Where is it cheaper to vacation in Israel and Jordan? Where is it better to vacation: Israel or Jordan? About communications, Internet in different countries

There are February colds ahead and a sluggish winter until mid-April, when you want to get away from cold and snowy Russia, somewhere by the sea, where it’s sunny and warm. When planning a trip in advance, many Russians weigh the pros and cons: where will it be warmer, more interesting, cheaper? Which country is more suitable for a winter holiday - Israel or Jordan? Let's try to answer all these questions.


It will be an excellent choice for those tourists who, in addition to beach holiday and swimming in the sea, they want to devote several days to religious pilgrimages. IN excursion program You should definitely include a visit to Jerusalem, where the main shrines associated with the name of Jesus Christ are located: the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Garden of Gethsemane.

Beach holiday. Red sea

Main winter resort Israel - Eilat, located on the Red Sea, where you can swim all year round. Northern part The coast is sandy, the southern coast is rocky, with a difficult entry into the sea, but with rich underwater flora and fauna. This place is especially loved by divers, and there are several reasons for this: the purity and transparency of the water, ideal visibility at depth, the presence of coral reefs with caves and a variety of inhabitants underwater world, which can only be found in the waters of the Red Sea. These are barracudas, bigeyes, glassfish, tauvin groupers, spotted-tail gobies, coral garrupas, rainbow variolas and others.

In the remaining resorts of Israel, Tel Aviv, Herzliya and Netanya, located on the Mediterranean Sea, swimming is cool in winter. Almost all beaches in this country are public, municipal. Therefore, for those who love a separate and respectable holiday on private beaches luxury hotels, you will have to make a lot of effort to find them. In this country there is no concept of star rating of a hotel; there is a certain list of services that are provided to tourists. Therefore, travel agencies often set the star level themselves to make it easier to understand what level of service their clients should expect. When choosing a hotel or hotel, consider this fact.

Wellness holiday. Dead Sea

Another advantage of Israel is the Dead Sea, famous all over the world
their unique waters, as well as hot thermal mineral springs that help with diseases of the joints and respiratory system. In the salty water of the Dead You can swim in the sea for no more than 15 minutes. In order not to forget, there are clocks installed on the beaches everywhere, allowing you to control the time.

Tour Features

  • In Israel, one third of the population speaks Russian, and another half understands it, so you will not have any difficulty communicating with the locals.
  • Since 2008, our countries have had visa-free regime. If your stay in the country does not exceed 90 days, you will not need to apply for a visa. However, at an Israeli airport you will face more rigorous screening and screening. This is common practice, react calmly, answer all questions and no problems will arise.
  • If you are planning family vacation With infant, think about the issue of his nutrition in advance. In Israel, we do not have the jarred ready-made puree we are used to.
  • During development excursion route take into account national peculiarity of this country. On Saturday, Shabbat, practically nothing works here, including public transport. It will be possible to go anywhere only by taxi.


Israel's neighbor, Jordan, began developing tourism relatively recently. There are not many hotels here, so the number of places and tours is usually limited. If you want to spend a winter holiday in this country, book and purchase in advance.

Beach holiday

The only resort located on the Red Sea is Aqaba. Tourist season here lasts all year round, the water in the sea is always warm, and the heat is tolerable and not debilitating. Holidays in Jordan are somewhat more expensive, hotels in Aqaba are different high level service. Health tours to the Dead Sea are also popular. Here, holidays in both countries are, in principle, equivalent.

Excursion holidays

Jordan has rich history and has unique attractions, for the sake of which most people choose this country.

  • Firstly, this is the oldest stone city Petra.
  • Secondly, a trip to the real desert, Wadi Rum, which for our compatriots is an exotic sight.
  • And thirdly, a trip to the Jordan River, in which Jesus Christ was baptized.

The tour bus is usually escorted by police to prevent those wishing to swim across the river and cross the border into Israel. Apparently there were precedents for taking such precautions. But don't let them bother you, just ignore them.

The country's capital, Amman, also has to offer interesting places for visiting:
Roman theatre, Umayyad Palace, Citadel and Byzantine fortress.

Features of the holiday

And lastly, take with you strong shoes, long skirts and closed sweaters and swimsuits. Jordan is a Muslim country; it is not customary to wear short skirts, shorts and T-shirts here. You can talk to the locals at English language, it is taught here without fail.

Each person is individual, as are his requirements for relaxation. In any case, no matter which country you choose, the change from the snowy winter Russian reality to a warm and sunny one will leave only positive emotions and memories from your vacation.

Israel and Jordan are quite similar destinations, so tourists often ask about which is better: Jordan or Israel. The choice is further complicated by the fact that the main resorts of Jordan and Israel (Aqaba and Eilat, respectively) are located several kilometers from each other and are very similar cities.

Despite the fact that our site is dedicated to Jordan, we still decided to conduct an adequate comparison of the two countries and try to answer the question of where is better: Jordan or Israel.

The weather in Jordan and Israel is almost the same. In respect of geographical location these countries are also very similar to each other as they have access to the Red Sea and are two countries that have a coastline on the Dead Sea. The beautiful coral reefs in the north of the Gulf of Aqaba went to both Jordan and Israel. However, in the area of ​​the Jordanian coast it is noticeable more places for diving than in the area of ​​​​the coast of Israel.

How are Jordan and Israel different?

Although these countries have much in common, they still have some notable differences. To answer the question “Jordan or Israel: which is better?”, you just need to understand what differences there are between these countries. The main difference is religion. In Jordan the predominant religion is Islam, while in Israel it is Judaism. This makes such close countries completely different from each other in terms of lifestyle, culture and traditions. Since Jordan is a Muslim country, it has prohibitions related to alcohol, while in Israel there are no special prohibitions in this regard, and alcohol can even be bought in stores.

It is also worth noting that Israel has access not only to Red, but also to Mediterranean Sea, which gives some flexibility in terms of beach holidays.

As for excursions, both countries offer many interesting places, but still, I personally think that excursions in Jordan are more interesting and varied. The main attractions of Israel are the city of Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, while in Jordan, in addition to the same Dead Sea, there are also such iconic sights as Petra, Wadi Rum, Mount Nebo, Jerash, Karak. But it is worth remembering that you can go to many interesting places in Jordan on an excursion from Israel, or vice versa, go from Jordan on an excursion to Israel. The only question is whether it will be convenient for you to go on such excursions.

Now a few words about hotels. Personally, I prefer hotels in Jordan, especially those located on the shores of the Dead Sea. There are also some pretty good hotels on the Red Sea coast, which are more similar in character to hotels in Egypt.

Jordan or Israel: which is cheaper?

Since tourists often consider Jordan and Israel as an alternative to Egypt, financial side issue is also of great importance. After all, Egypt was budget place holiday with many inexpensive all-inclusive hotels. Where is it cheaper to relax: in Jordan or Israel? Of course, Jordan is a cheaper destination. For example, an inexpensive all-inclusive hotel in Aqaba will cost almost 2 times less than a similar hotel in the neighboring Israeli resort of Eilat. True, prices for excursions, food and other goods and services in Israel are not much higher than in Jordan.

I want to go to the Dead Sea with my daughter in the second half of September. The purpose of the trip is recreational. Tell me, who knows which side would be healthier for spending time at the Dead Sea? From Jordan or Israel?

We were in Jordan, at Kempinski Ishtar. On the Jordan side, on the Dead Sea (the sea, as is clear, is the same in Israel and in Jordan ;-)) there is a Marriott, Movenpick, Kempinski and a four-star Dead Sea Spa with treatment center. There is also a treatment center in Movenpick, but not as big as I understand. From any hotel you can walk in and get advice and appointments at Dead Sea. Jordan is very calm... the place is fantastic, words cannot describe it.

You can have a good rest at the Dead Sea and in Israel! The hotel base is much wider, so you can choose the most suitable one for your holiday. In fact, this will most likely not be a vacation, but rather a treatment. Moreover, for a child it can be extreme. More than 15 minutes at sea. You can’t be there, how will delicate baby skin react to concentrated salt? Personally, I can only withstand 5 days, then skin irritation begins (especially in interesting places). Although many families with very tiny children vacationed with me, they stayed for 2-3 days. The food in Israel is excellent everywhere, I can’t say enough about this worry. You need to fly through Ben Gurion Airport - the 1st place in the Middle East. So take your pick!

The Israeli resort on M.M. is located in the southern part of the sea, the water there is more concentrated, so it is not recommended to stay in the water for more than 15 minutes - then you must definitely take breaks.....And in Jordan the resort is in the northern part of the sea, the water is less concentrated and you can spend a lot more time in it......
Again: you still need to get a visa to Israel (and this is not always without problems), we are, of course, talking about the abolition of visas, but the deadlines have already been postponed three times, now it’s as if from September, but even that is still in question.. ...In Jordan, a visa is issued upon arrival.
As for finances: yes, there are more hotels in Israel and you can choose according to the price, which is more suitable.... There are only 4 hotels in Jordan, which must be booked in advance, since the season begins in September...... About the flight : if you are planning to fly from Moscow, then it doesn’t make much difference... but if from some other city (for example, from St. Petersburg), then a direct flight is only to Israel....Only Royal Jordan flies to Jordan from Moscow and there is also a charter flying to Aqaba, but also from Moscow.
In general, it’s up to you to choose.... a lot depends on finances... As for me personally (I’ve been to both Israel and Jordan), I would choose Jordan without hesitation.

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More recently, people went mainly to Israel for treatment at the Dead Sea. And finally, on the opposite bank modern hotel complexes- the Jordanians realized what a treasure belongs to them. After all, their sea is no worse than the Israeli one, or even better...

Jordan or Israel: which is better to go to the Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is familiar to each of us from school: it is the only body of water located 400 meters below the level of the world's oceans, where the concentration of salt is so high that the existence of living beings is excluded. However, not so long ago, scientists managed to discover somewhere in the depths the echoes of life - some microbes that have adapted to such conditions.

There are 300 grams of salt per liter of water here - this is about 10 times more than in Cherny. But the main thing is that the Dead Sea is a real natural treasure. It contains almost all the salts that are on the planet, and 55 mineral springs. This water is almost impossible to reproduce in the laboratory, and that is why cosmetics with local salts are so famous - the main Jordanian and Israeli souvenir.

Two countries have built resorts on the Dead Sea: Israel and Jordan. In fact, we are talking about different seas with different water compositions and different properties. The aerial photograph clearly shows that a single body of water, drying up, long ago divided into northern and southern basins. A peninsula with a narrow isthmus, which once only conditionally separated them, has now become a serious barrier to water. And therefore, in the south, in Israel, people relax where the depth is only 5 meters, and in the north, in Jordan, where it is more than 300. In Jordan they claim that their sea is better in composition, and the concentration of salts there is optimal, since it is diluted with water Jordan River.

Healing salts and mud of the Dead Sea

Scientists are probably wrong. In the Dead Sea, not only the single microbe they found can survive, but also many more organisms - tourist ones. And not only to survive, but also to be healthy and get rid of many diseases: skin, allergic, here you can treat the nervous system and the upper respiratory tract.

You enter the sea not like entering water - like entering oil - the water is so thick, viscous, immediately covering the body with a dense, greasy film. It is elastic, and therefore it is very difficult to change the position of the body: lie down, sit down, stand up. But you can walk in water without diving deeper than your chest and without wondering how many meters of this strange liquid are under your feet. It seems like you can walk to the opposite bank all the way to Israel - it’s only about five kilometers away.

Many who come to the Dead Sea for the first time cannot resist licking the water. And then they spit for a long time, trying to get rid of the sharp unpleasant taste. Because the water in the Dead Sea is not salty - it is bitter. And as a warning to those who do not believe in such salinity, there are huge boulders on the shore covered with crystalline salt crystals.

And therefore, the most popular images from these places are people lying on the water peacefully reading magazines and newspapers. To tell the truth, no one reads literature at sea. All this waste paper lies on the coastal stones and is used only as a prop. While you make your way over the rocks, swim a little on this rubbery water from the shore, the magazine will swim several times and get completely wet. And doctors do not recommend staying in the water for more than 15-20 minutes. But you don’t burn right away: the skin is protected by the bromine contained in the water and the ozone layer, which is denser than in other places on the planet.

The local mud is also famous. They bring it to hotel beaches and dump it into huge clay pots. However, if you walk along the edge of the sea, you can see its deposits in shallow water - large black spots under the water. It’s better not to take from above, but to dig deeper. But you need to do this carefully: with any movement, the mud sucks your feet like a swamp.

Before smearing yourself with the extracted wealth, you should plunge into the sea, and, without washing off the salty film, apply the mask to your body, then to your hair, and then to your face. Yes, so that in each of these “territories” the dirt was present for 20, 10 and 5 minutes, respectively. Salt water will prevent the healing substance from drying out.

But what about vacuum-packed dirt bought at the store at home? Locals recommend adding a little olive oil to it. By the way, it is almost useless to bring home the dirt you dug up with your own hands - in the air it quickly oxidizes and loses its properties.

Where to live on the Dead Sea

For a long time there were no hotels on the shores of the Jordanian Dead Sea. And only now local residents They realized what they were losing and began to actively build. They are still far from reaching Israeli scale, but luxury hotels such as Kempinski Hotel Ishtar have already appeared.


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