Khao lak what. Holidays at the Khao Lak resort in Thailand. Transport features of Khao Lak

However, there is also another one nearby natural Park, which is called Khao Lak - Lampu.

Khao Lak is still little known among Russian tourists. For some reason, this place is not given much attention, thereby leaving it to the mercy of independent travelers. And this is very cool, since there are not many people. In general, there is not much of anything, with the exception of beaches and untouched nature. Nevertheless, Khao Lak is not inaccessible, rather the opposite - getting here is as easy as shelling pears, even easier and faster than to.

Khao Lak on the map of Thailand

Who should go to Khao Lak

Khao Lak will help you go back 20 years ago, this is exactly what it was like popular island Then. The resort is famous for its small number of tourists and its secluded beaches. As a result, the infrastructure here is poorly developed - there are few cafes, restaurants and shops, but, in principle, it is enough for a comfortable stay.

This place will be of interest primarily to lovers of nature and relaxation. The deserted coastline and forests, many kilometers long, are simply a paradise for such people. In the morning you can watch the sunrise, during the day you can lie on the beach, swimming and enjoying life, in the evening you can watch the setting sun, and then dine with appetite in one of the restaurants.

There are almost no attractions at the resort, and, in general, there is little. Khao Lak should be chosen if you just want to relax in the lap of nature or lie down with a book under a palm tree.

How to get there

Khao Lak is not a very popular Thai resort, so transport connection with him is poorly developed. The nearest one is 60 km to the south, where it arrives great amount flights from all over the world. Many people fly here famous airlines: Emirates, Qatar Airways, Thai Airways, Etihad Airways, Aeroflot, S7 Airlines, as well as charter companies.

Cheap flights to Bangkok

You can buy air tickets to Thailand as profitably as possible using special search engines that collect data from all airlines.


Move around Khao Laku From beach to beach you can take a taxi or songthaew. Songthaews are blue in color and usually do not have any inscriptions in English, only in Thai. These are small trucks, like the ones from Phuket. There are also taxis, which are covered pickup trucks, similar to those in Pattaya. They usually have Taxi written on the windshield.

There are also offices that rent out motorbikes. Cost - 200 baht per day. Most of them are located at travel agencies and may not even have a Motorbike For Rent sign. There are several gas stations on the main highway, costing 35-37 baht per liter.


There is no clear boundary where the resort begins and ends. The string of many kilometers stretches for 25 km, almost to the city of Takuapa. Of course, there is officially a town named Khao Lak, but all the main beaches, hotels and other infrastructure are concentrated to the north. And usually Khao Lak means the area north of it, in the area of ​​​​the beaches and - these are the main tourist places.

If you want at least some action with bars, restaurants, massage parlors, motorbike rentals, etc., then this is the place for you. There is even a transvestite show and night club in Bang Niang. If you want a purely beach holiday without all this, then the other 5 beaches are at your service. There are only a few pretty expensive hotels on the coast and nothing else. Those. nothing at all - as soon as you leave the hotel territory, you find yourself in a forest or an open field.

When we talked about the movement in Nang Tong and Bang Niang, this should not be understood as stormy nightlife, like in Pattaya or Patong Beach in Phuket. Here everything is much more moderate and quieter. In fact, the crowd is concentrated on one street in Bang Niang and consists of a dozen drinking bars and restaurants. In bars you can catch a “night butterfly”, so lonely men will definitely not be bored.

On the coast itself there is almost no one after sunset, no discos or loud music, even on the busiest beaches.

Well, those who want complete privacy can go to, which is located near Bang Sak beach and the journey there from the mainland takes only 5 minutes by boat. There are a dozen hotels on this island, despite the fact that its length is approximately 20 km. So you can imagine how crowded it is, especially in low season. That's right - no one!

Rent a motorbike on the mainland, take it to Koh Kho Khao (20 baht per moped and 20 baht per person on it) and enjoy unlimited freedom. A paved road has recently been laid across the entire island, along which you can drive with the breeze and not meet anyone on your way. For lovers beautiful views And wild beaches this place is a real find, definitely go!

What to do and what to visit


Almost all natural ones are National Parks, waterfalls, and even the beaches themselves. Of the man-made ones, we can name only a few temples and the tsunami monument, the one with the police ship. in 2004 led to the largest number of victims in all of Thailand (about 4,000 people).

All attractions can be visited on a rented motorbike, and excursions to the most important ones are organized at local travel agencies, of which there are big number at every step.

Stores and shopping

Shopping in Khao Lak is only possible in Nang Thong and Bang Niang, but don’t expect anything special. There are no shopping centers or large stores either. You can buy local delicacies in the markets. For shopping you can go to Phuket, fortunately to its best shopping center- Central Festival is about an hour and a half away.


Entertainment in Khao Lak is massage (average 300 baht per hour), aquatic species sports (only on popular beaches), elephant riding, bars, restaurants and excursions. You can go to the nightclub Zantika Pub, which is on the main road near Bang Niang. There is also a transvestite show called Moo Moo Cabaret nearby. In the evenings you can launch a Chinese balloon into the sky.

Khao Lak National Park National Park) - the highlight of Thailand, primarily attracting attention with its chic virgin nature, harmoniously combining rainforests, steep cliffs, waterfalls, lakes and rivers.

Located national park on mainland Thailand, near the coast Andaman Sea in Phang Nga province. Khao Lak Park is huge, its area is more than 150 square meters and it consists of two parks. In addition to the beautiful pristine nature, the park also offers tourism and entertainment activities. Here you can simply relax, walk along the paths in the jungle, go rafting or bamboo rafting down the rivers, try out a jeep or elephant safari, or feel like Tarzan and fly through the jungle on roller mechanisms on cables stretched between the trees.

You can visit Khao Lak National Park either independently or with a guided tour. We visited this beautiful reserve with a Khao Lak Safari excursion while staying on the island of Phuket.

The excursion lasts the whole day. One day, naturally, is not enough for such a park, for such a short time You won’t be able to see even parts of all the embellishments, but it’s enough to get acquainted. In addition, this excursion is very eventful, partly educational, partly entertaining, and partly even relaxing. In one day you will see a lot of interesting things: mountains, jungles, turtles, the Temple-Cave of the Reclining Buddha, meet funny monkeys who eat directly from your hands, learn how pineapples grow, ride on bamboo rafts along a mountain river and try out such a popular entertainment in Thailand - elephant riding. We can fully recommend this excursion to the park to everyone, young and old. Believe me, it will be interesting!

Excursion to Khao Lak Safari includes:

Meeting (picked up from the hotel and brought to the hotel) on a comfortable minibus;

Visit to a turtle farm;

River rafting on bamboo rafts;

Lunch at a local cafe;

Stop at a pineapple plantation;

Elephant rides and baby elephant shows. Upon request and for an additional fee - swimming with a baby elephant;

Visit to the temple-cave of the reclining Buddha (Wat Suwan Kuha) and the mountain of monkeys;

Visiting the waterfall, swimming in the waterfall if desired. During the dry season, the waterfall dries up, and we visited the excursion in March, so we didn’t get to the waterfall.

The price of the excursion also includes: insurance, drinking water, Russian-speaking guide.

Since this excursion is visited daily by a large number of tourists, the excursion route may change to disperse the flow. Some people visit the turtle farm first, and then ride the elephants and go to the temple, while others first visit the temple, and then go to the rafting and turtle farm. But this does not change the essence of the excursion.

We recommend taking with you: sunscreen and hats; telephone, camera; money for additional expenses. Wear swimwear and comfortable shoes. Optional: sunglasses, towel, change of shorts and T-shirt.

Cost of excursion from Phuket

The brochures contain an excursion to the national Khao Park Lac costs: 2,800 baht - adult ticket, 1,800 baht - children's ticket. In reality, the excursion costs less, they willingly lower the price. We purchased a tour for 1,000 baht per person.

Excursion - Safari in Khao Lak National Park (Khao Lak Safari)

At 07:30 am we were picked up from our hotel and we drove from Phuket to mainland Thailand. The journey, including the collection of all excursion participants, took approximately an hour and a half.

First stop was a visit turtle farms

The turtle farm is a mini-zoo, on the territory of which, in addition to turtles, you can see crocodiles and fish, as well as take a walk through the picturesque area.

The conditions in which the animals are kept leave much to be desired, the small concrete pens in which these cute creatures lie. According to the guide, turtles are raised here until a certain age, and then released into the wild, this is done by decree former King Thailand, to preserve the endangered population.

On the way out we bought coconut ice cream. This is the most delicious ice cream we tried in Thailand. We found him on this moment, in only two places: at the merchant near this farm and at.

Our second stop was river rafting on bamboo rafts

It was this part of the excursion that we remembered most. This is not rafting, there is no extreme sports here, the Kaolak River was very calm and quiet. Our group, two people each, sat on rafts and Thai boys, deftly handling the raft, floated you down the river. All river walk takes 30-40 minutes.

At first we were even a little upset because of the slow rafting, but after a few minutes such calm and serenity appeared in our souls. We completely abandoned reality, sailed, enjoying the views of the jungle and the silence, broken only by the sound of the water and the occasional cries of birds. It was truly wonderful and comfortable, in a sense we even managed to catch nirvana.

During the rafting, from the shore, we were photographed, after which we were offered to buy a photograph in an ecological frame made from elephant poop)). Interesting photo, we bought this for ourselves. Cost 200 baht per photo.

At the end of the rafting we were met in a small truck

and we went to lunch in a cafe. For lunch we had soup, vegetables, fish, rice, meat and potatoes, French fries, Thai rolls, fruit and drinks with cookies. Pretty good and quite tasty, especially after a busy first half of the day spent outdoors.

Next stop was at pineapple plantations. Here the guide showed us and told us how pineapples grow and are harvested. It turns out that harvesting pineapples is very dangerous work. The bushes themselves are sharp and easy to injure, in addition, there are snakes in the fields, including poisonous ones. Snakes often bite harvesters, which can result in death.

Fifth stop - elephant safari

First of all, a 15-minute show with a baby elephant unfolded in front of us. The little elephant twirled a hoop, played the harmonica, while briskly waving his leg, and then performed several tricks. The spectators, especially children, were delighted, and the baby elephant walked between people, holding a hat in his trunk, where everyone threw money.

After the show, we were offered a swim with a baby elephant. Cost 300 baht per person. We didn’t go swimming with the baby elephant, we just looked and took a few photos, for history and for you, of course.

Swimming with a baby elephant consisted of the following: a small pond, natural, in the river, where the baby elephant was taken, then everyone who paid 300 baht was invited to join him. The participants in this action poured water on the baby elephant, rubbed his back, and finally took pictures with him. The whole process took 10-15 minutes. It didn’t look very good, to put it mildly, but the children were delighted.

Little elephants take part in the show and swimming; until a certain age, they are not allowed to ride with tourists. Because of their small sizes and little training. During the first few years of training, a baby elephant must get used to its driver, his voice and gestures, so they are trained in shows and bathing, and after they have matured, their bones have become stronger, and they have gained experience, they are sent out to give rides to tourists.

After swimming, we all went to the most awaited part of the excursion - elephant rides.

Two people rode elephants. Boarding the elephants took place in a special house, from where it was convenient to climb into the basket on the animal’s back. If you are wearing flip-flops, then you will have to leave your shoes here, but if your shoes fit tightly on your feet, then you can go in your shoes.

The ride itself lasted about 40 minutes. We were looking forward to it, we had heard and read a lot about such a memorable and amazing “attraction”. But, personally, riding elephants did not make any impression on us, and on the contrary, we did not like it. We won’t go again, we feel sorry for the animal and we didn’t feel any emotional courage.

The skiing route went through the jungle, up and down the hills, and also partially across the river, so in addition to the skiing itself, there was an opportunity to enjoy beautiful views Thai jungle.

When you sit on the back of an elephant, the ground is quite far away, and the basket also sways; if the animal rises or descends from the hills, you shake and chatter from side to side. It's not scary, it hurts your back a little, but it's fun for some.

During the ride, the mahouts offered, for a small fee of 100 baht, to take a few photographs of us riding an elephant, while the elephants poured water on everyone, putting it in their trunks, and gave them, so to speak, a refreshing shower.

At the farm you could feed the elephants bananas and take some memorable, colorful photographs. It is better to bring bananas with you for feeding, the price tag here is decent, several bananas - from 100 baht.

Next stop Cave Temple of the Reclining Buddha (Wat Suwan Kuha) and Monkey Cave

On the territory of the Wat SuwanKuha Temple complex there are: a working monastery, a cave with a reclining Buddha who entered nirvana and is located between heaven and earth, as well as a cave-mountain of monkeys.

Entrance to the cave temple is paid. Cost 20 baht per person.

Once inside, you find yourself in the first hall, here we see the legendary reclining Buddha and other attributes of Buddhism.

This hall once served as the main temple. Currently, the temple has been moved to buildings near the cave, and the cave itself has become a place for tourists to visit.

Having walked further and climbed the steps, you find yourself in a completely different world, twilight and mystery reign here. This is the cave of the holy monkeys. The monkeys here are very cute and friendly, surrounding tourists and snatching treats right out of their hands. But still, it’s better not to take risks and not try to grab the monkeys or get into their faces, they might bite, then you won’t have any trouble, there’s no need for unnecessary injections and expenses. You can bring your own treats or buy bananas from local vendors for 50 baht for several pieces.

Near the cave there is a toilet and a small market.

Excursions in Khao Lak from private guides and travel agencies.
Online ordering on Pomogator.Travel: no intermediaries or prepayments!

Khao Lak is a fairly young Thai resort, which, however, has already gained popularity among tourists who prefer peace and quiet. Khao Lak is located in the Phang Nga region, on west coast Adaman Sea. The area includes many islands. It is quite far from civilization here - the nearest city, Phuket, is located 80 km north of Khao Lak. This is an ideal place for a secluded, relaxing holiday. Residents of megacities will find here the most real paradise. There are no nightclubs or noisy discos here.

Kingdom of nature. This is not just a resort, it is the largest national park in Thailand, with an area of ​​150 km2. Wild mysterious jungle, magnificent waterfalls, bizarre curves of mountain ranges, mangroves. And of course, snow-white the beaches, stretching for many kilometers, are clean and practically deserted. Only in Khao Lak you can see the rarest species of plants and animals in natural environment a habitat. But with all this, the resort is ready to offer its guests a variety of interesting entertainment. Here you can practice not only traditional sports, but also ride elephants or climb inaccessible mountain peaks.

Video from Khao Lak

Khao Lak is unique nature reserve. There are three national parks around the resort, which are the main attractions of Khao Lak. The largest National Park in Khao Lampi is Hat Thai Muang. Its area is 72 km2, and in this area tourists...

Khao Lak Tours and Activities

The Similan Islands are one of the attractions of Khao Lak, but it is located quite far from it. Therefore, tourists can book there excursion trip. You will have to get to the islands by boat; the journey will take 2 hours. The archipelago includes a lot of islands; for convenience, they are called by numbers. Between the 4th and 8th islands, divers can admire amazing marine life while diving in the Andaman Sea. On the 8th island, those who prefer sunbathing will definitely want to soak up the sun. Here is the famous “Sailboat” rock, which really resembles a sail in shape, and nature lovers will appreciate this beauty. And true romantics will probably want to stay on the island until the morning to spend and meet the sun in a bungalow and have dinner on the seashore. This excursion costs $84 per person.

Phuket is located 80 km from Khao Lak, so it takes a long time to get there. But many tourists go to the city for sightseeing tour. The cost and duration of the excursion depends on the program. Classic program- visiting the most famous Buddhist temple Wat Chalong, where great monarchs are buried; then a visit to the sea gypsy village on Rawai beach; at the end, tourists can wander through the local markets and admire south coast Phuket. But you can go on a shopping trip, then the program will include more markets and other places of trade than cultural attractions.

History of Khao Lak

The history of Khao Lak is not as ancient as that of many resort towns in Thailand. It dates back to the 19th century. Then large deposits of aluminum were discovered in this territory. Wealthy Chinese flocked to natural resources and founded a small...

Khao Lak is located in a tropical climate zone. But, despite the fact that it is located in the south of Thailand, the climate here is not quite the same as in others southern resorts. The rainy season in Khao Lak starts in June and ends in October.

But from March to May, clear, sunny weather reigns here - the air temperature during the day stays at +35°C, and the water temperature reaches +29°C. This best time for a holiday in Khao Lak. Despite the heat, air humidity is very low, so tourists will not feel much discomfort. It will be useful for tourists to familiarize themselves with when planning a vacation.

Khao Lak: entertainment and active recreation

One of the most popular entertainments in Khao Lak is, of course, elephant riding (see). On the territory of the resort there is a park called Asia Safari Camp, where tourists can ride these exotic animals. The program also includes river rafting on a bamboo raft (see). After riding the elephants, there is a short break and lunch, and then you can start rafting. A bamboo raft is a very simple but durable structure made of bamboo poles and divided into two sections for seating. The rafting takes about 20 minutes.

Another interesting view active rest in Khao Lak - mini-golf, arranged in the style of a “jungle adventure” game. The site is open to all fans of the game around the clock, and is illuminated at night. The essence of mini-golf is that, after missing several holes, the player is forced to start all over again.

From Khao Lak it is very convenient to get to the Similan Islands. On the territory of the archipelago there is a national park, which is open from October to May. It is considered to be the best diving site in the region. The famous coral reefs of Khao Lak can be seen here in all their glory. Unique flora and fauna, amazing marine animals, stunning views - this is what awaits divers who dive into this part of the Andaman Sea.

Tour operators organize trips for divers for 2, 3 and 5 days. You can get to the Similan Islands by speedboat, it will take 1-2 hours.

Transport features of Khao Lak

Public transport- this is not the most strong point Khao Lak resort. The only road is Highway 4, there are cars rushing along it at high speeds and it is very dangerous to travel on the road. There are also no regular buses that operate exclusively in the Khao Lak area.

Therefore, tourists can choose one of the following options for moving around the resort.

  1. On foot. This is not the safest way, because the roads are not in the best condition, there are no sidewalks, and pedestrians can be hit by a scooter on the roadway. When walking along the highway at night, it is better to take a flashlight with you so that drivers can see the pedestrian.
  2. On a scooter. Probably the cheapest travel option. Scooters can be rented at any hotel. The only negative is that in the event of an accident involving a Thai, the law will take his side, regardless of the circumstances.
  3. By bike. This is a more expensive option. Bicycles can also be rented from hotels, but the rental cost is twice as much as a scooter.
  4. By taxi. It is better to agree on the price right away; local taxis do not have meters.
  5. Songthaew is the only type of transport that is available in Khao Lak, it is used local residents. It is a pickup truck with four wheels and two rows of seats in the rear. Sometimes (rarely) there is a sign with a list of stops, but in Thai. To stop a songthaew, a tourist just needs to vote and then ask the driver where it is best to get off. To exit the songthaew, you must press the button or knock on the roof if there is none. The trip must be paid in advance.

Many hotels offer their guests free transport, you can ask the administrator about this. Some restaurants can provide this service to their regular customers.

Khao Lak- a resort in Thailand on the shores of the Andaman Sea. This resort is not yet very popular among our tourists; mostly Europeans choose Khao Lak for their holidays (for some reason there are a lot of Scandinavians in Khao Lak). In this article I will tell you everything I know about Khao Lak: description of the resort, features, beaches, Khao Lak hotels, transport, weather. Perhaps after reading this article you will choose not the neighboring noisy Phuket, but the quiet, calm, Europeanized Khao Lak :)

Quiet, uncrowded resort of Khao Lak in Thailand

Khao Lak: general information

The resort of Khao Lak stretches for many kilometers along the coast and highway No. 4, which connects with the south of Thailand and goes to. Figuratively speaking, Khao Lak starts from the pier from which speed boats depart for Similan, and stretches to the town of Takua Pa, and this is not much, but more than 30 km along the highway! But: when talking about Khao Lak most often they mean the area from national park Khao Lak to Cape Pakarang and a little further north.

Khao Lak is marked schematically on the map with a red square. Blue square - central beaches Khao Laka

The first village you encounter on the way from Phuket is called Ban Khao Lak, but the center of the Khao Lak resort is further north, behind the mountain. There is the village of Bang La On with Nang Thong beach, and further away the villages of Bang Niang and Khuk Khak with beaches of the same name. The most developed tourism infrastructure on the first two beaches.

Map of Khao Lak beaches

As I already said, a highway passes through Khao Lak, on the sides of which there is all the infrastructure: hotels, restaurants, shops. On Nang Thong beach, all the infrastructure is stretched along the road and the beach, and from the highway to the sea it is literally 500 meters. Inexpensive hotels are located either right on the highway or across the road from the sea, closer to the mountains. But on the neighboring Bang Niang beach, basically all the hotels and restaurants are located on the streets that lead from the road to the sea. The distance from the highway to the sea in this place is about 1 km.

Route along the coast. Next to the highway is the entire infrastructure of the Khao Lak resort
The main street of Bang Niang, which leads from the highway to the beach
Bang Niang. On the way to the sea
The central street leads to the sea

In 2004, Khao Lak was very badly damaged by a tsunami; now there are signs everywhere around the resort telling where to run and what to do in the event of a tsunami; they say that the disaster warning system is working well.

In case of evacuation, run to the mountains

By the way, just a few days before our arrival in Khao Lak, an earthquake occurred somewhere in the sea near Indonesia, panic began in Thai groups on social networks, everyone predicted a tsunami. Luckily nothing happened. During our trip, we met a couple who were vacationing in Khao Lak at the time of the tsunami talk. They said that one evening they were having dinner in a cafe and the tsunami warning system went off, everyone sat on their bikes and went to the mountains. We waited there for a while, realized that nothing was happening, and returned to the hotel.

On Bang Niang beach, near the highway, almost opposite the 7 Eleven store, there is now a monument to the victims of the tsunami and a police boat, which was washed ashore during the tsunami. Nearby there is a stand with information about the 2004 tsunami and a museum where documentaries are shown on English language about this terrible event.

A police ship that was washed ashore during the tsunami. All the people in it died
Next to the boat there is a small museum where they talk about terrible tsunami 2004

NOT a budget resort, prices here are on average higher than, for example, or, but comparable to prices in Krabi: and. More details here:

Khao Lak is very well maintained and clean resort. European-style restaurants, cute bars, beautiful evening lighting, trimmed trees, flowers - it seems that you are somewhere in Europe. They say that Thai Hua Hin is like Europe in Thailand, but we haven’t been there, so I can’t say anything.

There are sidewalks in Khao Lak! This is such a joy, especially after Samui, where there are no sidewalks at all, well, maybe a little on and off.

Important! NOT youth resort, don’t look for discos and bars here, mostly elderly foreign couples or families with small children relax here.

Khao Lak is a very clean and well maintained resort
Khao Lak even has sidewalks! This shady road leads to the beach
Cozy European restaurants
Restaurants near the sea with a gorgeous view

Khao Lak: weather and seasons

There are two seasons in Khao Lak:

  • rainy season from April-May to October-November
  • dry season from November to April

In principle, the rainy season in Khao Lak is unpleasant not so much because of the rain (it mostly falls at night), but because the sea is stormy and becomes dirty and ugly 🙁 And excursions to the islands are canceled for the summer. Since Khao Lak is not a very crowded resort anyway, and in the summer there are few people here at all, some hotels, bars, restaurants and shops simply close for the summer.

Should you go to Khao Lak in May-June-July? If you choose a hotel on the seashore with good infrastructure, then you can safely go! If the sea is very stormy, then you can swim in the pool and walk along the seashore nice walks. Fortunately, the long beaches of Khao Lak allow you to walk for many kilometers in one direction or the other.

We were in Khao Lak at the beginning of March. The weather in Khao Lak at that time was very hot. But they say that this year is generally atypically hot for Thailand. I really love the heat, but even I didn’t want to leave the air-conditioned room of our hotel during the day :) But the sea in March in Khao Lak was perfectly smooth (completely calm!) and very warm. How I love it :)

Calm and warm sea in March

Khao Lak where it is and how to get there

Khao Lak is located approximately 60 km from the entrance to the popular island of Phuket. From Phuket Airport to Khao Lak it is about 80 km or an hour and a half by car. Another airport is located in Krabi, and there is a railway station in Surat Thani. The most convenient way to get from Russia to Khao Lak is through Phuket, where there are direct flights during the season. More information about how to get to Khao Lak:

Transport in Khao Lak

Transport in Khao Lak is represented by songthaews, taxis and buses passing along the highway. You can take a songthaew for 100-150 baht between neighboring beaches, and a taxi, for example, will cost from 1000 baht. It is easy to go by bus to Phuket town (100 baht) or to the neighboring town of Takua Pa.

For freedom and ease of movement, it is best to rent a bike (from 200 baht) or a car ().

Taxi prices in Khao Lak from Bang Niang beach (where the tsunami monument is)
Prices in Khao Lak for renting bicycles and motorbikes

Khao Lak Hotels

Khao Lak - the territory of expensive comfortable hotels For have a nice holiday on the very shore of the sea. There is no cheap housing (up to 1000 baht) on the first line! If you, like me, prefer to spend your beach holiday in a hotel first coastline , then be prepared to pay an average of 3,000 baht per day.

Inexpensive hotels (up to 1,500 baht) are concentrated along the highway and on the street running perpendicular to the sea in Bang Niang. We stopped in Khao Lak for just a few days and not for beach holiday, but for the sake of an excursion to the Similan Islands, so we settled not near the sea, but in the center of the entire infrastructure of Bang Niang beach, in a cool hotel 850 m from the sea and 150 m from the highway.

One of the hotels on the beach
Our cool and inexpensive hotel ten minutes walk from the beach

Beaches of Khao Lak

We were delighted with the beaches of Khao Lak: long, wide, almost deserted. The sand is yellow, coarse, clean. The entrance to the sea is smooth. True, there are strong low tides and sometimes storms. I won’t tell you much, I already wrote in great detail with photos and videos about the beaches of Khao Lak here:

Deserted beaches of Khao Lak. Khuk Khak beach in Khao Lak. People, ah!
The central part of Bang Niang beach
Khao Lak beach before sunset

Khao Lak infrastructure: cafes, shops, markets, etc.

The main infrastructure of Khao Lak is concentrated on two beaches, Nang Thong and Bang Niang. There are numerous cafes, bars, shops, massage parlors, and excursion bureaus. Beach restaurants along the coastline also attract tourists. You can have lunch there, watch the sunset over a bottle of beer, or simply rent a sun lounger and umbrella.

Beach restaurants with sun loungers on the seashore

Cafes, restaurants, bars

There are many cozy restaurants serving European food in Khao Lak. We didn’t have time to go into them, but two evenings we had dinner in one of the Thai cafes. For dinner (one dish + one beer) we paid 280-320 baht. We didn’t see any Makashnits.

This is what our dinner looks like (+ a bottle of beer didn’t fit into the frame) in a Thai cafe in Khao Lak for 280 baht

It is believed that Bang Niang is a more expensive, but at the same time more developed beach, all the main bars with live music on Khao Lak are located here. Beach bars sometimes host parties with music and dancing on the sand. But you still need to understand that you won’t find much fun in Khao Lak; it’s not even on Samui, not to mention Patong. But there is somewhere to sit in the evening in Khao Lak :)

Bars and restaurants on the road near Bang Niang beach
Restaurants in the village center
Beach bar party announcement

Shops and markets

There are several chain stores in Khao Lak with normal prices. They are located on the highway at Bang Niang and Nang Thong beaches. As well as small shops with food, water, souvenirs, beachwear, etc. and so on. Prices for souvenirs and beach items are NOT low. There are many stores where they can sew you a suit or other clothes in a couple of days :)

Shop 7 Eleven and next to there is another supermarket with everything you need
In small shops in Khao Lak you can buy beach items and some souvenirs
A bunch of shops and workshops for sewing suits and other clothes

On Bang Niang beach behind 7 elven opposite the turn to Tsunami Memorial every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from lunch until 10 pm there is a market where tourists come from all over Khao Lak. Here you can find some souvenirs, some beachwear, food, fruit, etc. at normal prices.

The market in Khao Lak on Bang Niang Beach is open three days a week. In the evenings there are many tourists here who want to try Thai food
Market in Khao Lak

There is a morning fruit market in Khuk Khak next to the small bus station, which is indicated on all Khao maps Varnish. This market is open every day from early morning until 11-12 noon.

But still, it’s better to go to Phuket for shopping. This is not difficult to do: you need to take a bus to Phuket on the highway, 2-3 hours of travel and 100 baht and you are in the center of Phuket town. Then you can take a tuk-tuk or songthaew and get, for example, to the Festival Center (you can see what the Festival Center is using Samui as an example).

The closest Big C supermarket to Khao Lak is in Takua Pa, and Tesco is on the way to Phuket in Khok Kloi.

Attractions Khao Lak

Khao Lak is a convenient starting point for excursions around neighboring islands. Some tourists come to Khao Lak only to visit:

  • Surin
  • Tachai - currently, unfortunately, closed indefinitely

Important: in summer, during the rainy and stormy season (usually from mid-May to late October) these islands are closed to visitors!

  • Deserted beaches
  • Kao Lak National Park - Lam Ru
  • Sai Rung Waterfall
  • Ton Chong Fa Waterfall
  • Ton Pling Waterfall
  • Lampi Waterfall

You can also ride elephants or go diving in Khao Lak - any travel agency, of which there are a great many, will tell you more about all the tours and excursions in Khao Lak.

Khao Lak review and conclusions

Khao Lak left a pleasant impression. We liked the fact that there are few tourists in Khao Lak, wide deserted beaches, good sea, clean streets, cozy cafes. And the village of Bang Niang itself is so cute. It’s convenient to go on excursions from Khao Lak, we visited the Similan Islands, next time I want to go to Surin. Khao Lak has magnificent sunsets, where the sun sets directly into the sea. Khao Lak is a place where I want to return, unlike, for example, or Krabi (Ao Nang).

Preparing for a romantic dinner on the beach at sunset
Evening illumination streets
Sunset in Khao Lak

If I were going on vacation to Thailand for 2 weeks and wanted to visit the south of the country, I would do this:

  • 1 day. Arrival in Bangkok, overnight in Bangkok
  • Day 2. By train or plane to Surat Thani
  • Day 3. Transfer Surat Thani - Khao Sok
  • 4 – 6 days. Khao Sok and Cheow Lan Lake
  • Day 7 – transfer to Khao Lak
  • 7 – 12 days. Rest in Khao Lak + sail on a 2-3-day excursion to Similan or Surin
  • 12-14 days. Departure from Phuket Airport to Bangkok, Bangkok

Rommani hot springs are one of the famous healing springs Thailand. They have certain medicinal properties. The spring water contains minerals that are recommended in the treatment of certain diseases. People come to the hot springs to relieve psychological stress, as well as to get rid of muscle and back pain. Near the springs there are several swimming pools, a souvenir shop and a restaurant.

Rommani hot springs are one of the most beautiful springs. They are located in a picturesque valley. They are surrounded by a huge orchard. The springs are one of the largest springs on the island. Their waters erupt from the ground twenty-four hours a day. Travelers often set up camping around the area of ​​the springs. Local authorities do not charge a fee for this. Not far from the springs there are several hotels and inns, where visiting tourists also often stay.

Butterfly Farm Khaolak

Butterfly Farm Khaolak/ Orchid Garden Khaolak is a unique reserve of tropical flora and fauna. It is one of the most interesting attractions in the Khao Lak area. The garden is located in the coastal area of ​​Bangiang beach on the way to the picturesque Chong Fah waterfall.

The main asset of the Butterfly Farm Khaolak/ Orchid Garden Khaolak are beautiful exotic flowers - orchids - and amazing bright butterflies. There are a huge number of them here - all shapes, types and sizes. Orchids and butterflies create an unforgettable living rainbow that you can admire for hours.

In the garden you can observe all stages of the life of butterflies - from the eye-catching, whimsical caterpillars to the magnificent winged creatures into which they turn. The wingspan of some of them reaches twenty centimeters, and in size they are more like small birds.

In addition to orchids, there are a variety of tropical trees and flowers, and in addition to butterflies, many other endemic insects. Tours are conducted in English, but thematic booklets in Russian and other languages ​​can be purchased at the souvenir shop. It is best to visit the garden in the morning, when the flowers open and the butterflies wake up.

Opening hours for Butterfly Farm Khaolak/Orchid Garden Khaolak: from November 1 to April 30, from 9.00 to 17.00. The cost of an adult ticket is 50 baht, a child ticket is 30 baht.

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Tourist center Green Biking Club

Tourist centre Green Biking Club organizes the most interesting cycling excursions for vacationers through the natural landscapes and attractions of the Andaman coast.

The base is located in a small white one-story building with a blue sign, standing in a clearing among tropical trees, which is very consistent with the name of the center.

Green Biking runs a variety of tours, from half-day or full-day cycling tours of the Khao Lak area to breathtaking island-hopping tours of up to 5 days across Andaman. All tours start from the convenient base of The Green Biking, where you can change clothes, get a bike, the necessary equipment and simply relax before or after the trip and drink coffee in a calm and friendly environment.

The basis of any program is a mountain bike ride along country roads passing through mountains, picturesque jungles, secluded beaches, small villages, past beautiful temples, along the banks of clear rivers. In the middle or late afternoon, tourists can take a break from the bike with an elephant ride or rafting trip. In addition, during stops you can admire beautiful tropical plants and animals in the jungle, listen to birdsong, swim in the warm sea or a cool waterfall, and try delicious Thai dishes in a small cozy restaurant.

Green Biking Club also covers the daily life of Thais in great detail - the tours include visits to fish and shrimp farms, rice fields, orchards, and plantations where herbs for the famous Thai spices are grown. The guides speak Thai, English and German.

The schedule, cost and tour programs can be found on the Green Biking Club website.

Khaolak Mini Golf Club has an 18-hole course that is in excellent condition. The field is located on the edge of the jungle in the ruins of an old temple. At the wall of the temple stands a statue of a seated Buddha with a cascading waterfall.

The entire town is built of red clay bricks. It's like you're in the Indiana Jones movie and playing mini golf is just one of the many adventures that await you.

It is worth noting that danger awaits you near each hole - either a lurking crocodile with its mouth wide open, or...

And when you get hungry, a cozy restaurant is at your service, blending seamlessly with the overall atmosphere of adventure. Khaolak Mini Golf Club is open daily from 10am to 10pm.

Wat Bang Riang Temple

Wat Bang Riang is considered a shining example of religious modern architecture Thailand.

The temple complex is impressive in its scale - it consists of three separate buildings: the main temple building and large statues depicting Buddha and the goddess of mercy Guanyin. Wat Bang Riang is located near the village of Tep Put, 30 kilometers from Phang Nga province.

You can visit the temple by renting a car or motorcycle, or by booking a tour of the temples and the surrounding area of ​​Phang Nga. This tour includes not only a trip to the temple, but also a story about the history of Phang Nga, the culture of its people and a visit to local villages.

Boxing Club Khao Lak Muay Thai

Khao Lak Muay Thai is a small boxing gym where anyone can train with boxing champion Surachai Saengmorokarot. The owners of the establishment offer services for boxers with any level of skill, depending on the purpose of the visit: to discover the basics of Thai boxing, simply to maintain their physical shape, or even to prepare for a real fight.

Khao Lak Muay Thai regularly hosts spectator fights. There are seats around the ring for fans; entry to the spectator fight is paid. The technique of the participants in the fights is amazing; both former champions and boys who have already reached a certain level of skill in this sport take part in the fights.

It is important for tourists to remember that the entrance fee for the ring spectator hall will be slightly higher for them than for local spectators. However, during the game they will be offered beer at local prices.

Diving Center "Underwater Adventure" in Khao Lak

Khaolak Scuba Adventures is a scuba diving club in Khaolak where you can plunge into the unknown sea ​​world and discover the state of “weightlessness”.

The diving center's program includes several courses designed for tourists of various levels with the mandatory presence of an experienced instructor. The initial level will introduce you to the beautiful and amazing underwater kingdom, where you can observe the life of marine inhabitants up close.

A more advanced level will help you strengthen your existing skills, teach you how to use professional equipment with Nitrox enriched air, which allows you to spend more time underwater in search of adventures or sunken ships, and there are actually three of them and there is a specially laid route to each of them. Well, as a small bonus, this is an underwater photography course. For even more sophisticated tourists there is a night swimming program.

For those who are professional divers, there are advanced training courses with training on complex equipment and the study of special techniques for movement and breathing under water.

Diving center "Similan"

The Similan diving center specializes in diving excursions to the Similan Islands.

The center is located in the center of Khao Lak. This is almost a family business that specializes in visiting and exploring the underwater life of the Similan Islands. A special program has even been developed here that allows everyone - with different levels of training and experience - to take part in a diving safari.

Diving training and excursions are usually conducted in very small groups; experienced, certified instructors speak several languages. The center strives for comfort and positive emotions, which should be received by all participants in events.

The most popular attractions in Khao Lak with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places to visit famous places of Khao Lak on our website.


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