Naryn-Kala Citadel. Derbent fortress. The most striking attraction of Derbent is the Naryn-Kala fortress. Where is the Naryn-Kala fortress located?

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The Naryn-Kala fortress, located in Dagestan, is real business card Derbent. Today this legendary citadel is included in the UNESCO list as a significant historical and cultural monument global significance. Despite the fact that not all parts of the fortress have survived to this day, this unique structure surprises with its scale and beauty. Inside are the famous water cisterns and reservoirs, thermal baths, the Juma Mosque, as well as the oldest cross-domed church. The last two buildings are currently the oldest churches in the Russian Federation.

The exact age of Naryn-Kala is unknown. Scientists agree that the construction of the complex took several centuries. In particular, the earliest buildings date back to the sixth century, and the later ones were completed by the fifteenth.

History of the Naryn-Kala fortress

The history of Derbent itself goes back more than five thousand years. According to the facts, the construction of the citadel began in the sixth century under the leadership of Shah Kavad. The work started by the Shah was continued by his sons and grandsons. The fortress wall, which was built by the son of Shah Khosrow the First Anushirvan, reaches a length of 40 kilometers. As planned, it protected the territory from barbarians who reached the city from the northern part through shallow water.

Place and purpose of construction of the fortress

During the early Middle Ages, the Persian state was regularly attacked by barbarian nomads. That is why, over time, it was decided to close the Caspian Gate between the sea itself and the spurs belonging to the Dzhalgan ridge. This could only be done by building a huge and powerful wall, which was absolutely impossible to break through with weapons of that time. The citadel was built not far from Derbent and for a long time only guards lived there, guarding the passage inside around the clock. Subsequently, it turned into a significant commercial, administrative and cultural center.

Citadel Power

The impressive defensive capability of the fortress is amazing to this day. Moreover, it was built in such a way that all the features of the relief were taken into account. The thickness of the walls reaches three meters, and in terms of its shaped structure from above, the entire fortress looks like an irregular polygon. All this is located on an impressive territory of 4.5 hectares.

Naryn-Kala from the inside

Everything on the territory of the complex was thought out in such a way that it could withstand the longest possible sieges. In order not to leave the territory without water, underground channels were dug, which filled internal reservoirs directly from mountain springs. One of these reservoirs was the local Christian church, which was built back in the fourth or fifth century, but was later abandoned, as a result of which it gradually went almost entirely underground. Surprisingly, this church has survived to this day. It is believed that this is the oldest Christian temple in Russia.

On the vast territory of the fortress there is the Juma Mosque, which is also considered one of the oldest in Russia, since it was built here in the eighth century. Starting from the fifteenth century, a madrasah was built next to the mosque.

New buildings inside the Naryn-Kala fortress

The Middle Ages were remembered in the history of Naryn-Kala for the fact that the Derbent khans settled here, who made the citadel their main residence for some time. In the eighteenth century, the khan's chambers were built here, and a little later - a divan-khana (office), zindans (prison basements) and several more administrative buildings. Among the Russian buildings is the guardhouse, which was built in the nineteenth century.

Amazing archaeological site

Archaeologists began working in Naryn-Kale only in the twentieth century to find out the true age of the citadel. The excavations made it possible to obtain more detailed data about the local settlements. In particular, it turned out that a fortified settlement on the territory of Naryn-Kala existed back in the eighth century BC. In addition, a large amount of ash was generated, which indicates the numerous fires that occurred here.

A huge open-air museum

The citadel is part of the State Historical and Architectural Reserve, established in 1989. The protected zone includes 2.044 hectares of land. Such an impressive territory contains about 250 cultural and historical monuments. However, tourists will be interested to see not only the fortress itself, but also visit the Old Town. The name of Derbent is literally translated from Persian as “Locked Gate”. The city has been closely connected with its legendary fortress since ancient times. Many associate it with this citadel. In 2013, according to the results of a vote, it turned out that among the residents of the Russian Federation, this fortress is in 15th place in the list of the most significant state attractions.

What to see on excursions in Naryn-Kale?

A small fragment of the Khan's palace, which was built in the eighteenth century, is open to tourists. Be sure to take a look at the baths - this is a unique semi-basement room, divided into two spacious halls with small rooms attached to each of them. You can look at the zindan-prison, which is made in depth (11 meters) and is distinguished by the shape of a jug. Sloping walls made it difficult for prisoners to climb up.

The Orta Kala gate, located in the southern wall, looks amazingly beautiful. Will amaze you and ancient system water supply to the citadel mentioned above. To this day, even stone and ceramic pipes from that period have been preserved. And, of course, a must-see is the Juma Mosque, as well as an ancient Christian temple.

You can visit here as part of a tour to Dagestan Treasures of the Land of Mountains

Operating mode:

in summer from 9:00 to 20:00, in winter from 9:00 to 18:00

Naryn-Kala Citadel in Derbent on the map:

Address: Russia, Dagestan, Derbent

GPS: 42.0527979778902, 48.2742194831371

Derbent (from Persian دربند‎ Darband - “Closed (connected) gates", Azeri. Dərbənd, Lezg. Kvevar, Avar. Derbend, Gor.-Heb. Derbend, tab. - Shagyur, Tsur, Tsalli, darg. Chulli (kait .), Chiali (akush.) - “fence, wall”, r. Derbend, laksk. Darbant, Churul - “stone”) - a city in Dagestan on a narrow passage between the Caspian Sea and the foothills of the Caucasus.

Derbent is considered one of the oldest “living” cities in the world. The first settlements arose here in the Early Bronze Age - at the end of the 4th millennium BC. e. The first mention of the Caspian Gate - the most ancient name of Derbent - dates back to the 6th century. BC e., it is cited by the famous ancient Greek geographer Hecataeus of Miletus.
Caravans of the Great Silk Road passed through Derbent, and at the same time the city was an important and convenient port. Its military importance can hardly be overestimated: from here the conquerors launched their campaigns both to the north (Mongols, Seljuk Turks) and to the south (from the Scythians and Khazars to the expeditionary forces of the Russian Empire).
The modern city was founded in 438 AD. e. like a Persian fortress, consisting of a citadel located on a hill (Naryn-kala) and two stone walls going from it to the sea, which blocked a narrow (3 km) passage between the sea and the Caucasus mountains and fenced off the territory of the city from the north and south.

Since 2003, the Naryn-Kala citadel, the Old Town and fortifications of Derbent have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

While we were driving to Derbent, we came across another landmark of Dagestan.
Pushkin-Tau (Izbergtau) is a mountain located in the Republic of Dagestan, in the vicinity of the city of Izberbash.
Located at an altitude of 220 meters above sea level.
Pushkin-Tau is a combination of many rocks that overlap each other, and only from one specific place the profile of the great poet A.S. Pushkin is clearly visible.
The face on Mount Pushkin-Tau has been known since ancient times and served as a landmark for ships sailing from the north. And in the last century, people were surprised to notice that he looked like Pushkin. And the mountain became widely known. In 1978, according to a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the autonomous republic, the rock was recognized as a natural monument of regional significance.

There are many legends about the occurrence of this “miracle” in Dagestan, but the most common is that when Pushkin was shot by Dantes, an earthquake occurred in Dagestan and a broken part of the rock created Pushkin’s profile. This remained a legend, since there was no evidence of an earthquake at that time.

We made a short stop to see how gates are made in one of the villages of Dagestan

Entire generations have been making gates. Agree, very high quality work.

An hour later we reached our destination. The majestic Naryn-Kala fortress, which I dreamed of visiting...

Both time and people were powerless in front of her. Like many centuries ago, Naryn-Kala stands on a high hill and protects ancient city. The height of its walls reaches 30 meters. Powerful fortress towers rise even higher. The walls and towers of the fortress are made of rectangular blocks, carefully fitted to each other, giving Naryn-Kala both a formidable and ceremonial appearance.

Bullet marks are visible on the walls...

Just like in a place where there is a landmark, you can buy various souvenirs as a keepsake. The prices, by the way, are quite inexpensive. This album with black and white photographs of Derbent costs only 100 rubles.

Here we come to the entrance.

Naryn-Kala is an ancient, pre-Arab fortress in the mountainous part of Derbent, connected to the Caspian Sea by double walls designed to block the so-called. Caspian gate to the Persian state.
The irregularly shaped fortress covers an area of ​​4.5 hectares. Its walls (approximately 180 meters wide and 280 meters long) are fortified with small towers (at a distance of 20-30 meters from each other). In the southwestern corner of the fortress there is a large square tower, which serves as a link between the fortress and the defensive wall. Additional protection There are steep mountain slopes on three sides.
Inside the fortress there are baths, water tanks and ruined buildings that suggest great antiquity. These include a cross-domed church of the 5th century, which was later rebuilt as a temple of fire worshipers and a mosque.

Detailed diagram of the citadel. You won't get lost here :)

As I said above, prices for tourists are very reasonable to look at this beautiful ancient monument. By the way, we had a wonderful guide with us :)

The first thing you notice when entering the fortress is a spring with clean water. The autonomous water supply system of the Naryn-Kala citadel deserves special attention. It consists of huge stone reservoirs into which water from mountain springs flowed through underground channels. Thanks to such a successful technical solution, the garrison and residents impregnable fortress could withstand a long siege without any problems.


"Secret Gate" People also called this gate the “Gate of Shame,” since the rulers of the city, in a moment of danger to themselves, left through these gates, leaving the defenders alone against the enemy. The gate is flanked with outside two rectangular projections, extending up to 8 meters, reinforced with inclined retaining walls, which form a narrow passage of up to three meters when approaching the gate.

Khan's bathhouse. An architectural monument, presumably built in the 16th - 17th centuries, the Khan's bathhouse is located in the northwestern part of the Naryn-Kala fortress in Derbent. The monument is a one-story semi-underground structure located on the terrain. The only eastern facade of the bathhouse, not hidden by soil, faces the Khan's palace. There is such a legend that when women were bathing in the bathhouse and a man even once looked towards the bathhouse, one eye was gouged out, if a woman looked towards the bathhouse while men were bathing, both eyes were gouged out.

The walls of Naryn-Kala go not only towards the sea but also 40 km towards the mountains to the Tabasaran region.

At the northern wall of the citadel, behind the khan's palace, there is a structure called "Zindan" (underground prison). Legends and tales tell of the horrors of this gloomy structure, nicknamed in the city “Gedyan Gyalmyaz” (“he who enters will not return”). Experts believe that this is one of the ancient underground reservoirs, later adapted into a prison.

Rectangular reservoir. Type architectural structure has become extremely widespread in the hot, dry areas of the country.

Several ancient stone anchors with holes for chains or ropes, dumped in the courtyard of the Naryn-Kala fortress. They were found in the sea near Derbent. Scientists date them to the first millennium BC. Most likely, the anchors belonged to Median or ancient Persian ships.

These are the “defensive” windows in the fortress, through which you can clearly see the city.

An Arab historian of the 10th century described that above the gate there were two columns and a sculpture of a lion, a figure of a man with a fox between his legs and two stones depicting lionesses. The stone lions and part of one of the columns have been preserved, so the gate generally looks the same as it did twelve centuries ago. Near one of the towers of the northern wall there is a mysterious passage called the Doomsday Gate. In the 10th century, it was founded on the city side, thus creating a small room, fenced on the outside and decorated with carved pillars. In 2004, archaeologists established that more than a thousand years ago this place was considered an exit to the other world.

A visit to the “Ancient Derbent” museum amazed me with the number of exhibits, so there will also be a separate post about it :)

Text materials from the guide to the Naryn-Kala fortress.
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on the website where the 7 most interesting wonders according to Internet users.
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Organizers of the blog tour: Association of Journalists of the North Caucasus and OJSC "Resorts of the North Caucasus" with the support of the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District
Group of companies "Anji-Arena"
Ministry of Press and Information of the Republic of Dagestan
Tourism Committee of the Republic of Dagestan
Center for Contemporary Caucasian Politics "Caucasus"
North Caucasus Federal District Media Association

There are monuments that breathe history and, like a time machine, transport a person into the past. One of these monuments is Derbent fortress, whose age is no less than 5 thousand years! Our article will help you touch this grandiose structure in absentia.

Purpose of the fortress

The history of Derbent and the Derbent fortress began 5 thousand years ago, when Maskut tribes lived on the territory of the current city, and the city belonged to the kings of Caucasian Albania. The inhabitants were forced to fortify the settlement with a fortress called Chola to protect themselves from constant raids.

In the 6th century the name was changed to Derbent. According to history, the Derbent fortress defended the city from raids and attacks of the Mongols, Persians and Arabs for 15 centuries.

Today the fortress is recognized as one of the monuments World Heritage UNESCO and is one of the most visited attractions not only in Dagestan, but also in Russia.

City `s history

Derbent is the most Old city in Russia. The first records about it were made back in the 8th century BC, but officially it is 2000 years old. How old is the Derbent fortress? The fortress was founded 5,000 years ago, and the city of Derbent - 2,000 years ago. Thus, the fortress is 5000 years old.

The city got its name from the Persian word “derbent” meaning “gate gate”. Thanks to its favorable location, it often changed owners and managed to be part of several kingdoms: Persian, Arab, Mongolian, Timurids, as well as the Shirvan Khanate.

In the 17th century, the Russian Cossack ataman Stepan Razin captured Derbent and began his campaign to Persia from here. Thanks to his victories, Peter the Great recognized the city as historically valuable and gave orders to study the architecture and preserve important architectural monuments. And the inhabitants, tired of constant raids and attacks, themselves gave the keys to the fortress to the king. After this, the city was transferred more than once different states through a peace treaty. And only in the 19th century, according to the Treaty of Gulistan, it was finally transferred to Russia. After this event, the city began to develop economically thanks to the production and trade of dyes.

The history of the city's development could not but affect its population - it is one of the most multinational cities in Russia. According to the latest census, more than 40 nationalities with different distinctive cultures and languages ​​live here.

Modern Derbent

Currently, 120 thousand people live in Derbent. It is the 2nd largest city in Dagestan and the 38th most populous in Russia. Thanks to its favorable location between the mountains and the sea and unique monument- Derbent Fortress - the city is visited by hundreds of tourists every year. In addition, despite the fact that the majority of the population in Dagestan professes Islam, the famous Caucasian cognac and wine are produced here.

Derbent can also boast of its warm climate: in winter the temperature does not drop below +15 degrees. Summer starts in April and ends late autumn- in October. Therefore, tourists can the Velvet season not only admire the Derbent fortress and try National dishes, but also swim in the sea.


There are many legends about the Derbent fortress. One of them says that when Khosrow the First Anushirvan decided to build a wall, he invited the Khazar Kagan to make peace and, to confirm the truth of his intentions, asked for the hand of a Khazar princess. The Khazar Kagan was delighted, since this marriage opened the way for him to the Persian throne, and hastened to send his daughter to Derbent. The princess was greeted with all honors, but Anushirvan did not marry her, and after erecting the wall, he sent the girl back to her father. The angry Kagan sent an army to the Derbent fortress, but was unable to conquer it.


The Derbent fortress is conventionally divided into three parts: the Naryn-Kala citadel, the sea walls and the Dag-bars. Naryn-Kala, despite a large number of alterations, is the best preserved. Two walls - southern and northern - run parallel to each other. Between them is ancient part cities. Northern part The walls are better preserved than the southern one, most of which was demolished in the 19th century. In general, the length of the fortress wall is 3600 meters.

The gates, which testify to the power of the fortress, are especially beautiful. The north gate has a stern architectural appearance, which is explained by constant raids and attacks from the north. South Gate, on the contrary, they are graceful and look solemn.

In total, the fortress covers an area of ​​4.5 hectares. The walls, 3 meters thick, are made of processed and torn stones filled with lime mortar. The northern part of the Derbent fortress was built before the southern one. Once upon a time South part the wall went into the sea, which prevented attacks from shallow water. But today it is destroyed.

The Naryn-Kala citadel attracts tourists and city residents with its beauty and power - the length of its walls is 42 km. The founder of Naryn-Kala is Shah Khosrow the First Anushirvan from the Sassanid dynasty. According to legend, the fortress was named in honor of the beloved daughter of the Shah’s wife - Naryn, whose name translates as “fragile”, “tender” or “sunny”. The fortress located in the center of the citadel blocks the passage between the Caucasus ridge and the Caspian Sea.

Naryn-Kala is a unique masterpiece of fortification architecture. It has retained all its beauty and power of arches, columns, towers and walls, despite centuries and many reconstructions. Also fully preserved are the gates on the western and eastern sides, known as the secret or “gate of shame”, since through them the head of the city could escape in case of loss and hide in the mountains.

In the north-west of the citadel you can see various ancient monuments. For example, a cross-domed temple, indicating that until the 6th century Derbent was the center of the Christian religion in the Caucasus. In addition, you can get acquainted with the water supply system of those times, walk through the ruins of the Khan's palace and office of the 18th century, see the guardhouse of the 19th century and the ancient underground dungeon.

The Naryn-Kala fortress is located in Derbent, this city is part of the Dagestan Republic, located on the shores of the Caspian Sea, north of the border with Azerbadjan. This is the most Southern City Russia, and the second most important city in Dagestan.

History of the Naryn-Kala fortress

Derbent can lay claim to the title of the oldest city in Russia - it was first mentioned in documentation back in the 8th century BC. Due to its strategic location, the city has often changed several times throughout history, especially during the Persian, Arab, Mongol, Timurid, Shirvan and Iranian kingdoms. Finally transferred to Russia in the 19th century under the Treaty of Gulistan. The history of the Naryn-Kala fortress goes back centuries and is interesting from the point of view of the formation of the people living here.

The city's etymology comes from the Persian word "derbent", which means "gate gate" and is often identified with the legendary Alexander Gate.

Almost all historians, without exception, recognize the Derbent fortress complex as a truly unique creation, unlike any other city fortifications known to us and preserved. main part fortification systems - the Naryn Kala citadel (one of the translation options “Solar Fortress”) was built on a high spur of the Dzhalgan ridge in the 6th century.

There are several places in the southern and northern walls of the city, of which the most architecturally interesting is the gate of the Southern Wall - Orta Qala (Middle Gate). Over the course of many centuries, the walls, towers and gates of the fortress were repeatedly repaired. Architectural details in the reconstruction of the upper walls and towers reflect different periods of architecture and building art.

Naryn Kala fortress in Derbent - detailed description, photos and videos

A detailed description of the Naryn Kala fortress in Derbent does not make it possible to imagine this powerful structure. Powerful walls three meters thick enclose an area of ​​4.5 hectares. They are made of two rows of well-processed stone blocks filled with broken stone and lime mortar. They have the same structure and parallel city walls. The northern ones were built earlier, and the southern ones later. There are numerous towers on both walls. Once they went far into the sea, preventing the city from being bypassed in shallow water and creating a convenient and well-protected harbor. Look at the Naryn-Kala fortress in the photos illustrating the power and might of its walls:

The most interesting monuments antiquities are located in the northwestern part of the Naryn-Kala citadel. This is an underground structure with cruciform vaults and ceilings and a reservoir carved into the rock. Careful study allowed archaeologists to establish that in front of them is a cross-domed Christian temple, built on the ground in the fifth century, and then buried under powerful thousand-year-old cultural layers. Historians claim that until the 6th century Derbent was the Christian center of the Caucasus

Naryn-Kala is an ancient fortress located on a hillside. The city originates from the Naryn Kala citadel. The fortress outshines the rest of the city for tourists with its beauty and extraordinary fabulousness. The walls of the fortress can be called the Great Caucasian Wall - their depth is 42 kilometers. The fortress is located in the very center of these powerful defensive structures, thereby blocking the passage between Caucasian ridge and the Caspian Sea - the only convenient route from the steppes of South-Eastern Europe to the Middle East.

The citadel at the Caspian Gate was built at the beginning of the 6th century, when Derbent still belonged to the Persians. The founder of Naryn Kala is considered to be the Shah of the Sassanid dynasty, Khosrow the First Anushirvan, who reigned recent years his father's life. The name of the fortress is often translated as “sunny”, but there are other versions, including romantic ones: Naryn can mean “tender”, “beautiful”, this is the name of the daughter of the Shah’s beloved wife. Strength can be translated as tender, weak or even immature, but it is certainly beautiful.

Naryn-Kala is an impressive masterpiece of fortification architecture, which has not deteriorated even after numerous reconstructions. Pointed arches, carved columns, round towers and walls made of stone blocks have not decrepited for several centuries and still reign over the city roofs. The walls and towers are almost completely preserved, as is the gate - the main gates of the East and West sides, also known as the "secret" ones.

These secret gates are also called the gate of shame - the leader can secretly leave the fortress through them, fleeing from enemies in the mountains. The city walls limit the area to 4.5 hectares. Buildings from different eras have also been preserved here: a unique cross-domed cathedral of the sixth century, the remains of a water supply system (of great importance for the fortress), ruins of the Khan's palace of the 18th century, baths of the 16-17th centuries, the Khan's office of the 18th century (later transformed into the Commandant's House), a 19th century guardhouse and an ancient underground prison.

How to get there

As we already said, the fortress is located in Dagestan, so first you need to get to it. It can be easily reached by train or plane. Before you get there, you should carefully calculate the entire route.

There are also direct flights from Moscow to Derbent. Buses leave from the Sadovod market in Moscow and are on the way, so you will spend approximately 1.5 days on the road. This is one of the cheapest and relatively shortest ways to get to your destination. Buses will comfortably take you to the desired location, and the ticket price will be only 3,000 rubles, which is quite inexpensive for this destination.

The fastest, but also expensive option is a plane to Makhachkala, and then 1.5-2 hours by car or minibus to Derbent. The ticket price can vary from 9 to 20 thousand in economy class. You can save a lot by purchasing your ticket in advance.

There is a direct train from Moscow to Baku - it passes Derbent along the route, so it may well suit you. It’s best to check the schedule at the ticket office or on the station’s website. The ticket in this case will cost about 4 thousand, and the journey will take about 43 hours.

You can also get there by your own transport, but we advise you to go through all the Caucasian republics - the roads there are newer and better. As an option, you can choose the highway through Volgograd, but the roads there are old and the traffic is very dense. Road along direct flight Mosca-Derbent will take you no more than 20 hours.

Getting from Derbent to the Naryn-Kala fortress is no longer so difficult. From railway station you need to walk for about 20-30 minutes or you can use bus routes 3,4,4a,5,7,10,12 to the Bayat-Kapy stop.

The State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve "Ancient Derbent" is located on Rzaeva Street, building 7.

Weather and climate

Derbent is located in the subtropical zone, so it is one of the warmest cities in Russia. The weather and climate delight with their mildness and comfortable conditions for relaxation at any time of the year. Snow falls here for no more than 2-3 weeks, and in winter the temperature does not drop below 15 degrees - this is already a disaster for local residents. But for them it is quite normal that in January the temperature varies from 15 to 20 degrees. And the summer here is therefore long - from mid-April to the end of October (you can even swim in the sea).

Where to stay and eat?

An important question for any traveler is where to stay so that you can carefully explore the Naryn-Kala fortress in Derbent. You can stay right on the shore of the Caspian Sea at the Red Bak Hotel. Room prices vary from 400 rubles to 3 thousand. The rooms are equipped with everything necessary for comfortable living. The room rate includes breakfast. And you will probably like the restaurant of the hotel, located on the seashore.

Or you can choose the Chaika recreation center with its own fenced-off beach and all other amenities.

Almost all hotels are located near the sea, and some of them, for greater convenience, are equipped with their own kitchens with all the necessary equipment. home appliance, but for such pleasure you will have to pay approximately 500 rubles.

A good option for a tasty and inexpensive meal is to use restaurants and cafes, which are most often located on the ground floor of a hotel or hotel. There are various bonuses for visitors, and it’s simply an opportunity to eat comfortably on the seashore.

“Locked Gate” - this is how the name of the city of Derbent is translated from the Azerbaijani language. This ancient city of Dagestan has passed through antiquity and reached modernity, changing its appearance more than once. But one thing in its appearance remains unchanged - the stone fortress of Naryn-Kala, which once protected the Caucasian people from ill-wishers, and now attracts travelers from all over the world. What does the Derbent fortress prepare for its guests? What historical events are associated with it? This article will answer these questions and provide information useful for your visit.

The name of the citadel, according to different versions, means “Solar Fortress” or “Tower of Light”. The first mention of it dates back to the 6th century BC. Its author is the famous ancient Greek historian and geographer Hecataeus of Miletus. In those days, the structure was called the “Caspian Gate”. The impetus for the start of construction was the order of the Persian king Khosrow I Anushirvn, who came from the Sassanid family.

3D panorama of the Naryn-Kala citadel

The fortress was designed as an addition to the Caucasus defensive system, which guarded Transcaucasia and Western Asia from the raids of northern tribes. It deprived enemies of the opportunity to penetrate cities bypassing the mountains or from the side coastline Caspian Sea. In addition to the Naryn-Kala citadel, this included city and sea walls, as well as the mountain fortification of Dag-Bary.

The building material for the construction of the Derbent fortress was Upper Sarmatian limestone. Its length reached 700 m, height - from 6.5 m. It is impossible to determine the exact height, since the walls were preserved unevenly, but there is no doubt about their thickness - it is 3.5 m. The German traveler Adam Olearius once joked that The walls of the fortress are as wide as a road, and you can easily ride a cart along them.

The western section of the fortress ran in two parallel lines across the coast and went into the sea, forming a kind of bay that did not allow opponents to get to the city in shallow water. Subsequently, the level of the Caspian began to drop, and the walls were extended deeper into the sea.

For many years, the fortress played the most important role in security and defense. Centuries and millennia flew by, generations changed, the new owners of Naryn-Kala made changes to its appearance, modernized and restored its dilapidated fortifications. Traces of reconstruction over different years are still visible, and from them you can read the entire centuries-old history of this building.

Main historical events

In 735, Naryn-Kala received the title of the administrative center of military operations of the Arab Caliphate. At the same time, Derbent developed to the status of a trading port and took an active part in the spread of the Islamic religion in the surrounding territories.

In the 14th century, Timur Tamerlane, the great Turkic-Mongol commander and conqueror, set foot on the lands of the Caucasus. Many cities fell under his onslaught, including Nizhny Dzhulat (Kabardino-Balkaria). When the military leader approached Derbent, Naryn-Kala surrendered without resistance, tarnishing its reputation.

In the 20s In the 18th century, Peter the Great carried out a Caspian campaign, as a result of which Derbent was included in the Russian Empire. Naryn-Kala passed into the possession of Peter I. However, ten years later, Russia returned the Caspian lands to Persia.

During the Russian-Iranian War (late 18th century), Russian troops made a second capture of the fortress under the command of Valerian Aleksandrovich Zubov. Later he placed the general headquarters in one of the towers.

The year 1867 was marked by the abolition of the fortification. A significant section of the Southern Wall (about half a kilometer) was completely demolished, which improved communication between the citadel and prosperous Derbent.

Legends and traditions

The majestic structure, which came from time immemorial, inspired the Caucasian peoples to compose a considerable number of traditions and legends. The plot of one of them says that when Khosrow I Anushirvan decided to build a fortress, he wanted to make peace with the Khazar Kagan and, in order to prove the veracity of his intentions, asked the Kagan’s daughter, the Khazar princess, to marry him.

The Khazar Kagan was incredibly happy to receive such an offer, because the conclusion of this marriage opened up a direct path for him to the throne of Persia. He immediately agreed and hastily sent the princess to Derbent.

In honor of the bride's arrival, a big celebration was held, she was given honors... but the wedding was not destined to take place. The cunning Anushirvan did not marry the princess, but kept it as a guarantee that the kagan would not attack his unprotected lands until the wall was built.

Having completed the construction, Khosrow returned the girl to her father. Anushirvan did not encroach on her honor, and she returned home virgin, but suspicions and gossip to the contrary tarnished her good name. The angry father gathered a powerful army and sent it to the Derbent fortress, but no forces, neither human nor heavenly, could conquer the indestructible Naryn-Kala.

Another legend comes from a distortion historical facts. In some documents the fortress is indicated under the name “Wall of Alexander the Great”. This name came from the rumor that it was built by the legendary commander, but in fact Alexander the Great never stood at the gates of Derbent.

Derbent fortress today

No one can say the exact age of the fortress. Some scientists believe that it appeared more than two thousand years ago, others argue that its walls were built at least three thousand years before the birth of Christ.

One thing is clear - the building is very ancient and needs regular restoration and reconstruction. The condition of parts of the fortress varies from ruined to average integrity. Despite the destruction, the citadel has retained its outlines: powerful fortified walls, round towers with jagged roofs (initially there were 73 of them, but only half have survived to this day), long corridors and dungeons, worn-out staircases, outlines of former palaces, vaulted ceilings and domes.

During the period of activity of the fortress, there were fourteen gates within its walls, of which only nine survived. All of them are of architectural interest. The Northern Gate is especially impressive, indicating the grandeur of the structure. Their architectural image is harsh - on their “face” they bear unhealed scars, which serve as a reminder of numerous raids and attacks. The southern gate, Orta-kala, which means "middle gate", was less damaged in battle and still looks elegant and solemn.

Sasanian masonry is clearly visible in the city walls. It consists of several rows of large monolithic slabs forming the external and internal surfaces of the walls. The voids between them are filled with backfill material.

The Derbent fortress is conventionally divided into three components:

  1. Naryn-Kala Citadel (the best preserved section);
  2. The southern wall, the main part of which was destroyed in the 19th century;
  3. The northern wall is in good condition.

The walls run parallel to each other and “compress” each other old part cities. The Naryn-Kala Citadel is the symbol and main attraction of Derbent. The entire fortress and each part of it separately are protected by the state and are recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Excavations on the territory of Naryn-Kala

IN different years Archaeological campaigns were carried out on the territory of the Derbent fortress. As a result of excavations, the remains of an ancient dwelling with perfectly preserved household items were discovered.

Among the stones and soil layers, archaeologists found intact ceramic jugs, a large kitchen vessel, beautiful craftsmanship dishes, and a hearth with burnt wood and traces of flame. It seems that the owners left the house in a hurry, forgetting about things. Presumably, the reason for their escape was a complicated political situation, which took place in the second half of the 5th century (the construction dates back to this period).

A coal furnace with a practical structure and well-developed design was also opened here. Decorative items made of metal, glass and stone aroused great interest: spindle weights, figurines, beads, and especially a hair pin with a bird pattern. The image is drawn schematically, but experts saw a hoopoe in it. According to ancient Eastern mythology, it was a symbol of wisdom and prudence.

During another expedition, scientists explored the foot of the fortress walls and came across the skeleton of a teenage girl. The cause of death was an attack or accident. Next to her lay an earthenware jug. The age of the find is 1500 years.

One of the most important artifacts was found in the 80s. These are two rare figurines - household idols to the god of fertility. Similar sculptures were made from the 5th to the 3rd millennium BC. It was this find that prompted scientists to believe that Derbent and its fortress could have existed 5,000 years ago.

Excursions around the fortress. Features of the visit

The fortification area is 4.5 hectares. On its territory there are many objects of tourist interest. It is impossible to go around the entire fortress at one time - in order to fully explore it and not miss anything, you can divide the excursion into several days and use the services of a local or private guide.

An experienced guide will not only show the best places of the citadel, but also tell Interesting Facts from their history. In addition, a well-designed route will provide clear transitions from one attraction to another, eliminating confusion and long wanderings in circles.

The order of visiting the monuments of the Naryn-Kala citadel is determined by the guide, but the list of excursions always includes the following exhibitions:

The architectural creation “Khan Baths” is located in the north-west of the Derbent fortress. They were built between the 16th and 17th centuries. This is a semi-underground room with domed vaults reaching the surface. There are special holes in the roof that served as a source of lighting.

In the Caucasus, as in the East as a whole, the bathhouse was a symbol of care, as it contributed not only to washing, but also to the restoration of vitality and good location spirit. Friendly meetings were often held in such fonts, during which men relaxed, socialized, and played backgammon and chess.

The principle of operation of the bathhouse is simple: a stove located in the basement heated the water and the stone floors of the room. The air was filled with hot steam, and the lit incense created a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere.

They say that the baths of Naryn-Kala were visited by the Great Khan: on Thursdays he bathed himself, on Fridays the wives of his harem, and on other days - the guards and servants.

There is a legend associated with the Khan’s baths, according to which a man who looked into the bath while women were there had one of his eyes gouged out with an awl. And if a woman found herself in a bathhouse with men bathing, then she was completely deprived of her sight.

Cross Reservoir

In the literature, a false origin is attributed to this monument, as if it was carved into the rock. In fact, the cistern was built from large, smoothly polished stones. The assumption that the structure functioned as a reservoir is not the only one. According to another theory, an Albanian-Christian shrine was located here. The room is deepened into the ground and divided into several rooms connected by arches.

Rectangular reservoir

A small rectangular building with solid walls without a single skylight. This type of building layout is widespread in hot countries and arid regions of Russia. There is no exact date for the construction of the reservoir. It is not mentioned in documents and does not appear in historical events.

The western gate of the fortress, also known as the “Derbent Gate”. During operation, the passage was intended for pack transportation.

In addition, help came through the gates of Dag-Kapa during the siege of the citadel, which is why they were given another name - “Secret”. The third nickname, “Shameful Doors,” arose thanks to cowardly rulers who, in times of disaster, abandoned their people and fled from the city through this passage.

The wooden gate leaves are sandwiched between two projections of the walls; on top it is marked by a characteristic jagged border.

The building appeared in 1828 for employees of the Russian garrison. Then the fortress underwent another restructuring: the territory was expanded by destroying old buildings, where new ones were built. The stone guardhouse became the last element of the reconstruction.

The architects used the landscape features of the hill where Naryn-Kala is located to their benefit. They created walking terraces, spiral steps, and supporting columns. All this provided convenience when moving to the guardhouse on the eastern side of the city.

The Khan's Palace is one of the most significant buildings of the fortress complex. Palace ensemble is not a separate element of the fortress, it literally merges with its walls, forming a single structure. Once upon a time, the royal residence was a two-story building with domes and many rooms inside.

The walls and ceilings were decorated with mirror mosaics. Shimmering in the sun, it cast iridescent reflections, and the room shone like a handful of sapphires. Unfortunately, only a fragment of the castle structure has survived to this day, but even it impresses with its grandeur and praises the skill of the architects of that era.

Also known as "Divan Khana". A two-story house was built in the highest part of the citadel in order to maintain the economy. The lower floor consists of five rooms, the upper one of four. Here there was a reception room for the ruler, people's rooms and an office where meetings were held and political issues were discussed.

Passing by, many do not pay attention to the square openings covered with bars, thinking that these are some kind of medieval hatches.

However, in ancient times, criminals sentenced to life imprisonment lived out their days behind these bars. The prison was called "Zidane". Their depth is 9 m, and the internal area is 20-25 sq. m. m. The walls of the cells were designed according to the “pyramid” principle, which deprived the prisoners of the chance to escape.

During excavations at the bottom of the prisons they discovered great amount human skeletons. Apparently, the bodies of dead criminals were buried right there, covered with sand.

Not a single excursion around Naryn-Kala is complete without visiting a museum dedicated to the past of the Derbent fortress. The exhibits include artifacts found during archaeological excavations on the territory of the citadel.

Here you can see ceramics, clay jugs, armor and weapons, fragments of sarcophagi, forges, ancient coins, jewelry, as well as paintings depicting episodes from the daily life of the settlers of old Derbent.

Best time to visit

Peak tourist season in Derbent falls on June-September. These months are characterized by dry and very hot weather (up to +40 degrees). Naryn-Kala is located on the top of a hill - an open area, unprotected from the sun. Despite the presence of shady places and stalls with refreshments, a long walk around the citadel will be very tiring. Locals It is recommended to go on an excursion after 17:00, when the heat subsides and the air becomes fresher. If you decide to travel in the middle of the day, then do not forget about dark glasses, hats and sunscreen.

Where is Naryn-Kala located on the map. How to get there

GPS coordinates for the map – 42.053065, 48.274310

Getting to the Naryn-Kala fortress is easy. The nearest public transport stop, 900 m away, is “Secondary School No. 14”, where minibuses No. 6 and No. 8 go.

By car from the center of Derbent you can get to the walls of the bastion like this:

Naryn-Kala is an architectural monument, a historical monument and a reminder of the past of the great Derbent, which has passed through millennia. A visit to the oldest landmark of the city is an opportunity to immerse yourself in its history, become imbued with it and mentally transport yourself to distant eras, the memories of which are preserved by the ancient walls of the “Solar Tower”.


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