Where you can relax in Karelia in winter. Holidays in Karelia in winter. Map of ski resorts in Karelia

Karelia in winter, reviews: where to relax, what to see

After reading a lot of admiring reviews about Karelia, we decided to use New Year holidays 2016-2017 to admire this miracle of nature for yourself. And here is my opinion.

A small digression. Today we are publishing an article that Alexey Ishchenko kindly provided us for publication. He and his family took a road trip around Karelia in winter and wrote this wonderful review. Vyacheslav and I are grateful to Alexey for his cooperation with the site. And for those who also want relax in Karelia in winter, to immerse yourself in the wonders of a snowy fairy tale, we can recommend the local tour operator Alem-Tour, a reliable and responsible company. Alexey, we hope for our long-term cooperation. So, is it worth visiting Karelia in winter?

Of course, Karelia is worth a look. At least to know that I was there. Maybe the seasonality of the trip affects it, but I think so. Those who admire, for example, the Petrozavodsk embankment, most likely have not traveled further than some remote regional center. Those who admire the nature of Karelia, at least the region of Lake Ladoga and Lake Onega, we did not go further north, most likely live permanently in some metropolis and go out into nature a couple of times a year, no further than fifty kilometers. Those who admire Kizhi or Kondopoga can see approximately the same on trips along the Golden Ring, maybe a little simpler, but much more intense, and most importantly closer to civilization, for example in Suzdal.

Well, now a little more detail.

1. Two words about the road. We drove from Kazan, route options vary greatly, from 1500 to 2000 km. But considering that the navigator builds short routes through remote areas of the Kirov, Kostroma, and Vologda regions, you can drive everywhere there, but the roads are often broken in summer, and in winter, even good roads, snow/thaw, snow/thaw. The result was still a washboard, so I had to drive in 2-3 gear for several tens of kilometers. On the contrary, having learned from bitter experience, we traveled through large regional centers onto the M7 highway and further along it. More than 1800 km, but fast and not shaking. And another feature. In Karelia, the main roads are in very good condition, both in terms of asphalt quality and cleanliness.

2. Petrozavodsk.

A small, not very clean town. Nothing much to see. The embankment described in other reviews can be considered improved only considering that the rest of the main part of the shore of Lake Onega within the city is overgrown with impenetrable bush forest and built up with an industrial zone. The Museum of the History of Navigation, or whatever it’s called, was closed for the holidays, nothing interesting was visible from the outside. On the plus side, rental apartment It was very decent and not expensive - 2000 rubles / day. And when I looked for options, most of them were there, the culture of providing housing was excellent.

We didn’t go to Kudama, a three-hour trip cost about 12,000 for three, considering that we paid about 35,000 for the entire trip, this is chaos. Opportunities for a child to be allowed full program, but for my wife and I, to reduce the cost, at a more modest level - NO. As a result, we went to Chalna.

In principle, it’s interesting, there are a lot of dogs. We saw that those Huskies that we see in our cities are only one of the subspecies.

Pat the dogs, although Husk managed to bite his wife, so be careful, especially those who are afraid of dogs, they can feel it. Five minutes, two laps on dogs.

Look at just two deer, and then from afar, from above, in the zoo, and then closer. But in principle, the excursion is worth the money, we paid something like two thousand, and the trip is many times closer than to Kudama.

Yes, it’s important, there are no puppies there at all, but about Kudama the guide said that there might be some there, but with great doubt, so the promises are again higher than reality.

4. Village of Kinerma. Nothing cool at all, old houses, no people, but...

5. Sortavala. The town is cleaner and outwardly more beautiful than Petrozavodsk, due to its proximity to Finland. Beautiful road there along the lakes, in the town itself there is also a beautiful view of the lake. Museum of Wooden Paintings. It’s nice, but most importantly you understand what a hellish amount of work it is, on just one painting, and there are three dozen of them.

Beautifully, in a foreign way, they managed to turn a simple quarry into a popular tourism point.

It’s interesting to see, I’ve never been to such places before. In general, it’s worth a look, although it’s probably much cooler in the summer, since you can’t go boating in the winter.

Well, go, if this is one of the goals of the whole trip, I wouldn’t even go from St. Petersburg just for this place. Well, a fly in the ointment, a tiny toilet and two cafes for crowds of people, huge queues.

Mountain is a strong word, again expectations are very high. The hill is as high as a three-story house, with the nearby lake barely visible above the tops of the pine trees.

You have to leave the highway for about fifteen kilometers; to be honest, it’s a waste of time and even gasoline.

8. Kondopoga.

The town is small, surrounded by an industrial zone. Worth on beautiful lake. The inside may be a little cleaner than in Petrozavodsk, but the town itself is somehow old, just old, not ancient. Although everything is modern in the central square, especially chain stores, everyone is present, but where would we be without them? It’s funny, there are three car washes in the whole town, two of which don’t work in winter, and the third has two washing stations. By the way, there are no gas stations in Karelia, only in Petrozavodsk, that’s who drives on gas.

The famous Kondopoga wooden church is large, tall, impressive both in terms of age and the fact that it still stands. Beautiful view to the lake, but there is no infrastructure around the church, not even a toilet. And there is a village and an industrial zone around. When I read the reviews, I had the complete impression that it was somewhere in the center, like the foundation of the town, but no.

Beautiful, impressive, but slippery everywhere.

Lots of souvenirs. I didn’t see any super beautiful forest. No cooler than, for example, in Mari El. I would definitely make some kind of bridge over the waterfall, especially if it was suspended, that would be absolutely cool.

But it's also worth a look. After Ruskeala, the second place that disappointed expectations the least.

10. Medvezhyegorsk, we stopped by only to spend the night. There was no impression left, the same old town as Kondopoga. But the rented apartment is significantly inferior to the Petrozavodsk one, maybe we came across one, we rented in a hurry, since BOOKING let us down cruelly. We drove through the White Sea-Baltic Canal in the dark and couldn’t see anything, what a shame.

Well, first of all, the road. Because I read a lot of nonsense that “you can get through with two jeeps.” There is an excellent route to Velikaya Bay, cleared, although we drove right after a snowfall, but it was not sprinkled with anything, it was slippery and there was a lot of sharp turns with slides. But not sprinkled, maybe even better, less dirt. 100 kilometers in two hours with rear wheel drive is absolutely possible. From Velikaya Guba to Oyatevshchina it’s about forty kilometers through the forest along a road under construction. One track has been cleared, we have a Hover, but any passenger car can get through there. The only thing is that there are not enough pockets for driving around, if something happens you either need to back away or need all-wheel drive to get around. But we didn’t meet anyone either there or back, so we didn’t experience any problems at all. We drove straight to the shore, straight ahead for about a kilometer between the island and Kizhi. It was probably possible to take a risk by car; the frost had just hit thirty. But they didn’t risk it, they walked. The road, worn by snowmobiles, immediately began to turn to the right along the coast. It became scary, suddenly, if you go straight to the island, you might fall through, there are no traces there at all. But they took a risk and stuck it out. Only then did they understand what was going on.

The main church of Kizhi is not opposite, but to the right, and the tracks led there. We moved to the island. There are several ancient houses and small churches brought there as if they were a museum.

But everything is simply not impressive. Looked around main church further along the island a kilometer and a half. You won’t be able to walk across the island, you’ll fall through virgin soil, there is a road, but it’s so confusing that it takes twice as long. There's a guy who goes there, takes excursions, and probably if you wait, they'll give you a ride. But how long should they wait? We continued our fanatical journey, went out onto the ice and walked on foot, fortunately there was practically no snow on the ice. Hovercraft often ride on the ice, they take excursions from Velikaya Bay, but it seems a little expensive, at least for the money they ask, you won’t get any impressions there.

The temple is large, beautiful, many domes, around the wall it looks like a wooden fortress. You are allowed inside for five hundred rubles in only one room. There is an altar, icons, but, in general, again, there is nothing superb.

I would like to get into the main building and visit the towers with domes, but they are not allowed there. There is another house nearby and the atmosphere of antiquity is recreated there, but again much more modest than in Suzdal. In general, it’s worth a visit, but in reality the labor and money costs for visiting it would be reasonable if you could get directly to the temple by car, without walking, and so, again, it’s a falsehood of expectations. Well, at least they took us back to the car on a snowmobile. Although we had a good time on foot, city life is not conducive to such walks; we haven’t walked so much for a long time.

12. We returned back along the opposite shore of Lake Onega through Pudozh. There's not one there settlement, almost at night at 30 degrees we were left without gasoline, we refueled in some village from a resident from plastic bottles.

Conclusions and recommendations.
  • Maybe, of course, I’m a little strict about the sights of Karelia. I traveled all over Russia west of the Urals and countries such as the Czech Republic, Greece, Turkish Pamukkale, Spain, Italy and much more. It is clear that there is no point in comparing with these places. But we need someone to describe the situation a little more objectively.
  • Inflated expectations add an unnecessary fly in the ointment, and it’s not ideal anyway, so it’s worth adding some tar, but those who understand that they need to go there and for whom it’s realistic will still get there. Of course, it may be much cooler there in the summer, as they say. But I'm already in these pink descriptions I will not believe.
  • I visited Karelia, saw it, made a note, but I will believe the summer delights of Karelia with due reserve and will only visit there if I’m passing through.

Alexey Ishchenko was with you with his wife and son, in Karelia in winter in a Hover H3 car during the New Year holidays of 2016-2017.

Excursion holidays in Karelia, winter excursion and active educational tours:

Relaxation + excursion and entertainment program!

All tours to Karelia, WINTER 2020


Winter active recreation in Karelia:

Active recreation centers in Karelia

Alpine skiing, WINTER 2020

Ski tours, WINTER 2020

Snowmobile tours, WINTER 2020

Dog sled tours, WINTER 2020

Holidays in Karelia in winter for the holidays:

New Year in cottages and boarding houses in Karelia

Tours to Karelia for the New Year

Winter holidays and Christmas in cottages and boarding houses in Karelia

Tours to Karelia for winter holidays

Tours to Karelia for Christmas

There is a special charm to winter holidays in Karelia. Karelian forests saturate the winter sunny atmosphere with pure oxygen. In such air one can breathe sweetly on the ski and hiking along the banks of frozen Karelian lakes and fast rivers. Winter holidays in Karelia mean a dark bottomless sky, bright constellations and colorful starfalls that we will never see in cities. In winter, the never-freezing Kivach waterfall awakens true charm, when the sun's rays are refracted in the diamond water dust and turn into ice on the fly.

Holidays in Karelia in winter are a wonderful opportunity to rush in a snowy whirlwind across the ice of Lake Onega on board a hovercraft to the lace of wooden churches of Kizhi Island or take a snowmobile safari, and then from the windows guest house“Kizhi Grace”, on the shore of Lake Onega, you can endlessly admire the majestic silhouette of the twenty-two-domed Church of the Transfiguration.

By selecting winter holidays in Karelia, we will be able to go skiing on the island of Valaam, fully enjoy dog ​​sledding and snowmobiling, and even master the ancient Karelian “skis” - snowshoes. Snowshoeing always brings a feeling of delight, joy and cheerful laughter. Try it and you won't regret it. Without a doubt, we will enjoy communicating with four-legged sledding friends in the sled dog kennel. And the children will simply be delighted!

Relaxation in the shungite room will restore our strength to continue active winter recreation.

We will definitely visit the Ruskeala waterfalls and the Ruskeala marble quarry, where observation platforms You can cook a barbecue and enjoy beautiful view marble lake, take a unique selfie.

We will not fail to get acquainted with the first resort in the history of Russia, “Marcial Waters,” founded by Peter the Great almost 300 years ago, and we will definitely drink water from the famous natural springs.

A memorable winter holiday in Karelia will be for us a stunning winter tour, where a snowmobile ride alternates with a dog sled ride and winter fishing, in which we will not be left without trophies and rich Karelian fish soup.

What about the tempting prospect of crossing the Arctic Circle, fishing in the White Sea, skiing and taking part in a snowmobile safari in the Khibiny Mountains? Mountains, sun, frozen lace of the White Sea waves and a hot bathhouse.

Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8, wide Maslenitsa - winter holidays in Karelia on these holidays will give them freshness and uniqueness. Such a celebration will be a real gift for our families and friends.

Winter holidays in Karelia also mean relaxation in boarding houses and cottages, entertainment, disco games and a water park, winter rides, sports and fun.

We offer you meet New Year and spend a bright Christmas holiday in Karelia, V country hotel“Gardarika”, located in a picturesque corner of southern Karelia on the shores of Lake Yanisjärvi.

Winter holidays in Karelia at the Gardarika hotel-club are not only snowdrifts, frosts and beauty northern lights. This is a comfortable accommodation, interesting program, a banquet, fun competitions and games in the fresh air, a picnic, sledding, skiing, skating and snowmobiling, ice fishing, snowmobile safari, overnight stays in a real house on the island, among the icy silence of Lake Janisjärvi and a Russian bathhouse on the shore.

On the territory of the hotel-club "Gardarika" you can hold a New Year's corporate party, a family holiday, or celebrate a birthday. For large companies apply Special offers and discounts.

Holidays in Karelia for children

Winter holidays in Karelia will especially appeal to children. Still would! Every year at Christmas, Finnish Santa Claus harnesses his reindeer team and travels around the world to distribute gifts. He always visits Karelia and meets with children who are vacationing on the Gardarik at this time. Children's holiday at Gardarik there is a puppet theater, skiing and skating, downhill skiing, various master classes and much more.


Karelia, a country of thousands of lakes, will offer the fisherman everything he can only dream of. Winter fishing, frost, sun – it’s a delight! Fish soup cooked over a fire is the reward for this day!

Snowmobile tours to the Marble Canyon, along Lake Yanisjärvi, overnight in a house on the lake, a blazing fire and a Russian bathhouse on the shore, fish caught with your own hands and cooked over a fire. It's hard to forget!

Winter holidays in Karelia include magnificent ski trips along the lake, hills, forests, gorges, and fields. These are picturesque landscapes, crystal clear air, snow-white snow shimmering in the rays bright sun. This is a hot fireplace in a house on the shore of a sparkling ice lake, this is snow in the face, mighty fir trees resting their tops on the piercing blue sky, this is a child's delight from meeting Santa Claus, a lot of entertainment, and so much more magic and Christmas surprises that there are impressions and memories enough for a whole year.

You will remember your winter holiday in Karelia for many years, and the time spent on “Gardarik” will become one of the unforgettable memories for you and your children.

In winter it is popular not only among Russians, but also among foreign tourists. Here you can see unique monuments architecture, enjoy virgin nature, do active species sports, and also spend time comfortably with your family.

Winter hunting

Many guests prefer to spend their holidays in Karelia in winter in active and even extreme ways. Thus, hunting has long been a well-known tourist “brand” of this region. Anyone can test the strength of their nerves and go to the local forests for birds or game. At the same time, tourists should be aware that a license is required for beavers, bears, black grouse, wood grouse and wild boars. Obtaining the required permit from the regional departments of the State Committee for Hunting of the Republic of Kazakhstan or organizations that have their own hunting grounds is not so easy, since the number of licenses is limited. But hunting hazel grouse, hare, squirrel, duck and a number of other animals is possible without special permission.

If you are not a professional in this type of activity, then use the services of a specialist who will accompany you and save you from many difficulties and inconveniences. If you wish, you can purchase a special tour, during which you will be provided with comfortable accommodation in a hunting lodge, meals, and the services of a professional huntsman guide.

Fishing in Karelia

Karelia in winter is an excellent holiday destination for ice fishing enthusiasts. In central and northern regions In the region there are many rivers and rapids where you can catch grayling, salmon and whitefish. In the north of Karelia there are many lakes, where Pyaozero is especially popular. This is where fishermen come for trout, whitefish, brown trout and many other types of fish. There are 47 species of fish in Lake Onega, including such “favorites” as salmon, trout, perch, pike perch and pike. Most fans winter fishing they come here on their own because they believe that it is not worth paying money for something that can be taken for free. However, in Karelia there are also specialized recreation centers with stocked reservoirs. Here everyone can combine their favorite activity with accommodation in a comfortable hotel, sports, relaxation in a Russian bath and other entertainment.

If you decide to spend your holiday here, you should take into account that Karelia is a rather special place in winter - the days here are short, the nights are long, and the air temperature is quite low. You also need to know that there are a number of restrictions on fishing. For example, bream, ide and grayling less than 22 centimeters in length should be released, and pike less than 30 centimeters in length.

Active recreation, prices

Karelia in winter - perfect place for lovers of an active lifestyle. This is where you can go on a ski trip, dog ride, horseback ride, or go on an all-terrain vehicle and snowmobile tour. If you don't love extreme holiday, then you can do more calm and safe species activities. For example, go ice skating, skiing, popular cheesecakes and, of course, enjoy snow fun. For organized programs, contact the tour operator "Alem-Tour".

How much will a winter holiday in Karelia cost tourists? Entertainment prices are more than affordable for most of our fellow citizens. So, a two-hour dog sled ride will cost about 3,500 rubles, and a one-day hovercraft trip to the island of Valaam and sightseeing tours will cost 7,000 rubles.

Sights of the region

At any time of the year, tourists strive to visit the most famous places Karelia. Therefore in winter time year you can also admire beautiful lakes, forests and other picturesque places this region. The most famous natural attractions of Karelia are, of course, Lakes Ladoga and Onega, the beauty of which is difficult to convey even for professional photographers. The next places visited by almost all tourists are Solovki, Valaam and Kizhi. Here you can see architectural monuments, museums, cathedrals and chapels with a centuries-old history. The list of local attractions would be incomplete without mentioning the Old Russian northern cities. We are talking about Olonets, Petrozavodsk, Kemi and many other settlements.

average cost walking tour in Petrozavodsk is 200 rubles, and by bus - 350 rubles.

Excursions around Karelia

If you want to spend your winter holiday in an exciting way, then feel free to go to Karelia. Here you can create a travel program, the impressions of which will last a lifetime. Some people prefer bus excursions, someone is moving in own car. However, experts say that it is impossible to see all the beauty of this region in the usual bustle. Stop and try to take a break from everyday activities, admire the nature and beauty of the northern cities. On such a trip, you will simply need a guide who loves his homeland and knows its history very well.

For those who want a short time see all the sights, the guides create a special program. It provides for movement in different types transport and various ways of spending leisure time. Such a two-day tour will cost approximately 12,000 rubles for one person. There is also a completely special group of excursions - extreme tours, where instead of the usual “all inclusive” you get an SUV, a tent, a fishing rod, a folding knife and a bowler hat.

Winter holidays in Karelia with children

If you decide to spend time with your family, then it is in Karelia that you will get a lot of positive impressions. When going to Karelia in winter with children, you can be sure that you will find lovely hotel, interesting excursions for all ages, as well as exciting winter fun. Kids will be interested in riding dog and reindeer sleds, going on a ski trip or building a real snow fortress. Many hotels offer families to celebrate New Year and Christmas with them. They develop a special program that will appeal to all members of your family. Here you will find Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, fun competitions and attractions, as well as a lot of gifts and pleasant surprises.

Karelia in winter: reviews from tourists

Those who visit this wonderful region in winter are usually full of new and vivid impressions. Some people talk with delight about active recreation, some are delighted with the beauty of northern nature, and others got a lot of pleasure from the rich excursion program. However, almost all guests of Karelia agree on one thing - they dream of returning here more than once.

Winter Karelia welcomes guests with clean snow, frosty air and entertainment. Find out about the winter weather, excursions, New Year's Eve and reviews from tourists. We present prices for holidays in Karelia in the winter of 2019-2020 for tours, meals and accommodation at the bases.

Holidays in Karelia in winter are no less attractive than in summer. City residents enjoy spending their holidays among the snowy pine forests. Tourists live in warm, cozy cottages and recreation centers. They enjoy snowmobiling, dog sledding, skiing, excursions, and ice fishing. Many people come to Karelia with family and companies to celebrate the New Year.

Weather in winter

Snow in Karelia begins to fall in mid-October. Snow cover becomes permanent in November and lasts for about 170 days until April. Snowfalls here can be prolonged - snow can fall without a break for several days in a row.

At the end of January, thanks to the cold air from the Arctic, the thermometer often drops to −25...−35°C. The coldest and windiest month is February. But there is no need to worry too much! The mighty Karelian forests reliably protect from cold winds, so frosts are tolerated relatively easily.

Average air temperature

How to get there

From Moscow to Petrozavodsk you can fly by plane or by train. The flight takes just over 1.5 hours, and the journey railway- 15 hours.

Trains and buses run from St. Petersburg to Karelia. Most fast train"Swallow" gets to Petrozavodsk in 5 hours. By bus it takes 8.5 hours to get to the capital of Karelia.

(Photo © hikuta / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

How to relax in winter in Karelia

Holidays in Karelia in winter are very popular. Here you can improve your health in sanatoriums, go on excursions and engage in active tourism.

Dog sled rides. Vacationers like to receive new experience and ride through the snow with sled dogs. There are several husky kennels in Karelia, and Karelian excursion bureaus offer sledding tours. They are quite expensive - from 3,700 rubles. To save money, many tourists come to kennels on their own, interact with dogs and go sledding. A trip of 0.5 km for children costs 1,500 rubles, and for adults - 2,500 rubles.

Snowmobile safari. The average depth of snow cover in Karelia is about a meter, so snowmobiles are one of the necessary types transport. During their holidays in Karelia in the winter of 2019-2020, tourists enjoy riding snowmobiles. Renting a snowmobile with a sleigh costs 1,000 rubles per hour, and a one-day safari on a snowmobile + a second snowmobile with an instructor will cost 5,000 rubles.

Visit to Santa Claus. What kind of holiday in Karelia in winter would it be without a visit to Karelian Father Frost - Talvi Ukko? His estate is located just 20 minutes drive from Petrozavodsk. From the capital of Karelia they come there independently or as part of organized tour. This is especially interesting for children. The residence hosts several programs, during which tourists drive Finnish sleighs, slide down a hill, ride a sleigh behind an all-terrain vehicle, participate in national Karelian fun and have tea with pies. Prices start from 650 rubles.

Winter fishing. At the beginning of the snow season - in October and November - trout and palia bite well. Active ice fishing for roach, whitefish, trout, pike, perch and burbot begins in February. At recreation centers, fishermen are offered rental of ice screws and fishing gear, as well as delivery by snowmobile to the fishing spot.

(Photo © unsplash.com / @mika_luo)

Hunting. Hunting for wild boar is allowed in Karelia until December, and hunting for elk until January. Until the beginning of February, hunters can hunt hares, polecats, muskrats, minks, martens, beavers, badgers and wolves. In addition, hunting for wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, partridge and woodcock is open all winter.

Walks and excursions. Karelian winters are snowy, so the best way to walk through the forest is on skis. In Petrozavodsk it is pleasant to walk around the city on foot. Tourists who come to Karelia on vacation in winter enjoy walking along the embankment along Onega.

Open during winter months mountain park"Ruskeala". They fly to Kizhi by helicopter. In addition, hovercraft sail on the ice of Lake Onega. Vacationers are in demand for excursions to Karelian cities - they enjoy going to Belomorsk, Kondopoga, Olonets, Kem and Sortavala.

Mountain Park "Ruskeala" in winter

Skiing. The hills and ridges of Karelia cannot be compared with the Caucasus mountains, but there are winter resorts here too. They appeal not only to beginners, but also to experienced skiers and snowboarders. In winter, the Kurgan ski and biathlon complex and Entertainment Center"Gorka" in Petrozavodsk, ski resort"Spasskaya Guba", center active rest"Yalgora", ski center Kallivo Park and country club"Little Bear"

The maximum elevation differences on the slopes in Karelia are small - only 70-100 m. However, the winter resorts have all the necessary infrastructure: equipment and ski rental, instructor services and schools for beginners.

Map ski resorts Karelia

New Year's Eve. In Petrozavodsk, New Year celebrations traditionally take place on Kirov Square, in the city center. Folk festivals and fairs are held there, a festive program is held and fireworks are set off.

Karelian recreation centers are ideal for celebrating the New Year with family and friends. Almost everywhere they organize festive feasts and fun competitions.

(Photo © booking.com / Sorola Village Park Hotel)

Prices for winter tours to Karelia

Holiday tours in Karelia in winter in 2019-2020. designed for 2-5 days. These are intense trips, the program of which includes exploring Karelian sights, a Russian bath, fishing, skiing, snowmobile safaris and dog sledding.

There are tours for active recreation with children. During them, extreme methods of movement are not provided. Those who want to test their endurance choose multi-day tours on snowmobiles, skis, sleds or combined travel.

Prices for two-day tours start from 10 thousand rubles, and for a trip lasting 5 days they ask from 19 thousand rubles. The price includes transport services in Karelia, food, accommodation, equipment rental, equipment and guide services. Excursions, entertainment and travel to the starting point of the route are additionally paid. As a rule, trips begin in Petrozavodsk, Kemi or at Chupa station.

(Photo © unsplash.com / @ozgut)

Accommodation at recreation centers

According to reviews, holidays in Karelia in the winter of 2019-2020 are quite budget-friendly when compared with winter resorts Sochi or Europe.

During vacation, it is convenient to stay in country estates, cottages and camp sites. In the first half of December, at the end of January, in February and March Double Room with breakfast for two it costs 1500-2000 rubles.

(Photo © booking.com / Niska)

Prices for food in cafes and shops

Winter - no best time for cooking over a fire, which is why even the most passionate fans of camping life prefer to eat in cafes and restaurants. According to tourists, 600-800 rubles a day is enough for food.

Budget catering establishments should be looked for away from tourist attractions. Near the highways, these are cafes and canteens where truckers usually eat. They serve food for 250-300 rubles. Dinner for two at inexpensive restaurant, excluding the cost of alcohol, will cost 1000-1300 rubles.

Many Karelian recreation centers and country estates have small cafes. Breakfast, lunch or dinner costs 250-400 rubles. Although the cafe serves guests, it is always happy to set a table for passing tourists.

If during your winter vacation in Karelia you want to cook on your own, buy food in chain stores - Lenta, Pyaterochka or Magnit. Prices are lower there.

(Photo © booking.com / Niska)

Holidays in Karelia in winter with children

Family holidays in Karelia in winter are enjoyed by both parents and children. The republic has a lot of winter entertainment - cheesecake and sledding, skiing and excursions. Children are very impressed by the frozen waterfalls, the “Doll House” in Petrozavodsk, the “Three Bears” zoo complex, a trip to Santa Claus and a trip to the Marble Canyon.

It is worth visiting the sled dog nursery and the reindeer farm with your child. Reindeer sleigh rides for children under 12 years old cost 1,000 rubles, and for adults - 1,200 rubles.


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