Lesson summary on the topic of Japan. Plan - Lesson Summary Lesson topic: The final stage of the Second World War. Defeat of Japan

Lesson summary on the topic:


Developed and carried out:

geography teacher

Minakova E.S.



Educational : to form an idea of ​​the territory, economic and geographical position, nature, economy of the country. Identify the features of the socio-economic development of the Japanese economy.

Developmental : develop students’ creative abilities and strengthen independent work skills.

Educational : to contribute to the formation of a general geographical culture, through familiarity with the customs and traditions of the population and its economic activity, through studying the country, promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: political map of the world, atlases, computer.

Lesson forms: teacher's story, students' message, working with atlas maps and contour maps, filling out the table.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson Plan : (lesson plan written on the board)


    Economic and geographical location.

    Form of government, administrative-territorial structure.

    Population of the country.

    Characteristics of nature and natural resources.


During the classes : (topic lasts 2 hours)

Land of the Rising Sun

The neighbors called her.

The sun rises from behind the sea here

It sits behind the mountains.

1 . Organizing time . Good afternoon. Have a seat.

2.Learning new material.


Today we will take a trip to a country that has a very strange name. - “The country is the opposite.” And there is every reason for this. In this amazing country the coat is handed over by a woman, the steering wheel in the car is on the right side, here they write from bottom to top, eat with chopsticks, sleep on the floor, and white is a mourning color.

What country do you think we are talking about? - Yes, this is Japan.

On islands in salty waters

An ancient country lay.

From states, other areas

She is so different.

The tsunami destroyed the coast,

And many times every year

The ground suddenly shook

And people died at the same hour.

Culture develops there

Houses have been built for centuries.

And what was born here for the first time -

Never died. (verse read to Japanese music)

Today we will try to understand and get to know this amazing and unique country. To do this, we will draw up a comprehensive geographical description of the state and try to get to know the people, their traditions and culture better.

We write down the date and topic (show the topic on the board) of the lesson in a notebook.

Since ancient times, the Japanese have called their country Nippon. This name consists of two hieroglyphic characters, the first of which means “sun”, and the second - “base”.

No wonder the Japanese flag has a red circle on a white background. Red circle on a white field (“Hinomaru”, i.e. “sun flag”). The white background means purity and integrity, the red circle means warmth, brightness and sincerity.

The coat of arms of Japan features a chrysanthemum. For the peoples of the country, this flower is a kind of personification of wisdom and prosperity.

The Japanese are a mystery of our century; they are the most incomprehensible, the most paradoxical of peoples. The Japanese are unlike any other people in the world. These are the most sensitive, lively, artistic natures and at the same time the most imperturbable, impractical and silent people.

Japan is a highly developed state, a G8 country. And as you already know, the development of any country is determined by a number of factors. One of them is geographical location.

Let us consider the features of the economic and geographical position. He won’t tell you about them... (a first-year student tells)

1. Economic and geographical location

Japan is not just a country, but an archipelago country located in East Asia on four large islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu. And almost seven thousand small islands. This is a whole island world! It was formed as a result of the collision of the Pacific and Eurasian lithospheric plates. Japan Square 377 972 thousand km 2 . ( it is 45 times smaller than our country and ranks 62nd in area among other countries in the world)In the north, Japan is washed Sea of ​​Okhotsk, in the east - the Pacific Ocean, in the south - the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea, in the west - the Korea Strait and Sea of ​​Japan. (student's message)

Tasks 1:

Find on political map Which countries does Japan have granite with? (with China viaEast China Sea), with Korea (separated by the Sea of ​​Japan). North of Japan is the Far East, geographical area Russia. (La Perouse Strait)

Task 2: Label these objects on contour map p.17. Objects are shown on the screen.


Islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu.

Seas: Okhotsk, East China, Japan.

Straits: Korean, La Perouse

Neighboring countries: China, Korea, Russia

- What features of the geographical location do you think could most influence the development of the country? ( seaside location, distance from markets of other countries)

Task 3:

Write down in your notebook 1st option the positive, 2nd option the negative features of the economic and geographical position. (check) (the table after checking is displayed on the slide)

Positive features

Negative traits

Isolation (island country).

Proximity to the East Asian shores and Russia.

Remoteness from raw materials and sales markets.

Access to the seas and ocean.

Conclusion: (formulated by the teacher) So, summing up the results of the EGP, we can draw the following conclusion: the EGP of Japan is quite profitable. A favorable feature of Japan's economic and geographical position is, first of all, that it is located in the center of the Asia-Pacific region, and this opens up great opportunities to participate in the international geographical division of labor. The disadvantage is that Japan is remote from most countries, which makes the integration process difficult. (write in notebook)

2. Japan's form of government - this is a constitutional monarchy, an empire (what types of monarchies do you still remember, name them; how do they differ from a constitutional monarchy; go and show other monarchies in Asia on a political map) The head of state is Emperor Akihito.

- According to the administrative-territorial structure of Japan - unitary state.

- Capital of Japan – Tokyo, which means “Eastern Capital”, located on the island of Honshu.

3. Population

Teacher's story:

The Japanese state, according to legend, arose in 660 BC. This is an ancient state with its own public and unspoken traditions and foundations. At the center of Japanese society there has always been not an individual, but a close-knit team with strict subordination of members of the hierarchy.The Japanese believe that the main wealth of their country is people with their ability and desire to work.

There are no strangers between us! We are all brothers to each other, under the cherry blossoms. (these are lines from a Japanese poem). Family, school, company - the three main links in the life of every Japanese.

Let's listen to a student's message about the peculiarities of Japanese society. While listening to the messages, write down in your notebook the words that you associate with Japan.

Teacher's story:(shown on screen)

The population of Japan is 126,960,00 people (2.01% of the world's population).


1 381 963 000

1 301 390 000

324 932 000

260 581 100

205 739 044

195 875 722

186 987 563

160 991 563

146 797 031

126 960 000

Go and show the listed countries on the wall map.

Average population density - 336 people per km 2 . Most of the population lives in cities. Japan, unlike other Asian countries, is characterized by the first type of population reproduction. -What is the peculiarity of the first type of reproduction. The noticeable decline in the birth rate is explained, first of all, by the desire of the Japanese to improve their standard of living, as well as by the government policy of birth control. The ethnic composition of the population is extremely homogeneous. This is a typical single-ethnic country, where the Japanese make up 99% of the population. National minorities include the Ainu living on the island of Hokkaido. IN major cities Koreans and Chinese live there. The Japanese language is specific and does not belong to any language family. Japanese writing uses both hieroglyphs and syllabaries. The Japanese are a very religious nation. The religion that came to Japan from India is Buddhism. The Japanese belief system is Shintoism.

Japan is a nation of healthy people with the most low rate child mortality in the world is 4 per 1000 (in the USA - 8 per 1000; in Russia - 18 per 1000) and the most high level life expectancy (men - 76 years, women - 82 years).

4. Now let's look atnatural conditions and resources Japan.Characteristics of nature and natural resources

Task 4: Using the textbook text, write down the natural features of the country.

Japan is a mountainous country. Shecovered with highlands, low and medium-altitude mountains, they make up over 75% of the country's territory. Lowlands are located in separate areas along the coasts of the country. The largest lowland is Kanto, covering about 17,000 km². Highest point Fuji volcano 3776m.Forestsoccupy 2/3 of the country's territory. Rapids and short rivers Japan is a source of hydroelectric power and water for irrigating fields. The country is poor in mineral resources.Own mineral resources: coal, oil, iron ore, manganese ores, chrome ores, copper ores, lead, zinc, tin, mercury ores.

Task 5: find on the map and mark on the contour map deposits of your own minerals.

Conclusion: The country is poor in mineral resources. Therefore, other Natural resources. Forests are of particular value. Due to their rapidity and short length, numerous rivers are unsuitable for navigation, but are a source of hydroelectric power and water for irrigation. Nature on the Japanese islands is cruel. Earthquakes occur frequently. Typhoons cause significant damage.


Let's get acquainted with the Japanese economy and try to answer the question. What is the Japanese miracle of Japan?

Japan is one of the main centers of economic power modern world. Coming out of World War II with a destroyed economy, Japan achieved stunning results in economic development, already in the mid-1970s, occupying second place in terms of GDP. It was among the first to step into the post-industrial era, achieving the status of one of the most important financial and scientific centers peace. After the war, it bought invention patents around the world and modernized its economy on this basis. She invested money in the development of science and research. She spent little money on weapons.

Factors of the “economic miracle” or the Japanese economic model:

    The country adopted a democratic constitution, which laid down legal basis its economic well-being

    An agrarian reform was carried out - large landownership was liquidated, the land was given to the peasants.

    The Americans, having introduced antitrust legislation in the country, disbanded the zaibatsu financial and industrial groups.

    The country's industry received multi-million dollar orders.

    The defense of the country by the American army made it possible not to spend money on our own army.

    Moreover, at this time there were relatively low prices on the world market for mineral raw materials and fuel.

    The country saved enormous amounts of money for the development of its own R&D through the acquisition of licenses and patents.

    Japan had cheap labor compared to other developed countries, and a labor management system was carefully developed.

    Japan, after losing the war, had the right to spend no more than 1% of GDP on defense.

    The country has always been characterized by a high degree of government regulation: every five years a plan or forecast is drawn up.

The entire territory of Japan can be divided into 2 parts: southern, southeastern, which is called the “front part”, where most of the production is located. And the northern, northwestern part is the “rear part”, which does not have such a high concentration of production and is a more environmentally friendly territory. An important feature of the economy is international economic relations, since 9/10 of the economy is import-oriented.

Ferrous metallurgy is one of the most important basic industries in Japan. The level of production automation is one of the highest in the world, although the dynamics of steel production in the country is falling. Of the 14 powerful plants in the world, 8 are located in Japan. - Non-ferrous metallurgy - develops almost entirely on imported raw materials. Mechanical engineering in Japan is the leading branch of its industry, ranking second after the United States. In terms of exports, the country's mechanical engineering industry ranks first in the world. Do you know the largest automobile companies in the country? (Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Mazda). To understand the reasons for the Japanese miracle in the automotive industry, you need to take into account not only high technology and technology, but also the high qualifications of all people involved in production, as well as the characteristics of the national character. Shipbuilding – the country is still a world leader in shipbuilding. The structure of production is characterized by the predominance of tankers and dry cargo ships; recently, the production of container ships intended for the transportation of goods has increased. Shipbuilding remains a sector of international specialization; the country provides more than 30% of world exports. The electronics industry began with the development of radio electronics. Japan is second only to the United States in the production of semiconductors and computers. Japan is a leader in the production of robots, VCRs, video cameras, and video cassettes. Electronics manufacturing companies (Hitachi, Toshiba, Fuji, Sony).

In the chemical industry, the main raw material is oil. Today, Japan is the second largest country in terms of chemical production after the United States.

Agriculture: Leading industry Agriculture is crop production. The main agricultural crop is rice; it is cultivated throughout Japan, with the exception of the extreme northern and eastern parts. Japan ranks 5th in the world in the production of vegetables and melons after China, India, the USA and Turkey.

Fishing is an important traditional sector of the Japanese economy. Japan ranks first in the world in terms of fish catch. There are more than 3 thousand fishing ports in the country.

Conclusion from the lesson: In today's lessons we visited one of the corners of our planet, where people, in defiance of nature, which did not give them sufficient mineral resources or land, reached such economic heights that many on Earth could envy them. Japan for the first time moved from the second to the first type of population reproduction. Japan is the second country in the world in terms of total economic power after the United States. Today the country is the largest financial center in the world. By national income per capita came in third place after Switzerland and Luxembourg. In terms of the level of development of many industries, it ranks first in the world: in shipbuilding, automobile production, machine tool building, production of general electronic products, robots, microelectronics products

3. Consolidation of the studied material .

    Number of residents living in Japan:

a) 124 million people. b) 126 million people. c) 127 million people.

    Political system:

a) absolute monarchy b) constitutional monarchy c) republic

    National composition - ...... Japanese:

a) 89% b) 90% c) 99%

    Japan refers to:

a) type I of reproduction; b) type II reproduction;

    5.The population of Japan professes 2 main religions:

a) Buddhism and Confucianism b) Confucianism and Shintoism;

c) Buddhism and Shintoism c) Judaism and Shintoism

    What resources does Japan not have:

a) labor b) mineral c) forest

Geography teacher, MBOU Secondary School No. 4, village. Merchansky

Mironov Vladimir Viktorovich

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

    To form students’ understanding of Japan and its natural features;

    Continue work on developing the skills to independently obtain knowledge from various sources of information;

    Develop skills in working with a map, the ability to compare;

    Develop students' cognitive interest;

    Formation of moral values ​​and aesthetic attitude to life, beauty and spiritual culture of the Japanese people.

Equipment: political map of Foreign Asia, physical map of Eurasia, climate maps, “Population density and peoples”, computer, projector

During the classes

Teacher ( against the background of a soft-sounding Japanese melody)

Today in class we will continue to study the countries of East Asia. On the board is a lesson plan for which we will look at the characteristics of Japan. What do you know about Japan?

1. Geographical position Japan. Symbols

2.Relief of Japan

3. Climate of Japan

4. Japan's inland waters

5. Nature of Japan

5. Population of Japan

6. Economic features of Japan

1.Geographical location of the country.

The story of the teacher and students is accompanied by a show geographical objects on large wall maps.

Question? Determine from the map which island is the largest? (Hokkaido)

Question? In the north the country is washed by what sea? (by the Sea of ​​Okhotsk), in the east – (by the waters Pacific Ocean), in the south - (the Pacific Ocean and the waters of the East China Sea), in the west - (the Korea Strait and the Sea of ​​Japan). Japan claims to belong to Russia Kurile Islands, lying north of the island of Hokkaido.

Japan is an island state, located on four large islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, as well as the islands of the Ryukyu archipelago and more than a thousand small islands. The capital is Tokyo.

2. Relief of Japan. Using the atlas, students determine and draw conclusions about the topography of the country. . The highest ridges are on the island of Honshu. The mountainous surface of the islands is very diverse in both structure and height. There are volcanic cones and plateaus, massifs with gentle slopes, processed by flowing waters. Here is the most high peak country, sacred to its inhabitants - the extinct volcano Fuji, 3,776 m high.

3. Climate of Japan.

Assignment for working in pairs.

By climate map characterize the climate of the country, using the climatogram to determine the highest and lowest temperatures and the minimum and maximum amount of precipitation.

4. Japan's inland waters

By physical map give a general description of the country's rivers.

    Nature of Japan

By map natural areas give a general description of the nature of the country.

    Population of Japan

    Largest cities

Population (more than 125 million people), average density (almost 340 people per km 2). In terms of population, it ranks 8th in the world.

Question? Besides the Japanese, who else lives there?(Koreans, Chinese.)

Question? Which official language? ( Japanese, many speak English)

It has the lowest infant mortality rate and the highest life expectancy in the world. In 1998, the average life expectancy: women - 83 years, men - 76 years.

7. Economic development of Japan. Determine from the atlas map:


Agricultural development


Students will learn that Japan is one of the most highly developed countries in the world. The country is known to children for its cars, robots, electronic computing and

household appliances. The country has few mineral resources of its own, so most of them have to be imported from abroad, including from Russia. The country grows rice, tea, sugar cane, and raises cattle, poultry, and pigs. Except

fisheries, are engaged in artificial breeding of fish and pearl shells.

Sights of Japan. During the messages, students write down basic concepts in a notebook: ikebana, tea ceremony, tatami, sumo, hanami, kimono, sakura


As a reinforcement, the children are asked to answer questions on the topic they have studied.

The teacher asks the students a question: “What new have you learned about Japan?”

objects presented in the paragraph.


Teacher (head of discipline)

separate discipline

(history, social studies and geography)


Lesson topic: The final stage of the Second World War. Defeat of Japan.

Methodological goal of the lesson: to show the use of critical thinking technology in history lessons.

Purpose: to trace the progress of final operations at the final stage of the Second World War; reveal the historical significance of these military actions, which led to the complete defeat of militaristic Japan and the salvation of the peoples of the world from fascism

Lesson objectives:

Educational: introduce the military-strategic operations of the participants of the anti-Hitler coalition at the final stage of the war; characterize the decisions of the conference; show the decisive role of the Soviet Union in the victory over Japanese fascism

Developmental: continue to develop the skills to analyze historical facts based on historical documents, reveal cause-and-effect relationships; express a reasoned point of view when discussing historical problems; systematize, classify and generalize historical facts

Educational: to instill in students a sense of patriotism, respect for war, to form among Suvorovites.

Lesson type: lesson on learning a new topic

Material support for the lesson: presentation, textbook, interactive map, video clip, documents.

Teaching methods: activity-based, partially search-based, research

During the classes.

Lesson steps

Work of students

Organizing time.

Announcing the topic and objectives of the lesson. Teacher's opening speech.

Write in notebooks and on the board.

Studying new material on the following questions:

The class is divided into three unequal groups (army headquarters): 8 - USSR, 6 - USA, 4 - Japan.

Call stage

A) USSR and allies

Video fragment. An assignment for him.

Analysis of documents in pairs => Creation of a combat calendar => Presentation of the calendar at interactive map. Video fragment.

E) Results of the war and the origins of victory

Phrase in Chinese. Demonstration of the video project of Suvorov soldier Chunin “My grandfather - the Great Patriotic War”

Stage III. Reflection.

4.Final stage.

The “6 thinking hats” technique. Ratings.

5. Self-study task.

§ Determine the significance of the USSR’s victory in the war with Japan.

Teacher _______________

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Teacher's introduction: The Soviet-Japanese War of 1945 is one of the historical events that arouse controversial interest. To this day, many abroad believe that it was thanks to the atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima that the power of militaristic Japan was broken, which put an end to the entire Second World War. Unfortunately, this grandiose battle of the Second World War, despite its uniqueness and scale, still remains unknown or little-known in our country, which obviously prompts the desire of current Japanese politicians to increasingly oppose Russia with demands for the return of the “northern territories.” " This war left an extremely deep mark on history and remains, in fact, the only unsolved knot of the Second World War. Its consequences continue to have a strong influence on modern Russian-Japanese relations.

For me personally, the defeat of Japan is important: my grandfather, a major, fought here and could have died. He was wounded. He was awarded the medals “For Military Merit” and “For Victory over Japan,” which are carefully kept in our family. (demonstration of real medals to students)

And all of us Far Easterners are not indifferent to the history of the Second World War that swept across our lands. Among the guys present here there are residents of the Kuril Islands, Transbaikalia, Khabarovsk and, of course, . Today you will be given the honor of participating in liberation and offensive operations in your native lands. In addition, by entering the Suvorov Military School, you are preparing yourself for the profession of a military officer. A significant portion of you will serve Far East. This means that you need to carefully study and know the peculiarities of conducting military operations in the Far Eastern theater. Because if you want peace, prepare for war!

So the goals are clear, let's write down the topic of the lesson. (Slide No. 1) Let's get acquainted with the plan (Slide No. 2)

III. Presentation of new material on the following issues:

A) USSR and allies.

We present to your attention a fragment of the Potsdam Conference (Sketch “At the Potsdam Conference” on.) (Slide No. 3)

Your task: to determine what the allies agreed on.

B) Causes of the war with Japan. (Slide No. 4)

Work in groups. (General Staff of the Armies of the USSR and USA)

Using the information received from the leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition, your knowledge and the textbook text on the page, formulate at least 3 reasons for the war with Japan for your countries. Write down the reasons on the slide.

Assignment to the Japanese General Staff: look at the map of your possessions and determine where and how best to position your troops to defeat a potential enemy.

B) Combat plans. The “Map without a legend” technique based on statistical analysis. (Slide No. 5)

Map plans for warfare. (Japan, USSR. USA). .

Teacher's word. The interests of restoring peace required the speedy elimination of the Far Eastern hotbed of war. True to its allied obligations, the Soviet Union could not remain aloof from solving this important task. In 1945, the Soviet government denounced the neutrality treaty with Japan dated April 13, 1941, and in 1945 announced its entry into war with it.

D) Progress of hostilities (Slide No. 6-8)

Teacher's word. To study the course of hostilities, you will work in pairs with documents and a map.

You have the honor of liberating the territories of your small Motherland.

USA - video about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Assignment for Japan: Was the bombing the defeat of Japan?

Physical education minute (Slide No. 9)

work in pairs with documents and a map. (Slide No. 10), interactive map

Transbaikal Front

Manchurian Front


The Manchurian strategic offensive operation under the leadership of the Commander-in-Chief of Soviet troops in the Far East, Marshal of the Soviet Union Vasilevsky. – 1945 troops of the Transbaikal, 1st and 2nd Far Eastern Fronts, forces Pacific Fleet and the Amur military flotilla carried out the Manchurian strategic operation, encircled and defeated the Kwantung Army, which numbered more than 1 million soldiers and officers, 6.6 thousand guns and mortars, over 1.2 thousand tanks, more than 1.9 thousand combat aircraft.

At the same time, the Yuzhno-Sakhalin (11 – ) and Kuril landing ( – ) operations were carried out. The Soviet Union returned to its composition Southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. The number of prisoners was about 593 thousand people. During the entire battle, the Red Army lost more than 36 thousand soldiers and officers, of which over 12 thousand were killed.

Over Hiroshima, and on August 9 over Nagasaki were exploded atomic bombs. As a result, two cities with their entire population were virtually wiped off the face of the earth.

1. What goals did the United States pursue?

2. Was it advisable to use atomic weapons?

Teacher's word. (Slide No. 11), Operation codenamed “August Storm” began in 1945, almost simultaneously with the bombing of Nagasaki. In two weeks of fighting, Japan lost 84,000 troops killed, and the USSR - 12,000. Soviet troops did not reach only 50 kilometers to the northern Japanese island Hokkaido.

This operation became one of the largest - in scale, impressive - in organization and design, and successful - in tactical execution - campaigns of World War II; V shortest time a territory equal to all of Western Europe was captured!

(Slide No. 12-16), Japan surrendered. The official act of surrender was signed on board the American battleship Missouri in 1945 by representatives of the USA, England, China, the USSR and Japan. Second World War ended.

The video "Surrender of Japan" is used to check the correctness of the topic.

E) The results of the war and the origins of victory. During the war, the Japanese army lost 677 thousand troops, in particular, 83 thousand were killed, 594 thousand surrendered. Victory Soviet army in the Far Eastern War, it accelerated the defeat of the Japanese fascists and contributed to the victory of China in the War of Resistance against Japanese Invaders.

4 Final stage. Demonstration of a fragment of a video project by Suvorov veteran Chunin “My grandfather is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War.” (Slide No. 17)

Self-preparation task: (Slide No. 18)

1. Prepare an oral response on the topic “The Defeat of Japan”

2. Determine the significance of the USSR’s victory in the war with Japan. (5-7 points)

Hint: The phrase is in Chinese. (Russians and Chinese are brothers forever!)

Reflection: The “6 Thinking Hats” technique. (Slide No. 19-25)

Ratings. A word from the experts. Our lesson is coming to an end. I would like to believe that everything that was said today resonated in your hearts, and we will all remember the terrible days of the war, about those who gave their lives defending peace on Earth. Let us value life, no matter how difficult it may seem, and cherish and love the people whom fate has destined to be near you. The words “if only there was no war” are not just empty words. Everything can be experienced and overcome when there is no war on earth...


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