Where is the marble bay on Putyatin. Putyatina Island, Primorsky Territory: description, attractions, interesting facts and reviews. Relaxation surrounded by an elephant, a rooster and a turtle

Putyatin Island is a hospitable place for tourists in Peter the Great Bay. It is located further from Vladivostok compared to other islands Sea of ​​Japan. Fifty kilometers separate Putyatin from the administrative center.

The island is famous for its unprecedented scenic beauty: amazing bays, warm coastline, gentle cliffs, delightful landscapes of meadows and rich natural world. The entire territory of the island is covered with a dense canopy of deciduous forest. Entering the forest, you can feel the aromas of mixed trees: oak, linden, manchurian walnut and maple. Clearings have been made in some areas of the forest, but elderberry and rosehip bushes make some areas difficult to navigate. Putyatina is famous for its large harvest of mushrooms and berries. Far from people, deer live in the south of the island.

Ruffs, greenlings, scallops, mussels, as well as octopuses and stingrays swim among the underwater rocks.
Tourists visit the island to admire its main attraction - the Komarov lotus. This relict plant blooms on Lake Gusinoye, not far from the village.
All the bays of the island are an excellent place to relax, as they are provided with a source of drinking water. Hiking in the surrounding area will lead the traveler to the Elephant rock, to the underwater grotto at Cape Shulepnikov. You can admire the Rooster rock or the Iretsky rock. Beautiful natural monuments are the Unkovsky stones and the Five Fingers kekura. Putyatin Island is rich in natural world, which is why thousands of tourists come here every year.

Putyatin Island located in the northern part of Peter the Great Bay, in Strelok Bay. The minimum distance between the island (Cape Startsev) and the mainland (Cape Strelok) is only about 1.5 km.

The island is mountainous, the most high point- Mount Startseva, located in its northern part, has a height of 353 m. The banks are elevated and in many places cut through by valleys and ravines. Eastern Bank The islands are made of granite with a layer of quartz. The southeastern coast is steep and consists of reddish granite, it is overgrown with grass and bushes. The northern part of the island is covered with forest and bushes; wide clearings stand out sharply in the forest, noticeable from great distances. The shores are bordered along almost the entire length by reefs protruding into the bay. total area The island area is 2790 hectares or 27.9 km².

Putyatin Island- one of the most picturesque islands of the Peter the Great Gulf, famous for the estate “Rodnoye” of Alexei Startsev, grandson of the Decembrist Nikolai Bestuzhev. This talented entrepreneur grew wonderful orchards on the island, built a porcelain factory, the products of which were known throughout the world, established tobacco and mulberry plantations, and created a stud farm. On Putyatin Island there are natural monuments, military-historical sites, the island is also famous for the lotus lake, amazing rocks, an abundance of mushrooms and medicinal plants. Lake Gusinoye - natural lake, where the Komarov lotus, listed in the Red Book of Russia, grows in early August. The most interesting thing is that lotuses bloom for only one month - in August. Putyatin Island is attractive to tourists with its extraordinary landscapes, clear sea, amazing underwater world. The tranquility that this island conceals near its shores calls for solitude on a yacht. The island has Elephant, Rooster, and Turtle bays. They got their names thanks to the bizarre rocks that are shaped like these animals. Mramornaya Bay – amazing a nice place. The bay got its name because its entire shore is covered with multi-colored stones. Here you can get a chocolate tan and swim in the warmest water on the entire Primorsky coast.

The island is attractive to tourists with its extraordinary landscapes, clear sea, amazing rocks, and an abundance of mushrooms and medicinal plants.
As a result of natural natural processes Two unusual capes appeared on the island - the Rooster and the Elephant drinking water. Putyatin consists entirely of suitable bays for recreation (Leshiy, Green Stones). Tourists can travel along the island's 13 bays and lagoons.
On Putyatin there is one of three lakes in Primorye, in which lotuses bloom from early August to mid-September.
North of the village is the highest point of Putyatin - Mount Startseva (355 meters), from here you can see beautiful view to Askold Island and the city of Vladivostok.
Putyatin Island is one of the unique places on the map of Primorye.

How to get there: l because on personal car to the village of Danube, then by ferry to the island, or by bus Vladivostok - Nakhodka to the city of Fokino, then by bus to the village of Danube. The ferry to the island runs several times a day, for example at 14:00. Transporting a car, according to data at the beginning of summer, costs 1,000 rubles round trip, transporting a person costs 50 rubles.

From the history of Putyatin Island

The name of this man will forever go down in the history of Primorye. Commerce advisor, merchant of the 1st guild Alexei Startsev, one of the richest and most educated people of old Vladivostok, sinologist, major philanthropist, member of the Society for the Study of the Amur Region, became famous for his hard work for the prosperity of the Russian land on the edge of the Pacific Ocean.

Alexey Dmitrievich Startsev was the illegitimate son of the Decembrist Nikolai Bestuzhev, who was exiled to Siberia for speaking out against the autocracy in December 1825 on Senate Square in St. Petersburg and who, while in exile, entered into an unofficial marriage with a Buryat girl, Sabilla. After Bestuzhev’s death, the boy was adopted by the merchant Startsev, a friend of the Bestuzhev family, as a result of which he inherited this surname. According to legend, in memory of his famous parent, Alexey Startsev wore a ring forged from his father’s shackles in a gold frame. It was a kind of talisman-amulet for Startsev.

By the way, in his youth, the son of the Decembrist was also keen on revolutionary ideas. Collaborated with Herzen's "Bell" and "Polar Star". Participated in the illegal delivery of seditious literature to Russia from abroad. But over the years I realized that only evolutionary transformations and hard work can make a person’s life worthy.

Alexey Startsev arrived on the shores of the Golden Horn as a mature man. He was persuaded to move “to the land of unlimited possibilities” by an old friend - merchant of the 1st guild Mikhail Shevelev, with whom he was doing business in Tianjin (China). By this time, Shevelev, having firmly established himself in Vladivostok, will create the first Russian maritime shipping company in the Far East (1880).

Leaving trade, several dozen stone houses, and a priceless collection of porcelain in the Celestial Empire Buddhist culture and a unique library of ancient books (there is evidence that the Louvre in Paris offered Startsev to buy it all for an astronomical sum at that time - 3 million francs, but he flatly refused), Alexey Dmitrievich began to settle down in a new place.

Speaking several languages, knowing literature and history well, and having capital, the merchant of the 1st guild of Startsev did not like bohemian life, empty social pastime. He was a man of action. He liked Vladivostok, which was being built on the banks of the Golden Horn. Alexey Dmitrievich laid the foundation for a large five-story stone house on Svetlanskaya. However, he chose a different place for his permanent residence and main entrepreneurial and creative activities - the sparsely populated Fr. Putyatina in Peter the Great Bay.

In June 1891, Startsev acquired 1 thousand acres of land on Putyatin from the government, taking the rest of the territory into long-term rental(for 99 years). Thus he became the master of the island. Of course, not all business colleagues believed that something serious could be done on a piece of land surrounded on all sides by the sea. Many considered Startsev’s idea an eccentricity.

Having hired workers, skilled craftsmen and engineers, and brought horses to the island, the son of the Decembrist rolled up his sleeves and actively got down to business. After quite a bit of time, skeptics were amazed at how Putyatin, through the efforts of Startsev and his assistants, was turning into an island of miracles.

From an empty place, a brick factory very soon rose, equipped modern equipment. Startsev began producing branded bricks from local raw materials, houses from which still stand in Vladivostok to this day. On each of them Startsev stamped his last name, i.e. he vouched for quality with his reputation. A small porcelain factory was being built nearby, the products of which were not inferior in quality and elegance to the work of Chinese craftsmen, of which Startsev was very proud. He establishes the production of magnificent silk on the island. He is engaged in horse breeding - he crosses English horses with hardy Transbaikal horses and gets a new breed. He breeds Kholmogory cows and overseas pigs, geese and ducks. He runs a deer farm and a snake nursery. He builds good roads on the island, which did not exist then on the “mainland”. He is planting a large orchard and vineyards, and is engaged in beekeeping.

In a word, no matter what entrepreneur Startsev undertook, everything worked out for him. Putyatin gradually turned into a fairy tale island, a garden island. For achievements in the field Agriculture and gardening, the merchant of the 1st guild Startsev was awarded the Big Silver Medal of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the medal of the Khabarovsk Exhibition, at which samples of agricultural achievements were presented Far East.

Startsev did not skimp on charitable causes, being one of the most generous patrons of the arts in our city. He allocated money for the construction and maintenance of schools and hospitals, established scholarships, and supplied building materials for public needs. Thus, largely thanks to him, a solid building of the museum of the Society for the Study of the Amur Region, of which he was a member, was built.

The disaster happened on June 30, 1900. The merchant Startsev died suddenly - cardiac paralysis. As rumor claimed, Alexey Dmitrievich could not bear the news that as a result of the fighting during the Boxer Uprising in China, which was suppressed by Russian troops, his priceless collection of Buddhist religious items and a library of unique books were lost. Then it turned out that the book rarities had survived (they managed to be taken to Putyatin Island after Startsev’s death).

The merchant Startsev had five children: three sons - Nikolai, Dmitry and Alexander and two daughters - Elizaveta and the youngest Evdokia, a broken, desperate girl in whom Buryat blood seethed. From childhood, she learned to shoot accurately from a carbine, deftly ride horses, and fearlessly participated in brawls with local boys. And, you know, it’s no coincidence that she was called the “Putyatin Amazon” on the island.

After the death of Alexey Dmitrievich, his sons Alexander and Dmitry, together with their mother, founded the company “Heirs of Startsev”. They continued to produce bricks and sold coal. Like Alexey Dmitrievich, they were engaged in charitable activities, donating money and building materials for public needs.

In the years civil war and interventions in the Far East, the relatives of Alexei Startsev sold the fairytale island, apparently realizing that the miracles were coming to an end. Then, unable to find buyers in their homeland who could pay a decent price for the unique library, they sold it abroad. Where exactly and to whom is still a mystery.

For a long time it was also unknown to whom the Startsevs sold Fr. Putyatina. However, local historian Amir Khisamutdinov managed to establish that it was acquired by a certain lawyer Kaido, who moved with his family to Primorye from Manchuria. Today no one can say why this man needed an island in Peter the Great Bay when the entire Russian Empire was collapsing. A few years later, the new owner of the island died, and Putyatin went to the Soviet authorities for free, which in the fall of 1922 began to establish new order in Primorye with an iron fist.

Until the mid-20s. the company “Heirs of Startsev” managed to exist somehow, and then it was closed by the new government. The solid five-story stone house of the Startsevs in Vladivostok on the street was also nationalized. Svetlanskaya, 69. Relatives of one of the most famous entrepreneurs and richest people in Primorye suddenly found themselves without a stake, a yard and a means of subsistence (Where their parent’s considerable money went, as well as from the sale of the library, is also unknown. Legend has it that all the countless the wealth during the years of unrest was buried in a safe place on Putyatin Island.) Having left Vladivostok, they moved to. European Russia, where they rented other people’s corners and did odd jobs. Even the fact that they were descendants of the Decembrist Nikolai Bestuzhev did not help. Moreover, in the summer of 1937, the Startsev brothers Dmitry and Alexander were arrested as enemies of the people, and they died in Stalin’s camps. Almost nothing is known about the fate of their sister Elizabeth. As for the “Putyaninsky Amazon” Evdokia Startseva, she and her husband traveled throughout the Russian Empire, after which she ended up in Serbia, where she ended her earthly journey in the second half of the 20s. Her older brother Nikolai also died in the same area. From the once large family of Alexei Startsev, only the descendants of his son Alexander now live in Vladivostok.

In the fall of 1989 on the island. Putyatin, largely through the efforts of the staff of the museum named after V. Arsenyev and the famous local historian and patriot Boris Dyachenko (now, alas, passed away), a monument was erected to Alexey Dmitrievich Startsev (artist O. Kulesh, sculptor Z. Pipekina, funds were allocated by the Putyatinsky animal farm "). On a high column is a bust of the former successful owner of the island, which through his efforts was once turned into a fairy tale


Sailing again into the sunset
Ships pass by
Small Putyatin Island
Near the great land.
We don't swim out of boredom,
We are not just looking for worries,
Darning the wounds of separation
A gray thread of roads.

This is not the first time for us -
Write letters from the east.
Storm clouds are floating
By time zone.
The sea trade winds whistle
Through city squares,
Addressees in old houses
They'll look at the mail again.

We will all be back, of course -
The trains will roll into the sunset,
To the girls we swear
Never leave.
But why on earth is this
Should we take off all the ships?
The small island of Putyatin,
Near the great land.

Putyatin Island is one of the most beautiful and visited islands in the Peter the Great Gulf. The island is located 50 km southeast of the city of Vladivostok, in Strelok Bay. The minimum distance between the island from Cape Startsev to the mainland (Cape Strelok) is about 1.5 km. The territory of the island stretches from north to south for 24 km, the southern part of the island ends with the “Five Fingers” kekurs, here you can see the view of Askold Island.
The island is mountainous, the highest elevation is Mount Startseva, quite steep, located in the northern part of the island, its height is 353 meters.

They say it offers a beautiful view of Vladivostok and Askold Island.
The coast of the island is rugged, the hills are crossed by valleys and ravines.

On the east coast, granites with a layer of quartz predominate, while on the southern coast, granites have a reddish tint.

The shores of the island are fringed with reefs. The area of ​​the island is 27.9 km² or 2790 hectares.

Putyatin Island was described by the crew of the clipper "Strelok" and put on the map by them in 1858. The name was given in honor of Putyatin Efimy Vasilyevich, admiral, diplomat and statesman, leader of the expedition in which the frigates “Diana” and “Pallada” participated. The expedition led by Putyatin in 1852-1855 made an inventory of the eastern coast of Primorye; it has the honor of discovering the bays of Posyet and Olga, the Rimsky-Korsakov islands. Later, in 1862-63, the shores of the island were examined by a hydrographic expedition of Lieutenant Colonel V.M. Babkin.

Putyatin Island was uninhabited at the time of discovery, except summer period, when in the warm season people from the mainland went to the island for fishing. In the summer of 1891, the island was visited by one of the first industrialists of the Far East, merchant I guild Alexey Startsev. Alexey Startsev is the son of the Decembrist Nikolai Bestuzhev, born in a civil marriage, a talented person, very educated and perceptive. Startsev bought part of the island’s land, and leased part from the state for 99 years, founded his own estate “Rodnoye” on the island, moved his family to the island and, with his characteristic enthusiasm, began to build a new life.

A brick factory was built on the island with the most modern equipment for that time. Startsev's plant produced bricks, each of which had its own mark, and Startsev's brick was famous - many buildings of that time were built from this brick in Vladivostok. A porcelain factory soon appeared next to the brick factory; Startsev’s porcelain was in no way inferior in quality to the work of Chinese masters, and Startsev was very proud of this. A silk production workshop is being organized on the island - silkworms are brought in and raised. Horses were brought to the island - the owner decided to breed a new breed of horses; he crossed Transbaikal horses, unpretentious and hardy, with thoroughbred English horses. In addition to horses, Startsev breeds Kholmogory cows, pigs, ducks and geese of the most famous breeds, opens a deer farm and a snake nursery, organizes an apiary, and establishes an orchard and vineyards. Roads that can only be envied are also being built on the island. Through the efforts of Startsev, the wild island turned into a blooming oasis. Alexey Startsev was awarded medals for achievements in the field of agriculture and repeatedly participated in exhibitions. One can only envy Startsev’s vigorous activity.
In 1900, Startsev died suddenly, and the estate began to decline. After the revolution, all property was nationalized, and a state animal farm was organized on the island.

In the fall of 1989, a monument to Startsev was erected on the island. The monument is located near the road that leads from the village to southern part islands.

Startsev's house, which survived and stood near the pier, was destroyed for unknown reasons at the end of the 20th century.
The population of the village of Putyatin decreases every year.

Putyatin Island is incredibly picturesque: beautiful bays and the coast, rocky and sloping, magnificent landscapes of meadows and marshy lowlands, rich natural world.

On Lake Gusin, near the village, grows the Komarov lotus, a relict plant whose age is estimated at about 100 million years, endemic to the Far East.

The lotus blooms during the last week of July - the end of August, but largely depends on the climate, and may occur a little later, but not earlier than July 20.
Komarov's lotus is found only in the Far East; this type of lotus has scientific value as a relict plant of the Gondwanan flora, which existed more than 100 million years ago, in the Mesozoic era. The vitality of the lotus is amazing. Under unfavorable conditions, lotus seeds do not die, but go into the stage of suspended animation. There are known cases of germination of lotus seeds, discovered in the mounds of Mnchuria, more than 1000 years old. Today, after the dam was washed away, water constantly flows out of the lake, due to the same drought, Gusinoye becomes shallow and overgrown, the petals in some places do not even touch the water. And if earlier this beautiful plant, listed in the Red Book, was found in six water areas, now it is only in three. Lotus Komarov is a capricious aristocrat; he loves only crystal clear water. But recently the environmental situation has worsened.

Natural monuments of Putyatin Island
Lake Gusinoe (relict plant Komarov lotus)
Kekura Five Fingers (multi-species colonies of seabirds).
Unkovsky stones
Iretsky Rock
Underwater grotto at Cape Shulepnikov
Rock Rooster

Rock Elephant.

By the way, not far from Gusinoye, on one of the hills, a cross is clearly visible - once the island was also notable for the poaching of Red Book sea cucumbers and scallops; In the 1990s, hunting for delicacies went on with virtually no special restrictions; many sea fish seekers used low-quality scuba equipment and died during the dive. The cross is a symbolic reminder of what human greed can lead to.

All bays of the island are suitable for recreation. There are several natural sources of drinking water on the island.
Tourists can travel along the island's 13 bays and lagoons and climb Mount Startseva. 5 finger rocks.
The water off the coast of the island is quite cool, as East Coast addressed to open sea.

How to get there:
Putyatin Island is connected to the mainland by ferry. From Vladivostok: bus route 506 “Vladivostok-Nakhodka”, stop Fokino (Texas). Next is the Fokino-Danube bus. In the village of Danube there is a ferry crossing to Putyatin Island (20 min).
Ferry and flight schedules intercity buses can be found on the unofficial website of Fokin www.tixas.ru/index/raspisanie_obshhestvennogo_t...
By personal vehicle we move along the route: Vladivostok – Artem – Shtykovo – Shkotovo – Smolyaninovo – Romanovka – Fokino – Danube (139.93 km.)

Some tips:
1. While on the island, be careful and careful! There are many snakes on the island.
2. Do not eat fish that you caught off the coast of the island and which seems familiar to you. You never know how your body will react to unfamiliar seafood. There is a paramedic station on the island, but a hospital with doctors is only on the mainland. Ferry flights are infrequent, and at night there is no help at all.
3. The roads are solid clay and after rain they become almost impassable. Therefore, if you do not have an all-wheel drive vehicle, find out in advance from the ferrymen or island residents the telephone numbers of tractor drivers who will be able to drag you to the pier if something happens. Cellular coverage is available almost throughout the island.
4.On Sunday, it is best to leave the island on the first ferry flight. It only fits 4 cars, so if you arrive at the pier in the afternoon, you run the risk of staying there overnight until Monday.
4.And remember, the last ferry voyage is mainland may not be!

PS: Putyatin Island is ideal for tourist trip, without a car under my ass and with a backpack behind my back. But you need to relax somewhere else, with a more developed infrastructure.

Distance by water, km: 80


Putyatin Island is one of the most beautiful and visited islands in the Peter the Great Gulf. The island is located 50 km southeast of the city of Vladivostok, in Strelok Bay. The minimum distance between the island from Cape Startsev to the mainland (Cape Strelok) is about 1.5 km. The territory of the island stretches from north to south for 24 km, the southern part of the island ends with the “Five Fingers” kekurs, here you can see the view of Askold Island.

The island is mountainous, the highest elevation is Mount Startseva, quite steep, located in the northern part of the island, its height is 353 meters. The coast of the island is rugged, the hills are crossed by valleys and ravines. On the east coast, granites with a layer of quartz predominate, while on the southern coast, granites have a reddish tint. The shores of the island are fringed with reefs. The area of ​​the island is 27.9 km² or 2790 hectares.


Putyatin Island was described by the crew of the clipper "Strelok" and put on the map by them in 1858. The name was given in honor of Putyatin Efimy Vasilyevich, admiral, diplomat and statesman, leader of the expedition in which the frigates “Diana” and “Pallada” participated. The expedition led by Putyatin in 1852-1855 made an inventory of the eastern coast of Primorye; it has the honor of discovering the bays of Posyet and Olga, the Rimsky-Korsakov islands. Later, in 1862-63, the shores of the island were examined by a hydrographic expedition of Lieutenant Colonel V.M. Babkin.

Putyatin Island was uninhabited at the time of discovery, not including the summer period, when in the warm season people from the mainland went to the island for fishing. In the summer of 1891, the island was visited by one of the first industrialists of the Far East, the merchant 1st guild Alexey Startsev. Alexey Startsev is the son of the Decembrist Nikolai Bestuzhev, born in a civil marriage, a talented person, very educated and perceptive. Startsev bought part of the island’s land, and leased part from the state for 99 years, founded his own estate “Rodnoye” on the island, moved his family to the island and, with his characteristic enthusiasm, began to build a new life.

A brick factory was built on the island with the most modern equipment for that time. Startsev's plant produced bricks, each of which had its own mark, and Startsev's brick was famous - many buildings of that time were built from this brick in Vladivostok. A porcelain factory soon appeared next to the brick factory; Startsev’s porcelain was in no way inferior in quality to the work of Chinese masters, and Startsev was very proud of this. A silk production workshop is being organized on the island - silkworms are brought in and raised. Horses were brought to the island - the owner decided to breed a new breed of horses; he crossed Transbaikal horses, unpretentious and hardy, with thoroughbred English horses. In addition to horses, Startsev breeds Kholmogory cows, pigs, ducks and geese of the most famous breeds, opens a deer farm and a snake nursery, organizes an apiary, and establishes an orchard and vineyards. Roads that can only be envied are also being built on the island. Through the efforts of Startsev, the wild island turned into a blooming oasis. Alexey Startsev was awarded medals for achievements in the field of agriculture and repeatedly participated in exhibitions. One can only envy Startsev’s vigorous activity.

In 1900, Startsev died suddenly, and the estate began to decline. After the revolution, all property was nationalized, and a state animal farm was organized on the island.
In the fall of 1989, a monument to Startsev was erected on the island. The monument is located near the road that leads from the village to the southern part of the island. Startsev's house, which survived and stood near the pier, was destroyed for unknown reasons at the end of the 20th century.

The population of the village of Putyatin decreases every year and now amounts to 600-700 people.


Putyatin Island is incredibly picturesque: beautiful bays and coastline, rocky and flat, magnificent landscapes of meadows and swampy lowlands, a rich natural world. The entire territory of the island is covered by dense deciduous forest, mainly oak, in which clearings have been cut. In the forest there are linden and maple, and Manchurian walnut. Rosehip and elderberry bushes make some areas of the forest impassable. South coast The islands are rocky, the coastline is indented. Northern part The island is occupied by Mount Startseva. In the southern part, far from people, sika deer are still found. The island is famous for mushrooms and berries.
Very rich undersea world coast of Putyatin Island. In addition to underwater rocks and stones, ruffs and greenlings, mussels and scallops, you can also find octopus and stingrays here.

On Lake Gusin, near the village, grows the Komarov lotus, a relict plant whose age is estimated at about 100 million years, endemic to the Far East. Lotus is an amazing plant listed in the Red Book. In Asian countries, the lotus is considered a sacred plant - Buddha was born in a lotus bud. The lotus blooms in the last week of July - early August, but largely depends on the climate, and may occur a little later, but not earlier than July 20.

Komarov's lotus is found only in the Far East; this type of lotus has scientific value as a relict plant of the Gondwanan flora, which existed more than 100 million years ago, in the Mesozoic era. The vitality of the lotus is amazing. Under unfavorable conditions, lotus seeds do not die, but go into the stage of suspended animation. There are known cases of germination of lotus seeds, discovered in the mounds of Mnchuria, more than 1000 years old. Now the lotus on Lake Gusonom is blooming in 3 areas. Komarov's lotus is listed in the Red Book. .

Natural monuments of Putyatin Island
Lake Gusinoe
Kekura Five Fingers
Unkovsky stones
Iretsky Rock
Underwater grotto at Cape Shulepnikov
Rock Rooster
Rock Elephant.


Putyatin Island is a favorite vacation spot.
The rich natural world of the island and the sea are the main factors attracting tourists to the island. All bays of the island are suitable for recreation. There are several natural sources of drinking water on the island.
Types of recreation: hiking around the island, boat trips, swimming and beach holiday, diving, fishing, photography. The water off the coast of the island is quite cool, since the east coast faces the open sea.

Putyatin Island is connected to the mainland by ferry. From Vladivostok: bus route 506 “Vladivostok-Nakhodka”, stop Fokino. Next is the Fokino-Danube bus. In the village of Danube there is a ferry crossing to Putyatin Island.

While on the island, be careful and careful! There are many snakes on the island.

Primorsky Krai is famous for its beauty and picturesque landscapes. The island of Putyatin, which was glorified by the famous bard Yuri Vizbor in his songs, deserves special attention.

Geographical position

It is located in Peter the Great Bay, 50 km southeast of Vladivostok and 35 km west of Nakhodka. Cape Startsev, elongated in the direction big land, indicates the shortest distance to the mainland, approximately 1.5 km. The island's area is slightly less than 30 km², its shape is very elongated from north to south, its greatest distance across is 24 km.

History: Putyatin and Startsev

Putyatin Island, Primorsky Krai, has been found in official documents for the first time since 1858, after sailors traveling on the Strelok clipper described the land they encountered and put it on a map.

The name of the land was given in honor of Admiral E.V. Putyatin, who has done a lot geographical discoveries and contributed to strengthening Russia’s position as a maritime power. There were no permanent settlers here until 1891, when the industrialist, merchant and enthusiast full of various ideas, Alexei Startsev, leased the island’s land: he began to develop several areas of agriculture and opened small factories.

As an enterprising and hardworking person, Startsev succeeded in all his endeavors, creating strong enterprises from scratch and providing the arriving settlers with reliable jobs with reasonable wages. Shortly before the revolution, the founder of the village died, but the settlement he created continued to live. Local legend says that the inheritance of one of the richest entrepreneurs in Primorye is hidden somewhere here... Memory of A.D. Startseve is preserved in local toponyms.

According to modern data, the population is just over a thousand people. Every year a significant number of vacationers join them.

Mushrooms, ruffes and lotuses

The island, especially the coast, is dotted with mountains, interspersed with valleys and rather deep ravines. The highest point is Mount Startseva at the northern tip of Putyatin. Its height is 353 m above sea level.

Behind the coastal cliffs lie dense deciduous forests, dominated by oaks, lindens and maples. The forest thickets abound in mushrooms and berries, which attract lovers of “quiet hunting”. However, this is not fun, but a serious fishing activity for Primorye residents who are accustomed to the difficulties of life.

The marine fauna is exceptionally rich: ruffe and greenling, mussels and scallops live here, octopuses and stingrays are found.

Near the village of Putyatina, Gusinoye Lake is a local landmark. Ignoring the proximity of people and civilization, the rare Komarov lotus, listed in the Red Book, grows here - a relict plant that has survived for millions of years. The flowering of the lotus, which in Eastern countries is considered synonymous with the concept of “beauty,” can be seen in late July-August, depending on the vicissitudes of the weather. It should be noted that this type of lotus is endemic to the Far East, i.e. grows exclusively in this area.


It is appropriate to recall that Vladivostok is located at the same latitude 43° with the city of Sochi, so beloved by Russians. But climatic features still have significant differences. This is due to the effect of monsoons - steady winds that blow from the ocean in summer and from the mainland in winter. Their influence is expressed in the mitigation of summer heat and toughening winter frosts. Given all objective factors, including the “breathability” of the open area, the most favorable weather for relaxation on Putyatin Island is established in the summer season. average temperature air temperature in June is +17° C, in August +21° C. The sea water temperature rises slowly, as in all large water areas, but also slowly decreases: from mid-July to mid-September it exceeds +20 °C. Recommended holiday period: from mid-June to September inclusive.

The holiday can be overshadowed by frequent rains caused by the same monsoons. But natural gifts in the form of an extension of the season are highly expected: in the fall, with a slight general decrease in temperatures, dry, clear, sunny weather sets in. The warmth lasts in some years until the end of November. Vacationers note the amazing calmness of the water. Indeed, in summer there is often calm or light south-easterly winds with a speed of no more than 3-5 m/s. These are the properties of monsoons.

Relaxation surrounded by an elephant, a rooster and a turtle

It is not surprising that such a beautiful corner - popular place recreation for Primorye residents and tourists from afar. Numerous bays - Nazimova, Shirokaya, Rooster, Elephant, Turtle and others - have beautiful sandy beaches, enticing fearless lovers underwater diving, yachtsmen and those who want to carefree splash around the shore.

Holidays on Putyatin Island, according to reviews from travelers, are interesting for lovers hiking, mountain ascents that even novice height climbers can do. Popular among adventure lovers is climbing Mount Startseva in the north of the island, as well as visiting the kekurs (columnar rocks) called Five Fingers, located on the southern tip.

Choosing a vacation spot on the island

Unfortunately or fortunately, there are no recreation centers here. Putyatin Island invites savages who can appreciate the romance of spending the night in a tent. For them, there is a camping site “Star of Putyatin” in Strelok Bay. The organizers of the tent camp offer services for meals, excursions: to Gusinoe Lake, climbing Mount Startseva, boat trips.

For a more secluded holiday, you can go to any of the 13 bays of Putyatin Island, each of which is beautiful in its own way and suitable as a parking place. Some have funny names: Elephant Bay, Rooster Bay, Turtle Bay. The names are given by the silhouettes of the rocks, which, by the will of Nature, are strikingly similar to the figures of animals. Regulars of the place note the beauty of Mramornaya Bay, the shore of which is strewn with multi-colored stones.

It is important to calculate the supply of food in case of a significant distance from the village, and also take into account the fact that the traveler moves to the selected bay from the ferry crossing independently in a personal car (the ferry transports 4-6 cars at a time) or on foot. Since there is only one village on the island, there is no regular transport.

For lyricists and physicists

For lovers of wild camping, the island is a real haven. Secluded bays, deserted beaches, warm, windless weather and gentle sea - the dream of any romantic with a backpack. What could be more wonderful than a dinner cooked over a fire, to the accompaniment of purring waves and a guitar? Magnificent mountain routes surrounded by untouched nature and generous forest gifts, mysterious stone sculptures and flocks of unafraid birds inspired many bards to write imperishable songs about friendship and love, and the pages of today's bloggers are full of gorgeous exotic photographs of seascapes, fancy boulders and trees.

Recently appeared new service- rental of houses. Prices for accommodation and tours here are more than moderate, which cannot be said about the cost of food and basic hygiene products. So those who want to relax peacefully will need to take care of all the necessary supplies in advance and thoroughly.

How to get to the island?

The route is not difficult, but for a city dweller - a prisoner stone caves- the path itself will already seem like an unusual adventure. You need to get from Vladivostok to the village of Danube. The road is quite decent, the distance is about 22 km, you can get to Putyatin Island either by private car or by regular transport. A ferry runs from the Danube to the island several times during the day, according to schedule. A sly comparison of the ferry with ocean liner, of course, would be redundant. But as the ferry departs, the traveler will feel like a sailor moving towards the unknown, the pristine...

By the way, "unglamorized in anticipation of super-profits from tourism business Putyatin,” as they say ironically local residents, is quite capable of giving this feeling to its guests.


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