Where is Mount Altai located? Mountains of the Altai Territory: characteristics, geology, relief, minerals, climate and hydrography. The highest mountain in Altai

Altai Mountains- a wonderful natural attraction. Mountain ranges are terrifying and awe-inspiring.

There are so many who want to conquer the snowy slopes and climb the peaks, from where they can view the spreading beauty of several countries at once.

Altai Mountains on the map

Geographical position

The Altai Mountains are located in Asia, or more precisely in Central Asia and Siberia. The mountain system covers several countries at once. It lies on the borders of Russia - in the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic, China - the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Kazakhstan - the East Kazakhstan Region, and Mongolia - the Bayan-Ulgiy and Khovd aimaks.

Flora and fauna

The vegetation of the Altai Mountains is diverse and to some extent unique. On relatively small area mountain ranges You can find almost all types of flora in the European part of Russia, Kazakhstan and Central and Northern Asia. All this is due to elevation changes (the difference ranges from 350 meters to 4500 meters).

Various altitude zones are formed. Each of them has its own flora. Once in the Altai Mountains, you can visit a variety of natural conditions in just a day. Steppe vegetation is widely represented in Altai. Here you can see a variety of shrubs (honeysuckle, sea buckthorn, rose hips), cereals (fescue, feather grass) and other plants.

If you look at the southeastern region of the mountain system at an altitude of more than 1000 meters, it will amaze you with its semi-desert and scarcity. A completely different Altai appears in its famous forests, rich in flora. The world-famous black taiga is adjacent to the main forests and cedar trees, which occupy more than 30% of the territory of the Altai Mountains.

nature of the Altai mountains photo

At an altitude of 2000 meters the alpine zone begins. It includes swamps and tundras. The alpine meadows deserve special mention. A huge variety of grasses spreads on them, some reaching a height of more than one and a half meters.

The flora of Altai is a huge folk “pharmacy” with big amount medicinal plants. More than 100 plant species are used in the pharmaceutical industry. The most popular and famous medicinal flower is Maryin root. The bright flowers of this peony burn with fire on the colorful green carpets of countless meadows.

The next altitude zone is dominated by mountain tundra. There is no variety of herbs and shrubs, vegetable world represented by numerous mosses and lichens. In some areas you can see low-growing willows and birches surrounded by green mosses. You can also find stone blocks, entwined with lichens, between which partridge grass grows.

snow leopard photo

The fauna of Altai amazes with its richness. Ecologists count about 90 species of mammals, more than 260 species of birds, 11 different representatives of amphibians and reptiles and two dozen fish. In the steppe, you can come across rodents at every step. Voles, pikas, marmots and jerboas hide here. Everywhere in the Altai steppes live foxes, wolves, and white hares. At an altitude of more than a thousand meters, the fauna is already more diverse, although some representatives of the steppes are still found here.

In addition to them, a wide variety of birds is represented here. Here are the bustard, the Indian goose, and the gray crane. Birds of prey also soar in the sky: black vultures, griffon vultures, saker falcons. The higher you go in the mountains, the more animals you can find among the trees and rocks. Elk, roe deer, and deer are real decorations of the Altai forests. Closer to the northern territories, lucky people can see rare reindeer.

mountain sheep photo

And in the wilderness of the taiga, dangerous, predatory animals roam: bears, wolverines, lynxes. In alpine meadows, the diversity of animals, in contrast to plant species, is much less. Although this is where rare animals listed in the Red Book live: snow leopards, argali, mountain goats.

The aquatic fauna is represented by various types of fish. Lakes and rivers of Altai are ideal fishing spots for fishermen. Pike, ide, perch, sterlet and minnows swim here. However, the higher you go in the mountains, the more variety water world becomes poorer. The Altai Mountains are the only habitat of the Altai Ottoman.

Characteristics of the Altai Mountains

Who discovered the Altai Mountains

IN different countries gave grief various names. Just like myself Mountain chain, and its naming is very ancient. It is impossible to determine who exactly discovered the mountains and gave them their real name.

beauty of the Altai mountains photo

Linguists believe that the word “Altai” comes from a combination of two Turkic words: Alty - “six” and ay - “moon”. For various nationalities, the Altai Mountains are “variegated” or “golden” mountains due to the fact that they are rich in bright colorful plants, and the snowy peaks sparkle in the sunlight.

  • Thanks to the unusual climate in winter in the Altai mountains, peculiar oases without snow cover are formed in some valleys. The temperature in them is usually 10 0 -15 0 degrees higher than in neighboring areas.
  • The first mountains formed here 500-600 million years ago. However, due to tectonic processes, their relief was destroyed, and 66 million years ago a mountain range was formed here, which still exists today.
  • Natural places, located on the territory of the Altai Mountains (Teletskoye Lake, Altai and Katunsky reserves, Mount Belukha), were included in the UNESCO heritage list in 1998.
  • Experts estimate the reserves of medicinal plants in the mountains to be half a million tons.
  • There are numerous mineral deposits in the mountains. However, there is practically no mining of raw materials in these areas.
  • The mountain system is divided into: Altai, Southern Altai, Gobi Altai, Mongolian Altai and Steppe Altai.
  • The length of the Museum Cave (the longest in the Altai Mountains) is 700 meters.

The majestic Altai Mountains are a complex system of the highest ridges in Siberia, separated by picturesque river valleys and deep basins. The most beautiful peaks attract travelers and scientists, photographers and pilgrims; many mountains are local shrines.

How mountains were formed

The Altai mountain system was formed over 400 million years ago and recovered from almost complete destruction much later. According to modern theory, the mountain-fold system was formed by the collision of oceanic uplifts with a chain of ancient volcanic islands.

Mountain building continues even now - in 2003, a serious earthquake was observed in Altai (up to 9 points at the epicenter) and subsequent tremors. Southern Mountains Gorny Altai“grow” annually by almost 2 cm. According to geologists, the source of the events is the collision of the Eurasian continent and India; traces of ancient powerful earthquakes were discovered in the south-east of the republic.

Location of Altai mountain ranges

The Altai Mountains are located in the center of Asia and the south of Siberia, their location is a complex system. The powerful complex of Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola (“five divine mountains”) on the border of China, Mongolia and Russia is called the “heart” of Altai. The northern slopes of the mountain cluster are the mountains of Russia, Altai; Knot's peak, 4373 m high, is located in Mongolia.

From the heart" mountainous country the ridges fan out: to the west - Southern Altai, to the southeast - the mighty Mongolian Altai, to the northeast - the low-snow and less high Sailyugem. To the north of the mountain node there are as many as three branches of ridges, separated by the Chuya Basin and the Ukok Plateau, the framework of the republic’s mountain system.

One branch, almost sublatitudinal, includes the South Chuya, Katunsky and Kholzunsky ridges. The second branch runs further north and includes the North Chuisky, Baschelaksky and Terektinsky ridges. The third branch, stretched almost along the meridian, is formed by the Kurai, Aigulak and Sumultinsky ridges. The fan-shaped pattern of the Altai mountains on the map is complicated from the east by the Shapshalsky ridge and the Chulyshman highlands.

The absolute height of the Altai mountain system decreases from southeast to northwest. The most high mountain Altai - Belukha crowns the Katunsky Range. The steepness of the northwestern slopes is significant, the southern and southwestern slopes are gentle.

Better than mountains - only mountains

One mention of Altai gives rise to a strong association - amazing views of snow-capped peaks stretching to the horizon. Below, the poet Vysotsky believed, one cannot find even a small fraction of such beauties as in the mountains. “And we descend from the conquered peaks, leaving our hearts in the mountains,” repeat the words from the song of thousands of travelers fearlessly storming the mountains.

“Pearl of Belukha” - the highest mountain in Altai

In the Ust-Koksky region there is the highest point of Altai (4506 m) - the two-headed Belukha Mountain. There are countless legends about the “crown of the Altai king”; the bewitching beauty and mystery of the shining peak is glorified by the philosopher Roerich, writers and artists. From June to mid-September, pilgrims and tourists persistently strive to reach the mountain along the paths of the Uimon Valley; the foot of the shrine is visited by participants in snowmobile tours even in winter.

First ascent of inaccessible mountain in 1914, was carried out by explorers of the region - the Tronov brothers. The climb is still difficult - the climate here is harsh, cold, piercing winds blow, the rocks are covered with thin ice almost all year round. Belukha is surrounded on all sides by glaciers. The most difficult climb is from the north, from the Akkem wall, which is between the eastern and western peaks.

Tourists who have conquered the peak of the Katunsky Ridge experience amazing impressions - “the best revelations in life,” according to happy extreme sports enthusiasts. Geologist Pyotr Chikhachev wrote that at the top he trembled with delight - in the surrounding beauty he saw a living God “with all his power.” Such is the amazing Altai - the maximum height of the queen mountain and the emotions here give rise to the most violent ones.

Mount Altyn-Tuu

The height of the Altai mountain system varies in different regions; there are many other high mountains - Delone (4260 m), Aktru (4044 m), Ak-oyuk (3860 m) and others. There are also special sacred mountains that do not differ in height. On Mount Altyn-Tuu, the Altaians believe, the first man on Earth was created by the Supreme Spirits.

Located sacred mountain near Lake Teletskoye, its height is 2298 m. The steep slopes of the mountain are almost inaccessible in places. The rocks are partially covered with bushes, some are bare and steep.

Tourists climb from south coast lakes and from the Great Chile River. The difficult climb is rewarded with amazing panoramas from the top of the Golden Mountain.

“The Permanent Sentinel” - Mount Bobyrgan

Tourists traveling along the Chuya Tract begin their acquaintance with the Altai Mountains by visiting the mountain. The top of the Seminsky ridge (1009 m) with good visibility is already noticeable from Biysk, and on the border of the Altai Republic the head of a warrior-sentinel can be seen in the outline of the mountain. Many legends are associated with the peak; the mountain is revered by the Altai people as sacred.

Some phenomena observed in the mountain area seem anomalous and attract ufologists. The curiosity of tourists increases immensely here, and in the wonders of natural architecture, visitors imagine a ghost town or ancient fortress. The climb usually lasts about two hours and is not particularly difficult.

The visibility of the summit suggests local residents weather. If the peak is visible clearly, the weather is good; if visibility is hampered by haze or clouds, it could be bad weather.

Another sacred mountain is also popular with tourists Altai Territory- Sinyukha (1210 m), appearing blue due to the dense forest.

Mount Komsomolskaya

The uniqueness of the spur of the Iolgo ridge within Gorno-Altaisk is due to the amazing richness of vegetation. The northern slope of the mountain, facing the city, is occupied by a wonderful birch forest; there are also fir and pine trees, larch and spruce trees.

The bushes are surprising in their diversity: there are elderberry, currant, rowan, bird cherry, acacia and many others. It is difficult to even list the types of herbs found here, including medicinal ones.

"Golden Mountains of Altai"

This name, at the initiative of UNESCO, appeared in 1998 in the list of Objects World Heritage. A section of the Altai Mountains on the territory of the republic is protected by the state; these are the Katunsky and Altai nature reserves, as well as the Ukok plateau.

The uniqueness of the territory is the presence of different zones of alpine vegetation and rare animals. Among them are snow leopards, Siberian mountain goats, and Altai argali.

The World Conservation Union expresses alarm that poaching has not yet been stopped here. The thirst for entertainment and profit for some human individuals turns out to be more valuable than common sense and respect for nature.

Environmentalists are concerned about plans to build gas pipelines and a high-speed route to China through protected areas.


The tourist attractiveness of Gorny Altai is due not only to its magnificent mountain peaks. Wild picturesque valleys and mysterious plateaus, spectacular waterfalls on wild rivers and fairy lakes- the untold riches of the Siberian treasury and at the same time tourist attractions.

"Cradle of the Universe" - Altai has rich history. Countless rock paintings, ancient caves and human sites have long turned the republic into a large museum.

A fascinating journey through Mountain region and conquering the snow-capped peaks will remain in your memory for a long time. Having visited the mountains once, you will answer their call again!

Altai region

Officially. Altai Territory is located in the southeast of Western Siberia, 3419 km from Moscow. Territory 168,000 square km.

Informally. The Altai region is very large and diverse. The topography changes as you move through the area. He seems to be a growing bear, at first quiet and calm, then huge and majestic. This is how steppes and plains grow into foothills and mountains.

Officially. The climate is temperate continental, formed as a result of frequent changes in air masses.

Unofficially. The four seasons have many variations, and come back each year to see a different perspective. You can come in the hot summer, or you can come in the cool and rainy weather. Give me variety! - this is the main rule of Altai weather.

Summer and Altai Mountains

Officially: The Altai Mountains are a complex system of the highest ridges in Siberia, which are separated by deep valleys mountain rivers and vast basins located inside the mountains.

Informally: The nature of Altai is amazing. Tourists from all over globe rush to these places to enjoy beautiful views high mountains, mountain rivers, mysterious caves and deserted spaces. Immerse yourself in the tranquility and beauty of these places.

The settlement of the Altai Territory has begun
in the 18th century

Young Russia needed metal to produce weapons and coins. The Ural factory owner Akinfiy Demidov founded the first metallurgical plant in 1729 - Kolyvano-Voskresensky. The depths of Altai were also rich in silver. In 1744, Demidov began producing silver. The result of Akinfiy Demidov’s activities in the Altai Territory was the establishment of feudal mining industry based on the serf labor of assigned peasants and artisans.

Event tourism in the Altai region

The creation and development of bright, interesting events in the business, cultural, and sports life of the Altai Territory has become the basis for the development of event tourism in the region. The region annually hosts more than a dozen festivals, forums, and holidays that can attract thousands of tourists from various regions of Russia and from abroad. These are the International Tourism Forum “VISIT ALTAI”, the festival “Blossoming of the Elkweed”, the drinks festival “Altaifest”, the Day of Russia on “ Turquoise Katun", the festival "Shukshin Days in Altai", the International Youth Forum of the Asia-Pacific Region, the SCO Forum, the Siberian International Forum on Health and Medical Tourism, the holiday "Altai Wintering" and many others.

beauty and health

Officially. The useful flora of the region has 1184 plant species. The most large group drugs, including about 100 types widely used in official medicine.

Informally. Decoction, herbal teas, berry fruit drinks - this is what everyone who comes to the Altai Territory should try. Spas, health and wellness centers use products made from Altai herbs.

And vast intramountain and intermountain basins. It extends from northwest to southeast for more than 2000 km.

Altai Mountains

The highest point of Altai is Mount Belukha and the Ak-Kem valley, view from the Kara-Turek pass
Square741,569 km²
Length1847 km
Width1282 km
Highest point
highest peakBelukha
Highest point4509 m
48°45′ N. w. 89°36′ E. d. HGIOL
Audio, photo and video on Wikimedia Commons

The mountain system is located on the border of Russia (Altai Territory and the Altai Republic), Mongolia (Bayan-Ulgiy and Khovd aimaks), China (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region) and Kazakhstan (East Kazakhstan Region).

Etymology of the name

Scientific discussions

Name Altai ancient, hypotheses about its origin are different.

Geological history

ALTAI (from the Turkic-Mongolian “altan” - golden), a mountain system in Asia, southern Siberia and Central Asia, on the territory of Russia (Altai Republic, Tyva Republic, Altai Territory), Mongolia, Kazakhstan and China. It extends in latitude from 81 to 106° east longitude, in longitude - from 42 to 52° north latitude. It extends from northwest to southeast for more than 2000 km. It consists of high-mountain (the highest point is Mount Belukha, 4506 m) and mid-mountain ridges and intermountain basins separating them. In the north and northwest it borders on the West Siberian Plain, in the northeast - on the Western Sayan and the mountains of Southern Tuva, in the east - on the Valley Big Lakes, in the southeast - with the Gobi Desert, in the south - with the Dzungarian Plain, in the west, the valley of the Irtysh River is separated from the Kazakh hillocks. Altai is the watershed between the Arctic Ocean basin and the drainless region of Central Asia. Orographically, the Gobi Altai, Mongolian Altai and Altai proper, or Russian Altai, are distinguished. The latter is often identified with the concept of “Altai” and is part of the sublatitudinal mountainous country of Southern Siberia, forming the western end with a latitude length of over 400 km, from north to south - about 300 km (see map).

Relief. The relief of the Russian Altai was formed as a result of the long-term impact of exogenous processes on the growing uplift and is characterized by a wide variety of forms. Most of the ridges with a northwestern or sublatitudinal strike form a fan diverging into westward. The exception is the ridges of the northern submeridional orientation and the southern periphery. There are a number of vast plateaus (Ukok, etc.), highlands (Chulyshman, etc.) and mountain ranges (Mongun-Taiga, etc.), as well as large intermountain basins occupied by steppes (Chuyskaya, Kuraiskaya, Uimonskaya, Abayskaya, Kanskaya, etc. .). High mountain ranges and massifs are located mainly in the east and southeast. The following ridges rise above 4000 m: Katunsky (height up to 4506 m), Sailyugem (up to 3499 m), Severo-Chuysky (up to 4177 m). The following ridges are significant in height: Yuzhno-Chuisky (height up to 3936 m), Southern Altai (up to 3483 m), Chikhacheva (up to 4029 m), Tsagan-Shibetu (up to 3496 m) and Shapshalsky (up to 3608 m). The isolated Mongun-Taiga massif (3970 m) is distinguished by its high mountainous terrain. The highlands are characterized by peaked ridges, steep (20-50° or more) slopes and wide valley bottoms filled with moraine or occupied by glaciers. Landslide-talus slopes, formed by intense gravitational processes, are widely developed. Glacial landforms are widespread: cirques, glacial cirques, troughs, carlings, moraine ridges and ridges. Mid-mountain and low-mountain ranges are located mainly in the west and north of Altai. Among them, the most significant are: Terektinsky (height up to 2926 m), Aigulaksky (up to 2752 m), Iolgo (up to 2618 m), Listvyaga (up to 2577 m), Narymsky (up to 2533 m) and Baschelaksky (up to 2423 m) ridges. In the middle mountains, alpine relief features are found fragmentarily. Wide, massive interfluves with flattened and plateau-like peaks predominate, where cryogenic processes are developed, leading to the formation of kurums and altiplanation. There are karst landforms. River valleys are often narrow, steeply sloped gorges and canyons 500-1000 meters deep. The peripheral lowlands of Altai are characterized by a relatively shallow depth of dissection (up to 500 m) and gentle slopes. The valleys are wide, flat-bottomed, with a well-defined complex of terraces. Fragments of ancient leveling surfaces have been preserved on the flat tops. The bottoms of the basins are occupied by sloping plains of proluvial origin and moraine amphitheaters bordering the ends of trough valleys. In the east of Altai, the bottoms of basins are complicated by thermokarst forms.

Geological structure and minerals. Altai is located within the Paleozoic Altai-Sayan folded region of the Ural-Okhotsk mobile belt; is a complex folded system formed by Precambrian and Paleozoic strata, intensively dislocated during the Caledonian era of tectogenesis and the Hercynian era of tectogenesis. In post-Paleozoic times, folded mountain structures were destroyed and turned into a denudation plain (peneplain). By features geological structure and the age of final folding, the Caledonian Mountain Altai in the north-west (occupies about 4/5 of the entire territory) and the Hercynian Rudny Altai in the south-west and south are distinguished. The anticlinoria of the Altai Mountains (Kholzun-Chuisky, Talitsky, etc.) are mainly composed of flyschoid terrigenous series of the Upper Cambrian - Lower Ordovician, overlying Vendian-Lower Cambrian ophiolites, siliceous-shale formations and presumably Precambrian metamorphites, in places protruding to the surface. The superimposed depressions and grabens (the largest is the Korgonsky) are filled with molasse of the Middle Ordovician - Lower Silurian and early Devonian. The deposits are intruded by Late Devonian granites. Within the Rudny Altai, which has a Caledonian basement, rocks of the volcanoplutonic association of the Middle Devonian - Early Carboniferous and Late Paleozoic granitoids are widespread. In Oligocene-Quaternary times, Altai experienced an uplift associated with regional compression of the earth's crust caused by the convergence of the lithospheric microplates that bound it (Dzhungar, Tuva-Mongolian). The formation of the mountain structure took place according to the type of large arch, which in the last stages of development was deformed by a system of discontinuities, as a result of which in the central and southern parts a series of block morphostructures formed in the form of high ridges and depressions separating them. Instrumental observations record vertical movements of the earth's crust, the speed of which reaches several centimeters per year. Uplifts occur unevenly and are accompanied by thrusts, which causes the asymmetry of the ridges.

Altai is one of the most seismically active inland regions of the world. One of the largest seismic disasters (9-10 points) occurred in the high-mountainous Kosh-Agach region on September 27, 2003. Traces of ancient catastrophes (paleoseismic dislocations) are known.

The main wealth of the subsoil of Altai consists of deposits of precious metals and pyrite lead-zinc-copper-barite ores (Korbalikhinskoye, Zyryanovskoye, etc.), forming the polymetallic belt of Rudny Altai. In the Altai Mountains there are deposits of mercury, gold, iron, tungsten-molybdenum ores. Deposits of ornamental stones and marble have long been known. There are thermal mineral springs: Abakan Arzhan, Belokurikha, etc. The climate of Altai is continental in the foothills, sharply continental in the interior and eastern parts, which is determined by its position in temperate latitudes and a significant distance from the oceans. Winter is harsh and long (from 5 months in the foothills to 10 months in the highlands), which is facilitated by the influence of the Asian anticyclone. average temperature January is (in the foothills) from -15 to -20°C; in the northeast it is slightly higher and on the shores of Lake Teletskoye it reaches -9.2°C; in basins where temperature inversions are common, it drops to -31.7°C. The recorded minimum temperature is -60°C (in the Chui steppe). Strong cooling is associated with the widespread development of permafrost, the thickness of which in some places reaches several hundred meters. Summer is relatively short (up to 4 months), but warm. The average July temperature ranges from 22°C (in the foothills) to 6°C in the highlands; in the basins and southern foothills a rise to 35-40°C or more is possible. For mid-mountain and low-mountain areas, values ​​of 14-18°C are typical. The frost-free period at an altitude of up to 1000 meters does not exceed 90 days, above 2000 m it is practically absent. Precipitation is associated mainly with western moisture-carrying flows and is distributed extremely unevenly over the territory and over the seasons. There is a clearly expressed exposure asymmetry, in which the windward slopes of the ridges, especially the western periphery, receive significantly more precipitation than the internal basins. Thus, in the highlands of the Katunsky and South Chuysky ranges, up to 2000 mm of precipitation or more falls per year, while the Kurai and Chuyskaya steppes are among the driest places in Russia (up to 100 mm of precipitation per year). The lack of moisture in the basins is also explained by the drying effect of mountain-valley winds - hair dryers, especially in winter and autumn. In low and mid-mountain areas, an average of 700-900 mm of precipitation falls per year. Maximum precipitation occurs in summer. The thickness of the snow cover in the northern and western regions and in the highlands reaches 60-90 cm or more, in the basins - less than 10 cm, and in years with little snow, practically no stable cover is formed. There are over 1,500 glaciers known in the Altai Mountains with total area about 910 km 2. They are most common in the Katunsky, South and North Chuysky ridges. The largest glaciers include Taldurinsky, Aktru (Akturu) and Maashey (Mashey), whose length is 7-12 km.

Altai. Katun River.

Rivers and lakes. Altai is dissected by a dense network (several tens of thousands) of mountain rivers, according to their feeding regime they belong to the Altai type: they are fed by melted snow waters and summer rains; characterized by long spring floods. Most of the rivers belong to the Ob basin, both of its sources - Katun and Biya - are located in Altai and are its main waterways. The western spurs are drained by the right tributaries of the Irtysh River, among which the Bukhtarma River stands out. The rivers of the northeastern part of Altai (Abakan and others) flow into the valley of the Yenisei River, the southeastern outskirts belong to the drainless region of Central Asia. The total number of lakes in Altai is over 7000, with a total area of ​​over 1000 km 2; the largest are Markakol and Lake Teletskoye. Many small (usually 1-3 km 2 or less) ancient glacial lakes often fill picturesque deep trough valleys. In the north of Altai there are karst lakes.

Types of landscapes. In Altai, the altitudinal zonation of landscapes is well defined. In the lower landscape zone there are steppes, in the north there are mainly meadows, with areas of forest-steppes. In the south, the steppes form a wide belt, rising to a height of 1000 meters or more, and in some places they have desert features, turning into semi-deserts. The most common mountain-steppe animals are gophers, voles, hamsters, and badgers; Birds include the steppe eagle, coccyx, and kestrel. The appearance of the steppes in the intermountain basins is similar. There are gazelle antelope, Mongolian marmot, manul cat, etc. In the steppe low mountains, leached and podzolized chernozems are developed, and in the depressions there are peculiar dry-steppe chestnut and dark chestnut soils. The minor forest-steppe zone is associated with an exposure asymmetry of moisture and lighting, when larch (less often birch, aspen or pine) grows on the northern slopes of the low mountains, and meadow steppes grow on the southern slopes. The forest belt predominates in the Altai Mountains. Mountain taiga forests dominate here: dark coniferous, the so-called black taiga of fir, spruce and Siberian cedar pine (or “cedar”), and light coniferous of larch and Scots pine. Among the inhabitants of mountain forests, taiga animals are typical - bear, lynx, weasel, squirrel, musk deer, deer, etc.; Birds include wood grouse, hazel grouse, nutcracker, woodpeckers, and crossbills. Black taiga on humus-rich deep podzolic or brown forest soils is widespread in the western foothills and the northeast. Fir forests gravitate towards the middle part mountain slopes, cedar taiga - to the upper parts. In dark coniferous forests, the herbaceous layer consists of large-grass and tall-grass species; the undergrowth is often absent or consists of ground cover (mosses, lichens), to which are added shrub and subshrub layers. Larch forests occupy significant areas in the basin of the middle reaches of the Katun River, on the Terektinsky and Kuraisky ridges. Pine forests, often of a park type, are distributed mainly along the valleys of the Katun and Chulyshman rivers. In light coniferous forests, the herb and shrub layer is diverse. Gray forest soils above 1700 m turn into forest-tundra and mountain-tundra. The upper limit of the forest in height ranges from 1600 to 2400 m; sparse taiga grows here with well-developed tall grass, shrub and grass-shrub layers. Higher up there are cedar and larch woodlands, alternating with thickets of shrubs (erniks) and subalpine meadows. The dominant shrubs are round-leaved birch, willows, juniper, and Kuril tea. Tall grass meadows contain many valuable species: maral root, Lobel's hellebore, blueberry, bergenia, etc. Alpine meadows, common in the highlands of western and central regions Altai, alternate with patches of moss-lichen cover or rocky placers. Formations of large-grass, small-grass, grass-sedge and cobresia meadows are distinguished. The highlands also feature landscapes of subalpine meadows, mountain tundras, rocks, rocky outcrops, glaciers and eternal snow. Most of the highlands are occupied by mountain tundras, which are not distinguished by a large variety of species. There are meadow, moss-lichen, shrub and rocky tundras. Above 3000 meters there is a nival-glacial belt. Among the animals of the high mountain zone, the Altai pika, mountain goat, snow leopard, and reindeer are typical. A special type of intrazonal landscapes of Altai are represented by swamps, widespread almost everywhere on flat interfluves and plateaus.

Specially protected natural areas. 5 objects of Altai (Altai Nature Reserve, protective zone around Lake Teletskoye, Katunsky Nature Reserve, natural Park Belukha and the Ukok Quiet Zone), called the Golden Mountains of Altai, have been included in the World Heritage List since 1998. Natural landscapes and individual natural monuments are also protected in Markakolsky Nature Reserve. A number of nature reserves have been created. About the economy of Altai, see the articles Altai Territory, Altai (Altai Republic) and Tuva.

History of discovery and research. The first scientific studies of the nature of Altai date back to the 1st half of the 18th century, when ore deposits were discovered in the west and the first copper smelters were built. Russian settlers, mostly runaway factory and state peasants, appeared in the north of Altai in the mid-18th century. The first Russian settlements, including Old Believer settlements, began to emerge in the 1750-70s, mainly along the valleys of the middle reaches of rivers. In the 19th century, the upper reaches of the rivers began to be settled, mainly by Kazakh nomads from China and Kazakhstan. In 1826, K. F. Ledebur studied the flora of Altai. In 1828, placer gold deposits were discovered. In the 1st half of the 19th century, geological research was carried out by P. A. Chikhachev (1842), G. E. Shchurovsky (1844) and engineers of the mining department. In the 2nd half of the 19th century, numerous expeditions worked in Altai, including the Russian Geographical Societies, the Academies of Sciences, which included V.A. Obruchev, V.V. Sapozhnikov, who studied for a number of years modern glaciation and vegetation cover of Altai. Beginning in the 1920s, a systematic study of the nature of Altai was carried out: large-scale topography, and geological surveys, as well as research into various natural resources in connection with the development of mining, hydropower and agriculture.

Lit.: Kuminova A.V. Vegetation cover of Altai. Novosibirsk, 1960; Mikhailov N.I. Mountains of Southern Siberia. M., 1961; Gvozdetsky N.A., Golubchikov Yu.N. Mountains. M., 1987.


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