What island is Seychelles located on? Where are the Seychelles Islands? Which beach to choose in Seychelles

1) group of islands in the Indian Ocean S.-V. from O. Madagascar; territory of the state of Seychelles. Open Portuguese seafarers at the beginning of the 16th century V. and called the Seven Sisters, - "sisters" because Portuguese ilha "island" wives genus, and seven is used to designate a set and does not indicate a specific number of islands (there are now 85 of them) . In 1742 G. Captain L. Pico by order French Governor Bertrand F. Maheu, Comte de la Bourdonnais examined islands and named them in honor of the governor of La Bourdonnais. However, already in 1756 G. they were renamed to islands Sechelle (Sechelles) in honor of the Minister of War and Navy. Maurois de Sechelle's fleet (the name of the governor was retained for the main island of the Mahe archipelago) . In 1794 G. arch. captured by Great Britain and the name was given to English, the form of Sepshela (Seychelles) , Russian traditional Seychelles Islands.

2) Republic of Seychelles, state V zap. parts Indian Ocean, on the islands of Seychelles, Amirante and etc. smaller ones.

Named after the Seychelles Islands, which make up approx. 75% of the territory of the state. Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. - M: AST

. Pospelov E.M.

(2001. Seychelles Seychelles ), state on the islands in Indian Ocean – Seychelles, Amirante, Cosmoledo, Praslin, Providence, etc., a total of 115 islands, total area. 405 km² (including the largest Mahe - 142 km²). Capital Victoria ; the head of the state is the president, the legislative power is vested in the National. meeting. Member of the British Commonwealth. The climate is subequatorial, maritime. In internal Evergreen tropical forests have been preserved in the areas. There are many endemics, including the relict Seychelles palm coco de mer ("sea coconut") on the island. Praslin (the world's largest nuts weighing up to 20 kg and leaves up to 3 m wide); giant turtles weighing up to 250 kg on the island. Aldabra, bird colonies on the island. Cousin and others. Population 90 thousand people. (2001); in the main Creoles. Official language - Creole, or Krio (French with an admixture of English, Swahili and Malagasy); English and French are also used; 90% of the population are Catholic Christians. OK. 60% of processed sq. occupied by coconut palm plantations. The main export product is copra (45% of exports). Vanilla and essential oils such as patchouli, cinnamon (cinnamon), cloves and other spices are also exported. Sah. are grown. cane, tobacco, fruits (mangoes, bananas, pineapples), vegetables, breadfruit, tea. Basic food product rice is imported. Alive: large horn. cattle, pigs. Fish (tuna). Tourism provides 90% of foreign exchange earnings. Small production lines for processing. village-household raw materials; production of furniture, boats. Manufacturing of products from palm fibers, turtle shells, etc. Int. airport. Cash unit – Seychelles rupee.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under the general editorship of academician. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .

. Pospelov E.M.

a group of 85 islands and rocks in the Indian Ocean, northeast of the island of Madagascar. The earliest name for the Seychelles is “Seven Sisters,” presumably Portuguese. Total area OK. 444 km². They are part of the state of Seychelles. Composed of granites and coral limestones. The largest: o. Mahe and Fr. Praslin. Three types of origin of the islands have been established: high granite, low rift, raised reefs. High islands have a dissected topography with the greatest abs. mark on o. Mahe (905 m). Low islands are fringed by coral reefs, sometimes wide. up to 2 km. The climate is subequatorial marine. Average month temperatures 26–28 °C. Precipitation up to 5000 mm per year. On large islands there are tropical forests, on the peaks they turn into crooked forests. National parks in the Morne Seixuellua mountain range and around the islands. The islands were discovered by the Portuguese F. Soares in 1502.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .


A state located on 115 islands scattered in the western Indian Ocean northeast of the island of Madagascar. The area of ​​the country is 455 km2. The state consists of two island groups: Mahe in the north and coral islands in the south. The 32 islands of the Mahe group are granite rocks, and their height above sea level sometimes exceeds 900 m. The main islands of the country are located in this group. These are the islands of Mahe, Platte, Silhouette, Coetivie. 83 coral islands have virtually no water resources and most of them are uninhabited.
The country's population (1998 estimate) is about 78,650 people, with an average population density of about 173 people per km2. About 90% of the population lives on the island of Mahe. Ethnic groups: Creoles - 95%, Indians, Chinese. Language: Creole (dialect based on French), English, French (all state). Religion: Catholics - 90%, Protestants - 8%. Capital and The largest city- Victoria (35,000 people). State structure- republic. The head of state is President France Albert Rene (in office since June 5, 1977, re-elected for another term in 1993). AND Currency unit- Seychelles rupee. Average life expectancy (as of 1998): 67 years for men, 74 years for women. The birth rate (per 1000 people) is 19.7. The mortality rate (per 1000 people) is 6.6.
The first Europeans on the islands were the Portuguese in 1502. However, they did not colonize the territory. In 1756, the islands, at that time still uninhabited, came under French control and in 1768 the first settlers appeared on them - planters and slaves. The islands were annexed by Britain in 1794 and were administered from Mauritius for the next century. In 1903, the islands became a separate dependent territory. On June 29, 1976, the country gained independence. In 1978, the activities of all political parties except the ruling ones were banned, which was enshrined in the 1979 constitution. In 1991, the ban on multi-party politics was lifted. Seychelles is a member of the UN, the Organization of African Unity, and the British Commonwealth of Nations.
The famous Seychelles palm tree, discovered in 1742, grows in the Seychelles. The height of the palm is 30 m, the crown of 30 leaves, the length of the leaves is 3-5 m, the width is 2-2.5 m. The palm blooms at the age of 20 to 40 years and the flower lives for 8-10 years. The main attraction of the country are the beaches.

Encyclopedia: cities and countries. 2008 .

Seychelles (Republic of Seychelles) is a state on the Seychelles and Amirante Islands, on the Aldabra and Farquhar Islands in the Indian Ocean. Area 405 sq. km. The population (81.8 thousand people) consists of Creoles. official languages- English and French. The believers are mainly Catholics.
Seychelles - 115 paradise islands in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The islands owe their name to the French expedition of 1756, whose commander renamed the islands, giving them the name of the French Minister of Finance of that time - Viscount Moret de Sechelles. Later, the new owners of the islands, the British, began to call them in the English manner - Seychelles. The Republic of Seychelles gained independence in 1976. As a former colony of Great Britain (cm. Great Britain) it is part of the Commonwealth of Nations. The head of state is the president. Legislative power in the country belongs to the President and the National Assembly. The basis of modern society is made up of Creoles - descendants of French settlers and African slaves. There are also many Indians, Chinese, Malagasy and English.
The interweaving of races and ethnic groups has formed the unique culture of the Seychellois. About 85% of the total population lives on the main island of Mahe, 30% of them live in the capital of the state and the only city in the state, Victoria. Of the 115 islands, only 33 are inhabited. The mixing of the population affected the diversity of religions. The vast majority of residents are Catholics, but there are also Protestants, Muslims, Hindus, and even Confucians.
Seychelles love music and dancing, and often organize festivals and folk celebrations. The dance halls are crowded with representatives of all nations and ages. Local music is often played: old French tunes with a local interpretation. In mountain villages you can still watch African dances to the beat of tom-toms. Seychelles women are known for their sociability, friendliness and hospitality. As a result, all over the world, where men who have visited the Seychelles meet in bars and nightclubs, rumors about a “paradise for bachelors” are spreading. Every year the islands are visited by a number of tourists equal to the total population of the state, and in last years- even more.

To find the Seychelles Islands on the map, you need to count from east coast Africa (from coastline Kenya (cm. Kenya) or Tanzania (cm. Tanzania)) 1500 km to the east. All 115 islands barely cover 0.4 thousand square meters. km, of which 142 sq. km accounts for main island Seychelles - Mahe. The Seychelles contains several groups of islands: the Seychelles proper, the so-called Inner Islands (Mahe, Praslin, Bird, La Digue, Fregate, Curieuse) and the so-called Outer (remote from the island of Mahe) Amirant Islands, Aldabra Islands and Farquhar Islands. The islands, although small, are scattered over a huge area and the distance between some of them exceeds 1000 km.
The uniqueness of the Inner Islands lies in the fact that their structure is similar to the African continent and the Indian subcontinent (all of them, together with Madagascar, once formed a single continent). That is why the Seychelles is often called fragments of a continent, and sometimes even a microcontinent. In contrast, the Outer Islands are composed of corals and are typical atolls. The most high point on the mountainous island of Mahe reaches 905 m above sea level. Coral islands barely rise above the ocean expanses by 4–8 m. The long-term isolation of the islands ensured the preservation of a completely unique flora and fauna on the islands themselves, and the warm and gentle sea guarantees everyone who wants to descend into its depths the richest fantastic world of coral reefs.

It never gets cold in the Seychelles. Average annual temperatures fluctuate between 26–28 °C. There is a lot of precipitation (from 1900 to 3500 mm), and it usually falls in the summer. The “hottest” season occurs in March–April, but this is very conditional, since the difference with other months is barely 2–3 °C. The heat is usually moderated by constant winds from the sea. Seasons differ mainly in number rainy days. It is somewhat drier in May–November. The local population is always interested in the direction and strength of the winds, which affects the ability to go out into the ocean to fish. However, there are no really strong hurricanes in the Seychelles; cyclones pass to the side, closer to the island of Mauritius.

The first inhabitants of the islands in the Middle Ages (13–15 centuries) were in the sphere of influence of the East African state of Zanzibar, and at the beginning of the 16th century they were discovered by the Portuguese. Decline of Portugal (cm. Portugal) in the 17th–18th centuries contributed to the capture of the archipelago by France (cm. France). The naval war between Great Britain and Napoleonic France that flared up at the beginning of the 19th century led to a change of masters. From 1810 until the 20th century, power on the islands was firmly held by the British Crown.
In 1814, the Seychelles united with the island of Mauritius into a single administrative-colonial unit, and in 1880–1890 the British government granted them the right to create local authorities, including executive and legislative councils. The small size of the island population for a long time did not allow the national liberation struggle to be waged, and only after the Second World War did popular discontent take on the character of open social protest, which also resulted in mass strikes in 1966 and 1972. In 1970, Great Britain granted the islands the right of broad internal autonomy. On June 28, 1976, the Seychelles were declared an independent republic.
Natural attractions
Nature is the main asset of the country. Its uniqueness is due to unique story development, which made these islands a kind of natural reserve, where species of plants and animals were preserved that had long disappeared in the adjacent territories of the African continent. The Seychelles became a paradise for birds much earlier than for tourists. Almost the entire feathered world is represented here - from the inhabitants of the thicket of the tropical forest to lovers of the ocean spaces; There are many unique endemic species listed in the World Red Book, whose populations number only two to three dozen individuals. In total, the Seychelles is home to 14 endemic bird species (when the islands began to be settled by Europeans, there were 16). It is worth visiting the huge bird market on the tiny island of Bird, 100 km north of Mahe Island. The spectacle is truly impressive, and if you go during the season, you will be lucky enough to try dishes made from the eggs of sooty terns.
A colony of frigatebirds (one of the largest birds) can be seen on Aldabra Island. Their colony numbers several hundred thousand and is considered the largest in the Indian Ocean. The tropical forests are inhabited by parrots (black wasa parrots and “cato noir”, a dwarf green parrot), weaver birds, Seychelles doves, Seychelles falcons, Seychelles owl, etc. On the island of La Digue the only small colony in the world has been preserved (about 40 in total). individuals) of paradise flycatchers.
Cousin Island was purchased by Bird Conservation International and turned into a bird sanctuary. Terns (several species), petrels, white-tailed birds and other birds inhabit this island. Some bird species are found only on the islands of the Indian Ocean. Under the name "coco de mer" are known double coconuts of huge size (on average they weigh 15 kg), which grow only on the island of Praslin (25 miles from the island of Mahe). For many centuries and even millennia, these nuts weird shape remained a mystery to the whole world. They were washed ashore by storms in India (cm. India), Sri Lanka (cm. Sri Lanka) and even Indonesia (cm. Indonesia) That's why they got the name "sea coconuts". No one knew exactly what it was or what the origin of these items was. As a result, the most amazing legends were formed. Until the mid-18th century, even small pieces of these nuts were highly valued.
They were credited with amazing healing properties for many diseases. Versions have been put forward that the island on which the amazing Seychelles palm tree grows was the place where the Garden of Eden was located, and that the tree itself is the famous “tree of knowledge,” and its fruit is precisely that forbidden one. The most famous grove of these amazing plants, which you will not see anywhere else, is located in the Vallée de Maye, the only reserve where excursions are provided for tourists.
Ancient representatives of amphibians, turtles, can be considered one of business cards Seychelles. These islands are one of the few places on earth where giant turtles have been preserved (some specimens reach a length of 125 cm). Aldabra Island is famous for the largest colony of these amphibians. There are few turtles left on other islands due to extermination over the past 200 years.
Almost all the Seychelles islands have coral reefs. Thanks to the transparency and shallowness of the ocean and shores undersea world The reefs are fantastically rich and varied. You can participate in sea ​​trip on a glass-bottom boat, or snorkel or scuba dive, or simply walk along the reefs exposed at low tide. You need to walk on the reefs in shoes (preferably with thick soles), and dive in a wetsuit. The Seychelles provides the opportunity to go on fishing trips that will last a lifetime. You can catch tuna or shark, and if you’re lucky, you can also catch huge sailfish or marlin, up to 200 kilograms!

Holidays in Seychelles
Tourists are attracted to the Seychelles by the opportunity to soak up the luxurious beaches, sunbathe, live in comfortable conditions, swim among the coastal corals and simply relax in a calm and friendly atmosphere. The sea around Seychelles is considered shark-free. However, swimmers and those who like to swim far need to remember the danger of coastal currents. All the islands have many beautiful beaches.
The most famous, “civilized” beach of Beau Vallon is a strip of fine sand and is located on the main island of Mahe. Here you can indulge in any of the main types of entertainment - sailing boats, windsurfing, canoeing, water skiing. The clean water and bottom provide ideal conditions for swimming, and the presence of restaurants and bars nearby eliminates the need to return to the hotel during the day. A lot of small islands, such as Praslin or La Digue, offer the opportunity to spend a completely quiet and relaxing day on the shore away from people.
Perhaps the only danger for swimmers is sea ​​urchins and some poisonous fish. You can avoid unpleasant encounters by swimming in safe place and with some caution. Each island has comfortable hotels, campsites and bungalows. You can always hire a boat to travel to other islands.
Wandering along the shore and diving in the coastal waters, you can find a lot of wonderful shells (more than 300 species of shellfish live around Mahe Island alone) and corals, but you cannot export them. For exported “natural” souvenirs, it is necessary to obtain a special permit, which, as a rule, is issued if there is a certificate of their official acquisition (a receipt confirming that the item was officially purchased).

National parks
There are several on the islands national parks. They allow you to get acquainted with the main natural attractions and just have a good time. National marine park organized on the basis of several coastal areas and waters of the islands of Sainte-Anne, Cerf and Moyenne; Underwater coral landscapes are protected here. The mentioned huge Aldabra atoll has been turned into a reserve for the conservation of giant sea turtles, as well as a colony of frigate birds. The May Valley on Praslin Island has been declared a national park; it is here that the famous protected grove of amazing Seychelles palm trees is located. An ornithological reserve has been established on Cousin Island to preserve the endemic feathered inhabitants of the islands.

There is only one city in the Seychelles - the capital Victoria on the main island of Mahe. In addition to Mahe Island, the main, “large” islands are Praslin, Aldabara, La Digue, Berd, and Moyenne.

The main island is home to the bulk of the population, and it is this island that serves as the base for tourists arriving at the modern international airport. Comfortable hotels to suit all tastes and budgets are scattered throughout Mahe. Most of them are brought from the depths of the island and from the city closer to the ocean, to the beaches. There are practically no buildings higher than three floors. There is a ban on the construction of structures higher than palm trees, so as not to spoil the landscape.
It is interesting to visit the local bazaar, the village of crafts, go to the shops with spices and herbs, look into the mosque and Hindu temple, visit the port, watching the arrival of fishermen with a varied catch. The city has a lot of bars, restaurants and discos. Life in Victoria flows calmly and slowly, quite like a resort, which helps create the image of an ideal relaxing holiday. You can climb the slopes of the mountains surrounding the capital, walk along tropical forest, view from above the main wealth of the islands - fantastic beaches of coral sand. It is interesting to travel around the island by car, with mountain roads amazing views open up.

The second most important island is famous for its extraordinary groves of Seychelles palm trees. In fact, the entire island is one rock up to 300 m high. Its slopes, destroyed by erosion, are cut through by picturesque green valleys. There are only two villages on the island, but small, cozy, completely homely hotels with all amenities have been built for tourists.

The world's largest coral atoll miraculously escaped the fate of becoming military base Great Britain, but it has become a place of pilgrimage for tourists, and most importantly, biologists and ecologists from all over the world. The inner lagoon occupies almost 200 km 2. Narrow straits divide the atoll into four segments. Aldabra has become a refuge for huge turtles (land and sea) and many thousands of birds.

La Digue
On the island you can find a quiet Robinson-like holiday, a completely clean seabed, and clear water. The only transport here is ox carts. National Museum under open air will introduce you to the traditions of copra mining. Many consider this island to be the most cozy corner Seychelles.

You can get to this “bird paradise” (as evidenced by the name of the island) by plane, and stay in a fairly comfortable family hotel. Fishing lovers will not remain indifferent to the possibilities of grand ocean fishing.

The island belongs to a private individual, but is fully equipped for receiving guests. What attracts people to this tiny piece of land is not only the opportunity to soak up the beach in silence and solitude, but also the hope of finding pirate treasures allegedly left on this island. Everyone is given the opportunity to try their luck.

Encyclopedia of tourism Cyril and Methodius. 2008 .



Lost heaven or where are the Seychelles on the world map

Holidays on the islands have always attracted more attention than holidays at sea. Still, when you say “I’m vacationing on an island,” it sounds prouder and more presentable. Especially if these are world-famous islands such as the Seychelles. On the world map they are located in the Indian Ocean. There are 115 islands in total, but people live on only thirty-three of them. Let's see what kind of place this is, is it convenient to relax here, and what countries are nearby or there is only one ocean around.

World map with Seychelles

And so, as we have already written, the Seychelles are located in the Indian Ocean. Contrary to popular belief, the Seychelles is located in South Africa, and have nothing to do with South-East Asia. The African continent is approximately 1600 kilometers away. The closest to the Seychelles is Madagascar - another Island state.

Geography and some features

All islands are divided into two types: coral and granite. The granite group of islands includes 42 islands. Most people live on these islands. They also live on corals, but not more than 10% of the population.
Forests grow on granite islands. They mainly consist of palm trees, but ferns are also found.
The peculiarity of the coral islands is that they have a height of up to 8 meters above sea level. That is, almost flat and without mountains. Since there is a continuous plain, moisture from rain is not retained and little grows on such islands.

Weather and climate

Up to 2,250 millimeters of precipitation can fall in the Seychelles in a year. The driest months are summer. And the monsoon season runs from December to March.
The average temperature remains almost unchanged throughout the year. This is thanks to the equator, which is very close. Whether in the summer or at any other time of the year, during the day it’s about +27, and at night around +22 degrees Celsius.
The beach season is possible all year round, but during the rainy season it is problematic to relax here.

According to the latest data, the permanent population of the islands is about 88 thousand people.
Life expectancy is more than 74 years.
The state receives its main income from tourism. About 70% of the currency comes from tourism.
The main export product is fish. It is caught here and sold fresh or frozen.
There is only one airport on the islands. He accepts international flights. Domestic flights not here.

This wonderful country received its name in 1756 in honor of the French statesman and political figure - Jean Moreau de Sechelles. At that time, the Seychelles belonged to the French East India Company.

Where are the Seychelles Islands on the map?

This is an island state in the Indian Ocean, located south of the equator, one thousand six hundred kilometers east of the African mainland, northeast of Madagascar. You can see in detail and find out where the Seychelles are on the map below.

The area of ​​the state is small - 455 km?. The largest island is Mahe. There is also an international airport there. In total, the state includes 115 islands, but most of the islands are coral, and there are only a few large ones with paradise resorts. These are islands such as Praslin, Silhouette, La Digue and others. All of them are distant from Fr. Mahe at 50-70 km.

The official language of the state is Creole. However, they also speak English and French. The state currency is the Seychelles rupee. One rupee is equal to one hundred cents. According to data for 2009, the population of the paradise state is about 90 thousand people, which is 193 people per square meter.

The climate on these paradise islands is subequatorial maritime. The weather here is beautiful all year round (26-28 °C) - bright sun, a light breeze, which, thanks to the ocean, contributes to the absence of heat. In general, everything you need for an unforgettable vacation.

Nature in Seychelles

Due to prolonged island isolation in flora The country has a lot of different animals, reptiles, birds, plants found in this archipelago. In the interior of the large islands, unique forests have been preserved, in which rare species of palm trees, ferns, and ramps grow. On the small coral islands, the flora has long been replaced by coconut palms due to the drought brought by the monsoons.

One of the main natural attractions of the archipelago is the Seychelles palm tree. Its fruit can weigh up to 20 kg, being by far the largest fruit in the plant world. On the island of Praslin there is a wonderful park “Vallée de Mai”, where you can see a whole grove of such palm trees.

You can also see giant turtles in the Seychelles. Some of them can reach a weight of 250 kg and live up to 150 years. There are also many rare birds, such as the black cockatoo and the bulbul nightingale.

Even more photos can be found by looking at the article. If you want to visit this country on a working visit, then you need to know. Have a good trip!

? is of interest to newlyweds, seekers of solitude, paradise, beautiful dive sites, those who want to have fun at the Festival of Creole Culture, lovers of yachting, sea fishing and beach time. A stream of tourists flocks here in May-October, although the Seychelles are suitable for swimming all year round (the water is always warmed up to at least +26˚C), except for occasional storms and downpours that can “attack” the islands in November-April.

Seychelles: where are these paradise islands?

Location of Seychelles (area - 455 sq. km) - Eastern. Only 33 of the 115 islands located in the western Indian Ocean are inhabited. The most big island is Mahe, where the capital of the state (Victoria) is located. Administratively, the Seychelles is divided into 25 districts (Mont Buxton, Plaisance, Bel Air, Anse aux Pins, Port Glaud and others).

The distance from Mahe to Cerf is 4 km, to Praslin – 40 km, to La Digue – 50 km, to Bird Island – 100 km, to Denis Islands – 95 km, North – 35 km and Silhouette – 30 km.

How to get to the Seychelles?

To fly to the Seychelles from, you need to make transfers: due to the connection at (Emirates), the air journey will last 13.5 hours, and at (Air France) – 15 hours. Less flight time can be spent during the winter months when Air Seychelles organizes Russian tourists flights – every 10 days (9-hour flight).

Several transfers await tourists who want to get on. So, a flight with stops at airports and Mahe will last 19 hours.

Holidays in Seychelles

Mahe invites guests to enjoy the aroma of tropical flowers in the Orchid Garden, watch how tea leaves are collected on a tea plantation, and enjoy amazing views from a 900-meter height (to do this you need to climb to the top of the Morne Blanc mountain). Snorkelers are advised to head to Fairyland Beach or Anse Royal Beach, surfers - at the Grand Anse (here you can use the services of the Utetangar Riding Center riding school), and divers should head for the Trompeuse Rocks, which goes to a depth of 20 meters, where they will meet pennant butterfly fish, tuna, and musketeer fish , sharks.

Guests of Praslin relax on the beaches of Anse Consolacion (solitude awaits them here), Anse Marie Louise (here you can swim in a natural “pool” at high tide) and others, admiring the black parrots and palm trees in national park Valle de Mai, go on an excursion to the Black Pearl Farm, which specializes in the cultivation of black pearls. Well, those who want to go diving are advised to resort to the services of specialized centers (Bleu Marine, Octopus, Whitetip Divers).

Tourists can expect beautiful rocks, pink beaches, Mount Nid d'Aigl (you can climb to a 300-meter height in half an hour, and along the way you can stop by the Belle Vue Snack Bar restaurant), Paradise Flycatchers Nature Reserve (flycatchers live here), and a park L'Union Estate Park (its attractions are a vanilla plantation, an aviary with turtles, an ancient granite mountain), 30 dive sites (White Bank, Channel Rocks, Ave Maria, Coral Garden, West Sister Rock).

A tour of Fregate Island will allow travelers to meet land turtles and Dutch pigeons, listen to the singing of birds of paradise, and enjoy the aroma of flowering plants.

Seychelles beaches

  • Beau Vallon: the beach is aimed at romantics (amazing sunsets), family and children's recreation (sloping entrance to the water + sandy bottom + no stones, big waves and underwater currents), active vacationers (conditions have been created for snorkelers, divers, fishermen, parasailers).
  • Anse Intendance: The 800-meter beach is crescent-shaped (it has snow-white sand). It is popular among those who like to sunbathe and surf, but the best time to swim here is in December-April.

Souvenirs from Seychelles

Seychelles gifts include models of sailboats, coco-de-mer sea nut liqueur, bottles with colored sand, Creole-style textiles, products woven from palm leaves, souvenirs made from turtle shells (don’t forget to get permission to export them), jewelry made of corals, black pearls and mother-of-pearl, figurines and boxes made of coconut shells, herbs and spices (cinnamon, chili, vanilla, cloves).

Travel packages and tours

about country

Seychelles - amazing world, full of bright colors and spicy aromas, enchanting sounds of unusual music and the sound of the surf, ancient legends and amazing stories about pirate treasures.

Seychelles is a unique corner, lost in the vast expanses of the ocean, which many often call “Paradise on Earth” or “Eden”. Seychelles has many amazingly beautiful islands, each of them is interesting in its own way. The most popular among travelers are, and.

Holidays in the Seychelles mean countless beaches with silver-white sand, which are rightfully considered one of the best in the world, exotic nature, the like of which cannot be found anywhere else on the planet, as well as local kitchen and great service. The Seychelles attracts travelers from all over the world and leaves unforgettable impressions.

Holidays in the Seychelles are ideal for both romantics and those who are keen extreme species sports Here nature itself has created ideal conditions for surfing, windsurfing, scuba diving, spearfishing, water skiing or canoeing and much more.

Nature and geography

The Seychelles Islands are located in the western Indian Ocean, northeast of Madagascar, 1,500 km east of Kenya. Seychelles is located between the fourth and fifth degrees south of the equator.

The country is an isolated archipelago of incredible beauty, consisting of 115 islands. Approximately 35 of them form the "Inner Island Group" and have a granitic structure. As a rule, these are islands with many mountains and hills and a narrow coastal strip; the remaining islands are coral atolls. The largest of them, Aldabra, is also a national park, which is under the auspices of UNESCO.

Seychelles is one of the smallest countries, its area is only 455.3 square meters. km. Largest islands– Mahe, Praslin and La Digue.

The capital of the Seychelles is the city of Victoria, located on the island of Mahe.

Time in Seychelles. The time difference with Moscow is 1 hour per winter period, V summer period there is no time difference.

Seychelles is a republic, its status is enshrined in the Constitution of June 18, 1993, since then this day has been celebrated as a national holiday. The islands were first noticed by Arab sailors 1000 years ago, but not only were they attracted by the convenient location of the archipelago - Phoenicians also often appeared here and Indonesians. Almost 500 years ago, the islands were discovered by the famous Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama. The Seychelles was both a British and French colony. On June 29, 1976, the Seychelles declared independence and became a republic.

Customs regulations. Arrivals in the Seychelles are allowed to carry 400 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 250 g of tobacco, 2 liters of alcohol, 125 ml of perfume or 250 ml eau de toilette and other goods worth no more than 3,000 Seychellois rupees (US$ 550). It is prohibited to import flammable materials, weapons, including those for spearfishing, narcotic substances and medications without a prescription. A special permit is required to import pets. It is prohibited to transport vegetables, fruits, plants, meat and meat products, and canned food. Installed export bans coconuts, shells, corals, turtle products.

Currency of the Seychelles. 1 rupee contains 100 cents. 5 rupees are equal to 1USD. There are banknotes in denominations of 10, 25, 50 and 100 rupees, coins in denominations of 1 and 5 rupees, as well as 1, 5, 10 and 25 cents. You can also sometimes find silver and gold coins in circulation. Credit cards Visa and American Express are accepted almost everywhere, except in very small settlements.

Currency exchange. Currency can be exchanged at hotels or local banks. A maximum of 1,000 rupees, or $200, can be taken out of the country; there are no restrictions on the import and export of foreign currency. It is recommended to bring American dollars or traveler's checks in this currency, since rupees cannot be used by tourists to pay for rent, excursions, or in restaurants. It is recommended to exchange a small amount of money immediately upon arrival at Victoria Airport, located on the island of Mahe.

Banks in Seychelles open from 8.30 to 14.30 from Monday to Friday, on Saturday from 8.30 to 11.00.

Tips for tourists

January 1 – New Year
Holy Friday - no fixed date
Easter – no fixed date
May 1 – Labor Day
June 5 – Liberation Day
June 18 – National Day
June 29 – Independence Day
November 1 – All Saints Day
December 25 – Christmas

Also in April, an annual festival dedicated to water world Seychelles.
In September, a water regatta takes place on the island of La Digue.
The Creole Festival is celebrated in October.
An annual fishing competition is held in November.

The shops. For those wishing to purchase souvenirs, we can recommend some wonderful products self made sea ​​shells and pearls, wicker baskets, paintings by local artists, including batik painting, mats, beautiful wood or bamboo carvings and, of course, quintessence Seychelles souvenirs– coco del mer. Local tea, of which there are a great variety on the islands, can also be purchased as a souvenir. It must be borne in mind that products made from tortoise shells will necessarily be confiscated at customs. the best place for shopping in the Seychelles is located in Victoria. Here you can wander the streets and do some shopping. There are also several shops on Praslin, but there are not so many on the other islands. Large hotels usually have boutiques. Shops are open during the week and on Saturday mornings.

Tips, as a rule, range from 5% to 10% and are already included in the cost of service.

Transport in Seychelles. The islands have an international airport (in Victoria), several seaports and several local airports. Between the islands of Mahe, Praslin and La Digue you can travel by river buses or high-speed catamarans. Travelers should note that flights between Mahe and Praslin are frequently canceled due to technical issues. Very convenient to inspect local beauties and sights from a helicopter or private plane, however, renting one is expensive, but renting a bicycle or car is available to everyone, especially since this is the most successful way to get around the island. You can also travel by taxi, the parking lot of which is located on Albert Street in Victoria and operates around the clock.

Car rental. If you want to take a car, you must have a driver's license (Russian license is also valid) and you must be at least 22 years old. Driving in the Seychelles is on the left, like in Britain, the quality of the roads is not bad. The maximum driving speed in the city is 45 km/h, outside settlements– 65 km/h. The cost of 1 liter of gasoline is just over a dollar; there are six gas stations on Mahe Island and two on Praslin. The gas station in Victoria is open from 5am to 11pm.

Electricity - 240 volts, 50 Hz

Postal services. Telephone services. Internet. Central building The post office is located in Victoria and is open from 8.00 to 16.00 from Monday to Friday, on Saturday from 8.00 to noon. You can send letters directly from the hotel. You can also use the telephone in most hotels. The country code is 248. There are several internet cafes on Mahe and at least one on Praslin.

Medical service. The climate in the Seychelles is very healthy and there are no known tropical diseases common in, for example, Kenya or. There is a small risk of contracting hepatitis A, so vaccination is recommended before travel.

As for the local water, in general it is quite suitable for drinking, but it is better to use either boiled or bottled water. It is preferable to eat in cafes or restaurants, since the variety of cuisine allows you to choose dishes to suit every taste. A lot of food is sold from stalls, but it is better to refrain from eating it.

The central hospital is located in Victoria on Mahe Island (tel. 224400). Doctors speak English and/or French. There are also other clinics, including private ones, on Mahe, Praslin and La Digue. Medical care is free and provided by the state.

Emergency phone number Seychelles - 999.

Since the climate on the islands is tropical, which means quite humid and hot, recommended to wear light clothes made from natural materials, for women - light dresses, shorts or pareos during the day and long skirts in the evening, for men - shorts and a T-shirt. The most suitable shoes are flip flops or sandals. Swimming suits are only worn on the beach.

The Seychelles has excellent conditions for sports lovers. Here you can surf, windsurf, paragliding, sailing and water skiing, canoeing or hang gliding. On their own, or using the services of an experienced instructor, those interested can engage in underwater hunting and fishing. However, it would not be entirely correct to say that the Seychelles are ideal only for aquatic species sports

Mahe has an excellent golf course just south of international airport in Victoria. The golf course on Praslin Island is considered one of the best in the world. Most hotels have tennis courts. On the islands there is also the opportunity to engage in horse riding.

Hiking tours of various levels of difficulty to the islands of Mahe, Praslin, La Digue and some others are popular, giving travelers an excellent opportunity to explore their beauty and get acquainted with the local exotic flora and fauna. As a rule, information about them can be obtained from hotels.

Many hotels on the islands have cinemas and discos, and barbecues with folk songs and dances are often held there. It is interesting to watch or take part in local entertainment, listen to music unusual for Europeans called “kamtolet”, which is a mixture of waltz, polka and quadrille, see how they dance “mautia”, an African dance to the sounds of drums and tom-toms, or an equally famous dance "now."

Victoria is home to cinemas and theaters, which often feature theater productions in English, French and Creole. There are casinos in downtown Victoria, as well as the Beau Vallon Bay Hotel and the Plantation Club. Praslin is also home to the magnificent Casino des Iles.


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