Map of Japan with islands in Russian. Japan is a country of secrets and mysteries

Japan on the world map

Detailed map of Japan

Japan map

Japan on the world map is located in the east of Ahti. This state is officially called "Nihon Koku". A map of Japan will show that the country is located in Pacific Ocean. The state is washed by the waters of the Okhotsk and East China Seas. In the south, the country's neighbor is the island of Taiwan. In the north is Russia. Geographic map Japan will show that the country has 6,852 islands. Of these, the four largest form the main territory of the state. These are the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku.

The administrative map of Japan in Russian will help you navigate by city. The capital of the country is Tokyo. Plan a visit memorable places A map of Japan with attractions will help. Tourists go on excursions to ancient castles, as well as natural monuments, for example, go to Mount Fuji.

When traveling around the country, you will need a detailed map of Japan. It can be downloaded from the Arrivo website.

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Japan, or as it is also called, “the land of the rising sun,” attracts tourists with its incredible spirituality and depth of culture, a combination of ancient architectural monuments and ultra-modern cities. The largest Japanese companies have long been in leading positions in many sectors of the economy. However, tourists going here on holiday should know that this pleasure is not cheap, and prices are high all year round. Let's get acquainted with basic information about Japan.

Location, composition and cities

Japan is located in eastern Asia and is an island archipelago. It consists of four large islands - Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, as well as a number of small formations.

Largest cities in Japan: Tokyo, Sapporo, Kyoto, Yokohama, Kobe, Nura and Nagoya.

Capital Tokyo- Tokyo city.

Borders and area of ​​Japan

Japan's area is 377,835 square kilometers. The country's territory is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean and three seas - Okhotsk, Japan and East China.

Japan map

Japan time zone

Population of Japan

126,287,000 people (as of mid-2015). The male population is 48.7%, and the female population is 51.3%.


The official language is Japanese.


The main religions are Buddhism and Shintoism (up to 95% in total).


Official currency unit- Japanese yen.

Medical care and insurance

Japan has one of the most high levels medicine in the world, as evidenced by long life expectancy. Most medical facilities are located in major cities and is owned by private companies. The cost of services is very high, for example, you will soon have to pay about $20 just for a call, not counting the cost of services and medications. In order to avoid such costs, it is issued medical insurance. It costs around $10-15 per week, with insurance coverage up to $50,000.

Mains voltage

100 Volts with a frequency of 50 or Hz.

International dialing code

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The land of the rising sun, full of secrets, riddles and contrasts, Japan, occupies very little space on the world map.

But so small, it has managed to become a country that never ceases to amaze.

In just over 150 years, it was able to go from a country closed to “gaijins” to one of the world’s industrial and economic leaders.

The only state against which they used nuclear weapon, managed to fully recover from this disaster.

In contact with

Where is Japan on the world map

The Japanese islands on the world map are located off the Pacific coast of Asia. The country is located northeast of China and is separated from it by the East China Sea.

Let's take a look at the world map - Japan only occupies a small part. But at the same time, on the map it is easy to find its territory, which is 4 large islands and almost 7 thousand small ones.

Note: The area of ​​the country, spread over many islands, is 377.9 thousand km2.

In terms of territory, Japan is superior to its neighbors such as South Korea And .

Who does it border with?

Examining a photo of a world map, it is easy to discover that Japan has no land borders, and total length coastline is 29.8 thousand km. At 200 nautical miles the country's special economic zone extends from the coast, the territorial sea includes up to 12 nautical miles, for international straits the distance is slightly less.

On political map world, it is also noticeable that Japan borders by sea with countries such as Russia, China and the Republic of Korea. Japan has unresolved issues with each of its neighbors. disputed territories. In particular, with Russia this is an issue regarding the ownership of the islands that are part of the Kuril Islands. These are southern Kurile Islands– Shikotan, Habamai, Iturup and Kunashir.

Features of the geographical location

The islands are dominated by mountainous terrain. There are many volcanoes, both extinct and active. The entire territory of the country is located at the junction of several tectonic plates. Because of this, there are so many volcanoes on the islands and earthquakes often occur.

In the new and modern history Three strong earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 7 are known. Such earthquakes are also dangerous because they can cause a tsunami, which happened in March 2011.

One of largest volcanoes is Fujiyama. Its conical outlines are well known even to those who have never been to the country. Even though Fujiyama is active volcano, the mountain itself is revered as sacred place. Fuji is the private property of a Shinto shrine and a place of pilgrimage for representatives of not only Shinto, but also Buddhist cults. This place is also very attractive for tourists.

Despite the fact that there are so many mountains here and active volcanic activity, the region is very poor in mineral reserves.

The country's island position made it quite isolated from Western influence during the Great Mighty Period. geographical discoveries. When they first encountered strangers, the Japanese completely closed themselves off from the outside world and maintained this isolation until the mid-19th century.

Climatic features

The climate in Japan is quite moderate, with all 4 seasons changing here. Wherein temperature regime in the north of the country can be very different from the south. Winds have a strong influence on climate.

If we talk about the division into climatic zones, then in Japan we can fairly roughly distinguish six zones:

  1. Hokkaido is located further north than all the others big islands and is characterized by the lowest temperatures for Japan. Winters here are quite frosty and last long, and summers are quite cool.
  2. In the northern part Sea of ​​Japan, which separates Japan from the Asian continent, northeast winds prevail in winter, bringing snow. Summers are cooler here than on the Pacific coast, but high temperatures can occur at times. This is due to warm winds blowing from the mountains.
  3. The Central Highlands are dominated by an island climate and experience fairly large temperature fluctuations between summer and summer. in winter. Quite strong fluctuations are also observed between day and night temperatures.
  4. The interior of the Sea of ​​Japan has a temperate climate because mountains block cold air masses.
  5. The Pacific zone usually experiences cold winters with little snow and hot, humid summers.
  6. Only the southwestern islands boast a subtropical climate with warm winter and hot summer. During the rainy seasons there is a lot of rainfall and there can be typhoons - strong tropical cyclones with low air pressure at its center.

Internal organization

Let's talk about the state itself - how everything is structured from the inside. Here travelers will find a lot of useful information.

Administrative structure

Japan is divided into 47 territories called prefectures. The largest prefecture is the entire island of Hokkaido and is governed by a governor. The remaining prefectures are governed by prefects.

Within the prefectures, they are divided into smaller units:

  • in Hokkaido there are 14 districts;
  • in other prefectures - counties;
  • There are also special cities, 19 in total.

The level of local government is also presented. Municipalities operate mainly within one settlement and have fairly broad powers.


According to the census, on March 1, 2015, the population of Japan was 126.9 million people, which is not much less than the population of Russia. The population has been declining since 2004. It is one of the oldest countries and has the highest life expectancy in the world.

More than 20% of the population are people aged 65 and older. Children under 14 years of age occupy age structure only 13%.

The ethnic composition of the country is very homogeneous - more than 98% of the population is Japanese. There are small diasporas of Koreans and Chinese, about 500-600 thousand people. At the same time, most of them have completely assimilated, they bear Japanese names and speak Japanese.

National language

Japanese is the main language spoken by the vast majority of the country's inhabitants. There are two endangered languages: Ainu and Ryukyuan. The Ainu language is common in Hokkaido and is the mother tongue of Hokkaido's original inhabitants, the Ainu, but is currently only spoken by older people. The Ryukyu language, rather a group of languages ​​related to Japanese, is also endangered. It is considered a dialect of the Japanese language and is used more among older people.


Shinto is a traditional Japanese religion. The Japanese themselves have always believed that natural phenomena have a divine origin and believed that spirits can live in every living creature and object related to the surrounding nature. They worshiped these spirits. Subsequently, with the advent of Buddhism, Shinto absorbed many traditions and practices.

These two religions are the most common among the Japanese. They are preached by more than 70% of the population. Confucianism also had a certain influence; there are followers of Zen Buddhism and Amidism. Christianity is less widespread; there is a small Muslim diaspora.

Japan is characterized by mixing religious beliefs Therefore, they often mix the practices of different religions, celebrating Shinto holidays, holding wedding ceremonies according to the rules of Christianity, and funerals according to Buddhist canons.


Since 1968, the capital of Japan has been Tokyo. Until the 12th century, the capital changed very often - this was due to the peculiarities of the establishment of power in that period. But starting in 1192, Kyoto was the capital of Japan for almost 700 years.

Tokyo represents the largest urban economy in the world. It is the world's largest agglomeration, home to more than 38 million people.

Note: in fact, Tokyo is not even a city, it is a metropolitan prefecture, which consists of 62 administrative territories.

Governance of the country

Japan is a constitutional monarchy, and its political structure operates within the framework of parliamentary democracy, formed on the principles of parliamentarism. The Emperor is the symbol of the state, performing only ceremonial actions, and all his political actions are coordinated with the Cabinet of Ministers.

Parliament is the highest governing body of the country, performing a legislative function. The structure of parliament is somewhat similar to the Russian one: a two-tier system of representation in the chambers. The lower house has the main function of lawmaking. The Upper House reviews bills passed by the Lower House.

Executive power is in the hands of the Cabinet of Ministers, which is appointed by Parliament. The Cabinet of Ministers is headed by the Prime Minister.


The currency of Japan is the yen. Refers to the number of reserve currencies.

It refers to currencies with a free exchange rate, in other words, its exchange rate relative to other currencies is established during free trading on the foreign exchange market and is in no way regulated by the state.


Japan has a special visa policy towards Russia, i.e. Russians can enter the country only with a visa.

To obtain it, you must contact the consulate.

Visa application is free. A visa can be issued for a period of up to 3 years, while the duration of 1 period of stay should not exceed 30 days.

Note: invitations have been canceled since 2018. Now you just need to collect the usual package of documents, and at the airport of arrival take a photo and scan your palm.

How long does it take to fly to Japan?

There are a total of 27 airports in the country, 3 of which have international status.

The closest way to get there is from, there is a direct flight, and the flight duration is only 3 hours.

It will take a little longer to get from Novosibirsk, and the flight will have a transfer. Duration: approximately 6 hours.

A direct flight from Moscow takes 9-10 hours. A flight from St. Petersburg will take approximately the same time.


Answering the question where Japan is on the world map, we found out that it is a maritime country, which means ports play the most important role in its life and economy, because most of the cargo is delivered by sea. Also, almost all exports are carried out by sea. In addition, the state has a fairly large fishing fleet.

There are six largest ports here:

  1. Kitakyushi - specializes in Asian cargo turnover.
  2. Kobe is the world's largest port, with flights to more than 500 ports around the world.
  3. Nagoya specializes only in international cargo transportation.
  4. Osaka - ferries, container traffic and passenger traffic are concentrated here.
  5. Shimonseki - here the main specialization is trade flights.
  6. Tokyo has a universal specialization, accepting both cargo and passenger ships.

Large islands

Now let's explore the map of Japan with islands.

It comes in different languages, including Russian:

  1. The largest island is Honshu, where the main trading and industrial centers countries.
  2. Hokkaido is the northern part of the archipelago, the second largest.
  3. Kyushu specializes in agriculture. Some industrial production is concentrated in the north of the island, in the part closer to Honshu.
  4. Shikoku is the smallest of the main islands and is not economically integrated into the country's economy. Industry is also concentrated in the north, while the south is predominantly agricultural.

Popular cities

All cities are interesting to tourists; in each you can find interesting sights. But most tourists start their trip from the capital. It is in Tokyo that everything that attracts many travelers is concentrated. Huge transport interchanges, unprecedented skyscrapers that create futuristic landscapes.

Imperial Palace, suburbs that have retained the charm of antiquity. This city has an incredible fusion of history and modern culture. There is a whole area for gourmets - Ginza. History buffs will also find a place to hang out. Anime culture attracts special attention.

The historical center of Asakusa is definitely worth a visit here.

Kyoto, the former capital of the state, is also loved by tourists. Here is the most famous geisha quarter.

This city is also the center of religious buildings - there are more than one and a half thousand Buddhist temples and about 400 Shinto.

If you are interested modern architecture and the bustling life of the city, then you should definitely visit Yokohama.

Amusement parks and skyscrapers can provide an unforgettable experience.

Without a doubt, you should not go on a trip without at least short guide in Japan in Russian or English language, if you know him perfectly. Often such reference books show a map of the world, indicate where the state being described is located, and much more.


This is a country with an ancient and unique culture that was able to integrate into the world economy and become one of its leaders. A country of contrasts and surprises, surprising and enchanting. If you want to plunge into the secrets of Asian culture and try the delights of a modern metropolis in one place, then be sure to come to the land of the rising sun.

Japan - island country East Asia, located in the Pacific Ocean. To the east of Japan are North and South Korea, to the west -. The country is located on an archipelago of 6,852 islands, 97% of the area is occupied by four of them. Area - 377,944 sq. km, population - 126 million people, capital - Tokyo.

The relief is a combination of coastal and mountainous types. Approximately 80% of the country's territory is occupied by low steep mountains and elevations up to 1,600–1,700 m. The flat areas of the country are narrow strips coastal zones and river valleys. Small plains are often adjacent to bays, of which there are many, especially in southern Japan.

Up to 1.5 thousand earthquakes occur in Japan every year. The country has 67 living volcanoes, 15 of which are active. The most high mountain Japan's Fuji, 3,776 m high, is a dormant volcano.

The climate of Japan is varied, but generally favorable for living; it is formed by monsoons, which bring heavy summer rains and winter snowfalls to the north of the country. In the southern regions - the tropics and subtropics, in these areas two harvests are harvested per year. Snow occurs throughout Japan, but in the south it occurs only a few days a year, and in the north for more than three months. In the lowlands in winter the temperature reaches +4–8 °C. In summer it can fluctuate from +22 to +28 °C. The average precipitation level in most of the territory is 1,700–2,000 mm, in the south up to 4,000 mm.

Detailed map of Japan in Russian online. Satellite map Japan with cities and resorts, roads, streets and houses. Japan on the world map - a country often called the land of the rising sun, is located in the Pacific Ocean next to east coast Asia. Total Japan owns 6800 small islands, but the main part of the country is located on only 4 of them.

Japan - Wikipedia

Population of Japan: 126,225,000 people (2018)
Capital of Japan: city ​​of Tokyo (since 1868)
Largest cities in Japan: Tokyo, Kyoto, Yokohama, Osaka, Saitama, Fukuoka, Sapporo, Nagoya, Kobe, Kawasaki.
Japan dialing code: 81

Japan city maps

Sights of Japan:

What to see in Japan: Mount Fuji, Todai-ji Temple, Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, Himeji Castle, Shibuya Area, Mount Koyasan, Kumano Nachi Taisha, Ishigaki Island, Kotoku-in, Hiroshima Peace Memorial, Happo-en Garden, Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park, Kiyomizu -dera, Tokyo Tower, Kinkaku-ji Golden Pavilion, Itsukushima Shrine, Shirakawa-go and Gokayama, Osaka Castle, Tubu-Sangaku National Park, Nagoya Atsuta Temple, Tokyo Imperial Palace, Kegon Falls, Toyota Mega Web Exhibition Center, Disneyland in Tokyo, Hanami.

Climate of Japan: Japan has very distinct four seasons. In summer – heat prevails with a temperature of + 25 +26 C, in winter snow falls. But the most significant season in Japan is spring, when sakura. This is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena, which is accompanied by holidays throughout the country. Since the Japanese philosophy is based on the desire for harmony with nature, most of their holidays are directly related to natural phenomena and the seasons.

Capital of Japan– the city of Tokyo, one of the noisiest and most densely populated cities in the world. Today its population is 13 million people. The official language is Japanese, but the majority of the population speaks English.

Japan is one of the few countries that still honor and observe the traditions of their ancestors. Many Japanese wear traditional kimono clothing in everyday life and attach special importance to the tea ceremony, which originated in Japan in ancient times. It is impossible not to mention Japanese cuisine. It is based on dishes made from rice, seaweed and seafood. Home of the world famous dish sushi- namely Japan.

Holidays in Japan: V last years Japan has become especially attractive to tourists due to its wide variety of recreational activities. Beach, cultural and ski holidays, holidays at the famous hot springs of Japan - all this diversity has become a lure for tourists and lovers of new experiences. The most popular Japanese resorts are Furano, Ovani and Okinawa.

Resorts of Japan:

Beach resorts in Japan: Okinawa Island, Kerama Islands, Zamami, Gahi, Agenashiku, Tokashiki Island, Tsuken, Kudaka, Minna, Kamiyama, Taketomi Islands, Yonaguni, Ishigaki, Iriomote. Medical resorts Japan with hot springs: Atami, Atagawa, Beppu, Nikko, Ibusuki, Hakone, Kinosaki, Shikine.


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