Is it possible to make a reservation for train tickets? Book a Russian Railways train ticket by phone - step-by-step instructions. Which service to use when booking yourself?

Millions of people in our country use by rail. Many people are faced with a situation where there are no tickets at the box office for a specific date and for the required route. What should they do? The article talks about how to book a train ticket via the Internet, telephone and other methods.

general information

Gone are the days when Russians spent their time and energy standing in line for hours at station ticket offices to purchase or book a train ticket. We live in an era of developed information technology, when you can buy goods and pay for services without leaving your home. All you need to do is go to the desired Internet resource and make a few mouse clicks. Online booking is a useful and convenient service that saves time and nerves. The main thing is to decide on the departure date, route and suitable type of carriage.

Are you going to visit relatives in another city soon? Or are you on a business trip? Then you need to think about buying a ticket in advance. The best thing to do is to book it. You can do this in one of three ways:

1. On the Internet. How to book a ticket for the Russian Railways train? Go to the official website of the company, study information about routes and trains. Then you can start filling out a special form.

2. By phone. You dial the number and talk to the operator. To book a ticket, he will ask you for your passport details, departure date and route.

3. At the cash register and office. Don't trust the procedure for booking a ticket by phone or online? Then you can do it traditional way. Go to the ticket office to book a ticket for the Russian Railways train. Another option is to visit the nearest company office.

Booking tickets by phone

Don't have time to checkout? You shouldn't worry about it. You can book your train ticket in another way. A phone and a few free minutes are all you need. How to make a reservation? Now we will share the necessary information.

Since January 2014, Russians can book tickets by phone. This service is available to people living in all regions of the Russian Federation. The Russian Railways information and service center operates 24 hours a day. You can reach the operator at 8-800-775-00-00. You need to provide your passport details and travel route. If tickets were booked by phone, a service fee will be added to the cost. It is insignificant.

Within 24 hours from the moment of reservation, the passenger must contact the railway ticket office to receive travel documents printed on a special form. There are two payment options - by bank card and cash.

How to purchase an e-ticket

First you need to understand what it is. An electronic ticket (in the West it is called an e-ticket) is a modern travel document. It is necessary to confirm the agreement between the carrier company and the passenger. Unlike a regular ticket, it is issued not on paper, but on electronic media. And all information automatically enters the carrier’s database. How to book a train ticket online?

1. Go to the official website of Russian Railways. Let's register. This procedure will take just a few minutes. After that, go to the site again by entering your username and password.

2. We are interested in the “Purchase of tickets” section. Click on it. After a couple of seconds, a special form will appear on the screen. How to book a train ticket? To begin, enter full names stations. Then we select a train that suits us in all respects (ticket cost, travel time, type of carriage, departure and arrival dates).

3. On the same page you need to enter your passport details. If someone else is traveling with you, then information about this person must be entered in a separate form, where it says “Passenger No. 2”.

4. Before submitting the order and proceeding with payment, you must check the correctness of the entered data. We also look at columns with information about the train and departure date. If you agree with the terms of payment and ticket return, please check the box at the bottom of the form. We send the order.

5. After you have paid e-ticket, no changes can be made. When the order is sent to the operator, the screen appears small form. It indicates the seat number in the carriage and the amount. If you agree with everything, you must make a money transfer within 10 minutes.

Payment options

Do you want to purchase an electronic ticket on the Russian Railways website? Well, great choice. Maestro, MasterCard, and Electron bank cards are accepted for payment. Therefore, be careful.

The transfer is carried out through the TransCreditBank payment gateway. A special form appears on the screen into which the card details (owner's name, number and expiration date) are entered. You need to fill it out in 10 minutes. After sending the data, a message is sent notifying you that the money has been transferred successfully.

Rules for obtaining an electronic ticket

After payment is made, information about the order appears in the “My Orders” column. There is a special form there that you can print out if you wish. Be sure to write down your 14-digit order number. Without it, you will not be able to issue a ticket. After all, the form itself is not a travel document.

When boarding the train, it is enough to present to the conductor your passport, the number of which was indicated when purchasing the electronic ticket. But to be on the safe side, you can print it out.


We talked about how to book a train ticket in various ways. Which one is more convenient and simpler is up to you to decide. We wish you a safe journey!

Citizens traveling by train can reserve seats in the carriage via the Internet, at railway ticket offices, or with the help of a call center operator. It is important to know how the booking process works and how long it takes to pay for the ticket so that the order is not cancelled.

Is it possible to book train tickets in advance?

Passengers can reserve seats in a compartment or reserved seat in advance. Train tickets are booked by prepayment, with payment being made a few minutes after purchasing the document, or other options.

There are often situations when you need to reserve a seat at an ambulance or passenger train long-distance or short-distance travel is urgently needed, but there is no remote access to an electronic wallet or card. Sometimes a person does not know the exact date of the upcoming trip and cannot immediately make a payment. In such situations, you can book a seat on the train without immediate payment:

  • There are two ways to defer payment for a trip: you can call the phone number hotline Russian Railways or go to the ticket office of the Moscow service center of the railway agency and reserve the required seats.
  • You will have to provide the cashier or operator with the personal information of all individuals intending to travel.
  • Russian Railways ticket reservations without prepayment are valid for 1–3 days, depending on the order method. If a citizen has not paid for the travel, the reservation is canceled and a refund is issued. travel document to the public.

Reservation methods

The Russian Railways company provides traveling Russians with several opportunities to quickly and comfortably book a travel pass. You can use the following methods when purchasing tickets:

  • Order via cash registers railway stations personally. The advantage of this method is direct control over the issuance of a ticket and the opportunity to get advice on the desired route and other nuances from a Russian Railways employee. The disadvantages of being in person at the railway station ticket office include the need to stand in long lines to book a ticket.
  • On the Russian Railways website or the pages of partner companies. This method allows you to quickly book a compartment or reserved seat without wasting time and nerves. The negative aspects of this method of remote reservation include the fact that the departing citizen is deprived of the opportunity to defer payment for the ticket for 1–3 days and cannot immediately consult with a specialist on important issues.
  • Purchasing a seat on the train using the organization’s call center, calling the hotline. This option for booking a ticket is convenient for people who do not have remote access to the Internet. In addition, people who cannot immediately make a payment for travel can use a call to the operator. The disadvantage of this type of booking is the need to know the phone number of the service operators and waste time trying to dial.

How long does an unpaid reservation last?

The Russian Railways company, like other carriers, is reluctant to provide customers with the opportunity to book a seat without prepayment coupon. There is a high probability that the traveler will not use the reservation and will abandon the trip. At the same time, a person who really needs to go in the right direction will not be able to go on a trip, since the travel document was not publicly available.

There is a limited time for payment. If the traveler does not make the payment, the Russian Railways ticket reservation is canceled and the ticket automatically becomes publicly available.

The validity period of an unpaid reservation is determined depending on the method of ordering a travel pass:

How to book a Russian Railways train ticket online

To order a ticket remotely, you need to act in the following sequence:

  1. Decide on travel time and route.
  2. Go to the Russian website railways or a service that sells tickets via the Internet.
  3. Find the ticket booking tab in the online menu and click on it.
  4. Go to the reservation page, log in to your Personal Account, indicate the required information: place of departure and arrival, date of travel. After entering the data, a window opens with all available routes.
  5. Choose a train based on your own preferences: price, travel time, route.
  6. Select the class of the carriage, indicate the required seats.
  7. Fill out the form, indicating information about future passengers when registering (passport details, other identification cards for adult travelers, information from the birth certificate for minor trip participants).
  8. Write your email address mailbox.
  9. Receive a booking notification by mail.
  10. Pay for travel papers on time and print the form.
  11. At the appointed time, show up at the railway station, present your documents to the conductor, board the train, and make your trip.

Times when booking tickets for railway trains long distance having to stand in huge queues at the box office is a thing of the past. Today, passengers can choose whether to book tickets traditionally, by phone or online. By booking tickets using one of these methods, you can select the desired dates and routes in advance and not worry about the fact that when the time of travel arrives, tickets will not be available for sale.

Booking tickets for long-distance trains is carried out on many online services that offer passengers convenient forms search, selection of desired destinations and various payment methods: from bank cards, Internet banking, electronic money before payment through post offices. You can use the Russian Railways website or any other services, such as Tutu (dot) ru, E-poezd (dot) ru and other similar ones.

Procedure for booking train tickets online

Most often, the official Russian Railways website is used to book tickets.

Using his example, we will consider all stages of this process. To start booking tickets on the Russian Railways website, you need to register by creating a login and password to enter the system, filling in your full name, email address and contact phone number. After logging into your personal account, you need to select the ticket purchase section, which is available only to authorized users.

The following steps are followed:

  • the route and departure date are selected;
  • the most suitable train based on travel time is selected from the proposed list of trains;
  • the type of carriage is selected - luxury, coupe, reserved seat. For ease of choice, next to the type of carriage, the cost of tickets and the number of available seats are indicated;
  • the necessary criteria for the place are selected - the boundaries of the places, upper or lower;
  • The full name and data of the passenger are entered, the correctness of their filling is checked - depending on the type of identification document, an abbreviation is selected, PN - passport, SR - birth certificate, ZP - international passport, VB - military ID, etc.;
  • select the desired tariff;
  • payment for the ticket is carried out - payment is made according to the standard scheme, according to the bank card number.

You must pay for the ticket 10-15 minutes in advance, during which the reservation will be valid. During this time, the selected tickets will not be available to other people.

After payment, all that remains is to receive an electronic ticket, which can be found in the “My Orders” section, print it on a printer or receive it by number in railway ticket office.

If the ticket is marked with the "ER" sign, this means the system electronic registration, in which a printed ticket is not required at all, and when boarding the carriage it will be enough to present a passport.

Thus, the choice of tickets is simple and clear, and the procedure itself takes a minimum amount of time.

To date, an updated test version of the portal has been developed, on which purchasing tickets will be even easier, with fewer steps.

On other sites, when booking tickets, the procedure is identical; the difference may lie in some functions and available ways payment.

Most online booking and ticketing services charge a fee for their services, but it is usually small. For an additional fee, some services offer home delivery of tickets. Other additional functions, such as providing discounts to regular customers, paying for tickets in installments, depend on the imagination of service workers.

How to book a Russian Railways train ticket without instant payment

You can book tickets without instant payment using some online services that can be easily found in search engines.

Tickets are purchased within a strictly limited time, in accordance with the terms of the services - on average, the booking time is about one day.

There are services that provide this service for a longer period.

The ability to purchase tickets online eliminates the need to go to the station to get boarding passes. Many travelers like to buy tickets online, saving their time. What to do in a situation where there is no way to pay for travel via the Internet credit card at hand? There is a way out - you can make a reservation of seats without prior purchase.

When might you need to purchase tickets without immediate payment?

There are various situations when it is impossible to pay for travel at the time of purchase:

  • The date of the trip is not yet known, but you need to secure a passenger seat;
  • There is no plastic card or Internet connection at hand to get a ticket online. This option is popular among travelers during the high summer season, when new tickets sell out quickly.

Please note that booking a ticket without prepayment cannot serve as a basis for confirming the receipt of a visa and travel abroad.

Travel documents after full payment can be purchased at the railway ticket office. If you are interested in making an international trip, then booked train documents without payment can be presented when applying for a visa. In this situation, you can count on the return of paid documents if they are not used.

Book a train ticket online

Travelers who are planning to travel by train almost always try to book a train ticket in advance. This decision seems reasonable, especially given the dynamic pricing program carried out by Russian Railways. According to it, the more days left before the travel time, the cheaper the tickets are. At the same time, you can secure a seat on a Russian Railways train by using services that cooperate directly with the country’s main carrier.

The second obvious advantage, because of which many seek to book a ticket for the Russian Railways train, the official website of which requires separate registration, is that boarding passes it will be quite easy to submit without leaving home if plans suddenly change.

How to book train tickets online?

To begin with, you can check the availability of seats and departure dates of trains. To do this, it is not necessary to first spend time registering. Just use the convenient search: enter the point of departure and destination.

Did you see that you can book a train ticket that suits all parameters?

Then what awaits you is a fairly simple and accessible procedure even for those who have never encountered this process before, the procedure for choosing a place and paying for it. To do this you need to register with personal account our website via email. After this, enter your passport details and confirm your reservation via SMS. At the same time, if you purchase seats for several passengers, it will be enough to enter the passport details of only one person, for whom all the others will be registered.

We remind you that you can do all this no earlier than at the ticket office - 90-45 days before the trip, depending on the route.

Is it possible to book a ticket for the Russian Railways train?

This question is often of interest to those who prefer to make travel decisions at the last minute. If you decide to book a ticket for a Russian Railways train, the company's official website will give you about 15 minutes to think, during which you can pay booked ticket card or using other electronic payment systems. In this case, after 15 minutes, tickets are canceled automatically and the seats you booked become available to other users.

For those who wondered how the site functions, we tried to describe the most important nuances related to his work. Let's hope that this review will open up new opportunities for you to travel comfortably around our country and near abroad(including European countries).


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