How to travel to China on your own? Master Class. Which regions of China can Russians enter without a visa? What do you need to get to China?

Last year, several familiar bloggers visited Blagoveshchensk. They wrote a lot about the capital of the Amur region, but for some reason almost nothing about the Chinese side. When I asked why, everyone gave different reasons, but I was even afraid that flash drives were forcibly formatted on the road and the memory was erased. After all, it can’t be that when a person finds himself in another country for the first time, he won’t write anything about it!

Fear is fear, but interest is stronger. I captured the stages of crossing the border, despite the fact that photography is strictly prohibited there.

Residents of Blagoveshchensk constantly travel to China; they do not need a visa. Previously, it was every weekend, but now it has become more difficult due to the increased exchange rate of the yuan. For some reason, Russians in other regions are convinced that only those with Amur registration in their passport can travel without a visa.

In fact, any resident of Russia can enter the border city of Heihe if he has a foreign passport. Theoretically, you can even get to Beijing without a visa or arrange a trip throughout China. In practice, this adventure will most likely end in failure - when boarding a train or plane, your documents will be checked by border guards. But Heihe will have enough color for you, especially if you have never been to China.

1 When getting ready to travel, the first thing I did was exchange rubles for yuan. I did this in Blagoveshchensk, fearing that the exchange rate on the Chinese side would be worse. Don’t repeat my mistake: for now the situation is such that the Chinese will give you more: the ruble has become worth twice as much, they are happy to come to us to buy their own goods. In general, if we are talking about a small one, change it wherever you want.

2 The trip to China starts from river port. In winter and summer, the only difference is what will transport you to the other side: in winter it’s a bus, in summer it’s a boat.

3 Prices are steep. A regular ticket costs 2150 rubles. In summer it’s not much cheaper, maybe 200 rubles. The whole embarrassment of the situation is that the trip will take a maximum of five minutes; the bus will simply transport you to the other side of the river and drop you off at Chinese customs.

4 This is still on our shore. Chinese beauty doesn't freeze at -25!

5 Waiting rooms river station it could certainly be repaired with the money they get for travel. And now there are so few people; before the exchange rate jump, large crowds were rushing to China, people missed two or three buses, they couldn’t get in. The income is huge. Eat duty free where the cat cried.

6 Buses run every 15 minutes. It is, of course, made in China. But the numbers are Russian. And the driver is Russian. And I, with a Russian passport, also get on this bus.

7 For some reason, the Chinese have their own transport. Apartheid in the Far East. They say that travel with a Chinese transport company is several times cheaper. But we can't go there.

8 Hovercraft are not used. Apparently, they are simply not needed; the flow of people moving is minimal. After all, if I haven’t messed something up, these ships can also move on ice?

9 We go down to the floating bridge. These are five barges coupled together. In winter, they block the Amur River, and people can drive along them. Private transport is prohibited, only buses and occasionally Chinese trucks.

10 Actually, with such passenger traffic and active trade, a normal bridge suggests itself. In addition, our neighbor is China, which is famous for its ability to build roads and bridges in as soon as possible. The first shuttles began to travel en masse in the early nineties, twenty years ago. And ten years ago, in 2004, our countries agreed on visa-free entry through this border crossing. There are even more people. Time to build a bridge? No, it's time to buy new boats and buses.

They say that every time people in Moscow wonder why there is still no bridge across the Amur in Blagoveshchensk, representatives of local authorities go to the capital and somehow settle the issue. It’s too profitable a business to charge two thousand rubles for five hundred meters of road. That’s what people call her - “ golden mile”.

Perhaps things will move forward with dead center by next year, when they promise to build here cable car. Although this is also not an easy path at all, and you can charge the same two thousand for travel. Isn't it easier to build a bridge? No, we have a special path.

11 The arrival hall is very smoky. This is the first thing that catches your eye. They smoke inside the station and are not shy. The interior looks like a small airport, everything is much more decent than in the port of Blagoveshchensk.

Border formalities are completed quickly, but you still need to pay a little. On their side, the Chinese are asking for another 100 yuan (today about a thousand rubles) for two coupons. One, it seems Visa fees, and second - admission ticket. Yes, a ticket to enter China.

12 As soon as you leave the border zone, a million Chinese rush towards you, who begin intrusively offering their taxi services and assistance with accommodation. If you imagine Domodedovo Airport at rush hour, you should understand what I mean. Only here they bombed ten times more, and they pestered ten times more actively. I didn’t even know how to fight them off.

Suddenly the hall was filled with uniformed men armed with shields and batons. Military police. The coolest guys from Chinese law enforcement. They began to run circles around the room, knocking their boots on the tiled floor and their batons on their asses. This is how you need to fight obsessive bombers, learn!- I thought.

In fact, they simply walked in a circle and went to another room. Chinese authorities introduced such security measures after the bloody attack on train station last year. They have no frames at the entrance.

13 Here I am free. The Ferris wheel, which so beckoned from Blagoveshchensk, turned out to be unfinished nearby. The builders made a mistake, and he was not accepted due to safety regulations. Or maybe on purpose? Is this a Potemkin village?

14 The city, which lives entirely on trade with Russia, is now experiencing better times. We need to change the schemes: Heihe is the very north, and by the standards of China, a distant province. And they brought a lot of goods.

15 The building closest to customs is the Ostrov shopping center, the most hot spot in the city. By the way, we really are on an island; moreover, it once belonged to Russia. I don’t know at what point and how the Chinese ended up there, tell me. After all, they fought for the uninhabited Damansky in the sixties, but this one was given away without a fight?

16 Inside, at first glance, there is an ordinary shopping center with all sorts of junk. The main thing, as I understand it, is not to rise above the first floor. They say that they can beat up a tourist there if you stop to look at the window and then don’t buy anything. It’s especially dangerous now when there are no Russians in the city. Or maybe they're pushing it.

17 Funny Chinese signs in Russian start here.

18 Although what awaits us in the city itself is much cooler. There will even be a separate post about them!

19 Vodka store is my favorite!

21 There is another shopping center just behind the Island. The same Yuan Dong that is so clearly visible from the Blagoveshchensk shore. Near it there are buses that go to the center. Usually everyone uses taxi services: it’s inexpensive even now, within a hundred rubles around the city. But the bus costs ten.

22 What is the first thing to do in China? It's time for breakfast. In the morning the stomach is empty. Even if the noodle shop is not open yet, but is open, come in, they won’t leave you hungry.

23 Igor met me in Heihe. He lives in China, speaks the language fluently and is involved in business, helping to transport goods across the border, and then sending them by transport companies throughout Russia. Igor is the king of shuttles :) And I, dumbass, will never learn how to take normal photographs on goPro - people don’t turn out the same as they are in life.

24 Now I’ll tell you about the way back, it’s also interesting. I’ll definitely tell you about the two days I spent with the Chinese.

25 The border guards will ask for 35 yuan. This is the ticket out of China, yes. Not a bribe, an official fee. I seem to like taking photos with my phone - the quality is poor, but it's not as bad as it used to be. But secrecy is the best weapon of a spy and photoblogger. In the summer, you can even shoot border guards if you put your phone in your shirt pocket.

26 The same “Russian” bus and the cheerful driver, who said that the cable car, it seems, will really be built, and then he won’t have a job. Because in the summer the same driver is the captain of the boat.

27 I was driving back in good weather and was able to photograph this miracle bridge. This is a normal bridge. You can’t drive along it quickly, but it’s also several hundred meters long. The pontoons were built half from Chinese barges, half from Russian ones. This is the Chinese part.

28 And this is ours. Noticeable difference, right? And the point is not that the barges themselves are older and narrower, although that too. But couldn't the road be cleaned properly? No you can not. Just like you can't build a bridge.

29 Such is the trip. Nothing extreme, as you can see. But I’ll tell you how scary China is, how it’s portrayed, in the next report.

China is big country which has its own culture. This is why many tourists strive to get to the Celestial Empire. There are many cities worth seeing in the country. Let us dwell on the main points that are important for every tourist to know. First, you should resolve the issue with a visa, since every tourist needs one. If a single-entry visa is issued, then its cost is 1,500 rubles, double-entry - 3,000, multiple-entry - 4,500.

How much does a flight cost?

Let's consider how much a ticket will cost to fly to China from Russia, while the exchange rate is taken from the calculation of 1 dollar approximately 7 yuan, which is equivalent to 58 rubles.

The cheapest air tickets from Moscow to Beijing for the year ahead

departure date Return date Transplants Airline Find a ticket

1 transfer

1 transfer

1 transfer

1 transfer

1 transfer

1 transfer

1 transfer

2 transfers

2 transfers

1 transfer

1 transfer

1 transfer

1. It will be inexpensive to travel from Moscow to Beijing or Shanghai; the ticket price will be about 20,000 rubles.

2. It will be even cheaper to travel from Vladivostok; here the price of a ticket to Beijing will cost only 11,000 rubles.

The cheapest air tickets from Vladivostok to Beijing a year in advance

departure date Return date Transplants Airline Find a ticket

1 transfer

3. You can fly from Irkutsk to Beijing for only 14,000 rubles.

It often happens that airlines hold various promotions and if you study them carefully, you can find options that are even several thousand rubles cheaper.


When planning a vacation in China, you don’t have to worry about transportation; the infrastructure here is well developed. You can get to any point in the country without any problems. If your stay in China will be long, it is best to purchase a travel pass, this will give you the opportunity to save a little. The travel card is a plastic card that can be used freely on the subway and buses and costs only $4. To travel within the city, a tourist will only need to spend $30 a month on public transport. Instead of a taxi, it is better to take a moped; such a trip will cost much less; in addition, mopedists never stand in traffic jams, which means they have the opportunity to save their time.

Living in China

When deciding to go on holiday to China in 2020, you should immediately take care of housing. The real estate market is actively developing in the country, so you can find a lot of advertisements for rental housing, and there are apartments that can be rented out for a month. For a tourist who comes to the country on vacation, there are two more suitable options:

1. You can rent a hotel room, but you shouldn’t trust too much in the photographs posted on websites, so you should only use trusted sources.

2. You can find where to stay through thematic groups on social networks, where advertisements for renting an apartment for a month can be posted. It is very convenient to use such services, since you can find a room that will fully correspond to reality.

Many tourists advise booking a hotel or room for just a day, and then decide whether to stay further or look for other options.

How much does housing cost?

Prices in the country vary widely, so it all depends on what conditions the traveler wants to receive in return. If you need to rent an entire apartment for a month, it can cost $500, renting a room will be cheaper, somewhere around $300 will be enough. The options can be very diverse, for example, in Shenzhen, near the beach, you can rent an apartment for only $600. In a simple small hotel you can rent a room for only 20 dollars, but, according to tourists, it is still better to use the services of chain hotels that value their reputation, but in this case the room will cost 40 dollars.

Food and national cuisine

The national cuisine in China is specific, so it may not appeal to everyone. You can have a snack at McDonald's. Also, cafes will always come to the rescue, where the cost of lunch can be only 5 dollars, but as for restaurants, you will have to pay double the price. But taking into account the reviews of tourists, it would be most correct to conclude that it is best to eat in cafes where locals eat, where a hearty lunch costs only $2.

If you want to cook yourself, you can stock up on food at the supermarket. There is a huge selection of different fruits and vegetables. It is not recommended to buy sausages, because they differ from the products that our compatriots are used to eating.

Features of China

In China, many tourists do not feel entirely comfortable, especially when a Chinese man may come up on the street and ask to take a photo, as if with a celebrity. In addition, the Chinese associate a white person with wealth, so they often try to make money from tourists; there is no need to be shy about bargaining in the markets. The locals themselves are good-natured, but there are also cunning ones among them. Every tourist should know how to take care of their safety. It is best to keep your bag in front so that it is always visible, as there are scammers and pickpockets everywhere.

How much will it cost to travel to China from Russia?

As a rule, a couple who wants to travel to China for ten days will need to calculate funds in this way:

1. To obtain a single-entry visa for two, you will need about $50.

2. A flight to Beijing or Shanghai can cost 34,000 rubles.

3. Inexpensive hotel for ten days it will cost $110 per day, a three-star hotel will cost $250.

4. You can eat in inexpensive cafes, this is approximately $600 for two for ten days.

6. Costs for transportation and excursions will be $200.

Of course, you can, but relaxing on your own is much cheaper, so budget tourists can enjoy the beauty of the Middle Kingdom for only $1,100 for two. Tips for tourists

There are dozens of Chinese cities behind us. The road from the border with the Russian city of Zabaikalsk, which I crossed by train, to Laos, which I entered on foot. (Don’t worry, I took the bus later).

It was experimentally established that, firstly, China is a wonderful country for independent travel, and secondly, traveling abroad even without knowing the language is possible, although it is still not clear how I managed it. The golden rule of any business, “take it and do it,” also works for free wanderings, “take it and go.”

Don’t let the language factor bother you (they don’t speak English in China), but you shouldn’t relax either. Phrasebooks, guidebooks, basic English (at least to communicate with other foreign travelers) will come in handy. And the rest is details.

How to travel to China on your own?


Personally, I applied for a Chinese visa through an agency, simply by giving my passport to specially trained people while still in Russia. I won’t say that it was very difficult to submit the documents myself (although at that moment I lived in Kamchatka and agents, among other things, sent documents to Vladivostok, to the representative office), but I had one rule - the start should be easy. China is the first country of the first journey, and even an independent one, also alone. I decided to free myself in some way. Therefore, a passport, photo and money were all that was needed for 30 days in China People's Republic. But I extended it on my own, on the spot. The next 30 days were marked by the submission of the same documents.


China is such a big country that you can’t get away with generalized conclusions about the weather. Decide on your exact location, and then check with eyewitness accounts in this region. Where are you planning: to the Himalayas or Hainan? By the way, I’ve been to Hainan twice, and both times in October. Rumors about local typhoons are not exaggerated. I witnessed flying coconuts and uprooted palm trees the next morning. Although, if now someone asks whether it is possible to go to Hainan in October, I will not dissuade you. Both times I had a great time. The hardworking Chinese planted all the palm trees in place literally the very next day after the hurricane.

Where to live

In hostels. This will provide you with pleasant (read “low”) checks for accommodation, excellent acquaintances among foreigners from all over the world and people who actually speak and understand English, which long stay very relevant in the country. According to my personal observations, hostels in China are some of the best in Asia, with the right atmosphere of general drive for life and new discoveries. Stories like “I worked as a lawyer and then decided to change everything” or “we sold the car and went around the world” are the norm. Plus, your fellow travelers miss white faces and English speech just as much as you do. In China, a white man is a close friend to a white man, if not a relative. And don’t even worry about nonsense like “how can you live in a room for four?”, the main thing is not for fourteen (anything can happen), and you’ll even like the rest. I guarantee it.

Popular destinations

This is also a limitless topic, so I’ll highlight my TOP places in the “other” one Asian country: Beijing and Shanghai - looking at the world from the top floors of skyscrapers really puts you in the right mood; (Huangshan and others), Hainan is that banal tropical island, which is so dreamed of from home; Guilin and Yangshuo with their karst hills and lulling rivers, as well as the entire Yunnan province.


Experience of riding Chinese trains can be included in your resume as proof of courage and fortitude. How to read in Chinese, namely hieroglyphs, where your train is and when it departs, if you are at a Beijing train station the size of small town and the wrong chosen direction can lead very far not only from the place of departure, but also from the truth as a whole? One fact is that you can travel on Chinese trains no matter what, I would even say despite it. Each time I was the only white face in the entire carriage and they constantly brought me some kind of food, trying to somehow satisfy my curiosity and gawk at the white girl, without being able to otherwise compensate for the language barrier.


To survive in China, and by survival, as you guessed, I mean getting to the right station and the right train, you need to clearly remember the “three people” rule, which sounds like this: “If you ask a Chinese how to get to the place you need (and , it doesn’t matter if he suddenly answers you in English or reads your phrasebook and gestures), do not go in the indicated direction until at least three people point in the same direction.” Simply put, ask at least three people “how to get there,” even if the first one knows exactly where you need to go and is ready to take you personally. Saying “I don’t know” in China means losing face and is a traditional trait. It’s better to show it wrong, especially to some foreigner, than to goof off and show your ignorance. Always ask again about everything, especially if you are in a hurry.

Otherwise, the safety rules are no different from other countries - stay vigilant and you will be happy on Chinese soil.

Do you want to confess? I still don’t understand how I managed to travel through the whole of China with a backpack on my back. Subsequently, the longer I lived in the hospitable countries of Southeast Asia, the more mysterious this Chinese “phenomenon” became for me. It's just that everything in life is simpler than it seems. But this can only be determined experimentally. Good luck!

China attracts tourists with its color, an amazing combination of modern and ancient architecture. In the cities of the People's Republic of China, chic skyscrapers coexist with Buddhist temples, there are shops with amazing goods, and restaurants with traditional Chinese cuisine. In order to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the country, it is better to organize a trip to China on your own, travel along interesting routes and enjoy local traditions to the fullest.

What documents are needed for the trip?

To visit the country, tourists initially need to obtain a visa. If the trip is planned for up to 30 days, then a single-entry visa is suitable for such purposes. Its cost is 1500 rubles.

Document package for visa application:

  • a foreign passport is valid for six months from the date of travel;
  • a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • application form with photo in color;
  • insurance policy;
  • a certificate from the bank to confirm financial solvency;
  • round trip tickets;
  • invitation.

If the invitation is personal, you must provide the passport details of the inviter.

You need to apply for a visa at the consulate.

Transport to your destination and within the country

You can get directly to China itself not only by airlines, but also by bus or train. True, for this you first need to go to Vladivostok, and from there you can choose any ground transport and cross the border. Movement within the country also remains diverse. You can choose road transport, plane, bus, train or taxi. However, in major cities It is better to opt for the metro in order to quickly travel. The trip is carried out using a travel pass, which can be purchased at the beginning of the trip and returned at the end.

How to find housing?

Obtaining a visa requires you to provide a reservation for the entire time that the traveler plans to stay in China. Such a long-term reservation is fraught with a lot of unknown surprises. It is recommended to make a reservation for several nights and, if necessary, extend it, and if the room is not satisfactory, then move out and find another one. Many tourists complain about shortcomings in hotels.

Poor sound insulation

The walls in the rooms are made of a material that allows sound to pass through to the maximum extent. This fact causes many inconveniences, since it is almost impossible to ensure a comfortable stay due to good audibility from the next room. And if the hotel is located near a road or a crowded place, then everything in the room will be heard.

Conditions in the room

The hotel is chosen based on the photo, but when you arrive there you can be very disappointed. The size of the rooms may differ radically from those stated, the furniture and cleanliness of the room may also not correspond. When booking a hotel, it is better to pay attention to the rating and reviews, but its cost will be significantly higher than a hotel with a low rating. So a night in a good hostel will cost about 30 dollars, and on average about 15. Short-term rental of apartments in China is not particularly popular, but if you wish, you can find a company that will provide housing for several nights.

The bulk Money here it will be spent on accommodation, so this is where you need to start when planning your budget.


What people in Russia are accustomed to thinking of as Chinese food is actually very different from the real thing. The traditional one consists of unusual combinations of products, an abundance of spices and sauces. However, a tourist can easily eat at the famous McDonald's chain, but the price will be higher than the average lunch in the Russian Federation. Local restaurants and catering establishments do not pay enough attention to sanitary standards; food there is more affordable, so there is a chance of getting food poisoning or an upset stomach.

You shouldn’t deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy traditional snacks; just find a restaurant or cafe where the owner will be a Muslim Chinese. Such establishments are kept clean, but when planning a trip to China on your own, it is better to look for information about the location of such establishments in advance.

Many travelers choose to cook their own meals. You can find all the necessary products in supermarkets, but without knowledge of the language it will be difficult to do this; for this you will need a dictionary. Many Exotic fruits cannot be found in Russia, but you can try it in China.

It is worth refusing to buy sausages, since soy is used in their preparation, and the taste is completely different from the usual taste.

What you need to know when traveling to China

  1. When explaining numbers from 1 to 9, the fingers of one hand are used, unlike the European method.
  2. To purchase tickets at train stations, you should use the one written in advance on a piece of paper. final destination, since employees do not always speak English.
  3. Many are banned in China social media, and those that are used are strictly censored.
  4. Public toilets are equipped with floor-mounted toilets and no toilet paper, so it’s better to carry it with you. Toilets in China have the star status of hotels.
  5. The traditional color in China is red. The lucky number is 8 and the unlucky number is 4. The Chinese are very superstitious people. Therefore, some houses may well not have a 4th floor.
  6. The Chinese vernacular language contains a lot of dialects. Each city has its own. Only the hieroglyphs are the same.
  7. The most needed application in China is the one that can quickly translate all the inscriptions from the phone’s camera.
  8. Banknotes in China need to be carefully checked, as there is a possibility of running into a counterfeit.
  9. They enter public transport through the front door. Payment is made either transport card or in cash.
  10. Washing clothes in China is very expensive. Therefore, it is better to look for apartments equipped with a washing machine.
  11. Additional costs: mentality local residents

The local residents can be described as noisy and loud. These are people who like to bargain in markets. By the way, this is quite natural for traders; by haggling, tourists can buy the necessary goods cheaply, sometimes the price can be reduced several times. Payment must be made in cash, since non-cash payment is not acceptable everywhere. For security purposes, you need to carefully look after your belongings, since theft is widespread in China.

The culture of behavior of many Chinese is very different from the European one, such simple rules as giving up your seat in public transport, or clean up after yourself, are not fulfilled here.

The Chinese love to do things with Europeans, this fact should not be surprising.

Telephone and Internet

You can only buy a SIM card in China using your passport. mobile connection here the expensive one is about 30 dollars, and you have to pay the same amount for the card and tariff. However, many tourists only use Wi-Fi, it is in free access and almost throughout the entire territory. Popular social networks and subject to blocking.

ATMs and cards

The most common MasterCard or Visa system is not suitable for paying for goods or services in China, since the country has a different payment system. The UnianPay card must be issued to the bank absolutely free of charge. You can withdraw cash from your home card at any of the many ATMs.


In the country, taking care of your belongings is the main and the main task. Because petty fraud is common. The streets of the city are protected by police officers, of whom there are quite a few in every block. There are cameras installed in public transport and crowded places, so there is nothing to fear. However, you should still travel with caution.

Prices for air tickets to China from Moscow

Air connections between China and Russia are well established. Many airlines fly to China, some of which are very low-cost. The average cost of a round trip ticket varies between 25,000 rubles, the most low price will be about 20,000 rubles.

Factors on which the price depends are:

  • season;
  • how many transfers will there be;
  • departure time;
  • flight direction.

Airlines very often hold promotions where the cost of a flight can be significantly reduced and you can get from your destination inexpensively.

Prices in hotels in China

The cost of staying at a hotel in China will differ depending on where the hotel is located. So in major cities Accommodation is more expensive, but in small towns you can rent a hotel room quite cheaply.

If you choose a hostel for accommodation, the cost of a bed will be inexpensive, about 40-60 yuan.

For a room in a 3-star hotel you can pay about 150 yuan. For comfort and amenities in the room, and accommodation in 4-5 star hotels, you will have to pay more than 200 yuan.

Renting housing in China

For those who do not want to overpay for hotel services, renting housing from the owner would be quite suitable. There are quite a lot of such options. Apartments will also differ in price depending on the distance from the center, metro, number of rooms, and living conditions. Decent housing rents from 200 yuan. It is possible to rent a separate room, then the rental cost will be on average 130 yuan.

Visa to China 2019, documents

A visa to China for residents of the Russian Federation is provided on a paid basis. There are two types of visas: single-entry and urgent. They differ from each other in cost. For the first option you need to pay 3300 rubles, for the second - 4600 rubles. To apply on your own, you should contact the Moscow consulate. Its branches are located in major cities of the Russian Federation. Russians have the opportunity to visit China visa-free for 72 hours, only in this case they need to fly.

Documents for obtaining a visa to China

Applying for a visa requires preliminary collection of documents. The standard package of documents looks like this:

  1. International passport.
  2. Color photo.
  3. Round trip tickets.
  4. Invitation or hotel reservation for the holiday period.

Main attractions

When going to China, it is better to plan a route of excursions and places to visit in advance. There are quite a lot of attractions in the country; if travel time is limited, then it is better to go to the main ones historical monuments, which are included in all tourist destinations.

The great Wall of China

This monument rightfully deserves to be on the list of must-see places. Its length is several tens of kilometers. This historical site has a complex and sad history, since tens of thousands of people died during its construction. The wall served as protection against Mongol troops.

Terracotta Army

This is a burial place for Chinese warrior statues made of terracotta clay. The exact number still remains unknown; different sources record different figures. This property is listed world heritage and very popular among travelers, everyone wants to come here.

The banks of this river are famous for their amazing and varied landscapes. She is the most long river in Eurasia. Some sections of the river have the right to be called protected areas.

Chengdu Nature Reserve

Rare species of animals live in this area. It's worth going there if you want to watch animals in natural environment a habitat. Also in the reserve there are temples and a monastery of the Tang Dynasty.

Hong Kong is a favorite city among tourists. It's worth going there for good shopping, all kinds of entertainment and varied nightlife. Hong Kong is home to chic nightclubs and giant shopping centers. Also worth visiting are the Buddha statue, temples, and Victoria Peak. Aberdeen Harbor will be an unforgettable excursion.


This city is similar to the previous one in its rhythm of life and modernity. This is where you should go for shopping and soak up the spirit of a giant metropolis.


Tibet amazes with peace and tranquility. Tours are organized here that help you heal from mental wounds, as well as improve your health. Amazing nature, sincere people, an atmosphere of calm - all this can be found in Tibet.

How much does an independent trip to China from Russia cost?

Before going to China, you need to know the approximate amount of expenses to plan your travel budget. Must be taken into account:

  • air tickets from Moscow and back (for two people 40,000 rubles);
  • rent a hotel room for 7 days (22,000 for two);
  • tickets, excursion fees (12,000 rubles for two);
  • fare (3000 rubles);
  • purchase of souvenirs, food and minor expenses (18,000 rubles).

The average cost of a trip to China is about 100 thousand rubles.

Budget travel to China

The travel budget can be reduced if you stay not in hotels, but in hostels that can accommodate up to 6-8 people. If you take care of tickets in advance, then you are likely to buy them at a promotion early booking will increase. You can purchase last-minute trips through travel companies and fly at a profit.

How to save money

You will be able to save on tickets, accommodation, as well as on moving around the city if you do this mainly on foot or by renting a car. It will be much more profitable to eat in inexpensive cafes, but you should not chase cheapness at the expense of your health. A trip during the low season, when there is not a large influx of tourists, will help you save your budget; prices for all services and goods drop. There is also the opportunity to take advantage of free housing in China, but you should take care of this in advance.


In order to travel to China on your own, it is enough to study the necessary information before leaving, decide on the route and plan the budget for the trip. If you spend a little time reading traveler reviews, you can tailor your trip and make it fun. You should definitely fly to China! Don’t forget that you can bring a lot of amazing souvenirs and gizmos from China with the famous inscription “Made in China”.

Many countries around the world have abolished entry formalities such as visas for Russians. Under certain circumstances, our citizens can visit China without a visa. The uniqueness of the Celestial Empire is that different migration rules apply in its different territories.

Residents of Russia's border regions can enter some areas of China without a visa

If you are planning a trip to the largest country in East Asia, find out in advance whether you can visit your chosen areas without first going to the country's embassy or visa center.

The Chinese side is loyal to Russians entering its territory. However, the presence of concessions does not mean that you will be lenient if you violate migration rules. Therefore, before you start packing your bags, carefully read the visiting rules different regions PRC, so that, being there, you do not become a violator of the laws of the state.

The most popular way for travelers is to obtain a visa on arrival. This option is possible in cases where a pre-formed group is sent to the Celestial Empire. Travel agencies handle paperwork for groups. Even before tourists are sent to China, their lists are sent to the border zones. To get to China this way, you need to travel in a group of more than 2 people.

This route is suitable only for Beijing and Hainan Island, where high-quality tourist services and the opportunity not only to relax, but also to receive treatment are offered. As part of a group formed by travel agencies, you can stay on the territory of these parts of the state for no more than 21 days. You can't leave them. You can leave, just like you arrived, only as part of a group.

Even if you do not plan to purchase a tourist package, it makes sense to contact a travel agency. Many of them include additional people in the formed groups for a fee.

If your area borders China

Citizens can freely stay in China without a visa Russian Federation living in regions sharing the border with China:

  • Amur region,
  • Primorsky Krai,
  • Irkutsk region,
  • Khabarovsk region,
  • Transbaikal region.

If you live in one of the listed regions, to pass border control you will need one issued by the Chinese side. You also need a foreign passport and a document indicating where you are registered. With these documents, you will receive permission at the border control point.

The period of stay in China varies from 15 to 180 days.

Before heading to the Celestial Empire in this way, check which points at that time have the right to admit Russians with invitations. There are crossing points where such permits are not issued.

Transit travelers

Those traveling to other countries who have purchased connecting flights in China need to be aware of the country's immigration rules regarding transit guests.

Without visa documents, you have the right to stay in the country for 72 hours, provided that the transfer point is the following international airports: Harbin, Guangzhou, Guilin, Chongqing, Xi'an and Shenyang. In Shanghai, Xiamen, Qingdao, Chengdu, Wuhan, Kunming, Beijing, Tianjin, Dalian, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Qinhuangdao, Shijiazhuani and Shenyang time transit connection you can stay for 144 hours in 2020.

It is important that you depart from the same airport you arrived at. This rule can only be bypassed in the following cases:

  • Your flights are served by one carrier.
  • The airline changes airports due to the need to refuel the aircraft.
  • You are being discussed different companies, but you have a single reservation form with one code.

Not all transit passengers can travel smoothly within China. For example, if your drop-off point is Chongqing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu or , you are allowed to admire the beauty of the city, but leaving its borders is strictly prohibited.

No matter what airport you arrive at, you cannot change to any means of transport other than an airplane to continue your trip.

Where a visa is not required

If you are thinking about how to travel to China on your own, without contacting a travel agency to buy a trip or join a group, consider various options for visiting the country.

For example, you have the opportunity to travel to Heihe without obtaining a visa. This is a city located very close to Russian border. You can go to it from Blagoveshchensk, located just one kilometer away. Just cross the Amur and you are in China.
When traveling, you only need to take your international passport for presentation at the border. Since 2004, Chinese migration legislation has allowed Russians to stay in Heihe for 30 days.

The trip from Blagoveshchensk to Heihe takes from 15 to 20 minutes. The choice of transport depends on the season. In the off-season, Puma ships equipped with air cushions are transported from Blagoveshchensk across the river to the Chinese side. Departures every 20 minutes. This method of crossing is relevant for December, November and April.

When in the region during the winter months, you can travel from Blagoveshchensk on one of the buses that travel across the Amur River on temporary pontoon bridges. The availability of this type of travel to Chinese borders depends on weather conditions.

In the summer, once an hour along the Amur River to Heihe, a ship carrying 200 passengers carries people.

The Blagoveshchensk route is extremely popular, so to get through security, you need to stand in a rather impressive line. To cross to the other side, you need to fill out a migration card, half of which is returned after verification. It should be stored for the return crossing of the border. There is a fee for crossing to the Chinese side.

Suifenhe City

Great place For a holiday, Suifenhe is located in Heilongjiang Province. Since 2013, Russian citizens can stay in it without a visa for 15 days.


In order to travel to the listed areas without a visa stamp in your passport, you need to have return tickets and a passport with you.

Before you travel, check which areas may require proof of financial solvency and hotel reservations at the time of your trip. But it’s better to stock up on both the first and the second, just in case. This guarantees you unhindered passage.


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