Hatley Castle and its gardens in Canada. Impressive figures for the power and strength of the waterfall

Canada ranks second in the world in terms of area. There are many rivers, lakes, and forests occupy almost half of the country's territory. This country also has rich history. Therefore, it is not surprising that Canada has many different attractions.

Conventionally, they can be divided into two types: natural and historical. Natural parks primarily include numerous national parks. The flora and fauna in them have been preserved almost in their original form. This also includes rivers, lakes and waterfalls. Historical monuments are museums and places where memorable events took place. As well as temples, churches and various architectural structures.

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What to see and where to go in Canada?

The most interesting and Beautiful places, photographs and brief description.

1. Niagara Falls

Located on the border of two countries: Canada and. The part that is located on Canadian territory is shaped like a horseshoe. This waterfall is often called that. He is considered the most powerful North America. Every year, the Horseshoe takes from 8 cm to 2 m of Canadian territory. To stop this process, a whole system of canals and drainage systems was created.

2. Parliament Hill (Ottawa)

Is located south coast river in and is the heart of the city. This is a symbol of national revival. Represents architectural complex, in which the highest authorities of the country meet. The central part was originally built in the 19th century, but later there was a fire and it was destroyed. In 1922 the complex was restored. Its highest part is called the Tower of Peace. It is dedicated to the Canadians who died during the First World War.

3. Stanley Park (Vancouver)

Located on a peninsula. It is washed by the waters of English Bay and Vancouver Harbour. The park borders the business center. It was opened in 1888 and named after the 6th Governor General of Canada. The area of ​​the park is more than 400 hectares. Most of it is occupied by forests that are more than a hundred years old. The territory also contains a miniature Railway, summer theater, tennis courts and golf course, monuments and sculptures, Vancouver Aquarium.

4. Granville Island (Vancouver)

This shopping mall Vancouver. It is here that there is a huge market where you can buy clothes, food, wood products, fish and much more. In fact, it is not an island, but a peninsula. It is located under the Granville Street Bridge, next to False Creek. There is also a water park here, which is the most popular and largest in British Columbia.

5. Mont-Royal (Montreal)

Mountain located on the territory. Has 3 peaks, the most high point is 233 meters. The mountain is located between the Appalachians and the Laurentian Rise. In 1876, a park was formed here. Another attraction is the Cross on Mont-Roial. The first version of the Cross was installed back in 1643 as a sign of gratitude to the Virgin Mary. There is also the Oratory of St. Joseph, which is a place of Catholic pilgrimage.

6. Chateau-Hotel Chateau Frontenac (Quebec)

The castle is one of the symbols of the province. Built and opened in 1893. Later it was completed several times. In 1981 it was included in the list of National historical places. The author of the project is American architect Bruce Price. It was here that Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt negotiated in 1943. The castle now houses a hotel that is considered one of the most photographed in the world.

7. CN Tower (Toronto)

The tower was built in 1975 and is a symbol. It is the tallest structure in the Western Hemisphere. It is also one of the seven engineering wonders of the world today. The tower is used for telecommunications needs and houses Observation deck and a revolving restaurant. The observation deck is very popular among tourists. Its floor is made of thick tempered glass. This allows you to walk above the city.

8. Basilica Notre-Dame de Montreal

The Cathedral is located in the historical center of Montreal on the Place des Arms. The first version was built in 1672. But modern version The basilica was erected in the 19th century. The author of the project was the Protestant architect James O, Donnell. At that time, the temple became the largest religious building in North America. Unfortunately, in 1978, the basilica chapel was severely damaged by fire. It was restored, but with changes.

9. Oratory of St. Joseph (Montreal)

Located on Mount Royal in Montreal. About 2 million people visit it annually. This place is very popular among Catholics. The oratory was built in 1924. The founder is the monk Andre Bessette, who was canonized by the Pope in 2010. During his lifetime, the monk healed many people, but even now many confirmed healings occur in the Oratory. The Roman Church confirmed the truth of these miracles.

10. Rue Petit Champlain (Quebec)

Located in the historical part of Quebec. The street was founded at the end of the 17th century. Its first inhabitants were French artisans. It is here that the oldest buildings in Canada are well preserved. The street is rich in architectural and historical monuments. For example, these include the Weapon Square. Those interested are invited to ride along the street in a horse-drawn carriage.

11. Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto)

Opened in 1857. At first it was called a museum natural history, but in 1912 it was renamed Royal. It is located in Toronto on Bloor Street and Avenue Road next to Queen's Park. The museum's collection includes about 6 million exhibits and 40 galleries. And 150 years after its opening, the architect Daniel Libeskind transformed the museum building. It is made in the form of crystals.

12. Ripley's Aquarium (Toronto)

Opened in 2013. It is the largest in Canada. Here big variety marine and freshwater inhabitants. Particularly popular is the glass tunnel with a moving floor. There is an area similar to the Canadian Great Lakes. And also an area similar to Indian Ocean. This aquarium has one of the largest collections of jellyfish in the world. There are also “elders” - 100-year-old lobsters.

13. Royal British Columbia Museum (Victoria)

Built in 1886, the number of exhibits now totals more than 7 million. This is the main attraction of the province of Victoria. And the title Royal was awarded to the museum by Queen Elizabeth II. There are many different galleries here, but there are three permanent ones: the history of local peoples, as well as natural and modern ones. There are many different artifacts, there is even a Victorian submarine.

14. Heritage Park Village (Calgary)

The village recreates life in Western Canada from 1860 to 1950. The museum is located under open air, on 127 acres of land. Here you can take a trip by train or horse-drawn carriage. Improv actors recreate life from those times. In addition to getting to know the old streets, you are invited to examine the decoration of houses, schools, and shops.

15. Royal Tyrrell Museum and Dinosor Park

The park is located in the province of Alberta, in the Red Deer River valley. Created in 1955 in order to protect the excavation sites of fossil animals. In 1979, the park was included in the UNESCO list. And if earlier finds from the park were taken to museums throughout the country, now last years they become exhibits in the Tyrrell Museum. This museum is located near the park. It houses a rich collection but also has a well-equipped laboratory. The museum has 10 exhibition galleries, and each of them represents a certain era of the planet’s development. Until the appearance of man.

16. Hockey Hall of Fame (Toronto)

The hall was opened in 1943, but for a long time it did not have a permanent location. It is now located in Toronto on Young Street, in the former Bank of Montreal building. The development of not only Canadian, but also European hockey is demonstrated here. There are stands with skates and clubs from different times on display. There are also products self made. But the Hall's pride is the Stanley Cup.

17. Underground City (Montreal)

It was opened in 1962. It is a large shopping center located underground. There is almost everything here: various shops, offices, hotels, cinemas, garages, concert halls, restaurants and cafes. There are even underground residential complexes. From here there are exits to almost all above-ground shopping and business centers of the city. You can get around here using buses and the metro.

18. Casa Loma Castle (Toronto)

The castle was built at the beginning of the 20th century. Its owner was Sir Henry Pellat and its architect was Edward Lennox. The castle has 98 rooms, a big library, Botanical Garden. Shower rooms are available. For some time there was a hotel in the castle. However, then the government took over ownership. After this, the question of demolishing the castle arose, but nevertheless it was decided to open a museum here.

19. Quebec Fortress

Located on Cape Diaman. This is an integral part of the fortification of the old city. The fortress was built in 1812. But even before that there were fortifications here. However, the construction of the fortress made this area impassable for the enemy. Later, the residence of the top officials of the state was located here. And in 1943-1944, conferences with the participation of Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and William King were held within these walls. Now there is a museum here.

20. Rideau Canal (Ottawa)

The canal was built in 1832 in case of war with the United States. It is one of the oldest operating channels in North America. It was built for steam ships. Now used for tourism purposes. In summer it offers boat trips and in winter it turns into one of the largest ice skating rinks in the world. The canal is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The original locks and canal-forming structures are perfectly preserved here.

21. Parks of the Canadian Rockies

This is a system of four national parks: Banff, Jasper, Kootenay and Yoho. It also includes three British Columbia provincial parks, hot springs, glaciers and mountains, the headwaters of major river systems. Since 1984 - a UNESCO site. Banff is Canada's oldest national park. There are many glaciers and coniferous forests. Jasper is the largest nature reserve in the Rocky Mountains. Lake Maline is located here. The Kootenays have a wide variety of landscapes, from cacti to glaciers. Yoho is located in a mountainous area. There are many lakes and waterfalls on its territory.

22. Wood Buffalo

National Park, located in the central part of the country between lakes Athabasca and Great Slave. There are long and cold winters, but warm and short summers. The area features grassy prairies and grassland plains. Wood Buffalo is home to the largest herd of American bison on the continent. Cranes and pelicans nest here. The park is also home to elk and deer, beavers and wolves.

23. Gros Morne

National park on the island of Newfoundland. Founded in 1973. He is listed world heritage UNESCO. There is a wide variety of landscapes here. There are glacial valleys, waterfalls, fjords, and lakes. The park contains the Long Range Mountains - this is the oldest mountain system planets. The uniqueness is that continental drift can be observed here.

24. Signal Hill (St. John's)

This is a hill near the city of St. John's, on which there are fortifications and a signal flagpole. They appeared on the hill in the 17th century after the Seven Years' War. During the reign of Queen Victoria, the Cabot Tower was built here. The site is now a National Historic Site of Canada. In summer, historical reconstructions are often held here.

25. Butchart Gardens

This is a demonstration flower park. Located in the city of Brentwood. The arrangement of the garden began at the beginning of the 20th century. Previously there was a limestone quarry here. After excavation, it was covered with earth. And from that time on, Jenny Pym, the wife of the quarry owner, began to plant a garden. The place gained popularity in 1920. Now there are 5 thematic gardens: sunken, rose garden, Japanese, Italian, Mediterranean. They are open to visitors all year round.

26. Montreal Botanical Garden

It is one of the most famous botanical gardens in the world. It opened in 1936 and was included in the list of Canadian Historic Places in 2007. On the territory there are: Japanese, Chinese, English, Alpine gardens, rose garden, azalea, rhododendron garden, aquatic plant garden. There is also a poisonous plant garden and a First Nations Garden. This territory is inhabited by squirrels, ducks, turtles, and herons.

27. Capilano Suspension Bridge (Vancouver)

Built in 1889. This is a project by engineer George Grand McCain. The first option was made of hemp rope and cedar planks. But in 1956 it was completely rebuilt, as the old version had fallen into disrepair. It is located at an altitude of 70 meters, and the river below it seems very small. The bridge is private property. All rights reserved by Nancy Stibbart.

28. Montmorency Falls

Located within the boundaries of the city of Quebec in Montmorency Park. The waterfall has a height of 84 meters. It was discovered in 1613 by Samuel de Champlain. Nowadays, a pedestrian bridge has been built over the waterfall, and below the Montmorency River flows under highway. The pedestrian bridge is also an observation deck. From here it opens beautiful view on the St. Lawrence River, into which Montmorency flows. The Isle of Orleans is also clearly visible.

29. Thousand Islands

This natural attraction is an archipelago of islands. It stretches along the Canadian border in the province of Ontario along the source of the St. Lawrence River. In total there are 1864 islands. Back in the 19th century, these islands became the cause of contention between Canada and the United States. After Canada won they became the place for have a nice rest and tourism.

30. Hopewell Rocks

The second name is Flower Pot Rocks. Located on the shores of the Bay of Fundy at Cape Hopewell. Here the maximum tide occurs twice a day, and the rocks are submerged in water almost to the top. They have an unusual shape. And the reason for this is the tides. But to see and understand the entire tidal cycle, the park should be visited twice a day.

31. Great Lakes

This is a system of freshwater lakes in North America. This includes a number of large and medium-sized reservoirs connected by smaller ones. The largest include: Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, Ontario. Fishing and shipping are developed here, and there are many ports. This system is among the largest accumulations of fresh water on the planet. Now the ecological situation of the lakes has improved significantly. They are very attractive to tourists.

32. Johnstone Strait

Located along the northeast coast of Vancouver. The width of the strait is 2.5-5 km. There are no cities or towns along its entire length. For west coast North America is the main navigation channel. During the warm season, about 150 killer whales come here, and tourists often come to see them. And in order to study killer whales in their natural environment habitat an ecological reserve was opened.

33. Icefields Parkway

This highway was built in the 1970s for tourists. The main function is to link Banff and Jasper national parks. During the trip, picturesque views of the surrounding area open up. Driving along it you can see glaciers, the most high mountains Canada, glacial lakes. Also along the route you can see bears, mountain goats and pumas, eagles, and moose.

34. Whistler Blackcomb Resort

Famous ski resort, located in British Columbia. Ranked among the best in North America and the world. Here you can ride along the slope of the glacier. The height of the snow cover reaches 914 cm. This is one of the snowiest places on the planet. And in 2010, the Winter Olympic Games were held in this place.

35. Grouse Mountain (Vancouver)

One of Vancouver's main attractions. Is a part mountain range North Shore. You can climb the mountain using a cable car, from here you can enjoy a wonderful view of the surrounding area and the ocean. In winter, 25 slopes and several ski slopes, which are suitable for both experienced and beginner skiers.

Many assume that Niagara Falls one. But in fact there are three of them: named after the Niagara River, which forms them. And they are located on the border of America and Canada. In the state of New York and the province of Ontario you can see three natural wonders at once - Niagara Falls. They combine Lakes Erie and Ontario, with the water level in the first lake being 99 meters higher than in Ontario. Their age is determined by experts - from 8 to 9 thousand years. It is believed that previously the waterfall was only on the American side, but an incredible amount of water cut off the stone. Slowly the waterfall moved forward and after 11 kilometers it found itself in Canada. They were formed on asymmetrical ridges and ledges of dolomitic limestones and clayey shales. The waterfall, which is located on the Canadian part, resembles the shape of a horseshoe, which is why the Horseshoe waterfall is named. Waterfalls on American territory: one is “American”, the other is “Fata” waterfall.

Impressive figures for the power and strength of the waterfall

Although the height difference at the waterfalls is not very significant, they are wide. In terms of the volume of water passing through, Niagara Falls is the most powerful in North America. The foot of the American Falls is blocked by a whole rubble of stones, and the visible zone remains only 21 meters high. The width of the American Falls is 323 meters, the Horseshoe Falls is 792 meters. The height of the first is 54 meters, and the second is 51 meters. It is estimated that 85% of all water from the falls comes from the Horseshoe. The 61-meter deep depression consists of rocky layers, formed by falling water from a height. Probably, someday both waterfalls will be in Canada. Every year (scientists have calculated) the Horseshoe Falls moves towards Canadian soil from 8 centimeters to 2 meters. The American one is a little slower - only 2 centimeters per year. To stop the destructive process, a whole system of canals and drainage systems was formed upstream. The waterfalls flow from hydroelectric power stations. Water is diverted mainly at night: so as not to disturb the multi-million army of tourists. During the day, Niagara Falls appears in all its natural power and beauty.

The roar from the fall of many tons of water can be heard several kilometers away on the approaches to the waterfalls. The surrounding area is surrounded by a mist of water dust swirling from the water swirl. It's better to be here in a raincoat. For those who want to see the waterfalls up close, special boats have been prepared. They are only suitable for a safe distance. But even here you feel like a bug in an eerie element.

From the Canadian shore, the most picturesque and breathtaking view of the waterfall opens up. The “Rainbow Bridge” across Niagara was built downstream from the falls for the passage of passenger vehicles and pedestrians between the two countries.

If you're captivated by Richmond's nature, don't forget about others interesting entertainment city ​​- all kinds of theatrical productions and various arts festivals in the "Theater Gateway".

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Everyone knows that Canada is a big country. Judging by its fauna, this is truly a country of giants: grizzly bears, Alaskan moose, polar bears, humpback whales. Yoho - a pearl lost in Rocky Mountains. The main attraction of the national park of the same name is considered to be one of the largest waterfalls in Canada - Takakkau, which falls from dizzying heights. And on the island of Newfoundlen national park"Gross Morne" you can see green alpine plateaus, picturesque fjords, sand dunes, mirror-like surfaces of lakes and the peak of the same name. Every July, more than a million tourists come to Calgary to feel like the cowboys of North America. During the week you can visit the rodeo and tame mustangs and bulls.

Sights of Canada

1. Parliament Hill(Ottawa's Parliament Hill)

Parliament Hill is an architectural complex with many buildings, the central one being the neo-Gothic building where the Canadian Parliament sits. The complex is located near the Ottawa River, overlooking the city of Ottawa. The Parliament complex consists of three buildings that form an impressive neo-Gothic architectural ensemble. Parliament House was built between 1874 and 1878. The eastern façade of the building houses the offices of the Canadian Prime Minister, while the western block houses the offices of parliamentarians. IN summer time The changing of the guard takes place on the lawn in front of the Houses of Parliament.

2. Old Quebec

Situated on a narrow strip of land between the St. Lawrence River and a hill dominated by Chateau Frontenac, Old Quebec is known as one of the most "European" neighborhoods in North America. Indeed, we find here the pure style of the Breton city, where the first French settlers came from in the 16th century. Old Quebec is a key landmark in Canada. Be sure to visit Old Quebec and you will understand why UNESCO awarded this city the title of World Heritage Treasure! First of all, go to the Chateau Frontenac Hotel (the most photographed hotel in the world), admire its architecture and the history of the place.

Friendly atmosphere, welcoming local residents and almost European charm. You will find horse-drawn carriages, street performers, singers and painters here that you will especially like art Gallery Old Quebec, the gallery is located in the open air.

3. Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is Canada's main natural attraction, which annually attracts millions of tourists from all over the world. Located just an hour's drive from Toronto, along the American border, the water falls from a height of 57 meters. Tourists can see the waterfall, amazingly close range from the edge of its upper part.

4. Churchill (Churchill Canada)

Churchill, located on the coast of Hudson Bay, rightfully bears the title of the capital of polar bears. The city has to this day retained the appearance of a settlement of the first pioneers; there are still no luxury hotels here, the roads are not paved, and there are only a few trees among the plants. The local landscape is a huge snow field, only a short time getting rid of the white blanket - from June to the end of August.

Churchill can only be reached by train or plane, but this does not deter many tourists who want to see the white silence with their own eyes. Until recently, the city was the main center of fur trade for Europe, but today people come here primarily to see polar bears and beluga whales. In spring and autumn, the tundra blanket, consisting of moss, lichen and small flowers, turns red, purple and yellow, which is a must-see for many nature lovers.

5. 1000 Islands Archipelago

The Thousand Islands are an archipelago of islands and a unique natural attraction of Canada on the border with the United States. The Thousand Islands are located where the St. Lawrence River flows into Lake Ontario. The islands are located approximately 50 miles (80 km) downstream from Kingston, Ontario. There are a total of 1,865 islands in the archipelago, some with an area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers, while others are tiny, shallow islands where migratory birds rest.

6. Banff National Park

Banff is the true spirit of the Rocky Mountains. Banff National Park is the oldest and perhaps the most famous of Canada's national parks, and this is where you will see the Canadian Rockies in all their northern glory. Banff is also the most visited National Park in Canada and the most popular natural tourist route. The national park is located in the Canadian Rockies near Calgary, Alberta.

7. Montmorency falls

When it comes to Canada and waterfalls, everyone thinks of Niagara Falls, but there are waterfalls even more impressive than Niagara, and that's Montmorency Falls, which is almost 30 meters higher than Niagara! Montmorency Falls is a 15-minute drive from Quebec City and is a beautiful spectacle of crashing water and beautiful landscape around. There are special paths around the waterfall, along which you can climb up to the bridge, which is laid over the streams of water falling from the rock. Montmorency Falls is another impressive Canadian landmark.

8. Places Jacques-Cartier

The point of attraction for tourists is Old Montreal, which is especially visible in the summer, when there are no crowds of tourists here. Place Jacques Cartier popular tourist place surrounded by historical buildings, picturesque gardens and restaurants. In 1809, Montreal's oldest public monument, Nelson's Column, was erected on the square. One of Montreal's most popular attractions among tourists.

9. St. Joseph's Oratory

This is the Roman Catholic Church. The Oratory is located on the Mont-Royal hill offering a beautiful panoramic view of Montreal. The Oratory is a minor basilica and a place of pilgrimage for Canadian Catholics from all over the country. About two million people visit St. Joseph's Oratory each year. St. Joseph's Oratory is listed as a Canadian Historic Monument.

Today in the temple you can look at the wall on which numerous crutches of recovered parishioners are attached. Pope John Paul II himself confirmed the truth of these miracles, recognizing the deceased monk Andre Bessette as blessed in 1982. The reliquary of the church contains the heart of St. Andre Bessette, to which thousands of believers strive every year.

10. CN Tower

Toronto's famous and most prominent landmark, the 553-meter tall CN Tower, is unmissable. Rising above the city, the tower is visible from almost anywhere in the city. The CN Tower, built between 1972 and 1976, was the tallest building in the world for almost 30 years until its record was surpassed in 2007.

The tower has an observation deck with magnificent panoramic view overlooking the city, the Sky Pod observation deck is located 447 meters above the city, on clear days you can see Niagara Falls and New York State. You can get to the site using 2 elevators; at an altitude of 346 meters there is a restaurant and a terrace with a glass floor, Sky Terrace.

11. Lake Louise (Banff Lake Louise)

It's no surprise that the stunning turquoise lake, beautifully named Louise, is known as the Jewel of the Rockies. Situated in a small glacial valley surrounded by snow-capped mountains in Banff National Park, it is one of Canada's most beautiful attractions. The lake gets its beautiful turquoise color thanks to meltwater flowing from the glacier.

11. Whistler Mountain

Whistler Mountain is Canada's most ambitious ski resort. Celebrities from all over Europe and America come here - Hollywood stars, politicians, scientists and cultural figures, and even royalty. Two huge twins - Whistler and Blackcomb - tower over the surrounding area. Funicular railways take tourists to their tops. And from there you can ski down with the breeze, enjoying the marvelous panoramas.

12. Hamilton falls

One of largest cities The province of Ontario - Hamilton - is known throughout the world as the capital of waterfalls. In total, there are more than a hundred of them in these places. Most famous waterfall Tew is only a few meters inferior to Niagara in height. It pours shimmering waters into a gorge densely overgrown with trees and bushes. Among the variety of waterfalls in Hamilton, the mighty Webster, luxurious Sherman and graceful Tiffany are also impressive.

13. Rodeo in Calgary (Calgary Stampede)

The Calgary Stampede, or Calgary Rodeo, is one of Canada's most famous events. Every July, the capital of Alberta is transformed into Texas, Canada. More than a million tourists come to Calgary to feel like the cowboys of North America. The festival begins with a grand parade, where you can see not only real cowboys, but also numerous military bands, fire trucks from the middle of the last century, and even Chinese dragons!

Then, for a whole week, real cowboy life is in full swing here with rodeos and the taming of mustangs and bulls. Moreover, unlike Spanish bullfights, animals are not killed. And wagon races in the style of the Wild West and Indian dances will help you join in with the general fun and feel the atmosphere of the festival. The week of celebration includes fireworks displays and free local treats, so everyone has the opportunity to try popular
Canadian dish - pancakes with maple syrup.

14. Dawson City

Canadian city of Dawsonbecame famous for the gold rush of the 18th century, and world famous for Jules Verne's books "The Golden Volcano" in the works of Jack London "Smoke Bellew" and the novel "White Fang", as well as books Louis Boussenard "The Ice Hell"

After a few hours of bouncing around in a rickety ancient bus along the Klondai Highway in the dead of summer, you'll be transported back in time. Complete prostration in time, when you don’t think about what time it is, only intensifies this feeling. The city of Dawson suddenly appearing on the horizon after such a road is no longer surprising, and everything that happens here is perceived as something natural.

Ladies dressed in frilly, old-fashioned dresses stroll along the city's few streets, ride in carriages or drink cocktails on wooden terraces. Yes, you will find yourself in the world described by Jack London, where the spirit of the gold rush is still felt. Historical reconstructions that take place here
in the summer, they turn this ghost town into a real settlement from the period of mass gold mining, transporting participants to that turbulent, but certainly romantic time.

15. Royal Ontario Museum

The Royal Ontario Museum is a museum of art, world culture and natural history in Toronto, Canada. It is one of the largest museums in North America and attracts more than a million visitors each year, the second largest museum of Canadian art in Canada.

The museum is located north of Queen's Park, in the University of Toronto area, with the main entrance on Bloor Street. The Royal Ontario Museum, founded in 1912, contains a collection of 6 million objects that are available in the museum's 40 galleries. This is Canada's most conceptual attraction.

You don't need to go to the ends of the world to find yourself in paradise. Come to Hatley Park on Vancouver Island. And you will want to stay here. This garden is luxurious and modest at the same time. Even a camera or video camera is not able to convey this beauty. This must be seen and felt with your own senses.

If you are inspired and ready to come look at this beauty, then you need to know that this is located paradisaic delight In Canada. The city of Colwood on Vancouver Island is the home of our target. This is where Hatley Park is located. Park National Historic Site).


Western Canada - historical homeland plants such as Pseudohemlock Menzies and Canadian Red Cedar. These plants formed dense forests in British Columbia in which the local population lived. The forest fed and clothed these people; they made shelter from cedar, clothing from bark, and medicinal mixtures and decoctions from fruits.

After the arrival of Europeans, these lands began to be cultivated for agricultural land, pastures, and estates. The fertile soil made it possible to grow various exotic plants that were well acclimatized.

At the beginning of the last century, these lands were acquired by the Scottish-born governor James Dunsmire. In the European tradition, he and his wife Laura planned to create a family nest and named their estate “Hattley Park” and commissioned the famous Canadian architect Samuel Makler to build a castle with 40 rooms. Construction of the castle ended in 1908.

The castle has become unique business card this family, who lived in it for more than 30 years. In June 1939, the family sold it to the Canadian government with the understanding that the park would be open to the public. The estate was purchased to create a royal residence for George VI and his wife Queen Elizabeth to live away from the Second World War that broke out in Europe. However, it was subsequently decided that the absence of the royal family at a difficult time for the country would be a big blow for the people. Therefore, the royal family remained in London, and the castle was run by the government.

The estate was converted into a naval training center, now called the Royal Military Road University, which rents Hattley Park for $1 a year. In 1995, the territory of the castle and its gardens was recognized as a national historical monument Canada. The university has responsibilities and expenses for the maintenance of the castle and gardens, heritage conservation and restoration.

Castle architecture

It was decided to build the castle in the Scottish feudal style, fashionable during the Edwardian period, that is, during the reign of King Edward VII, who ruled the English Empire from 1901 to 1910.

They built the castle without thinking about the costs. The owner generously paid for his whims. The lamps in the castle were made by a master specifically for this interior. Although it was already the 20th century, the castle was conceived as the home of a medieval baron. The house is built from sandstone of different structures, which gives the impression of completely different materials. Rare types of wood and, of course, the famous Canadian red cedar were used to decorate the interior. The romantic nature of the owner of the castle gravitated towards the style that was close to him in Scotland. A chic fireplace also became a decoration of the large hall.

Luxurious garden

The Edwardian period in history was marked by the fact that caring for one's own garden became fashionable in Europe. Perhaps this is why the governor decides to lay out a luxurious garden on his estate, and in 1912 he entrusts the design of the garden to American landscape architects Franklin Brett and George D. The garden was born between 1912 and 1914 and is being improved to this day.

After its creation, 100 gardeners and caretakers took care of the garden. Currently, Hatley Park employs five gardeners throughout the year, one arborist who treats and maintains trees, a caretaker and one dispatcher. During the mass planting season, seven seasonal workers are hired to work.

The estate is located on the coast and is surrounded on three sides by forests. There is a castle in the center. Hatley Park Garden is divided into four landscaped areas. Before central entrance on the well-groomed emerald lawn there are neatly trimmed boxwood borders, which are created according to all the canons of topiary art. The castle, covered in ivy, blends well with the surrounding gardens. Thanks to the greenery, it does not seem gloomy and heavy, despite the gloomy architectural style. But this is a matter of taste.

Visitors come to see Hattley Park's gardens, which are most famous for the Japanese and italian gardens. The chic rose garden is also popular. It's almost Versailles! It combines evergreens native to this region and exotic plants adapted to living conditions in Canada.

Beautifully designed ponds and streams breathe freshness. In the luxurious greenery there are many secluded places where you can sit on a bench and dream, surrounded by exotic flowering plants. Thanks to this, you can wander around the garden endlessly. The birds living here give the garden a lived-in and at the same time fabulous look. A peacock walks importantly, or a flamingo stands, thoughtfully looking into the clear water of a stream. Ducks are splashing on the lake. Everything is alive and enjoying life.

Neatly trimmed parterre lawns, which cannot be walked on so as not to damage the delicate structure, are decorated with neatly planted annuals. And nearby, seemingly neglected thickets of cereals blended in harmoniously. For lovers of landscape art, there is much to see and learn. Someone will appreciate the architectural fantasies of the castle and its surrounding buildings, which, along with the main attraction, are recognized as the federal heritage of Canada.

This wonderful heritage of Canada attracts directors and artists here. The films "X-Men", "Out of Sight" and others were filmed here. Over the entire history of existence this interesting place became the setting for 33 films.

I really want to be a gardener in this paradise!


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