Is it possible to find out whether a passenger is registered for the flight? How to find out if a person took off on an airplane: available methods

The question of how to find out whether a person has taken off on an airplane arises for various reasons. Some people want to surprise their loved ones and meet them without warning, others want to follow the movements of competitors in business. But airlines don't provide passenger lists without good reason. When are they ready to answer your questions?

Is it possible to find out passenger lists before departure?

According to the carriers' rules, information about travelers is not transferred to third parties. The bans did not come into force immediately, because it took many incidents. Disclosure of information was fraught with the following:

  • robbing houses in the absence of the owners who flew to another city;
  • attacks on passengers, information about which was reported to third parties;
  • fraud (scammers pretended to be other people, taking advantage of their absence).

Secrecy is due to security requirements. Imagine that a stranger can find out where you went, what seat you sat in, whether you ordered special food, who you traveled with. It may seem that the information is not valuable, but with its help, attackers can impersonate you.

When will the company provide the list of passengers on the flight?

How and who can find out where a person flew on an airplane? Officially, information about the flight and destination is provided to government agencies:

  • FSB;
  • fiscal service;
  • police.

Even representatives of government services will not receive data about people on board without a resolution or other document. If we are talking about private agencies, then they will not obtain information legally.

But not only carrier representatives can say who flies with airlines. In some cases, a call to the travel agency whose services your loved one used will help. Try to name the last name and give known information: The manager can accommodate. But there are no guarantees of success!

Sonny Chatter, who has been working as a manager in a travel agency for 25 years, shares his experience:

When I started working in this field, a funny story happened to me. Among the clients was a nice married couple who regularly contacted the agency. One day my husband asked to reserve 2 flights to Aruba, one for him and one for a colleague. A couple of days later his wife called me. She politely asked me to inquire about the plane's arrival at its destination. I agreed to provide this service and said that the plane had landed at the airport. At some point in the conversation, the client asked the name of the man who was flying with her husband, and I answered (the colleague was a woman). I won’t go into details, but in general, they got divorced.

A couple of weeks later, this client called me and asked why I provided information to his wife. I honestly couldn't answer! I no longer disclose information about the company's clients.

How to obtain information about airline passengers in the event of a disaster

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Information about passengers on board is provided to relatives in the event of a disaster. Such incidents are rare, but when they do occur, the airline posts a list of people on board online.

Who to contact to find out if a person took off on a crashed plane

You can check whether a loved one was flying on a crashed plane as follows:

  • Call the carrier's hotline.
  • Contact the special headquarters, which promptly begins work in such cases.
  • View information online: the carrier will publish it on its website after checking the data.

Also monitor the media as they cover details of the incident.

Methods for ordinary people: how to view the passenger list

If we are talking about everyday situations, then find out whether the plane has reached its destination , will be possible using the flight schedule. You will see the information on the board at the airport of arrival or on the carrier’s website: Aeroflot offers to view the data online, and you will sort it by flight number, route type, departure and destination points. But don’t panic if the board says that the plane has landed, and you can’t find your friend at the airport: often the actual arrival is delayed because the ship doesn’t have enough space on the runway.

How to find out if a loved one arrived by plane? Companies do not provide such information, so arrange for him to make himself known.

Another option would be to contact airport staff. Don't expect much success because they sign non-disclosure agreements. One of the forum users shares his experience:

I was supposed to meet my wife who was on a long-haul flight. We talked on the phone a couple of hours before the flight, but I didn’t know if she made it to the airport. First, her car broke down, then her mobile phone died... The schedule board indicated that the arrival time for this flight was 6 am. I didn't know if I had to get up before dawn and go to the airport, so I decided to call the carrier.

I told about everything that was connected with the purchase of the ticket (the cost and the last 4 digits of the card number), named the flight and seat number, my wife’s date of birth... I hoped that the airport employee would understand: I am a relative, and not a crazy stalker. But the girl operator politely said that the non-disclosure agreement does not allow answering questions. She said the plane took off on schedule and would land on time. I had to go to the airport and find out that my wife missed her flight!

Mobile applications: find out if a person arrived by plane

The Quicket mobile app, designed for Android and iOS, will appeal to travelers who want to know who their cabin seatmates will be. After purchasing a ticket, launch the program and enter the number and letter of your seat. When you log in via Facebook, you will see that links to user profiles appear next to the chairs they will sit on. True, the application only provides data about the remaining people who chose Quicket. If you speak English, you will quickly understand the functions.

There are situations when a person is interested in the question of how to find out the list of passengers for a flight. But you need to understand that airline employees can give out such information only in extreme cases, otherwise it is punishable by law.

Even if your intentions are honest and harmless, for example, there is a need to choose a seat on the plane away from mothers with children or not to meet friends on a particular flight, such a list is almost impossible to obtain. There are strict restrictions and rules according to which it is prohibited to disclose information about third parties.

Why and who needs passenger lists?

If recently it was possible to call an airline representative, explain a personal situation and get information about a specific person traveling on an airplane, today it has become much more difficult. After all, the rights of clients are protected by the federal law “On Personal Data”.

This is because disclosing such information is fraught with serious consequences. You can find out the list of passengers for the following purposes:

  1. Fraud, for example, impersonating another person.
  2. Robberies of empty houses when the owners are on vacation or on a business trip.
  3. Attacks on passengers, knowing where and when they can be found.
  4. Find out information about the contacts and movements of competitors.
  5. Establish the fact of treason, etc.

Therefore, such secrecy after several incidents became an important guarantee of flight safety. And today, no airline or airport employee has the right to disclose lists of registered passengers for a flight, except in extreme cases. Otherwise, it threatens with dismissal, and sometimes legal proceedings and imprisonment.

David McKelvey /

If desired, do to a loved one surprise, checking and monitoring the movement of a relative or friend, and under other personal circumstances, finding out lists of tourists or even anything about a specific passenger is almost impossible.

When does a company share data about third parties?

The law provides for certain situations when the disclosure of such lists is permissible:

  • in case of an official request from the police, FSB, tax, fiscal service;
  • in case of an airplane accident;
  • when an emergency landing is made due to technical or weather problems.

A separate situation is considered to be an airliner crash in the air, during landing or takeoff. In this case, an operational headquarters is created that manages all actions:

  1. They collect information about passengers who have checked in for a specific flight and check whether they have boarded.
  2. They check everyone’s condition after the accident and provide information about this to their closest relatives and the media.
  3. They organize a hotline where you can contact and obtain the necessary information.
  4. Close contact with funds mass media and provide access to cover news from the scene.

How can you tell if a person was on a particular plane?

If the situation is an emergency, then you can look at the list of passengers on the Internet, on news resources, or find out on TV. After checking all the data, the airline is obliged to publish a list of people on board on the official website.

It also works in such cases hotline, having found out whose phone number you can call and find out whether your relative or acquaintance was among the victims. It is also possible to contact directly the employees of the operational headquarters, who have complete information about the victims.

In all other situations, it is almost impossible to obtain the necessary information. The following methods are sometimes used:

  • Contact a travel agency if a person ordered a ticket with their help. Then, by establishing personal contact with the operator, you can find out details about your relative’s flight. But this situation is also unacceptable by law, so employees can make concessions only in private, jeopardizing their place of work.
  • If you call the airline office and explain your personal situation, you can also try to convince the operator to give you the information you need. But this usually only happens if the passenger’s mental or physical health threatens the safety of the flight. However, such information must be documented. But airline employees usually sign a separate document on non-disclosure of information about third parties when hiring. Therefore, according to the law, they do not have the right to discuss such things.
  • Today there are many options on the Internet where, using any mobile application, program or website is available to obtain the necessary information about passengers of a particular flight. In most cases, this is fraud, since they cannot obtain such information on their own, but they are able to find out from the client his passport details, number credit card etc. Sometimes such a request openly demands monetary payment, after which no one provides the information. Please note that you will not be able to complain about such manipulations to the police, since a person who tries to obtain confidential information about third parties is considered an accomplice to the crime.

Such secrecy guarantees you, as an airplane passenger, complete safety personal data. No one unless absolutely necessary official resolution will not know whether you were checked in for the flight, what seat you sat in, who you traveled with, what you ate, drank, and other information.

If your loved ones need to know when the plane will arrive, whether they need to meet you, how much luggage you are carrying, all this should be discussed in a personal telephone conversation.

Video: what do you need to know before boarding a plane?

Airline and airport employees who disclose data may not only lose their jobs, but also face legal action. Criminal or administrative liability, dismissal and fines contribute most to the fact that employees most often adhere to such rules and keep information about third parties secret.

Of course, situations are different, but scammers are also able to come up with any emotional story in order to find out the necessary information. Therefore, experienced operators are trained to keep passenger data strictly confidential and not disclose it to outsiders.

The number of airline customers is increasing every year. Most people fully appreciate the benefits provided by air. The journey to even the most distant destination takes a matter of hours, which the passenger spends in a comfortable seat, reading, watching movies, listening to music and enjoying the flight. Every corner of the world is now accessible to visit, since airfare prices are much lower than they were originally.

High competition forces air carriers to attract customers in different ways, mainly through discounts and promotions on certain flights. There are also low-cost airlines that specialize in low-cost flights. Even pensioners can afford to fly with such airlines. Many travelers have long realized that getting to your desired destination by air can be even cheaper than by land or by sea transport, and, of course, much faster.

However, passengers often have questions about their neighbors on the flight, because during the flight everyone is quite close to each other, but there is no way to get out, so it would be nice to have data on passengers. With the help of such information, you can at least approximately understand whether it will become comfortable enough air travel. In addition, in the event of unforeseen situations, such as a disaster, relatives and friends of passengers on a particular flight have the right to know where to find such data. At the same time, it is advisable to imagine where the seats in the airliner cabin that are considered the safest are located.

It is pointless to request lists of customers who purchased flight tickets from the air carrier. The names of flight passengers are confidential data, so their disclosure means a violation of the relevant law prescribed in the Constitution Russian Federation. Airline employees know this very well. The reasons that prompted the user to clarify the list of their neighbors are quite understandable; for example, some are afraid of meeting people with whom they would not like to communicate at all, but these are not reasons for providing data on passengers.

Relative peace of mind can be acquired by purchasing a ticket to a business comfort class cabin, since, as a rule, quite respectable people gather there and have the opportunity to purchase expensive seats. Seats in compartments increased comfort much less than in economy class, and the distance between them is greater. Employees have the right to disclose information about passengers on a particular flight only in the following cases:

  • Response to an official request sent from law enforcement agencies.
  • Making data publicly available in the event of unforeseen circumstances resulting in damage to the health or life of people on board.

If facts of an emergency that occurred with a certain aircraft become known, you must contact the call center of the relevant airline at the phone numbers listed on the website. Operators will announce the required data or check the lists for the presence of the requested names. In addition, data is usually announced in urgent news releases by many television channels, radio stations and various Internet resources.

Otherwise, to an individual It is almost impossible to obtain the names of flight passengers. An exception may be situations in which the citizen in question is physically or mentally ill and may suffer himself or commit unlawful acts in relation to other people in the cabin of the airliner.

You should never rely on offers from private parties to provide programs or applications for mobile devices purporting to be associated with an airline database. Information of this kind is perfectly protected, and any airline has specialists who monitor the safety of information. Clicking on external links is also dangerous. As a rule, the user will be required to enter the first and last name, passport details, numbers indicated on bank cards and similar information, which will then be used by scammers.

It's no secret that there are a large number of people who are afraid of flying. First of all, they are afraid that an accident will happen in the air, during takeoff or landing. Knowing about the safest seats will help you calm down a little; by booking them, a person will be able to spend time in the air more calmly. It’s most convenient, of course, to sit in the front, it’s no coincidence that the seats increased comfort located precisely in the bow of the liner.

However, according to statistics, the front of the aircraft is considered the most dangerous area. Passengers in front row seats are at greater risk of serious injury or death in the event of an emergency. Other information to consider:

  • The middle part of the plane is also quite dangerous;
  • in particular, it is most undesirable to choose seats near the windows, in close proximity to the wings;
  • The fire danger concerns, first of all, the seats near the wings, since the aircraft’s engines are very close.

The rear area of ​​the cabin is traditionally considered uncomfortable, since it can shake quite violently, with other passengers constantly cruising past. But from a safety point of view, being in the tail of the plane can save lives in an accident. The back of the aircraft usually lifts up because the front part bears the brunt of the impact, as the fall occurs almost vertically. It is also relatively safe to book seats next to the emergency hatches - in case of problems with exit, the fastest way to leave the aircraft cabin.

If you were unable to find out information about passengers on a particular flight, you can at least choose the most comfortable and safe seat in the cabin. Having chosen the seat you like and purchased an air ticket, you can begin the reservation procedure. Many airlines now provide the opportunity to choose a seat at the purchase stage. electronic ticket on the plane using the online booking system. This is the most convenient option, but sometimes additional payment is required for early reservation of a seat. This can only be done on the website of the airline operating the flight.

By choosing a search engine site created to select the optimal air ticket, the client is deprived of the opportunity to reserve a seat when purchasing a flight ticket. But in this case, you should contact the managers by phone numbers listed in the contacts section, or write a request in the comments to the order. Usually the issue is resolved in favor of the client. All manipulations take 10-15 minutes, greatly saving users time and effort, because they don’t even need to leave the house.

When traveling by other means of transport, a passenger can immediately buy a ticket to a suitable seat, but with airplanes it’s a different story. Most often, the seat number can only be selected during check-in at the airport by asking the employee at the counter for a specific seat. If it is not busy, the employees will gladly fulfill the request. If you do not voice your wishes for specific seats, the passenger will be assigned the first one available. It’s easier to reserve a seat by checking in for a flight via the Internet, which opens a day or two before the flight, then you can arrive at the airport later and avoid standing in line.

Here it is also important to remember a couple of nuances:

  • the back of the chair located at the emergency hatch cannot be tilted back;
  • For people with an unstable vestibular system, in order to avoid motion sickness, it is better to choose seats away from the windows, since looking outward causes a feeling of nausea;
  • It should be taken into account that it is advisable for passengers with strong nerves to sit at emergency exits, since emergency situations you need to be able to pull yourself together and open the hatch.

It often happens that the desired place is occupied. You can ask the passenger to change; people often agree if the question comes down to poor health, fear of flying and panic attacks. However, many do not agree to give up a comfortable seat; in this case, all that remains is to wait for the cabin to fill up and look for the remaining ones free seats, perhaps there is a more convenient one among them.

Finding yourself at a great height in a confined space is quite scary, especially considering that all the passengers are strangers to each other. That is why some are trying to find data on passengers on their flight. In fact, based on statistical figures, we can safely say that airplanes are in a safe way transport. There are very few accidents and crashes relative to the total number of flights; it’s just that each of them becomes known thanks to the Internet.

Car accidents cost a lot of money large quantity lives. Even problems with trains are more common than with airliners. Choosing a seat in the middle section of the plane can help you feel more relaxed. If you do get a seat by the window, it is better to curtain it or cover it with a bag. Ask the flight attendant for water, tell them about your fears before flying. Sometimes neighbors join in the conversation, calming and distracting passengers who are in a stupor.

If your ears are blocked, sucking candy helps a lot. You can take medications or homeopathic remedies for motion sickness, as well as sedatives. But you need to be careful with them, because a person often gets motion sickness during sleep. Deep measured breathing and meditative practices help restore calm and relieve nausea.

Read, listen to music, watch a movie - also good options have a relaxing time in the air. And good thick headphones will protect you from unwanted noise from your neighbors, so you won’t need a list of names.

Difficulty choosing a seat on an airplane

Collection of information about air travel

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Information about a person’s flights is confidential, and airlines are in no hurry to disclose it because they value their reputation. But in some cases it is simply necessary to obtain such information. The best way out of the situation is to contact a detective agency. Such services are provided quite often, so you will receive the data quickly, because we have many years of experience and a well-established network of contacts.

Who needs it

You can find out where a person flew by using his passport. You provide us with this data, and you will soon receive information about all movements for a certain period. Individuals and legal entities contact us. Most often, to find out where a person flew, you need to:

  • relatives. There can be many reasons for this, one of the most popular is suspicion of adultery;
  • managers. Most often, due to the fact that the employee is suspected of misusing funds allocated for a business trip;
  • representatives of microfinance organizations. A common reason is that a loan for a large amount was granted, but the debtor stopped paying and disappeared in an unknown direction.

A private detective will collect all the necessary information in just a few hours. All residents of Moscow and the Moscow region can find out where a person flew - just order services by phone.

How to find out the list of passengers on an airplane? In life, any person may need, for whatever reason, to find out the names of those who took off on one or another flight. However, such a “curious” person will have to face considerable difficulties, because a rather formidable opponent will stand in his way, whose name is the Law “On Personal Data”. However, you should not lose hope of realizing your plan, but you should not try to do it illegally. There are several non-criminal methods that will still help you get such important information.

There are events in which no one will definitely want to participate, as well as to be seen as one of them. characters your loved ones. It's about a plane crash. If a person has reasonable fears that members of his family could be there, then the lists of passengers on the flights are simply obligatory to provide him with. Moreover, usually carrier representatives themselves try to find the relatives of the victims. When a plane crash occurs, special hotlines are created to release information about those on board, and after some time this list ends up on the Internet.

Fortunately, such tragedies happen quite rarely. More often, a person may need to know the names of those traveling on a particular flight for other reasons. For example, because of love at first sight. In this case, no one should provide a list of passengers on the plane. However, this does not mean that you should not try to find out the treasured name. A person will need all his eloquence in a conversation with representatives of the carrier. If you try very hard to convince them, they may find the arguments strong enough.

However, difficulties arise only for those who are trying to obtain such information for themselves. If a request comes from the police or Federal service security, the airline is required to provide them with the names of those who were on the plane during any flight. So if a person has friends in law enforcement agencies, he can use their help. For those who do not have such connections, there is another option - contact a private detective agency. Detectives have identification, upon presentation of which they gain access to the information necessary in the investigation.

Even the most curious person should never allow someone (or himself) to hack into an airplane passenger database through his fault. This is absolutely illegal because it directly violates the privacy rights of others. Even the most good goal (including the possibility of reunification with a lover) will cease to be such if it is achieved illegally. For such actions, sooner or later there will be retribution - at best in the form of a fine, at worst - several years behind bars.


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