Seychelles: where dreams are. Where are the Seychelles islands, capital and attractions

Today Russian tourists They are more picky, so they try to choose the most exotic and attractive places for their vacation. One such place is the Seychelles, which is becoming increasingly popular. And if until recently many Russians had no idea where the Seychelles were, now most Russian tourists can easily show them on the world map.

Where are they located?

Many peoples on earth have legends about a once-existing paradise on earth. Some of them can be considered completely fictitious, but some are still worth paying attention to. Especially if this applies to some regions located closer to the equator, where man has not yet dominated much. The Seychelles Islands are just such a place, often called “Paradise on Earth”.

When the word “Seychelles” is used, it should be borne in mind that this is in fact not one island, but an entire archipelago, which is located in the vast expanses of the ocean.

It will be quite difficult to describe their location in words, because the Indian Ocean is quite large. It is best to pick up a visual aid and see where the Seychelles Islands are located on the world map - it will be the best assistant in resolving this issue.

Generally speaking, we can immediately say that these islands located in the Indian Ocean closer to the equator. And to be more precise, this is West Side of this ocean, approximately 1600 km from the eastern part of the African continent, from Kenya. The next most significant landmark is big Island Madagascar, located a little further south. In relative proximity to the Seychelles there are such quite significant objects as the islands of Mauritius and Reyunuk, which are located further to the south. Further to the southwest are the Comoros Islands, and to the northeast are .

What are the Seychelles Islands like?

Seychelles is a republic consisting of 115 islands having different areas. For those tourists who want to temporarily become modern Robinsons, there is an opportunity to fulfill their dream, because among all the Seychelles islands, only 33 of them are inhabited and they have a granite structure. They have many mountains and hills. All the others have long been known, but no one lives on them, so you can become one with nature there by settling for the entire period of your vacation or at least for a few days. They are small coral atolls; some of them are completely deserted, and some are covered with tropical vegetation.

The area of ​​all these islands is 455 km². There are both small coral islands and quite large ones. The largest island of this archipelago is Mahe. Its area is 142 km² and it has a capital called Victoria. Due to its large size, the island is also home to an international airport. Among the others big islands can be called:

  • Silhouette,
  • Praslin,
  • Aldabra
  • La Digue.

Some researchers believe that in fact the largest island is not Mahe, but Aldabra. The population of the Seychelles is not very large, only about 90 thousand people.

What attracts tourists to the Seychelles so much?

Many people who find out where the Seychelles are located want to visit here. And this is not surprising, since visiting a resort where the sun shines almost all year round and you can swim in the ocean is the dream of any tourist. There is exotic nature here that cannot be found in any region on the planet. Travelers from all over the world come here; and not only from Europe or America, but also from Asia.

Thanks to its beautiful natural landscape with quite exotic flora and fauna, the Seychelles occupy a leading position among all other islands in the world.

The most notable plants, which are quite common in the archipelago, are the Seychelles palm and sea coconut - its fruits can weigh up to 20 kg. One of the best is Silhouette Island, so many tourists prefer to choose it for their vacation. This choice is influenced by the fact that here the natural landscape has practically not been damaged by human hands and we can assume that here people live completely far from the benefits of civilization.

These islands are especially attractive to divers because here you can find some of the most beautiful underwater lagoons. Here the water is so clear that even at a distance of several tens of meters from the coastal strip you can clearly see the seabed. The fish here are not at all afraid of a person submerged in the water, so during such dives you can admire hundreds of different species of fish, corals, and fancy seaweed. There is very wonderful cuisine here that can amaze any gourmet.

How can you get to the Seychelles?

Those Russian tourists who find out where the Seychelles are located immediately try to figure out which way to get there. Neither from Moscow nor from anywhere else Russian city does not exist direct flight to Seychelles. In most cases, tourists fly first to:

  • Zurich

and from there they take a ticket for one of the flights of national airlines. This is the only way to get to the island of Mahe, where the country's main airport is located.

If you need to get to any other large island of this archipelago, then you need to book a plane ticket local airlines. But you can also get to the islands by ferry - here you need to buy a ticket only upon arrival in Mahe. There is another rather interesting option to get to the resort located on one of the islands - by helicopter.

In order not to waste as much time as possible searching for the required air carrier, you should buy tickets in advance. And to the destination itself, since it will cost less. Moreover, it is best to draw up the entire route, where you should indicate not only significant points destinations, but also arrival and departure times, as well as all dates. This is the only way to avoid wasting time on the road.

When is the best time to visit the Seychelles?

You can relax here all year round, because thanks to the proximity of the equator and being surrounded on all sides by water, the climate on all the islands is very mild and warm. Although tropical countries are characterized by stifling heat and high humidity, such negative factors are absent in the Seychelles. The climate here can be called not just tropical, but monsoonal, so the bright sun shines here almost all year round.

This resort can clearly distinguish 2 seasons. The first of them is from May to September. At this time, it feels cool and the humidity drops. At this time, it rarely rains and the average temperature is +25 degrees Celsius. The second season, from November onwards, is distinguished by the monsoon period, which comes from the northeast. At this time it rains, but the air temperature rises to +30 degrees. If you choose the most convenient time for vacation, it will be the months of May and October. During these two months it rains very rarely, the ocean becomes calm and a weak warm wind blows.

Almost every inhabitant of the Earth dreams of relaxing at least once in his life in the Seychelles. Some can afford such luxury, while others can only imagine themselves lying on the coast Indian Ocean, since the Seychelles (vacation prices start from one and a half thousand euros) are not affordable for everyone. But, of course, you can dream, because then why live... And yet this part of the world is truly a piece of paradise with pristine nature, fashionable resorts, gentle and warm beaches and a milky ocean, captivating the eye with its powerful and menacing appearance.

Vasco da Gama and the Admiral Islands

The first European person to visit the Seychelles islands was the notorious Vasco da Gama. He landed on this territory at the very beginning of the 16th century. In his honor, the Portuguese navigator named them the Admiral Islands. Travelers began to use land as a transit point on the way from Asia to Africa. But from time to time, pirates also visited the Seychelles.

For more than two centuries, this place did not officially belong to anyone. In addition, the majority of the then population of the planet did not even suspect where the Seychelles Islands were located. It was not until 1756 that Nicholas Morpheus, a captain from France, laid the foundation for the first European settlement. Then he renamed the islands and gave them their modern name. It glorifies the 15th Minister of Finance under King Louis - Jean Moreau of Seychelles.

With the advent of the 18th century, Great Britain began to declare that it had every right to consider the mysterious piece of land as its territory. There was no armed conflict to have the full right to own the Seychelles. The French side decided to capitulate to the British warships. For this, they asked for permission to give the French on the islands the privileged status of neutral citizens.

Seychelles Islands modern history started in 1976. At this time they acquired the status of an independent state.

Near Madagascar

The Seychelles Islands are located on an area of ​​405 km 2. The Seychelles archipelago consists of 155 islands. Of these, only 33 are inhabited. Large and small areas of land are found in the Indian Ocean, just south of the equator. Located 950 kilometers from them famous island Madagascar.

You can try to discover a variety of ancient pirate secrets where the island is located. Seychelles is simply overcrowded uncharted lands, where no modern man has gone before. Perhaps this is why tourists who come here feel like pioneers. They are enveloped in the feeling that they, like Magellan or Columbus, have found some new territory for the first time.

Royal Islands - the royal capital

Where the Seychelles are located, everything should match their royal grandeur. The capital of the state bears the name that befits royalty. Victoria - this is exactly the name it has main city archipelago, it is located on the island of Mahe. It is the only city on this landmass and the smallest capital in the world. It was founded by the same French in 1778. But the name of the settlement was given by the British. As you might guess, it was given in honor of their queen.

Victoria is an abode of green plants. Coconut trees grow everywhere here. The city is surrounded by numerous hills, on the slopes of which tropical rainforests grow.

The markets have made the capital famous throughout the Seychelles and beyond. Travelers may not know in detail where the island is (the Seychelles are numerous), but they are sure that they will not leave the capital empty-handed. And if you decide to visit this city, then in addition to the local markets, check out Michael Adams’s workshop, the artisans’ village and the tea tavern.


Praslin is the most famous and most visited island by tourists. The Seychelles can be proud of this “member of the family”. This place is called the Island of Palms. The unique forest of Valais de Mai is distinguished by an abundance of rare palm trees that grow exclusively in this part of the world. The most famous of them is Coco de mer. Coconut palm, the fruits of which can reach 40 kilograms. These coconuts are a copy of the world famous female forms described by the immortal Rubens. This is a forest of prehistoric times, protected by the international community.

Descending through the forest below, you can admire the orange trees. Wild pineapples, clove bushes and wild coffee also grow here. And only on Praslin is there a black parrot, which is worth both beingware and admiring. Such beauty is not easy to describe; it all needs to be seen.

Amazing and unique

It seems that the Seychelles islands were created by God in order to make the hearts of people tremble and so that they would bow before such an unsurpassed creation of nature. Arida Island proves that this is all true. This is the most amazing piece of the Seychelles archipelago. The largest colony of terns is located here, which can be observed from the granite cliffs surrounding the area. The most prominent representatives of this breed of birds are the red-tailed and roseate terns. Jasmine Raita grows exclusively in this corner of the planet. Such splendor will forever remain in the memory of tourists.

By the way, many travelers have visited the Seychelles. And no one has ever spoken badly about this area. When tourists try to talk about their excursion, they cannot find suitable words to describe all the delights that nature has endowed this territory with. Nobody ever feels bad here. All negativity disappears as soon as you step off the plane.

Few people know that the Seychelles islands consist of 113 coral and 42 granite islands. The latter are considered the most ancient landmass on the planet. The island of Aldabra Atoll is home to hundreds of thousands of huge turtles and millions of fish and birds.

The Seychelles should not be perceived as part of Africa. They are not her territory in any way: be it political, cultural or geographical relation. They are separated from both this continent and India. These are oceanic islands, just like the Maldives or Mauritius.

Flora and fauna

Seychelles (located in the Indian Ocean) is overcrowded a huge amount endemic plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else but here. Strict environmental legislation applies here. One-of-a-kind orchid varieties, the aforementioned Coco de Mer palm, Gina jellyfish, and gigantic size Aldabar turtles, black parrots and many other unique representatives of the flora and fauna live on inhabited and uninhabited islands.

What to have for lunch

Kitchen Paradise Islands- This is a special part of the country’s culture. And travelers tempted by various overseas dishes will undoubtedly appreciate it. Seychelles, where in ocean waters There are almost a thousand species of various fish that cannot be imagined without such an exquisite dish. The most popular dishes are baked bourgeois fish, shark chatini, octopus cooked in coconut curry (zurit) and lobsters with lemon sauce.

Local cuisine was formed under the influence of traditional recipes of the islanders. But European, especially French, chefs also played an important role in the development of Seychelles culinary art.

If you're going to have fun, then do it to the fullest.

And each island will help with this in the best possible way. The Seychelles are a delight at any time of the year local residents and visiting guests with its traditional and world-famous festivals. One of them is Creole. It takes place in October and lasts a whole week. During this time, the event demonstrates national Creole dances, fashion, art, music, cuisine and much, much more. Creole culture is revealed in all its diversity.

An equally famous event is Subios. This annual holiday underwater photography and cinema. During the day, guests have the chance to dive underwater and test themselves in this art form. As night falls, lectures begin, films and videos from famous figures in this field begin.

Visit the Seychelles and you will never regret it!

Seychelles on the world map

Detailed map of Seychelles

Seychelles Map

Seychelles on the world map is located north of Madagascar. The islands are washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean, which shares them with Africa. The archipelago consists of 42 islands, as a detailed map of Seychelles will show. The largest of them is the Mahe Islands. Here is the capital of the country, the city of Victoria, which will help you find a map of Seychelles in Russian. Among other popular tourist destinations The islands of Silway and Praslin are worth noting. In addition, a map of Seychelles with attractions will allow you to find coral islands, where people usually go for diving or snorkeling. On Praslin, among other things, there is a picturesque national park Val de Mai. A Seychelles map will help you navigate it. In general, the islands are home to many rare birds and unique plants and flowers. Usually the habitats contain a guidebook or map of Seychelles, so it will be useful to download or purchase them.

The Seychelles are 115 islands of incredible beauty located in the Indian Ocean, east of Africa. This is a place of absolute peace, solitude and measured life. This is an idyll. This is probably why the Seychelles - favorite place newlyweds from all over the world who come here for their Honeymoon. If you don’t yet know where the Seychelles Islands are on the world map, you can take a look at them below.

The Seychelles archipelago is located outside the cyclone zone, so it is always quiet and peaceful and there are only 2 climates: dry and wet. The Seychellois are perhaps the most leisurely people; they are not in a hurry, but relax and relax against the backdrop of lush thickets of hibiscus, ginger and coconut palms.

Mahe Island and Victoria

Islands discovered famous navigator Vasca da Gama, when he walked along the Great Silk Road to India in 1502 through the Cape Good Hope. Mahe is one of the three largest islands of Seychelles (27 km long and 12 km wide). Victoria, the capital of the Seychelles, is located on the island of Mahe, and was formerly called Port Royal. The capital began to be called Victoria when the Seychelles came under the control of England - and so it remained Victoria forever. Although the small town is the smallest capital on Earth (population 25 thousand), construction there has long been prohibited: in an effort to limit the boundaries of the city, the state takes care of its ecology.

Main attractions of the capital:

  • local history museum;
  • St Paul's Cathedral;
  • Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception;
  • Indian temple;
  • arts and crafts center;
  • Botanical Garden Mont Fleuri (near the city, in the valley).

The cultural life of Mahe is concentrated south of the capital, on east coast. Here it is interesting to visit the Creole Institute, which studies Creole culture and language. Seychelles is the only country where Creole is recognized as the official language. If you visit the archipelago in October, at the end of the month you can see the annual Creole festival with national dances, fashion shows and exhibitions.

Botanical Garden

The main exhibit is considered to be Lodoicea - the famous Seychelles palm tree with huge fruits in the shape of appetizing female thighs. This is coco de mer - a sea coconut weighing more than 20 kg, shaped like a human heart. In the "May Valley" national park Seychelles has 7,000 sea coconut palms. The tree reaches a height of 30 meters and lives for several hundred years! The fruits with a very hard and thick shell take 10 years to ripen; in ancient times, ships from Europe were specially equipped for them. The fruit is expensive, about $100, and can only be exported outside the country with a special permit.

Tourists also visit with interest the Black Pearl farm, whose main activity is pearl mining.

Located near Victoria, Intendanse Bay is famous for its wonderful coral sand beaches, modern hotels with excellent service, trendy restaurants, bars and discos.

Praslin: coconut island

Praslin is only considered the second largest island of the archipelago, but in fact it is tiny: you can walk around it in an hour. However, many tourists come here, since Praslin is the location of famous Seychelles beaches Cote d'Or and Anse Lazio. In addition, this is where lovers of solitude stop to rest: at their service wild beaches Anse Georgette and Anse Consolacion.

A natural attraction of Praslin is the coco de mer - a sea coconut weighing more than 20 kg, shaped like a human heart. May Valley, Seychelles National Park, is home to 7,000 sea coconut palms. Tourists also visit with interest the Black Pearl farm, whose main activity is pearl mining.

There are three diving centers on Praslin - Octopus, Bleu Marine and Whitetip Divers, offering dives near coral reefs around the islands of the entire archipelago.

Not far from Praslin there is Curieuse Island, where it is very interesting to visit a marine reserve and a giant tortoise farm on an excursion.

Silhouette: complete privacy

Silhouette Island is one of the three largest islands in the Seychelles archipelago. Snow-white beaches, the blue of the ocean, dense coastal thickets, flowers, birds - this is the world that will be the environment for every tourist who comes here to spend their vacation here. Accommodation is possible in the only hotel on the island, Silhuette Island Lodge 5*. Resort guests can be guaranteed to receive luxury holiday in solitude in the lap of tropical nature.

La Digue: pink beaches

The beautiful tiny island of La Digue is also one of the most “tourist” Seychelles islands. The ringing silence, the pink beaches of Grand Anse, Petit Anse and Anse Coco, the Union Estate Park - these are all the advantages of La Digue, but it is precisely for this peaceful tranquility on the ocean that tourists from all over the world love this island.

Popular dive sites in La Digue, including Channel Rock, White Bank, Grand Ser, West Sister Rock, Ave Maria, Coral Garden, allow exotic lovers to swim in the labyrinths of coral atolls and admire the underwater inhabitants to their heart's content (large barracuda, gray shark, etc.).

Denise: exciting diving

An islet two kilometers long, Deniz is extremely popular among diving fans. All conditions for deep-sea diving are created here, opening up a completely different world to tourists. All divers especially like to watch sea ​​turtles, as well as deep sea fishing. The local Denis Island Lodge 4* hotel provides accommodation for tourists with any budget, since resort guests are provided with bungalows of different categories.

Sainte-Anne: honeymoon island

The considerable territory of the island of Sainte-Anne allows you to competently organize areas of complete privacy, which is why newlyweds and couples in love come here so willingly. Villas and chalets of different price levels increase the opportunities for those wishing to relax in comfortable conditions without serious damage to their wallets. There is also a hotel on the island that is deservedly recognized as the best on the archipelago - this is the Sainte Anne Resort, and although accommodation there is very expensive, the hotel is never empty. In addition to romantic young people, many divers of all ages relax on Sainte-Anne: they are attracted by rare species of fish and incredibly beautiful corals in the coastal waters.

Sainte Anne Island

Island hotels

An attractive feature of the Seychelles is the presence of islands on which only one luxury hotel is built. Comfortable service relieves tourists of all everyday worries, and they completely surrender to a serene holiday, literally dissolving in nature and experiencing boundless delight from merging with the outside world.

One of these islands is Berd. It is perfect for those who are looking for isolation from the outside world at least for a while and plan to live on the shore of a turquoise lagoon, in palm thickets. On Berd there is only the Bird Island Lodge 4* hotel with staff, and no one else. The feeling of solitude is supported by the absence of all signs of civilization - televisions, the Internet, telephones (even air conditioners).

If you also dream of relaxing on the ocean coast, forgetting about everything in the world and enjoying freedom, buy a tour to the Seychelles! Give yourself a gift bright world tropical nature.

Travel packages and tours

about country

Seychelles - amazing world, full of bright colors and spicy aromas, enchanting sounds of unusual music and the sound of the surf, ancient legends and amazing stories about pirate treasures.

Seychelles is a unique corner, lost in the vast expanses of the ocean, which many often call “Paradise on Earth” or “Eden”. Seychelles has many amazingly beautiful islands, each of them is interesting in its own way. The most popular among travelers are, and.

Holidays in the Seychelles mean countless beaches with silver-white sand, which are rightfully considered one of the best in the world, exotic nature, the like of which cannot be found anywhere else on the planet, as well as local kitchen and great service. The Seychelles attracts travelers from all over the world and leaves unforgettable impressions.

Holidays in the Seychelles are ideal for both romantics and those who are keen extreme species sports. Here nature itself has created ideal conditions for surfing, windsurfing, scuba diving, spearfishing, water skiing or canoeing and much more.

Nature and geography

The Seychelles Islands are located in the western Indian Ocean, northeast of Madagascar, 1,500 km east of Kenya. Seychelles is located between the fourth and fifth degrees south of the equator.

The country is an isolated archipelago of incredible beauty, consisting of 115 islands. Approximately 35 of them form the "Inner Island Group" and have a granitic structure. As a rule, these are islands with many mountains and hills and a narrow coastal strip; the remaining islands are coral atolls. The largest of them, Aldabra, is also a national park, which is under the auspices of UNESCO.

Seychelles is one of the smallest countries, its area is only 455.3 square meters. km. Largest islands– Mahe, Praslin and La Digue.

The capital of the Seychelles is the city of Victoria, located on the island of Mahe.

Time in Seychelles. The time difference with Moscow is 1 hour per winter period, V summer period there is no time difference.

Seychelles is a republic, its status is enshrined in the Constitution of June 18, 1993, since then this day has been celebrated as a national holiday. The islands were first noticed by Arab sailors 1000 years ago, but not only were they attracted by the convenient location of the archipelago - Phoenicians also often appeared here and Indonesians. Almost 500 years ago, the islands were discovered by the famous Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama. Seychelles was both a British and French colony. On June 29, 1976, the Seychelles declared independence and became a republic.

Customs regulations. Arrivals in the Seychelles are allowed to carry 400 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 250 g of tobacco, 2 liters of alcohol, 125 ml of perfume or 250 ml eau de toilette and other goods worth no more than 3,000 Seychellois rupees (US$ 550). It is prohibited to import flammable materials, weapons, including those for spearfishing, narcotic substances and medications without a prescription. A special permit is required to import pets. It is prohibited to transport vegetables, fruits, plants, meat and meat products, and canned food. Installed export bans coconuts, shells, corals, turtle products.

Currency of the Seychelles. 1 rupee contains 100 cents. 5 rupees are equal to 1USD. There are banknotes in denominations of 10, 25, 50 and 100 rupees, coins in denominations of 1 and 5 rupees, as well as 1, 5, 10 and 25 cents. You can also sometimes find silver and gold coins in circulation. Credit cards Visa and American Express are accepted almost everywhere, except in very small settlements.

Currency exchange. Currency can be exchanged at hotels or local banks. A maximum of 1,000 rupees, or $200, can be taken out of the country; there are no restrictions on the import and export of foreign currency. It is recommended to bring American dollars or traveler's checks in this currency, since rupees cannot be used by tourists to pay for rent, excursions, or in restaurants. It is recommended to exchange a small amount of money immediately upon arrival at Victoria Airport, located on the island of Mahe.

Banks in Seychelles open from 8.30 to 14.30 from Monday to Friday, on Saturday from 8.30 to 11.00.

Tips for tourists

January 1 – New Year
Holy Friday - no fixed date
Easter – no fixed date
May 1 – Labor Day
June 5 – Liberation Day
June 18 – National Day
June 29 – Independence Day
November 1 – All Saints Day
December 25 – Christmas

Also in April, an annual festival dedicated to water world Seychelles.
In September, a water regatta takes place on the island of La Digue.
The Creole Festival is celebrated in October.
An annual fishing competition is held in November.

The shops. For those wishing to purchase souvenirs, we can recommend some wonderful products self made sea ​​shells and pearls, wicker baskets, paintings by local artists, including batik painting, mats, beautiful wood or bamboo carvings and, of course, quintessence Seychelles souvenirs– coco del mer. Local tea, of which there are a great variety on the islands, can also be purchased as a souvenir. It must be borne in mind that products made from tortoise shells will necessarily be confiscated at customs. the best place for shopping in the Seychelles is located in Victoria. Here you can wander the streets and do some shopping. There are also several shops on Praslin, but there are not so many on the other islands. Large hotels usually have boutiques. Shops are open during the week and on Saturday mornings.

Tips, as a rule, range from 5% to 10% and are already included in the cost of service.

Transport in Seychelles. The islands have an international airport (in Victoria), several seaports and several local airports. Between the islands of Mahe, Praslin and La Digue you can travel by river buses or high-speed catamarans. Travelers should note that flights between Mahe and Praslin are frequently canceled due to technical issues. Very convenient to inspect local beauties and sights from a helicopter or private plane, however, renting one is expensive, but renting a bicycle or car is available to everyone, especially since this is the most successful way to get around the island. You can also travel by taxi, the parking lot of which is located on Albert Street in Victoria and operates around the clock.

Car rental. If you want to take a car, you must have a driver's license (Russian license is also valid) and you must be at least 22 years old. Traffic in the Seychelles is on the left, like in Britain, the quality of the roads is not bad. The maximum driving speed in the city is 45 km/h, outside settlements– 65 km/h. The cost of 1 liter of gasoline is just over a dollar; there are six gas stations on Mahe Island and two on Praslin. The gas station in Victoria is open from 5am to 11pm.

Electricity - 240 volts, 50 Hz

Postal services. Telephone services. Internet. Central building The post office is located in Victoria and is open from 8.00 to 16.00 from Monday to Friday, on Saturday from 8.00 to noon. You can send letters directly from the hotel. You can also use the telephone in most hotels. The country code is 248. There are several internet cafes on Mahe and at least one on Praslin.

Medical service. The climate in the Seychelles is very healthy and there are no known tropical diseases common in, for example, Kenya or. There is a small risk of contracting hepatitis A, so vaccination is recommended before travel.

As for the local water, in general it is quite suitable for drinking, but it is better to use either boiled or bottled water. It is preferable to eat in cafes or restaurants, since the variety of cuisine allows you to choose dishes to suit every taste. A lot of food is sold from stalls, but it is better to refrain from eating it.

The central hospital is located in Victoria on Mahe Island (tel. 224400). Doctors speak English and/or French. There are also other clinics, including private ones, on Mahe, Praslin and La Digue. Medical care is free and provided by the state.

Emergency phone number Seychelles - 999.

Since the climate on the islands is tropical, which means quite humid and hot, recommended to wear light clothes made from natural materials, for women - light dresses, shorts or pareos during the day and long skirts in the evening, for men - shorts and a T-shirt. The most suitable shoes are flip flops or sandals. Swimming suits are only worn on the beach.

The Seychelles has excellent conditions for sports lovers. Here you can surf, windsurf, paragliding, sailing and water skiing, canoeing or hang gliding. On their own, or using the services of an experienced instructor, those interested can engage in spearfishing and fishing. However, it would not be entirely correct to say that the Seychelles are ideal only for aquatic species sports.

Mahe has an excellent golf course just south of international airport in Victoria. The golf course on Praslin Island is considered one of the best in the world. Most hotels have tennis courts. On the islands there is also the opportunity to engage in horse riding.

Hiking tours of various difficulty levels on the islands of Mahe, Praslin, La Digue and some others are popular, giving travelers great opportunity explore their beauty and get acquainted with the local exotic flora and fauna. As a rule, information about them can be obtained from hotels.

Many hotels on the islands have cinemas and discos, and barbecues with folk songs and dances are often held there. It is interesting to watch or take part in local entertainment, listen to music unusual for Europeans called “kamtolet”, which is a mixture of waltz, polka and quadrille, see how they dance “mautia”, an African dance to the sounds of drums and tom-toms, or an equally famous dance "now."

Victoria is home to cinemas and theaters, which often feature theater productions in English, French and Creole. There are casinos in downtown Victoria, as well as the Beau Vallon Bay Hotel and the Plantation Club. Praslin is also home to the magnificent Casino des Iles.


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