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