Description of mysterious and amazing places on earth. The most mystical places on earth

Intellectual power helps humanity to uncover many of the Earth's secrets. People reached the surface of the Moon and explored other planets in the solar system. But still, there are a number of mysterious and unknown places in the world. Inhospitable conditions and the destructive forces of nature deter people from exploring some areas of our planet. At the same time, these same natural forces help preserve the original appearance and beauty of such places untouched by civilization.

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Ice caps of Greenland

Greenland is the most large island in the world. In fact, most of the island is covered by ice caps - sheet glaciers that are smaller in area than ice sheets. Therefore, this place is considered the least populated on the planet and is practically unexplored. Ice layers in Greenland are 3,200 meters thick and are about 100 thousand years old.

In Greenland you can also see glaciers, glacial rivers, hot springs, white nights and northern lights. But erratic weather conditions make Greenland one of the least explored places on Earth.

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Mariana Trench, Western Pacific Ocean

The Mariana Trench is the most deep place on Earth, it is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. It was formed millions of years ago. The most deep point Mariana Trench known as the Challenger Deep, the maximum known depth of which is just over 11 kilometers. Such great depth and high pressure made the Mariana Trench a very difficult place to study, which is why it remains completely unexplored to this day.

The Mariana Trench is home to deep-sea ocean creatures and is also home to rare minerals. The floor of the Mariana Trench contains fossils dating back millions of years and many other minerals that would help unlock the mysteries of the Earth. But unstable conditions make it difficult for people to explore the place.

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Kankar Punsum, Bhutan

Kankar Punsum - the highest unconquered Mountain peak in the world. It is located in Bhutan. This mountain has a height of 7570 meters and is the 40th most high mountains in the world. There are only four known expeditions to Kankar Punsum - in 1983, 1985, 1986 and 1994 respectively. But all of them were unsuccessful due to heavy snowfall and unstable weather conditions.

Out of respect for local beliefs, the Bhutanese government banned mountaineering on Kankar Poonsum in 2004. So this mountain peak remained unconquered and unexplored.

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Deserts are notoriously difficult to explore due to unsuitable weather conditions. Antarctica is the largest desert in the world and has unsuitable conditions for growing plants. The hottest desert in the world, the Sahara, is located in Africa. The amount of annual precipitation in deserts is very low. These areas are also characterized by extreme temperature changes - very hot during the day and very cold at night. This creates very harsh living conditions for plants, animals and people.

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Deep caves

There are a large number of caves in the world. They have become too difficult for scientists to study due to unbearable weather conditions, sharp rocks, heat and slipperiness. Some of the underwater caves are not inhabited by living creatures due to the deadly conditions for survival. The flooded caves of Yucatan in Mexico - the sacred Mayan caves - are the best example of this. Crystal Caves and Snow Caves are also too dangerous for expeditions due to the potential for unprecedented sudden changes in conditions within the caves and their topography.

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Amazon jungle, South America

The Amazon rainforest is half tropical forests on Earth, their area is 6.47 million square kilometers. The rich biodiversity of this area and the presence of rare species of animals make the Amazon jungle a priority area for study. But the mystery of this place makes it still a completely unexplored place on Earth.

There is no dry season in the Amazon rainforest; it rains all year round. Heavy rains between February and May cause water levels in the Amazon River to rise sharply. This leads to severe flooding in its basin. In this condition, transportation across the river becomes too dangerous due to the extreme river currents. It is also home to many dangerous animals, such as jaguars, rattlesnakes, Brazilian wandering spiders, mosquitoes, dart frogs, piranhas, black caiman and anacondas, which can cause harm to humans. Lack of access to healthy food and clean water can cause many diseases.

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It is the coldest place on the Earth's surface, with temperatures fluctuating sharply between -10C and -30C most of the time. The coldest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica was -89 degrees Celsius. It is the driest, coldest and windiest continent on Earth. Such a harsh climate makes Antarctica the most mysterious and unexplored place on our planet. Antarctica holds many secrets and is therefore of great interest to the scientific community. The average thickness of the ice crust on the continent is about 2.5 km, which means that the surface under the ice has many archaeological artifacts the period when the continent was ice-free.

The maximum wind speed recorded in Antarctica in 1972 is 321 km per hour. Antarctica's ice sheets, which are more than 3.2 km thick, reflect the unbearable climate conditions on the continent. Heavy snowfall, glaciers, and ice cracks are other potential hazards in Antarctica.

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These were the most mysterious and unexplored places on the ground. Thank you for your attention.

Some Muscovites believe that there is some kind of energy source of unknown origin in Ostankino, and some even talk about evil spirits. According to old-timers, there used to be a cemetery on the site of Ostankino, from which the current name came (the remains are Ostankino). Moreover, only sorcerers, witches and suicides were buried in the cemetery. Some say that the roots of all local anomalies come from here.

House on the embankment

The house on the embankment was built on the site of wine and salt warehouses and still makes a depressing impression, although the terrible Stalinist years, when every third resident of the house was repressed or committed suicide, are in the past. The gloomy house was unusual from the very beginning. For example, the 11th entrance was non-residential. According to legend, apartments were bugged from his secret premises and people were monitored. And the courtyards, although decorated with fountains, gave the eerie impression of stone wells. And to this day the House on the Embankment is shrouded in mysticism. There are rumors that former residents “wander” through their apartments and “visit” the corridors and staircases of the building.

The Mystery of Bruce's Coffin

Another legendary address is a house in Moscow on the Red Gate, known as the Musin-Pushkin estate. However, some people call it “The House of Sorcerer Bruce.” The main attraction of the house is a trapezoid board, shaped like a coffin lid, between the second floor windows. Once upon a time, the outlines of an irregular cross, the names of the months of the year, numbers, astrological symbols and other incomprehensible signs were stamped on it; a rod was inserted in the middle. They were mystical sundial, made by the famous magician and sorcerer Count Jacob Bruce who lived under Peter I. It is believed that Bruce made them by order of the owner of the house, who died by the time the work was completed.

The heirs simply laughed at the promised properties of the watch (they supposedly were supposed to predict the owner’s fate and events). And the black Count Bruce cursed the clock, bequeathing to it to show only the bad. They say that the curse came true more than once before both world wars and the revolution - then the stone of the board turned blood red. And sometimes an image of a white cross appears on it, supposedly pointing to the place where the sorcerer hid the treasure. True, rumor does not recommend looking for treasures - it is unsafe, they are guarded by the ghost of Bruce.

Shaturskie Swamps

If you look at the map of the Vladimir-Shatursky Priklyazmenye, you will immediately notice the almost complete absence of populated areas. There is a mystical reason for this. In the summer of 1885, repair work was carried out on the Kolomna highway in these parts. The peasant Perfilyev contracted for 850 rubles to build an earthen dam on the Kovikha River. Arranged. A member of the zemstvo council, Kuryshkin, went to take over the dam and... disappeared. The driver Gerasim Kudrin disappeared with him. The horse and cart also disappeared without a trace. The investigation into the incident did not yield any results, and the case was closed.

And two years later, an entire convoy disappeared on the Kolomna highway without a trace. And again the police searched the forests along the highway in vain. Meanwhile, the mysterious disappearances continued. In 1893, a postman disappeared. In 1896 - a land surveyor along with a chaise and a driver. In 1897, two peasants disappeared on the road. In total, until 1921, 19 disappearances without a trace were recorded on the Kolomna tract. Several years ago, a group of enthusiastic researchers from Vladimir and Moscow discovered here a number of phenomenal phenomena caused by oscillations of the magnetic field. Enthusiasts have hypothesized that during periods of “activity” of the mysterious place, it manifests itself like the Bermuda Triangle. Researchers are also attracted by long-standing rumors about a stone ball overgrown with moss, fraught with clues to mysterious disappearances.

Lake Pleshcheyevo and Sin-kamen

The main attraction of this anomalous zone is not the lake at all, but the so-called Sin-Kamen. It is said that the boulder, weighing 12 tons, can move and often changes location. In addition, sometimes at night a bluish glow emanates from it. A UFO was seen here a couple of times. Local fogs are also dangerous. Once there, you can find yourself many kilometers from the original point.

Basurman crypts

Several centuries ago, a huge number of residents of the capital could not survive 1771. There was not enough space for everyone in the city churchyards, and there were also many dead in the German settlement. As a result, it was decided to arrange an individual cemetery for non-religious people on one of the banks of the Sinichka River. Today, many of those who visited this mysterious place talk about the amazing sounds of musical instruments coming from underground and about unusual visions.

Pokrovka village

An anomalous place, a village in the north-west of Moscow, where overflights and hovering of UFOs are observed relatively often. Local residents often note amazing atmospheric phenomena here, local heavy rains, black clouds hanging over one place, strong tornadoes, etc. In a local pond, fishermen once saw a large water funnel suddenly appear; measuring the water level and investigating this case showed that most likely there was a spontaneous discharge of water into underground voids. Around the same time, local boys saw bicycles in the sky flying along the railroad tracks (perhaps lifted by a tornado?). They say that while walking through the forest located to the left of the road on the way from Moscow, mushroom pickers more than once felt sudden attacks of horror, the cause of which remained unclear to them. In the same forest there are so-called “prodigal places”, where even old-timers can easily get lost, and “scary places” where dogs whine and cannot stay for long...

In August 1993, an expedition was carried out in the southern part of this forest, the purpose of which was to search for the area of ​​passage of a three-star UFO observed here by a local resident in February 1993. Indeed, a hovering site of an unknown object was found, breaking the tops of trees in the forest at a height of about 5 meters above the ground. It was determined that the tops were broken not due to cross winds, but due to force applied vertically from above. Traces of mechanical impact were clearly visible on the fallen parts of the trunks, however, no traces of paint, rust or any material were found on the scuffed trees.

Golosov ravine in Kolomenskoye Park

There is an opinion that the very name “voices” comes from the consonant name of one of the gods - Volos or Veles, the ruler of the other world. Although less creative individuals attribute everything to voices that are supposedly heard in the ravine at night. Their origin is attributed to the lost souls of the “lost ones” who went into the ravine but did not find a way out of it. However, during archaeological excavations near the ravine, scientists discovered very real traces of ancient settlements, indicating that in this region Slavic pagans lived and were active.

Today, the ravine is in absentia ranked among the unfavorable places in Moscow, although its “badness” dates back to the depths of centuries. Either people will disappear in its vicinity, or giants in skins will flash in the fog. It is not known for certain about the direct connection of this place with the other world, but strange people in bizarre outfits always hang around there, chanting incomprehensible mantras.

Akterkin Ponds

A long time ago, on the lands of the Ostankino estate of the Sheremetyevs, there was a cemetery for suicides. It is difficult to say whether it was the influence of the place or a difficult, unfree fate, but many serf actresses drowned themselves in ponds, which were even nicknamed “actor’s ponds.” Now there is a residential building nearby, and in the churchyard there is a television center building. Local residents and television center workers say that sometimes in these parts you can meet an ancient old woman with a stick, who appears before misfortunes and tragedies.

Road of Death - Lyubertsy-Lytkarino highway

On a small road section stretching only 6 km, a huge number of people were killed and injured in accidents. This place has long been of interest to researchers of anomalous zones and mystical phenomena. According to local legend, the road is located on the site of an abandoned cemetery where only suicides were buried. Drivers talk about terrible visions and ghosts living in these places. Many believe that it is the souls of restless sinners that cause the living to go astray. However, skeptics believe that such phenomena can appear under the influence of electromagnetic fields arising in the places where communication cables are laid. In their opinion, they are able to influence the driver’s consciousness, creating imaginary hallucinations.

Marina Grove

Maryina Roshcha is a district of Moscow about which there are many legends and mystical tales. Until the 18th century, this area was almost entirely covered by forest, after the cutting down of which the Maryina Grove was formed. In 1743, the local village of Maryino fell to Count Sheremetyev, who changed the appearance of the area beyond recognition. Soon Maryina Roshcha became one of the favorite vacation spots of Muscovites. However, people here were afraid to appear alone for fear of evil spirits. This is understandable, because, according to popular beliefs, suicides became mermaids, so on Semik (the third week of Easter) they went to the place where they buried those who died without repentance - that is, to Maryina Roshcha. It was here that the barn stood where the unidentified dead were taken. After the plague epidemic, Empress Catherine forbade burying the dead within the city, and there, on Miusy, the first plague cemetery in Moscow arose. And in Maryino for a long time there were terrible stories about the dead who did not allow passage to a lonely traveler.

Secrets and legends of the Igumnov house

Mysterious legends are associated with the brightest domo on Bolshaya Yakimanka. This is the home of the wealthy industrialist Nikolai Igumnov. To build it, he invited the Yaroslavl architect Nikolai Pozdeev. The pseudo-Russian style, very fashionable in those days, was chosen for construction. In 1893 the mansion was completed. Pozdeev managed to combine numerous decorative details into a single whole: picturesque tents, bells, vaulted arches, columns. The building turned out to be very harmonious, but the Moscow architectural environment did not accept the stranger. The barely erected mansion was subjected to scathing criticism. Igumnov, succumbing to these sentiments, quickly became disillusioned with his Yaroslavl architect and refused to pay expenses that exceeded the estimate. The disappointed and ruined architect committed suicide. It is difficult to say whether this is connected with the tragic fate of the architect, but Igumnov’s mansion has always been surrounded by an aura of dark legends. The most common of them says that the owner settled his dancer-lover in this fairy-tale palace, and when he caught her cheating, he walled up the unfortunate woman alive in the wall. Since then, her ghost allegedly wanders through the halls of the mansion, disturbing the peace of its inhabitants.

Bear Lakes

An anomalous place, according to the testimony of many eyewitnesses. Located in the northeast of the Moscow region in the area of ​​3 lakes, next to the village of the same name. Local fishermen said that they saw a large animal with a huge mouth floating on the surface of the water. The animal allegedly came ashore and attacked cows and even people.

In 1999, an expedition took place on the lakes, the purpose of which was to try to confirm or refute rumors about the existence of a giant lizard-like animal in the lake. On November 18, a large animal was discovered in the southeastern part of the lake at a depth of about 5 m. The animal, about 1 m thick, hung in the water a meter from the bottom and did not move. In order to scare the beast away, a small squib was detonated. The “target” slowly floated away. Around the same time, deafening blows began to be heard from under the ice - ice bursting from the frost. The expedition's conclusion after a full study of the area and water and soil samples was disappointing - the presence of a lizard in these lakes is very unlikely.

Ryazan people

Ryazan is an anomalous zone in the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region, where auditory mirages are observed. One of the eyewitnesses spoke about his impressions when visiting Ryazantsy: “In the 1960s, in the summer, after 10 p.m., I and a young man walked to the village of Kirimovo along old road from the village of Ryazantsy. I had walked this road several times before this incident. Having walked a little along the path through the forest, I suddenly heard the voices of people, barking dogs, laughter, the knocking of buckets and other sounds very close to us. You are immersed in such noise when you are in the middle of the village during the day, but there was no housing here. It became impossible to go further, as the sounds seemed to impede our progress. My traveling companion also heard these sounds. It became very scary. We stopped. We stood for 10-15 minutes, listening to what was going on around us, and then very quietly and carefully returned back. My parents and other elderly people later talked about another similar incident at the same place. I also heard a story about how, when passing by this “enchanted” place, people sometimes hear the sound of someone or something hitting a tree standing in their way with a stick. A person will pass this tree, and the blow will be heard on the next tree. There were also cases when a man suddenly appeared in front of a walking person in this place, and also suddenly disappeared. Old-timers associate these mysterious phenomena with the fact that once, according to their ancestors, many Tatars died in this place, or a convoy with gypsies died...”

Silicates Cave

Silikata Cave is a famous natural cave located near the Silikatnaya railway platform (Moscow region), about which there are many legends and stories about mysterious cases with varying degrees of reliability. One of the most reliable stories dates back to the initial period of the Great Patriotic War, when a bomb shelter was equipped in the cave. During another bombing, a soldier from the front arrived in a nearby village and, on the advice of his fellow villagers, went to look for his relatives in the cave. Old women and children crawled out of the dilapidated entrance one by one, and finally the soldier’s wife appeared, but at that moment a huge stone slab began to sink.

The soldier threw himself under the slab, delayed its fall perhaps just for a moment, thereby allowing those remaining to escape. In front of dozens of people, the brave man was crushed by a terrible stone, however, when with their joint efforts they dug up the entrance and lifted the slab, under it they... found nothing! Relatives subsequently tried for a long time to find what they thought was still a living soldier inside the caves; during the next search, the grief-stricken mother also disappeared somewhere underground. This is the story, the legend says that the ghosts of the soldier (in the form of the “White Spirit of the Speleologist”) and the mother (in the form of “Two-Faced”) are still found in the far corners of the caves (several dozen cases of sightings are known).

Beria's House

In a mansion on Malaya Nikitskaya Street (formerly Kachalov), built in late XIX century, Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria lived for more than 15 years. The building now houses the Tunisian Embassy. In the basement of this house, the owner “arranged dates” with women. And the passion of the People's Commissar of State Security of the USSR for the opposite sex gave rise to a lot of rumors after his execution. They say that the ghost of Lavrenty Pavlovich's car regularly appeared (and continues to appear) in the vicinity of the mansion. People hear an invisible car approaching them, the engine starts idling, and the sound of a door opening is heard. A few seconds later the door slams shut and the shadow of the car disappears into the night...

Kuzminki Park

The old and quiet city park is perfect for romantic dates and family walks. Most of it is occupied by the 300-year-old Kuzminki estate. And like all old parks, this one is also covered in many legends. In particular, one of them concerns an elm tree that grows on the shore of one of the three park ponds. The eerie tree celebrated its 100th anniversary long ago and acquired the nickname “bough of death.” They say that on the gnarled branches of this ominous elm people were found hanging several times - as if the tree deliberately attracts suicides.

Pike hole

A long and narrow hole in the famous Syana cave near Moscow, where, according to local legends, the involuntary restoration of prenatal and ancestral memory occurs in people trying to get through this hole. However, the opinion of skeptics regarding this phenomenon, experienced by dozens of people, is clear - these memories are nothing more than subjective psychological associations.

Fefelov Bor

Sand dunes, intricately curved trees and a mysterious atmosphere - near Ryazan there is its own anomalous zone - the so-called Fefelov Forest. This forest, located near the Kanishchevo microdistrict, attracts lovers of the otherworldly.

The reason for exploring the area was the stories of those who visited here. According to people, they were haunted by a feeling of anxiety. There is no scientific explanation for this yet, but there are hypotheses. So, according to one version, the forest invisible “something” is a clot of energy, the source of which is sand - after all, it has been proven that dunes have the ability to move. As they move, the sand grains rub together, generating energy that moves into the environment. People feel it on themselves in the form of a warm or cold wave and darkening in the eyes.

Sharp magnetic fluctuations were also recorded in the sandy forest. Presumably, it was the waves that bent the branches of the pine trees at the roots. Biologists are in no hurry to confirm the relationship, and it remains to speculate again. It is assumed that due to changes in the magnetic background, trees also change. The tree bifurcates, the branches grow sharply upward. There are many such trees of the same size in the forest. Perhaps this is a surge of negative energy. Researchers cannot judge how far the negative aura spreads. Fefelov Bor is located a few kilometers from the residential district of Kanishchevo, which is surrounded on all sides by fields and ponds. In 2004, archaeological excavations were carried out here, and an ancient burial ground was found.

Damn ravine

This anomalous place is located not far from the village of Lyada, Pskov region. It earned its nickname at least a hundred years ago. Even before the revolution, people began to disappear in this ravine. Those who were lucky enough to survive, for inexplicable reasons, do not remember anything. Very often, unfortunate people lose not only their memory, but also their minds. The most resonant case of disappearance of people happened here in 1974, when a group of mushroom pickers from St. Petersburg disappeared without a trace. Before that, in 1928, a team of lumberjacks disappeared here, and in 1931, several dozen kulaks exiled here along with their families disappeared.

Kurgan Sineus, Vologda region

As we remember from history textbooks, the Varangians Rurik, Truvor and Sineus came to rule Russia. Sineus ruled in Volgograd region, and his mound is located in Belozersk, Vologda region. Although the talk about the fact that the highest mound, called the Kremlin, contains precisely the great Varangian (great in the literal and figurative sense of the Varangians, as they are remembered, were heroes), is conducted only on the basis of guesses and conjectures, and there are surprisingly many of them around the mound , and they definitely lead to only one mound that has never been properly explored, and there is no need to try to do this.

Several finds from the mound were taken by Ivan III, who ordered to clarify who was lying in the mound, and then to fill up and protect the burial site from those who were not above robbing graves, but no documentary evidence of this has survived. But there is no doubt that after the Bolsheviks came to power, almost crowds with shovels rushed to the mound. Black diggers were attracted by numerous legends that Sineus was buried in a golden coffin, that countless treasures in precious metals were buried with him, that, finally, Sineus himself was dressed in clothes decorated with gold and silver and amazing jewelry. Some studies, for example, attempts to dig approaches near the mound, which were then filled with groundwater, indirectly confirm this: a huge amount of silver ions was found in the water, which is not typical for these places. However, the one who is buried under the mound does not at all want to reveal his wealth to not very grateful descendants; any unauthorized or scientifically organized attempt to open the mound ends in trouble.

Any tunnel made at the Sineus mound was flooded with groundwater, so quickly that more than one person died when trying to get inside. Those who risked approaching this place with shovels admitted that they felt as if someone was watching them, and some were even “choked.” Others even saw the spirit of some giant near the burial site. And once a cellar for storing potatoes, built here during the Soviet era, instantly rotted, leaving neither potatoes nor even a trace of the supports. However, there is a legend according to which one day the mound of Sineus will be revealed to descendants. But this will happen only in “the most terrible times for Rus'.” And I wouldn’t want to rush into this.

Zhiguli Mountains

The Zhiguli Mountains have long been known for their paranormal activity. Repeatedly over the centuries, cases of UFOs and various light pillars of unknown nature have been recorded here. There are stories that before the construction of hydroelectric power stations and rising water levels, it was possible to penetrate into huge caves inside the mountains, where prehistoric animals were found frozen in blocks of ice.

There are references to various kinds of mirages appearing over the Zhiguli Mountains: in the form ghost town or towers. A number of legends speak of certain white dwarfs living in the mountains, as well as ghostly elders appearing out of nowhere. Local folklore connects unexplained phenomena with the mysterious Mistress of the Zhiguli Mountains. There are also prodigal places in Zhiguli, where even experienced tourists, as if spellbound, walk in circles, returning to the starting point of the journey. Residents of the surrounding villages try to avoid them.

Mountain of the Dead, Sverdlovsk region

About 30 dead. In the Mansi language, Kholat-Syakhyl is a mountain 1079 m high in the Northern Urals. Since the 1960s, this place has also been called the Dyatlov Pass. It was on the slope of the mountain of the dead that several groups of tourists died at different times. In 1959, a group of tourists led by Igor Dyatlov went on a hike. On February 1 (the date coincides with the famous magical holiday of Candlemas), 1959, 9 people began to climb to the top. On the slope, not having time to reach the top, the group sets up camp and becomes a witness to a terrible event, the cause of which is still unclear. In panicked horror, cutting the tent with knives, the tourists rushed to run down the slope. Some barefoot, some in felt boots, half naked...

There were no signs of a struggle or the presence of other people. No signs of an avalanche, hurricane, or tornado. All tourists died. Their skin had an unnatural purple or orange color. The damage was unnatural. Then the entire investigation, on the instructions of the 1st Secretary of the Regional Committee of the CPSU, was classified. According to legend, before this incident, 9 Mansi died on the mountain. In February 1961, another group of tourists died. In the early 90s, the Gentry newspaper published extensive material in several issues about “Mountain of the Dead” and the results of research undertaken by Vladivostok ufologists at the same time. Today the place is easily accessible to tourists, but due to its notoriety it is practically not visited. Our expeditions have not identified any anomalies in this area at this time.

Forest "Myasnoy Bor"

Myasnoy Bor - as if by someone’s evil irony, was the name of a small settlement in the Novgorod region, for which fate had a terrible role in store - to become a bloody meat grinder that ground up many tens of thousands of lives and destinies of Soviet soldiers in 1942 during the Lyuban operation 2- th shock army of the Volkhov Front. There are many places in Russia generously drenched in the blood of soldiers, but Myasnoy Bor is a special place. The forests and swamps of the Novgorod region are ruinous places in themselves. And when in the swamps, on the edges of the forest, on the country roads, many human bones turn white, they become completely creepy.

It was because of the miscalculations of the military leadership that the soldiers fell into a trap - they were surrounded and destroyed. Subsequently, not considering the position strategically important, they stopped the supply of medicines and provisions. The soldiers were doomed to starvation and painful death. They fought bravely and died, but were undeservedly forgotten and, in addition, slandered. There are no random people in Myasny Bor: only search engines looking for the remains of our soldiers and black diggers scouring for military valuables. From year to year, search teams raise our soldiers for reburial, but it seems that this does not mean there are fewer of them here.

This forest communicates with people in its own way. He lets some people in, but not others. So, for 10 years now, Novgorod entrepreneur Roman Novikov has been trying to open a base extreme recreation in this "Valley of Death". But something always goes wrong. Either at the last moment it turns out that not everything is in order with the documents, or the technology fails. But not once over the past years has Roman been able to even properly drive into the mystical forest.

Many people know that the Earth has its own energy. It plays the role of a kind of video cassette, which at certain moments records and plays back the most significant historical events.

And today, they say local residents, in the forests of Myasny Bor, from time to time, distinct male voices are heard, the smell of shag and the creaking of branches is clearly felt. At the same time, at first it seems that there are some mushroom pickers nearby, or maybe someone is sawing the forest. But if you shout, no one responds... And it becomes really creepy. And all around there was silence, then again - voices, machine gun fire. Some people who found themselves in these places heard loud cries of “hurray,” as in old movies, when a company or platoon rises into battle... Novgorod scientists introduced a new concept into scientific use - a military anomaly. Experts believe that where soldiers died and were not buried during the Great Patriotic War, a powerful energy field arises. As a result - otherworldly voices and strange phenomena.

The very atmosphere of a ruinous swamp, overflowing with corpses, creates a difficult situation in these places. Many search engines have repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that birds do not settle or appear in places where the masses are found; the situation is corrected only after human remains are properly reburied. Probably Myasnoy Bor is one of the few places in Russia where you can actually find something like this a rare event, like chronomirages, but we don’t recommend disturbing the souls of the dead just like that...


Lovozero, a lake that ranks fourth in size in the Murmansk region, is one of the most famous anomalous zones in Russia. What is not attributed to this object: distortion of space and time, fluctuations in the gravitational background, a healing effect on the human body... In addition, near Lovozero you can meet the Yeti - Bigfoot.

An expedition in 1920, led by A.V., was devoted to the study of this anomaly. Barchenko, head of the Murmansk Maritime Institute of Local History. The purpose of the expedition was to study the most common phenomenon in the Lovozero region - “measuring” - a mysterious mental illness that is spreading like an epidemic. “Measuring” acts like a mass psychosis, depriving people of their will and forcing them to senselessly repeat various movements one after another or indiscriminately carry out other people’s commands. The effect lasts from several hours to a day and can be repeated. The Yakuts explain “measuring” by saying that an evil spirit enters the patient’s body. The expedition constantly encountered unexplained phenomena. Many ritual objects and buildings remained from the ancient Lapp culture were also discovered.

Lovozero remains the object of special attention of scientists to this day. From 1997 to 1999, expeditions headed by V.N. were sent here. Demina. Their goal was to search mysterious country Hyperboreans. And in 2000, V. Chernobrov and his group of researchers recorded many testimonies from local residents that Bigfoot lives in the Lovozero area.

Medveditskaya ridge

The Medveditskaya ridge is the strongest geoactive zone, a chain of old hilly mountains, 200-380 m high, located in the Volgograd and Saratov regions at a distance of 15-18 kilometers from the city of Zhirnovsk. Eyewitnesses claim that unimaginable things are happening on the Medveditskaya ridge. ordinary person things. Appear strange objects triangular, luminous round or spherical objects. Some locals claim to have even seen a UFO land.

The Medveditskaya ridge is also famous for its ball lightning. They say that sometimes you can observe several fireballs calmly flying low above the ground at once, which easily burn their way through thick tree trunks. By the way, trees burned in such an interesting way are actually quite common on the Medveditskaya Ridge! In addition, according to some researchers of the anomalies of the Medveditskaya ridge, these lightnings fly strictly above two tunnels located underground at a shallow depth. There are ancient legends about the existence of enchanted or cursed places in the area of ​​​​the Medveditskaya ridge, about strange forest inhabitants who lived in these parts.

Devil's lair, Volgograd region

Several dead. Place on the Medvetskaya ridge in the Volgograd region. According to unconfirmed reports, spontaneous combustion of people occurs at this place. Cases of the discovery of the burnt body of shepherd Yuri Mamaev in 1990 and a similar case with combine operator Ivan Tsukanov are cited. Although the second case has nothing to do with self-ignition, Tsukanov died saving a combine harvester and a grain field from a fire, and in the first case there are too many facts indicating that Mamaev died from burning hay, nevertheless this place is considered anomalous.

Death Valley in Kamchatka

Another famous dead place in Russia is the Death Valley in Kamchatka, which became known in the early 30s of the 20th century. Hot springs gush out on the western slope of the Kikhpinych volcano. Their small thermal areas are cut through by ravines, on the slopes and at the bottom of which weak streams of acidic hot water, steam and gases emerge. The lowest of the sites acquired an ominous reputation and was named the Valley of Death... The Valley of Death was discovered by hunters who had lost their Laika dogs.

Hunters found the bodies of dogs in the upper reaches of the Geysernaya River at the foot of the Kikhpinych volcano. Next to them, on the bare ground - not a blade of grass - lay many dead birds and animals - bears, wolves, hares. Hunters fled in horror from this “damn cemetery”, and not in vain. Soon the dogs, who had been with people in a “bad” place, died, and the people themselves began to wither before our eyes: they became lethargic, rapidly lost weight, they began to have inexplicable headache.

Samarskaya Luka

Samara Luka is considered today one of the most active anomalous zones in the world. According to experts, more than a thousand paranormal phenomena have occurred here in the last 10 years alone. For example, eyewitnesses say that they have repeatedly encountered such phenomena as “cat’s paws” - several glowing lights that can be observed over the Zhiguli Mountains, and “cat’s ears” - low rays of light that appear as if from nowhere. They also say that encounters with Bigfoot are not uncommon here. Moreover, it was seen by fully educated and sane people. For example, one of the meetings took place in the fall of 1950, a few kilometers from the road to ToAZ, at the edge of the forest. In July 1977 - new information about a meeting with this creature. A resident of Zhigulevsk, going into the forest, breaking away from her companion, suddenly felt someone’s presence. Turning around, she saw a creature two meters tall, covered with fur, he had deep-set eyes.

Another anomaly - in the village of Vali several years ago, for the first time in the region, anomalous ovals were noticed on granular fields. This phenomenon is truly paranormal, say ufologists. In addition, as experts say, UFOs are very fond of these places and regularly appear here. There are many other paranormal phenomena in Samara Luka.

The main glory of the Samara region and Togliatti was brought by such natural objects Samara Luka, like the White Stone rock, Leshego ravine, Gorodishche, Shamanskaya glade and, of course, Mount Svetelka. They say that wishes made on it tend to come true. There is a belief that some people who climb the mountain improve their personal lives, some are lucky in business or career, new knowledge appears, and some even begin to read minds. It turns out that the fault boundary of two geological plates passes through the above objects. It is believed that this position produces powerful geomagnetic radiation. According to the locals, “Mount Svetelka is energy.” And for this reason, these places have become a Mecca for pilgrims and scholars from all over the world.

White Stone Rock has long been considered a place where “roads go from nowhere to nowhere, and time is powerless.” It happened that people who got there noticed that time there flowed somewhat differently than in “our” space. It seemed to them that they had only been in this place for a few hours, but in fact days had passed. They say that once a young hunter went to the rock and spent three days lost in the Leshy ravine, which guards the White Stone from the south. He came out of there gray-haired, didn’t tell anyone anything, where he was or what he saw, and only repeated: “I won’t go there again.” And then he left these places completely. They say that when people go to that place, they sometimes find themselves in a different reality, in other places, in another nature, where they have never been before. Well, here, as if on command, mobile phones and television cameras suddenly turn off and also suddenly start working again.

Village in Udmurtia

A mysterious village was found in Udmurtia, from which the inhabitants fled. People left their houses, but left all their belongings in them. 18 empty houses. From the nearest settlement This village is about five kilometers away. But this is direct, through the swamps. But you can't walk on them. Bypassing all the impassable places, the group of researchers covered about 15 kilometers through the forest.

Several years ago I found an article on the Internet about this village. I saved it for myself... and forgot,” says Valery Kotov, head of the Sphere-X group. “And recently people approached me. They found one of the geologists from that expedition. It was he who explained to us how to get to this village. According to geologists, the village was located in a clearing. All the trees around were burned out. There was smoke coming from the chimneys, but there was not a single inhabitant in the village. Valery Kotov and a group of researchers did not find the burnt circle, nor did they find any smoke from the chimneys. Only 18 empty houses, overgrown with raspberries, grass and young trees. The expedition looked into each of these houses. They weren't locked. The oven doors in all the houses were open. There were wooden dishes on the tables, the beds were made, and clothes hung on the chairs. All the utensils were left as if someone had gone out for a short while and should return soon.

Devil's Cemetery or Glade, Krasnoyarsk Territory

75 people are known to have disappeared or died over the past 30 years. A clearing with a hole in the center located on top small mountain, formed in 1908. One of the versions is that it was here that the Tunguska object fell, pierced the crater of an extinct volcano, which is why the clearing itself was formed, and the hole is an unovergrown crater of the volcano. Every living thing in the clearing dies; hundreds of cows and other domestic animals that wandered into the clearing are known to have died.

In this regard, after the war, all people were resettled from these places. In the pre-war period, several hundred people died who found themselves either in the clearing itself or near it.

Lake of never-melting ice

Elgygytgyn (Lake of Non-melting Ice) is a unique crater lake in Chukotka, located on the Anadyr Plateau, 390 kilometers northwest of Anadyr. It has an almost circular shape, the diameter of the lake is about 12 kilometers, max. depth - 174 m, area - 110 km, average annual temperature about 3 °C, altitude above sea level - 489 m.

A few indigenous residents say that people often disappear here, strange northern mirages appear, unusual phenomena on the surface of the lake, as if some giant creature noisily emerges from the water and just as quickly disappears, so the lake is bypassed, they say, deserted this place is dead... What could it be? Scientists believe that, most likely, methane emerges from cracks in the earth’s crust at the bottom, but it cannot immediately rise to the surface through the thickness of the icy water; it accumulates, and then comes up in a huge bubble. But for now this is just a hypothesis. Since the lake was not subject to glaciation (as scientists believe), the possibility of unknown relict organisms living in it cannot be ruled out.

Near the city of Vyborg

In the Paltsevo area near the city of Vyborg Leningrad region in 1991, an anomalous zone was recorded, named after three names of TaGoRa researchers (Tatyana, Golts, Raitarovsky). To the northeast of the Paltsevo area, near Vyborg, UFOs were often observed, and a mysterious disappearance of a truck on the highway occurred right before the eyes of eyewitnesses. In addition, local residents claim that in this area, when long stay you begin to feel someone's observation and hypnotic gaze.

Valley of the Dead in the Caucasus

The Caucasian Valley of the Dead has a bad reputation among the local population; it is truly an anomalous zone. Strange insights can be observed here. No sheep graze or birds fly near this place. Why is this place so dark? In the 16th century there was a village here. Which has completely died out. At that time, a terrible epidemic swept through these places, claiming the lives of all the villagers. They said it was a terrible family spell that killed everyone who lived in the village. How many years have passed since those times, but no one inhabits the old ruins, no one plows the local fields, no one takes care of the garden. Because strange things still happen here. People who unknowingly wandered into these areas experienced strange visions.

Stories from local residents also talk about ghosts in these places. About the terrible headaches that unexpectedly occur to those who are on this earth. Today these places are considered negative, no one visits them. Avoiding it just in case. In the eighties of the twentieth century, one Soviet photographer visited the Caucasian Valley of the Dead. After doing a big photo shoot, he returned to Moscow and died of an unknown disease. The film was developed by one famous researcher paranormal phenomena. What the whole world soon saw in these photographs shocked many. In the ancient gardens among the trees, there stood the ghosts of women, surrounded by rings of very bright light. What this is, no one has explained until now.

Cape Ryty on Lake Baikal

The surroundings of Rytoye are a zone of anomalies. This is due to geological features. Isostatics vary between the Academic Ridge and Rita Deep. People acutely feel the influence, both positive and negative. Amnesia, hysteria, hallucinations and prophetic dreams are common in this area. A person staying here ages at an accelerated pace and feels incredibly tired. None of the Soviet-era hunting villages organized on this land lasted more than 2 decades. Its inhabitants died one after another, and the women suffered from infertility. Scientists assumed an increased background radiation near the river gorge, but studies and measurements of indicators could not confirm the hypothesis. The natives say that they saw a UFO near Ryty. It is assumed that in places of earth faults there is an interaction with the energy of the sun.

Mysterious Green Island

The most incredible rumors have long been circulating about this small island, located within the city of Rostov-on-Don. And no wonder. They say that before the start of the Great Patriotic War a UFO fell here. Unusual aircraft mistaken for a new enemy reconnaissance aircraft. However, there is an opinion that this was really one of the flying disc-shaped vehicles developed in the 30s by the German Sonderburo No. 13 on Hitler's orders. In 1939, the first “flying disc” powered by inventor Viktor Schauberger took off. In photographs preserved in the archives of the German secret society Ahnenerbe, this device looks exactly like the “flying saucer” described by UFO eyewitnesses. However, some ufologists believe that it was still not a German, but an alien ship. AND further events indirectly confirm this version.

The famous Moscow ufologist Alexey Priyma, who lived in Rostov until 1973, claims that he had the opportunity to read the memoirs of a former NKVD employee about a “flying device without wings” that crashed on Green Island. One way or another, the NKVD troops launched vigorous activity on Zeleny. The place was cordoned off and security was posted. But the incident itself was classified.

However, they did not have time to finish the work, since by the beginning of the war the island was still guarded, and when the Nazis broke through to Rostov in the fall of 1941, they defended it fiercely. The Germans, no less stubbornly, sought to capture Green, which was of particular interest to them. Probably, a fallen unidentified flying object played a significant role in this interest. Now it’s no secret that Hitler was interested in UFOs, esotericism, extrasensory perception, etc. However, in the case of our island, it is unclear whether Hitler wanted to take possession of the alien device or return the development of his engineers so that the Russians would not unravel the secret of his new weapon.

However, besides UFOs, the island has other secrets. Strange things happen on Green from time to time. Here is one of the typical stories. A married couple with a six-year-old daughter were vacationing on the island. While the adults were making a fire for the barbecue, the daughter disappeared. The parents, having checked the tent and made sure that the girl was not there, ran in panic through the thickets, trying to find the baby. After a couple of hours of unsuccessful searching, they decided to contact the police. And then suddenly they saw their daughter... sleeping in a tent, which they searched more than once. When the girl was woken up, she said that in the thickets near the shore she saw a large black stone and, barely touching it, fell asleep. The girl did not remember what happened after she ended up in the tent. But she insisted that she did not return there herself.

Interestingly, attempts to purposefully find the mysterious black stone lead nowhere. However, the island is covered with dense vegetation, and its West Side and completely impassable. But it is this area that eyewitnesses most often speak of as an anomalous zone. Several scientific expeditions landed on the island, including those of the All-Russian Research Association “Cosmopoisk”. Instrumental studies were carried out on the western tip of the island, which revealed weak anomalies, probably associated with underground structures existing on the northwestern shore - the remains of old trenches and dugouts, as well as small underground structures of unknown purpose. The expedition members witnessed on the island sound signals of unknown origin and manifestations of the properties of a typical “prodigal place” - an anomaly in which the most incredible incidents are possible, primarily a complete loss of spatial orientation.

Vidimsky tract

In Nizhneilimsky district Irkutsk region The Vidimsky tract, in which it is located, enjoys a bad reputation. Dead Lake. In the direction where the tract is located, a glow constantly appears in the night sky with a silvery tint, and even circles remain on the ground.

People often disappear in the Dead Lake area: fishermen drown and hunters disappear. In 1992, a group of researchers from Naberezhnye Chelny got lost here. In the same area, 40 km from the village of Vidim, in 1992, a train of 23 cars carrying components of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), as well as 42 security personnel and two locomotive drivers, mysteriously disappeared. They are still searching! In June 1997, a three-member operational group of the Vidimsky village police department mysteriously disappeared. Searches also did not yield any results.

Lake Labynkyr (Yakutia)

A legendary reservoir in the Oymyakon region in eastern Yakutia. According to legend, a huge animal, possibly of relict origin, lives in the lake. They say that this particular animal swallows animals and people. According to legend, the number of those “swallowed” exceeded ten people. There is no real evidence of the existence of this animal, like dozens of victims. The place is inaccessible, practically unexplored, researchers for recent years fifty were not attracted to the lake.

Moleb triangle

The so-called Moleb triangle is located on the border Sverdlovsk region And Perm region. Anomalous events constantly occur on its territory: people and animals disappear. In addition, local residents claim that they see creatures of alien origin. However, such mystical illumination of the region only benefits it. Every year, tourists and ufologists come here from all over the world to see and feel the aura of this mysterious place.

For example, in 1995, scientist Valery Yakimov decided to explore the Moleb Triangle with a group of ufologists. A group of 60 reputable researchers actually observed strange phenomena in the atmosphere that could be called UFOs. And in 1996, in the publication “Ural Pathfinder”, ufologist Maxim Shishkin described in detail cases of disappearances of groups of tourists in the 90s and described the mysterious phenomena he observed.

Cherepovets swamp

Frightening legends circulate throughout the Vologda region about this swamp. Rumor has it that it allegedly “asks” its future victims to come closer to it. Cases of suicide are very common here, and under unclear circumstances. Locals also claim that people often unaware of the peculiarities of this place approached it and literally disappeared without a trace within a few minutes... In the 19th century, merchants regularly disappeared here. In 1972, due to a sinkhole, dozens of military personnel who were driving heavy equipment through the swamp area died here. And nowadays, every year several local residents or tourists disappear into the swamp.

Mysteries of the witch forest

The anomalous zone in the vicinity of the city of Yuryev-Polsky, which is on the border of the Yaroslavl and Vladimir regions, is little known and is not very popular among researchers. UFOs are seen in the zone no more often than in other places; no mysterious disappearances of people or time jumps occur in it. But the forests there still have a bad reputation.

Perhaps the most striking incident occurred in 1992 with members of an amateur research group who came here after they read a newspaper article about local anomalies. The group consisted of several young people. In the village they met local guys, who told them that the ghost of a man in a noose sometimes appears in the forest. This story is old, it happened shortly after the war. As if some demobilized soldier, while drunk, killed his wife and several other people, and after sobering up, he went into the forest and hanged himself. The body was found and taken away, but since then in the evening twilight, most often on the full moon, the soldier is sometimes seen in the thickets hanging on a tree. Two city “researchers” who did not believe in God or the devil decided to walk through the forest on the full moon in order to later dispel the legend. The rest remained waiting for them at the edge of the fire. By the way, the townspeople already more or less knew the local forest. It was sparse, and walking along its outskirts in the evening did not seem such a difficult task. Moreover, the moon was shining.

One of these two, Maxim, later said that they almost immediately felt fear, but did not show it, tried to stay cheerful and walked as quickly as the bushes allowed. Maxim’s friend was the first to notice a rope with a noose hanging from a tree. Both were frightened, but assumed that it was probably the villagers playing a trick on them and hanging the rope on purpose. However, the friends decided to complete their hike and headed to the edge of the forest, which was supposed to be several tens of meters away. But no matter how much they walked, for some reason the forest did not end.

Suddenly a tree with a rope appeared in front of them again. This was it, the guys recognized him immediately. In some incomprehensible way, friends again went to the place of suicide! They were gripped by real fear, they backed away and ran away. But after some time we came across the same tree again. Only this time there was a man hanging in the noose! The young people saw him quite clearly! Now, in real panic, the friends began to run in earnest. As if on purpose, the moon disappeared into the clouds, a strong wind rose, and the trees swayed around. This only increased the fear of the fugitives. Stopping to catch their breath, they clearly heard behind them the crunch of branches under someone's feet. Not remembering how, the guys jumped out of the forest. And when they were running through the edge of the forest, they looked back and saw the dark silhouette of a man moving after them. It was difficult to see him in the darkness, but Maxim and his friend had no doubt that this was the same dead man.

They ran to the fire. Apparently, the fear spread to the others. Without trying to find out what kind of stranger was pursuing the members of their group, the “researchers” ran in a crowd to the village. They burst into the house, alarming the owners. Together with the guys, a guard dog ran into the house, which had never happened before, and, trembling, hid under the bed. At this hour (it was half past midnight) the whole village woke up. Dogs howled in every yard. The horses neighed loudly and fought in the stable; they finally broke free and ran off into the meadows. Some villagers, looking out the windows, saw the dark figure of a man, but for some reason no one came out and asked who he was. On the contrary, people were afraid to even turn on the light. The next day, Maxim and his friend said that they had seen a hanged man in the forest. They were convinced that this dead man had followed them all the way to the village. Surprisingly, their story was believed. Someone remembered that this had already happened: suddenly, on the quietest night, a storm began, the animals became alarmed, and a “black man” walked through the village, whom the old-timers recognized as that same soldier. In addition to the soldier, another ghost “lives” in the forest. It can be seen during the day.

Nikolskoe cemetery. Officials' last refuge

One of the mysterious places in Russia - the old Nikolskoye cemetery at the famous Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg was opened back in 1861. Today, the once famous cemetery is quite neglected, although the highest clergy of the Lavra were once buried here. The marble mausoleums were lopsided, and the family crypts were for the most part roughly broken into, because since the end of the 20th century, cases of grave digging have been repeatedly noted at the Nikolskoye cemetery.

“Black archaeologists” hunting for the regalia of bishops and ministers buried in the Nikolsky necropolis are not embarrassed even by the fact that the cemetery has long been famous for the fact that here, among centuries-old trees and abandoned graves, right in the center of St. Petersburg, it is possible to meet nose to nose with evil spirits.

Nowadays, the Nikolskoye cemetery is being put in order by the city authorities and the monastery. They are restoring ruined graves and cutting down thickets. An alley of holders of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky has also been created. The cemetery is becoming popular again, especially the “front” part, but, unfortunately, not the one where outstanding writers, scientists and the crown of the clergy are buried, but new pompous alleys with the burials of officials and businessmen.

Satan usually walks through the Nikolskoye cemetery in the form of a huge black cat. According to legend, at the end of the 19th century, a certain monk lived next to the cemetery, who was famous as a skilled healer. But the sick did not know that the monk was healing them... with powder from the bones of the dead. The monk was not a monk at all - he studied black magic and worshiped Lucifer, and wore a cassock only to divert his eyes. For his soul, he received the ability to heal.

The black monk's dream was to obtain the elixir of immortality, and the devil provided him with a recipe: on the bright holiday of Easter, the monk tied a girl to a cross, gouged out her eyes, cut off her tongue and placed a cup under a stream of blood. But he did not have time to drain the cup full of the victim’s blood: while performing all the rituals, he forgot that this must be done before dawn. With the first rays of the sun, he fell to the ground dead.

Those who came to visit the graves of their relatives on Easter morning were amazed by what they saw: a dead girl tied to a cross, and a monk whose mouth was filled with worms, and one of his legs was covered with hair and looked like a cat's paw! It was after this terrible incident that they began to meet a huge black cat at the Nikolskoye cemetery. Surely the evil one is looking for new victim and longs to possess new souls, and does he not receive them in exchange for pointing the way to the richest burials?

Bypass channel. The line between the worlds of the living and the dead

For what reason does a person feel good in some places, but in others, which at first glance are much more pleasant and prosperous, commit suicide? Esotericists and parapsychologists explain this by the curse of lost places, which remain so, even “dressed” in granite and marble.

The Obvodny Canal in St. Petersburg has long had a bad reputation. At first it was the outskirts of the city, but today the Obvodny Canal area is the most prestigious center. But... residents don’t stay here for long, especially sensitive people. In any way they try to get out of the “cursed place”, exchange or sell their housing on the banks of the “ditch”, the waters of which attract suicides like a magnet.

Sometimes a person is not even able to explain why it was here that the thought of suicide occurred to him. Many people call the Obvodny Canal Bridge “the border between two environments” - the world of the living and the world of the dead.

In the black waters of the canal you can often see the faces of suicides, both those who died recently and centuries ago.

Some of the unfortunate people who manage to be saved even claim that they did not want to jump into the water at all and that someone’s invisible hand simply threw them over the bridge railing!

Even in the time of Peter 1, the founder of St. Petersburg, the location of the current canal enjoyed a bad reputation among the local population - the Karelians. Here was the home of a sorcerer, famous for his ability to bewitch enemies. When laying the canal, the sorcerer was executed, but his blood, shed at this place, continues his dirty work to this day, drawing into the world of shadows the souls of careless victims - the descendants of the conquerors of the Karelian lands.

Obvodny Canal is the largest canal in St. Petersburg. It connects the Neva and Ekateringofka rivers. For many years, the canal served both as a waste drain and as a water intake point for the numerous factories that mushroomed on its navigable shores. Today the canal has become shallow, and only dilapidated premises remind of factories. Many buildings are being restored, but even office clerks are trying to find work outside the area, complaining of constant headaches that haunt them in this place and depression.

Some researchers of historical secrets claim that there was no sorcerer in these parts, but a sorcerer who worshiped pagan gods lived here. It was his temple that was destroyed, and the sorcerer himself and six innocent Karelian cult ministers were killed on the site of the future canal. What is true and what is fiction is unclear, but the fact remains: in the waters of the canal, suicides more often see the faces of girls in white, and local residents claim that, despite the external comfort, the psychological atmosphere in the area of ​​​​the Obvodny Canal is depressing.

Building with a rotunda on Gorokhovaya. A dream in exchange for life

Every resident of St. Petersburg who is interested in his city can show the way to the house with a rotunda on Gorokhovaya Street near the Fontanka. Behind the old door leading to an inconspicuous mansion is hidden a real miracle, invisible from the street - columns and an elegant cast-iron structure arranged in a circle and directed upward towards the dome. spiral staircase, where at midnight, according to legend, none other than the devil himself appears.

How the round structure could end up inside a standard house, history is silent. The mansion was rebuilt many times, but the rotunda always remained inside - no one dared to break this mystical building.

The rotunda has unique acoustics: if you stand in the middle of the structure at the top and quietly whisper something, the phrase will seem to fly around the vault in a circle and return to the speaker... from behind! It turns out that the rotunda can whisper anything in your ear - you just need to get here and find the necessary words!

In the history of St. Petersburg you can find a mention that the owner of the mansion with a rotunda was once a prominent freemason, Count Andrei Zubov. It was here, under the dome, which was securely hidden from prying eyes by the attic floors of the house, that the initiation rites of new members of the St. Petersburg Masonic Lodge were performed.

Grigory Rasputin, who was often called the Holy Devil, also often visited the house with the rotunda. His mansion was located right next door. They say that Satan himself appears on the stairs at midnight, who can fulfill any person’s dream, but... the petitioners usually turn out to be dead in the morning. They can enjoy their dream come true only for a few hours - until dawn.

The Rotunda is, without a doubt, a mysterious place. If you look at the columns from below, you get a feeling of dizziness and flight. The world around begins to spin like the wheel of samsara - fate, the steps of which cannot be changed by any forces except... the rotunda! Before the residents of the house with a mysterious structure inside put a lock on the doors of their entrance, protecting their possessions from uninvited visitors, all the walls around were covered with the cherished desires of people who strive to change their lives. Many of those who came here say that after visiting this place their wildest dreams came true.

Moscow State University building. Stalin's mystical pyramid

Right in the middle of Moscow, almost in its very center, rise stepped high-rise buildings - the so-called “Stalinist high-rises”. They were erected in the middle of the 20th century by order of I. Stalin. It is no secret that the leader was very interested in mysticism, and he wanted to strengthen the influence of his own personality throughout Russia, and especially in Moscow.

It is not for nothing that paranormal properties are attributed to the pyramids. They were built by most of the great civilizations: the ancient Egyptians, Mayans and Aztecs, pyramids were found in Mesopotamia and Crimea, and even Lenin was buried not just anywhere, but in a stylized pyramid!

Everyone who studied the effects of pyramids on the human body noted that these structures have exclusively positive aspects. But besides the fact that the pyramids of high-rise buildings, which are located along the Moscow ring line, undoubtedly influence the health of those who live in them, other factors should be noted: literally each of these buildings has its own mysteries and secrets.

All 8 “Stalinist skyscrapers” were founded on the same day and hour: exactly at noon, September 7, 1947, on the significant day of the 800th anniversary of Moscow. And although their foundation was only symbolic, and real construction began only two years later, Stalin preferred to listen to the opinion of astrologers. They were the ones who chose the auspicious date. High-rise buildings still stand firmly today and, undoubtedly, are an adornment of Moscow.

Some claim that the rather deep basements of Moscow State University are connected by a special metro line to the underground strategic town in Ramenki. But this is not nearly as curious as the fact that in the middle of the 243-meter tower of Moscow State University there is an archive floor where documents, drawings and sketches of designs for the building are stored, which according to the plan, instead of a spire, was to be crowned with a huge figure of Stalin. The university was supposed to be named in his honor, but... the tyrant died, and the temple of science was named after Lomonosov, although even the letters to be fixed on the facade were already ready! The statue of the leader, who became famous for bloody repressions, was also not installed on the Moscow State University tower. To this day, the dissatisfied spirit of Stalin often wanders around the premises, shifting old folders from place to place and raising archival dust.

Mikhailovsky Castle. The Emperor's Last Refuge

Mikhailovsky Castle is one of the mysterious places in Russia. The last residence of the unfortunate Emperor Paul 1 was his own brainchild - Mikhailovsky, otherwise known as the Engineering Castle, which was built by his decree in St. Petersburg on the site summer palace his grandmother, the late Empress Elizabeth I.

Mikhailovsky Castle is named after St. Michael, who appeared to a soldier on guard at the site where the castle was later built. Perhaps the emperor deliberately spread the legend of the vision in order to justify the rather dubious need for the urgent construction of a new residence. This is the only known case in the history of Russian architecture when secular architectural structure They were named not in honor of the owner, by the name of the territory or purpose, but in honor of the saint.

The majestic structure was erected in just 4 years according to the design of the great Russian architect V. Bazhenov. The construction was supervised by another outstanding architect, V. Brenn, who also designed the interiors of the palace.

Pavel 1 was obsessed with the idea of ​​creating his own residence for many years. The Mikhailovsky Castle was built in such a hurry that for its construction they took the missing materials from the construction sites of St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Tauride Palace, and the work did not stop even at night, carried out by the light of lanterns and torches!

In November 1800, on the day of the Archangel Michael, the castle was solemnly consecrated, but the palace was finally completed only a year later. 1801, February 1 - the emperor moved his family to a new palace, which looked more like medieval fortress. But Paul was in such a hurry that he did not pay attention either to the cold reigning in the unheated palace, or to the dampness, from which a fog hung in the halls to such an extent that even the lights of thousands of candles could not disperse it.

The Emperor lived in Mikhailovsky Castle for only 40 days. On the night of March 11-12, Paul 1 was killed by conspirators in his own bedroom. The royal family left Mikhailovsky Castle, never to return there again. The palace-fortress, the only example of palace romantic classicism in Russia, gradually began to fall into disrepair.

The death of Paul 1 was predicted by Blessed Ksenia of Petersburg herself. She said that Paul would live as many years as the letters in the inscription on the frieze of the Resurrection Gate of the new palace. “To your house belongs the holiness of the Lord for the length of days,” the inscription read. It contained exactly 47 letters - the emperor died in the forty-seventh year of his life.

Perhaps the hasty flight of the royal family from the castle was caused by the fact that the spirit of the late emperor never left the place of violent death. The ghost of Paul 1 appeared almost every night! He was seen by soldiers and officers of the palace service, as well as by random passers-by, who repeatedly noticed the luminous figure of the late emperor in the dark windows of the palace.

Elyuyu Cherkechekh. Land of the Criminal Alien

Yakutia - in the upper reaches of the Vilyuy River, there is an anomalous zone - the Yeluyu Cherkechekh valley, the name is translated from Yakut as “Valley of Death”. These places have long been known to hunters and enjoy a bad reputation among them. In the valley there are several huge metal objects of unknown purpose, reminiscent of huge cauldrons, and Yakut legends brought to us events that probably took place so long ago that it is impossible to say exactly when, with whom and why a man-made disaster occurred that brought us here to the edge of permafrost, all these strange objects.

In addition to his disgusting character, the Criminal Alien, according to legend, “spreads infection” and “relives balls of fire.” Translated into modern language, it is possible to say with confidence that the Yakuts have been passing on from mouth to mouth for centuries tales about an alien ship that crashed in these parts.

Hunters claim that underground Yeluyu Cherkechekh there is a metal corridor with big amount metal rooms. In the midst of winter, they are as warm as in summer, but anyone who stayed overnight in such a room would then be sick for a long time, and spending the night there twice would mean dooming oneself to a quick death.

Not far from Yeluyu Cherkechekh flows a river named Algyi Timirnit, which means “The Big Cauldron has drowned.” On its shore there is in fact a huge, apparently copper cauldron, sunk so deeply into the soil that only its edge is visible above the surface. The size of the boiler is such that trees grow inside it!

Gold miners who saw the cauldrons in the 1970s said that the diameter of the spheres of unknown metal ranged from 6 to 9 m, and the substance from which they were made could not be taken by a hammer or a well-sharpened chisel. On top of the “cauldrons” there is a layer similar to sandpaper, but even this layer could not be scratched with any tools. Abnormally lush grass and trees grow around the spheres. A group of gold miners who spent the night in the “cauldron” did not feel any impact, but one of the miners lost all the hair on his body after a month. Another had three tiny non-healing ulcers on the side of his head that touched the metal in his sleep, which never completely healed until the end of his life.

All this - abnormal vegetation, lost hair, and ulcers - indicates that the “boilers” have a greatly increased background radiation. It is not for nothing that the Yakuts avoid them and, without good reason, do not dare to spend the night in them, although it is warm inside in the most severe frosts. In addition, the legends of the northern people tell about the evil giant Wat Usumu Tong Duurai, whose name translated from Yakut means “Criminal Alien, who perforated the earth with a fiery tornado, destroying everything around”!

April 25th, 2017

Despite the fact that abandoned cities and creepy corners of the earth terrify impressionable tourists, hundreds of travelers constantly come to these most terrible places on the planet in search of thrills.

Prague cemetery

One of these scary places The Prague cemetery with 12 thousand ancient tombstones, which operated in the Czech Republic for four centuries, is considered the world's largest cemetery. Unknown travelers found their last refuge in this cemetery, but most often wealthy townspeople were buried in luxurious processions. The cemetery area is small, but 100 thousand dead are buried here. It is noteworthy that the older burials were covered with earth, then the new dead were buried on top of them. This is how about 12 tiers were formed: now travelers can observe an eerie picture - the subsiding earth has exposed several upper “floors” with coffins and gravestones.

St. George's Church

St. George's Church is also located in the Czech Republic, in one of the tiny villages: tourists go to the abandoned temple, attracted an unusual legend places. Sometime during the next funeral service, the roof over the church collapsed. Once Holy place Czech artist Hadrava decorated it with numerous sinister ghost sculptures.

Mexican Island of Abandoned Dolls

The Mexican island of abandoned dolls attracts adrenaline junkies with the exotic nature of forgotten toys. In the middle of the last century, a hermit who settled here began to collect and “resettle” dolls thrown into the trash around the island. About a thousand broken and mutilated toys are tied to trees - many dolls sit on the ground or hang on branches: this is how the hermit decided to perpetuate the memory of a girl who drowned in the bay.

Chapel of Bones

The next terrible place in the world is also impressive - the chapel of bones, built many centuries ago by a Franciscan monk in one of the cities of Portugal. The small chapel contains the remains of five thousand monks. The roof and walls of the tomb are decorated with intricate inscriptions in Latin.

Paris catacombs

Famous all over the world Paris catacombs are a winding system of underground tunnels with extensive caves and descents. A communications network stretching up to 300 kilometers lies near Paris: more than 6 million people have found their home here.

Japanese island Hashima

The Japanese island of Hashima is also considered the most mystical place in the world. This abandoned mining town once supplied the country with coal, with quarries and a mine operating in the late 19th century. People came here in the hope of making money: miners densely populated the island with their families. Almost 40 years ago, the enterprise became unprofitable and the coal mines were closed. Now this island has become a popular ghost town among tourists.

Suicide Forest

Jukai, the famous Suicide Forest, is located on one of the Japanese islands and went down in history as a bad place where thousands of people committed suicide. The forest initially enjoyed a bad reputation thanks to ancient legends about ghosts, and since the middle of the last century, suicides have become frequent in these eerie thickets. Going several hundred meters into the forest, along the paths you can find things - shoes, clothes, bags of those who have passed away. Knowing how attractive the place is for people with weak mental health, the authorities installed a warning poster with a helpline number.

Kabayan fire mummies burials

Among the most mystical places in the world are also called the burial places of the fire mummies of Kabayan in the Philippines. These remains are more than seven centuries old: locals believe that the spirits of the mummified deceased still live near the graves. Peculiarity local customs- mummies were buried in small coffin capsules made of wood, placing the bodies of the deceased in them in the most uncomfortable positions.

Akodessewa Magic Market

At the magic market of Akodessewa, which lies in the center of the capital of Togo, you can see sorcerers who still practice voodoo magic and use terrifying-looking dolls in rituals. Buyers and fans of monstrous artifacts are offered a choice of decorated skulls, magical accessories, potions and medicines, dried monkey heads, hare and chicken feet, various souvenirs and local amulets.

Mental hospital

In the ranking of scary places in the world, tourists are attracted by the old psychiatric hospital in the city of Parma: it was once one of the successful clinics in Italy, but over time the building fell into disrepair. A masterpiece from the object was made by an artist from Brazil, who painted the walls of the hospital with silhouettes of patients. Ghostly figures decorate the building, conveying to rare visitors the eerie atmosphere of an Italian abandoned hospital.

Plague Island

In Italy there is another terrifying attraction - the Plague Island in the Venetian lagoon. Since ancient times, this place has been adapted for the residence of patients who were exiled here from all over the country. More than 16 thousand plague victims are buried here, but locals believe that their souls have not calmed down and still hover over their graves. The island’s gloomy reputation is also supported by legends according to which terrible experiments were performed on the sick.

City of Centralia

Connoisseurs of the horror and realistic genres computer games They go to the American city of Centralia for a special experience: it was here that the famous horror film “Silent Hill” was filmed. This town in Pennsylvania is famous for the fact that due to a massive fire, the population almost abandoned the area. The underground fire has not yet been extinguished: the atmosphere of hopelessness is emphasized by particles of ash in the air over empty streets with destroyed houses.

Mountain of crosses

The most mystical places in the last century, a new attraction was added to the world - the Mountain of Crosses with ancient Lithuanian crosses is an eerie-looking hill that is not a cemetery at all. According to numerous legends, anyone who places a cross here will receive good luck and change their fate for the better.

Cave in Belize

A cave in Belize attracts tourists with the strange atmosphere of the cult of the ancient Mayans. This unusual archaeological site is located near Tapir Mountain and is famous for its unique cathedral, built in one of the cave halls. Bloody sacrifices were performed here for terrible deities. The Mayans also believed that it was here that the gates to the underworld opened.

Chowchilla Cemetery

The Peruvian ancient cemetery of Chauchilla was also included in the list of the most terrible places on the planet. The country's landmark is located near the Nazca Plateau, famous for ufologists. The necropolis was discovered by scientists about a century ago. The burial method attracted the attention of archaeologists: the dead were placed in graves, covering their bodies with a special composition. Thanks to ancient recipes, the dead were perfectly preserved: the dry climate of the Peruvian desert also contributed to this.

Snake Island

In Brazil the most creepy place considered Snake Island: the territory is famous for the presence huge amount snakes - here on every square meter of forest land you can find up to six dangerous and poisonous reptiles. Now tourists are prohibited from visiting Queimada Grande due to the risk of attack by huge poisonous reptiles.

Moleb triangle

The Moleb Triangle was included in the ranking of the creepiest places in Russia: this is a remote village in the Perm Territory, where anomalous UFO activity was noticed. Previously, the Mansi lived here, who made sacrifices to their gods on a stone plateau.

Russia also has its own exotic city dead: the small Ossetian village of Dargavs is famous for its richly decorated family crypts.

Overtown Bridge

One of Scotland's bridges, Overtoun, has become notorious for unexplained cases of suicide among dogs. Dozens of dogs threw themselves onto the rocks and died, and the survivors went up to try again.

Hanging coffins of Sagada

The list of the most terrible places on the planet would be incomplete without the hanging coffins of Sagada - original burial structures were built in the forest of one of the villages in the Philippines. Locals bury the dead, hanging them so that the souls of departed ancestors are closer to heaven.

Sanctuary of Tophet

In the Tunisian sanctuary of Tophet, several centuries ago, animals and children were sacrificed: this was a feature of the bloody religion of old Carthage.

Unfinished subway in Cincinnati

The grandiose construction project - the unfinished subway in Cincinnati - amazes with its atmosphere of abandonment. The depot was built at the end of the 19th century, but the line was frozen for economic reasons. Now the depot can be visited several times a year, although diggers from all over the world often visit the unfinished metro on their own.

No matter how much humanity wants to solve all the mysteries of our planet, this is not always possible. On the vast territory of the Earth there are many mysterious corners that were created both by nature itself and by human hands.

These buildings are different from others created by mankind. They are shrouded in secrets and have a bad reputation among local residents. There are ancient legends associated with them that can scare even the bravest. However, these anomalous zones constantly attract lovers of mysticism and paranormal phenomena!

This collection contains 12 of the most mystical places on the planet, created by human hands!

12 Alcatraz, USA

This prison is famous throughout the world for the fact that it was impossible to escape from it. It was created specifically for criminals who could not be held by ordinary prisons. After the closure there were no mentions of successful escapes, but there is one mystical story, which still interests researchers. In 1972, the Anglin brothers and Frank Morris escaped from prison thanks to an elaborate plan. But neither they nor their bodies could be found. Even the FBI couldn't solve this mystery.

11 Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Ancient castles are always accompanied by legends about ghosts, but in the case of Edinburgh Castle their number is simply off the charts. This residence of all Scottish monarchs attracts lovers of the paranormal. Many brutal murders took place here, such as the Black Lunch. During the meal, the Douglas brothers, who were only 16 years old, were captured and beheaded. But these are not all victims of Edinburgh Castle. They say that here you can see the ghost of a bagpiper, a piper, and even the ghost of a sadist in a leather apron.

10 Jewish cemetery in Prague, Czech Republic

This place has a bad reputation among lovers of occult sciences. In the middle of the Czech capital is the old Jewish town - a very colorful area. And its main attraction is the Jewish cemetery, where more than 100 thousand people are buried. There are 12 thousand gravestones installed at different angles on the territory, all other graves are located on levels. It looks quite creepy, in addition, there are legends that not all the deceased went to another world. Therefore, this place attracts occultists like a magnet.

9 Second metro, Moscow

Was, still is or never existed - this is a mystery many adventure lovers want to solve. For many decades now, there have been rumors about the existence of Metro-2 near Moscow - a secret line of underground transport specifically for the government. The hype around this topic appeared after the report of the US Department of Defense, which even included a diagram of Metro-2. Russian authorities have only partially confirmed the existence of the Kremlin metro line.

8 Amityville House, New York

This real story became the plot for a whole series of horror films. The house in Amityville still stands and can be seen with your own eyes. In 1974, a brutal murder took place here - Ronald Defeo shot six members of his family right in their beds. A year later, this house with a bloody history was bought by the Latz family, but they could not stay here. They were plagued by paranormal phenomena. After the publicity of this story, the first film on this topic was released.

7 Coral Castle, Florida

The mystery of the construction of this place has not yet been revealed. There are no ghosts here, but the castle itself is one big mystery. It was built by one man, Edward Leedskalnin, between 1920 and 1950. The total weight of the castle, including all the sculptures, is more than 1,100 tons. How a man with a height of 152 cm managed to build this castle from limestone blocks alone is still unknown. Edward built the castle at night and carefully hid his technology from others.

6 Winchester House, USA

The history of this house is directly related to mysticism. It was built over several decades by the widow of the heir to the empire, Sarah. The woman lost her daughter and husband early, which prompted her to think about the curse of the family. After communicating with the medium, she began to build a house with secrets - its doors led to emptiness, and its corridors ended in dead ends. It is believed that the widow built the house to confuse the haunting spirits of the people who died from Oliver Winchester's rifle.

5 Leap Castle, Ireland

This castle is rightfully considered the creepiest place in Ireland. His bloody story makes your blood run cold. Crimes have occurred here since the construction date in 1513, but the most brutal murders occurred during the reign of the O'Carroll clan. They often invited enemies to reconciliation dinners and then killed them right at the table. There was also a room in the castle with a secret floor with a double bottom. It was strewn with stakes on which the unfortunate guests of the clan fell. When renovations were carried out there, the bones of about 150 people were discovered.

4 Overtoun Bridge, Scotland

This Scottish bridge has attracted media attention due to a number of accidents. True, they were very strange - dogs were thrown from the bridge. The first case was recorded in 1951, and since then about once a month one dog throws itself down from there. Even those who survived return to the bridge and jump again. Mysticism lovers explain this by the ghost of a boy who was thrown from a bridge by his father many years ago. Allegedly, the boy calls the dogs to play with him.

3 Poveglia Island, Italy

This place can give you heartache if you don’t know what’s inside. The Church of St. George, located in the village of Lukova in the Czech Republic, has one peculiarity. This abandoned building, after a series of fires, was turned into a cultural monument by the young artist Yakov Khadrava. He decorated the church with creepy plaster figures of monks. These ghost sculptures attract tourists who love to titillate their nerves.

1 Castle Tower, UK

Of course, Great Britain also has its own castle with a bloody history. This fortress is responsible for the execution of many victims, often innocent ones. It is not surprising that ghosts of certain historical figures are constantly seen here. Anne Boleyn, Bishop Thomas Becket, Margaret Paul, Lady Jane Gray, and Catherine Howard were executed in the Tower. The series of executions was started by King Henry VIII and continued by his descendants. Also in the Tower, Edward V and his brother Richard disappeared without a trace.

These places are a real find for those who like to tickle their nerves. Every year they are visited by thousands of paranormal lovers who want to see something unusual with their own eyes.

Incredible facts

Our planet is full of interesting and mysterious places, whose history continues to captivate us for many centuries.

And although many try to explain incomprehensible phenomena with the help of science, there are places that continue to surprise us with their splendor and mysterious beauty.

Pyramid of Cheops, Egypt

The world's largest pyramid, called the Pyramid of Cheops, was built around 2550 BC. upon request Egyptian pharaoh Cheops, who was buried inside. The massive triangular tomb is made up of 2.3 million stone blocks, each weighing somewhere between 2.5 to 15 tons. The construction of the pyramid itself required about 20,000 workers.

Some of the pyramid's shafts were left open, perhaps so that, according to the Egyptians, "Cheops could rise to the stars in the afterlife." Despite the fact that much has already been learned about the Cheops pyramid and the Giza complex, many facts about the construction and origin of the pyramid are still shrouded in mystery.

Roswell, New Mexico, USA

In June 1947, a suspected unidentified flying object crashed in Roswell, a small town in New Mexico, USA. It is believed that the remains of aliens were discovered there. The US military argued that such speculation was simply nonsense and in the mid-1990s issued a statement that the discovered debris was a top-secret government probe from Project Mughal.

UFO supporters disagreed, accusing the government of trying to cover up the case. It's hard to say whether the incident was a massive government cover-up, but Roswell is still considered a mysterious place. Now the city is ready to welcome extraterrestrial visitors by forming a UFO support committee and holding an annual UFO festival.

Giant's Causeway, Ireland

The Giant's Causeway is a mysterious expanse of 40,000 basalt columns located on rocky shores Northern Ireland. Its origin is associated with an ancient volcanic explosion. But Irish legend has its own version of the origin of this geological mystery in County Atrim. According to one version, a giant warrior Finn McCool built a bridge to attack his main rival the Scottish giant Benandonnera. According to another version, McCool used this bridge to rescue his beloved from the Hebrides.

By the way, the Giant's Causeway is just steps from the old Bushmills Distillery, which makes me wonder if these myths were the result of too many shots of whiskey.

Cappadocia, Türkiye

The landscape in Cappadocia seems very strange. Thanks to volcanic eruptions this area became similar to a lunar landscape, which became a real find. In the second century, Christians, fleeing Roman persecutors, carved out these hiding places in the form of the surreal cones and chimneys of Cappadocia. They remained here for years, and their original rooms became intricate towns with wineries, bathrooms and churches.

Since the fall of the Roman Empire and the Christians scattered, this underground city became empty. Today, Cappadocia is experiencing a revival, opening its doors to numerous tourists.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu is the best preserved city from the Incan Empire, sitting solemnly in the mist-shrouded Peruvian Andes. Perhaps it was thanks to the clouds that this place was hidden for so long that it acquired its name " lost city of the Incas". The structure, which was created around 1440 AD, was abandoned during the Spanish invasion. However, its hidden location became a defense against the conquistadors and the site itself was secluded until 1911, when an American historian accidentally stumbled upon it Hiram Bingham.

Many believe that this Inca site was a mountain retreat for the then ruler Pachacuti. The landscape itself: rocky mountains, emerald greenery and swirling clouds create an indescribable mysterious atmosphere here.

Easter Island

Stone faces located along the coast look towards Easter Island, a small piece of land in Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile. These gigantic sculptures, weighing 14 tons, were called "moai", and their reason for existence has puzzled scientists since ancient times.

Why did the local Rapa Nui people spend so much time and energy thousands of years ago creating these giant faces? There was no written evidence, but one archaeologist Jo Ann Van Tilburg believes that these sculptures acted as intermediaries between the Rapa Nui leaders and the gods, as well as heaven and earth.

Georgia Tablets, USA

The mysterious Georgia Tablet monument, approximately 6 m high, is located in the northeast of Georgia in the USA. The five granite slabs are engraved in different languages, from English to Swahili, and their purported purpose was to instruct Apocalypse survivors on how to rebuild society. One of the instructions reads: " Regulate fertility wisely, enhancing the value of life preparation and human diversity".

So how was this monument built? In 1979, unknown under a pseudonym mr christian entrusted this work to a stone processing company, but his identity still remains a mystery.

Stonehenge, England

About a few hours' drive from London lies one of the world's true mysteries - Stonehenge. The legacy of this prehistoric monument consisting of large standing stones, the weight of which reaches up to 50 tons, has caused much speculation.

Some claim that the Druids built Stonehenge as a temple, others attribute its construction to the indigenous inhabitants thousands of years ago. It is also believed that it is associated with the myth of King Arthur, which claims that the wizard Merlin brought the stones to this place. No one can say who built them, not to mention how they were brought here and what the very purpose of the monument was. Stonehenge still remains the most mysterious place in the world.


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