Names of air transport. Main characteristics of air transport. Air transport in tourist transportation

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Air Transport

The twentieth century was marked by gigantic transformations that occurred in all spheres of human activity. Air transport was no exception. Its development was facilitated by the growth of the planet's population, an increase in the amount of material resources consumed, urbanization, social, political and many other factors. Its main advantage is the provision of significant time savings due to high flight speed.

Air transport arose in the countries of Europe and America after the First World War of 1914-18. In France and Germany, for example, the mode of transport began to develop from 1920-21. In the USSR, the first air line was opened in 1923 on the route Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod.

In modern conditions, air transport is one of the most dynamically developing means of transportation. In the main directions of development of the national economy and civil aviation he has an important role to play. The development of air transport for the country is simply necessary. Aviation is the youngest and fastest direction, designed to carry out communication links between different regions. At the same time, this is the most expensive industry. With its help, medicines and mail, industrial and food products are delivered to the most inaccessible corners.

It is worth saying that aviation is the most advanced mode of transport. She does not need roads and is not afraid of various obstacles. It was thanks to aviation that humanity gained the opportunity to go into space.

The most common type of air transport is, of course, the airplane. Airplanes have the highest speed of all other types of air transport, so air delivery of cargo by airplanes is the fastest. In addition, aircraft are divided into groups according to their load capacity, flight range and speed characteristics.

The next most common type of air transport is helicopters. It is clear that helicopters are used primarily for short-distance (about 500-1000 kilometers) transportation of small consignments.

The third type of air transport is actually sea transport, but has the outlines, design and principle of movement of air transport. These are the so-called ekranoplanes and ekranoplanes. They are superior to many aircraft in speed, safety and carrying capacity, but are inferior to them in maneuverability due to the fact that the flight altitude of these ships is only a few meters. In addition, ekranoplanes and ekranoplanes do not need airfields or airports for landing; they are capable of splashing down on almost any water surface.

Air transport has a number of undeniable advantages. First of all, it is high speed. At the same time, important maneuverability is achieved when organizing passenger transportation. In addition, modern airlines provide non-stop flights over considerable distances.

To regulate all activities of world civil aviation, unify its use and application, as well as exchange experience in all areas of air navigation, in the fall of 1944, under the auspices of the UN, a specialized International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was formed and is now successfully functioning, of which Russia is a member. ICAO publishes detailed statistical information on all the diverse aspects of the activities and state of air transport in the world. The activities of ICAO are determined by the Chicago Convention on Civil Aviation - a legal act and the fundamental source of international air law. Anticipating global development air transport, the founders of ICAO managed, in particular, to avoid the inconsistency that at one time complicated the establishment of uniformity in railway traffic (right-left traffic, wide-narrow gauge, etc.). All ICAO regulations are aimed at ensuring flight safety, aviation security(protection against terrorism) and maximum simplification of the process of air transportation between states. Of the many specialized agencies operating under the auspices of the UN, ICAO is not only the largest, but also the most efficient organization, ensuring uniformity and order in the air transport of more than 1.6 billion passengers and 30 million tons of cargo annually.

Unlike ICAO, another international air transport association - IATA (International Air Transport Organization), founded back in 1919, is engaged in the financial management of air transportation. A clearing settlement system, for example, allows airlines to manage financial flows centrally. During the year, 34 billion US dollars are transferred through the IATA financial chamber, transferred by more than 300 airlines. Sales settlement system passenger transportation simplifies the process of issuing tickets and reduces the costs associated with their sale. In addition, IATA is the legislative and advisory body on all issues related to tariffs for international air travel, and also makes forecasts on the volume of passenger traffic, the development of the route network, plans for the reconstruction and development of airports, and also sets standards for the service of passengers and their baggage in airports.

Depending on the nature of operation, civil aviation aircraft can be classified into:

1) general aviation aircraft (GA);

2) commercial aviation aircraft.

Aircraft that are in regular operation, that is, in the field of activity of commercial airlines that transport passengers and cargo on a schedule, are classified as commercial aviation. The use of an aircraft for personal or business purposes classifies it as general aviation.

Recent years have seen an increase in popularity aircraft general purpose, since they are capable of performing tasks unusual for commercial aviation - transportation of small cargo, agricultural work, patrolling, pilot training, aviation sports, tourism, etc., and also significantly save time for users. The latter is achieved due to the ability to fly unscheduled, the ability to use small airfields for takeoff and landing, and the user does not waste time issuing and registering air tickets and has the ability to choose a direct route to the destination. As a rule, GA aircraft are aircraft with a take-off weight of up to 8.6 tons. However, it is also possible to use a larger aircraft.

Depending on the purpose, two main groups of aircraft can be distinguished, regardless of operating conditions - multi-purpose and specialized aircraft.

Multi-role aircraft are designed to solve a wide range of missions. This is achieved by converting and re-equipping an aircraft to meet a specific mission with minimal or no design changes. Depending on the ability to take off and land not only on airfields with artificial turf, but also to use the water surface for these purposes, multi-purpose aircraft can be ground-based or amphibious.

Specialized aircraft are focused on performing a single task.

Of particular importance for civil aviation is the classification of aircraft depending on their flight range:

Short-haul (main airline) aircraft, with a flight range of 1000-2500 km;

Medium long-haul aircraft, with a flight range of 2500-6000 km;

Long-haul aircraft with a flight range of over 6000 km. airplane crew flight air carrier

Airspace involves division into echelons or air corridors along which aircraft move. The movement proceeds in such a way that the distance between aircraft at the moment of approach is at least 10 km - this is lateral separation. In the airport area there are only one flight levels, and on long routes- other.

Managing air transport is not an easy task. The flight crew includes navigators and pilots, as well as cadets of flight schools who are fit for this work according to the conclusion of the medical commission and can perform their functional duties. During the flight, each crew member is obliged to unquestioningly follow all instructions given by the flight control authority. Departure from the route is only possible if there is a threat to the safety and lives of people on board the aircraft.

There are certain standards for rest and flight hours for an aircraft crew. So, you can be in the air for no more than twelve hours a day. This standard is established for the flight crew of airliners.

Currently the most in a safe way transport is considered to be an airplane, followed by water and railway transport. The data is calculated based on the number of victims when using a particular type of transport.

According to ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization - the UN agency that sets international standards for civil aviation), there is one accident per million flights, which cannot be said about car and other accidents.

But any plane crash, even of the smallest aircraft, immediately attracts media attention. This contributes to the formation of a negative opinion about aviation as a very dangerous form movement.

The probability that a passenger boarding a plane will die in a plane crash is approximately 1/8,000,000. If a passenger boards a random flight every day, it will take him 21,000 years to die.

It is also a mistaken belief that in the event of a plane crash the chances of survival are minimal. According to an analysis of 568 aviation accidents that occurred in the United States from 1983 to 2000, fatalities accounted for only 5% of the total number of passengers on board. According to these statistics, of the 53,487 people involved in plane crashes, 51,207 survived. As a result of a more detailed study of 26 serious accidents, accompanied by strong impacts of the liners on the ground, their breaking into pieces and fires, it turned out that approximately 50% of the people on board were saved in these disasters.

The likelihood of survival of the crew of passengers and pilots increases if the aircraft makes an emergency splashdown, even if it is not designed for such measures. Experts say splashdown increases the chances of human survival by 50%.

Flight safety comes first for major air carriers. Pre-flight inspection passengers, baggage and cargo, as well as a thorough technical inspection of the aircraft before departure are an integral part of the work of ground transportation services.

In Russian aviation, the leading place in safety and regularity of flights is occupied by the largest airline in Russia, the national carrier - Aeroflot - Russian Airlines.

The company's fleet is one of the youngest in the world. Aeroflot has 163 airliners on its balance sheet, mostly aircraft of the Airbus A320, A330, Boeing 737, Boeing 777 and Sukhoi SuperJet-100 family.

Aeroflot has the largest Flight Control Center in Eastern Europe.

The route network has its own regular flights to 123 points in 52 countries, as well as the company’s clients have the opportunity to fly to 1052 points in 177 countries around the world through an extensive joint route network the largest alliance SkyTeam.

In 2015, Aeroflot was awarded the international World Airline Awards in the category “for the third year in a row and for the fourth time in its history.” Best airline Of Eastern Europe".

Flight safety, thorough inspection of the aircraft, time savings, as well as first-class service on board the aircraft will not leave anyone indifferent and will force them to resort to air transport services again and again.


1. Shishkina L.N. Transport system Russia.-M.: Zheldorizdat, 2005

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Since ancient times, all peoples inhabiting our planet have played an important role in transport. As for the modern stage, the importance of means of transportation has grown disproportionately. Today, it is impossible to imagine the existence of any country without powerful transport.

New achievements of science and technology

The twentieth century was marked by gigantic transformations that occurred in all spheres of human activity. Air transport was no exception. Its development was facilitated by the growth of the planet's population, an increase in the amount of material resources consumed, urbanization, social, political and many other factors.

The scientific and technological revolution that took place made it possible to change air transport not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively. It is worth saying that at all times, human transportation has been a special dynamic system. It was the transport system that served practically as the first consumer of various discoveries and achievements in the scientific field. In many cases, it was she who acted as the direct customer of advanced developments.

It is difficult to name any area of ​​research that does not relate to improvement Vehicle. For their progress, the results of physical and thermodynamic developments are used. Physicists and mathematicians take a significant part in the development of transport. Mechanics and chemists, astronomers and geologists, biologists and many other scientists are involved in solving this problem. The development of transport, including air transport, is facilitated by the results of applied research carried out in the field of mechanical engineering and metallurgy, structural mechanics and automation, astronautics and electronics.

Need for further development

In modern conditions, air transport is one of the most dynamically developing means of transportation. It plays an important role in the main directions of development of the national economy and civil aviation. The development of air transport for the country is simply necessary.
The main goal pursued here is to increase the volume of transportation of goods and passengers over significant distances and to hard-to-reach areas. At the same time, the requirements for air transport are increasing. It should become more economical and regular, comfortable and safe. To achieve these goals, new in-depth research in various scientific fields will be required, as well as more serious development work.

Features of air transport

Aviation is the youngest and fastest direction, designed to provide communication links between different regions. At the same time, this is the most expensive industry.

Air transport in Russia is an important part of the country’s national economy. With its help, medicines and mail, industrial and food products are delivered to the most inaccessible corners.

It is worth saying that aviation is the most advanced mode of transport. She does not need roads and is not afraid of various obstacles. It was thanks to aviation that humanity gained the opportunity to go into space.

Air transport has a number of undeniable advantages. First of all, it is high speed. At the same time, important maneuverability is achieved when organizing passenger transportation. In addition, modern airlines provide non-stop flights over significant distances.

What aircraft are used in modern aviation?

The types of air transport that are used in the national economy of the country are not so diverse. IN modern aviation aircraft are used, which are represented by various models of airplanes and helicopters. All of them are widely used to perform various tasks.

In the national economy, a lot of work is assigned to helicopters. These are aircraft that rise into the air using rotating blades located on a vertical shaft. Helicopters use:

During construction and installation work;
- in the sanitary and medical service;
- in agriculture;
- during the construction of pipelines;
- to combat emerging forest fires;
- for transportation of mail;
- to provide assistance during geological exploration;
- as a means of monitoring traffic on the roads;
- to communicate with weather stations located in high mountain areas.

Cargo transportation by air, represented by a fleet of helicopters, is carried out over short distances.

The principle of aircraft flight lies in the interaction of the traction force of the engine and the lifting force of the wing.

Differences in Application

In modern aviation, the following types of air transport are distinguished:

For passenger transportation;
- for moving goods;
- cargo-passenger (combined):
- educational and training;
- special purpose (sanitary, agricultural, fire, etc.).

This gradation is applied depending on the industry of application, as well as on the purpose aircraft.

Differences in technical and operational parameters

For passenger air transport, a characteristic such as capacity is used. For cargo aircraft, their carrying capacity is important. For combined air transport, the technical and operational parameter is the flight range without landing, as well as speed. The latter indicator also distinguishes between individual types of aircraft. The speed of the aircraft can be less than the speed of sound. There are also supersonic planes.


Air transportation of passengers and cargo in Russia is under the direct control of the state. There are line departments and departments in the country that supervise the work of this industry. At the same time, each airline pays a tax on the service of dispatchers.

The main executive body that exercises control over air transport is Federal agency Rosaviatsia. Its main tasks:

Providing services to ensure uninterrupted operation of air transport;
- issuing licenses for admission to flights on international and domestic routes;
- certification of companies providing aircraft flights;
- supervision of the work of educational institutions in the aviation industry.

Flight crew

Managing air transport is not an easy task. The flight crew includes navigators and pilots, as well as cadets of flight schools who are fit for this work according to the conclusion of the medical commission and can perform their functional duties.

During the flight, each crew member is obliged to unquestioningly follow all instructions given by the flight control authority. Departure from the route is only possible if there is a threat to the safety and lives of people on board the aircraft.

Navigators and pilots must be issued the following permits:

For training flights that are carried out during the day or night;
- to fly on a new modification of the aircraft;
- for special flights.

In this case, all approvals must be entered in the flight record book. Regardless of their position, each crew member is required to undergo an annual inspection for various types of flight training. At the same time, its results must also be entered in the flight record book.

There are certain standards for rest and flight hours for an aircraft crew. So, you can be in the air for no more than twelve hours a day. This standard is established for the flight crew of airliners. Helicopter crews must have no more than eight hours of daily flight time.


In air transport, all measures must be taken to ensure that the flight does not pose a danger to passengers. In this regard, the Federal Air Transport Agency implemented a ban on bringing liquids on board the aircraft. This restriction applies at all airports in the country.

The Air Transport Directorate - Rosaviation - notes that the threat of terrorist attacks on air transport has not been eliminated. In connection with this situation, a directive was sent to all organizations related to civil aviation, as well as to all airports, indicating the need to implement all measures to ensure flight safety. According to this document, the passenger does not have the right to carry hand luggage any liquid. This ban also applies to personal hygiene products. They must be checked in as baggage, which is checked using technical inspection devices. Only after this can the liquid be placed on board the aircraft.

In the event that a passenger needs to carry medications during a flight, they can be carried in hand luggage only after inspection by airport security services.

Passengers should treat such measures with understanding, because they are taken to ensure flight safety.

Air Transport

The twentieth century was marked by gigantic transformations that occurred in all spheres of human activity. Air transport was no exception. Its development was facilitated by the growth of the planet's population, an increase in the amount of material resources consumed, urbanization, social, political and many other factors. Its main advantage is the provision of significant time savings due to high flight speed.

Air transport arose in the countries of Europe and America after the First World War of 1914-18. In France and Germany, for example, the mode of transport began to develop from 1920-21. In the USSR, the first air line was opened in 1923 on the route Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod.

In modern conditions, air transport is one of the most dynamically developing means of transportation. It plays an important role in the main directions of development of the national economy and civil aviation. The development of air transport for the country is simply necessary. Aviation is the youngest and fastest direction, designed to provide communication links between different regions. At the same time, this is the most expensive industry. With its help, medicines and mail, industrial and food products are delivered to the most inaccessible corners.

It is worth saying that aviation is the most advanced mode of transport. She does not need roads and is not afraid of various obstacles. It was thanks to aviation that humanity gained the opportunity to go into space.

The most common type of air transport is, of course, the airplane. Airplanes have the highest speed of all other types of air transport, so air delivery of cargo by airplanes is the fastest. In addition, aircraft are divided into groups according to their load capacity, flight range and speed characteristics.

The next most common type of air transport is helicopters. It is clear that helicopters are used primarily for short-distance (about 500-1000 kilometers) transportation of small consignments.

The third type of air transport is actually sea transport, but has the outlines, design and principle of movement of air transport. These are the so-called ekranoplanes and ekranoplanes. They are superior to many aircraft in speed, safety and carrying capacity, but are inferior to them in maneuverability due to the fact that the flight altitude of these ships is only a few meters. In addition, ekranoplanes and ekranoplanes do not need airfields or airports for landing; they are capable of splashing down on almost any water surface.

Air transport has a number of undeniable advantages. First of all, it is high speed. At the same time, important maneuverability is achieved when organizing passenger transportation. In addition, modern airlines provide non-stop flights over significant distances.

To regulate all activities of world civil aviation, unify its use and application, as well as exchange experience in all areas of air navigation, in the fall of 1944, under the auspices of the UN, a specialized International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was formed and is now successfully functioning, of which Russia is a member. ICAO publishes detailed statistical information on all the diverse aspects of the activities and state of air transport in the world. The activities of ICAO are determined by the Chicago Convention on Civil Aviation - a legal act and the fundamental source of international air law. Anticipating the global development of air transportation, the founders of ICAO managed, in particular, to avoid the inconsistency that at one time complicated the establishment of uniformity in railway traffic (right-left traffic, wide-narrow gauge, etc.). All ICAO regulations are aimed at ensuring flight safety, aviation security (protection against terrorism) and maximizing simplification of the process of air transportation between states. Of the many specialized agencies operating under the auspices of the UN, ICAO is not only the largest, but also the most efficient organization, ensuring uniformity and order in the air transport of more than 1.6 billion passengers and 30 million tons of cargo annually.

Unlike ICAO, another international air transport association - IATA (International Air Transport Organization), founded back in 1919, is engaged in the financial management of air transportation. A clearing settlement system, for example, allows airlines to manage financial flows centrally. During the year, 34 billion US dollars are transferred through the IATA financial chamber, transferred by more than 300 airlines. The system of mutual settlements for the sale of passenger transportation simplifies the process of issuing tickets and reduces the costs associated with their sale. In addition, IATA is the legislative and advisory body on all issues related to tariffs for international air travel, and also makes forecasts on the volume of passenger traffic, the development of the route network, plans for the reconstruction and development of airports, and also sets standards for the service of passengers and their baggage in airports.

Depending on the nature of operation, civil aviation aircraft can be classified into:

  • 1) general aviation aircraft (GA);
  • 2) commercial aviation aircraft.

Aircraft that are in regular operation, that is, in the field of activity of commercial airlines that transport passengers and cargo on a schedule, are classified as commercial aviation. The use of an aircraft for personal or business purposes classifies it as general aviation.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the popularity of general purpose aircraft, as they are capable of performing tasks unusual for commercial aviation - transportation of small cargo, agricultural work, patrolling, pilot training, aviation sports, tourism, etc., and also significantly save time for users . The latter is achieved due to the ability to fly unscheduled, the ability to use small airfields for takeoff and landing, and the user does not waste time issuing and registering air tickets and has the ability to choose a direct route to the destination. As a rule, GA aircraft are aircraft with a take-off weight of up to 8.6 tons. However, it is also possible to use a larger aircraft.

Depending on the purpose, two main groups of aircraft can be distinguished, regardless of operating conditions - multi-purpose and specialized aircraft.

Multi-role aircraft are designed to solve a wide range of missions. This is achieved by converting and re-equipping an aircraft to meet a specific mission with minimal or no design changes. Depending on the ability to take off and land not only on airfields with artificial turf, but also to use the water surface for these purposes, multi-purpose aircraft can be ground-based or amphibious.

Specialized aircraft are focused on performing a single task.

Of particular importance for civil aviation is the classification of aircraft depending on their flight range:

  • - short-haul (main airlines) aircraft, with a flight range of 1000-2500 km;
  • - medium long-haul aircraft, with a flight range of 2500-6000 km;
  • - long-haul aircraft with a flight range of over 6000 km. airplane crew flight air carrier

Airspace involves division into echelons or air corridors along which aircraft move. The movement proceeds in such a way that the distance between aircraft at the moment of approach is at least 10 km - this is lateral separation. In the airport area there are some echelons, and on long-distance routes - others.

Managing air transport is not an easy task. The flight crew includes navigators and pilots, as well as cadets of flight schools who are fit for this work according to the conclusion of the medical commission and can perform their functional duties. During the flight, each crew member is obliged to unquestioningly follow all instructions given by the flight control authority. Departure from the route is only possible if there is a threat to the safety and lives of people on board the aircraft.

There are certain standards for rest and flight hours for an aircraft crew. So, you can be in the air for no more than twelve hours a day. This standard is established for the flight crew of airliners.

Currently, the safest mode of transport is the airplane, followed by water and rail transport. The data is calculated based on the number of victims when using a particular type of transport.

According to ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization - the UN agency that sets international standards for civil aviation), there is one accident per million flights, which cannot be said about car and other accidents.

But any plane crash, even of the smallest aircraft, immediately attracts media attention. This contributes to the formation of a negative opinion about aviation as a very dangerous form of transportation.

The probability that a passenger boarding a plane will die in a plane crash is approximately 1/8,000,000. If a passenger boards a random flight every day, it will take him 21,000 years to die.

It is also a mistaken belief that in the event of a plane crash the chances of survival are minimal. According to an analysis of 568 aviation accidents that occurred in the United States from 1983 to 2000, fatalities accounted for only 5% of the total number of passengers on board. According to these statistics, of the 53,487 people involved in plane crashes, 51,207 survived. As a result of a more detailed study of 26 serious accidents, accompanied by strong impacts of the liners on the ground, their breaking into pieces and fires, it turned out that approximately 50% of the people on board were saved in these disasters.

The likelihood of survival of the crew of passengers and pilots increases if the aircraft makes an emergency splashdown, even if it is not designed for such measures. Experts say splashdown increases the chances of human survival by 50%.

Flight safety comes first for major air carriers. Pre-flight inspection of passengers, baggage and cargo, as well as a thorough technical inspection of the aircraft before departure are an integral part of the work of ground transportation services.

In Russian aviation, the leading place in safety and regularity of flights is occupied by the largest airline in Russia, the national carrier - Aeroflot - Russian Airlines.

The company's fleet is one of the youngest in the world. Aeroflot has 163 airliners on its balance sheet, mostly aircraft of the Airbus A320, A330, Boeing 737, Boeing 777 and Sukhoi SuperJet-100 family.

Aeroflot has the largest Flight Control Center in Eastern Europe.

The route network includes its own regular flights to 123 destinations in 52 countries, and the company’s clients have the opportunity to fly to 1052 destinations in 177 countries through the extensive joint route network of the largest SkyTeam alliance.

In 2015, Aeroflot was awarded the international World Airline Awards in the category “Best Airline in Eastern Europe” for the third year in a row and for the fourth time in its history.

Flight safety, thorough inspection of the aircraft, time savings, as well as first-class service on board the aircraft will not leave anyone indifferent and will force them to resort to air transport services again and again.


1. Shishkina L.N. Transport system of Russia.-M.: Zheldorizdat, 2005

performance helicopter air transportation

Air transport is the fastest and most expensive. The global network of air routes is continuously growing, and by the beginning of the 21st century it exceeded 8 million km. The main purpose of air transport is to transport passengers. Its share in transport passenger turnover exceeds 10%, and in freight turnover - 1%. Its importance increases for the delivery of passengers and cargo to hard-to-reach areas (for example, remote northern regions Siberia and the Far East).

Air communications cover all continents, but the most intensive lines exist between North America and Europe. The geography of air transport is also characterized by a network of airports; there are more than 1,000 international airports alone.

US airports (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago), the largest metropolitan airports, are leaders in cargo transportation Western Europe(London, Paris, Amsterdam), Japan (Tokyo). More than 70% of the planet's aircraft fleet is concentrated in the United States.

In structure aviation fleet American aircraft of the Boeing, Douglas, and Lockheed brands dominate, and the bulk of flights in European countries are carried out by aircraft of the same brands.

In Kazakhstan, air transport accounts for 9.6% of all intercity passenger traffic (in the USA - 17%).

Among the trends in the development of air transport, the following can be noted: an increase in the speed and range of flights, an increase in the share of intercontinental transportation, and an increase in aircraft capacity. Air transport is characterized by a high degree of capital concentration. The US controls most of the world's air travel.

The technical basis of air transport is: aircraft, airports and air lines (routes).

An aircraft is an aircraft maintained in the atmosphere by interacting with the air. Aircraft include aircraft that are heavier than air (airplanes, helicopters, gliders, rotorcraft) and lighter than air (airships, balloons, both powered and free).

Aircraft do not include aircraft that move only due to jet propulsion or by inertia (rockets, spaceships, as well as hovercraft, meteorological balloons).

The rolling stock of aircraft consists mainly of airplanes and helicopters and is the leading link in air transport. The classification of air transport rolling stock is shown in Figure 1.

As can be seen from the figure, aircraft (airplanes and helicopters) are heavier than air and their flight becomes possible due to the interaction of the thrust force of the engines and the wing, on which aerodynamic lift is created when moving in the air. When an aircraft moves in the air, the upper surface of the wing, being more convex than the lower one, is flown around by an air flow at a higher speed than the lower one, and a pressure difference arises, directed upward, perpendicular to the flight speed. This pressure difference creates aerodynamic lift. If the lift force is equal to the flight weight, then the airplane flies horizontally. If it is less than the flight weight, then the plane flies with a descent. If the lift force exceeds the flight weight, then a climb occurs.

Each aircraft consists of an airframe, traction engines, landing gear and a set of units and instruments to ensure the functioning of all systems and their control.

A helicopter, unlike an airplane, has a propeller with blades attached to a vertical shaft, thanks to which the aircraft is kept suspended.

Airplanes and helicopters are also divided by purpose and area of ​​application and carry out passenger, cargo and cargo-passenger transportation on local and international routes.

The main types of civil aviation aircraft fly at speeds of 900-1100 km/h over long distances and up to 500-700 km/h over medium distances.

For ultra-long distances, aircraft with supersonic speeds(TU, Boeing, Concorde, etc.).

Figure 1 - Classification of air transport rolling stock

Main characteristics of aircraft:

  • - take-off weight;
  • - range of flight;
  • - layout diagram.

Take-off weight is the weight of a fully equipped, fueled and loaded aircraft. Based on take-off weight, aircraft are divided into four classes: the first class includes aircraft with a take-off weight of more than 76 tons, the second - from 30 to 75 tons, the third - from 10 to 30 tons, and the fourth - with a weight of less than 10 tons.

Flight range is the distance measured over the surface of the earth that an aircraft can fly when consuming its entire fuel reserve, with the exception of the aeronautical emergency reserve.

Based on flight range, aircraft are divided into mainline and local airlines. Trunk lines, in turn, are divided into:

  • - long-haul (flight range more than 6000 km);
  • - medium-haul (flight range from 2500 to 6000 km);
  • - short-haul (flight range up to 2500 km).

The flight range of local airlines does not exceed 1000 km.

The layout of the aircraft is determined by the relative position of the fuselage, wing, tail and engines. There are three types of aircraft layouts:

  • - low-wing - the wing is located under the fuselage;
  • - mid-wing - the wing passes through the fuselage in its middle part;
  • -high wing - the wing is located above the fuselage. Engines on airplanes are installed in the wings, under the wings, on pylons and in the rear fuselage.

The speed of modern transport aircraft with turbojet engines is 750-950 km/h, with turboprop engines 500-750 km/h.

Depending on their flight speed, aircraft are divided into:

  • - subsonic;
  • - supersonic;
  • - hypersonic.

Subsonic - aircraft whose speed does not exceed the speed of sound, supersonic - whose speed exceeds the speed of sound, hypersonic - whose speed exceeds the speed of sound 4-5 times.

By purpose, aircraft are divided into:

  • - transport (passenger and cargo);
  • - educational and training;
  • - sports;
  • - military;
  • - special.

An airport or airfield is a complex of engineering structures that ensure the departure and reception of passengers and cargo from lines, as well as the preparation and equipment of aircraft to perform transport functions. The airfield is the most important element of the airport. This is an airfield on which one or more airstrips, taxiways, aircraft parking areas, and runways are located. The number of runways depends on the airport's capacity. One airstrip may have one or more runways.

Based on the volume of annual passenger service, airports are divided into five classes. The value and class of an airport depends on the size and level of it technical development and equipment.

Airports serving more than 7 million passengers per year (for example, Heathrow Airport in London and JFK in New York serve 25 million passengers; O'Hare in Chicago - 40 million; Vnukovo - 27 million, etc. .) are extracurricular, and less than 25 thousand people are not classified.

By time of use, airfields are divided into:

  • - permanent;
  • - temporary,
  • - daytime and round-the-clock action.

By type of coverage:

  • - with artificial pavement of runways;
  • - ground;
  • - hydroaerodromes;
  • - ice.

By nature of use:

  • - basic;
  • - intermediate;
  • - basic;
  • - spare ones.

The cargo complex includes a cargo apron, cargo warehouses, mail transportation departments and other structures. At high volume airports freight transport provide cargo air terminals that differ from warehouses in space-planning solutions and work technology.

The main element of the passenger complex is the air terminal, where tickets are sold, passengers are checked in, baggage is processed and processed, information and other types of passenger services are provided.

The airport station area is intended for the movement, stopping and maneuvering of public transport.

The airport hotel is designed to accommodate passengers staying overnight at the airport due to waiting for departure or flight delays.

Passenger apron is a place for short-term parking of aircraft when boarding and disembarking passengers.

Airport services solve problems of comprehensive transportation services, for which they have various divisions:

  • -passenger and freight transportation services;
  • - service for the reception, preparation and release of aircraft;
  • - fuel and lubricants service;
  • - production and dispatch service;
  • -security service, etc.

Airways are volumes of airspace in width and height that connect the airspaces of airfield areas and are intended for flights of civil aviation aircraft and other departments. Airways are served by air navigation and air traffic control facilities.

The altitude of the airway is divided into lower airspace (up to 6100 m) and upper airspace (over 6100 m).

In order to make the most efficient use of airspace for aviation flights of all departments, an air traffic control system is being created, designed to control arriving, departing and transiting aircraft with unconditional compliance with the requirements of safety and regularity of flights.

The air traffic control system includes airport controllers (airfield control tower controller, taxi controller, launch controller, circle controller and approach controller) and controllers of district and zonal centers.

The movement corridor (route) is the estimated flight altitude and coordinate system in horizontal and vertical planes flight.

The corridor system allows aircraft to be dispersed in the air to eliminate the possibility of their collision.

Aircraft are equipped with appropriate systems for measuring and maintaining flight altitude.

Technology of air transport operation - movement must be carried out strictly according to a schedule, which is associated with the complexity of organizing take-off and landing at the airfield, as well as the system of allocating each unit of rolling stock its own movement corridor, depending on the load capacity and flight speed. IN general complex Due to the diverse and varied technological processes, the order and timing of maintenance of aircraft and airports is of particular importance.

Transport is one of the most important sectors of the economy, performing the function of a kind of circulatory system in the complex organism of the country.

Air transport, being universal, is used primarily for transporting passengers over medium and long distances and individual species cargo. The growth of material well-being, the expansion of cultural, business and scientific ties lead to an increase in the mobility of the population, which creates the need for high-speed travel - aviation.
The volume of cargo transported by air is insignificant. The range of cargo is limited: valuable cargo, cargo requiring urgent delivery, humanitarian aid, medicines, food and industrial goods for remote regions, cargo for emergency situations.
Specific areas of air transport activity include: installation of high-rise buildings, main gas and oil pipelines, power lines, inspection traffic agricultural work, fire fighting, communication with remote and hard-to-reach areas, emergency medical care, mail transportation, servicing polar regions, geological exploration, aerial photography, exploration of oil deposits, etc.
Currently, there are about 400 airlines and 845 airports operating in Russia; it is difficult for small airlines with 5-10 aircraft to compete with large companies. The problem of fleet renewal significantly affects the performance of air transport. Recently, there has been a tendency to unite small companies into 10-12 large airlines. If air transport enterprises are privatized, then management systems are not subject to privatization not so much because of their high initial cost and operating costs, but because of the state’s responsibility for flight safety and people’s lives. In addition, the operational activities of airports are separate from the ownership and operational activities of airlines. At the same time, equal access of all airlines to the infrastructure of any airport and free choice of airport are ensured for equal conditions for airline competition.
During corporatization, the state has a part of the shares; abroad, almost all airlines are private. However, there is also government participation in large foreign companies.
Main technical and operational features and advantages of air transport:
. High speed of delivery of passengers and cargo
. Maneuverability and efficiency when organizing new routes
. Possibility of rapid redeployment of rolling stock when passenger turnover changes, including due to accidents on other modes of transport
. Greater non-stop flights
. The shortest route
. Public opinion savings through faster delivery
. Unlimited transportation capabilities (today they are limited only by the capacity of the airfield)
. Relatively low capital investment
Relative disadvantages of air transport:
. High cost of transportation, so it is not cargo
. Dependence on weather and climatic conditions
The technology of work has its own characteristics. The movement is carried out strictly according to a schedule, which is due to the complexity of organizing take-off and landing at the airfield, according to a system of allocating each unit of rolling stock its own movement corridor, which depends primarily on the speed and load-carrying capacity of the aircraft.


Classification of air transport rolling stock:
1. lighter-than-air devices:
. airships
. Balloons
. balloons
. gliders
2. devices heavier than air:
2.1 aircraft
2.1.1. by takeoff and landing method
. ordinary
. vertical
. short
2.1.2. by appointment
. freight
. cargo-passenger
. passenger (subsonic, supersonic, hypersonic)
2.1.3 by engine type:
. piston
. turbine-propeller
. reactive
2.1.4. according to basing conditions:
. land-based
. seaplanes
2.2. helicopters
. special
. sports
. sanitary
. search and rescue
. educational and training
. agricultural, etc.
airplanes take off and land at an airfield - a piece of land or water surface with buildings, structures and equipment located on it, intended for take-off, landing, taxiing and parking of aircraft. (Air Code of the Russian Federation: From 03/19/1997 No. 60-FZ.- As amended on November 2, 2004 - Art. 40) Airfields are divided into civil airfields, state aviation airfields and experimental aviation airfields. Civil airfields are subject to state registration with the inclusion of data about them in the State Register of Civil Airfields of the Russian Federation only if they have a certificate of fitness. The maintenance of this register is entrusted to the authorized body in the field of civil aviation. Aerodromes of state aviation are subject to state registration with the inclusion of data about them in the State Register of Airfields of State Aviation of the Russian Federation. Maintenance of the specified register is entrusted to the authorized body in the field of defense. Aerodromes of experimental aviation are subject to state registration with the inclusion of data about them in the State Register of Aerodromes of Experimental Aviation of the Russian Federation. The maintenance of this register is entrusted to the authorized body in the field of defense industry. Data on a civil airfield is excluded from the state register in the following cases: violation of the requirements for state registration of a civil airfield and the requirements for ensuring its safe operation; based on the application of the person who registered civil airfield. If data about an aerodrome is deleted from the State Register, the operation of the aerodrome is suspended, the certificate of state registration of the aerodrome becomes invalid and must be returned to the body carrying out state registration of the aerodrome.
Airfields are:
. basic
. spare
. basic
The airfield is included in the broader concept of “airport”. An airport is a transport enterprise that receives and dispatches passengers, baggage, cargo and mail, organizes and services rolling stock flights. The airport is a complex engineering complex of structures, buildings, technical means and equipment, occupying up to several thousand hectares of territory.
Airports are divided by purpose into:
. international
. republican
. local
Depending on the annual volume of passenger traffic, airports are divided into 5 classes. Major airports worldwide can serve up to several tens of millions of passengers per year.


Air transport is used in the national economy to transport urgent cargo, performs work in the construction of pipelines, bridges, power lines, and participates in work for Agriculture, geological exploration, fishing. In the areas Far North and similar territories, helicopters play a major role in the transportation of goods and passengers. They deliver cargo and passengers to oil fields and other production facilities, geological parties to their place of work, and provide urgent medical care etc. The geography of air transportation of passengers is determined primarily by the nature of settlement and development of individual parts of the country, the territorial organization of urban settlement systems, and the location of large resort areas, scale and directions of international travel. The level of development of air transport is an indicator of the degree of scientific and technical potential of the country. IN last years The pace of development of air transport has slowed down. Demand for transport work exceeded supply. The basis of the country's civil aviation fleet is made up of Il-62, Tu-154, Tu-134, Yak-40 aircraft, developed in the 60-70s and outdated morally and physically (26% of aircraft have been in operation for 15 to 30 years) . Currently, the technical level of the ground base is 60%, and for air terminal complexes - no more than 50%. Depreciation of fixed assets is estimated at 70%. Therefore, the issue of technical re-equipment of air transport, the transition to new types of domestic aircraft (Il-96-300, Tu-204, Il-114, An-70) with better flight and operational characteristics is urgent.


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