The most beautiful places on the planet earth are waterfalls. The most beautiful waterfalls in the world: mesmerizing photos. Niagara Falls, Canada-US border

Did you know that the height of the tallest waterfall in the world is comparable to the height of 33 nine-story buildings? Interesting Facts Read about the most beautiful waterfalls in the world below.

No. 10. Sutherland Falls, New Zealand

Sutherland Falls is one of the most high waterfalls in Oceania. Its height is 580 meters. The waterfall is located in one of the most picturesque corners of New Zealand - in the Fiordland National Park, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Source of the waterfall - Mountain Lake, which flows into the Arthur River and falls in a powerful stream from the top of the Southern Alps. From this angle the lake is clearly visible.

No. 9. Dettifoss waterfall, Iceland

Iceland is known for its beautiful waterfalls, lakes, geysers and glaciers. One of the most famous and beautiful waterfalls in Iceland is Dettifoss Falls, which is considered the most powerful waterfall in Europe.

The waterfall is located in the Jökulsargljuvur National Park, and is a continuation of the Jökulsargljuvur River.

Among the sparse, arid landscape, the waterfall looks like a real miracle. The width of Dettifoss is about 100 m, the height is 44 m (9 m less than Niagara Falls), the average water flow is 193 m³/sec, during floods - up to 600 m³/sec.

No. 7. Kaieteur Falls, Guyana

Kaieteur Falls is one of the beautiful waterfalls in the world. Kaieteur is located on the Potaro River in Guyana.

The height of the waterfall is 226 meters - this is 5 times higher than Niagara Falls, and 2 times higher than Victoria Falls. Moreover, it is the most powerful waterfall in the world.

No. 6. Yosemite Falls, California

Yosemite Falls is located in California in the eponymous national park. This waterfall is one of the tallest waterfalls in North America and 20th tallest in the world.

The height of Yosemite is 739 meters.

The height of the upper, reaching the first terrace of the Upper Yosemite Falls, is 435 meters, and the middle and lower waterfalls have heights of 206 and 98 meters, respectively.

No. 5. Angel Falls, Venezuela

Angel is the tallest waterfall in the world! Angel's height is 979 meters, width is 107 m, flow rate is 300 m3/sec. The waterfall was named after pilot James Angel, who flew over the waterfall in 1933.

The waterfall is located in the Canaima National Park in the tropical forests of Venezuela. The waterfall falls from the top of Mount Auyantepui. The height of the water fall is so great that only fog reaches the ground.

No. 4. Sastavci Waterfall, Croatia

Sastavci Waterfall is the largest and most beautiful waterfall in the Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia. Perfectly clear turquoise water falls from a height of 72 meters.

No. 3. Niagara Falls, USA/Canada

Niagara Falls is located on the Niagara River, which carries the waters of 4 of the 5 Great Lakes of America. Niagara Falls is considered the most powerful in North America due to the volume of water passing through it.

Victoria refers to objects World Heritage UNESCO.

No. 1. Iguazu Falls, Brazil/Argentina

Iguazu consists of 275 waterfalls, with a total width of more than 3 km, and a height of 82 m. The noise from the waterfall can be heard 20-25 km away. Iguazu is located on the border of Brazil and Argentina; two rivers form the waterfall - Iguazu and Parana.

This is a unique sight. The Indians gave the waterfall the name “Iguazu” - “ big water" Among Europeans, it was first discovered by the Spanish conquistador Don Alvaro Nunez Casezo in 1541.

Capture water element- not an easy task for a photographer: the camera does not like moisture, and you have to experiment with exposure settings for long shutter speeds. We have prepared ten waterfalls for you that will take your breath away - take up the challenge.

Yosemite, USA

Spring and early summer are the best times to see the cascades of Yosemite Falls in all their glory. Of its three segments, which pour tons of water from terrace to terrace, the most impressive is the top one. The 435-meter powerful but graceful jet is easy to observe from the outside - there are many suitable paths and observation points in Yosemite Park. The lower part is also clearly visible, but photography of the middle part should be left to professional climbers: travelers who are trapped by wet, sharp stones often have to be rescued by helicopter.

Niagara Falls, Canada/USA

The Canadian “Horseshoe” and the American Falls or “Fata”, together forming Niagara Falls, are far from the highest on the planet, even the shortest ones: only 53 meters, and only 21 are visible, and the rest is blocked by piles of stones. But they are capable of dumping up to 6 thousand cubic meters of water per second. Fortunately, gone are the days when you could only look at this fascinating spectacle through a hole in the fence. Now visitors have many viewing angles available.

Dettifoss, Iceland

The “land of ice” turns into a land of waterfalls as temperatures rise in spring and summer. The ice melts, creating rapid flows of water. Most of them find obstacles and jump off them in waterfalls. Dettifoss in Jökulsárgljúfur National Park is the most powerful in Europe. Not so long ago you could see him in the cinema - in the film “Prometheus” by Ridley Scott.

Iguazu, Argentina/Brazil

The 270 Iguazu Falls are distributed between two countries: Argentine side There are almost 80% of them, but in Brazilian they are more picturesque. Less hackneyed angles can be achieved through a boat ride or rafting adventure. The hit of the complex is the Devil's Throat waterfall (Garganta del Diablo) in the shape of the letter U. Iguazu is considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world: it drops about 100 million tons of water per hour.

Stirling, New Zealand

Kipling himself called Milford Sound the eighth wonder of the world, and most of those who visited here agree with him: wild nature, the clearest waters of the bay and sparkling waterfalls. Stirling is best viewed from a small cruise ship. He, like his beautiful sister, waterfall Lady Bowen, does not dry out all year round, fed by meltwater from glaciers. The greatest effect is achieved in the spring, when the snow melts, and after heavy rains, when hundreds of streams of water jump along the cliffs.

Kaieteur, Guyana

Although Kaieteur is located in a national park near the Venezuelan border, it is still one of the most inaccessible known waterfalls in the world. Not many spectators make it to this place, where the Potara River tumbles down, surrounded by wet thickets of tropical plants. The 226-meter-high waterfall is five times higher than Niagara and twice as high as Victoria in Africa.

Plitvice Lakes waterfalls, Croatia

Plitvice Lakes National Park is a UNESCO natural heritage. 16 transparent turquoise lakes are interconnected by almost a hundred channels and waterfalls, forming picturesque cascades among dense forests. The most famous is the handsome Sastavci, the fruit of the union of two rivers, the Korana and Plitvica, rushing down from a height of 72 m. According to the information posted on the signs, it will take eight hours to walk around all this splendor along the paths. Don’t be fooled: time for thoughtful photography is not included here, so it’s time to get to know each other Croatian waterfalls It’s better to plan for two sunny days.

Maletsunyane, Lesotho

Lesotho is a small enclave inside South Africa. The Maletsunyane River, rushing through green pastures, is thrown off a cliff by a 192-meter waterfall, one of the highest on the continent. At the beginning of summer, below, where the sun's rays do not reach, you can find ice - in winter the waterfall is overgrown with icicles. There are many good angles from the surrounding rocks.

Angel, Venezuela

The main treasure of Canaima National Park is the highest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls. It falls from the top of the majestic table mountain Auyan Tepui. The water tries to fly 807 meters (the total height of the waterfall is even greater, about a kilometer), but most of it is sprayed, turning into fog. You can get here only by boats and canoes or by small planes - the area is wild, not yet spoiled by civilization. It’s not called “The Lost World” for nothing.

Victoria, Zambia/Zimbabwe

During the rainy season, the width of the streams flowing down reaches 1800 meters, creating the most extensive water curtain in the world. The suspension of particles from the breaking Zambeze River is visible from a distance of 40 kilometers. It's worth investing in an aerial view to fully appreciate the majesty of the waterfall. Zambians never accepted the official name after Queen Victoria and continue to call it "Mosi-oa-Tunya" - the smoke that thunders.

Eco-tourism and everything connected with it is experiencing an incredible rise. This is due to the development of infrastructure and changing priorities among people. Now getting to almost anywhere in the world is not so difficult, and the usual entertainment no longer seems so interesting to travelers.

Among natural attractions, waterfalls are one of the first places in popularity. They are beautiful in themselves, and often a unique ecosystem develops around them, pleasing the eye and giving many impressions.

Waterfalls vary in size, are scattered all over the world, and are associated with many legends, both factual and completely fantastic. Seeing at least a few is a good goal for your vacation.

The highest, largest and most beautiful waterfalls in the world

List of famous, major and powerful waterfalls! Photos with titles and brief description


Not just one waterfall, but a whole complex. Most of its parts have separate names. Located on the border of Brazil and Argentina. They are located on the river of the same name and are included in the national parks of both countries. The maximum height is 82 meters, width – 2700 meters. The waterfalls are separated from each other by islands. Tourism in the surrounding area is booming. Guests are offered transfers, souvenirs and waterproof clothing.


Located in Guyana on the Potaro River. From here it is not so far to the border with Venezuela. Height – 226 meters, width varies from 90 to 105 meters. Belonging to a national park allowed the waterfall to be preserved almost in its original form. The location also played an important role in this: it is difficult to get to. Near the foot of the waterfall it is constantly cloudy, and there are endless waves on the water.


Located on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia. Located on the Zambezi River. Height – 120 meters, width – about 1800 meters. Unique in the ratio of these two indicators. The name was received in honor of the English queen. Part of two national parks. Tourists come to both admire the views and raft along the numerous rapids, which are also suitable for beginner rafters.


Located in Venezuela. The approximate height is 979 meters, which makes it a world record holder. Width – 107 meters. Located in a national park surrounded by tropical forests. Water falls from the top of Auyan Tepui into the Kerep River. Because the height of the fall is so impressive, the water below splits into small particles and forms fog. You can get here by plane or by river. There are special tours.


Located in Peru. Its height is 771 meters. It has an extremely small pool, so the volume of water falling varies depending on the amount of precipitation and the season. Surrounded by humid jungle. Rare species of birds and animals live here, some on the verge of extinction. The waterfall can only be visited with a local guide, and you have to pay for it. There are many sugarcane plantations nearby.


Located in Canada on the territory of a national park. Included in the South Nahanni River basin. Height mountain peak, where the waterfall is located - approximately 500 meters. The height of the water fall is 96 meters. The width varies around 260 meters. Rainbows are a common phenomenon here, they are formed from the so-called “water dust”. There are many nearby observation platforms, there are thermal springs.

Hanging Glacier Falls

Located in Chile. There are about two thousand glaciers of different sizes in the district. On one of them - the only one hanging in the world - the waterfall is located. The name is unofficial. Water falls down after melting. The intensity depends on the season. The height is about 550 meters. Belongs to the territory of the national park. It’s almost impossible to get close, but from the nearby lake you can see beautiful view to the waterfall.

San Rafael

Located in Ecuador on the Quijos River. Massive rocks, densely covered with greenery, form something like a relief depression, from where water falls down. The cascade is double, so the height is divided into two sectors: 50 and 100 meters, respectively. Width - about 14 meters. There is thick fog at the foot. It also raises a lot of splashes and is very noisy. It is part of a national park and has an observation deck.

Niagara Falls

A complex of waterfalls in the USA and Canada. Each of the waterfalls has its own name. The total height is approximately 53 meters and the width is 792 meters. Used to generate energy. Tourism is developed to the maximum. There are all kinds of excursions and a variety of souvenirs. Observation platforms are made both close and at a sufficient distance to provide guests with the opportunity to see the entire panorama.


Located in India on the Sharavati River. It has several names related to both origin and pronunciation: Gersoppa, Yog and others. Height – 255 meters. Such impressive dimensions are explained by its belonging to the Western Ghats mountain system. Consists of four cascades. It is used to generate electricity, generating power within the range of 891 MW.

Helmcken Falls

Located in a Canadian provincial park. Height – 42 meters. The wall behind the waterfall is partially frozen on winter period. Icicles of different sizes and some semblance of a glacier appear here. Climbers come here for ascents during particularly cold periods. There are several observation platforms nearby, and areas for picnics and other types of outdoor recreation.


Located in Canada on the territory of a national park. The name is derived from the Aboriginal language and is translated as an expression of delight. The height from the top to the bottom is more than 380 meters. The intensity of the water fall is different and varies depending on the season. The waterfall feeds a lake located on a glacier and flows into the Yoho River. Rainbows can often be seen at the base on nice days.


Located in Iceland on the Jökulsau au Fjödlum River. Part of the national park. Height is about 44 meters, width is about 100 meters. Its power exceeds that of other European indicators. Not typical tourist place, however, attracts travelers familiar with the topic. There are other waterfalls within a radius of a couple of kilometers.

Odegaard Falls

Located in Canada. It flows smoothly from rocky terrain into the valley. The height remains impressive from top to bottom. The waterfall has many steps and rapids. The area around is perfect for hiking; there are prepared “islands” for tourist stops. It will take a long time to get there by car. Transport will not go everywhere - you will eventually have to walk.


Located in Angola on the Lucala River. Height – more than 105 meters, width – 400 meters. Heterogeneous: there are many watersheds in the form of boulders, rocks and other things. The trip to the waterfall is long, although the roads are good. This explains the not very popular attraction. The area is home to dense mixed forests. Landslides occur below due to sediment eroding large stones.


Located in Iceland on the Hvitau River. The name translates as “golden waterfall”. Height – 32 meters. The volume of water varies depending on the season, increasing in the summer. There are two stages, and they are located at an angle of ninety degrees to each other. Gullfoss was on the verge of destruction due to attempts to build a power plant here. Now there is a popular a tourist route.


Located in New Zealand, the highest in Oceania - 580 meters from top to bottom. The waterfall is not wide, especially when viewed from a distance and in relation to the height. It has several steps, the largest is located almost in the center. The place is very picturesque: from above you can see the reservoir from which the waterfall is formed, and splashes rise below. The rocks are heterogeneously covered with greenery.


Located in Norway on the Vaule River. Height – 612 meters, width – 76 meters. Its base goes directly to the modern highway. For this reason, people often visit the waterfall: some on purpose, since it is easy to get to, others passing through, even without initially knowing about this attraction. Langfossen consists of gentle cascades, which distinguishes it from most waterfalls. The power of the flow is constant.

Gaganachukki Falls

Located in India. There is actually a lot of confusion surrounding this waterfall. Sometimes it is mentioned as a separate natural segment, and sometimes as part of a complex. It is located in close proximity to the Barachukki waterfall and, according to some sources, is a component of Shivanasamudra. Has numerous rapids. The total height is within 90 meters. A power plant was built here.


Located in Norway. The name was received in honor of the valley where it is located. Height - ranging from 645 to 705 meters (different measurement methods due to the heterogeneity of the waterfall). Width – 24 meters. There are several ledges, and two large ones, visible to the naked eye even from a distance, they break the waterfall into parts. A power station was built nearby. Disputes about the feasibility of its work are still ongoing.


Located in Norway in the valley of the Utla River. The height of the free fall of water is about 275 meters, the width is about 23 meters. At the bottom, the power of the jet is reduced due to the dispersion of water, which makes the waterfall quite quiet. It does not freeze in the winter, the speed and strength of the flow also do not undergo any special changes. Unlike the country's other major waterfalls, Vettifossen is not used for energy.


Located in Namibia on the Kunene River. It is located almost on the border with Angola. Height – 124 meters, width – 695 meters. As the rainy season gives way to a dry season in this area, the water level and power of the waterfall are very variable. There is also a hydroelectric power station here, which not only provides the region with energy, but also stores part of the water for irrigation and sanitation needs.


Located in South Africa on the Orange River. Height is about 146 meters. Located in a gorge. It is part of a national park, and it was formed specifically to preserve the waterfall and its surroundings. Several species of rare animals live here, including black rhinoceroses, which were reintroduced here artificially. There are several viewing platforms and convenient climbs.


Located in Iceland on the Jökulsau au Fjödlum River. He is Dettifoss's "neighbor". Part of the national park. The height is about 27 meters, the width varies between 91 meters. It is inferior in power to other waterfalls in the area, but has the best panoramic view. Thanks to the built observation deck, tourists can clearly see not only Hafragilsfoss, but also the surrounding area.


Located in Norway on the Kinso River. Above are bare rocks with ice, below are dense forests with moss-covered ground. The maximum height is within 246 meters. The waterfall is multi-stage and has a pronounced division into segments. The surrounding nature is part of a specially protected zone. It’s not easy for tourists to get there, but the view is worth it. Human intervention is minimal.

Hunlen Falls

Located in Canada. The maximum height to the foot is 365 meters. The continuous drop of water is less - 260 meters. You can get to this natural attraction either by plane (about 20 minutes from the nearest settlement) or on foot (about half an hour from the road to the observation deck). There are many nearby scenic spots, including Lonely Lake.


Located in India. The height of the water fall is 50 meters, the width is about 177 meters. The water level varies depending on the season. Gokak powers the hydroelectric dam and supplies energy to the entire area. At the foot there is always a thick fog, formed due to drops of moisture breaking into fractions. The waterfall can be observed from several equipped points. It's always very noisy there.

Twin Falls

Located in Canada. The height is about 180 meters, but the height of the continuous fall of water is less. The width varies from 18 to 30 meters. Not far from the foot there is a railway track. There are not many convenient points for a panoramic view of Twin, so tourists are not able to fully enjoy the local beauty. Part of the national park.


Located in Mexico on the river of the same name. The second largest waterfall in the country. Height is approximately 246 meters. Part of the national park. The fall of water is absolutely vertical: from the mountain to the valley. The stream is narrow, but widens near the ground, creating foam and numerous splashes. The rocks of the canyon are covered with vegetation only at the top and at the foot.


Located in Norway near Lake Sandvinvatnet. The total height is about 500 meters, width is about 60 meters. For the most part, the water does not flow abruptly; there are many rapids and steps of different sizes. The slopes are partially covered with vegetation, but it is heterogeneous. You can get to the very base of Tjörndalsfossen, as there is a road and numerous hiking trails nearby.


It is located in the United States and is part of Yosemite National Park, one of the most popular in the country. Water falls from a height of 181 meters. A tourist route has been laid out that allows you to get to know the waterfall in detail. Its length is slightly less than four and a half kilometers. There are also parking areas and several viewing platforms.

Lower Yellowstone Falls

Located on the territory of the most popular US national park of the same name. There are many waterfalls here, but this one stands out from the crowd. The water falls down in a powerful stream straight from the canyon from a height of 94 meters. There is fog at the foot. The width is modest, especially when compared with Niagara. There are observation decks on different sides, some close, others providing the opportunity to admire panoramic views.


Located in the USA on the Snake River. The height is 65 meters, the width is heterogeneous - approximately 300 meters. Here, numerous rapids and steps divide the waterfall into separate factions. This makes the picture even more picturesque, but reduces its integrity. The time of year affects the flow intensity and water level. Rainbows constantly appear at the foot of the mountain on sunny days.

Barron Falls

Located in Australia on the river of the same name. Height – 256 meters. The flow is heterogeneous; water flows through the gorge in separate streams. There is especially a lot of water during the rainy season. If you look from a specially equipped area, the picture looks almost terrifying. Foamy streams, slightly colored beige-brown, rush down, and fog envelops the green rocks on the sides.


It is located in the United States on the river of the same name, between two mountains. Height – 82 meters. The natural attraction is popular among tourists; about one and a half million people visit it every year. Even a working power plant is a historical value of the state. Getting there is convenient, there is a parking lot, trails, and several equally spaced viewing platforms.


Located in Norway on the Bjoreju River. The height is 182 meters, but the water falls freely from a height of 145 meters. The flow is not very intense and is influenced, among other things, by seasonality and the nearby power plant. At the same time, there are restrictions on energy production and water use in order to prevent a negative impact on the environment and not damage the local microclimate.

Alexandra Falls

Located in Canada on the Hay River. There are many other natural beauties nearby, paved hiking trails, equipped with two observation platforms from different sides. The stream is powerful and wide. Height – approximately 32 meters. A highway has been built within a few kilometers. In the lower reaches there are many well-passable rapids that attract kayakers: from beginners to professionals.


Located in Austria. Also called – Krimml. In fact, this is not one waterfall, but a cascade. They are located on a river with a similar name - Krimler Ache. The total height is within 380 meters. The current changes depending on the time of year, and significantly. The same thing happens with the water level. In some places the stream is stormy and falls almost vertically, in others it is weaker and flows down the rapids and ledges smoothly.

Yosemite Falls

It is located in the USA on the territory of the national park of the same name - the most popular and visited in the country. Height – 739 meters. It is noteworthy that a beautiful view opens both from the lowlands, right from the road, and from the observation platforms at the top. The rock from which the water falls is almost completely vertical. The noise from the waterfall spreads throughout the entire valley: this is not only because of its power, but also because of its special acoustics.


Located in Iceland on the Skogau River. Height – 60 meters, width – 25 meters. Previously, I approached directly coastline, now the sea has receded, making the waterfall very convenient for viewing. Popular with tourists, the area has observation platforms, souvenirs, convenient approaches, as well as parking lots for vehicles. At the foot you can see a rainbow, sometimes a double one.

Waterfalls of Plitvitskie Lakes

They are located in Croatia on the territory of a national park. The total number of waterfalls is about thirty. The numbers are inaccurate due to differences in assessment approaches: some researchers combine waterfalls into cascades, while others call them separately. Among the waterfalls we can highlight: Batinovački, Galovachki, Velike Kascade, as well as Sastavtsi - the most beautiful, whose height is 72 meters.


Located in China in the mountainous province of Guizhou. Since there are many mountains and reservoirs, waterfalls are also not uncommon. Huangoshu stands out among its neighbors. Its height is 78 meters, width is approximately 101 meters. The strength of the flow is not uniform; there are several separate channels separated by small rocky outcroppings. The waterfall can be viewed from several angles, including from a cave hidden behind a water wall.

Blue Nile Falls (Tis-Ysat)

They are located in Ethiopia on the river of the same name. They have difficult to measure height and width. The top point is approximately 45 meters from the foot, and individual streams form a line within 400 meters. Nearby there is a stone bridge that was built in the 17th century by the Portuguese. A cascade of waterfalls is surrounded picturesque mountains and green valley.


Located in China and Vietnam. During high water, the waterfall looks like a single whole; during the rest of the period, the watershed line is clearly visible. In the lower reaches there is a lake that attracts tourists no less than Detian. Nearby you can also explore caves, a forest of water stones and other natural attractions. Excursions here are popular routes for visitors.

Dunn's River

Located in Jamaica on the territory natural park. The total height is 180 meters. Moreover, the current here is not stormy, there are many rapids and steps. The water flows directly into the Caribbean Sea. Tourists hike right up the waterfall. Convenient routes Park employees and hired guides help navigate the route. At the foot you can swim or spend time in the shade of abundant vegetation.

Rhine Falls

Located in Switzerland on the river of the same name. Height – 23 meters, width – 150 meters. Refers to the type of plain waterfalls. The strength of the flow in winter and summer differs significantly. You can get to the observation decks for a fee, it varies depending on the convenience and viewing angle. There are historical and architectural attractions nearby, which complements the trip with impressions.


Located in Morocco in the High Atlas Mountains. Height is approximately 110 meters. The flow of water is heterogeneous and stretched, with part of the cascade located at an angle of ninety degrees to the main drain. At sunset, monkeys come to the waterfall. Water mills were built at the top, which are still in operation today. You can get to Ouzoud through olive tree plantations.


Located in the USA in the Columbia River Canyon. Divided into two areas. Since the width of the threshold allows, a bridge was built across it. The total height is 189 meters. The waterfall is fed from several sources, including underground and melted snow. Therefore, the water level is practically unchanged from season to season. However, Maltoma may partially freeze.


Located in Canada. It is a popular tourist route for Quebec and the whole country. For this reason, the infrastructure here is well developed down to the last detail. Developed detailed routes climb, but it is quite difficult. There are special bridges and tiled walkways. The total height is 84 meters. The flow of water is rapid, foaming from the speed of the flow and fall, a rainbow and fog form below.

Marmore (Marble)

Located in Italy. The total height of the three tiers is 165 meters. The name comes from the rocks, which in some places are very similar to marble. Water flows down in cascades. Since part of the year the slopes are covered with dense vegetation, which is varied both in shape and color, the picture becomes picturesque. Getting here is easy; there are quite a lot of observation platforms, both natural and built.

It is probably difficult to find a person who is completely indifferent to the beauty of water falling from a great height. The multi-ton power of such a flow is mesmerizing, the play of splashes and light delights with its dynamism. Among the amazing natural phenomena, a special place was occupied by the most beautiful waterfalls peace. Man has been drawn to their thunderous peals like a magnet since ancient times. Before that natural miracle the veil of illusions that man is the king of nature disappears.

In this article we will present you five of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. We do not claim that they are not more beautiful and majestic. On every continent, in almost every country in the world there are these amazing natural monuments. Perhaps not so majestic and powerful, but always amazingly beautiful. Therefore, when describing the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, the list can be increased many times over.

The most famous waterfalls in the world

Each waterfall is an impressive sight, however, there are such incredible complexes in the world that you can admire all day long. In our article we will present the following:

  1. Angel (Venezuela).
  2. Niagara Falls (USA).
  3. Victoria (Zimbabwe).
  4. Iguazu (Argentina/Brazil).
  5. Yosemite Falls (USA).

Waterfalls of the world (the most beautiful and famous): Angel

Let's start our short review s on our planet. He is in South America(Venezuela). The name of this natural miracle translates as “angel’s leap.” You can see this roaring stream of water, falling from a height that exceeds the height of any skyscraper, in the Canaima National Park.

The water rushes down with a deafening roar, forming a kind of fog. No one can yet name the exact height of this Venezuelan landmark. According to approximate data, it ranges from 978 to 1054 meters.

The most beautiful waterfalls in the world are not always accessible to tourists. An example of this is Angel. It is extremely difficult to approach a kilometer-long sheer wall, which is very tightly blocked by a dense tropical forest intertwined with thickets of vines and bushes. It is for this reason that surveyors, trying to measure the height of this waterfall, cut their way with axes. It took them 20 days to cover 35 km.

Today everyone who wants to see this natural miracle during the rainy season, which lasts from May to November, it takes 5 hours to get there by boat. Angel is fed only by rain, so we do not recommend trying to get to it during the dry season. You will be disappointed to see a very small stream instead of a powerful wall of water.

Niagara Falls

Perhaps someone will disagree, but in our opinion, this is the most beautiful waterfall in the world. Even schoolchildren know its name. This He is located on the river of the same name, near the border of two states: Ontario and New York, which are located in Canada and the USA.

Scientists have noticed amazing fact- the greatest waterfalls (in width), as a rule, are located on the border of two (and sometimes three) countries. This is not an accident - the water bodies stretching over a huge width are impassable natural boundaries, along which, over time, official borders between states appeared.

Niagara Falls is by far the most popular among tourists due to its accessibility. They are drawn here by the extraordinary nature, almost untouched by man. General complex make up several waterfalls. Their height is more than 53 meters. The water jets of this giant fall at a speed of 3 million l/s. The closest locality- city of Buffalo.

To avoid huge crowds of tourists, come to these wonderful places better in autumn or in the spring. This will allow you to enjoy the incredible beauty and grandeur of the waterfall.


The top most beautiful waterfalls in the world continues in our article. It is one of the highest on our planet. In addition, he is known for dividing Zambia and Zimbabwe very harmoniously. Its discoverer was a Scot in 1865.

Four years before the opening of this object, Livingston already knew about the existence of this waterfall. The researcher intended, with the help of such amazing beauty, to turn dense Africa into a center of attraction for travelers from all over the world.

On the African continent, Victoria is the highest waterfall. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that, reaching two kilometers in width, it has a height of 120 meters. There are no such grandiose cascades on our planet anymore. It is in full flow. At the peak of the water influx, it flows on average eight thousand cubic meters per second.

Locals call this delightful cascade "thundering smoke", referring to the volume of fog that rises to a height of over 400 meters, as well as the deafening noise that can be heard tens of kilometers away. And the spray, flying upward in a huge column, is visible 50 kilometers away. They almost always sparkle with rainbows. If you want to experience the most incredible sensations, you should stand at the foot of this waterfall at least once.


The most beautiful waterfalls in the world are famous not only for their powerful water streams, but also magnificent natural panoramas. Iguazu is located on the border of Brazil and Argentina. Objectively, it is considered the most picturesque in the world. In addition, it occupies a leading position in terms of fullness of water.

Merging together, 275 cascades form a grandiose complex with a displacement of over 1,700 cubic meters per second. Its height is 80 meters, and its width at the base is 4 kilometers. The waterfall was discovered for Europeans in the 16th century by conquistadors from Spain. The river on which it is located winds and flows, crossing the mainland in westward for 1500 kilometers, and then ends in a arch of waterfalls, which at the drainage resemble a crescent in shape.

The roar of Iguazu can be heard several kilometers away. The waterfall is the pride of Argentines and Brazilians. Tens of thousands of travelers come here every year to see this splendor with their own eyes. Due to the existing relations between Argentina and Brazil, the states have entered into original agreements: the Brazilians have a monopoly on helicopter excursions, and the Argentines are responsible for boat trips.

Yosemite Falls

When describing the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, one cannot fail to mention this cascade. The waterfall located in Yosemite Park is called Horsetail. Its height reaches 740 meters. For several days in February, Yosemite Falls becomes “fiery lava.”

Hundreds of thousands of tourists flock to Yosemite Park at this time to enjoy the beauty of the fiery miracle. The secret of this phenomenon is explained by the special arrangement of the sun's rays. Getting to the waterfall at a strictly defined angle, they amazingly highlight the powerful water flow.

At first it turns yellowish-orange, and gradually, when the sun sets, the waterfall turns into a rich fiery color. Everyone observing this natural miracle gets the impression that hot lava is flowing out of the rock. It is a pity that even in cloudless and clear weather such a glow lasts only a few minutes.

Residents of the European part of Russia treat waterfalls as incredibly exotic, because most of the western part of Russia is covered by a plain, but our country is infinitely diverse, so we offer the reader a rating 10 most beautiful waterfalls according to the editors of the website “Tourism in Russia”. The most beautiful waterfalls in Russia are mainly located, of course, among mountain systems our country: Caucasian, Ural Mountains, Altai, Sayan Mountains, mountain range Putorana plateau. Waterfalls in Russia are unique in their beauty and originality. Most of them are accessible to tourists, so some of them are probably familiar to you. Recently, ecotourism has been gaining momentum in Russia, which is why Russian waterfalls have become even closer to ordinary travelers than before.

Kivach waterfall in the Republic of Karelia

Kivach is perhaps the most famous waterfall in western Russia. It is located in the European part of our country near the capital of the Republic of Karelia - the city of Petrozavodsk. The name of the waterfall comes from the Finnish kiivas, which can be translated into Russian as “powerful” or “swift”. Kivach is the second largest, after the Rhine, flat waterfall in Europe. The waterfall is located in the waters of the Suna River. The height of the total fall of the waterfall is just over 10 meters.

It became a landmark back in the 18th century, when the region was rapidly developing. The ruler of the Olonets region (under Catherine II this was the name of the Karelian land around Petrozavodsk) and the great poet of Russia Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin, having visited here, wrote the poem “Waterfall”:

“The mountain is falling like diamonds
From the heights of four rocks,
An abyss of pearls and silver
It boils below, shoots upward in mounds;
The blue hill stands from the spray,
Far away the roar thunders in the forest”

Kivach waterfall. Republic of Karelia

The Karelian legend about the emergence of the waterfall tells the story of two sister rivers, Suna and Shuya, who did not want to part with each other and flowed side by side all the time. One day, tired Suna gave her sister a more comfortable bed and lay down to rest. Waking up, she was surprised to find that Shuya had rushed far, far ahead, and rushed to catch up with her, sweeping away everything in her path. Where Suna broke through the rocks and crushed stone blocks, a waterfall appeared.

Altai. Uchar Waterfall – Chulchinsky

Uchar Waterfall (or Big Chulchinsky Waterfall) of the Altai Republic

The Altai Republic is the famous southern region of Russia with picturesque rivers and waterfalls. An ecologically clean, untouched region of nature, sometimes difficult to access, as in the version of the Big Chulchinsky waterfall. The name Ulchar is translated from South Altai as “impregnable” or “flying”. This is a cascading waterfall on the Chulcha River. The height of the water fall is 160 meters. The waterfall is located on the territory of Altai state reserve. To get to the waterfall, you need to cross to the right bank of the Chulyshman River in the area of ​​the mouth of the Chulcha River and walk upstream 8 km along a rather difficult path going along the steep and steep Chulchinsky gorge. The waterfall was supposedly formed less than two hundred years ago as a result of a grandiose collapse caused by another Altai earthquake; it was discovered only in the seventies of the last century, and tourist site is less than ten to twenty years ago.

Cascade of waterfalls in the canyon of the Kanda River on the Putorana plateau

Almost unknown to modern people (researchers and tourists), the Putorana Plateau is located three thousand kilometers from Moscow. The nearest airport is Norilsk. From the airport you need to fly another 40 minutes by helicopter. The area of ​​the Putorana plateau is comparable to the territory of Great Britain. Putorana translated from the Evenki language as “ lakes with steep banks”. Lakes on the plateau - 9 520 , the longest - up to 150 km, the deepest - up to 400 meters, quantity waterfalls unknown, but approximately estimated at 20,000.

In 2010, the plateau territory was included in the list of World Heritage Sites. natural heritage UNESCO. Tallest waterfall on the territory of Russia is located here, on the Konda River. Its height is 108 meters with a direct fall of water. There are also cascading waterfalls, even higher than the one on the Konda River. The height of the cascading waterfalls reaches 400 meters.

Since the plateau is located in northern latitudes climatic conditions very harsh. Summer is short. The usual winter temperature is -40 degrees Celsius. In this regard, waterfalls freeze, sometimes they do not freeze completely. In this part of the article published works by photographer Sergei Gorshkov, who spent three years filming on the plateau.

Ilya Muromets waterfall on the Kuril Islands

Ilya Muromets - waterfall on Iturup island ( largest island Kuril ridge Sakhalin region). The Japanese name for the waterfall is Rakibetsu (translated as “falling river”). One of the highest waterfalls in the country. Located near Cape Ilya Muromets, on a stream flowing from the north-eastern slope of Mount Demon, falling from a steep cliff into the ocean.

The waterfall and the cape of the same name are named after the Russian hero, one of the heroes of the epic epic Ilya Muromets. On the island of Iturup, the high cape Alyosha Popovich and the Dobrynya Nikitich volcano (as well as the cape) are also adjacent to Ilya Muromets.

It is precisely in terms of the height of the free fall of water of 141 meters, that is, not interrupted by ledges, that Ilya Muromets occupies one of the leading places in our country and, according to the same characteristic, exceeds the famous Niagara Falls in North America three times. The waterfall is located in an extremely inaccessible place; its free inspection is possible only from the ocean.

Kinzelyuksky waterfall in Krasnoyarsk region

Kinzelyuksky waterfall - a famous treasure Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is considered the highest waterfall in Russia. Its height is about 328 meters, and the free fall height is 90 meters! The waterfall is located in Eastern Sayan Mountains, their Kinzelyuksky ridge, which has always been considered inaccessible for people. To get to it from Krasnoyarsk, you need to fly 500 kilometers by helicopter in a southeast direction.

Kinzelyuksky waterfall. Krasnoyarsk region. Sayan Mountains

The waterfall was formed by the picturesque Kinzelyuk Lake, which resembles a bowl in the bosom of a mountain. The lake is located at an altitude of 1601 meters in the circus of the Kinzelyuksky (Double-headed) peak. For the first time, instrumental measurements of the waterfall (using a theodolite), on the initiative and support of the writer and local historian Pyotr Kravchuk, were made in 1989 by an expedition of the water sports tourist section of the sports club "Steel" at the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Plant under the leadership of the USSR Master of Sports Boris Babitsky. According to their measurements, the height of the waterfall (cascade) is 328 meters. The measurement results are recorded in the book “Records of Nature” by Peter Kravchuk.

Bezymyanny Waterfall near Greater Sochi

The nameless waterfall is located in Krasnodar region, on the slope of Mount Aibgi in the waters of the Bezymyanka River. This is one of the highest waterfalls Krasnodar region, since the height of its three steps reaches 75 meters. The waterfall is located almost on the border between Russia and Abkhazia, but on the Russian side. You can get to Bezymyanny only by all-terrain vehicles - UAZs. Sochi residents usually call them “jeeps”. You can buy tickets for jeeping to the waterfall at the outlets of many excursion companies. The Bezymyanka River after the waterfall hurries on, runs between the stones and after a few kilometers merges with the Psou River, which flows along the Russian-Abkhazian border and flows into the Black Sea. Near Bezymyanny there is a very small waterfall called Maiden's Tears. Although it is small, it is very beautiful and has an unusual shape.

Zeygalan waterfall in North Ossetia

Zeygalan waterfall on the Midagrabindon River in North Ossetia

Zeygalan Waterfall is located in North Ossetia on the Midagrabindon River. Close to it are the borders of our country, bordering the state of Georgia. Since the height of Zeygalan is about 600 meters, it is considered one of the highest waterfalls in Russia and the world. Highway no to the waterfall, because on foot Tourists spend several hours wading through rivers here.

This uniquely beautiful waterfall is located high in the mountains and therefore has a pulsating character. Its jet depends on the air temperature; it either increases or decreases. In the cold season, the melting of the glacier at altitudes of 4,000 meters above sea level, the source of which gives birth to the waterfall, practically stops and only ice icicles remain in the place of the waterfall. Above this amazing place clouds usually gather even when the valley is warm and sunny. In such majestic beauty, Zeygalan flows along the slopes of an extinct ancient volcano.

Unexpected Waterfall in Primorsky Territory

Unexpected Waterfall in Primorsky Territory

The Unexpected waterfall is original in that it passes through the hexagonal basalt pillars that form its descent. The height of the Unexpected is 9 meters, it was formed as a result of the fall of the waters of the Levy Gorbatov spring from the Shkotovsky plateau. Unexpected consists of 2 cascades. Only 9 meters high, it appears unexpectedly on the path almost in the middle of the forest.

The path to the waterfall goes along the Vladivostok - Partizansk highway. From Vladivostok to Unexpected is approximately 110 km, you can get to it through the city of Artem and the village of Shkotovo. A hundred meters below the waterfall, on the right bank of the stream, there is a vertical wall made of basalt hexagonal pillars (the result of its crystallization during cooling).

The waterfall named after the great poet is located in the vicinity of the resort city of Kislovodsk, which makes it one of the most accessible waterfalls from our selection of the most beautiful in Russia. On the outskirts Kislovodsk small flow Olkhovka River. This is where the Lermontov waterfall is located; its height is about 3 meters. According to legend, it is this waterfall that Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov describes in the story “Princess Mary” as the place where Pechorin fed his horse after a walk to the Ring Mountain. The river flow here rushes down from a flat area and breaks into thousands of splashes on the rocks below.

Lermontov waterfall in Kislovodsk on an old postcard

Lermontovsky waterfall appeared at the place where the river crossed a limestone layer of Lower Cretaceous age. You can admire the Lermontov Falls from above, from a rocky platform, or by going down and coming close to the sparkling stream of water. There are dome-shaped caves in the rocks next to the waterfall. Not far from the waterfall there is the Rodnik sanatorium, famous among vacationers and tourists. You can get to Lermontovsky Falls from the city center if you walk along Prudnaya Street or take a city bus.

Waterfalls in the valley of the Pshada River near Gelendzhik

The mountain river Pshada carries its waters to Caucasus mountains near the Black Sea. There are more than a hundred waterfalls on the Pshada River. Tourists vacationing on the Black Sea are often invited to visit the Pshad waterfalls. In addition to the amazing nature and Pshad waterfalls, it is impossible not to mention that this valley is home to a large number of mysterious dolmens, the purpose of which is debated by historians and ethnographers.

The highest water cascade usually shown to tourists is Olyapkin. Its height is 9 meters, the second highest waterfall is located in Vodopadny Stream - it is about 7 meters. Most of the waterfalls, which are about 15-30 meters high, are difficult for ordinary tourists to access because they are located in impassable places.


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