Canyons of Crimea. Grand Canyon of Crimea: amazing things nearby

Crimea attracts not only those who like to lie on the beach. The peninsula is no less popular among tourists who demand active rest, fans hiking and hard-to-reach places. For such guests, the most attractive are the Crimean Mountains with their unusual forests, crevices, rocks, etc. Visiting the so-called Grand Canyon is also in demand. Although it is smaller in size than its American counterpart, it is also very picturesque and difficult to access. One of its attractions is the Bath of Youth. In Crimea, they seriously advise tourists to swim in it to gain strength and vigor.

Where is the source in Crimea?

It is a state landscape reserve. The use of natural resources is very limited here, and tourists are allowed only by prior agreement. The closest place to the Bath of Youth is in the Bakhchisarai region.

Bath of youth on the map of Crimea

The true source of cheerfulness

The Bath of Youth is a small lake, washed over many centuries with water in the limestone layer. There are quite a lot of such lakes in Crimea; they are traditionally called baths. The attraction in the Grand Canyon is famous for the fact that everyone who dares to swim in it actually gains vigor and mobility right before their eyes. This becomes obvious from the truly youthful agility with which the bather jumps out of the lake. The secret of magical rejuvenation is simple - the water temperature here, even in summer, does not exceed +9...+11 degrees.

The same age as dinosaurs

It took entire geological periods to create a rejuvenating reservoir in these parts. For a long time, the territory of Crimea was under sea water, as a result of which limestone layers appeared here. Then geological processes lifted the peninsula out of the water and created cracks in it
(consequences of the movement of the earth's crust plates). After that, the water continued the work.

Limestone is not very resistant to erosion. Consequently, photos of intricately rugged Crimean rocks attract attention. The Grand Canyon also contains areas that look like intricate stalactites. But in some places, harder rocks were found under the limestone layer. Waterfalls appeared there. Over thousands of years, falling water washed out the depressions there - and this is how similar mini-lakes arose, including the Bath of Youth.

Previously, the lake was called Kara-Gol ( Black Lake, by the way, its namesake), but now the name Bath of Youth is used more often. The first to explore the unusual reservoir, back at the beginning of the twentieth century, were I.V. Rukhlov and I.I. Puzanov. Scientists paid attention to the low temperature of local water. This is explained by the fact that the lake is fed by mountain springs. The water in them is very cold, and in the shadow of the canyon rocks it does not have time to warm up at all.

The walk to the Bath of Youth is a challenging experience

Since the Bath of Youth in Crimea is located in a protected natural area,
access to it is limited. The administration of the reserve has developed tourist routes, which include a visit to the “rejuvenating” attraction. Prices may vary depending on the season and group composition.

During the hike, it is strictly forbidden to light a fire, scare animals and birds, or pick flowers. You cannot spend the night on the territory of the reserve. But all excursionists are allowed to swim in the rejuvenating spring. To get to the Bath of Youth in Crimea, you will initially need some physical preparation. Walking through the Grand Canyon is not at all easy; you have to climb stone blocks, sometimes quite large. You also need to dress appropriately; shoes that are comfortable and not slippery are of particular importance.

The hike requires caution - there is a risk of a stone falling on your head, brought down by nature or by the carelessness of those walking ahead. Visiting the canyon is also permissible only in dry weather - excursions are conducted exclusively in summer. If it rains, it can turn into a very violent torrent.
(in its numerous springs the water rises sharply, and it also flows from the rocks), as a result, it is impossible to reach Lake Kara-Gol without risking your life. Locals they compare what happens in the canyon during a rainstorm with the wedding of Satan.

However, reviews from those who have already completed such a trip clearly indicate that the impressions received were worth the effort. Many tourists return here many times and try new routes, in which the Bath of Youth is one of the mandatory components of a successful hike.

How to get (get there) to the attraction?

The Grand Canyon is one of those places for which the question of how to get there is very relevant. The bath of youth in Crimea is unattainable by ordinary modern transport. You can only get to the outskirts of the village of Sokolinoe. This is easy to do from where there are direct buses - the travel time will be about 2 hours.

Fastest at public transport It will take you 1 hour to get here. From the village itself you need to walk in a south-easterly direction for about 5 km, then turn left, then follow the tourist paths to the lake itself - about 2 km. A map and the help of a competent guide will also be useful here.

Note to tourists

  • Address: Bakhchisarai district, Grand Canyon of Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44°31′32″N (44.525559), 34°0′28″E (34.007805).

Ecological hiking very popular in Crimea. The Bath of Youth, and indeed the entire Grand Canyon, annually attracts those who love untouched nature and want to maintain strength and vigor for a long time! We also offer a short video about this unique natural attraction of Crimea. Enjoy watching!

Crimea, one of the stunning corners of our wonderful planet. The Crimean peninsula is simply a treasure trove of attractions created both by man and by mother nature herself. Among the most famous sights of Crimea, known throughout the world, we can highlight: Livadia Palace, bird home, Artek, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Kerch Bridge and so on. But among the attractions that nature has created, the most popular are the Crimean Mountains, waterfalls, caves and canyons. In this article I want to talk in detail about the best and most famous canyons Crimean peninsula.

In total there are about 17 canyons on the Crimean peninsula Almost all of them were formed several tens of thousands of years ago, under the influence of mountain rivers. Today, most of the canyons continue their formation and development. Almost all canyons have mountain streams, water cascades and waterfalls, but most mountain rivers have a pronounced seasonal nature. Peak activity of mountain rivers occurs in March - April. IN summer time, tourists walk in places where spring rivers flow. The beds of many rivers are turning into tourist routes. River activity is associated with melting snow on the peaks Crimean mountains. It is in the spring that the architects of the Crimean canyons - the rivers - do their routine work of construction and construction - new cascades, baths of youth and grinding mountain stones. Of course, among all the canyons of the Crimean peninsula, the most recognizable and most visited is Grand Canyon of Crimea.

Grand Canyon of Crimea

Grand Canyon of Crimea, as the name emphasizes, is truly the largest on the entire Crimean peninsula. The canyon is located on Mount Ai-Petri, from the Bakhchisaray district. You can get to it through Mount Ai-Petri, along the Yalta - Bakhchisarai highway. 5-6 km before the end of the descent, the entrance to the Grand Canyon begins. There are actually several entrances. The two most famous are: at the bridge over the mountain river Kokozka and 2 km higher, near a small market. There are no big differences between the inputs. A walk through the canyon, on average, lasts 2-3 hours and, practically the entire time, passes along the bottom of the canyon, exactly sandwiched by rocks, with a height of 100 to 350 meters.

Chernorechensky Canyon

Chernorechensky Canyon located near Balaklava, near the village of Chernorechenskoye and ends in Baydar Valley, practically, near the village of Shirokoe or Ozernoye. A walk through the canyon is designed to last 3-4 hours, but taking into account the measured pace and small breaks, on average it can take about 4-5 hours. The route usually starts from the side of Balaklava, but, in principle, you can also start from the village of Ozernoye. If you start the hike from Balaklava, then after a walk along the canyon you will still admire

Arpat Canyon

Arpat Canyon is located in one of the most picturesque corners of Crimea - the Panagia tract, not far from the village New World and Malorechenskoe. The length of the canyon is about 7 km, the average walking time is 2-3 hours. The canyon is famous for the Arpatsik waterfall, the Bath of Love - a stone bowl in the shape of a heart, and a large number of large and small cascades with overflowing water. The tourist route is marked, almost at any time of the year, you will meet tourists. The most beautiful time to visit the canyon is March - April.

Uzundzha Canyon

Uzundzha Canyon, by the standards of Crimea, is quite small, but the walk will be very entertaining, because... at the entrance to the canyon there is one of ancient artifacts Crimea - Skel menhirs, whose age is about 4-6 thousand years. They were most likely erected for pagan cults. An analogue of such a place can be called the English Stonehenge. Skel menhirs are located in the village of Rodnikovoe. From Rodnikovovo we head into the canyon itself and find ourselves in front of the entrance to one of the most amazing caves in Crimea - Skelskaya Cave. Unlike most caves, it does not lead down the mountain or along the mountain, but up, to the height of a 4-story building.

Canyon Kok-Asan

Canyon Kok-Asan, one of the most hidden corners of the Crimean peninsula. This happened due to its remoteness from the sea coast and major attractions of Crimea. The canyon originates in the Belogorsky district, in the village of Povorotnoye. From the village we head towards the New World. Highways there is no. Due to its greater distance from civilization, this canyon has retained its pristine nature and has not been so heavily influenced by humans. Like most canons in Crimea, it has a bath of Love, a bath of Youth and Health, several waterfalls and a mountain river. Only all this is in pristine condition, combined with magnificent air and wild forest.

Belbek Canyon

For lovers mountain holiday or walking routes, canyons of Crimea, one of my favorite places. You choose routes according to the level of difficulty and physical capabilities and combine mountain walks with visits to castles, palaces, waterfalls, fortresses and caves lost in the mountains, overcoming mountain rivers and impassable thickets. The Crimean peninsula is rich in history and over thousands of years of human presence in these places, it has accumulated a huge amount of baggage for study, research and new discoveries.

Canyons of Crimea on the map

On the territory of the entire Crimean peninsula, the Grand Canyon is the wildest and most majestic gorge. That is why this area attracts great amount tourists every year.

If you want to get closer to nature and see incredibly picturesque panoramas with your own eyes, you should go to the Grand Canyon.

Grand Canyon in the photo:

Useful information

To begin with, we offer a brief educational program on the main features of this territory.

  • Geographically, this object is located in the north of the main Crimean ridge. The territory of the Grand Canyon is a few kilometers from the village of Sokolinoe. The most popular tourist routes run from there.
  • The height of the rocks that rise above the rivers and gorge reaches three hundred meters.
  • A canyon was formed in the space of a tectonic crack. The beginning of creation dates back to 1.5 million years before the present day.
  • The Auzun-Uzen River flows along the bottom, grinding down these limestone rocks for thousands of years. Thanks to this, there are many rapids, waterfalls and so-called cauldrons along the stream.
  • The water temperature in the river is almost always 11 degrees.
  • The total territory occupies about 300 hectares, the length is about 3.5 kilometers, there are narrow sections where there is no more than three meters from wall to wall.

Now let's do it short excursion into history.

History of the Grand Canyon

As stated earlier, the history of the canyon goes back more than a million years. Water erosion gradually carved out its patterns, thanks to which the canyon has now become what it has become.

The population that lived here always knew about the deep crevice. There were even legends about strange sounds coming from the bottom of Auzun-Uzen during the dark period of the day. Some considered the canyon to be the abode of spirits.

The first documented evidence dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, when researchers began to actively study this region. Moreover, in 1925 they even made a movie dedicated to the gorge, and five years later an excursion to the Grand Canyon became part of the program of some tourist centers.

In the second half of the 20th century, the territory first acquired the status of a natural monument, and then a landscape reserve.

Terrain features

The canyon space appeared thanks to the river, which gradually carved and continues to carve limestone. Now here deep depression, which has fairly smooth walls and many boulders and waterfalls along the bottom.

The unique microclimate allowed many plants to survive here during the Ice Age. Until now, high humidity and lower temperature compared to adjacent lands are factors determining the unique composition of the flora.

In terms of plant composition, the Grand Canyon is a unique space; a considerable number of endangered plants grow here, in particular there are:

  • yew grove, where ancient relict berry yews grow, having up to one and a half meters in girth;
  • unique ferns;
  • Crimean orchids, in particular the incredibly rare variety Lady's slipper.

The composition of the fauna here is not much different from the rest of the lands in the middle part and south of the country. Special mention should be made of the numerous lizards and brook trout that live in these waters.

Video review:

What is the Grand Canyon today?

Now the territory is completely developed by tourists, but since they don’t put up tents here and don’t stay for a long period, the space is still clean and pleasant for hiking trips. Moreover, the canyon is interesting at any time of the year:

  • spring - from March to April, mountain snows begin to melt, many waterfalls and the majestic roar of mighty rivers appear in the gorge;
  • summer - at the height of the heat, many rivers dry up, where there is even no water, but this only makes the tourist route more picturesque;
  • autumn - the walls of the canyon, previously full of greenery, are painted in yellow-red colors and such saturation can turn your head;
  • winter - it’s cold in the canyon, but this fact does not scare many tourists; there is still something to do here.

The most popular attractions are the Blue Lakes, the Bath of Youth and the Pania Spring.

  • Blue Lake. As a rule, it is the first stop on the tourist route. The water here actually has a slightly bluish tint, and the water here is also the warmest in the entire canyon. That's why people often swim here in the summer.
  • The Bath of Youth is one of the main attractions; the tourist route often ends here. According to legend, every visitor to the canyon should take a dip here. In fact, this name hides a small erosion cauldron that is filled with spring waters.
  • Source of Pania. It is located half a kilometer from the bath of youth. This source has been known since ancient times. Previously, there was a Byzantine temple here, then it was simply a space for worship. The spring is still considered miraculous; here you can see the stones of an ancient temple and feel spiritual uplift.

A walk through the canyon takes about 2-3 hours, the route is easy and suitable even for tourism with children. There are a number of studied tourist trail and each trail is marked, so it’s difficult to get lost here.

How to get to the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon runs almost under Mount AiPetri from the side of the city of Bakhchisarai. To get there you can use highway Bakhchisaray-Yalta. When you come from Yalta, you climb AiPetri, cross the plateau and go down to the foot.

Along the route you will see many signs for the Grand Canyon stop. There are almost always a lot of cars at the stop itself; in the summer people park there and tourist buses. By the way, you can also travel there from different cities by bus.

Regarding buses, flights from three cities should be noted: Bakhchisarai, Sevastopol, Simferopol. Every day 3-4 buses leave from each city, usually in the morning, afternoon and evening. These buses go to the village of Sokolinoe, from there you will need to walk for about an hour, almost every inhabitant of the village will show you the route.

When you reach the beginning of the canyon from Sokoliny, you can see a ticket office there where they charge a fee for the walk. Therefore, you should take some finances with you, especially in the summer. In winter and off-season the ticket office is usually closed and you can enjoy it tourist route free.

Grand Canyon on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: N 44.527778 E 34.016667 Latitude/Longitude


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