Where do Russians prefer to relax? Rosstat calculated where Russians most often vacation. Where tourists vacation most often.

MOSCOW, January 29 - RIA Novosti. Crimea, Baikal, Altai region, Sochi and St. Petersburg entered the top 5 regions of Russia where it would be most interesting for citizens to go on vacation and have fun, said Ilya Grashchenkov, head of the Center for Regional Policy Development.

“On the one hand, everyone wants to visit, this is a stable figure. If we look at sociology and opinion polls in detail, it turns out that almost an equal number of respondents of all ages, all social classes, spheres would like to go on vacation to Crimea,” Grashchenkov said at the presentation joint research by VTsIOM and the Center for Regional Policy Development.

But in other contexts, these indicators change, he added.

“If we talk about the first category (recreation and entertainment), this is a kind of general summary rating, it includes either beach holidays - Crimea and, and vice versa - Altai, Baikal (and St. Petersburg). And, we believe, this is due to because these are the regions that appear most often in the news and in other media,” Grashchenkov said.

According to him, it is also much more interesting to look at other tops - these are cities and cultural attractions. “In general, the majority of respondents told us that they want to go on vacation not to the beaches or some other types of recreation, but just for cultural attractions and new experiences,” he explained.

"Third place goes to Kamchatka (12%), which is by a small margin, but is included in this top 3 as one of the most promising regions, which until recently was a closed, mothballed region, today is the leader in the number of investments in tourism industry... Next comes abstract Siberia (10%), that is, people don’t really imagine where else they would go, but Siberia, as a kind of general idea, is also in the lead, and Karelia (9%) is a little behind it,” - he added.

The head of the Center also indicated that among the reasons why Russians do not travel are high cost and lack of time. “But what’s interesting is that only 3% are concerned about poor service, and transport problems low comfort“also only 2%,” he clarified.

"We tried to evaluate the unknown tourist destinations from the point of view of whether the respondents are interested in them at all or not. ... The absolute overwhelming majority - 65% - are interested Volgograd region in general, although, as I understand it, we are talking about Mamayev Kurgan... In second place is Sakhalin. There is some absolute top of points, and all of them are mainly either focused on exotic points of Russia, or, on the contrary, are the usual reproduction of the school curriculum. It’s interesting that a number of unexplored regions with high potential, such as Yakutia and Buryatia, are of interest to respondents,” said Grashchenkov.

The survey was conducted by VTsIOM-Sputnik in two stages on November 13 and 26, 2019 among 1.6 thousand Russians over 18 years of age using the telephone interview method using a stratified two-base random sample of landline and mobile phones. For this sample maximum size errors with a 95% probability do not exceed 2.5%.

Summer is approaching and it is already becoming clear that Russians do not intend to deny themselves a vacation. Despite the fact that the incomes of the vast majority of the population have not increased, and prices have risen, people nevertheless manage to carve out money from their budget for summer travel.

Only the priorities have changed: instead of expensive resorts many choose budget ones. And those who decide to go on foreign tours have begun to save on the length of their vacation: now tours last on average 5-6 days instead of 11-12 last year.

Anapa and Novorossiysk instead of Sochi

The choice of vacation destinations is dictated primarily by your wallet's capabilities. The majority prefer not to travel abroad, but more budget travel across Russia. Most Russians book tickets to resorts in the south of Russia, but there are also many who go to explore other cities in the summer. Beach holidays are preferred by families with children, and urban tourism is predominantly preferred by young people.

“In general, like last year, Russians’ preferences for summer travel have not changed,” says CEO online travel service UFS.Travel Alexey Astanin. – Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Kazan are in demand for urban recreation. At the same time they became more popular Russian resorts: For beach holiday An increasing number of travelers are booking tickets to Anapa, Sochi and Tuapse in advance. This demand for Russian resorts is primarily due to better prices, no need to obtain visas, and a favorable, comfortable climate. And also with active development hotel business, improving infrastructure and service in the resorts of southern Russia.”

It is interesting that this year, compared to last year, the demand for train tickets to Anapa and Novorossiysk has increased significantly, which have supplanted one of the leaders in 2018 - Krasnodar.

According to UFS.Travel, the average bill for train tickets was 3,258 rubles, for air travel in Russia and the CIS – 9,937 rubles. It is interesting that this year Russians are planning their summer holidays in advance and buying railway and air tickets on average 2-3 months before the trip. At the same time, passengers have become more active in booking tickets online, purchasing them through mobile applications or specialized sites.

According to Tutu.ru, this year, compared to last year, the demand for air tickets to Kaliningrad is growing and, conversely, there are fewer people wanting to fly to Krasnodar. Perhaps the increase in the average bill (+28% compared to last year’s value) is deterring. Thus, the price of a flight from Moscow to Krasnodar and back in the summer of 2019 increased from last year’s 8,372 rubles to 10,694 rubles.

What vacation? I have a mortgage!

According to Head of Public Relations Department of Tutu.ru Natalia Anisimovo Well, many people’s plans to go somewhere in the summer are ruined by their mortgage. “We just conducted a survey on this topic on the site,” she says. – We asked travelers about their plans for the summer. It turned out that the second most common answer was: “What vacation? I have a mortgage." He was chosen by 17% of respondents.”

According to the same survey, 10% of Russians plan to spend their holidays at home; 8% – do not plan to take a vacation at all in the summer; 6% – haven’t thought about plans yet. That is, in total, more than 40% of respondents do not intend to go anywhere at all, most likely due to modest financial capabilities. And this despite the fact that the survey was conducted on a website that is primarily visited by people planning their trips. This means that the percentage of forced homebodies is most likely even higher.

Holidays in the countryside and in the countryside remain popular. It is especially loved among people over 60 years of age and families with children. IN last years The number of families who rent a house in the village for the summer has also increased. As a rule, these are families with children who do not have their own dachas and who cannot afford a seaside holiday. After all, for about the same money that a two-week vacation at a Russian resort would cost, you can rent a completely comfortable house in the middle zone for the whole summer.

Abroad at any cost

However, according to the results of a survey by Tutu.ru, those who plan to go abroad, no matter what, turned out to be not so few - 18% of respondents. Popular external destinations have not changed since last year: Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Spain - that is, those countries that manage to create affordable offers. For several years now, neighboring countries have been gaining popularity, especially Georgia.
People have begun to save money, but they do not intend to give up traveling. Those who have long discovered trips abroad consider them an integral part of their lives; without them, life significantly loses in quality. Therefore, people, especially those under 40 years of age, are ready to shorten their vacation periods and stay in hotels of a lower class, but they want to travel abroad at all costs.

“The average bill for flights abroad remained almost at the level of last year plus 1%,” says Natalya Anisimova. – The most popular foreign cities for the summer are Tivat, Tbilisi and Burgas. The average bill in these areas is slightly higher than last year.”

Short trips to Finland and the Baltic countries also remain attractive, mainly for auto tourists. Moreover, people travel from St. Petersburg to these countries more actively than from Moscow and other Russian cities.

Train or plane?

Interestingly, the choice of train or plane to get to your holiday destination depends on a number of factors, and is not just determined by the price of the issue. According to Tutu.ru, tourists choose transport depending on travel time, distance and ticket price. Only every fifth passenger who is going on a long-distance trip (over 1000 kilometers) chooses the train. The ticket price matters. If railway ticket in the chosen direction cheaper than an air ticket twice or more, then naturally most passengers will travel by train. We must not forget about those who travel with large “trunks”, as well as with bicycles, kayaks and other bulky sports equipment: if there is a lot of things, then it is almost always more profitable to travel by train than by plane.

According to UFS.Travel, the capitals are especially in demand for rail travel: Moscow and St. Petersburg. And for short trips young people and families with schoolchildren mainly choose reserved seat carriages: they are attracted not only by the favorable price, but also by updated carriages that have already begun to run on some routes, sofas with headrests, USB ports, individual lighting and much more.

But those who are going on vacation to the Russian south, in 80% of cases prefer a plane, even over distances that are only a day away by train. Vacations have become shorter for many people, and it is more important for people to spend the day on vacation rather than on the road. “We even compiled the top routes with a preference for train or plane,” says Natalya Anisimova, head of the Tutu.ru public relations department. – So, in the top routes with preference for aircraft, the first place is travel from Moscow to Mineral water. About 95% of passengers travel there by air and only 5% take the train. The route St. Petersburg - Belgorod was at the top of the ranking with train preference. About 87% of passengers chose to travel by train, while the rest chose to fly.”

The approaching summer holiday season poses challenges for Russians eternal questions: where to relax and how not to go broke. This year, the two most important ones are practically closed to tourists from Russia. popular destinations last years - Türkiye and Egypt. They will be replaced by other resorts. Lenta.ru talked to tourism market experts and found out where our compatriots will vacation and how much it will cost them.

Heading south

There remains less and less hope for the restoration of air traffic with Egypt in the near future. Just the other day it became known that Russian experts were once again violating the work of Egyptian airports.

Local authorities claim that they control security in the country, but even if this is so, additional checks, approvals and the opening of air traffic will take a lot of time. Tour operators will not have time to quickly launch charters and create tour packages for travelers, so it’s time to admit: we will spend the summer without Egypt. However, the most courageous can get there on their own - with transfers in third countries. However, such efforts are unlikely to be justified, because for the money spent on organizing such a trip you can have a good rest in other countries.

Holidays in Turkey still available independent tourists. But even despite the discounts offered by hoteliers and the relative cheapness of air travel, it will still cost more than a comparable tour to Greece, for example. At the same time, holidaying in Turkey is now also unsafe.

“Among the foreign destinations this summer, the most popular among independent tourists are charter flights to Bulgaria (Burgas) and Montenegro (Tivat), Paris closes the top three for the 2016 summer season,” says Vladislav Shevtsov, general director of the online travel hypermarket DaTravel.com.

According to the company, holidays in the former Soviet republics are also becoming increasingly popular: tours to Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Armenia occupy a significant share. The most popular European cities are Thessaloniki, Nice and Rome.

Most Russians will prefer to vacation at home this summer. This is facilitated, among other things, by the growth of offers in the segment of inexpensive domestic flights. Thus, the share of air tickets costing up to 5 thousand rubles in the first three months of this year increased to 65 percent. However, this only applies to flights within Russia; the number of inexpensive international flights, on the contrary, is .

Vladislav Shevtsov says that over the past year the top Russian destinations have not changed: as in 2015, Russians buy the most air tickets to Moscow, Simferopol and St. Petersburg.

Shevtsov’s observations are confirmed by the head of the Rambler/Travel travel service, Alena Koryakina, who believes that Russian resorts in the summer will not be deprived of the attention of vacationers. “Tourists will go to domestic resorts - to Sochi, Anapa, Crimea, as well as to the rivers and lakes of Russia. From European countries Price-loyal Bulgaria, Montenegro, Greece and Cyprus will be popular,” the expert believes.

Another country where the Russians will go this season will be Spain. Mallorca, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Costa Brava and Costa Dorada will be especially popular among travelers, says Alena Koryakina.

Ekaterina Kameneva, head of the European department of the tour operator BSI Group, agrees with Koryakina: “Spain and Italy showed the largest increase in demand for the upcoming summer season. The demand for tours to Spain among Russian tourists has increased by 25 percent compared to last year, and to Italy by 20 percent.”

Greece became another leader in the ranking of Russians’ preferences. Despite the visa issues that tourists faced in early May, travelers are still willing to book tours to Greece. Today, this country has become the only alternative to an all-inclusive holiday in Egypt or Turkey. Weekly tours here can be found for 15 thousand rubles per person, “last minute” tours - even for 6-7 thousand.

PR Director of Tez Tour Larisa Akhanova says that Greece ranks second in the list of the most popular countries For summer holiday, second only to Russia. Bookings on this route are up 40 percent compared to last year.

Photo: Kirill Kallinikov / RIA Novosti

Another type of travel that Russians are passionate about is train travel. The romance of a reserved seat: boiled chicken, cards with fellow travelers and beer with smoked fish, bought at short stops in the cities of southern Russia.

Natalya Anisimova, head of the public relations department of the travel service Tutu.ru, notes that it is too early to talk about the summer as a whole, since train tickets can be bought a maximum of 60 days in advance, but data on bookings for June is already available. Thus, the most popular route in the first summer month was travel between Moscow and St. Petersburg, followed immediately by travel to Anapa. Russians also enjoy traveling to Kazan, Novorossiysk and Adler. At the same time, prices for trips from Moscow to Anapa even decreased slightly (by 3.4 percent) compared to June 2015, but tickets to Adler, on the contrary, increased in price by almost 30 percent.

Price issue

Tours to Bulgaria will cost travelers the cheapest today, says Alena Koryakina - from 22.8 thousand rubles per person for a week of vacation. A similar tour to Greece costs about the same - 23.3 thousand rubles, to Montenegro - 5 thousand more.

By the way, on Friday, May 13, it became known that Bulgaria’s visa processing time for Russians is up to two days, and Montenegro’s visa-free stay in the country for our tourists is from 30 to 90 days.

According to DaTravel.com specialists, this summer Russians are not going to reduce the duration of their trips and, on average, plan to vacation for 14-15 days. “For a round-trip flight this coming summer Russian tourists spend an average of 22.8 thousand rubles, which is 25 percent more than the average bill for a flight last summer, when the average cost of an air ticket was 18.2 thousand rubles,” says the company’s general director Vladislav Shevtsov.

The Tez Tour representative agrees with Shevtsov: “Tourists are not giving up traveling this summer, but in conditions of limited travel abroad they prefer to make the most of their vacation. They save for vacation, borrow money, take out loans, but go on vacation,” says Larisa Akhanova.

According to the expert, if last season Russians vacationed on average for seven days, this summer it’s already ten. In addition, tourists began to book high-category hotels more often - demand for four- and five-star hotels increased by 20 percent.

At the same time, the average summer vacation bill, according to Akhanova, is still small: about 30 thousand rubles per person.

According to the tour operator BSI group, the most budget-friendly among domestic destinations is travel along the Golden Ring: tour prices start at 9.9 thousand rubles. You can go to Crimea for 13.8 thousand (including flights and accommodation), to Karelia - for 17.6 thousand.

Flights for independent tourists have increased in price by 10-50 percent compared to the summer of 2015. Analysts of the OneTwoTrip service calculated that on average a round trip flight from Moscow to Tivat increased in price from 14 to 18.7 thousand rubles (by 34 percent), to Rome - from 10.8 to 16.3 thousand (by 50 percent), in Barcelona - from 15.1 to 18 thousand (by 20 percent), to Larnaca - from 11.9 to 15.6 thousand (by 30 percent). This year Pobeda began flying to Cyprus, which on some dates sells tickets to Larnaca or Paphos for 6-7 thousand round-trip.

According to the company development director Arkady Gines, the only international direction, which has lost a little in price this year (four percent), became Thessaloniki: you can fly there from Moscow for 14.2 thousand rubles. But flights to Anapa and Sochi have fallen slightly in price - by 2 and 20 percent, respectively.

Crimea, on the contrary, increased in price - by 38 percent. On average, tickets to the peninsula will cost 10.1 thousand rubles. For this money, with due diligence, you can fly, for example, to the Black Sea in Georgia or to the Mediterranean in Spain. Or add another three thousand and go to Crimea as part of a tourist group - accommodation will be almost free.

According to VTsIOM, 24% of Russians hope that they will have a better rest than last season, another 9% fear that it will be worse, and 63% do not expect changes at all compared to the 2017 season. Only 4% of Russians plan to travel abroad this year.

For the third year in a row, Crimea leads the ranking of the most desirable holiday destinations for Russian tourists: 37% of citizens say that if possible, they would spend the summer there. Abroad (21%) for the second season is inferior to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus (33%).

At the same time, the house and dacha still remain the main intended vacation spots: in 2018, they were named by 45% and 34%, respectively. Those most likely to stay at home are residents of small towns (49%) and villages (55%), respondents with a poor financial situation (53%), and those living in the country - older people (42% among those 60 years of age and older). 14% of respondents plan to visit other Russian cities, Black Sea coast Caucasus - 12%.

Every tenth survey participant (9%) expects to vacation in Crimea this summer, another 42% may visit the peninsula next season or later (this share has increased from 27% in 2014). Main advantages Crimean holiday, according to Russians, - beautiful nature(26%), clean sea, good beaches(23%), favorable climate (19%). What puts me off first of all is the “price of the issue” (20% talk about the high cost of a vacation).

In recent years, Russians have begun to vacation inside more often. : the share of those who reported that in the last five years they spent at least one summer vacation in another region of Russia increased from 35% in 2016 to 44% in 2018, the number of those “restricted to travel” decreased from 64% to 56% respondents, respectively. TOP 3 aspects of relaxation inside who received the most high scores vacationers, - nature and climate (4.45 points out of 5), the opportunity to visit interesting places(4.25), accessible entertainment (3.93).

Lack of finances still remains the main reason for refusing to travel - 44% of respondents who do not intend to leave their place of residence note it as the main reason. In addition, family matters (18%), work (15%), etc. will prevent you from traveling outside your city/village.

Estimated spending on away holidays continues to grow year by year: in 2018, Russians planning to relax in the summer away from home will spend an average of 44,205 rubles. (per one family member), which is 11% more than in 2017.

The planned expenses of residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg (RUB 54,865) and high-income respondents (RUB 55,930) are significantly higher than the average for the sample. Most often, they plan to pay for the trip from funds specially set aside for it (45%). In general, people rely mainly on their own strengths: only 4% plan to take out a loan, 2% plan to borrow from relatives/friends, 3% plan to relax at the expense of loved ones.

The list of countries that do not like tourists from Russia has expanded in recent years. At the same time, residents of those places that are becoming more and more popular among Russians as resorts have joined the ranks of Russophobes. Due to the bad behavior of some compatriots abroad, the stereotypical thinking of the “hosts” and differences in cultures, Russian tourists may encounter rudeness and aggression from the host country on vacation.

Baltics. Once in the Baltic countries, you will probably notice that the opinions about Russia and Russians contained in the local media reflect the opinions of ordinary citizens much more than is commonly believed. The image of Russia as an occupying country, which has been imposed on the Balts for about 20 years, has become firmly entrenched in the minds of young people and is perceived extremely negatively. Thus, a Russian who decides to vacation in Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia may encounter rudeness and rudeness. It will be better for you if you do not know local languages ​​- you will save your nerves. It is especially not recommended to know what “Russian pig” sounds like in Latvian, Estonian or Lithuanian. “A friend living in Riga, seething with anger, voiced to me the comments Latvians made to us, based on the fact that we are both Russian tourists and do not know the language,” says Anna. “The most interesting thing is that when they say nasty things to us, smiled."

In order to local restaurants and cafes to be served not least, it is best to communicate with each other in English, they advise experienced tourists From Russia. When communicating in Russian, you risk waiting for your order for as long as you like. “We were traveling on the Moscow-Vilnius train. When it was our turn in the dining car at the bar counter, the bartender began to serve the Estonian woman standing behind us, and both he and she showed with all their appearance that it could not be otherwise,” - says Irina.

Ukraine, more precisely, its western part. No matter how much you try to talk to the hotel staff or waiter in Russian, nothing will work; they will still answer you in Ukrainian - out of principle. No one here believes that a Russian tourist may really not know what chorna kava is. “I couldn’t communicate with the waiters at all,” says Alexey. “They didn’t react at all to my Russian remarks. Orders had to be made through my Kiev friend. For two days, not a single, indeed not a single, waiter answered my questions. requests made in Russian."

The Kryivka restaurant, dedicated to the Organization, is thriving in Lviv Ukrainian nationalists(OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). There are anti-Soviet and anti-Semitic posters on the walls, and the names of the dishes on the menu will not excite the appetite of every Russian: fried crucian carp “Muscovites drunken crucian carp,” buckwheat “Everyday Life of the Wehrmacht,” cocoa “Childhood of Stepan Bandera.” But in order to be able to examine the interior of “Kryivka” and get acquainted with the menu, you need to know the password to enter the establishment - the organizational greeting of a member of the Bandera movement “glory to Ukraine” (in response - “glory to the heroes”). After a successful exchange of code words, the guard will ask you to swear that you are not a Muscovite or a communist.

If during the day the health of a Russian tourist in Lviv, by and large, is not in danger, then at night you can run into ill-wishers based on nationality anywhere - even on Lvovsky Square opera house. An ill-wisher can be recognized by the loud cry of “Muscovites to knives!”, and it is better not to wait for what will follow him. “We were almost beaten in the very center of Lvov just because we were Russians. Militant-minded young people, having heard Russian speech, ran up to us, began shouting obscenities in broken Russian, offered to fight, accompanying their proposal with active gestures - so that we Apparently they understood,” says Alexey. “They fell behind when they found out that there were Ukrainians in our company - they decided to let us go in peace.”

Türkiye. How more rest in this country is gaining popularity among Russian tourists, the less local residents rejoice at their arrival. This is especially true for the female part of the population. Due to the thriving sex tourism in the country, women of Slavic appearance are increasingly faced with hostility from Turkish women. Turkish men are more supportive of Russian women, but they say about men that they do not understand what a family is, so they allow women to behave promiscuously. Turks often present complaints to Russians that have already become banal: a love of alcohol and fighting, an inability to behave at a buffet table. But there are also more original statements. “My wife doesn’t like Russians, she says that they all have AIDS,” a Turk selling souvenirs in a hotel shop shared with a Russian tourist. “After which the interlocutor hastened to assure me that this is nonsense, and he, of course, does not believe in it,” says Evgenia.

France, Courchevel b. Interest in ski resort Courchevel began to awaken among the Russians a few years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russian tourists of that time from current visitors of this prestigious resort, of course, are strikingly different. But despite the fact that Russian oligarchs, who come to the Alps today are sophisticated, educated people with good taste; the French do not favor them and do not want to be neighbors with them during their vacation. Actually, no one wants to live next to Russians during the “Russian seasons” in Courchevel. The behavior of rich Russians seems too shocking and even indecent to Europeans. In January 2007, billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov was arrested at the fashionable Byblos hotel in the company of 7 women on suspicion of organizing a pimping network. True, then all charges against Prokhorov were dropped and they apologized for the detention; the French were unable to prove the indecency of the actions of the Russian tourists. However, they still don’t favor Russians, because they all wear T-shirts with the inscription “Russia”, every restaurant has a menu in Russian, and they serve pickled cucumbers with vodka ordered at the bar without any questions asked. “And my French husband never tires of being surprised: where do they get so much money?!” says Daria, who has lived in Paris for 10 years.

For the period between New Year and Orthodox Christmas, as well as at the beginning of March, the British and the French themselves are on holiday French Alps has to be postponed. “The French say that during the “Russian seasons” they have nothing to do there, and sigh with nostalgia,” says Daria. “They believe that the Russians took Courchevel from them, and cannot forgive them for this.”

True, there is a small part of the French who are happy about the massive influx of Russians. These are service personnel who remember our compatriots with gratitude because of the colossal tips.

India, Goa. It looks like Russian tourists have fallen out of favor at their favorite resort. Tourist Honeymoon Goa with Russia is over, The Times of India stated in February. Russian tourist visas are either expired or extended for a small bribe. Russians do business in Goa, commit crimes, attack local residents and with such behavior terrify Indians and scare away tourists from other countries - jeopardizing the well-being of the state's tourism industry, the newspaper writes. “We’ve never had problems before with the British, the Germans, the Scandinavians or even the hippies since the 70s,” the publication quotes George Fernandes, president of the Goa Tourist Taxi Association. “The Russians come and eat our bread. They do private cabs, meet us at car at the airport of their compatriots and do it under the guise of driving their friends. What, friends come to see them every week?! Russian tourists are representatives of the lower classes of society; they are hostile by nature, they believe in Goa. The companies they created in Goa do not pay taxes, and the Russians not only engage in crime themselves, but also represent a convenient environment for Indian criminals. Indian politicians do not deny that they once benefited from tourists from Russia, but note that they lost even more. And local residents say that they will not tolerate hostile attacks from the Russians, and promise to pay them in the same coin.


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