El Nido – boat tours around the islands and coves. Options and descriptions of group boat tours from El Nido. Which of the proposed tours to choose?

One of the most beautiful and eventful trips of my life. For just fifteen hundred pesos, you will see views that are just begging to become postcards, have plenty of snorkeling, see the underwater world, dance on a boat while drinking rum and cola and, most importantly, make friends with cool Filipinos.

Where is: Boats depart from the pier, near the city of El Nida. If you stay at the Eco Hotel, as we did, then this place will be right under your windows.
How to get there: From Puerto Princesa Airport to El Nido it takes about 5 hours. A minibus travels and costs about 500 pesos (660 rubles) per person.
How much does the tour cost: 1400 pesos (about 1800 rubles) per person
How long will it take: almost the whole day - we set sail at 10 am and returned around 17:30, already at dusk
What to take with you: a wet bag to put all your valuables, a camera (preferably go pro), a bottle of water, swimwear - a must, sun cream, preferably - shoes for snorkeling, as you will visit a lot of coral reefs.

What is the excursion: There are several different El Nido lagoon tours, they are called A, B, C and so on. The difference is in the places you visit. Some come and live in El Nido for a week, go out every day new tour. We took the combined A+C, which was quite enough for us.
We were put on a huge boat (21 passengers and 9 Filipino crew members). A boat with a powerful motor and structures that prevent it from capsizing (similar in shape to a water strider). We basically swam all day, periodically mooring at different beaches on small islands. During the break between stops on the boat it was very fun: the Filipinos brought a huge speaker, turned on music, we all danced, chatted, and poured rum and cola and beer for those who wanted. During the day we made about 7-8 stops, I’ll tell you about some in a nutshell.

Everyone gathered at the bow of the boat and watched

The first memorable stop was at secret beach. We were given masks with snorkels and vests, and we all went down into the water near a large rock. The point is that there is a small hole in the rock through which you could swim and get to a small beach surrounded by rocks with white sand and turquoise water. This is not so easy to do on your own, since there is a risk that you will be hit by a wave against the rocks, but the Filipinos lined up one after another and took turns giving us a hand, thus crossing and supporting us.

Rocky islands around El Nido

The next stop was ideal for snorkeling - we swam in a crowd with masks and snorkels, looked at coral reefs and fish, and the Filipinos, who master the art of free diving at a very high level (they were the best pearl divers in ancient times), dived deep into the depths and got There are various interesting things for us - beautiful shells and starfish. We also saw an aquatic turtle, large iridescent fish, and many more sea wonders that I don’t even know what to call. In general, the underwater world of Hurghada is not close to the Philippines.

The Filipinos got us a starfish

One time we swam to fishermen who were standing near the rocks in small yellow boats, and our Filipinos bought fish and octopuses from them. We all rushed to touch the living octopuses - what an unusual and pleasant feeling it is when it sticks to your fingers with its tentacles!

A fisherman on a yellow boat pulled out a live octopus

While we were riding and having fun, some of the Filipinos were busy preparing lunch. They set up a grill right at the stern of the boat and baked fish and chicken in foil. Around two o'clock in the afternoon we landed on one of the islands to have lunch. Our crew surprisingly quickly pulled plastic tables ashore and set them up. It was a real feast! Baked sweet potato, fish, chicken, pineapple, watermelon, rice. There you could also buy coconuts and beer from local traders.

A Filipino grills chicken and fish right on the boat

At another cool stop, we were offered kayak rentals. They are not the same here as we are used to seeing at home - in which you are hermetically sealed. The plastic Philippine kayak is more like a SUP, only without a fin. You could swim on them or explore the underwater world again with a mask and snorkel, or climb onto a ten-meter cliff and jump from it into the water.

Kayaks in the lagoons of El Nido

Our last stop was very close to home, where we watched the sunset. I have never seen sunsets anywhere better than in El Nido. Especially if islands and silhouettes of boats are visible on the horizon. Having docked, we stopped by home to change clothes and went to our new Filipino friends - in addition to organizing tours, they also run a cafe - they prepared for us the same octopus that had just recently grabbed our fingers for dinner.

Sunset on one of the islands

Other posts about the Philippines:

El Nido Nature Reserve, Palawan

Nature reserve El Nido in the province Palawan- This unique place on Philippines, which will satisfy even the most demanding travelers.

El Nido Nature Reserve is several dozen small and medium-sized islands near the northern part of the island of Palawan:

  • indescribable beauty bays And lagoons
  • snow-white beaches
  • majestic rocks
  • clean emerald water

All this is complemented by the rich underwater world With coral gardens and mysterious marine life.

Therefore, in the sea national park Absolutely any traveler will find something to their liking in El Nido.

🎒 If you are planning a trip to the Philippines, be sure to include El Nido in your itinerary.

Having visited El Nido at least once, you will probably leave a piece of your heart in these places and dream of returning here again!

In 2014, Palawan Island ranked highest on the list best islands world according to the famous American magazine Conde Nast Traveler. Outranking 147 other islands around the world, Palawan was voted the most... beautiful island world in the publication's 27th annual reader survey.

In this article we show photographs and talk about places where you can have a good time, have a tasty snack and have an unforgettable vacation.

Our tips will help you make an unforgettable trip to El Nido on the island of Palawan and create an approximate budget for your trip to this region in the Philippines.

What will you find in this article?

  • Budget Tips— we give the estimated cost for food, entertainment and leisure activities so that you know approximately how much money you will need
  • List of best places— explore the sights of the islands of the reserve
  • Suggested route— use our route or part of the route to plan your trip so as not to waste time on it
  • Transport tips— find out about options for getting to the island, check out our experience with renting mopeds and going on a group boat tour, and don’t miss information about who is better not to book a transfer to the airport of the island’s capital
  • Nutrition tips— find out a list of places where you can eat deliciously and cheaply

✔ We have created a FREE PDF: 12 Best Places in the Philippines
To download the list:

  • Click on the link below
  • Leave your email
  • Receive a letter with a squeak to the email you left

How to get to El Nido on Palawan Island?

✈ Air

To get to El Nido, basically everyone traveling in the Philippines flies to the capital of the island Palawan to Puerto Princesa(Puerto Princess). And then by bus, minivan or taxi they cover a distance of 230 km north to El Nido.

The road is not easy - serpentines, elevation changes and constant turns take their toll, and those who get motion sickness should stock up on pills. Transfer usually lasts 4-5 hours. We drove in a minivan in the opposite direction - from El Nido to the airport, and you can talk about this wonderful trip.

How to buy tickets for domestic flights in the Philippines and useful tips.

El Nido has its own airport, but it is very small and serves several flights from Manila per day. When we looked at flights, there were only flights available from/to Manila, priced around 150 $ per ticket.

The airport is so small that when we drove past to Nacpan beach, we did not notice it, although the airport could be seen. In any case, El Nido airport is currently under reconstruction and we can only hope that soon after its opening, getting to El Nido will be much easier, and not only from Manila.

⚓ Ferry

For us it was the most comfortable and quick way get to El Nido from Coron from Busuanga Island. A ferry ride takes less time than a plane + 2 transfers.

The ferry departs from the port of Coron Town and arrives at the port of El Nido, only 3.5 hours on the road- and you are there, in El Nido Bay, where all the cafes and hotels in the center are within easy reach.

Weather in El Nido, Palawan - when is the best time to go to the island?

The climate in Palawan is divided into 2 seasons:

  1. Rainy season (June to November)— during which changeable rainy weather sets in. The rainy season does not mean that it rains all day long, but rather short-term rains several times a day with sudden changes in weather, as well as rain at night. By the end of the rainy season, the situation completely boils down to good weather during the day and heavy short-term rains in dark time days. Holidays in Palawan during the rainy season have its undoubted advantages - prices for the basic needs of travelers (housing rentals, air tickets and even visiting attractions) are lower at this time. If you decide to go to the Philippines to the island of Palawan during the rainy season, your trip may cost you much less than a similar one in the dry season, and even more so in the high season - during generally accepted holidays and vacations.
  2. Dry season (December to May)— during which dry, comfortable, sunny weather sets in.

In turn, the dry season in Palawan is divided into 2 periods:

  • Cool (December to February), average temperature during the day 28 , at night 25
  • Hot (March to May), average daytime temperature 32 , at night 26 — these months are considered the Philippine summer

The “cool” months are considered the most comfortable for traveling to Palawan - December, January And February.

But do not forget, this time is the high season for travel due to holidays such as New Year, Christmas, and Chinese New Year. The number of tourists during this period goes through the roof, the demand for rental housing, air tickets and entertainment increases, and accordingly, prices for everything increase. In addition to the increase in holiday prices, the obvious disadvantage of these months is the large number of tourists everywhere. During the high season, it is quite difficult to find secluded beaches, and places in good cafes and restaurants must be booked in advance.

If you can handle the heat well and this weather does not cause you discomfort and health problems, go to Palawan during the hot months - from March to the end of May (with the exception of the Easter holidays - since the holidays are also part of the high season). Dry, sunny weather during these months guarantees an unforgettable experience during your days in El Nido, Palawan!

El Nido: first impressions and features of the region

We first saw El Nido from the bay when we arrived on the ferry. We immediately liked these colorful houses, surrounded on both sides the highest cliffs, and boats moored to the beach with azure water and white sand.

A striking difference from the port of Coron Town on Busuanga Island, where we came from.

And right away, while walking from the port along the central streets, we agreed that the “city” is more developed for tourists than Coron Town. Here we even saw groups of American schoolchildren who had obviously come to the Philippines on exchange.

During our stay in El Nido, we noted several local features:

  • When choosing accommodation, you should pay attention to whether the hotel has its own generator, as there are often power outages in the city (we have there was no electricity every evening after 22 o'clock), and the water supply also depends on electricity, not to mention such luxuries as wi-fi
  • By the way, wi-fi in El Nido, as elsewhere in the Philippines, is not very good - it works with varying degrees of success, and even with a local SIM card, the Internet is often limited
  • The main entertainment in El Nido is boat tours to the islands, beaches and bays, but in addition to boat tours there are other excursions - for example, to the underground river in Sabang, all excursions can be bought on the central streets
  • When moving to/from the region, you cannot carry fresh mangoes! Numerous announcements at the port and airport will remind you of this.
  • By nature, the El Nido Nature Reserve is very similar to the surroundings of the islands of Busuanga and Coron, but the region has more amenities for tourists, and accordingly more travelers, with all the pros and cons
  • There is a single additional fee for visiting all attractions in the El Nido Nature Reserve - eco fee, at the rate of 200 pesos($4) per person, ticket valid 10 days

El Nido: islands on the map of the Philippines + important points on Google Maps

✔ DIG DEEPER: Budget Philippines Travel Guide from Nastya Khaneni and Andrey Salokhin.

For more in-depth coverage of the Philippines, our 70-page guide is perfect for budget travelers like you! Here you will find practical information essential for traveling and saving money in one of the most beautiful countries peace. You'll find suggested itineraries, budgets, ways to save money, fun and unique opportunities, non-touristy restaurants, markets and bars, and much more!

Renting housing in El Nido: hotel descriptions, reviews, conflict in one of the hotels

We had an issue with housing in El Nido. Before our trip we booked a hotel for all 3 nights. Since we made the reservation shortly before our trip to El Nido, there was not a wide choice of hotels, and we settled on the booking option with a rating 8,0 .

Arriving at the hotel, we disappointed:

  • Firstly, at the hotel construction was underway(I don’t know how it is now, 2 months later) - the neighboring building was being built from scratch, and therefore there was constant noise and dust
  • Secondly, the guys have more or less, but our the room was not cleaned, it felt like someone was taking a shower right before we arrived, besides, there was a persistent smell of paint in the room, and we couldn’t ventilate it because the window looked directly onto a construction site

We were denied our request to change the room because there were no rooms available.

We spent our first night in El Nido with grief: construction was going on even at night, the smell of paint gave me a headache, it was stuffy, but we didn’t dare turn on the air conditioner for a long time - it looked very old and something told us that They are unlikely to be cleaned, and we didn’t want to get sick.

In the morning, on the way to breakfast, the Japanese girls from the next room asked Andrei to help them kill such huge, fat cockroaches, which could not help but cheer us up. Breakfast was served on the terrace on the top floor.

It was raining that morning, and there were only 3 tables on which water would not be poured, so before breakfast we still had to stand in line of people who wanted to eat something dry. We didn’t wait; our mood had been spoiled since the evening.

And it was decided to change housing

But then the fun began.

Booking charged our card in advance for 2 rooms for all 3 nights. When canceling a reservation, the money was not refunded, since our stay at the hotel had already begun at that time.

That is, it would seem that the fact that we are leaving the hotel after living in it for only 1 night is purely our business. But no, they started asking us to pay for the entire booked stay. The owner of the hotel was not in El Nido, and he communicated with us by phone through the receptionist.

They didn’t want to let us out, arguing that they had not yet received our payment. But our money was written off from the card, and we did not agree to pay the hotel again. The situation was heating up and it was starting to smell like something was cooking.

As a result, after a long useless conversation in a raised voice, we finally escaped from the hotel, and angry Filipino curses flew after us :)

Having arrived by tricycle in the center of El Nido, we chose our second option - “”.

The hotel is located in the center of El Nido, but the rooms are not noisy, and besides, you don’t need to ride a tricycle every time to have a snack or walk along the central streets.

The building looks inconspicuous, but inside everything is new, clean and tidy, the rooms are spacious. We have only positive reviews for this accommodation in El Nido. The only thing, Wi-fi was fine only near the reception and breakfast is so-so, but you can eat in a cafe a few minutes from the hotel.

Villa del Vincejos Hotel El Nido, Philippines

How did our story end with Booking and the first hotel?

Immediately after we left the hotel, we wrote a letter to Booking. The essence of the letter was that the property did not correspond to the stated description. They attached photos, mentioned that the room had not been cleaned, and there was a strong paint smell in the room that could not be gotten rid of. At the end of the letter they wrote that, taking into account all of the above, we could not stay in the property for the entire booked time and we ask that we return the cost of the 2 nights we did not stay there.

We must pay tribute, after 2 days this issue was resolved - we returned the cost of 2 nights back to the card. This experience in solving a problem with Booking was useful to us, and I hope it will be useful to someone else.

12 popular hotels in El Nido, Palawan: prices, descriptions + photos

💰 Budget accommodation

From 17$ per night - Spin Designer Hostel, with rating 9,0 points.
Without exaggeration, the best hostel in the area. Made in a modern style, which is rare for the area. Both shared rooms for 4 people and private rooms for 2 and 1 person are available.

From 17$ per night - Smile Lodge, with rating 8,4 points. The simplest hotel for unpretentious tourists. Among the advantages - good location, if you don’t take into account the roosters in the neighborhood, which definitely won’t let you sleep longer.

From 35$ per night - Inngo Tourist Inn, with rating 7,8 points. A neat mini-hotel in El Nido, 2 minutes from the beach.

💰💰 Mid-price hotels

From 45$ per night - Aqua Travel Lodge, with rating 7,6 points. The quiet lodge is located in the very center of El Nido next to the ArtCafe.

From 45$ per night - Villa del Vincejos Hotel, with rating 6,0 points. This is the hotel we stayed at. Everything inside is new, clean and tidy, the rooms are spacious. We have only positive reviews for this accommodation in El Nido. The only thing is that wi-fi worked well only near the reception and the breakfast was so-so.

From 57$ per night - Coral Cliff Hotel, with rating 7,4 points. Cozy hotel in the heart of El Nido.

From 89$ per night - Lio Villas Resort, with rating 7,9 points. Quiet and cozy hotel located 5 km from the center of El Nido.

💰💰💰 Premium hotels

From 105$ per night - One Elnido Suite, with rating 8,0 points. New hotel near the market in El Nido.

From 134$ per night - The Nest El Nido Beach Resort , with rating 8,2 points. Hotel on the shores of El Nido Bay. Beautiful well-groomed area, surrounded by greenery, and excellent rooms.

From 134$ per night - Cadlao Resort and Restaurant, with rating 8,0 points. Cozy hotel with an outdoor pool overlooking El Nido Bay.

From 180$ per night - Panorama Resort, with rating 9,2 points. Brand new cozy hotel in a quiet area. The only negative For some, the distance from El Nido may be 4 km.

From 315$ per night - Cauayan Island Resort and Spa , with rating 8,5 points. A hotel with a spa and its own diving center, located on a private island. Truly a heavenly place to fully enjoy the atmosphere of El Nido.

El Nido, Philippines: where to eat tasty and cheap?

The question of where to eat in El Nido is not as pressing as in Coron Town on Busuanga Island, where we were before. On the central streets of El Nido there is a large selection of cafes for different tastes.

There is even a Ukrainian cafe in El Nido, where you can feel nostalgic over a plate of borscht with Filipino characteristics.

Eating cheap in El Nido, as elsewhere in the Philippines, is easy. But whether the cooking conditions suit you is another question. In the evening, barbecue is fried everywhere on the streets - this is one of the options for eating on a budget. Kebab is presented not only in our classical sense, but there are, for example, kebabs made from chicken feet with nails - for lovers of the exotic. We haven’t tried food sold on the streets, but we heard that someone ate it and survived :)

SAVA Beach Bar

On the first evening, we visited several establishments on the shore in El Nido Bay, among which we can highlight a cozy atmosphere in the evening when the lights come on, pleasant music, delicious cocktails priced from 200 pesos (4 $), from 16 to 18 hours happy hours for cocktails - you order 1, you get a second one of the same kind. This practice is often used in bars in the Philippines.

Osaka Castle El Nido


And the first place where we went to have a snack immediately with our suitcases upon arrival in El Nido turned out to be. We liked it here, and after visiting other establishments on the first evening, which I wrote about above, in the following days we only ate here. We were guided by the fact that when it comes to cuisine in the Philippines, they don’t look for good from good :)

Artcafe This popular place in El Nido, because here there is not only a cafe, but also a currency exchange, as well as an office selling boat tours, excursions and even air tickets to Manila from El Nido airport.

As for the food at Artcafe, everything we ordered was delicious (some liked fish with mango, some liked pizza, and some even had creme brulee for dessert), the portions were large.

In the evenings Artcafe plays live music And free seats no, as soon as a table becomes available, it is immediately taken.

Prices in the cafe are as follows:

    • toast - on average 230 pesos (4,5 $),
    • sandwiches - from 180 to 270 pesos (3,5 — 5,5 $),
    • soups - from 95 to 250 pesos (2 — 5$),
  • salads - from 120 to 330 pesos (2,5 — 6,5 $),
  • pizza - on average 320 pesos (6,5 $),
  • fish and seafood dishes - on average 300 pesos (6 $),
  • fruit shakes 120-150 pesos (3$).

El Nido also has a cafe Altrove(exactly at Altrove Coron we ate on Busuanga), but we didn’t get there because Alexey really liked the pizza at Artcafe, and we had no alternative :)

Market in El Nido

The market in El Nido is across the street from bus station. And compared to the market in Coron Town, it is very decent. The trading pavilions are divided into several zones - fruits/vegetables and fish/seafood, there are also meat counters and fruits/vegetables/herbs are sold in tents on the street.

If you live in the center of El Nido, it is better to go to the market on a tricycle. We stopped by the market on rented mopeds after a trip to buy fruits: mangoes, pineapples, papayas, bananas.

El Nido, Nacpan Beach: how to get there, moped rental in El Nido, prices, is it worth visiting?

Even before our trip to El Nido, we planned to set aside 1 day for a trip to Nacpan Beach. On the morning of the appointed day, our plans almost collapsed due to bad weather - it started to rain every now and then, the sky was overcast with heavy clouds.

Nevertheless, we decided not to change our plans, because we were on the island of Palawan for only a few days and we wanted to see as many of the sights of El Nido as possible.

How to get to Nacpan Beach?

To get to Nacpan Beach you can take a tricycle taxi. The driver will wait while you spend time on the beach. The cost of such a trip will be approximately 1000 pesos (20 $).

Can I take it? moped for rent and go to Nacpan Beach from El Nido on your own.

We did just that - renting a moped for a day cost 400 pesos (8$) + 100 pesos($2) refilled 2 liters of gasoline. For four people, the cost of renting mopeds was equal to the cost of a trip with a driver on a tricycle, but the impressions independent trip there was much more.

Nastya and Andrey ride a moped to Nacpan beach in El Nido

The advantage of an independent trip is that you can adjust the route and stop along the road, for example, to a waterfall, located a little away from the main road, and you can also spend as much time as you like on the beach.

The disadvantages of traveling on your own include:

  • The thrill of riding a moped when overtaking trucks pass too close
  • Uncomfortable driving along an unpaved part of the road during or after rain, since deep puddles of mud form on the road and there is a high probability of staining clothes

We decided that taking a tricycle was boring, because on our trip to the Philippines we already rode tricycles, with rare exceptions, every day. But renting mopeds and driving on your own is a completely different experience, which was the key argument in choosing how to get to Nacpan Beach from El Nido.

Rent a moped

Renting a moped in El Nido is not a problem; there are many offices on the central streets that rent out mopeds, and they are also one of the many offices offering excursions around the island of Palawan and boat tours from El Nido.

Rent 1 moped it was worth it for a day 400 pesos($8), in exchange for the moped it was necessary to leave a driver’s license (paradoxical as it may seem), the gas tanks were full, and with full ones we needed to return them. In addition to mopeds, we asked for helmets, which caused genuine laughter from the owner of the office, because the locals think that helmets are unnecessary :)

After checking the mopeds on the main street, we headed towards the beach Nacpan, which is located in 20 km north of El Nido.

At first the road is good (for the islands) - a single-lane concrete road, the traffic is not too intense, but when a car or truck overtakes you on a moped, it’s not entirely comfortable, because the road is narrow and they huddle too close to the moped. The road runs through villages, ordinary non-tourist Philippine villages.

Between the villages on both sides of the road there are breathtaking views: lush green mountains, rice fields and palm groves.

If you wish and have time, you can go to Nacpan Beach on the way.

We didn’t go to the waterfalls, because this requires leaving the main highway onto a dirt road, and since our trip was rainy, the roads were washed out, and we couldn’t calculate how much time it would take us, and whether we would even get to Nacpan afterwards. And if you have good weather, then why not?

So, you need to take a good road from El Nido to Nacpan Beach 16 km, after - with a left turn - more 4 km along the dirt road that leads to the entrance to the beach.

If you, like us, go in cloudy weather, after the rain the day before, be prepared for adventure.

During our trip, the roads were so washed out that in some places there was no way to go around or get around these puddles of mud. We rode 2 people on a moped, but the guys rode the muddy sections on mopeds alone, for easier control.

Veronica and I walked through such sections on foot (sometimes up to our ankles in mud); we didn’t want to get stuck on a moped in the middle of a clay puddle or, even worse, flop into it.

👙 In cloudy weather, it is better to go to Nacpan beach in shoes and clothes that don't mind getting dirty

Road to 4 km it seemed endless to us, at first it was even fun, but then the trip began to drag on because of the endless puddles, and we wanted to get to the beach as quickly as possible.

And so, driving through another village, we were asked to stop at the last house - it turned out that we were almost there, and this house was something like tourist center. We were given a notebook where we had to enter our names as visitors to Nacpan Beach.

Nacpan Beach

Also in this place, beach visitors pay a fee for entering the beach, but on the day of our visit they did not charge a fee - precisely because of the washed out roads. IN good weather phi is 100 pesos for tourists, 50 pesos for locals per person.

And a few minutes later we parked at Nacpan Beach. Regardless of the weather, we were glad that we were in such a place. Nacpan Beach is very spacious, the length of the beach reaches 2 km. At the same time, the beach remains almost always deserted.

A dense row of tall palm trees is separated from the water by a wide strip of fine sand. Entry into the water is smooth, the bottom is sandy and clean. Swimming on Nacpan is pleasant and time flies by.

To the right of the entrance to the beach there is a cafe with gazebos, where we settled, since it was raining every now and then.

We had lunch here - we ordered fruit smoothies, grilled fish and shrimp, and shish kebab (of course, everything came with rice as a side dish). There are no complaints about the food, prices are average (from 250 to 400 pesos per dish - 5-8 $).

We stayed on Nacpan beach until 15 hours, swam and enjoyed the atmosphere, and came to the conclusion that since we liked it here when it was cloudy, then in sunny weather on Nacpan beach it would be wonderful.

However, we needed to leave back to El Nido in time to get there before sunset and not ride mopeds in the dark.

Return trip from Nacpan Beach to El Nido

The thought that we would have to drive through the mud again was a little burdensome, so we decided that the guys would go on mopeds, and for Veronica and me we would rent a tricycle, which would take us to the asphalt road ( 100 pesos per person - $2).

As a result, it took us less time to get to the dirt road in the opposite direction, but we were quite impressed - the puddles were so deep that water and clay poured right into the tricycle, and we had to ride with our feet up :)

About halfway we overtook a Japanese couple, they looked so unhappy (the girl was covered in mud on one side, she was probably falling into a puddle), that our tricyclist stopped and offered to give the girl a lift (not for free, of course), there was no room for the guy found, and he continued on foot.

After we drove through another deep puddle across the entire width of the road, the tricyclist stopped meaningfully, which meant that we had arrived. Veronica and I switched back to our mopeds, and the Japanese continued on foot (although there was still about 2 km to the asphalt road).

The road was still slippery, the moped kept skidding to the side, but the good news was that the deepest and most difficult puddles were left behind.

So we slowly got to the highway (we didn’t accelerate too much, because the harder we pressed the gas pedal, the higher the drops of dirt rose from under the rear wheel, settling on our backs).

In general, the trip turned out to be memorable and unusual, it’s not every day that you travel like this, in fact, but we didn’t have any special negative emotions - we just once again realized that the Philippines is not only paradise beaches :)

Once on the highway, we accelerated to unimaginable speeds on the previous dirt road. 40 km/h and quite quickly drove to El Nido. At the entrance to the city we stopped at a gas station - filled up 2 l gasoline for each moped ( 100 pesos).

If you wanted, you could go somewhere else nearby, because we rented mopeds for the whole day, but it was starting to get dark, and we were pretty tired, so we decided to go to the hotel, rest and return the mopeds later, before dinner.

Is it worth going to Nacpan Beach?

If you have enough time in El Nido and want to diversify your vacation not only with boat tours - It's definitely worth going!

If you are traveling on your own in rainy weather, be prepared for 4 km In each direction you will have to drive through mud, so it is better not to wear light, smart clothes, the same applies to shoes. The beach itself is good, spacious, there is a place to have lunch, you can spend time in the gazebo or rent sun loungers, lovers active rest can play volleyball.

Boat tours from El Nido: descriptions, prices, reviews

One of the main things that attracts travelers to El Nido is the boat tours around the islands, with the opportunity to visit the surrounding area of ​​Palawan Island and enjoy best beaches El Nido and breathtaking nature.

Nowhere on Earth have I seen more beautiful seascapes than Palawan


Famous French explorer of the World Ocean, photographer, director, inventor, author of many books and films

⛵ A variety of boat tours are a common feature of El Nido on the island of Palawan and Coron Town on the island of Busuanga.
And by the way, the nature in these regions is similar.

Therefore, when choosing a boat tour in El Nido, we were guided by the fact that we would visit places different from those already seen during ours.

In Busuanga we rented a boat individually, but in El Nido we decided to join group tours to see how group excursions in the Philippines and form your own impression of this kind of leisure.

Buying boat tours to El Nido will not be a problem at all. On the central streets they are sold in numerous offices, shops, some cafes, and even on the street they will simply persistently hand you leaflets with tour options.

It doesn't matter where you buy your excursion, groups are formed evenly between all boats so that the number of people on boats is approximately the same.

Options and descriptions of group boat tours from El Nido:

Tour A - El Nido Lagoons and Beaches Day Trip- cost 1200 pesos ($24) per person: Small Lagoon, Big Lagoon, Shimizu Island, Entalula Island, Secret Lagoon, 7 Commando Beach Tour of the lagoons and beaches of Palawan with the opportunity to snorkel and swim in the lagoons in kayaks that are pre-loaded on the boat.

Tour B — El Nido Caves and Coves Day Trip- cost 1300 pesos ($26) per person: Popolcan Island, Snake Island, Codognon Cave, Pinagbuyutan Island, Cathedral Cave, Ipil Beach Island and Caves Tour Palawan with the opportunity to snorkel. We chose tour B, so I’ll tell you more about it.

Tour C - El Nido Hidden Beaches and Shrines Day Trip- cost 1400 pesos ($28) per person: Matinloc Island, Hidden Beach, Secret Beach, Helicopter Island, Tapuitan Island, Cadlao Lagoon Tour to the outlying islands and beaches of Palawan.

Tour D - El Nido Islands and Beaches Day Trip- cost 1200 pesos ($24) per person: Balinaod Beach, Pasandigan Beach, Paradise Beach, Ubugon Cave, Natnat Beach, Bukal Island. Tour along the beaches of the El Nido nature reserve relatively close to the city of the same name.

Tour - El Nido Nacpan and Duli Beach- cost 3400 pesos ($68) per person: Duli Beach, Nacpan beach Tour By remote beaches Dooley Beach and Nacpan. For a group of up to 3 people, you can rent a tricycle yourself for 800 - 1400 pesos ($16-28) if you go only to Nacpan beach, as we did.

Included in the price of each tour dinner:

  • pork kebab
  • seafood
  • chick
  • paste
  • fruits
  • drinks (water, cola, Fanta)

When paying for the tour, check whether the price includes rental of snorkeling masks, fins, and kayaks. Our price included masks.

In addition to the cost of the tour, each tourist is required to pay an eco-tax in the amount of 200 pesos($4) which is valid for 10 days. The main thing is to keep your ticket and if you sail to El Nido with different boat tours for several days, you will no longer have to pay the eco fee.

Boat tours depart from El Nido Bay around 9 am, come back around 16-17 hours.

Comparison of individual and group boat tour:

During our trip to the Philippines, we also shopped. This allows us to make a small comparative analysis of such trips, based on personal experience.

And I’m unlikely to surprise anyone when I say that individual tour we liked it much more, after all:

  • We created a route based on our preferences, mixing places from different tours
  • We were only in our own company on the boat, and we decided for ourselves when, for example, we would have lunch, not to mention the fact that we did not have to endure the not entirely pleasant habits of other nations that they allow themselves at the table
  • There were no crowds of people both on the boat and in the places visited, which in itself was pleasant, and it was possible to take photos or shoot videos without any problems

But also in group on the boat tour we were able to find pros:

  • Our group included a couple from Moscow, and we shared our impressions of other islands in the Philippines, found out where they had been and what they recommended us to visit
  • If you are traveling as a couple, then a group tour is undoubtedly cheaper than renting an individual boat

The cost of renting a private boat in El Nido starts from 5000 pesos($100), additional payment for lunch and entrance fee. Our company of 4 people paid for a group tour 5200 pesos($104), that is, an individual boat would not be much more expensive.

But we decided to go to El Nido with a group in order to form our own opinion about this kind of tours, compare them with an individual boat tour based on our experience in Busuanga. And compared :) - if possible take a private boat!

Description of boat tour B: from El Nido to islands, caves, beaches

We bought tickets for the boat tour the evening before the trip. On the way to dinner, opposite the Art Cafe, we noticed an office selling excursions. We came in to clarify the information we were interested in, and since everything suited us, we bought tickets.

For purchasing 4 tickets we were given a discount - 200 pesos each($4) per person, in the end the tour instead of 1300 pesos ($26) cost us 1100 pesos($22) per person. The office owner also clarified information about our food preferences. Lunch is served on the boat for the group, and if you are, for example, a vegetarian, your food wishes will be taken into account, but you need to specify them in advance.

All group tour boats depart from El Nido Bay around 9 am. We arrived at the bay at the appointed time. Our group, as it turned out, consisted of 14 people, although the day before they said that there would be no more than 10. In the boat, we were immediately given snorkeling masks and life jackets, which we had to wear until the boat left the bay (for the appearance of safety precautions) . And so we, dressed up, set off to explore the islands and beaches near El Nido.

Sometimes the places visited on tours may change due to some reasons, e.g. weather conditions. So, on our trip, a visit to Ipil Beach was replaced by a visit to Entalula Beach on the island of the same name.

Beach on Entalula island

A beautiful beach with white sand, emerald water, palm trees and quaint rocks.

The downside is that a significant part of the beach is closed to everyone except guests of the hotel, which owns the beach.

The part of the beach that is free to visit is not so large; if several tourist groups arrive at Entalula beach at the same time, it will certainly be crowded here.

The calling card of the beach is a small rock, located at a distance from the main rocks of the island, and as if growing out of the water. All beach visitors take photographs against the backdrop of this rock, and sometimes taking a photo without other tourists in the frame is quite problematic.

Entalula beach has good snorkeling, the main thing is to take a mask with you - and you are guaranteed an interesting pastime while others take pictures near the rocks.

Snorkeling off Popolcan Island

Wonderful place for snorkeling. There is no landing on the shore; you have to dive directly from the boat and snorkel, snorkel, snorkel.

Colorful coral forests, fish, stars and other marine life within arm's reach - isn't this a snorkeling paradise? But you should be careful - all this is not too deep, and if you dive, you can easily get hurt on the corals.

Andrei, for example, dived, touched the corals with his hand (and they are very sharp) - and seriously cut himself, he immediately began to bleed, which could not be stopped for a long time. Then, of course, jokes began about the fact that now the sharks would smell blood, swim and eat us, and we wouldn’t even have time to blink an eye.

Snake Island

An island that is connected to the island of Palawan by a spit where you can walk at low tide. It is because of the shape of the spit that the island is called Snake Island. By the time we visited this island, the weather had deteriorated, so we probably were not able to fully appreciate the beauty of these places. On the beach of the island we were met not by a snake at all, but by an imposing monkey :), who could not say that he was happy about the arrival of so many people.

As if yawning hopelessly, he went back into the thickets.

If you go up the path, you can get to observation deck and take a photo of the surrounding Snake Island from above. We didn't go up, but we walked along the spit into the mangroves, where orchids first grow, and then the mangrove forest begins.

Lunch on the boat during the group tour

For lunch we did not land on the islands; food was set on the table right on the boat. Let me remind you that our group consisted of 14 people. There was enough food, they served fish, grilled chicken and shrimp, pork skewers, vegetable salads, rice, pasta, there were even some meatloaves and fruit.

Drinks include bottled water, cola, and Fanta. And it seems like there was a lot of everything, but 14 man, this is no joke - and all the food was quickly snapped up. Therefore, if you are on a group boat tour, do not click your nose and immediately take what you plan to have for lunch, otherwise you may not have time.

During such a dinner, I thought that taking an individual boat is many times more pleasant - you don’t have to rush anywhere and watch the strange habits of other nations at the table :)

Cudugnon Cave

The entrance to the cave is on the beach where the boats stop. The beach itself is quite pleasant, if it were not for the group tour program, we would have stayed on this beach longer.

There is quite interesting snorkeling off the coast of the beach.

We were unlucky with the weather - when we arrived at the Codognon cave it started to rain heavily, visibility was so bad that we couldn’t see neighboring island, which is very close.

Of course, it was possible to snorkel in such weather, but there was no rest on the beach.

As for the cave, I didn’t go inside. The entrance to the cave is in the rocks, you need to climb on the rocks and crawl through the hole 🙂 the rocks are quite sharp, so life jackets are placed on them for the convenience of tourists. The guys were in the cave, and they said that “the cave is like a cave,” in general, nothing interesting :)

Our boat was the only one on the island, so there was plenty of room to relax. There is something for everyone on the island - here you can snorkel, walk along the beach or along a palm grove, or sunbathe.

You can also look for interesting corals, but if the guide notices it, he will tell you to throw it back into the water; taking corals out is prohibited :)

Cathedral Cave

The cave is located in the rock of Cathedral Island. The island does not have a shore as such, since it is a rock surrounded by the sea. The boat floats right to the beginning of the cave and everyone inspects it while remaining on the boat.

For the local population this is one of sacred places. Again it seemed to us “a cave like a cave”, made of rocks of different colors. Cathedral Cave was last place visits on our boat tour and then we headed back to El Nido.

As for our impressions of the boat tour - it's definitely worth going. We were not very lucky with the weather - we left El Nido when it was clear and sunny, but soon the weather turned bad - it became cloudy and at times it was even dark due to the rain. But even in such weather we were amazed by the nature of Palawan.

Boat tour is a great opportunity to visit 5-6 amazing places in one day and get impressions that will stay with you for a long time. If possible, it is better to rent individual boat and create your own route from places that are interesting to you, even if these places are included in different group tours. But even if you go with a group of tourists, you are guaranteed endless pleasure, the main thing is that the trip takes place in good weather!

How to get from El Nido to Puerto Princesa Airport: transfer description, price, review

Our flight from Palawan to Cebu was in 20 o'clock in the evening. We deliberately chose a late flight, in the hope that in the first half of the day we would have time to go, for example, to some beach near El Nido. However, the weather spoiled our plans, and we needed to leave El Nido at 14 hours, because the transfer to the airport of the capital of Palawan island - the city of Puerto Princesa lasts about 4 hours.

Distance between Puerto Princesa and El Nido — 230 km, which are usually overcome in 4 hours. I want to emphasize the word “usually”, because in our case everything was wrong, but more on that below.

While in El Nido, finding a transfer to Puerto Princesa is very easy - on the central streets at every turn there are numerous offices that sell boat tours and excursions, and you can also order a transfer from them. We bought the transfer in the same place where we took it in.

Ordered a transfer from El Nido to Puerto Princesa Airport on the eve of the trip, cost - 400 pesos($8) per person. Payment was made immediately upon purchase, in return we were given tickets with the driver’s name indicated - Jun Jun.

👿 Looking ahead, I’ll say, remember this name, and if you’re not a fan of wild thrills- try to avoid him as best you can!

The next day, at the appointed time, as instructed, we rode a tricycle to the El Nido bus station. Jun Jun was not found right away, then he opened a minibus for us with 10 seats, we loaded our things and sat inside. It was time to leave, but Jun Jun left.

To describe it briefly, we left an hour later; in fact, four of us and one other tourist were going to the airport, the rest of the passengers were locals who shuttled between villages along the way, and accordingly we constantly stopped for their disembarkation and pick-up.

As I wrote above, the distance between El Nido and Puerto Princesa 230 km- and this is a constant serpentine road, with virtually no straight sections. And now the interesting part - we were at the airport 3 hours after leaving El Nido, and this with a half-hour stop for lunch in the middle of the journey. That is, we covered 230 km along a steep serpentine road in places with heavy rain and with constant stops in 2.5 hours.

Without experiencing it, it’s hard to imagine, but it was as if we were flying over the road, our driver overtook everyone on his way, but I took pills for motion sickness and at times even cried from fear. Other than “it was a wonderful attraction” I have nothing more to add. And no, let me also mention that on dashboard he had huge stuffed toy crocodiles lying around, which significantly reduced visibility through the windshield.

Surely, usually the transfer from El Nido to Puerto Princesa Airport is smoother, but not in our case. 3 hours of “pure pleasure” - and we arrived at the long-awaited Puerto Princesa airport.

It turned out to be new and spacious. A special feature of the airport is that each passenger must pay a fee for entering the customs inspection area and boarding the plane - 200 pesos($4) if follows on domestic flight and correspondingly 700 pesos($14) for an international flight.

Payment is required; it is impossible to board the flight without payment. Our flight from Puerto Princesa to Cebu was delayed, as were almost all of our domestic flights within the Philippines.
⏰ Frequent flight delays in the Philippines should be kept in mind when planning your trip, It's better to always have time to spare

Video: Three Incredible Days in El Nido, Palawan. An unforgettable trip on mopeds!

Conclusion about the trip to El Nido on the island of Palawan

Memories of our days spent in El Nido make us think, “I wish I could go back there again,” and isn’t that proof that the trip was a success?

Even though we were unlucky with the weather in El Nido, as the weather turned bad and was not as good as during our stay in Busuanga and Coron islands, we enjoyed our time on Palawan Island.

El Nido is good because from here you can go not only on boat tours around the marine reserve, but also with other excursions it is convenient to visit other remarkable places and beaches of the island of Palawan.

We spent 3 days in El Nido, and now I can say that this is not enough. Therefore, when planning your trip to the Philippines, I would recommend setting aside El Nido minimum 5 days:

  • 2 days for trips with boat tours, because One day on a boat tour in the El Nido region is not enough to fully enjoy the beauty of nature without rushing and see more
  • 1 day for a trip to Nacpan Beach
  • 1 day highlight for visiting beaches near El Nido, such as Las Cabanas beach
  • 1 day dedicate a trip to remarkable places on the island of Palawan, for example to the underground river in Sabang

Be sure to enable El Nido into your travel itinerary, and pleasant memories from visiting the region will stay with you for a long time!

Have an unforgettable independent holiday in the Philippines! Click here to learn more and buy the book.

⭐ Book your Trip to the Philippines: Useful Tips and Tricks

  1. Book your flight
    Find cheap flight, using or . These are our two favorites search engines, because they search airline websites around the world, thus showing up-to-date prices.
  2. Book your stay
    You can book your hotel on , as it always shows the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels. We use this service all the time. This is our favorite site for booking travel accommodations.
  3. Don't forget about travel insurance
    Travel insurance will protect you from illness, injury, theft and other troubles. This is protection in case something goes wrong. We never travel without travel insurance as we have used it many times in the past. We have been using the best service from insurance companies for many years, which we recommend to you too.
  4. Looking for services to save money?
    Check our page for the best companies to use them when you travel! We're listing all the ones we use to save money when we travel—and we're sure they'll help you, too!
  5. Looking for more information on visiting the Philippines?
    Check out our Detailed Book for more tips on what to see and do, what it costs, how to save money and much, much more!

💬 Any questions left? Ask them in the comments! ⤵

Tour A to El Nido is considered the most popular tour of the 4 offered - A, B, C, D. All tours take place in Bacuit Bay on many different small islands adjacent to El Nido. Initially, we planned to go to 3 out of 4 tours, so it didn’t really matter to us which tour to start with. The locals said that the most popular is tour A, so we decided to start with it.

The price for tour A is usually 1300-1400 pesos, but you can bargain as the tour can be bought anywhere in El Nido, even from a local passerby on the street. We bought all the tours at our hotel Residencia Katrina Bed and Breakfast, as we managed to get a good deal. We bought Tour A for 1,100 pesos per person, saying that we would definitely buy the rest of the tours from them. You will also need to pay 200 pesos per person for an environmental fee, which is valid for 10 days and is paid only once. You should be given a piece of paper confirming that you have paid this fee. I advise you to take this piece of paper with you everywhere if you are suddenly forced to pay this fee again. By the way, they didn’t give us any paper, but they didn’t ask for it, I think this was because we bought all the tours from one person.

The price for tour A may or may not include the price for fins and masks. Always check before purchasing tours. Our tour A did not include fins; we paid an extra 150 pesos per person for them separately. Masks are usually included in the price of tours.

The price indicated above for the tour assumes a collective tour of 14-18 people on a boat; usually the locals try to put Europeans in one boat, sort them, so to speak. 🙂 In our boat there were 6 Americans, 2 Englishmen, a couple of local Filipinos and a couple more people from Europe; there were no Russians except the two of us with my husband. Tour times are from 9 am to 5 pm.

Good hotels in El Nido on Booking:

Description of tour A to El Nido

Tour A includes a boat trip to the following locations:

  • Small Lagoon - Miniloc Island
  • Big Lagoon - Miniloc Island
  • Secret Lagoon - Miniloc Island
  • Shimizu Island – snorkeling and lunch on the island
  • Seven Commando Beach – relax on the beach, located very close to El Nido Bay, you can get here on your own by kayak.

All tours begin at El Nido's main beach/cove.

They usually come here at 9 am and we, for example, waited for our boat and only sailed at 10 am. I think it was because of this that we also sailed back not at 5 pm, but at 6.

Travel time to the first stop is 40 minutes. I recommend that you take extra cash with you, since they will offer kayak rides around the bays, a kayak for two costs 300 pesos, and also on the way, such mini-bars on the water will float up to you and offer drinks, fruits, and snacks.

So, the first stop is Malaya Bay.

This is where it is best for you to take a kayak, since the entrance to the bay is very small, you can either swim there yourself or by kayak.

Boats do not always dock at the entrance to the bay; ours, for example, docked so far from the bay that for a long time I thought that we had arrived at the beach, which was visible nearby :)

The entrance to the bay itself is so small that it was very interesting for us to go there in a kayak. The water is clear, in some places you can see huge stones under the water, after one bay you find yourself in another. I liked this one so much independent walk kayaking, that I wouldn’t mind staying here for another hour.

There are not very many people, some came here without a kayak, although the distance is not small at all, and the bottom is not sandy. It’s very beautiful inside, we swam along the tall cliffs, and even swam right under the rock. I really, really liked this place!

Next stop is the Great Lagoon.

We have already sailed along it on a large boat, but here they also offer kayaking. Many people here are simply swimming around their boats, but we didn’t stop and sailed back and forth across the bay.

The riot of green colors here is simply off the scale - the water is a rich green color, as well as the greenery on the rocks, and in some places there is a lot of it, also a very rich emerald color. Pleasing to the eyes!

The next stop, in theory, was supposed to be the Secret Lagoon, but I don’t remember at all that we stopped there, perhaps we didn’t have such a stop, since the ship’s commanders 🙂 decide exactly where we will stop based on the weather. Here, the sun was shining and it was raining.

Next stop - Shimzu Island - perfect place for snorkeling, and also had our lunch here. Lunch is included in the tour price.

You can also relax on the beach here if you don't want to snorkel.

We happily swam to the nearest mini-island and swam around it!!! It was unforgettable, the corals delighted us. 🙂

After that, a delicious lunch awaited us, everyone was hungry and the table quickly emptied.

After most of the boats started leaving the island, there was an opportunity to take a photo without people. The island is surrounded by beautiful rocks. And here we took a lot of beautiful, memorable shots.

After that, we swam to the last point of our tour A - 7 Commandos beach.

We were here for about an hour. There is a bar on the beach, although the prices are very high.

We walked around the entire beach, swam to our hearts' content, and relaxed.

And I went bungee riding 2 times! It was very, very fun.

Excursions to El Nido, Palawan region (arrival airport - El Nido).

Island hopping tour A.

35$ /person, group.

"Lagoons and Beaches"

Is one of the most popular tours in El Nido. During the day you will discover beautiful lagoons, beaches where you will swim, dive, admire corals, colorful fauna and a variety of fish.

Places to visit:
Big lanuna, Small lagoon: The small lagoon was previously called secret, since it was impossible to get into it; the passage to the lagoon was completely closed.
Currently, it is possible to get into the lagoon by water, diving under the rocks, or go up and down the rocks (using a small staircase).
Shimizu Beach is a small island named after a Japanese diver who died nearby in an underwater cave. Despite its depressing history, it is a stunning place to relax and dine.
Secret Lagoon You enter the secret lagoon, just like the small one, through a hole in the rock.
7 Commando Beach Long sandy beach where you can sunbathe and of course swim

Picnic lunch;
Boat rental;

Snorkeling masks;
Life vest.

Island hopping tourB.

35$ /person, group.
188$ for the excursion - individual, for a group of 1-3 people.


Places to visit:
Pinagbuyutan Island has a soft powdery White sand, comparable to the best in
the world's beaches. The shore is shallow, the color of the water is magnificent and
amazing snorkeling.
Snake Island– the island got its name because of its elongated shape, reminiscent of a snake. The island appears only at low tide.
Cadugnon Cave– an anthropological site where jewelry and pottery dating back to the Song Dynasty (960-1279 BC) were found. The walls of the cave resemble the walls of a cathedral, and inside you will see impressive rock formations.
Entulala Island private island with a great beach. The island is the Ibiza club El Nido Resorts.

Duration of the excursion: from 09:00 – 16:00

Picnic lunch;
Boat rental;
Accompanying English-speaking guide;
Permission to visit places;
Snorkeling masks;
Life vest.

Environmental fee, 200 pesos per person is not included in the price of the excursion, payable locally.

Island hopping tourC.

37$ /person, group.
222$ for the excursion - individual, for a group of 1-3 people.

"Lost Beaches"

Places to visit:
Hidden Beach The boat is parked on the edge of a cliff of limestone cliffs. In front of you there is a view to a hidden corridor in the rocks with a passage large enough for diving. In the middle, the corridor turns left towards a larger limestone island. After a short walk, a completely graceful strip of sand opens up in front of you out of nowhere.
Matinloc Shrine– (also known as Our Lady of Matinloc Shrine and Shrine Holy Mother of God) the sacred monument was built in 1982 in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Matinloc boasts two exciting snorkeling spots: Kalmung Point and Kulasa Beach. Take the time to climb up to the observation deck. From the top you will have a view of the lagoons.
Helicopter Island– This island has a beautiful 300 meter long white sandy beach which is ideal for lunches while island hopping. There is an underwater tunnel on its northern side and a circuitous reef at the southern end.
Secret Beach To get to the hidden beach, you need to swim through a small hole in the rock.

Duration of the excursion: from 09:00 – 16:00

Picnic lunch;
Boat rental;
Accompanying English-speaking guide;
Permission to visit places;
Snorkeling masks;
Life vest.

Environmental fee, 200 pesos per person is not included in the price of the excursion, payable locally.

Island hopping tourD.

38$ /person, group.
202$ for the excursion - individual, for a group of 1-3 people.

"Beaches and lagoons"

Places to visit:
Cadlao Lagoon is one of the best lagoons in the El Nido group of islands. You will be amazed by the natural imagination that has created a natural fortress for this beautiful and tranquil place.
Bucal Beach– A long snow-white beach. It offers a magnificent view of the sunset. The sea is home to clusters of coral reefs, making the island an ideal spot for snorkeling and diving.
Pasandigan Beach– Swimming and snorkeling!
Paradise BeachSnow-white beach with coconut trees. This is a perfect example tropical island. Paradise Beach- a favorite place for picnics. There is a good swimming site right next to the beach, especially for beginners. Dive sites are located on the western and southern sides of the island.
Ipil Beach– Usually serves as the beginning or end of a tour. Located near the city of El Nido, but can only be reached by boat. Here you can swim in the clear, cool water or just relax on the white sandy beach, in the shade of its magnificent palm trees.

Duration of the excursion: 09:00 – 16:00

Picnic lunch;
Boat rental;
Accompanying English-speaking guide;
Permission to visit places;
Snorkeling masks;
Life vest.

Environmental fee, 200 pesos per person is not included in the price of the excursion, payable locally.


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