How many planes have crashed in history? Safe airplane statistics. Why do planes fly

Many people prefer to get to this or that region using an airliner, because traveling by air is much more convenient and faster than traveling by train. According to statistics every 2-3 seconds a plane lands and takes off around the world. Should you give in to fear when you board an airplane? How often do planes crash? Such questions always plague passengers, especially those who rarely fly. aircraft.

Everyone fears for their life, so it is not surprising why such questions arise. If you watch the news, which constantly talks about some kind of disaster, often related to air travel, then the desire to go somewhere immediately disappears. Of course, there is always danger. Even while staying at home, there is a risk of death, for example, from a gas leak. Thus, to fly or not to fly aircraft is a very controversial issue and here everyone decides for himself how best to act. In order to understand how many airliners crash, let's look at the statistics.

How many planes crash per year is a question that interests many people, even those who are not planning to fly. The following data can be provided:

  1. Statistics show that about 10,000 airliners take off into the sky every day.
  2. Approximately 4.5 billion people fly on airplanes – that’s more than half the world’s population.
  3. Of these, about 1,000 people die in plane crashes.
  4. For 100 years passenger aviation 150,000 people died.

This figure is several times less than the number of victims in road accidents per month. So, what is the safest way to travel? The answer is obvious. People die in road accidents much more often, so driving in cars is much more dangerous for life than flying in airplanes.

According to statistics, since 2009 there have been 107 plane crashes, killing 3,245 passengers.

How often do planes crash in Russia?

Unfortunately, our country occupies a leading position in the ranking of countries that have suffered the largest number of aircraft accidents. This is due to the fact that Russia is the largest power in the world. If we take statistics from 2009, then the largest number of accidents involving airliners occurred in the Russian Federation - 38. 378 people died in them. Next comes America, where 11 incidents have occurred over the past 6 years. If we take into account the data for the entire existence of civil aviation, then the United States of America occupies first place.

  • Russia (38 accidents);
  • USA (11 for this period);
  • Ukraine (7 in 6 years);
  • Congo (6 over the same period);
  • Germany (4 disasters in 2010).

Which planes crash most often?

If we talk about which planes crash most often, here we need to give a rating of the most dangerous airliners. So the list is:

  1. Boeing 737. This passenger plane was recognized as the most dangerous, as several plane crashes occurred on it.
  2. IL-76. Terrible disaster happened on this aircraft 13 years ago and claimed many lives.
  3. Tu-154. There were also a lot of accidents on it.
  4. Airbus A310. The last disaster was this year, which claimed more than 150 lives and only one girl managed to survive.
  5. McDonnell-Douglas DC-9. It has not been produced for many years, but ready-made aircraft fly quite often. During the entire period of existence on board of this aircraft only 44 people died.

Compared to the years of the last 20th century, the number of plane crashes, alas, has increased. Planes crash for various reasons. This may be a malfunction of the airliner itself, weather or human factor. It is difficult to say unequivocally whether planes crash often. Compared to a road accident, it is much safer to travel on an aircraft. But in general, you shouldn’t be afraid of airplanes, because on the ground the risk of dying is much greater than in the air.

The most common cause of civil aircraft crashes aircraft- human factor

The USA is the absolute leader in the number of plane crashes since 1945

As a result of the terrorist attack, every twelfth of the crashed airliners crashes

On November 29, a plane carrying players from the Brazilian team Chapecoense crashed in Colombia. At least 76 people have died, and doctors are fighting for the lives of 13 people. According to preliminary data, the plane crashed into the jungle because it ran out of fuel several dozen miles from the airport.


Half of all plane crashes are caused by pilot errors. Some of them neglect job descriptions, others do not have sufficient experience, others are simply negligent. This group also includes situations when a pilot intentionally directs a plane into a building or into the ground in order to take his own life.

1/5 of all plane crashes are the result of equipment failure. If at the beginning and middle of the last century we were talking, as a rule, about design flaws in the creation of aircraft, now it usually means poorly done repairs. Thus, on August 12, 1985, due to the negligence of welders, a Boeing 747 crashed near Tokyo.

Every tenth aircraft crash occurs due to unsuitable weather conditions. This is fog, thunderstorm, heavy rain, snow or very strong wind. For this reason, on April 10, 2010, an airliner carrying the then President of Poland, Lech Kaczynski, crashed near Smolensk.

In 8% of cases, plane crashes are caused by the actions of terrorists and hijackers. This category includes, for example, collisions of airliners with buildings of the World War II shopping center in New York on September 11, 2001.

6% of plane crashes are caused by air traffic controller errors. In particular, due to incorrect actions of the dispatcher, on July 1, 2002, two planes collided over Lake Constance in Switzerland.

In other cases, it is not possible to determine the cause of the disaster, or it is quite rare (a crocodile crawled out of the luggage compartment, the plane collided with a flock of birds or fell into a cloud volcanic ash). Sometimes officials voice completely absurd versions of plane crashes.

“The plane fell due to gravity, since the car is heavier than air,” the prosecutor of the Chusovsky district said in November 2010 Perm region Andrey Deliev, commenting on the crash of the MiG-31 fighter.


The leader in the number of plane crashes is the United States. But this does not mean that flying in America is more dangerous than in Russia or Mexico: in the United States it is widespread civil Aviation, and the lion’s share of crashes occurs on light aircraft.

The number of plane crashes in Russia in the first half of 2016 did not decrease, but increased. During this period, 22 airplane and helicopter crashes were registered, and for the same period in 2015 - 12. According to information from the JACDEC research center for 2016, the largest Russian air carrier is in 36th place in the flight safety rating.

It is worth keeping in mind that the likelihood of dying in a plane crash is 62 times lower than in a car accident.

/ BusinessWeek has compiled a ranking of the most dangerous civil aircraft in the world, using data from London-based insurance consultant Ascend. The rating included aircraft models that are in operation around the world in quantities of 100 or more units. The list was compiled based on the number of fatal plane crashes as of the end of 2008, while experts did not take into account crashes related to terrorist attacks.

The editors of Transport Today, using statistics from BusinessWeek, provide their comments on each aircraft.

1. Boeing 737 JT8D - The most dangerous plane in the world

The most dangerous by passenger plane based on the number of accidents, experts recognized Boeing 737 JT8D, which includes old modifications of the most popular passenger plane in the world Boeing 737- Models 100 and 200. These aircraft account for one fatal accident per 507,500 flight hours.

Airliners of these modifications were produced from 1967 to 1988. Number of models in service (at the end of 2008): 517 units.

Boeing 737-200 aircraft are still operated by airlines in poor countries.

"Sakhalin Air Routes"(Russia) / AeroSvit(Ukraine) / Itek Air(Kyrgyzstan) / Esen Air(Kyrgyzstan) / EuroLine Airlines(Georgia) / Kyrgyzstan(Kyrgyzstan)

The last major disaster involving a Boeing 737-200 occurred in August 2008, when a Kyrgyz airline Itek Air plane crashed near Bishkek. The disaster killed 68 of the 90 people on board.

It is immediately worth noting that Il-76 is a transport aircraft and passengers on regular flights does not transport. According to statistics, one plane crash occurs with this aircraft per 549,900 flight hours.

Years of production: from 1974 to the present day. Number of aircraft in service: 247.

This cargo model is most often found in airline fleets in the former Soviet Union, the Middle East and Africa.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: "Alrosa"(Russia) / "Gazpromavia"(Russia) / EMERCOM of the Russian Federation(Russia) / Uzbekistan Airways(Uzbekistan)

In 2003, an Ilyushin Il-76 operated by Iran Revolutionary Guard crashed, killing 275 people. The last disaster with the Il-76 occurred on March 9, 2009, when the airliner crashed into Lake Victoria in Uganda. 11 people died.

Note V. Zykova. About 1,000 IL-76s were produced. 60 vehicles were lost, including 11 destroyed during hostilities. They worked a lot in the 90s, when they were overloaded almost twice.

One plane crash involving a Tu-154 occurs every 1,041,000 flight hours.

Years of production: from 1971 to the present. Number of aircraft in service: 336.

The Tu-154 is used by most airlines from the countries of the former Soviet Union and neighboring countries. In addition, these aircraft are operated in Iran.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: "Aeroflot"(Russia) / "Muscovy"(Russia) / "Atlant-Soyuz"(Russia) / State Transport Company "Russia"(Russia) / "UTair"(Russia) / "Yakutia"(Russia) / "Ural Airlines"(Russia) / Turan Air(Azerbaijan) and others

The last major Tu-154 disaster occurred on July 15 of this year in Iran, when an Iranian Caspian Air airliner flying from Tehran to Yerevan (Armenia) crashed approximately 200 km from the Iranian capital, killing 168 people.

One plane crash per 1,067,700 flight hours.

Years of production: 1983-1998 Number of aircraft in service: 191.

Major airlines have stopped operating this model of Airbus aircraft. However, some carriers, mainly from third countries, continue to fly the A310. In particular, these aircraft are still operated by Mongolian Airlines, Air Transat, Pakistan International Airlines, Royal Jordanian Airlines, etc.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: "Siberia"(Russia) / Uzbekistan Airways(Uzbekistan)

The last accident involving an A310 occurred on June 30 this year. A Yemenia Airlines A310 airliner en route from Yemen to the Comoros Islands crashed into the sea, killing 152 of the 153 people on board. Miraculously, only a 12-year-old girl managed to escape.

5. McDonnell-Douglas DC-9

One plane crash per 1,068,700 flight hours.

Years of production: 1965-1982 Number of aircraft in service: 315.

DC-9s are still operated by Delta Airlines, which inherited them from Northwest Airlines, as well as many other small carriers around the world. Some small CIS airlines also operate these aircraft.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: " Ukrainian-Mediterranean Airlines " (Ukraine) / "Horse"(Ukraine)

In April 2008 in Dominican Republic Congo Hewa Bora Airways DC-9 crashes, killing 44 people.

6. Tu-134

One plane crash per 1,087,600 flight hours.

Years of production: 1964-1986 Number of aircraft in service: 223.

The Tu-134 is still widely used by airlines in the CIS countries and the Middle East. This is one of the most popular passenger aircraft assembled in the Soviet Union. These planes fly domestic flights in Russia, as well as in some CIS countries.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: " UTair " (Russia) / "Aeroflot-Nord"(Russia) / "Orenburg Airlines"(Russia) / "Kolavia"(Russia) / "Volga Aviaexpress"(Russia) / Kazair West(Kazakhstan) and others

The last crash with a Tu-134 occurred on March 17, 2007, when a UTair airline plane, while landing in Samara, missed the runway and landed 200 meters before the runway, at a distance of 90 meters to the right of the center line. As a result of the disaster, 6 of the 57 people on board died. Prior to this, the only fatal accident, not counting the 2004 suicide bombing of a Volga-Aviaexpress airliner that killed all 43 people on board, occurred in 1997 in Vietnam.

One plane crash per 2,306,300 flight hours.

Years of production: 1963-1984 Number of aircraft in service: 412.

Large carriers have long written off the Boeing 727. However, some small companies, in particular Iran Air, AeroSur (Bolivia), Ariana Afghan Airlines, continue to operate these aircraft.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: Mega(Kazakhstan)

Last major plane crash this airliner occurred on December 25, 2003 in the African state of Benin, killing 141 of the 163 people on board.

8. McDonnell-Douglas MD-80

One plane crash per 2,332,300 flight hours.

Years of production: 1980-1999 Number of aircraft in service: 923.

The MD-80 is still used by the American airline Delta, as well as a number of European carriers, notably Alitalia, Spanair and SAS.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: Wind Rose(Ukraine) / "Horse"(Ukraine)

The most last plane crash involving this airliner occurred in August 2008 in Spain. The crash killed 154 of the 172 people on board a Spanair flight from Madrid to the Canary Islands.

9. McDonnell-Douglas DC-10

One plane crash per 2,908,800 flight hours.

Years of production: 1971-1989 Number of aircraft in service: 153.

The aircraft is now primarily used by cargo and charter operators. Biman Bangladesh Airlines is the latest airline to operate the DC-10 on scheduled flights.

The DC-10 is one of the rare aircraft whose safety has, on the contrary, improved with age. A number of fatal crashes in the 1970s involving the aircraft led to the development of changes and improvements to the aircraft. As a result, the last fatal accident occurred in 1999, when the former French carrier AOM crashed in Guatemala. 16 of the 314 people on board were killed.

10. McDonnell-Douglas MD-11

One plane crash per 3,668,800 flight hours.

Years of production: 1990-2001 Number of aircraft in service: 187.

Currently, this aircraft is operated primarily on cargo lines. However Finnair airlines and KLM still carry passengers on these aircraft.

The last plane crash occurred on March 23, 2009, when a FedEx cargo MD-11 crashed while landing in Tokyo, killing 2 crew members. The last fatal crash was in 1999, when a China Airlines MD-11 caught fire while landing in Hong Kong during a typhoon, killing three people.

11. Boeing 737 CFMI (Classic)

One plane crash per 4,836,900 flight hours.

Years of production: 1984-2000 Number of aircraft in service: 1796.

These aircraft include modifications of the Boeing 737-300, - 400 and - 500. These aircraft are operated by many leading airlines in the world, including carriers in Russia and the CIS countries.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: "Transaero"(Russia) / "Aeroflot-Nord"(Russia) / "Aeroflot-Don"(Russia) / "UTair"(Russia) / "KD Avia"(Russia) / "Yamal"(Russia) / "Sky Express"(Russia) / "Dnepravia"(Ukraine) / "AeroSvit"(Ukraine) / (Ukraine) / SCAT(Kazakhstan) / "Belavia"(Belarus) / Georgian Airways(Georgia) and others

The last disaster occurred on September 14, 2008 in Perm, when an Aeroflot-Nord Boeing 737-500 crashed while landing at the city airport due to a crew error, killing all 88 people.

One plane crash per 13,744,400 flight hours.

Years of production: 1982-2005 Number of aircraft in service: 973.

Boeing 757 aircraft are operated by many airlines around the world.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: "VIM Avia"(Russia) / Nordwind Airlines (Russia) / "Yakutia"(Russia) / "Horse"(Ukraine) / Tajik Air(Tajikistan) / Azerbaijan Airlines(Azerbaijan) / Uzbekistan Airways(Uzbekistan) / Turkmenistan Airlines(Turkmenistan)

The last crash involving a Boeing 757 occurred on October 2, 1996, when a Dominican airline jet fell off the flight level due to the fact that the speed sensor gave incorrect readings. Then all 189 people on board died. It is also worth noting that two Boeing aircraft 757 was used by terrorists in the September 11, 2001 attacks. In addition, on July 1, 2002, a DHL Boeing 757 cargo airliner collided with a Russian Tu-154 due to a dispatcher error. Both pilots on board the Boeing 757 were killed.

One plane crash per 14,050,200 flight hours.

Years of production: 1988 to present. Number of aircraft in service: 3604.

The Airbus A320 family includes aircraft models A318, 319, 320 and 321. Most airlines in the world, including many carriers in Russia and other countries former USSR, have these medium-haul airliners in their fleet.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: "Siberia"(Russia) / "Aeroflot"(Russia) / "Ural Airlines"(Russia) / State Transport Company "Russia"(Russia) / "Vladivostok air"(Russia) / Air Astana(Kazakhstan) / Armavia(Armenia) / "Donbassaero"(Ukraine) / Moldavian Airlines(Moldova) and others

The last disaster involving passengers occurred on July 17, 2007 in Brazil. Then the TAM airline A320 flew off the runway during landing and crashed into a fuel and lubricants warehouse, killing all 187 people on board and 12 people on the ground.

It is worth noting that only A320 airliners were involved in accidents with human casualties.

One plane crash per 14,895,100 flight hours.

Years of production: 1982 to present. Number of aircraft in service: 867.

These long-haul aircraft are popular with most of the world's major carriers.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: "Aeroflot"(Russia) / "Transaero"(Russia) / "Siberia"(Russia) / State Transport Company "Russia"(Russia) / "AeroSvit"(Ukraine) / Uzbekistan Airways(Uzbekistan) / Air Astana(Kazakhstan) and others

The last Boeing 767 crash occurred on April 15, 2002 in Busan, when an Air China plane crashed on approach due to crew errors, killing 129 of the 166 people on board.

15. Boeing 737 NG

One plane crash per 16,047,900 flight hours.

Years of production: 1997 to present. Number of aircraft in service: 2583.

This Boeing 737 family includes models 600, 700, 800 and 900. These modifications of the Boeing 737 are very popular among many carriers around the world.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: Globus(Russia) / "Transaero"(Russia) / "Atlant-Soyuz"(Russia) / "Yakutia"(Russia) / "Orenburg Airlines"(Russia) / "Gazpromavia"(Russia) / Nord Star(Russia) / "Muscovy"(Russia) / "International airlines Ukraine"(Ukraine) / Somon Air(Tajikistan) / Turkmenistan Airlines(Turkmenistan) and others

The last plane crash occurred with a Boeing NG aircraft on February 27, 2009. That day the airliner Turkish Airlines A Boeing 737-800 crashed while landing at Amsterdam Airport, killing 9 of the 134 people on board.

16. Boeing 747

One plane crash per 17,358,500 flight hours.

Years of production: 1970 to present. Number of aircraft in service: 935.

The world's first wide-body long-haul passenger airliner is still popular with major global carriers.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: "Transaero"(Russia)

The last disaster occurred on May 25, 2002, when a China Airlines plane disintegrated in midair over Pacific Ocean Due to mechanical wear of the liner's skin, all 225 people died.

There were no fatal accidents during 2008, when A330 airliners successfully flew 12,600,000 flight hours. However, the first disaster with this airliner, which claimed human lives, occurred on June 1, 2009 with an Air France plane flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. For unknown reasons, the liner fell into the Atlantic Ocean and claimed 228 lives.

Years of production: 1993 to present. Number of aircraft in service: 577.

Many of the world's leading airlines operate these long-haul aircraft in their fleet.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: "Aeroflot"(Russia) / "Vladivostok air"(Russia)

No fatalities in 13 million flight hours.

Years of production: 1993 to present. Number of aircraft in service: 341.

The A340 is in the fleet of many major airlines around the world.

In August 2005, an Air France A340 skidded off the runway during a thunderstorm while landing in Toronto and caught fire. However, despite the fact that the plane was completely burned out, none of the passengers or crew members were injured. Only 43 people suffered minor injuries.

The safest plane in the world

No fatalities in more than 19 million flight hours.

Years of production: 1995 to present. Number of aircraft in service: 742.

Like the A330/A340, the Boeing 777 is operated by the world's leading carriers.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: "Transaero"(Russia)

The only disaster involving this aircraft model occurred in January 2008, when both engines of a British Airways airliner stopped landing at London's Heathrow Airport due to the formation of ice crystals in the fuel tanks. Of the 136 passengers and 16 crew members, three people were injured, no one died.

It is also worth noting that safe liners (without human casualties among passengers) that were not included in the rating due to their small number include liners Il-86/96, Tu-204/214, Airbus A380, Embraer 135/140/145/170/175/190/195, Canadair Regional Jet 700-900, McDonnell Douglas MD-90, Fokker-70 and some others.

Meanwhile, according to the Aviation Safety Network website, the most dangerous aircraft in the world currently in operation, according to a coefficient that is calculated based on the number of flights, the number of fatalities and the total number of crashes, is Boeing 747. Next on the list are Boeing 737-300/400/500, Airbus A300, Boeing 757, Airbus A320/319/321, Airbus A310, Boeing 767.

But for some reason there are completely different statistics:

The most dangerous planes in the world

The past week was rich in aviation accidents passenger planes. An Airbus A320 skidded off the runway in Sao Paulo, Brazil, killing 176 people. On the same day in Colombia, an Embarer 190, while landing at Simon Bolivar Airport, was unable to come to a complete stop on the wet surface and crashed into the sea. Fortunately, none of the 54 passengers and 5 crew members died. Only 7 people were injured. In Russia there were also some incidents. On June 18, a TU-154 operating a Moscow-Irkutsk flight was forced to turn around and fly emergency landing at Sheremetyevo due to engine problems. Almost the same scenario unfolded with the TU-154 flying from Yekaterinburg to Tashkent: the plane returned to the airport of departure after the alarm about the presence of chips in the engine went off.

According to statistics, 80% of plane crashes occur due to the human factor, however, a rating of the most unsafe aircraft based on data on plane crashes also exists and is published on the website Aviation Safety Network. The ranking did not take into account plane crashes caused by terrorist attacks.

The top-ranked Boeing 747 (aka Jumbo) is notorious not only for the number of plane crashes, but also for the number of casualties. Although, the second is not surprising - the two-story giant can accommodate more than 500 people. This plane holds the absolute record for the number of deaths in a plane crash: in 1985, a Boeing 747 crashed into a mountain near Tokyo, killing 520 people. They say that after this, several mechanics who were preparing the plane for takeoff committed ritual suicide. In Russia, the only “Jumbo” produced in 1981 belongs to the Transaero airline. There is another one in the fleet of the Ukrainian Aerosvit.

The next line in the rating is occupied by the Boeing 737 of various modifications, beloved by domestic companies. By the way, we note that according to statistics, fewer passengers survive in the crash of this plane than in the crash of the 747. Noticeably fewer aircraft crashes occurred Airbus- a total of 22 accidents, versus 58 for Boeing.

Of the Russian-made aircraft, experts call the IL-86 the safest: there are significantly fewer incidents with them than with the Tu-134 and Tu-154, which most companies are still actively operating and will decommission only by 2010.

Last time, Russian airlines prefer to buy used foreign aircraft rather than new Russian ones. And controlling imported equipment, stuffed with electronics, differs significantly from piloting domestic aircraft. Accordingly, the risk of a “human factor” greatly increases. According to the JACDEC agency, the S7 airline has the largest number of victims of plane crashes - 250 people. It is followed by Aeroflot, which has taken the lives of 242 of its passengers throughout its existence. However, it should be taken into account that the statistics for Aeroflot were collected for the entire period of the company’s existence, including the times of the USSR, and S7 has existed since 1992. Rossiya Airlines accounted for 184 lives, Vladivostok-Avia - 145, KrasAir - 29 and Tyumen Airlines - 5. So far, there have been no casualties among the companies Transero, " Ural Airlines", "Domodedovo Airlines" and "Ural Airlines".

Airplane model Aircraft danger rating Number of flights, million Average number of fatalities in a crash, % Number of crashes
Boeing 747 0,84 16,26 49,04% 28
Boeing 737-300/400/500 0,22 50 74,40% 15
Airbus A300 0,62 9,72 66,56% 9
0,37 14,71 77,14% 7
Airbus A320/319/321 0,22 21,43 65,86% 7
1,39 3,75 87,17% 6
0,47 11,76 91,67% 6
Fokker F70/F100 0,28 6,67 46,75% 4
Boeing 737-600/700/800/900 0,14 13,9 100% 2
0 2 0 0

As everyone knows, an airplane is the most safe way movement. This is confirmed by World Transport Statistics. The basis is the number of deaths per 160 million km of travel. The mortality rate on air transport is only 0.7 people, while on a train it is 0.9, and by car it is 1.5.

However, the plane is different from the plane. We all know that there are different models, they are very different from each other. Let's figure out together what the most safe planes in the world, and which are the most dangerous.

First, let's find out what kind of aircraft generally serve the majority of passenger airlines? There are only 2 types: Boeing and Airbus. The former are produced by an American company, the latter by a large European company. They differ from each other in the set technical characteristics, as well as details in appearance.

Interestingly, according to a study conducted in 2012, Boeing takes first place in terms of the number of accidents, while Airbus has almost 2 times less. What does it mean? That all Airbus airliners are much safer than their American counterparts? Of course no. Both among the former and among the latter, sometimes disasters occur, since the models of one company also differ from each other.

First, let's find out which are the most reliable aircraft in the world.

Safety criteria

Here we immediately note that wear and tear plays an important factor in this matter. Any equipment, even high-quality ones, gets old and breaks down. Therefore, over time, any airliner moves from the category of safe to dangerous.

Lufthansa aircraft

Another significant factor is which airline the plane belongs to. For example, everyone knows about the quality and reliability of the German Lufthansa, which, by the way, is among the twenty most reliable airlines in 2016. While airlines from Third World countries (for example, Afghan Kam Air or Nepalese Tara Air and Nepal Airlines) are included in the rating of the most unsafe airlines for the same 2016

  • the number of plane crashes (terrorist acts were not taken into account) caused by both technical and human factors;
  • number of models of this type produced;
  • lifetime;
  • total flight time.

It is on these 4 factors that the British company Ascend and the American magazine BusinessWeek presented a rating of the reliability and safety of aircraft and those out of production passenger airliners.

Rating of the most reliable aircraft in the world

Boeing 777

The Boeing 777 rightfully took first place. There hasn't been a single plane crash in 20 million flight hours.. Of course, there were several accidents. There is nothing perfect in the world. But there were only 4 of them. It is equipped with the most powerful General Electric GE90 engines in the history of aircraft manufacturing. Wide-body aircraft capable of seating 300 to 500 people.

Airbus A340

In second place is the Airbus A340. In 13.5 million flight hours there were only 5 accidents. It is more expensive to maintain, so airlines are not eager to purchase it.

Airbus A330

Third place goes to the Airbus A330. In 12 million flight hours there was not a single accident until 2008. when an AirFrance-owned Airbus A330 failed to crash in Atlantic Ocean, carried away 228 people. This is a wide-body airliner for medium and long-distance flights.

Boeing 747

In fourth place is a Boeing veteran - the Boeing 747. In 17.5 million flight hours there was only 1 plane crash. It was the very first wide-body aircraft. It was once considered the largest, most spacious, and most recognizable. This is what is shown in most Hollywood films about plane crashes.

Boeing 737NG

Boeing is in fifth place again. This time Boeing 737 NG (New Generation). Which in English means “New Generation”, since it is the third generation of the Boeing 737. In 17 million flight hours there were only 31 plane crashes. And during the entire operation of this model there were only 3 accidents.

Boeing 767

In sixth place is the Boeing 767. In 15.5 million flight hours there was only 1 accident. An infamous model, as it was the one chosen by terrorists to attack the Twin Towers in New York. Over 30 years, there were only 6 plane crashes in which people died.

Airbus A320

The Airbus A320 is seventh on the list. One disaster in 14 million flights. And during the entire time that it was in use, 27 plane crashes occurred with it, 13 of them in which people died. This model is assembled in China, Toulouse (France) and Hamburg (Germany).

Boeing 757

In eighth place is the Boeing 757. There is 1 accident per 15 million flight hours. During the entire period of its operation there were only 8 accidents, only 3 of which occurred due to technical reasons.

Boeing 737 CFMI

The ninth place is occupied by the Boeing 737 CFMI. 110 times he participated in terrorist attacks and was hijacked. There is 1 plane crash per 5.5 million hours of flight. This is the most common model among passenger airliners today. On airways About 1,200 aircraft of this type fly.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-11

On last place McDonnell-Douglas MD-11 was located. This model is from the company of the same name, which merged with Boeing. Now they are already out of order, since their service life has already expired. This type will no longer be produced. There is 1 accident per 4 million flight hours.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-11

Aircraft danger criteria

Now let's look at the rating of the most dangerous aircraft in the world. It was compiled by the same American weekly magazine, BusinessWeek, with the help of the same insurance company Ascend. The criterion is the total number of disasters with huge human casualties. Act of terrorism were also not taken into account.

In addition, it should be noted that the more widely a certain model is used, the more disasters occur in this model. In addition, the period of time during which this model is used plays a huge role. And, of course, the company that uses it.

Rating of the most dangerous aircraft in the world

Boeing 737

The Boeing 737 tops the list. There is 1 aircraft accident per 507,500 flight hours. These liners are no longer in use major airlines, but is still in use among airlines in underdeveloped African countries.


In second place is IL-76. Basically, aircraft of this model are used in the former Soviet Union. They are even still being produced. Although there is 1 accident per 549,900 flight hours.


Third place is again occupied by a model developed back in the Soviet Union - Tu-154. As it is easy to assume, only countries in the Post-Soviet space use it. There is 1 accident per 1,041,000 flight hours.

Airbus A310

Airbus A310 is in fourth place. Decommissioned by large, international companies, this type is still used by Third World countries. For example, Yemen and Pakistan. There is 1 accident per 1,067,000 flight hours.

McDonnell-Douglas DC-9

Fifth place went to the McDonnell-Douglas DC-9. Only small airlines from underdeveloped countries use it. It has not been produced since 1987. There is 1 aircraft accident per 1,068,000 flight hours.

McDonnell-Douglas DC-9


In sixth place is the Tu-134. This model is in use in only a few countries Central Asia and the Middle East. 1 accident occurs per 1,087,600 flight hours. They stopped constructing them in the late 90s of the last century.

Boeing 727

Retired by many mass carriers, the Boeing 727 has settled into seventh place. It has not been produced since 1984, since by that time there were already more advanced models. However, some charters and companies from underdeveloped countries still have this model in their fleet. There is 1 accident per 2,306,300 flight hours.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-80

In eighth place was the McDonnell-Douglas MD-80. It has not been produced since the late 20th century, but is still used by airlines such as the Italian Alitalia, the American Delta and the Scandinavian SAS. 1 accident per 2,332,300 flight hours.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-80

McDonnell-Douglas DC-10

Ninth place went to the McDonnell-Douglas DC-10. It is used only by charters and cargo carriers. There is 1 accident per 2,908,800 flight hours.

McDonnell-Douglas DC-10

McDonnell-Douglas MD-11

The list is completed by a slightly improved model of the previous version of the McDonnell-Douglas DC-10 - the McDonnell-Douglas MD-11. Issue of this type ended at the beginning of the 21st century, but it is still found on such large carriers as KLM and Finnair. 1 accident per 3,668,800 flight hours.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-11


Having analyzed these studies, we can assume that using the services of little-known airlines from Third World countries is the most dangerous. The reason lies in the insufficient financial resources to replace old-type models with newer, improved aircraft. But large airlines are not completely immune from disasters. After all, there is also the human factor and weather conditions. Both of them play an important role.

It is known that many accidents occur during landing and takeoff of the airliner.

And in conclusion: an airplane is a perfect mechanism in which everything works so precisely and smoothly that even with some malfunctions it can successfully land at the airport. It involves more than a thousand different devices designed to stabilize the situation in the event of any damage. That's why ! And if you are flying for the first time, then we have something for you on this topic. Have a good, and most importantly, safe flight!


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