Countries of the world. France. French Republic How to make a project about France

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The Eiffel Tower is the most recognizable architectural landmark of Paris, world-famous as a symbol of France, named after its designer Gustav Eiffel and a place of pilgrimage for tourists. The designer himself simply called it a 300-meter tower.

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The Pantheon is a building located in the Latin Quarter that was originally built as a church dedicated to Saint Genevieve, but after numerous changes it became a burial place famous people. This is one of the first buildings of the neoclassical movement with a facade modeled on that of the Pantheon in Rome, topped with a small dome.

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Currently, the Sorbonne is called the historical University of Paris, which is located in central region Ile-de-France is perhaps the most famous university in continental Europe. Today the Sorbonne is a powerful institution, consisting of 13 universities located throughout Paris, with their own specialization and faculties, and at the same time the authority of the Sorbonne as a whole.

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The Louvre in Paris is famous museum capital of France, the most popular museum in the world, and at the same time the third largest. The Louvre is located on the right bank of the Seine River in the 1st municipal district of Paris, where in the building of the Louvre Palace on an area of ​​60.6 thousand sq.m. About 35 thousand objects created during the period from the 6th millennium BC are exhibited. e. until the 19th century AD e.

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Aquaboulevard is located in the southwest of Paris and covers an area of ​​7,000 square meters. Construction of the water park began in 1986. It was planned to invest 280 million francs, but in fact, 450 million were spent on construction. Three years later, the complex was built, which became the largest water park in Europe.

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Disneyland Paris- a grand complex of amusement parks. There are two people working at Disneyland theme park attractions. The first is the classic Disneyland Park. The second is Walt Disney Studios Park - the “kitchen” of the film industry.

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The Catacombs of Paris are the famous Parisian underground ossuaries, burial places of skeletons. Organized in a renewed part of an extensive urban network underground tunnels and artificial caves at the end of the 18th century, they became an attractive place for tourists. The official name of the catacombs is “Municipal Ossuaries”. 45-minute excursions are organized here, but you should take care of warm clothes - the temperature in the catacombs is 14 degrees above zero.

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Champ de Mars is famous park in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, wedged between Eiffel Tower from the northwest and the Military School from the southwest. Located in the western part of the city on the left bank of the Seine. This park received its name in honor of the ancient Roman Campus Martius.

France France, official name The French Republic (French, République Française) is a state in Western Europe. France, official name French Republic (French, République Française) is a state in Western Europe. The capital is Paris. The capital is Paris.

France France is washed in the west and north by the Atlantic Ocean (Bay of Biscay and the English Channel), in the south by the Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Lyon and the Ligurian Sea). It borders in the south with Spain, in the northeast with Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, in the east with Italy and Switzerland. France is washed in the west and north by the Atlantic Ocean (Bay of Biscay and the English Channel), in the south by the Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Lyon and the Ligurian Sea). It borders in the south with Spain, in the northeast with Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, in the east with Italy and Switzerland.

France North - South 946 km North - South 946 km West - East 928 km West - East 928 km Area km 2 Area km 2 Form of government - presidential-parliamentary republic Form of government - presidential-parliamentary republic Since January 1, 2006, metropolitan France (i.e. French territories located in Europe) is divided into the following hierarchically subordinate parts: Since January 1, 2006, metropolitan France (i.e. French territories located in Europe) is divided into the following hierarchically subordinate parts: 22 regions 96 departments 329 districts of cantons communes 3 the largest communes of Paris, Marseille and Lyon are in turn divided into 45 municipal districts Administratively -territorial division

France Flag of France Flag of France Its colors are explained by some as the three words of the national motto: "Liberty, equality, fraternity." Others attribute the blue color to the banner of the Christian preacher St. Martin, the white color to the banner of Joan of Arc, and the red color to the famous Oriflamme, the sacred military banner of the French kings.

Anthem of France (La Marseillaise) Allons enfants de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrivé! Contre nous de la tyrannie! L "étendard sanglant est levé (bis) Entendez-vous dans nos campagnes Mugir ces féroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras. Egorger vos fils, vos compagnes! Refrain Aux armes citoyens, Formez vos bataillons Marchons, marchons Qu"un sang impur Abreuve nos sillons Allons enfants de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrivé! Contre nous de la tyrannie! L "étendard sanglant est levé (bis) Entendez-vous dans nos campagnes Mugir ces féroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras. Egorger vos fils, vos compagnes! Refrain Aux armes citoyens, Formez vos bataillons Marchons, marchons Qu"un sang impur Abreuve nos sillons Forward sons of the fatherland, The day of glory has come! Tyranny is against us! The bloody banner is raised Agree in our campaigns Are these cruel soldiers bellowing? They go into your hands. (They go) Slaughter your sons, your girlfriends! Citizens to arms, Create your battalions March, march So that unclean blood Watered our fields. Forward, sons of the fatherland, the Day of glory has come! Tyranny is against us! The bloody banner is raised Agree in our campaigns Are these cruel soldiers bellowing? They go into your hands. (They go) Slaughter your sons, your girlfriends! Citizens to arms, Create your battalions March, march So that unclean blood waters our fields

France The Gali rooster is the symbol of the country. According to legend, the Gauls successfully bred chickens and roosters. A certain role was also played by the fact that in Latin the word rooster (gallus) and the very name of the Gauls (Gallus) are homonyms. This symbol represents the pride, courage and beauty of France. The Gali rooster is a symbol of the country. According to legend, the Gauls successfully bred chickens and roosters. A certain role was also played by the fact that in Latin the word rooster (gallus) and the very name of the Gauls (Gallus) are homonyms. This symbol represents the pride, courage and beauty of France.

France Western and northern regions France plains (Paris Basin and others) and lowlands; in the center and in the east there are medium-high mountains (Massif Central, Vosges, Jura). In the southwest of the Pyrenees, on southeast Alps ( highest point France and Western Europe Mont Blanc mountain, 4807 m). The western and northern regions of France are plains (Paris Basin and others) and lowlands; in the center and in the east there are medium-high mountains (Massif Central, Vosges, Jura). In the southwest of the Pyrenees, in the southeast of the Alps (the highest point in France and Western Europe is Mount Mont Blanc, 4807 m).

France general information: average temperatures in January 1-8°C, July °C; precipitation mm per year, in the mountains in some places 2000 mm or more. General information: average temperatures in January are 1-8°C, in July °C; precipitation mm per year, in the mountains in some places 2000 mm or more. Climate diagram of Paris Climate diagram of Paris

France The climate is maritime, temperate, transitional to continental in the east, on the coast Mediterranean Sea subtropical Mediterranean. The climate is temperate maritime, transitional to continental in the east, and subtropical Mediterranean on the Mediterranean coast. Large rivers: Seine, Rhone, Loire, Garonne, in the east part of the Rhine. Large rivers: Seine, Rhone, Loire, Garonne, in the east part of the Rhine. About 28% of the territory is under forest (mostly broad-leaved, in the south evergreen forests). About 28% of the territory is under forest (mostly broad-leaved, in the south evergreen forests). water surface - 0.26% water surface - 0.26%

France Loire (French Loire) is the most big river in France, 1012 km long, basin area 117 thousand km². It originates in the Cevennes in the south of France, flows north to Orleans, then turns west. Flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The Loire (French Loire) is the largest river in France, 1012 km long, with a basin area of ​​117 thousand km². It originates in the Cevennes in the south of France, flows north to Orleans, then turns west. Flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Loire on the map Loire on the map

France Seine (775 km, from Latin “calm”) is a flat river. It forms a widely branched system with large right tributaries Marne and Oise and left tributary Ion. The Seine is navigable and facilitates the movement of goods between Paris and Rouen. Seine (775 km, from Latin “tranquility”) is a flat river. It forms a widely branched system with large right tributaries Marne and Oise and left tributary Ion. The Seine is navigable and facilitates the movement of goods between Paris and Rouen. Seine on the map Seine on the map

France Lake Geneva(Leman, French Lac Léman, Le Léman, Lac de Genève) second largest freshwater lake in central Europe, located in Switzerland and France. It is also the largest alpine lake. Lake Geneva (Leman, French Lac Léman, Le Léman, Lac de Genève) is the second largest freshwater lake in central Europe, located in Switzerland and France. It is also the largest alpine lake. Height above sea level 372 m Height above sea level 372 m Dimensions 73×14 km Dimensions 73×14 km Mirror area 582 km 2 Mirror area 582 km 2 Greatest depth 310 m Greatest depth 310 m Volume 89 km 3 Volume 89 km 3 Catchment area 7395 km 2 Catchment area 7395 km 2 Inflowing Rhone River Inflowing Rhone River Outflowing Rhone River Outflowing Rhone River

France Population 60.2 million people (over 90% French). Population 60.2 million people (over 90% French). The population of France is constantly growing at an average of 0.5% per year. The population of France is constantly growing at an average of 0.5% per year. According to the density criterion, France is a sparsely populated country - a little more than 105 people per 1 sq. km. According to the density criterion, France is a sparsely populated country - a little more than 105 people per 1 sq. km. Currently, the number of births is 40% higher than the number of deaths. The total fertility rate in France is 2.4 children per woman. Life expectancy for French women has increased over the past 40 years from 67 years to 81.5 years, and for French women - from 62 to more than 73 years. Infant mortality in France is 6.7%, one of the lowest in the world. globe. Currently, the number of births exceeds the number of deaths by 40%. The total fertility rate in France is 2.4 children per woman. Life expectancy for French women has increased over the past 40 years from 67 years to 81.5 years, and for French women - from 62 to more than 73 years. Infant mortality in France is 6.7% and is one of the lowest on the globe. The active population is 25.1 million people, that is, 43.4% of the inhabitants. The active population is 25.1 million people, that is, 43.4% of the inhabitants.

Economy of France France is a highly developed industrial-agrarian country and occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of industrial production. GNP per capita dollars per year. GDP per capita $. France is a highly developed industrial-agrarian country and occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of industrial production. GNP per capita dollars per year. GDP per capita $. Extraction of iron and uranium ores, bauxite. The leading branches of the manufacturing industry are mechanical engineering, including automotive, electrical and electronic, aviation, shipbuilding and machine tool manufacturing. Extraction of iron and uranium ores, bauxite. The leading branches of the manufacturing industry are mechanical engineering, including automotive, electrical and electronic, aviation, shipbuilding and machine tool manufacturing. Developed production of chemical and petrochemical products, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Developed production of chemical and petrochemical products, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. French clothing, shoes, jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, cognacs, and cheeses are very famous on the world market. French clothing, shoes, jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, cognacs, and cheeses are very famous on the world market. France is one of Europe's largest producers of agricultural products and occupies one of the leading places in the world in the number of cattle, pigs, poultry and the production of milk, eggs, and meat. The main branch of agriculture is animal husbandry and meat and dairy production. Grain farming predominates in crop production; The main crops are wheat, barley, corn. Viticulture (the world's leading wine producer), vegetable growing and horticulture are developed; floriculture. Fishing and oyster farming. France is one of Europe's largest producers of agricultural products and occupies one of the leading places in the world in the number of cattle, pigs, poultry and the production of milk, eggs, and meat. The main branch of agriculture is animal husbandry and meat and dairy production. Grain farming predominates in crop production; The main crops are wheat, barley, corn. Viticulture (the world's leading wine producer), vegetable growing and horticulture are developed; floriculture. Fishing and oyster farming. Exports: engineering products, including transport equipment (about 14% of the value), cars (7%), agricultural and food products (17%; one of the leading European exporters), chemicals and semi-finished products, etc. Exports: engineering products, including transport equipment (about 14% of the value), cars (7%), agricultural and food products (17%; one of the leading European exporters), chemicals and semi-finished products, etc.

Economy of France (firms) Leading branches of French industry: Leading branches of French industry: - the automotive industry produces about 3 million passenger cars per year - Renault, Peugeot, Citroen; - electronics, electromechanics, communications - Alcatel, Thomson, Alstom, Matra, Schneider; - aircraft manufacturing - Aerospazial, Snekma, Erbus, Dassault; - metallurgy - Uzinor-Sasilor; - chemistry and petrochemistry - Rhone-Poulenc, Elf, Air Liquide, Total; - railway technology produces the best high-speed trains in the world; - housing and office construction - Bouygues, SGE; - space industry and scientific research; - military production; - textile industry, clothing, footwear; - perfumery and cosmetics sector; - the automotive industry produces about 3 million passenger cars per year - Renault, Peugeot, Citroen; - electronics, electromechanics, communications - Alcatel, Thomson, Alstom, Matra, Schneider; - aircraft manufacturing - Aerospazial, Snekma, Erbus, Dassault; - metallurgy - Uzinor-Sasilor; - chemistry and petrochemistry - Rhone-Poulenc, Elf, Air Liquide, Total; - railway technology produces the best high-speed trains in the world; - housing and office construction - Bouygues, SGE; - space industry and scientific research; - military production; - textile industry, clothing, footwear; - perfumery and cosmetics sector; - “high fashion” - Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel, Dior, Nina Ricci, Balmain, Paco Rabanne, Lacroix, etc.; - jewelry - Van Cleef and Arpels, Boucheron, Mauboussin, etc. - "high fashion" - Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel, Dior, Nina Ricci, Balmain, Paco Rabanne, Lacroix, etc.; - jewelry art - Van Cleef and Arpels, Boucheron, Mauboussin, etc.

Sights of France Avignon: Papal Palace(Le Palais des Papes) and the Saint-Benezet Bridge (Pont St Bénezet). The city is also famous for the theater festival that takes place here every summer. The festival includes not only traditional theatrical performances, but also dance, music, and cinema. Avignon: Papal Palace (Le Palais des Papes) and Pont St Benezet. The city is also famous for the theater festival that takes place here every summer. The festival includes not only traditional theatrical performances, but also dance, music, and cinema. Photo: Papal Palace Photo: Papal Palace

Sights of France Loire Valley: famous for its fine wines, luxurious castles and Renaissance intrigue. The Loire Valley boasts both a wealth of history and architecture. Scattered throughout the valley magnificent castles and ancient cities. Loire Valley: Famed for its fine wines, opulent castles and Renaissance intrigue. The Loire Valley boasts both a wealth of history and architecture. Magnificent castles and ancient cities are scattered throughout the valley. Photo: Chateau Chambord Photo: Chateau Chambord

Sights of France Cannes - the “city of stars” and a fashionable resort Cote d'Azur. The city is especially famous for the international film festival held here every May. Cannes is the “city of stars” and a fashionable resort on the Cote d'Azur. The city is especially famous for the international film festival held here every May. Photo: Cannes embankment Photo: Cannes embankment

Sights of France Nice - main city French Riviera, one of the famous cities of France, where tourists from all countries flock in winter and summer, paying tribute to the green, comfortable and modern resort with active cultural life. Nice is the main city of the French Riviera, one of the famous cities in France, where tourists from all countries flock in winter and summer, paying tribute to the green, comfortable and modern resort with an active cultural life. Photo: beaches of Nice Photo: beaches of Nice

Sights of France Monaco: Old city, princely palace, Napoleon Museum, Oceanographic Museum, Museum wax figures Princes of Monaco. City of Monaco: old town, princely palace, Napoleon Museum, Oceanographic Museum, wax museum of the Princes of Monaco. Photo: Port of Monaco Photo: Port of Monaco

Sights of France City of Paris: bridges of Paris, Monomatre, Latin Quarter, Pantheon, Disneyland, Place de la Bastille, Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral, Louvre, Versailles, Eiffel Tower City of Paris: bridges of Paris, Monomatre, Latin Quarter, Pantheon , Disneyland, Place de la Bastille, Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral, Louvre, Versailles, Eiffel Tower Photo: Louvre Photo: Louvre

Republique française

Square— 674,685 sq. km.
Population— 66.2 million people
Language- French
Form of government- presidential-parliamentary republic
Date of foundation- 843 (Treaty of Verdun), 1958 (Fifth Republic)
Largest cities — ,
Currency— euro
Timezone— +1, in summer +2
Telephone code — +33

At the official level, the name of the country sounds like French Republic. The capital of the country is the city. France is located in western Europe and, in addition to the main territory, includes the island of Corsica, located in the vast Mediterranean Sea, as well as overseas departments and dependent territories. total area The country's territory is 674,685 thousand square kilometers. Administratively, France is divided into regions, of which there are about 30. Each region has its own budget and tax levels, but they are not autonomous. The population of France is represented by ethnic French (about 90%), as well as such national minorities as Catalans, Corsicans, Bretons, Jews and others. Religiously, France is multifaceted: the bulk of the population are Catholics, but there are also Muslims, Protestants, and Jews. French is the official language of the country. Along with official language, there are also about ten varieties of regional languages.

France - video

In France, fairly dry and hot summers give way to cool and rainy winters. France can be called mountainous country. The mountains here are represented by such large massifs as the Alps and the Pyrenees. There are a great many large and small rivers on the territory of the country. The largest of them are, naturally, the Seine, as well as the Rhone, Garonne and Loire.

France is one of the key participants in world political events. The centers of such large organizations of world importance as UNESCO, Interpol, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the International Bureau of Weights and Measures are located here. Along with this, the country is one of the largest tourist centers Europe and the whole world.

Sights of France

Of course, the first and most visited attraction, cultural value and symbol of the country is, which is located in the capital of France - Paris. The tower was built at the end of the 18th century according to the design of designer Gustav Eiffel on the Champs de Mars. The height of the tower is approximately 320 meters.

No less famous is Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral, located in the east of the Ile de la Cité. Here, the monumentality of the Norman Romanesque style is combined with Gothic lightness, which together creates the uniqueness of the architectural ensemble.

It is impossible not to mention the world famous art museum of France -. The museum is located in Paris on the Rue de Rivoli, on the right bank of the Seine. The Louvre is a former building royal palace with a statue of King Louis XIV, marking the starting point of the "historical" axis of Paris. Among the exhibits stored in the museum there are such masterpieces of art as the Venus de Milo, Mona Lisa or Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, paintings by Titian and Rembrandt and many others.

In one of the most major cities France - , located Capitol, which is at the same time the city hall and the city opera house with an orchestra that is more than two hundred years old. The length of the Capitol façade is 130 meters.

Not far from Paris is the city of Versailles, which tourists will be interested in visiting Palace of Versailles ceremonial palace kings of France, designed by the architect Louis le Vaux. In the 18th century, the palace was a role model for architects throughout Europe.

About 30 kilometers from Paris is located European Disneyland- huge tourist complex, which includes hotels, restaurants, cafes, entertainment attractions and much more. It is an exact copy of an American amusement park. Plus European Disneyland is that in addition to , every visitor, without flying Atlantic Ocean, can get acquainted with “a true piece of America.”

How can we not mention the world famous Champs Elysees- according to residents - “the most beautiful street in the world.” The Champs-Élysées is known for its luxurious houses and expensive shops. It hosts annual military parades from Arc de Triomphe to Place de la Concorde. World film premieres take place in local cinemas.

1. Tourists in France should carefully monitor their personal belongings. The theft of bags from passers-by by motorcyclists passing by is quite common here. To avoid becoming a victim of pickpockets, you should not leave personal belongings on the front seats of cars, be extremely careful at airports, train stations, public transport and supermarkets.

2. If you witness a traffic accident in which people were injured, then it is imperative to provide assistance to the victims. Otherwise, you face quite large financial fines, and even imprisonment, since in France this is considered a violation of the law.

3. You must always carry with you documents that prove your identity (original or officially certified copy). Representatives of the law may ask you to present this document, and if it is not there, you will have to proceed to the nearest police station to find out your identity.

4. Transporting narcotic or other prohibited substances is a criminal offense in France. Therefore, be prepared for thorough police checks of your belongings at checkpoints at airports and railway stations.

5. You need to be especially careful when crossing the road, even at pedestrian crossings, since local drivers do not always slow down in front of them, contrary to the prevailing opinion about the good manners of French motorists.

6. In local hotels and hotels of different levels you will be offered multiple meals only if you book a room for three to four days. Be careful when paying for hotels credit cards— fraud has been detected here in the form of using your data for illegal purposes.

7. Tipping in France ranges from 12 to 15% of the total price and is usually included in the bill for hotel rooms or restaurant orders. If you wish, you can leave the change when paying to the waiter or concierge.

8. There are very few Russian-speaking people among the service staff, but in many restaurants you can be offered a menu in Russian.

9. Since the beginning of 2008, France has passed a law banning smoking in all public places. A year earlier, such a ban on smoking in workplaces was introduced, in educational institutions, waiting rooms at train stations and airports. Smoking is allowed on open terraces, stadium stands and bus stops. Smoking is also permitted in hotel rooms unless the hotel is designated non-smoking.

10. Shops in France start working at 9 am and end at 18:30 - 19:00. Supermarkets are open until 21 - 22 hours. Banking hours: from 9 to 12 and from 14 to 17 hours. Museums open at 9-10 am and close at 4-5 pm. Temples are open from 8 am until late evening.

11. In order to find lost items, you need to contact the Objets trouves service - this is a French lost property office.

12. Oddly enough, in terms of price level it is not the most expensive in Europe. However prices hotel rooms or dining at restaurants can vary dramatically depending on the area in which you are located.

France on the map

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There are many different countries on Earth.

There are giant countries;

  • There are countries that are more like cities in area and population;
  • there are countries that occupy the entire continent;
  • There are countries that are located only on islands.

Each country is unique and inimitable!

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This map does not show plains and mountains in different colors, as in physical map, A different countries.

Maps that show different countries are called political maps.

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Work in pairs.

  • Review the political map of the world in the textbook on pages 126-127.
  • Show each other our country and the countries you know on the map.
  • Slide 5

    Work according to the textbook.

    Look at the photographs on pp. 128-129 of the textbook.

    Find the listed countries on political map peace.

    Slide 6


    • Great Britain
    • France
    • India
    • Japan
    • China
  • Slide 9

    Big Ben - bell tower in London.

    Clock tower rises 98 meters above the Thames embankment. Big Ben's dials face all 4 cardinal directions.

    Slide 10


    A gloomy, impenetrable fortress built on

    north bank of the River Thames, for a long time

    served as the residence of English monarchs.

    Slide 11

    Tower Bridge.

    A swing bridge in central London over the River Thames, near the Tower of London.

    Slide 12


    The capital of France, Paris, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

    Slide 13

    The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris.

    Its height together with the new antenna is 324 meters. The tower is the most visited landmark in the world.

    Slide 14


    One of the biggest art museums peace. The museum building is an ancient royal palace.

    The glass pyramid in Napoleon's courtyard serves as the main entrance to the Louvre and is one of the symbols of Paris.

    Slide 15

    Notre Dame Cathedral.

    Construction of the cathedral lasted more than 100 years.

    The cathedral was supposed to accommodate all the inhabitants.

    But while it was being built, the population of Paris grew several times.

    Slide 16


    The capital of the United States of America is the city of Washington. This city is named after the first American president.

    The 13 white and red stripes on the flag are the symbol of the first 13 states. Now there are exactly 50 of them and the same number of stars in the corner of the flag.

    Slide 17

    Statue of Liberty.

    The statue is located near the port itself big city USA - New York. This is a gift from French citizens for the centennial of the American Revolution.

    Since its discovery, the statue has served as a navigational landmark and was used as a lighthouse.

    Slide 18


    The amusement park opened in 1955, becoming the embodiment of Walt Disney's idea of ​​a park in which the world of cartoons and fairy tales was recreated, where everyone - both adults and children - would have fun.

    Slide 19


    The history of India goes back thousands of years. In the depths of the country there are ancient Indian fortresses, temples, cities, and among them the capital is Delhi.

    Slide 20

    Taj Mahal - mausoleum-mosque.

    Lotus Temple

    Slide 22

    Traditional Japanese houses have very little furniture. The entire floor is covered with rice straw mats. They sit on the floor when they have lunch, and sleep on the floor, with special mattresses laid out.

    France is a highly developed country, one of the world leaders. In terms of economic development, as well as in terms of export volume, it ranks 4th in the world after the USA, Japan and Germany. In 2007, agriculture, forestry and fishing accounted for 3% of GDP, industry and construction - 25%, and services - 72%. Despite the predominance of the service sector in the structure of the economy, industry retains a decisive role in the economy, and the mining industry is much inferior in importance to the manufacturing industry. The country produces uranium, as well as coal, natural gas and small amounts of oil. About 77% of electricity is generated by nuclear power plants (the highest share in the world), 14% by hydroelectric power plants, and over 8% by thermal power plants.
    Main manufacturing industries: aerospace, chemical (4th place in world exports), food (second only to the United States in terms of export volume), tires, electrical engineering, radio electronics, military, pharmaceutical, perfume, automotive, shipbuilding, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, oil refining . In France, energy and agricultural engineering, the production of locomotives and carriages, and the production of machinery and equipment for the textile industry are highly developed. The textile (cotton, wool, silk, linen, jute, production of fabrics from chemical fibers) and clothing industries are of great export importance.
    Paris is a recognized world center high fashion and production of luxury goods. In France, the leather and footwear industry and the production of gloves are developed. The production of glass, porcelain, crystal and mirrors, as well as the watch industry, has a long tradition. France is the birthplace of cognac and champagne, the leader in world winemaking.
    The country has a developed agro-industrial complex and a diversified highly productive agriculture. The leading industry in it is livestock farming: breeding cattle for meat and dairy production, pig farming, etc. In terms of poultry population, France ranks 8th in the world, in meat production - 4th, milk - 5th, butter - 3rd. e. Famous French cheeses are exported in large quantities (the country is second only to the United States in cheese production).
    In France, wheat, oats, barley, rye, corn, rice, sorghum, potatoes, vegetables and fruits, grapes, sugar beets, flax and tobacco are grown. Fishing is developed here (fishing for sardines, tuna, cod, and crustaceans not only off the coast of France, but also off the coast of Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland).
    Main export items: mechanical engineering products, aerospace industry, scientific instruments and instruments, cars, steel, chemicals, medicines, food, wine, tobacco products, yarn and fabrics, paper, clothing, perfumes.


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