Where to spend a weekend with your family. Where to go on the weekend. Museum "Submarine" in the park "Northern Tushino"

Beauty Moscow is an ancient and truly magnificent Russian city. Moscow, like a powerful magnet, attracts millions of tourists from all over the world who want to admire its countless cultural riches and historical attractions. In our article we will tell you where to go in Moscow to see the capital in all its splendor and touch its innermost secrets and centuries-old traditions.

1. Kremlin

The Kremlin is the first place every tourist must visit in Moscow. The ancient Moscow Kremlin, located on the banks of the Moscow River, is the main attraction of the Russian capital and the most recognizable architectural symbol of Russia. Stone walls and powerful towers, erected back in the 14th century, not only reliably protected the city, but also served as its main decoration. Today it is difficult to imagine that for five centuries the Moscow Kremlin was white stone, and only in late XIX century acquired its usual red color. The most famous of the twenty towers of the Kremlin is the Spasskaya Tower with the main Kremlin gates and the famous chimes. On the territory of the Kremlin there are many ancient Orthodox churches, including three cathedrals: Assumption, Archangel and Annunciation. One of most interesting museums The Kremlin is the Armory Chamber with its rich collection of grand ducal and royal treasures.

2. St. Basil's Cathedral

During a tour of Moscow, you should definitely visit the main Orthodox attraction of the city - St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square, which rightfully ranks among the most beautiful churches in Russia. This is a real masterpiece of Russian architecture, reminiscent of a bright fairy-tale decoration: each dome of the cathedral has a unique color, and its walls are lavishly decorated with skillful paintings, semicircular kokoshniks and other decorative elements. The cathedral was erected by order of Ivan the Terrible in the middle of the 16th century in memory of the capture of Kazan. The temple received its name in honor of St. Basil, who had the gift of clairvoyance and enjoyed special respect from Ivan the Terrible. Currently, the cathedral houses a museum exhibition dedicated to the history and architecture of the temple.

3. Arbat

The next place in Moscow where every tourist should go is Arbat. A walk along this famous pedestrian street in the center of the capital will allow you to fully experience the charm of old Moscow, as well as appreciate its modern attractions. The Golitsyns, Tolstoys, Sheremetevs and other noble noble families once lived in the ancient mansions of Arbat. Among the famous residents of Arbat was Alexander Pushkin, who lived here for several months with his wife Natalya Goncharova. In memory of this, the Pushkin House Museum operates on Arbat, and opposite it is the sculptural composition “Pushkin and Natalie.” The Vakhtangov Theater is rightfully considered one of the most famous buildings in Arbat, which is definitely worth a visit for connoisseurs of high art. Besides historical places, on Arbat you can find many souvenir shops, shopping centers, cafes, restaurants and rather unusual entertainment venues. For example, here you can visit the Hard Rock Cafe, the Giant's House, the Museum of Optical Illusions and the Perfumery Museum. And talented artists and musicians who constantly stay on Arbat create a unique creative atmosphere here and give residents and guests of the capital a festive mood.

4. Diamond fund

One of the most interesting attractions in Moscow for tourists is the Diamond Fund, the exhibition of which is located on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin and is one of the largest and most famous collections of precious stones in the whole world. At the exhibition Diamond Fund Imperial regalia, masterpieces of jewelry, rare precious stones and large diamonds are presented. Among the particularly significant exhibits are the Great Imperial Crown, the imperial scepter with the Orlov diamond, the imperial orb with a diamond belt and a large sapphire, a giant emerald and the Mephistopheles gold nugget. Getting acquainted with the collection of the Diamond Fund will not leave even the most discerning visitors indifferent.

5. Bolshoi Theater

Every lover of opera and ballet should definitely go to the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, which deservedly enjoys the reputation of the main theater of the capital and is widely known not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Its history began in the second half of the 18th century, during the reign of Catherine II. And the modern building of the Bolshoi Theater, depicted on the hundred-ruble banknote, was built in the middle of the 19th century. Over the years, Galina Vishnevskaya, Elena Obraztsova, Maris Liepa, Maya Plisetskaya, Nikolai Tsiskaridze and other world-famous opera and ballet stars performed on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. A few years ago, a grandiose reconstruction was completed at the Bolshoi Theater: now the interior of the building has been recreated in the spirit of the pre-revolutionary era with its inherent imperial luxury. Bolshoi Theater productions are extremely popular, so it is better to purchase tickets 2-3 months before the performance.

6. Historical Museum in Moscow

State Historical Museum – popular tourist place in Moscow, which will be interesting to visit not only for history buffs. The landmark is located on Red Square and has a unique collection of exhibits demonstrating the development of Russian history and culture from ancient times to the present day. The museum was founded by order of Emperor Alexander II, who dreamed that every resident of the Russian state would know their history and be proud of it. Collection of valuables Historical Museum Moscow is so large that if you stop at each display case with exhibits, by the end of the tour you will have walked about 3.5 kilometers. The collection includes primitive tools, jewelry, ancient coins, ancient Russian chronicles, military armor and many other artifacts. Among the most memorable exhibits are a huge boat made of solid oak from the Stone Age, Novgorod birch bark letters of the boy Onfim, the first printed book “Apostle”, the royal throne of Ivan the Terrible, a huge globe of Peter I, a letter on a walrus tusk and the luxurious saber of Napoleon Bonaparte.

7. Gostiny Dvor

The Old Gostiny Dvor, located in close proximity to Red Square, is a large trade and exhibition center and the oldest Gostiny Dvor in Moscow. Since the 16th century, the wooden building of Gostiny Dvor housed merchant shops and warehouses. During the time of Catherine II, Gostiny Dvor became the most fashionable place in Moscow: the city's aristocracy bought clothes, jewelry and interior items here. Today, the spacious premises of Gostiny Dvor serve as a venue for charity events, grand shows, fashion shows and thematic exhibitions.

8. Armory

The Armory Chamber, located on the territory of the Kremlin, rightfully belongs to the most interesting museums and most visited attractions in Moscow. Within its walls is stored a unique collection of valuable objects and historical relics that belonged to Russian rulers and patriarchs, thanks to which the Armory Chamber is called the “treasury of Russia.” The exhibition is based on grand ducal state regalia, ceremonial royal clothing, military armor, a collection of gold and silver items and a luxurious collection of antique carriages. Particularly noteworthy are the amazingly beautiful Faberge eggs, the double throne for Peter I and his brother Ivan V, as well as the famous symbol of the Russian state - the Monomakh Cap.

9. Gorky Park

While on vacation in Moscow, you should definitely go to Gorky Park. Without exaggeration, it is the main park in Moscow and the first world-class park in Russia. This is not only one of the hottest entertainment spots in the capital, but also excellent place for sports, recreation with children and cultural pastime. For lovers of active recreation, the park has sports grounds, a tennis court, a mini-football field, a skate area and a dance area. Connoisseurs of intellectual relaxation will be interested in visiting the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art and attending fascinating classes on history, literature and foreign languages ​​in the Lecture Hall. Children's playgrounds, the Green School young naturalists club, and the largest sandbox in Moscow are open for the park's youngest guests. And after dark, popular events in Gorky Park include observing the stars and planets at the observatory and film shows in the summer cinema under open air"Pioneer".

10. Tretyakov Gallery

The Tretyakov Gallery is the most famous art Gallery Moscow, which has one of the world's largest collections of Russian visual arts. This cultural site is rightfully included in the list of the most visited attractions in Moscow. The gallery was founded in the mid-19th century by entrepreneur and philanthropist Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, who had impeccable taste. The historic gallery building on Lavrushinsky Lane displays works from the times Ancient Rus' until the beginning of the 20th century, and the exhibition dedicated to the art of the 20th century is housed in a building on Krymsky Val. The general collection of the museum includes more than a hundred thousand paintings. Particularly noteworthy are such masterpieces as “Trinity” by Andrei Rublev, “The Appearance of Christ to the People” by Alexander Ivanov, “Bogatyrs” by Viktor Vasnetsov, “Apotheosis of War” by Vasily Vereshchagin and “Morning in a Pine Forest” by Ivan Shishkin.

11. Moskvarium Oceanarium

If you have a lot of free time, then do not forget to go to the main aquarium of Russia in Moscow - “Moskvarium” at VDNKh. Through the glass of huge aquariums here you can watch killer whales, giant Asian fish, moray eels, octopuses and stingrays at arm's length. Children enjoy spending time at the Dolphin Swimming Center: in special pools you can swim with friendly sea creatures, accompanied by experienced trainers. Moskvarium guests will be given a lot of pleasant impressions by fascinating seminars about the underwater world, interactive “ Trip around the world"and spectacular water shows with the participation of dolphins, walruses and sea lions.

12. Ostankino TV tower

The tallest building in Europe, the Ostankino TV Tower, rightfully belongs to the main symbols of the Russian capital. The height of the Ostankino Tower exceeds half a kilometer, so it is not surprising that its powerful television signal covers the entire vast territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. To visit the Ostankino TV tower, tickets must be purchased in advance. During the tour you will learn Interesting Facts about the history of construction and architectural features towers, and also take a high-speed elevator to a closed observation deck located at an altitude of 337 meters (for comparison, this is the level of the 112th floor). It offers a magnificent bird's eye view, making the Ostankino TV Tower one of the most attractive places to visit in Moscow.

13. Moscow Planetarium

The Moscow Planetarium, one of the largest planetariums in the world, is deservedly considered the real pride of the capital. Its visitors will be able to feel the boundlessness of the Universe, feel the charm of the mysterious starry sky and take a virtual space journey to distant planets. The main hall of the planetarium is the Great Star Hall. Inside its giant dome, it creates the effect of a night sky dotted with bright constellations. You can witness the flight of a comet, lunar eclipse and other astronomical phenomena. In the Urania Museum you will see a collection of meteorites, relief globes of the Earth, Venus and Mars, as well as a grandiose model of the Solar System. From May to September, there is a Large Observatory on the roof of the planetarium, where with the help of a powerful telescope you can see the neighboring galaxy, distant planets and globular star clusters.

14. Bunker-42 on Taganka

Bunker 42 on Taganka, which goes more than 60 meters deep into the earth, was once a classified facility of the Soviet Union, and today has become a popular attraction in Moscow. In this secret bunker, numbering about 20 underground floors, the Soviet leadership planned to hide from the atomic explosion at the height of Cold War. The construction of the bomb shelter was entrusted to the designers of the Moscow metro, who coped with the task perfectly. The strong walls of the bunker reliably protected against ground attacks, secret technical facilities could, if necessary, deliver a retaliatory nuclear strike, and the food reserves stored in underground pantries could last for several months. The bunker building hosts many thematic excursions, which will certainly be of interest to history buffs of the Soviet period.

15. Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard

The most famous circus in Russia was founded in Moscow in the second half of the 19th century by the hereditary circus artist Albert Salamonsky. During the Soviet Union, the stars of the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard were Oleg Popov, Mikhail Rumyantsev (known under the pseudonym “Pencil”) and the famous Soviet actor Yuri Nikulin, whose name the circus bears to this day. The show programs of the Nikulin Circus are always interesting and varied: acrobats, tightrope walkers, aerialists, illusionists, jugglers and, of course, domestic and exotic animals perform in its arena, demonstrating real miracles of dexterity and intelligence. This is one of best places in Moscow, where you can go with the whole family.

16. Moscow Zoo

Another wonderful attraction of Moscow for family vacation is the Moscow Zoo, which is known as one of the oldest zoos in Europe and is famous for its rich, long-standing traditions. For more than a century and a half, the Moscow Zoo has been delighting its visitors with a variety of exotic animals living outside its walls. The territory of the zoo is divided into many thematic exhibitions: “Cats of the Tropics”, “Spectacled Bears and Sloth Bears”, “Giraffe House”, “Birds of Prey Rock”, “Elephant House”, “Birds and Butterflies” and many others. Little guests of the zoo have a great time watching mischievous capuchins cheerfully jumping from branch to branch, and watching funny penguins, one by one, sliding down an icy mountain into the water.

17. Sparrow Hills

The legendary Sparrow Hills are one of the best places in Moscow for walking. Happy newlyweds come here on their wedding day, artists look here for subjects for their future paintings, and the great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said that everyone who wants to know Russia should see Moscow from here. You can start a walk through the picturesque territory of the Sparrow Hills from the famous high-rise building of Moscow State University, then go to the observation deck and enjoy the wonderful panorama of the capital. In summer, on the territory of the Sparrow Hills there are ecological trails, perfect for leisurely walks, and in winter, lovers of active recreation and skiing gather on the snow-covered slope.

18. Tsaritsyno

The picturesque palace and park ensemble “Tsaritsyno” is one of the most beautiful sights of Moscow. The history of the estate began in the 17th century - then it belonged to wealthy Moscow princes. In the second half of the 18th century, Empress Catherine II bought the estate and established a luxurious imperial residence here, which included several palace buildings and a beautiful park. Today, guests of Tsaritsyn can take a fascinating tour of the palace halls and park alleys, as well as visit an art exhibition or a music concert, which has long become a good tradition here. A photo session in historical costumes against the backdrop of the luxurious interiors of the royal palace is very popular among visitors.

Now you know where to go in Moscow, but keep in mind: the listed attractions are only a small part of all the interesting things.

Weekend rest is vital for people. Non-working days allow a person not only to restore strength. Most importantly, Saturday and Sunday give a feeling of personal freedom: I can go wherever I want, or maybe I won’t leave the house at all - I’ll just lie around with a book or tablet. The problem of “how to spend a weekend in Moscow” exists only from the point of view of the variety of choices.

Forest parks of Moscow - a gift from nature

But many prefer leisure or educational excursions. How to spend a day off in Moscow? There are dozens of tips that can be given here, because there are many proposals.

The capital of a huge country, a city that attracts millions of tourists from all over the world, is also tempting for residents of the Moscow region and nearby cities. Dozens of theaters, museums, parks and squares await visitors on weekends.

How can residents of the capital spend a day off in Moscow if they don’t want to sit in front of the TV for two days, watching their favorite series from start to finish? There is a huge choice for outdoor recreation. Moscow is not only one of the centers of modern civilization, but also the territory on which there are museums-reserves and forest parks, including the largest in Europe.

Elk Island: even the name attracts

Losiny Island, on the territory of which everything is provided for weekend excursions: interesting educational routes (there are 44 species of mammals), playgrounds, places of passive recreation, food stations - awaits its guests. The vast expanses (390 hectares) of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, which includes 4 zones that are historical heritage. These include, first of all, the ancient village of Kolomenskoye itself, where some buildings of the Sovereign's courtyard, an ancient garden and park have been preserved. In addition, the estates of Izmailovo, Lefortovo and N.A. Durasov, in Lyublino, which represent palace and park ensembles and with historical and architectural monuments. Deserves special attention

Supply clearly exceeds demand

With such luxury within the city, is it really possible to wonder how to spend a weekend in Moscow? Most likely, the question arises due to the abundance of proposals. Protected places It is impossible to examine Kolomenskoye quickly and quickly. Therefore, meaningful weekend routes with overnight accommodation have been developed. The Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve is known all over the world. Along with Peterhof, it is the pride of the palace and park heritage. It is impossible to list all the beauties of this palace complex: musical fountains, twisted gratings, cascades of ponds and dozens of other delights surrounding the Big and Small Bread House and the Opera House. The above is not all that can be seen on the territory of the magnificently restored museum-reserve. For the “Weekend in Moscow” program, all the little things are provided to make the visitor’s stay as comfortable as possible, enjoyable in all respects and also educational.

“How many temples, how many towers on your seven hills!”

The list of large forest park areas in Moscow is worthily complemented by the Sheremetyevskaya estate in Kuskovo, which dates back to the 18th century. Incredibly picturesque, it contains 20 architectural masterpieces that are under state protection. This list of large Moscow green areas is completed by the 50th Anniversary of October Park, whose 67-hectare area is located in the center of the capital and has an original radial-ring layout. The central square, to which all the alleys of the shady park with squirrels running along them come together, has all the infrastructure capable of providing an unforgettable weekend in Moscow with children. A visit to all of the above-mentioned objects of the capital’s forest park zone is provided for by the special project “Summer in Moscow”. Vacationers have at their disposal ponds with beaches, modern playgrounds, where there is everything for little Muscovites and their parents. The organizers expect that the program will meet all the requirements of people choosing where to go with their children on a day off in Moscow.

Sunday getaway closer to home

But most people make such wonderful trips once or twice a season - after all, many city dwellers want to take a walk, relax, and dine at home.

Although Sunday brunches are becoming fashionable and gaining momentum, aimed at visitors who decide to spend a weekend holiday in Moscow, most residents of the capital prefer a home-cooked table to a buffet. And in the evening you can go to the theater or cinema - there are so many different performances and shows in the capital. In addition, almost every Sunday has some kind of professional holiday. The capital has been celebrating them on a grand scale for a long time. Theatrical shows dedicated to the profession are organized in parks and squares, which are reported in the media. Celebrations in honor of sister cities or countries whose days are held in the capital are colorful and carry interesting information. In order to attract visitors, the organizers provide all sorts of bonuses that can attract people who have not yet decided how to spend a weekend in Moscow. And in general, this is not a problem for the capital of Russia!

Educational rest

The capital offers several high-level planetariums that can satisfy the curiosity of not only ordinary people, but also professionals. Good information programs, interesting thematic 4D films, places of recreation and food, souvenir shops - everything is done to ensure that the question of “where to go with children on a day off in Moscow” is resolved in favor of planetariums.

The oldest (1864), world-famous zoo of the metropolis occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of the number of animals in it. A trip there with children is certainly interesting. Simple statistics are amazing: 8856 individuals representing 1150 animal species from around the globe! Customer service, of course, is top level. We can talk endlessly about the capital's circuses and museums. The purpose of the trip of hundreds of tourists is to visit these legendary places.

Theater legend

Many Moscow theaters are famous for their children's performances. The Puppet Theater named after. Obraztsova. One of the world's largest was founded in 1931. Throughout Soviet times, his performances became events for the country, like the cult productions of Sovremennik or the Taganka Theater. Quotes from the performances were analyzed into sayings that are still alive today. Having survived the difficult times of perestroika, the puppet Mecca continues the glorious traditions - its productions recent years become laureates of the national theater award "Golden Mask". The best performances always come on weekends at, of course, the Puppet Theater. Obraztsova.

Moscow is rich in everything

Mysterious, original main city Russia has always been able to satisfy

b intellectual needs of tourists, and now he is able to adequately respond to their service requirements and any whims. There is absolutely everything that other world capitals could boast of. And only laziness or indifference may not allow you to find the answer to the question of how interesting, unusual or simply great it is to spend a day off in Moscow. What is very important is that there are many places in the capital where you can spend a weekend for free, but with benefit and pleasure for the whole family: beaches, parks, museums, including the Tretyakov Gallery on certain Sundays.

It's coming to an end, and as the weekend approaches, the question of how to spend the long-awaited days of rest increasingly arises. For those who don’t want, as they say, to spend all their time watching TV free time, but firmly decided to visit various interesting places, Moscow is ready to offer a lot of options.

Let's try to get to know some of them better.

Section 1. Where to go for free

Don't despair if your family's budget is limited. Despite the fact that the Russian capital is considered one of the most expensive cities in the world, there are plenty of places where you can relax cheaply or even for free. Surprisingly, such leisure activities can include visiting museums, theaters, concerts, discos and yoga classes.

Many Muscovites and city guests believe that the most interesting places to walk are parks. First of all, these include Babushkinsky, Perovsky, Kuzminsky, Tagansky, Izmailovsky, Tushinsky, Filevsky, Krasnopresnensky, as well as the Baumansky Garden, Muzeon and the Hermitage Garden.

By the way, in Gorky Park and in the Pioneer cinema you can do yoga on weekdays. Not everyone knows that all playgrounds are equipped with changing rooms, and those who wish are given mats.

Free dance lessons are held in Gorky Park. There are also many night youth discos with free entry. Weekends can be spent at Squat Café, Bilinqua or Cuba Libre.

Section 2. Cultural events for free? It's real!

When talking about the most interesting places in Moscow, one cannot fail to mention numerous exhibitions and museums. It should be noted that every third Sunday of the month best museums cities open their doors to visitors completely free of charge. In addition, the Water Museum, the Metro Museum, the Museum and the Museum of Light are happy to see their guests every day. They are also open to the public.

The Moscow Event Theater on Varshavskoye Shosse offers free performances. If you like the production, you can pay from 100 to 500 rubles for a ticket. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that you need to reserve seats in advance by phone or on the theater website.

Do you love classics and are looking for interesting places? Moscow is exactly the city where lovers of beauty should go. For example, you can enjoy the music of famous composers of the world in the Rachmaninov and Small Halls of the Moscow Conservatory. Free performances by chamber ensembles and choirs are regularly held here. international festivals, there are concerts of organ music, violin and piano.

You can see the panorama of Moscow at Sparrow Hills, where observation binoculars are provided for this purpose. The capital is rich in other attractions: temples and monasteries, nature reserves and ancient estates.

Excursions to these places do not require special expenses.

Section 3. Moscow Zoos

All kids love watching animals. That’s why, when talking about interesting places, one cannot fail to mention zoos.

Many will agree that this is an ideal place for a family holiday. Contact menageries will allow children to get to know the animals better. Here you can pet and feed them, and while children communicate with charming representatives of the fauna world, adults can relax or have a snack. Zoos "My small world» on the street Tushinskaya and “Animals as Toys” on Novoyasenevsky Ave. welcome their guests of any age.

A special pride of Moscow is the Moscow State Zoo, which houses various species of animals and birds. This is the oldest and largest zoo in Russia.

Section 4. Water parks of the capital

There is an opinion that the most interesting places are located in the center of Moscow, which means that getting to them is not entirely convenient, to put it mildly. This is nothing more than a misconception. For example, those who live in more remote areas are probably closer to huge entertainment complexes, which, as practice shows, are rarely built inside the Garden Ring.

For example, the largest water park is “Moreon” in Yasenevo. The complex is equipped with extreme slides, a swimming pool and a children's playground, massage baths and steam rooms, cafes and bars. The pools are surrounded by tropical plants and palm trees. Another water park, Kva-Kva, is no less attractive. There are also water slides of various heights, children's attractions and pools, water cannons and a jacuzzi. On Saturdays, night parties of the Shine project are held in “Kva-Kva” (Mytishchi).

The Aqua-Yuna water park has opened 8 km from Moscow with a new surfing attraction. The park is divided into children's and adult areas. There are a total of 9 slides ranging from 2 to 10 meters in height, some of them have a high-speed descent.

Section 5. Interesting and its theaters

In the center of the Russian capital there is the only anti-cinema “Kino House” with closed halls, karaoke and video games. This is an unusual establishment - the halls have cozy sofas, board games, karaoke, 3D. The romantic atmosphere in small rooms is conducive to dates, and in large rooms you can spend time with friends.

The performances resemble a black and white cartoon. The silhouettes on the canvas seem to come to life and simply fascinate the audience with their performance. Special transformable chairs allow you to watch the performance from any corner of the hall. Children will simply be delighted to visit this establishment.

The famous Yuri Kuklachev Cat Theater delights the public with performances of its pets. A unique world of kindness and warmth reigns here, cats perform with dogs, and an adult feels like a child.

Section 6. Conquering the depths of the sea

Many will agree that you can endlessly talk about interesting places in Moscow. “Where should we go?” - such a question is probably asked extremely rarely in this city. More often local residents and guests of the capital are trying to solve the problem associated with the lack of time in order to cover everything they want.

For example, why not admire the beauty underwater world at the oceanarium on Chistoprudny Boulevard, 14? The exhibition consists of more than 200 aquarium complexes, home to various species of fish and sharks. The store provides a wide range of aquariums and equipment for them. Visits to the aquarium are available daily by appointment. The Shark Feeding Show is held twice a week.

The largest Oceanarium is located on Dmitrovskoye Highway, where you can observe the underwater life of the inhabitants inside a tunnel. Representatives of flora and fauna from all over the planet are collected here. Visitors can watch a colorful seal show or shark feeding.

If you want to swim with dolphins, then feel free to go to the dolphinarium at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. The pleasure is not cheap (5,000-10,000 rubles), but emotions for a lifetime. The cost of the dolphin show is 400-1200 rubles, depending on the location. After the performance, you can take a photo with or take your child on a boat pulled by dolphins.

Section 7. For lovers of stars

The Great Planetarium is one of the best planetariums in the world, being not only an educational center, but also a star theater where you can take a tour through time and space.

The complex includes the Urania Museum, the Lunarium Museum, the Sky Park, and the Big and Small Star Halls. Interactive and space exhibits, educational games and 4D films allow you to learn about space and space discoveries.

Section 8. Winter fun

In winter, the oldest ice skating rink with two skating areas operates in the Hermitage Garden. For the convenience of visitors the following are provided:
  • figure skating school;
  • children's Corner;
  • locker rooms;
  • skate rental;
  • cafe.

Another skating rink in winter period open near GUM from 10 to 24 hours. Its ice cover does not melt even in weather of +10˚С, and the evening lighting creates a special fabulous atmosphere.

So, having familiarized yourself with the list of proposed options, it is quite possible to conclude that Moscow is ready to offer interesting places for every taste and income. And all visitors need to do is have a positive attitude and be prepared to be surprised.


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