The highest volcanoes in the world. Large volcanoes: list

Volcanoes are geological formations on the surface of the earth's crust where magma comes to the surface, forming lava, volcanic gases, rocks and pyroclastic flows. The word “Vulcan” comes from the name of the ancient Roman god of fire, Vulcan. There are several thousand volcanoes on earth, more than 500 of which are active. In our list we will talk about the 11 largest and highest volcanoes on the planet.


Tajumulco is a volcano in western Guatemala. It has an altitude of 4220 meters, is part of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas burrow system and the highest point in Guatemala and Central America. The volcano cone has two peaks; the eastern cone is ancient with a crater with a diameter of about 70 meters, the western one is young. On the slopes there are oak trees pine forests, in the upper part there are xerophytic mountain meadows. There is several evidence of its eruptions in historical times, but none of them are reliably confirmed.


The volcano in Washington state, 4392 meters high, is located 88 kilometers from Seattle in Pierce County. Rainier is a dormant stratovolcano, but there is evidence of volcanic activity from 1820 to 1894. Today, according to the USGS, in the event of a strong eruption, about 150 thousand people could be in danger. Rainier is one of the most glacially rich mountains in the world, on the slopes of which are the sources of many rivers. Up to a height of 2500 meters the volcano is covered coniferous forests, above - alpine meadows, above 2800 meters - glaciers and eternal snow. On the peaks there are 40 glaciers with an area of ​​87 km², the largest of which is Emmons - 14 km². The volcano and the surrounding area are protected and have the status national park Mount Rainier.


Klyuchevskaya Sopka is an active volcano in eastern Kamchatka, about 7,000 years old. It has a height of 4850 meters, a crater diameter of 1250 meters and a crater depth of 340 meters. It is the highest active volcano on the Eurasian continent. It is a regular cone with 70 side cones, domes and craters. Despite the high altitude of the volcano, there is no snow or glaciers on it. This is caused by active volcanic activity. Klyuchevskoy volcano was formed only due to summit eruptions. Over 270 years, more than 50 strong eruptions occurred. During the 2004-2005 eruption, the ash column reached a record height of 8,000 m.


It is the highest active volcano of the Andean volcanic belt at 40 km north of the city Manizales. Nevado del Ruiz is located within the Los Nevados National Park and is part of the Ruiz Tolima massif and includes a group of five snow-capped volcanoes: Tolima, Santa Isabel, Quindia and Machin. The Cordillera is located at the intersection of four deep faults that are still partially active. The top of the volcano is covered by large glaciers, but they are rapidly retreating thanks to global warming. This volcano has been active for about 2 million years. Its relatively minor eruption in 1985, after a 150-year period of inactivity, almost completely destroyed and cut off the town of Armero from the outside world and led to the death of 23 thousand of its inhabitants.


Seventh place in the list of most large volcanoes world was occupied by this active stratovolcano in South America. Sangay is located in Ecuador, on the eastern slope of the Andes and has three craters. The height above sea level is 5230 meters. A young cone rises above the ancient volcano, cut by deep gorges. Almost continuously since 1728, the volcano emitted steam and ash, covering the surrounding area. The volcano is believed to have formed about 14,000 years ago. Last eruption it was in 2007. At the top there is eternal snow.


Popocatepetl is an active volcano and the second highest mountain in Mexico, with an altitude of 5426 meters. The name comes from two words in the Nahuatl language: popo - “smoking” and tepetl - “hill”. There are three state capitals around the volcano - Puebla, Tlaxcala and Mexico City, with general population more than 20 million people. The volcano has a perfect conical shape, a very deep oval crater, with almost vertical walls. Most eruptions over the past 600 years have been relatively weak. In September 2006, the volcano resumed activity, with periodic ash emissions over the volcano's crater.


Peak Orizaba is the highest mountain in Mexico and the third highest in North America. Its height is 5636 meters. Difficult terrain, significant altitude above sea level, strong winds - all this caused the presence of several climatic zones on the volcano. If tropical vegetation can be observed at the foot of the eastern side of the volcano, then at more high levels the vegetation is more like alpine. And to the south and southeast lie large fields small cinder cones and maars - funnel-shaped depressions that appeared during the explosion of gases, up to 300–400 m deep and exceeding 3 km in diameter. Although Orizaba has fallen asleep since the last volcanic eruption occurred in 1687, he can suddenly awaken and show his hot temper.


Volcano in South America in the territory southern Peru, whose height is 5822 meters, and the top is covered with snow only in winter. 17 km to the west is Peru's second largest city, Arequipa, with a population of about 1 million people. The volcano has three concentric craters. Fumarole activity can be observed in the inner crater. Geological studies indicate that El Misti has had 5 weak eruptions over the past hundred years. In the 15th century, a strong volcanic eruption forced the residents of the city of Arequipa to flee. The last weak eruption was recorded in 1985.


Third most big volcano on the planet is the Cotopaxi volcano. This volcano is located in Ecuador and is the highest active volcano in the country, its height is 5911 meters. The area at the base is 16 km by 19 km, and the top, starting at an altitude of 5200 meters, is covered with an ice cap. The icy crater of the volcano reaches a diameter of about 800 meters, and in the lower part there is peculiar vegetation - mountain meadows and pine forests with mosses and lichens. Since 1738, Cotopaxi has erupted about 50 times.


This extinct volcano is part of the Cordillera Oxidetal range and the high point Ecuador. Its height is 6267 meters, and it was formed about 60 million years BC. The top of the volcano is completely covered with ice, in some places falling to a height of 4600 m. Melt water from the mountain is the main water resource for residents of the provinces of Bolivar and Chimborazo. Today, the top of this volcano is the most distant point on its surface from the center of the Earth. The last volcanic eruption occurred around 550 AD.


The largest volcano on the planet is an active volcano in the Western Cordillera of the Andes, on the border of Chile and Argentina - Llullaillaco. The height of this giant is 6739 meters. At the top there is eternal glaciation. Located in one of the driest places in the world - the Atacama Desert, the snow line on the western slope exceeds 6.5 thousand meters. Llullaillaco is also a famous archaeological site - in 1999, the mummified bodies of three Inca children, believed to have been sacrificed 500 years ago, were discovered on its summit.

Ojos del Salado is the highest volcano on the planet. It is located in the Chilean Andes in South America, on the border of Argentina and Chile, but it belongs to Argentine territory. Its height reaches 6893 meters. This is the second highest peak on the South American continent. Not far from the volcano lies the Atacama Desert. The volcano has not erupted during the entire period of observation and is considered extinct.

The world's highest mountain is located in the Western Cordillera of the Andes. active volcanoes Llullaillaco. Its absolute height is 6739 meters. The top of the volcano is covered with ice. The snow line on the western slope of Llullaillaco has the highest position on earth - more than 6.5 thousand meters. The last volcanic eruption occurred in 1877. IN given time it is in the solfataric stage.

In Chile, on the edge of the Atacama Desert, there is an active volcano called San Pedro. Its height is 6145 meters and its shape is that of a stratovolcano. It is located in the Antofagasta region of the province of El Loa and is adjacent to the Cero Parini volcano. From the mountain ranges Central Andes San Pedro is separated by a huge saddle. The last volcanic eruption was recorded on December 2, 1960.

Cotopaxi is the highest active volcano in Ecuador (5911 meters) and the second highest peak in the country. It is located in the Cordillera Oriental in South America. The volcano is included in the list of the highest active volcanoes land. It has a huge crater measuring 550x800 meters and a depth of 450 meters. Cotopaxi has erupted about 50 times since 1738. The last eruption dates back to 1940.

In northeastern Tanzania, rising above the Masai plateau, lies the active volcano Kilimanjaro. It reaches 5895 meters and is considered the highest point in Africa. Having explored Kilimanjaro, in 2003, scientists discovered that only 400 meters distance the molten lava from the edge of the Kibo crater - main peak volcano There are fears that a major eruption is approaching.

El Misti stratovolcano is located in Peru in South America. Its height is 5822 meters. IN winter time The top of the volcano is covered with snow. 17 kilometers west of El Misti is the city of Arequipa with a population of one million. Most of the buildings in it are built from deposits of pyroclastic flows of the volcano, which is why Arequipa is also called the “white city”.

The highest peak in Mexico is Orizaba. Her middle name is Citlaltepetl, which translates as “star mountain.” It is the third highest point in North America. Its peak is located at an altitude of 5636 meters, and its elevation is 4922 meters. Orizaba erupted 7 times between 1537 and 1687, but the volcano is currently considered dormant.

Elbrus is in the north Caucasus Mountains and is the highest point in Russia. The stratovolcano is a saddle-shaped cone with two peaks located at a distance of 3000 meters from each other. The heights of the western and eastern peaks are 5642 and 5621 meters, respectively. The saddle separating the peaks is 5300 meters high. The date of the last eruption is approximately 50 AD.

The active volcano Popocatepetl rises above the Mexican Highlands. Its name means "smoking hill" in Nahuatl. This is the second highest stratovolcano in Mexico, its peak reaches 5455 meters. Not far from it is the extinct volcano Iztaccihuatl. Popocatepetl last erupted in 2011. North-west of the volcano is the city of Mexico with a population of 20 million.

“Sangai” closes the list of the highest volcanoes. The active volcano Sangay is located in Ecuador, on the eastern side of the equatorial Andes. Its height is 5230 meters. This stratovolcano has three craters. According to scientists, Sangai was formed approximately 14,000 years ago. In 1628, an eruption was first recorded. The volcano has been actively erupting since 1934, most recently in 2007.

Volcanoes are not only a fascinating and dangerous sight. It was thanks to volcanic activity that life originated on planet Earth. The atmosphere and hydrosphere appeared due to the release of huge amounts of carbon dioxide and water vapor. Today, some fire-breathing mountains remain dormant, while others cause trouble and disturbance to humanity.

Volcano Vesuvius. Italy

Considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes Europe. It was he who destroyed several ancient Roman cities, including Pompeii, in August 1979. He wakes up approximately every 20 years. The last time was in 1944.

Volcano Yellowstone Caldera. USA

About a third of the territory of Yellowstone National Park is occupied by an active volcano. Inside, a bubble of magma constantly warms up thermal springs, which manifests itself in the formation of geysers and mud pots.

Volcano Krakatoa. Indonesia

The last time it erupted was in 1883, resulting in the destruction of the island on which the volcano is located. The process lasted from May until the end of August. The victims of the ash and tsunami were 36 thousand people and 259 settlements. Today, a 1.5 km area around the island is closed to the public.

Mauna Loa Volcano. Hawaii

It is the second largest of the megavolcanoes, the top of which is covered with snow from January to March. Sometimes it wakes up and pours out lava flows.

Mount Kilimanjaro. Tanzania, Africa

The volcano consists of 3 extinct peaks. However, scientists discovered that only 400 m below the crater of the mountain there is hot lava. In addition, the centuries-old ice cap that covered the peak has almost melted.

Eyjafjallajokull volcano. Iceland

Not long ago, a volcano paralyzed the work of several European airports. The eruption was rated 4 on the VEI scale. Some researchers believe that the awakening of Eyjafjallajokull could be the trigger for the Katla eruption.

Volcano Cotopaxi. Ecuador

This is the most active volcano. After more than 150 years of silence, Cotopaxi came to life again in 2015. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Volcano Merapi. Java Island

One of the most active volcanoes erupts at least twice a year, with major eruptions occurring every seven years. Local residents have to evacuate. The top of Merapi smokes non-stop.

Volcano Popocatepetl. Mexico

The most powerful eruption occurred in 2000. It was preceded by 15 years of increased activity of the fire mountain. In March 2016, Popocatepetl raised a column of steam, gas and ash to a height of 2 km. The cities of Mexico City and Puebla are at risk.

People have always been attracted dangerous beauty and greatness mountain peaks. Among the ten highest of them there are both active volcanoes and those that were extinct several centuries ago. Below are the top 10 highest volcanoes on earth.

1 place

Ojos del Salado (6893m) - the highest volcano on Earth. It is located in South America in the Chilean Alps. Today the volcano is considered extinct: the last volcanic activity dates back to 1993, when a small hydrogen sulfide cloud emerged from the crater. Scientists-researchers discovered altars from the times of the Incas on the slopes of the mountain. Interestingly, in 2007 the peak was conquered by a Chilean motorist, and this ascent became a record among automobile summits.

2nd place

Llullallaco (6723m) - the second largest volcano. Today this massif is in a dormant state, and the area around it is covered with petrified lava for many kilometers. It is noteworthy that Llullallaco is covered with snow all year round, and its crater is covered with a thick layer of ice, although the volcano is adjacent to the Atacoy Desert - the driest area on earth.

3rd place

San Pedro(6145m) – third in the three highest volcanoes; and it is also found in South America. San Pedro is an active volcano; its last eruption occurred in 1960. Interestingly, the volcano has two peaks, the first of which is San Pedro, by which this mountain is usually called, and the second is called San Pablo, whose height is 6092 meters.

4th place

Cotopaxi (5897 m) - another volcano in South America. Today Cotopaxi is dormant, and the last powerful eruption occurred in the 50s of the last century. However, small activity in the form of emissions of hydrogen sulfide clouds is still observed.

5th place

Kilimanjaro (5895 m) famous volcano, immortalized by Hemingway. Is the highest mountain Africa, consisting of three volcanic formations with different eruptive histories. The volcano has long been dormant, but today scientists are recording signs of “warming up” of Kilimanjaro, which is associated with global climate change on the planet.

6th place

Misti (5822 m) – the volcano is located in South America on the territory of Peru. The last activity was recorded in 1985. Today Misty continues to be passive volcanic activity– emissions of ash, hydrogen sulfide, changes in soil temperature. Artifacts from the times of the Incas were found on the slopes of the mountain, so the mountain is of particular interest to lovers of antiquity.

7th place

Orizaba (5636m) - the highest volcano in North America. Today the volcano is inactive, and its last eruption dates back to 1687. All year round, Orizaba is adorned with a sparkling ice cap. Glaciers located on the volcano are vital for the region - during the melting period they fill local reservoirs with water

8th place

Elbrus (5642 m) - the highest peak of the Caucasus. Today the volcano is considered extinct. The last powerful eruptions occurred one and a half millennia ago, and the greatest activity in the form of emissions of ash and hydrogen sulfide was recorded five centuries ago. However, the presence of hot springs and the growth of moss in some parts of the mountain indicate that hidden volcanic activity is intensifying deep inside the massif.

9th place

Popocatepetl (5462 m) is an active volcano located in Mexico. The mountain is located 610 km from Mexico City and belongs to a group of active volcanoes. In February 2015, an eruption occurred, which temporarily suspended the life of the capital - Popocatepetl threw out a pillar of fire and ash 4 km high. This volcano is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Plumes of smoke are always visible above its crater, and over the past five centuries, about twenty powerful eruptions have been recorded, accompanied by the descent of molten magma.

10th place

Sangay (5230 m) - an active volcano located in South America. The volcano's crater constantly emits ash and hydrogen sulfide. Eruptions often occur, the last of which was recorded in 2007. Sangay is located in the Chilean Andes at a considerable distance from main roads and populated areas, and therefore the activity of the volcano does not pose a great threat to the population.

Current and extinct volcanoes always attracted people. People settled on volcanic slopes to engage in agriculture, because volcanic soil is very fertile.

Today, the majestic geological formations attract crowds of tourists who want to admire their beauty.

Those thirsty for extreme sports are not stopped even by the most dangerous natural objects– active volcanoes.

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List of active volcanoes in the world

Today we will look at where there are active volcanoes in the world. Most of them are located along the coast. This zone is called the Pacific Ring of Fire. The second most volcanic activity zone is the Mediterranean belt.

There are about 900 active volcanoes on land

About 60 geological formations on earth explode every year. Let's look at the most dangerous ones that are active, as well as a few impressive ones that are dormant.

Merapi, Indonesia

Merapi is the most impressive, nicknamed "Mountain of Fire". It is located on the island. Java, reaches a height of 2914 m. Large-scale emissions occur every 7 years, and small ones twice a year. Smoke is constantly coming out of its crater. One of the most significant tragedies associated with the activity occurred in 1006. Then a fierce disaster destroyed the Javanese-Indian state of Mataram.

In 1673, another powerful eruption erupted, as a result of which the towns and villages located at the foot were destroyed. In 1930, volcanic eruptions killed 1,300 people.

The last Merapi eruption occurred in 2010, when the evacuation of 350 thousand people was required. Some of them decided to return and died in the lava flow. 353 people were injured then.

In that last catastrophe Fire Mountain ejected a mixture of ash and gas at a speed of 100 km/h, the temperature reaching 1000°C.

Sakurajima, Japan

Sakurajima is located on the island. Kyushu. The mountain once stood separately, but during one of the eruptions it joined the Osumi Peninsula with the help of lava. It rises to a height of 1117 m. It consists of three peaks, the highest of which is the northern one.

The activity of Sakurajima increases every year, and until 1946 there were only 6 emissions. It has been erupting continuously since 1955.

Note: one of major disasters occurred in 1914, when the disaster claimed the lives of 35 people. In 2013, 1097 minor emissions were recorded, and in 2014 - 471.

Aso, Japan

Aso is another volcanic giant of the island. Kyushu. Its height is 1592 m. It is a caldera, in the middle of which there are 17 cones. The most active of them is Nakadake.

Aso last erupted lava in 2011. Since then, about 2,500 tremors have occurred here. In 2016, the ejection process was accompanied by an earthquake.

It is worth noting: Despite the danger associated with the extreme activity of Aso, about 50 thousand people live in the caldera, and the crater itself has become a popular site active tourism. In winter, people ski on the slopes of Aso.

Nyiragongo, Republic of Congo

Nyiragongo refers to mountain system Virunga is the most active in Africa. The height is 3470 m. In its crater there is a huge seething lava lake, the largest in the world. During an eruption, lava flows out almost completely, destroying everything around it in a matter of hours. After that, it fills the crater again. Due to the military situation in the Republic of Congo, the crater has not yet been sufficiently explored.

Since the end of the 19th century alone, 34 eruptions of the formidable Nyiragongo have been recorded. Its lava is very liquid because it does not contain enough silicates. For this reason, it spreads quickly, reaching speeds of 100 km/h. This feature makes Nyiragongo one of the most dangerous on the planet. In 1977, a huge mass of lava hit a nearby town. The cause was a rupture in the crater wall. The disaster claimed the lives of several hundred people.

In 2002, another large-scale eruption occurred, then 400 thousand people were evacuated, 147 of whom died. Despite the fact that this Nyiragongo is considered the most dangerous in the world, about half a million people live in nearby settlements.

Galeras, Colombia

It rises above the Colombian town of Pasto, with about 500 thousand inhabitants. Galeras reaches a height of 4276 m. last years Galeras is constantly active, spewing volcanic ash.

One of the largest eruptions was recorded in 1993. The disaster led to the death of 6 volcanologists and 3 tourists located in the crater. The disaster came unexpectedly, after a long calm.

One of the most recent eruptions occurred in August 2010. Colombian authorities periodically evacuate local residents as Galeras becomes active.

Colima, Mexico

Colima is located on the coast Pacific Ocean. Consists of 2 peaks, one of which is extinct. In 2016, Colima became active, releasing a column of ash.

The last time he reminded himself was January 19, 2017. At the time of the disaster, a cloud of ash and smoke rose 2 km.

Vesuvius, Italy

Vesuvius is the most famous volcanic giant of continental Europe. It is located in Italy, 15 km from.

Vesuvius has 3 cones. Strong eruptions alternate with periods of low-power activity. Throws it away great amount ash and gases. In 79, Vesuvius shook all of Italy, destroying the cities of Pompeii and Stabia. They were covered with a thick layer of ash, reaching up to 8 m. The city of Herculaneum was flooded with mud flows, as the eruption was accompanied by mud rains.

In 1631, there was an eruption that claimed the lives of 4,000 people. It turned out to be weaker than in 79, but since then the slopes of Vesuvius have been inhabited large quantity people, which led to such victims. After this event, the volcano became lower by 168 m. The eruption of 1805 destroyed almost all of Naples and claimed the lives of 26 thousand people.

The last time Vesuvius erupted lava flows was in 1944, leveling the cities of San Sebastiano and Massa. The number of victims was 27 people. After this, the volcano subsided. To monitor his activities, a volcanological observatory was built here.

Etna, Italy

Etna is the highest volcano in Europe. It is located in the northern hemisphere in the east of Sicily. Its height changes after each eruption, now it is 3429 m above sea level.

Etna has, according to various estimates, 200-400 side craters. Every 3 months an eruption occurs from one of them. Quite often this leads to the destruction of villages located nearby.

Despite the dangers, Sicilians densely populate the slopes of Etna. A national park was even created here.

Popocatepetl, Mexico

The second highest peak in Mexico, its name means “smoking hill.” It is located 70 km from Mexico City. The height of the mountain is 5500 meters.

Over 500 years, Popocatepetl erupted lava over 15 times, the last time this happened in 2015.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Russia

This is the most high peak Kamchatka. Its height varies between 4750-4850 m above sea level. The slopes are covered with side craters, of which there are more than 80.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka reminds itself every 3 years, each of its activities lasts several months and is sometimes accompanied by ashfalls. The most active year It turned out to be 2016, when the volcano exploded 55 times.

The most destructive disaster was in 1938, when the activity of Klyuchevskaya Sopka lasted 13 months.

Mauna Loa, Hawaii, USA

Mauna Loa can be found in the central part of the island of Hawaii. It rises 4169 m above sea level. Mauna Loa is of the Hawaiian type.

Its characteristic feature is lava outpourings that occur without explosions or ash emissions. Lava erupts through the central vent, cracks and fractures.

Cotopaxi, Ecuador

Cotopaxi belongs to the Andes mountain system. This is the second highest peak, rising to 5911 m.

The first eruption was recorded in 1534. The eruption had its most devastating consequences in 1768. Then the release of lava and sulfur was accompanied by an earthquake. The disaster destroyed the city of Latacunga and its surrounding area. The eruption was so strong that traces of it were found in the Amazon basin.


There are about three dozen volcanoes on the island of Iceland. Among them, some have long been extinct, but there are also active ones.

This island is the only one in the world where so many geological formations are located. Icelandic territory is a real volcanic plateau.

Extinct and dormant volcanoes

Volcanoes that have lost activity are either extinct or dormant. They are safe to visit, which is why these sites are more popular among travelers. On the map, such geological formations are marked with black stars, in contrast to active ones, marked with red stars.

What is the difference between an extinct and dormant volcano? Extinct species have not been active for at least 1 million years. Presumably, their magma has already cooled and will not explode. True, volcanologists do not rule out that a new volcano may form in their place.

Aconcagua, Argentina

Aconcagua is the highest peak in the Andes. It rises to 6960.8 m. The mountain was formed at the junction of the Nazca and South American lithospheric plates. Today the slopes of the mountain are covered with glaciers.

Aconcagua is of interest to climbers as the highest peak in South America, as well as the highest extinct volcano.

Kilimanjaro, Africa

If someone is asked to name the most high mountain Africa, then he will name the most famous mountain on the African continent. It consists of 3 peaks, the highest of which is Kibo (5,891.8 m).

Kilimanjaro is considered dormant, with only gases and sulfur coming out of its crater. It is expected to become active when the mountain collapses, leading to a large-scale eruption. Scientists consider the peak of Kibo to be the most formidable.

Yellowstone, USA

Yellowstone is located in the national park of the same name. The peak belongs to supervolcanoes, of which there are 20 on Earth. Yellowstone is extremely dangerous because it erupts with incredible force and can affect the climate of the planet.

Yellowstone has erupted three times. The last eruption took place 640 thousand years ago, at which time the caldera depression was formed.

At this volcano, lava accumulates in a special reservoir, where it melts the surrounding rocks, becoming thicker. This reservoir is very close to the surface, which worries volcanologists.

The eruption is stopped by flows of water that cool the magma bubble and break out in the form of geysers.

Since there is still a lot of energy left inside the bubble, it is expected to burst out in the near future.

The US authorities are taking all measures to prevent the eruption of Yellowstone, because it could claim the lives of 87 thousand people. One of the projects is the installation of a geothermal station, but this will require drilling wells, which could provoke a disaster not only in the country, but also on the entire planet.

Elbrus, Russia

The Caucasian peak today is attractive to climbers. Its height is 5621 m. It is a dormant formation in which volcanic processes occur. The last eruption supposedly took place 1.7 thousand years ago; 500 years ago it released a column of ash. Scientists disagree on when to expect the next eruption, but what is certain is that it will lead to a debris flow.

Big and Small Ararat, Türkiye

Greater Ararat (5165 m) is located on the Armenian Highlands, 11 km from it is Little Ararat (3927 m).

Eruptions Greater Ararat always accompanied by destruction. The last tragedy occurred in 1840 and was accompanied by a strong earthquake. Then 10,000 people died.

Kazbek, Georgia

Kazbek is located in Georgia. Locals They call it Mkinvartsveri, which translates as “ice mountain”. The height of the giant is 5033.8 m.

Kazbek is not active today, but is classified as potentially dangerous. It last erupted in 650 BC.

The mountain has very steep slopes, and mudslides are possible.


Volcanoes are among the most attractive tourist sites. Today they are no longer so dangerous, since their activity can be predicted by volcanologists. Research is underway to harness the energy of geological formations for the benefit of humanity.

When trying to go to the top of a volcano, especially an active one, it is necessary to collect information about its condition and listen to the forecasts of seismologists, since tragic incidents among tourists occur frequently.

We bring to your attention interesting video about active volcanoes of the world:


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