Netanya is the most boring city in Israel. The dirtiest, most boring and unfriendly cities in Europe The most boring city

Having traveled through the whole of Norway, impressed by its beauty, we headed to the last point of this country - the capital of the state - Oslo. To be honest, after a week in Norway I expected to see something similar from the capital, so I was extremely disappointed. Once upon a time I planned to take a ride around Scandinavia, but purely in the capitals and without a car, and only now I realized what a huge mistake it would be.

There may be several reasons why Oslo was not impressed: inclement weather, which caught us for the first time on our trip, huge prices for parking at 300-400 rubles per hour, which simply did not allow for a peaceful walk, although there were similar ones in Bergen and Olessun, and this It didn’t spoil the impression, but maybe the first impression was spoiled by Vigeland Park with its extremely explicit sculptures.

This is the Royal Palace, it is discreet in the Norwegian way. It seems to me that our houses on Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg are more impressive. It is surrounded by the Royal Park.

The National Theater is also in a classical style.

One of the main streets of the city is the pedestrian Karla Johana, which stretches from Royal Palace to Central railway station. As expected, shops, restaurants and souvenir shops are open there. In this weather it looked deserted.

The Parliament building (Storting) looks much more elegant compared to the Palace.

We went to the pier, from here ships depart to take those who wish to ride around the Oslofjord.

Here is the 14th-century Akershus Castle, which is best appreciated and photographed from the water. But the weather again was not conducive to this.

One of the main attractions of the city is the Town Hall. Entrance here is free, so we also came in to dry out a little after the rain.

Here, every year on December 10, the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded, we were here about a month before this event. I remind you that all other prizes in 5 disciplines: physiology, physics, chemistry, literature and medicine are awarded annually in Stockholm. I will also show this building later.

This is a modern building for the center of Oslo, the construction of which lasted from 1930 to 1950. The style of construction and the red brick used reminded me of America.

The facade of the building attracts with a very interesting clock and, if you look closely, non-standard brickwork.

Well, the newest attraction of the city - Opera theatre on the water, which was conceived back in the 19th century and implemented only in 2008. The building is ultra-modern, resembles an iceberg and at the same time fits quite harmoniously into the environment. The roof is built from inclined planes, which allow you to easily climb to the very top. high point buildings with magnificent views of the fjord and the city. The building looks especially gorgeous from the water, and once again I regret that I was not able to walk on the water along this fjord.

Ending our trip through Norway with the capital was apparently a big mistake, because it greatly spoiled the impression of the entire country that we had previously traveled through. Maybe if the weather was better the opinion would change, but I doubt it.

Although there are really interesting things in this city - museums that we also visited, and I will talk about them in the next part. It's worth coming here for them.

From the Dresden apple store said: “Awwww, you’ll love it, guys! It’s like Venice, but not smelly!”

I can’t say that he was wrong in the second part of the statement, since we have never been to Venice, but the first part certainly did not justify itself. From the point of view of an ordinary tourist who is not particularly attracted to sex and drugs, there is not much interesting here.

On the way to Amsterdam

But let's go back to the beginning. Let me remind you that we went to Amsterdam. We left early in the morning and already on the bus we felt the spirit of the place we were going to. The road was long, and our neighbors were noisy dark-skinned junkies, a homeless-looking Romanian couple and several other dubious characters. It's also funny that niggas in in full force It was the rear part of the cabin that was occupied. Genetic memory in all fields.

The fun lasted for a long time due to the fact that we were stuck in a traffic jam near Bremen for three hours ( Evgenvaganych says that the musicians have arrived). The bus was dirtier and less comfortable than all the previous ones (also, the toilet was not working), although the trip cost almost 90 €. Passport control at the border it was tough - they took away the passports of the passengers, took them into the car and checked them for a long time. The documents were returned to white people immediately, and the nigr-junk was scolded in something for about 15 minutes, but then they still released it.

If countryside Germany and the Czech Republic were not much different from their Russian counterparts (apparently, the Soviet past has an effect), but in the Netherlands the difference is obvious. Everything is very clean, almost sterile, perfectly flat fields, cottages of strange geometric shapes against the backdrop of pastoral landscapes, a bunch of windmills and solar panels on the roofs of suburban buildings. For some reason, natural energy sources are especially popular in the Netherlands and Belgium. The number of solar panels on roofs is truly impressive.


Amsterdam's bus station met us with a huge number of nigr junks and other rabble, from which we were a little sulfur, even having lived. However, already on the tram we were convinced that darkis and allahs are not the only locales, although they are wildly numerous.

The transport system here is even stranger than at previous points on our journey. Travel cards are sold from the conductor, who sits in a special booth in the middle of the carriage. The ticket is expensive - about 6 € for 90 minutes. Checking out a ticket at the entrance is not enough; it also needs to be checked out at the exit, and the paid 90 minutes will still tick. We still don’t understand what the point of the checkout is. The trams themselves (and this is almost the only one here public transport) - very cool, they go on schedule and are generally guys.

But due to the wild cost of transport and developed infrastructure, they move here mainly on two wheels. The number of bikes and scooters within the city is shocking - all the bridges, parking lots and local areas are simply littered with them. Moreover, these are usually old rotten units, which certainly cannot be mistaken for sports equipment or a luxury item. Due to their large numbers, cyclists reign supreme in the area. Drivers and pedestrians are second-class citizens, and God forbid they interfere with the movement of a bicycle. A careless pedestrian walking along the bike path can easily be knocked down without even honking. So it goes.

where to go

Our hotel was located relatively close to the center, next to the Museum Plain, in the wonderful Vondelpark area. Right outside the windows of the room there was a huge and cool park, in which there was a bunch of all kinds of living creatures, a river and simply beautiful vegetation. We recommend the Borgmann Villa Hotel to everyone, besides, at the reception there is a wonderful Russian guy who strives to help his former compatriots in every possible way. The area itself is very beautiful and consists entirely of small houses in which very wealthy people live. Quiet and cozy. There is a public laundry nearby where you can wash and dry your travel-stained clothes for €5.

In general, the people here are generally friendly and harmless, even the scary-looking junk niggas. Although, that same Russian guy warned us that there are areas that it is better not to enter even during the day and even by car. But the Dutch language is a complete orgy of sounds. Semantically, it’s as if French, German and English were put through a linguistic meat grinder, and phonetically, it very often resembles a strange Russian dialect. Fortunately, everyone around speaks excellent English, so there are no problems with communication.

The city center is a crowded and bustling place. But the bustle here is cheerful and welcoming. Of course, 70 percent of the crowd gathered are tourists and people looking for round-the-clock entertainment. And there really is a lot of this here. Coffee shops are on every corner, the smell of marijuana is everywhere, the ladies in the windows with red lanterns are working even during the day, “toy” stores can be found in every alley, and ganja lolipops and hash cookies are right in the windows of souvenir shops, of which there are also countless here. More severe stuff can only be consumed in coffee shops or at home, but many people neglect this.

In general, the famous Red Light District cannot be compared with the Hamburg Reeperbahn, which we are talking about. Prostitutes here don’t look like goddesses (more often they are secret girls with cellulite and similar characters), and punks and pimps don’t look at you from every doorway. Everything is much more chaste and decent, although, probably, the scale of what is happening is a little larger - the established global brand is having an effect. In general, a person who comes here for this business is unlikely to be disappointed. Alsoo, the red light district - perhaps the most safe place cities - it’s not in anyone’s interest to frighten vacationers. Rumor has it that there are always plainclothes policemen in the crowd. We don’t remember people in uniform at all.

Another myth is that there are a lot of canals and bridges. There are really a lot of them here, but Hamburg easily beats the capital of the Netherlands in all respects, and this is a fact, not a subjective feeling. Another thing is that all this water theme here it is gathered in a bunch right in the city center. Houses and narrow streets fall right into the surface of numerous man-made water conduits. They break down not only in a metaphorical sense, but almost literally. All buildings, as a rule, are askew and crooked in all accessible directions - one gets the feeling that they stand only because they are supported by neighboring buildings, which are also not perfectly perpendicular to the ground.

Narrow streets in the center often make it difficult for cyclists and pedestrians to pass safely. The second ones have to shy away to the side and squeeze into the facade of the nearest building. The rare idiots who drive here by car are forced to wait for a long time at every turn, allowing pedestrians and two-wheeled riders to pass. For the same reason, among those who like to ride in a box, there is a particularly pronounced fashion for the most compact two-seater cars, like smart cars and other small fry.

In principle, one day is enough for a superficial inspection of the center. All the buildings are as similar as possible to each other, which is why it’s easy to get lost and difficult to understand where you were originally from and where you were originally going, where you’ve already been and what you haven’t seen yet. The panorama from the Bridge of Fifteen Bridges gives a comprehensive picture of the historical center - you will not see anything else, the architecture is extremely similar. I didn’t remember any of the guide’s attractions. However, you can find many inconspicuous art objects around - they, at times, deliver.

Staying for a long time is not only boring, but also expensive. Amsterdam is one of the most expensive European capitals, and certainly the most expensive city we've been to. Everything, from hotels to grubs, is affordable here. It is better to look for more or less cheap restaurants within the center in the Zeedijk area. Once it was a district where the dregs of society lived, and now it is a street of restaurants and eateries. Not every establishment even here is in the middle price category, but at least there is plenty to choose from. Clothing from world brands goes for the same prices as in Germany or even Russia, but things in vintage shops (of which there are many) are incredibly expensive. Second-hand shoes from grandma's chest for 70 euros are too much. But wealthy hipsters are happy.

Beer here is also not cheap, and besides, it is not much tastier than Russian bottled beer. There are a lot of breweries here, the most famous of them are Amstel and Heineken, but even locals advise drinking Belgian varieties of intoxicating drinks. But if you are already, you will be guaranteed to be dissatisfied with everything offered. But local breweries can be visited on a guided tour. We didn't have enough time, but those who have been there recommend it.

Products, like in the rest of Europe, are cheap. However, finding a grocery store in the absence of the Internet is not the easiest task, especially when everything around you works until 6 pm (that’s the way it is in Europe - the government prohibits you from working a lot, even if you really want to), with the exception of Thursday, when everyone has an extended period. On weekends it's a total mess. What is unexpectedly plentiful here are hairdressers and beauty salons - they are literally at every turn. It feels like they get their hair cut and manicured here every day. There are also many shops with a lot of cheap and very tasty cheese. Chocolate is also a dime a dozen.

To summarize: the fact that the city is boring and monotonous in places does not make it less suitable for living; on the contrary, traffic and sites are the lot of tourists. There is a lot of beauty here, there’s just a little less variety compared to other cities we’ve visited. In principle, living in Amsterdam is quite comfortable, which is confirmed by the experience of a former colleague

Travel agencies and companies providing consulting services to tourists annually compile ratings of European cities based on the opinions of people who have visited them. Various European cities are rated according to a variety of parameters, from the quality of hotel service to gastronomic traditions. As a result, ratings of European cities are determined according to various criteria from the point of view of tourists. Which city in Europe is considered the most expensive for travelers, and which city is the most romantic or the best for families with children? You will learn about this by reading this article.

The most expensive cities in Europe

Paris is considered the most expensive European city for tourists. This opinion is based on a comparison of prices for services that almost every tourist requires - accommodation in a four-star hotel, a glass of martini, pizza and an eight-kilometer taxi ride. It is according to these criteria, developed by the largest travel portal TripAdvisor, that Paris has become the most expensive city Europe, where a traveler will have to fork out more than 300 euros per day. However, this title did not in the least prevent Paris from becoming one of the most attractive cities in the world for tourists. Suffice it to say that every year the Paris region is visited by about 45 million tourists, most of whom are foreigners.

In order to somehow save on your tourist trip to Paris, experts recommend choosing a hotel outside the city center, where you can find budget and good-quality accommodation options. Thrifty tourists It is better to avoid hotels located near the Champs Elysees and Eiffel Tower. Also in Paris it is worth taking the metro rather than using a taxi. To explore the main attractions of the French capital, in order to save money, you can use a regular tourist bus.

London and Geneva were also among the most expensive European cities. The British capital is recognized as the city with the most expensive parking. It is noteworthy that Moscow occupies one of the first places in terms of the high cost of hotels. This is explained by the fact that the capital of Russia occupies last place in terms of the number of hotel rooms per capita, although it is among the most promising places for hotel construction.

The most economical tourist town Europe

The most economical European city from a tourist point of view is Sofia. For a tourist trip to the capital of Bulgaria, the traveler only needs to have with him the amount of approximately 16 euros per day, 7 euros for accommodation in a cheap but good hostel, 5 euros for food, not including breakfast, 1 euro for transport and 2.5 euros for additional costs. This cost-effectiveness of holidays makes Sofia a popular place to visit. At the same time, Sofia has quite a lot of tourist attractions, and here you can relax comfortably at a reasonable price, for example, in the modern center of the Bulgarian capital with big amount street cafes, interesting restaurants and clubs.

Among best cities In terms of economical holidays, Europe included Budapest, Polish Krakow and Bucharest. These cities traditionally have many decent hotels in reasonable prices, as well as famous restaurants and cafes where you can have a good rest, despite the size of your wallet. In general, when determining the most economical European cities, parameters such as the cost of living, the price of visiting the main attraction, and the cost of a taxi or express train from the airport to the center were taken into account.

City with the best hotel service

Tourists recognized Berlin as the European city with the best hotel service. According to studies, 90% of visitors are satisfied with the level of service in five-star hotels in Berlin, and 79.5% of guests in three-star hotels. In the capital of Germany, the level of hotel service is rated as the highest, regardless of the star rating of the hotels. Berlin hotels with the lowest category (one star) also turned out to be the best in terms of quality and level of service, on a par with hotels of the same type in Madrid.

According to experts, this high mark are explained, first of all, by the successful and acceptable for customers ratio of the price category and quality of service in Berlin. Interestingly, Berlin was recently recognized as the most environmentally friendly clean city in Europe. In addition to the capital of Germany, one of the European cities with the most high level hotel service included Lisbon and Vienna.

Gastronomic capital of Europe

The capital of the Tuscany region, Florence has long been known as a city of art, home to paintings, frescoes and sculptures created during the greatest cultural flowering that European civilization has ever known. Florence has always been a romantic holiday destination for newlyweds. But today it has also become the gastronomic capital of Europe. Tourists chose this Italian city as the place where they pay the most attention to the quality of dishes. In the fight for the title of gastronomic capital, Florence has overtaken such strong competitors as Paris and Rome.

The culinary masterpieces of the Tuscan capital attract gourmets from all over the world - in Florence you can taste excellent game, amazing cheeses, traditional Florentine steak and famous Tuscan wines. Almost no dish in local restaurants Not complete without delicious Tuscan olive oil. It is interesting that tourists included five cities from Italy in the list of European cities with the best cuisine - in addition to Florence, Rome, Sorrento, Siena and Bologna appear in this ranking. Therefore, for those tourists who love gastronomic delights, a trip to Italy should give an unforgettable experience.

Florence took first place not only in the ranking of cities with the best cuisine. The capital of Tuscany was recognized by tourists as the most best place For family vacation with kids. In that Italian city children really like the statue of “David”. There is also a Children's Museum in Florence, which invites young travelers to see the collection of rare and valuable items of Francesco I de' Medici, as well as to experience the festive atmosphere of ancient feasts. In addition, in this museum, children can become apprentices and try their hand at painting a fresco.

The most romantic city in Europe

The most romantic city in Europe from the point of view of tourists is Venice. In this unusual Italian city, the role of roads and highways is played by canals, and instead of cars, special boats - gondolas - ply along them. They are an integral symbol of Venice, part of the culture and lifestyle of the townspeople.

The most romantic place Venice, of course, is St. Mark's Square, where every year flocks great amount newlyweds and lovers from all over the world. For a long time, feeding pigeons was part of wedding rituals, and the absence of pigeons in St. Mark's Square today does not stop true romantics. The majestic Doge's Palace, a rare example of secular Gothic architecture, as well as other palaces, ancient houses and graceful bridges of Venice create an incredible atmosphere of love and romance. For the title of the most romantic city in Europe, Venice has been vying with the French capital for many years.

Best city for shopping

London is rightfully considered the European capital of shopping. I must say that tourist trips for the purpose of shopping are becoming increasingly popular in the world. The British capital is ahead of the largest cities (Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Paris and Rome) in such indicators as the variety of stores, the quality of service offered in them, the affordability of the goods offered, the availability of famous brands in stores, and the attractiveness of seasonal sales at reduced prices.

Tourists also assessed the quality of services, in particular, the extent to which salespeople speak foreign languages. Plus, the accompanying services needed by those who come to big cities specifically for shopping were also taken into account - the availability of comfortable hotels and convenience transport system. As a result, tourists chose London as the optimal place for shopping. This city is characterized by a large volume of trade turnover, number of shops and high quality the goods presented therein.

In the British capital, entire blocks are filled with shops, shopping centers, cafes and restaurants and other entertainment for shopaholics. Moreover, London looks preferable in terms of shopping not only among European, but also American and Asian cities. According to studies, the majority of tourists, for whom the main purpose of traveling abroad is shopping, prefer to go to European countries, and in particular to London. By the way, the capital of Great Britain was awarded the status of the most convenient and comfortable city, which is the easiest for travelers to move around.

The most beautiful, most fun and most boring city in Europe

Travelers recognized Barcelona as the most beautiful city in Europe. The capital of Catalonia is ahead of cities such as Madrid, Paris and Rome. Barcelona is inextricably linked with the name of the outstanding architect Gaudi. Tourists from all over the world come here to look at the streamlined shapes and curved lines of his architectural creations. In addition to its magnificent historical and cultural attractions, Barcelona stands out from other European capitals due to its proximity to Mediterranean Sea and relatively southern location. Here even in winter time The thermometer does not fall below ten degrees Celsius.

But the capital of Italy leads in tourist rating according to such a criterion as the attractiveness of the townspeople. Travelers are literally fascinated by the beauty and fashionable style of clothing that is characteristic of the inhabitants of Rome.

According to tourists, the most fun European city- London. The nightlife of the capital of Great Britain is legendary, and local parties are considered the most fashionable and crazy in all of Europe. Paris took second place in this category, and Italian capital- third.

In turn, tourists voted Brussels the most boring city in Europe. This is probably due to the fact that Brussels has a serious political reputation as the capital of the European Union. However, this opinion of tourists may be very superficial, because it is in Belgium, and not in France or Italy, that the largest number of Michelin star restaurants per capita is found.

You can eat very tasty food in Brussels, and the city's gastronomic scene is very diverse. Tourists also unfairly offended Zurich, which was also ranked among the most boring European cities. However, this particular city ranks first on the European continent in terms of cleanliness and amenities.

The global travel portal TripAdvisor published the results of a survey of 1,400 tourists from all over the world, where Moscow appears to be one of the most unfriendly cities in Europe.

The global travel portal TripAdvisor published the results of a survey of 1,400 tourists from all over the world, where Moscow appears to be one of the most unfriendly cities in Europe. At the same time, if Moscow turned out to be a “winner” in only one category, then the capitals of Great Britain, France and Italy appear in several lists at once - London, Paris and Rome scored both greatest number positive and negative points.

London, according to travelers, turned out to be the most expensive city in Europe with the most intense nightlife and the best public parks, but also won the title dirtiest European capital . It is noteworthy that London took second place in the list of unfriendly cities and, at the same time, third place in the list of cities with the friendliest population, reports.

Paris has maintained its reputation the most romantic capital of Europe. In addition, it was ahead of its rivals in the nomination for the best cuisine, took second place in the attractiveness of citizens and public parks, and third in the opportunities provided to lovers of nightlife. At the same time, Paris leads the list of cities with the most unfriendly population. In addition, it ranks second in the lists of the most expensive and dirty cities Europe.

In Rome, tourists were charmed, first of all, by local residents: Italy's capital is in the lead according to the attractiveness of the townspeople. In other categories, Rome took more modest places: second place in the category " Best cuisine", third - for romance and the best shopping and, at the same time, high cost and pollution.

They close the list presented by the portal the most boring According to tourists, the cities of Europe are Brussels, Zurich and Warsaw. Moreover, while Zurich ranks first among the cleanest cities in Europe, Brussels and Warsaw appear only on the unattractive list of boring cities.

In addition, prizes in various categories went to Amsterdam, Barcelona, ​​Budapest, Venice, Dublin, Copenhagen, Lisbon, Prague, Stockholm and Florence, with Prague winning the title the cheapest European capital.

Let us note that Moscow has previously found itself in the top twenty dirtiest cities on the planet, compiled by the British research company Mercer Human Resource Consulting. In that ranking, the Russian capital was in 14th place. The ranking was based on data on the extent of waste disposal, air pollution levels, potability of water, level of medical services, availability of medical supplies and the spread of infectious diseases in 215 major cities peace.

Let us also recall that representatives of the Russian tourism industry have already expressed concern that there are fewer and fewer foreigners wishing to visit Moscow every year. In 2007, the flow of tourists decreased by ten percent.

In the early nineties they traveled en masse, then they stopped. Both the level of service and high cost, as well as the lack of new tourism products, have an impact: over the past seventy years, tourists have been shown the same thing.

One of the attempts of the Moscow authorities to change the situation was "Glass Streets" - new project capital architects. This road from Neskuchny Garden to the Moscow City business center crosses the Moscow River three times. On five kilometers of the route there are half a thousand monuments and 260 historical buildings. Part of the route will be covered with a transparent cap made of durable plastic. And the other reality that frightens tourists, apparently, should remain outside its borders.

As for the capital's residents, according to last year's survey by the Russian Public Opinion Foundation, the majority of Russians noticeably distinguish Muscovites from residents of other cities, although they look at Moscow as an ordinary big city.


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