Location of Lake Ladoga. Ladoga lake. Lake Ladoga - holidays with children

Europe is famous for its beauty and attractiveness. Its nature has more than once become the property of songs and legends, fairy tales and poems, essays and stories. Among all the diversity, water spaces stand out. Ladoga lake- a bright representative. Its main difference from other water bodies is the rich flora and fauna.

general characteristics

Lake Ladoga is called the largest in all of Europe. Its area exceeds 18 thousand square kilometers. It is interesting that 457 kilometers of water area are occupied by the islands of Lake Ladoga, which in themselves are not so large. For example, the area of ​​the largest land areas located in the middle of the lake surface does not exceed one hectare. And in total there are more than 650 of them. Nature has placed the islands so that over 500 of them are located in the northwestern part of the lake.

Rocky Islands are different bizarre shape and unusual shapes. Their height is 60-70 meters. It is especially interesting to observe the harmonious combination of coastline and island lines. The islands are separated from each other by numerous bays that cut into land areas.

Mother Nature has been working on the artistic and aesthetic design of this corner for thousands of years. globe. Lake Ladoga is one of the oldest water bodies. In its lifetime, it has seen a lot and experienced amazing events, which can be judged by the numerous remnants and remains on its banks and bottom.

New research has made it possible to find out more accurate parameters of the water body. Lake Ladoga stretches 83 kilometers wide and 219 kilometers long. Without the island territory, it occupies a total of 17,578 square kilometers, which allows it to be called the largest European lake.

The length of the coastline exceeds one and a half thousand kilometers. Scientists were able to calculate the coefficient of its ruggedness. It is 2.1, which suggests the presence of multiple bays. The bowl of the lake is distinguished by its impressive capacity, which is 908 cubic kilometers.

Lake depth

The average depth of Lake Ladoga is 51 meters. However, if we talk about the largest, the figure already grows to 230 meters. The depth map of Lake Ladoga also shows impressive indicators. It usually marks the areas that are considered the deepest.

The bottom topography is heterogeneous. Therefore, it is not surprising that the depth of Lake Ladoga varies throughout its entire water area. For example, in the southern part the bottom is flat and smooth. This helps reduce the depth. The decrease is observed from north to south. In the northern part, the depth reaches 10-100 meters, and in the southern part this value is an order of magnitude lower and varies in the range from 3 to 7 meters. The bottom is distinguished by rocky spits and shallows, and you can even find clusters of boulders.

Bottom relief

In general, such differences in depth are explained by the peculiarities of the geological structure of the bottom. Which, in turn, is due to its impressive length. Geological structure also leaves its mark on the lake basin and its appearance. Interestingly, the bottom topography seems to resemble islands. He copies them exactly. Thus, at the bottom of the lake you can observe mountains and plains, depressions and potholes, hills and slopes.

Depressions up to 100 meters deep most often predominate. There are more than 500 of them in the northwestern part of the lake. Interestingly, such formations are concentrated in groups. And they, in turn, create a kind of labyrinth of bays. This phenomenon is called skerry. The depth map of Lake Ladoga allows you to verify this.

The slope of the lake has an average of 0.0105, and the angle averages 0.35 degrees. This value near the northern coast is already 1.52 degrees, and near the eastern coast it is 0.03. This is also considered a fairly important indicator.

Animal world

In a country like Russia, Lake Ladoga plays a huge role. It is called the supplier of drinking water for Northern capital state - St. Petersburg. However, in addition to this, Ladoga is inhabited by great amount a wide variety of animals. The main place among them, of course, is occupied by fish.

Today, more than 58 varieties and species of fish are known to exist in the waves of Lake Ladoga. It is interesting that there are also those who are “guests” in Ladoga. These include conger eel, Baltic salmon and sturgeon. They only occasionally swim into the waters of the lake. Their permanent habitat is the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic.

Unfortunately, due to massive fishing, not all of its former inhabitants remain in Ladoga today. Sometimes representatives of the fish kingdom disappear for no apparent reason. For example, sterlet. It no longer occurs in Ladoga waters, and researchers have never discovered the reason for this.

New species

But new inhabitants appeared in the lake. They are represented by peled and carp. The latter appeared in Ladoga relatively recently - in 1952-1953. The reason for this was that it was bred in the nearby Lake Ilmen. The fate of the peled was similar. It “wandered” to Ladoga from the Karelian Isthmus, where they began actively breeding it in the late 50s of the last century.

In addition, in the waters you can also find such fish as palia, salmon, pike perch, whitefish, bream, trout, ripus and vendace. They are distinguished by their value in the field of industry. These species are called commercial. There are also less valuable inhabitants of the lake. Among them are roach, smelt, pike, ruffe, blue bream, bleak and silver bream. They are considered no less tasty, but their use in food is represented in smaller quantities.

It is probably impossible to really name all the fish that are found in the waters of Lake Ladoga. There are so many inhabitants there that work to discover and study them continues to this day.

On the verge of extinction

Some fish of Lake Ladoga are now on the verge of extinction. Among them there are those that are considered valuable in the industrial field. The clearest example is salmon. In Ladoga there are individuals whose weight exceeds 10 kilograms. They are real giants. Interestingly, the fish go to spawn in late spring and summer. The young live there for no more than a couple of years, and then return to the lake.

The rivers are now clogged with lumber, making it difficult for salmon to spawn. In this regard, it was decided to suspend mass fishing. The corresponding law was passed back in 1960.

Another valuable fish is palia. She lives in the northern part of the lake. In winter it can be found at a depth of more than 70 meters, and in the warm months it rises to 20-30. Reproduction occurs in mid-autumn.

Whitefish also live in Ladoga. Now there are seven varieties of them in the lake. Four of them, namely lake Ladoga, Ludog, black and Valaam, are considered exclusively riverine, and the other three - Svir, Vuoksa and Volkhov - can live both in the lake and in the river. On average, during the breeding season, each individual lays about nine thousand eggs in October and November.

Just recently, people were massively engaged in catching whitefish, but now this species is on the verge of extinction. A peculiar reason for this can be called the construction of the Volkhov hydroelectric power station dam. Pisces were unable to overcome such an obstacle, and the measures people took to achieve this did not save the situation.

Rivers of Lake Ladoga

Now let's talk about waterways.

The rivers of Lake Ladoga are very numerous. This allows us to talk about its wide drainage basin. Its area exceeds 250 thousand square kilometers. Not every lake can boast such figures.

Finland and Karelia, located nearby, share water resources with Ladoga; rivers also carry their waves from the Novgorod, Pskov and Vologda lands. The water bodies of the Arkhangelsk and Leningrad regions make their contribution.

In total, about 45 thousand streams and rivers flow into Lake Ladoga. It is interesting that before becoming part of Ladoga, river waters accumulate in nearby lakes, including Saimaa, Onega and Ilmen. They, in turn, allow the formation of such tributaries of the main Ladoga as the Volkhova, Vuokse and Svir. In total, they bring more than 57 cubic kilometers of water into the lake per year. This represents approximately 85 percent of the total water mass that accumulates in the area we are considering. geographical object in a year.

All other tributaries are called small. There is no explanation for this, because among them there are such impressive deep rivers as Janisjoki, Syas and Tulemajoki.

It should be understood that the tributaries of the Ladoga are quite young - by the standards of rivers - in age. They are only 10-12 thousand years old. That is why most of them have not yet formed wide valleys. They flow among rocky areas and steep banks.

The Baltic crystalline shield lies in the northeastern part of the lake. That is why the deepest and loudest tributaries flow into Ladoga from that side. Very often they turn into full-flowing stormy streams, encountering rocks on their way that are quite difficult to erode.

Tributary Svir

Lake Ladoga is located in Russia, and its deepest stream is called the Svir. This river flows from the Svirskaya Bay of Lake Onega, and flows into Ladoga from the southeast.

Its length is about 224 kilometers. The river includes two large tributaries, which are named Pasha and Oyat. It is interesting that the origin of this object is still covered in secrets and mysteries.

The Svir River itself and its banks are not distinguished by the picturesqueness inherent in Ladoga. The description of Lake Ladoga tells about the amazing beauty of its shores, which Svir cannot boast of. Its coastline is covered with alder bushes and marshy plants, and there are coniferous forests. Basically, the banks of the Svir River are accumulations of stones and boulders.

In ancient times, Svir was famous for its numerous rapids. They could not be called high, but the piles of boulders presented a serious obstacle to navigation. Locals very often they rescued sailors, helping them cope with crossings. Very often, residents of coastal villages and towns themselves served as sailors, pilots and even captains. The proximity to a deep river left its mark on the character and way of life of the people.

But if we talk about the animal world, it is quite large. It is in the waters of this river that salmon spawning is often observed. In spring you can find schools of these fish heading to the mouth of the Svir. The tributaries Oyat and Pasha play the main role in spawning. Ichthyologists believe that it is these rivers that can contribute to the revival of salmon in Lake Ladoga.

When to visit

Over its centuries-old history, Lake Ladoga has been shrouded in secrets, riddles and legends. All this, of course, attracts numerous tourists. People also travel to Ladoga to admire the amazing beauty of nature and see with their own eyes one of the largest lakes in the world.

In order not to make a mistake, you should know when it is better to go and what time to give preference.

A trip here in May and June will be foggy in the truest sense of the word. At the end of May and beginning of June, thick fogs descend on Ladoga, in which it is quite easy to get lost. In such cases, it is very important to take experienced guides with you who will help you get on the right path and see all the surrounding beauty.

This time is considered quite cold for those places. In the evening, the skerries can be covered with a thin crust of ice, and the wind brings dampness. Of particular interest are the few hours after sunny weather. At such moments, the lake shines with calm and attractiveness. However, the very next moment a breeze blows in. It causes meter-long waves in the bays, although the lake off the coast continues to be peaceful.

One of the most striking advantages of this time, of course, after the attractive appearance of the coastal area, is the complete absence of mosquitoes. The extraordinary cleanliness of the lake is also called a virtue. The bottom, even at a depth of several meters, can be seen extremely clearly. It is believed that if you drink water at such a moment, happiness will not take long to arrive. The water itself is clean and tasty.

Those people who value comfort and coziness should visit Ladoga at two last month summer. This period is considered the best for proper rest. In this case, the air and water temperatures exceed the optimal mark, allowing you to swim in the waves of the lake and sunbathe on the shore. On the islands you can pick berries and mushrooms, which are abundant there.

For those people who travel to Ladoga with the aim of admiring local beauties, it is worth choosing the autumn months, when literally the entire coast shimmers with gold and bronze. In October, the weather worsens, accompanied by fog and storms. At such times you can meet many artists and landscape painters here. They try to capture the lush beauty of Ladoga.

Lake Ladoga in winter also presents an interesting sight. However, it is quite cold here at this time of year. But the middle of the lake does not freeze even in severe frosts due to its impressive depth.

Those people who want to visit this corner of our vast Motherland should look for Lake Ladoga on the map. Many travel companies offer entire routes. If you wish, you can choose one of the proposed ones or create your own.

A trip to the coast of Lake Ladoga will surely be memorable for everyone. What distinguishes this area Amazing beauty nature at any time of the year, a variety of flora and fauna, as well as the opportunity to have a great rest.

Lake Ladoga (also known as Ladoga, previously called Nevo) is considered the largest freshwater reservoir in Russia. Ladoga in its popularity is only slightly inferior to Baikal, known throughout the world. Hundreds of tourists come to its coast every year to enjoy the wonderful views and capture the beauty of these places in their memory.

In this article you will learn the main features of this reservoir - where it is located, what characteristics it has, what surrounds the lake, what flora and fauna there are, what it is like in winter and summer.

Lake Ladoga belongs to two territories - the eastern and northern shores are located in the Republic of Karelia, and the southern and western shores delight residents Leningrad region. The lake belongs to the pools Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea.


Lake area

If we take the total area of ​​Ladoga, it turns out impressive figure- 17,870 km², and if you also take into account the islands, then it comes out to 18,320 km². The volume of water in the lake is 838 km³. The maximum recorded width is 125 kilometers, and the total coastal length is as much as 1,570 kilometers.

The height above sea level is small - only 4.8 meters, but the depth is dozens more. It is impossible to accurately measure the depth throughout the lake; it is uneven - in the northern part the range varies from 70 to 220 meters, in the southern part - from 19 to 70 meters. But it was possible to measure the greatest depth; in Lake Ladoga it is 230 meters.

Water temperature

Like the entire Leningrad region, Lake Ladoga remains in a cold and rainy haze all year round. average temperature water in warm periods of the year is about +19. In autumn it drops to +10 degrees, and in winter frosts it drops to -3 degrees. In August, if the year is successful, you can catch a temperature of +24 degrees on the surface of the lake, but closer to the bottom it will be only +17 degrees. At a depth of more than 200 meters, the water temperature is almost always +3, +4.

Nature of Ladoga

The northern and eastern shore (Karelia) belongs to the middle taiga zone, and part of the lake in the Leningrad region belongs to the southern taiga subzone. The northern subzone is characterized by the appearance of mosses and shrubs (mainly blueberries, blueberries), and an abundance of spruce forests; The southern part is characterized by dark coniferous forests, sometimes linden and maple are found, but the moss cover is less developed.

In Ladoga, scientists count more than 110 species of aquatic plants. There are more than 76 subspecies of blue-green algae alone, and there are also green algae and diatoms. Together with the violent underwater world planktonic animals also found shelter. The lake is home to cladoceran copepods, rotifers, daphnia, cyclops, water mites, big variety worms, mollusks and other crustaceans.

The waters of Ladoga are rich not only in mites and single-celled organisms; more than 50 species of fish are found here. For example, Ladoga slingshot, trout, whitefish, salmon, bream, smelt, rudd, pike perch, catfish, cheese, asp, palia, roach, perch, pike, sturgeon, silver bream, burbot and many others. The area of ​​the lake richest in seafood is the shallow southern zone, where the depth is only 20 meters. But in the northern deep-sea region, the catch will be less varied.

In addition to fish, this reservoir can also show tourists more than 200 species of birds. The most attractive place for birds to live is the southern zone, however, many birds can be seen in Karelia. On the territory of Lake Ladoga there are: gulls, dabbling ducks, geese, swans, cranes and waders, eagle owls, grebes, short-eared owls, ospreys, falcons, herbal birds, golden plovers and even a white-tailed eagle.

Lake Ladoga became the habitat for the world's only representative of pinnipeds - the Ladoga ringed seal (a special subspecies of the ringed seal). There are about 4,000 of them in the world, so these animals are listed in the Red Book and are strictly protected by law.


The following cities are located on the shores of the lake itself: Priozersk, Novaya Ladoga, Sortavala, Shlisselburg, Pitkyaranta and Lakhdenpokhya. The largest of them are Priozersk and Novaya Ladoga, although the number of people there does not exceed the 50 thousand level.

Larger cities are located near Lake Ladoga, for example, St. Petersburg. From the northern capital of Russia you can get to Lake Ladoga in various ways, starting from public transport(trains, buses, trains, ferries) and ending with travel by car. In this case, the travel time will be no more than three hours, and if you use a car and plot the correct route on the map, you can get there in one and a half hours.

From the northern part, the closest city to Ladoga is Petrozavodsk. From there you can also get there by car or using public transport. However, you will have to spend a little more than 4 hours on the road.

Climate and seasons of Lake Ladoga

It is no secret to avid tourists that in the autumn and winter months Ladoga looks extremely inhospitable. Even in Karelia, where there are picturesque rocks all around and wildflowers making their way among the thick grass, Lake Ladoga is inhospitable.

During cold periods, the lake is affected by an Arctic anticyclone, which brings strong gusts of wind, storms, prolonged rains and sub-zero air temperatures. In October, the storm season begins, it becomes damp and wet, and frequent fog appears on the lake. The only outlet for lovers autumn holiday It is September, in this month Ladoga is more or less ready to share its beauty - heavy rains do not come often, the water surface is calm and clean, the air retains a piece of summer.

In summer, the reservoir kindly welcomes guests with a southern anticyclone, delighting with picturesque places and clear water. Only seasoned people will be able to swim here, but everyone will be able to enjoy the beauty. The average air temperature in July and August exceeds +20 degrees, so tourists will definitely be able to capture the glare of the sun playing on the surface of Ladoga.

Europe is famous for its beauty and attractiveness. Its nature has more than once become the property of songs and legends, fairy tales and poems, essays and stories. Among all the diversity, water spaces stand out. Lake Ladoga is a bright representative. Its main difference from other water bodies is the rich flora and fauna.

general characteristics

Lake Ladoga is called the largest in all of Europe. Its area exceeds 18 thousand square kilometers. It is interesting that 457 kilometers of water area are occupied by the islands of Lake Ladoga, which in themselves are not so large. For example, the area of ​​the largest land areas located in the middle of the lake surface does not exceed one hectare. And in total there are more than 650 of them. Nature has placed the islands so that over 500 of them are located in the northwestern part of the lake.

The rocky islands have a bizarre shape and unusual outlines. Their height is 60-70 meters. It is especially interesting to observe the harmonious combination of coastline and island lines. The islands are separated from each other by numerous bays that cut into land areas.

Mother Nature has worked for thousands of years on the artistic and aesthetic design of this corner of the globe. Lake Ladoga is one of the oldest water bodies. In its lifetime, it has seen a lot and experienced amazing events, which can be judged by the numerous remnants and remains on its banks and bottom.

New research has made it possible to find out more accurate parameters of the water body. Lake Ladoga stretches 83 kilometers wide and 219 kilometers long. Without the island territory, it occupies a total of 17,578 square kilometers, which allows it to be called the largest European lake.

The length of the coastline exceeds one and a half thousand kilometers. Scientists were able to calculate the coefficient of its ruggedness. It is 2.1, which suggests the presence of multiple bays. The bowl of the lake is distinguished by its impressive capacity, which is 908 cubic kilometers.

Lake depth

The average depth of Lake Ladoga is 51 meters. However, if we talk about the largest, the figure already grows to 230 meters. The depth map of Lake Ladoga also shows impressive indicators. It usually marks the areas that are considered the deepest.

The bottom topography is heterogeneous. Therefore, it is not surprising that the depth of Lake Ladoga varies throughout its entire water area. For example, in the southern part the bottom is flat and smooth. This helps reduce the depth. The decrease is observed from north to south. In the northern part, the depth reaches 10-100 meters, and in the southern part this value is an order of magnitude lower and varies in the range from 3 to 7 meters. The bottom is distinguished by rocky spits and shallows, and you can even find clusters of boulders.

Bottom relief

In general, such differences in depth are explained by the peculiarities of the geological structure of the bottom. Which, in turn, is due to its impressive length. The geological structure also leaves its mark on the lake basin and its appearance. Interestingly, the bottom topography seems to resemble islands. He copies them exactly. Thus, at the bottom of the lake you can observe mountains and plains, depressions and potholes, hills and slopes.

Depressions up to 100 meters deep most often predominate. There are more than 500 of them in the northwestern part of the lake. Interestingly, such formations are concentrated in groups. And they, in turn, create a kind of labyrinth of bays. This phenomenon is called skerry. The depth map of Lake Ladoga allows you to verify this.

The slope of the lake has an average of 0.0105, and the angle averages 0.35 degrees. This value near the northern coast is already 1.52 degrees, and near the eastern coast it is 0.03. This is also considered a fairly important indicator.

Animal world

In a country like Russia, Lake Ladoga plays a huge role. It is called the supplier of drinking water for the northern capital of the state - St. Petersburg. However, in addition to this, Ladoga is home to a huge number of different animals. The main place among them, of course, is occupied by fish.

Today, more than 58 varieties and species of fish are known to exist in the waves of Lake Ladoga. It is interesting that there are also those who are “guests” in Ladoga. These include conger eel, Baltic salmon and sturgeon. They only occasionally swim into the waters of the lake. Their permanent habitat is the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic.

Unfortunately, due to massive fishing, not all of its former inhabitants remain in Ladoga today. Sometimes representatives of the fish kingdom disappear for no apparent reason. For example, sterlet. It no longer occurs in Ladoga waters, and researchers have never discovered the reason for this.

New species

But new inhabitants appeared in the lake. They are represented by peled and carp. The latter appeared in Ladoga relatively recently - in 1952-1953. The reason for this was that it was bred in the nearby Lake Ilmen. The fate of the peled was similar. It “wandered” to Ladoga from the Karelian Isthmus, where they began actively breeding it in the late 50s of the last century.

In addition, in the waters you can also find such fish as palia, salmon, pike perch, whitefish, bream, trout, ripus and vendace. They are distinguished by their value in the field of industry. These species are called commercial. There are also less valuable inhabitants of the lake. Among them are roach, smelt, pike, ruffe, blue bream, bleak and silver bream. They are considered no less tasty, but their use in food is represented in smaller quantities.

It is probably impossible to really name all the fish that are found in the waters of Lake Ladoga. There are so many inhabitants there that work to discover and study them continues to this day.

On the verge of extinction

Some fish of Lake Ladoga are now on the verge of extinction. Among them there are those that are considered valuable in the industrial field. The clearest example is salmon. In Ladoga there are individuals whose weight exceeds 10 kilograms. They are real giants. Interestingly, the fish go to spawn in late spring and summer. The young live there for no more than a couple of years, and then return to the lake.

The rivers are now clogged with lumber, making it difficult for salmon to spawn. In this regard, it was decided to suspend mass fishing. The corresponding law was passed back in 1960.

Another valuable fish is palia. She lives in the northern part of the lake. In winter it can be found at a depth of more than 70 meters, and in the warm months it rises to 20-30. Reproduction occurs in mid-autumn.

Whitefish also live in Ladoga. Now there are seven varieties of them in the lake. Four of them, namely lake Ladoga, Ludog, black and Valaam, are considered exclusively riverine, and the other three - Svir, Vuoksa and Volkhov - can live both in the lake and in the river. On average, during the breeding season, each individual lays about nine thousand eggs in October and November.

Just recently, people were massively engaged in catching whitefish, but now this species is on the verge of extinction. A peculiar reason for this can be called the construction of the Volkhov hydroelectric power station dam. Pisces were unable to overcome such an obstacle, and the measures people took to achieve this did not save the situation.

Rivers of Lake Ladoga

Now let's talk about waterways.

The rivers of Lake Ladoga are very numerous. This allows us to talk about its wide drainage basin. Its area exceeds 250 thousand square kilometers. Not every lake can boast such figures.

Finland and Karelia, located nearby, share water resources with Ladoga; rivers also carry their waves from the Novgorod, Pskov and Vologda lands. The water bodies of the Arkhangelsk and Leningrad regions make their contribution.

In total, about 45 thousand streams and rivers flow into Lake Ladoga. It is interesting that before becoming part of Ladoga, river waters accumulate in nearby lakes, including Saimaa, Onega and Ilmen. They, in turn, allow the formation of such tributaries of the main Ladoga as the Volkhova, Vuokse and Svir. In total, they bring more than 57 cubic kilometers of water into the lake per year. This accounts for approximately 85 percent of the total water mass that accumulates in the geographic area we are considering per year.

All other tributaries are called small. There is no explanation for this, because among them there are such impressive deep rivers as Janisjoki, Syas and Tulemajoki.

It should be understood that the tributaries of the Ladoga are quite young - by the standards of rivers - in age. They are only 10-12 thousand years old. That is why most of them have not yet formed wide valleys. They flow among rocky areas and steep banks.

The Baltic crystalline shield lies in the northeastern part of the lake. That is why the deepest and loudest tributaries flow into Ladoga from that side. Very often they turn into full-flowing stormy streams, encountering rocks on their way that are quite difficult to erode.

Tributary Svir

Lake Ladoga is located in Russia, and its deepest stream is called the Svir. This river flows from the Svirskaya Bay of Lake Onega, and flows into Ladoga from the southeast.

Its length is about 224 kilometers. The river includes two large tributaries, which are named Pasha and Oyat. It is interesting that the origin of this object is still covered in secrets and mysteries.

The Svir River itself and its banks are not distinguished by the picturesqueness inherent in Ladoga. The description of Lake Ladoga tells about the amazing beauty of its shores, which Svir cannot boast of. Its coastline is covered with alder bushes and marshy plants, and there are coniferous forests. Basically, the banks of the Svir River are accumulations of stones and boulders.

In ancient times, Svir was famous for its numerous rapids. They could not be called high, but the piles of boulders presented a serious obstacle to navigation. Local residents very often helped out the sailors, helping them cope with crossings. Very often, residents of coastal villages and towns themselves served as sailors, pilots and even captains. The proximity to a deep river left its mark on the character and way of life of the people.

But if we talk about the animal world, it is quite large. It is in the waters of this river that salmon spawning is often observed. In spring you can find schools of these fish heading to the mouth of the Svir. The tributaries Oyat and Pasha play the main role in spawning. Ichthyologists believe that it is these rivers that can contribute to the revival of salmon in Lake Ladoga.

When to visit

Over its centuries-old history, Lake Ladoga has been shrouded in secrets, riddles and legends. All this, of course, attracts numerous tourists. People also travel to Ladoga to admire the amazing beauty of nature and see with their own eyes one of the largest lakes in the world.

In order not to make a mistake, you should know when it is better to go and what time to give preference.

A trip here in May and June will be foggy in the truest sense of the word. At the end of May and beginning of June, thick fogs descend on Ladoga, in which it is quite easy to get lost. In such cases, it is very important to take experienced guides with you who will help you get on the right path and see all the surrounding beauty.

This time is considered quite cold for those places. In the evening, the skerries can be covered with a thin crust of ice, and the wind brings dampness. Of particular interest are the few hours after sunny weather. At such moments, the lake shines with calm and attractiveness. However, the very next moment a breeze blows in. It causes meter-long waves in the bays, although the lake off the coast continues to be peaceful.

One of the most striking advantages of this time, of course, after the attractive appearance of the coastal area, is the complete absence of mosquitoes. The extraordinary cleanliness of the lake is also called a virtue. The bottom, even at a depth of several meters, can be seen extremely clearly. It is believed that if you drink water at such a moment, happiness will not take long to arrive. The water itself is clean and tasty.

Those people who value comfort and coziness should visit Ladoga in the last two months of summer. This period is considered the best for proper rest. In this case, the air and water temperatures exceed the optimal mark, allowing you to swim in the waves of the lake and sunbathe on the shore. On the islands you can pick berries and mushrooms, which are abundant there.

Those people who travel to Ladoga with the aim of admiring the local beauty should choose the autumn months, when literally the entire coast shimmers with gold and bronze. In October, the weather worsens, accompanied by fog and storms. At such times you can meet many artists and landscape painters here. They try to capture the lush beauty of Ladoga.

Lake Ladoga in winter also presents an interesting sight. However, it is quite cold here at this time of year. But the middle of the lake does not freeze even in severe frosts due to its impressive depth.

Those people who want to visit this corner of our vast Motherland should look for Lake Ladoga on the map. Many travel companies offer entire routes. If you wish, you can choose one of the proposed ones or create your own.

A trip to the coast of Lake Ladoga will surely be memorable for everyone. This area is distinguished by the amazing beauty of nature at any time of the year, the diversity of flora and fauna, as well as the opportunity to have a great rest.

There is such a charming region in Russia, the attractiveness of which is given by the magnificent mirror surface of countless lakes. Some information about this wonderful place can be found in this article. Here we will talk about the diversity of the landscape of this region, about where Lake Ladoga is located. A description will also be provided.

This territory occupies the northwestern part of great Russia. She is discreet and at the same time surprisingly attractive and diverse. Taiga landscapes give way to swamps rich in cloudberries, lingonberries and cranberries. The more elevated areas are decorated with spruce and small-leaved forests.

This is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Europe. The length is 219 km, and the greatest width is 138 km. Its eastern and northern parts belong to Karelia, and the southern and southeastern shores belong to the Leningrad region. The water capacity of this lake is 908 km³.

Previously, the Littorina Sea was connected to the lake by a wide strait, and the river. The Mga flowed to the east and also flowed into it.

Where it is now, the land rose quickly, and thus the lake, over time, turned into a closed reservoir. The water level began to increase, its waters flooded the river valley. Mga and broke into the Tosny valley. 4000 years ago, a strait appeared between the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga, which is now the valley of the river. Neva. The relief has remained virtually unchanged over the last approximately 2.5 thousand years.

The northern section of Lake Ladoga is located on the Baltic crystalline shield, and the southern section is on the East European Platform.

From the history of Lake Ladoga

The lake described is present at one of the very first geographical maps of the Moscow State, which was compiled in 1544 by Sebastian Munster (German cartographer). More detailed map was introduced in 1812 at the Admiralty Department.

Ladoga has always been a territory of important strategic importance for Russia. In the 9th century, an important waterway from the Varangians to the Greeks passed here. There is also documentary evidence of the existence of Nevo (the name of Lake Ladoga in the old days) - an ancient Russian chronicle dated 1228. And the first capital before Kievan Rus was at the confluence of the river into Lake Ladoga. Volkhov. Peter's time is also associated with this lake. Lake Ladoga also witnessed battles during the Northern War.

Where Lake Ladoga is located, a huge number of significant historical events took place. It’s impossible to list everything. But it is important to note that Lake Ladoga was the “Road of Life” during the Second World War. Most of the lake coast was under German-Finnish occupation during this difficult time for the country. The people of Leningrad were cut off from the whole world. Only the southwestern part of the lake was open to communication with Soviet troops (1941-1943). This route began from the port of Osinovets on Lake Ladoga and ended at the docks of Leningrad.

Over the entire period of the existence of this road, more than 1.5 million tons of cargo were transported and transported along it, which allowed the surviving residents of Leningrad to hold out until the blockade was lifted. Also, about 900 thousand people were evacuated along this road.

This great lake holds a lot of history. Today, in the place where that most important “Road of Life” lay, there are 102 memorial pillars and 7 monuments. All of them are included in the "Green Belt of Glory". This is a memory of past very difficult times.

Lake Ladoga is a lake in Karelia (northern and eastern shores) and the Leningrad region (western, southern and southeastern shores), the largest freshwater lake in Europe. Belongs to the Baltic Sea basin of the Atlantic Ocean. The area of ​​the lake without islands ranges from 17.6 thousand km 2 (with islands 18.1 thousand km 2); volume of water mass - 908 km 3; length from south to north is 219 km, greatest width is 138 km. The depth varies unevenly: in the northern part it ranges from 70 to 230 m, in the southern part - from 20 to 70 m. On the shores of Lake Ladoga there are the cities of Priozersk, Novaya Ladoga, Shlisselburg in the Leningrad region, Sortavala, Pitkyaranta, Lakhdenpokhya in Karelia. 35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga, but only one originates - the Neva. In the southern half of the lake there are three large bays: Svirskaya, Volkhovskaya and Shlisselburgskaya bays. Climate The climate over Lake Ladoga is temperate, transitional from temperate continental to temperate maritime. This type of climate is explained geographical location and atmospheric circulation characteristic of the Leningrad region. This is due to the relatively small amount of solar heat entering the earth's surface and atmosphere. Due to the small amount of solar heat, moisture evaporates slowly. There are an average of 62 sunny days per year. Therefore, for most of the year, days with cloudy, cloudy weather and diffuse lighting predominate. Day length varies from 5 hours 51 minutes at the winter solstice to 18 hours 50 minutes at the summer solstice. The so-called “white nights” are observed over the lake, occurring on May 25-26, when the sun drops below the horizon by no more than 9°, and the evening twilight practically merges with the morning. The white nights end on July 16-17. In total, the duration of white nights is more than 50 days. Amplitude of average monthly amounts of direct solar radiation on a horizontal surface at clear sky from 25 MJ/m2 in December to 686 MJ/m2 in June. Cloudiness reduces, on average, the annual total solar radiation by 21%, and direct solar radiation by 60%. The average annual total radiation is 3156 MJ/m2. The number of hours of sunshine is 1628 per year.

Noticeable impact on climatic conditions the lake itself does. This is characterized by a smoothing of extreme values ​​of climatic characteristics, as a result of which continental air masses, passing over the surface of the lake, acquire the character of marine air masses. The average air temperature in the area of ​​Lake Ladoga is +3.2 °C. The average temperature of the coldest month (February) is?8.8 °C, the warmest (July) is +16.3 °C. The average annual precipitation is 475 mm. The lowest monthly precipitation falls in February - March (24 mm), the highest in September (58 mm). During the year, western and southwestern winds prevail in most of Lake Ladoga. The average monthly wind speed in the open part of the lake and on most islands from October to January - February is 6-9 m/s, in other months 4-7 m/s. On the coast, the average monthly wind speed varies from 3 to 5 m/s. Calms are rare. In October, storm winds with a speed of more than 20 m/s are often observed on Lake Ladoga, the maximum wind speed reaches 34 m/s. Breezes are observed along the entire coast in summer on windless sunny days and clear nights. The lake breeze begins around 9 am and continues until 8 pm, its speed is 2-6 m/s; it extends 9-15 km inland. Fogs are observed most often in spring, late summer and autumn.

Shores, bottom topography and hydrography of the lake The area of ​​the lake without islands ranges from 17.6 thousand km 2 (with islands 18.1 thousand km 2); length from south to north is 219 km, greatest width is 138 km. The volume of the lake’s water mass is 908 km 3 . This is 12 times more than what is annually poured into it by rivers and carried out by the Neva River. Seasonal fluctuations in the lake's water level are small due to the large area of ​​the water surface of this reservoir and due to the relatively small annual variation in the amount of water entering it. The latter is due to the presence of large lakes within the catchment area of ​​Lake Ladoga and the presence of hydraulic structures on all main tributaries, which together ensure a fairly uniform influx of water throughout the year. Coastline lakes more than 1000 km. Northern Shores, starting from Priozersk in the west to Pitkäranta in the east, mostly high, rocky, heavily rugged, forming numerous peninsulas and narrow bays (fjords and skerries), as well as small islands separated by straits. Southern Shores low, slightly indented, flooded due to the neotectonic submeridional distortion of the lake. The coast here is replete with shoals, rocky reefs and banks. In the southern half of the lake there are three large bays: Svirskaya, Volkhovskaya and Shlisselburgskaya bays. Eastern Bank slightly indented, two bays jut into it - Lunkulanlahti and Uksunlahti, fenced off from the side of the lake by one of the largest islands of Ladoga - Mantsinsaari. There are wide sandy beaches. The West Bank is even less rugged. It is overgrown with dense mixed forest and bushes, approaching close to the water's edge, along which there are scatterings of boulders. Ridges of stones often extend from capes far into the lake, forming dangerous underwater shoals.

The bottom topography of Lake Ladoga is characterized by an increase in depth from south to north. The depth varies unevenly: in the northern part it ranges from 70 to 230 m, in the southern part - from 20 to 70 m. The average depth of the lake is 50 m, the greatest is 233 m (north of the island of Valaam). The bottom of the northern part is uneven, furrowed with depressions, and the southern part is calmer and more smooth. Lake Ladoga ranks eighth among deepest lakes Russia. Transparency west coast Lake Ladoga 2-2.5 m, near the eastern coast 1-2 m, in the estuarine areas 0.3-0.9 m, and towards the center of the lake it increases to 4.5 m. The lowest transparency was observed in Volkhov Bay (0.5 -1 m), and the highest is to the west of the Valaam Islands (8-9 in summer, over 10 m in winter). There is constant unrest on the lake. During strong storms, the water “boils” in it, and the waves are almost completely covered with foam. The water regime is characterized by surge phenomena (water level fluctuations by 50-70 cm annually, up to a maximum of 3 m), seiches (up to 3-4 m), wave heights during storms up to 6 m. The lake freezes in December (coastal part) - February (central part), opens in April - May. The central part is covered with solid ice only in very severe winters. Due to the long and strong cooling in winter, the water in the lake is very cold in summer; it warms up only in the thin upper layer and in the coastal strip. The temperature regime differs in the central deep-water part of the lake and on the coast. The water temperature on the surface in August is up to 24 °C in the south, 18-20 °C in the center, at the bottom about 4 °C, in winter under the ice 0-2 °C. The water is fresh and clean (except for areas polluted by industrial waste), minerals and salts are dissolved in negligible quantities. The water belongs to the hydrocarbonate class (low content of calcium and magnesium salts, slightly more nickel and aluminum).

Pool and islands 35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga. The largest river The river that flows into it is the Svir River, which carries water from Lake Onega into it. Water also enters the lake through the Vuoksa River from Lake Saimaa, and through the Volkhov River from Lake Ilmen. The rivers Morje, Avloga, Burnaya, Kokkolanijoki, Soskuanjoki, Iijoki, Airajoki, Tohmajoki, Janisjoki, Syuskyuyanioki, Uksunjoki, Tulemajoki, Miinalanjoki, Vidlitsa, Tuloksa, Olonka, Obzhanka, Voronezhka, Syas, Lava, Ryabinovka, Nazia and others also flow into it . The Neva is the only river flowing from Lake Ladoga. The drainage basin area is 258,600 km2. Approximately 85% (3820 mm) of the incoming part of the water balance comes from the influx of river water, 13% (610 mm) from atmospheric precipitation and 2% (90 mm) from the influx of groundwater. About 92% (4170 mm) of the expenditure part of the balance goes to the Neva runoff, 8% (350 mm) to evaporation from the water surface. The water level in the lake is not constant. Its vibrations are clearly visible from the lighter stripe on the surface of the rocks extending into the water. There are about 660 islands on Lake Ladoga (with an area of ​​more than 1 hectare) with total area 435 km 2. Of these, about 500 are concentrated in the northern part of the lake, in the so-called skerry area, as well as in the Valaam (about 50 islands, including the Baievo Islands), Western archipelagos and the Mantsinsaari group of islands (about 40 islands). The most large islands- Riekkalansari (55.3 km 2), Mantsinsaari (39.4 km 2), Kilpola (32.1 km 2), Tulolansari (30.3 km 2) and Valaam (27.8 km 2). The most famous on Lake Ladoga are the Valaam Islands - an archipelago of about 50 islands with an area of ​​about 36 km 2, due to their location on the main island of the archipelago Valaam Monastery. Also known is the island of Konevets, on which the monastery is also located.

Flora and fauna The northern and eastern coasts of Lake Ladoga belong to the middle taiga subzone, and the southern and western coasts belong to the southern taiga subzone. The middle taiga is characterized by blueberry spruce forests without undergrowth, with a closed tree stand and a continuous cover of shiny green mosses. The subzone of the southern taiga is dominated by dark coniferous species with an undergrowth, where linden, maple, and elm are sometimes found, a herbaceous layer appears with the participation of oak forest grasses, and the moss cover is less developed than in the middle taiga. The most typical type of forest is spruce-sorrel forests. The islands of the lake are rocky, with high, up to 60-70 m, sometimes steep shores, covered with forest, sometimes almost bare or with sparse vegetation. Southern and southwest coast The lakes for 150 km are overgrown with reeds and cattails. Here are shelters and nesting sites for waterfowl. There are many nesting sites for seagulls on the islands; blueberries and lingonberries grow on them, and on the larger ones there are mushrooms. There are 120 species of higher aquatic plants in Lake Ladoga. A strip of reed thickets 5-10 m wide stretches along the shores of the islands and the mainland. Various groups of macrophytes develop in bays deeply cut into the land. The width of the overgrowth strip in these places reaches 70-100 meters. There is almost complete absence of aquatic vegetation along the eastern and western shores of the lake. IN open waters Lake vegetation is poorly developed. This is being prevented great depth, low water temperature, a small amount of dissolved nutrient salts, coarse bottom sediments, as well as frequent and strong waves. Therefore, the most diverse vegetation is found in the northern - skerry - region of Ladoga. The lake is home to 154 species of diatoms, 126 species of green algae, and 76 species of blue-green algae. The deep waters of Ladoga contain only 60-70 thousand microorganisms per cm 3, and in the surface layer - from 180 to 300 thousand, which indicates the lake’s weak ability to self-purify.

In Lake Ladoga, 378 species and varieties of planktonic animals were identified. More than half of the species are rotifers. A quarter of the total number of species is made up of protozoa, and 23 percent falls jointly on Cladocera and Copepods. The most common zooplankton species in the lake are Daphnia and Cyclops. Large group aquatic invertebrate animals live at the bottom of the lake. In Ladoga, 385 species were found (mostly various crustaceans). The first place in the benthofauna belongs to insect larvae, which account for more than half of all species of benthic animals - 202 species. Next come worms (66 species), water mites, or hydrocarines, mollusks, crustaceans and others. The lake is rich in freshwater fish, which go into the rivers to spawn. Lake Ladoga is home to 53 species and varieties of fish: Ladoga slingshot, salmon, trout, palia, whitefish, vendace, smelt, bream, raw fish, bluefish, silver bream, rudd, asp, catfish, pike perch, roach, perch, pike, burbot and others . Human impact on the reservoir reduces the number of valuable fish - salmon, trout, palia, lake-river whitefish and others, and the Atlantic sturgeon and Volkhov whitefish are listed in the Red Book of Russia. The most productive areas include shallow water South part lakes with depths of up to 15-20 m, where the main fishery is concentrated, and the least productive - the northern skerry area. From Gulf of Finland Sturgeon passes through the lake along the Neva to spawn in the Volkhov and other rivers. Along the southern and southeastern shores of Lake Ladoga there is pike perch. The lake is inhabited by salmon, which in the fall go to the rivers where they spawn. Whitefish, Siberian sturgeon and other fish are bred in Lake Ladoga and Volkhov. In the Ladoga region, 256 species of birds belonging to 17 orders are regularly found. More than 50 bird species have been recorded here during transit migration in spring and autumn. Migration connections of the Ladoga region cover the space from Iceland to India and from South Africa to Novaya Zemlya. The most attractive areas for birds are the southern Ladoga region. Grebes, swans, geese, ducks, waders, gulls, terns, cranes and rails are found here on migration, as well as nesting sites of dabbling ducks, tufted ducks, red-headed pochards, gulls, terns, great and middle curlews, godwit, grass-billed plover, golden plover and other waders, gray crane, white-tailed eagle, osprey, falcon, eagle owl, great gray owl, short-eared owl and a number of other birds. The northern skerries are a nesting site for gray-cheeked grebe, great and common mergansers, gulls (including sea gulls and black-billed gulls), terns (including arctic terns), waders and many other species; aggregations of arctic ducks and waders are observed on migration. Lake Ladoga is home to the only representative of pinnipeds, the Ladoga ringed seal. The number of seals in the lake is estimated at 4000-5000 heads (according to 2000 data). The species is listed in the Red Book.


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