Lake Ladoga. Flora and fauna. Lake Ladoga, map

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Lake Ladoga- lake in Karelia (northern and east coast) And Leningrad region(west, south and south-east shore), the largest freshwater lake in Europe. Belongs to the Baltic Sea basin Atlantic Ocean. The area of ​​the lake without islands ranges from 17.6 thousand km 2 (with islands 18.1 thousand km 2); volume of water mass - 908 km 3; length from south to north is 219 km, greatest width is 138 km. The depth varies unevenly: in the northern part it ranges from 70 to 230 m, in the southern part - from 20 to 70 m. On the shores of Lake Ladoga there are the cities of Priozersk, Novaya Ladoga, Shlisselburg in the Leningrad region, Sortavala, Pitkyaranta, Lakhdenpokhya in Karelia. 35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga, but only one originates - the Neva. In the southern half of the lake there are three large bays: Svirskaya, Volkhovskaya and Shlisselburgskaya bays. Climate The climate over Lake Ladoga is temperate, transitional from temperate continental to temperate maritime. This type of climate is explained geographical location and atmospheric circulation characteristic of the Leningrad region. This is due to the relatively small amount of solar heat entering the earth's surface and atmosphere. Due to the small amount of solar heat, moisture evaporates slowly. There are an average of 62 sunny days per year. Therefore, for most of the year, days with cloudy, cloudy weather and diffuse lighting predominate. The length of the day varies from 5 hours 51 minutes at the winter solstice to 18 hours 50 minutes at the summer solstice. The so-called “white nights” are observed over the lake, occurring on May 25-26, when the sun drops below the horizon by no more than 9°, and the evening twilight practically merges with the morning twilight. The white nights end on July 16-17. In total, the duration of white nights is more than 50 days. Amplitude of average monthly amounts of direct solar radiation on a horizontal surface at clear sky from 25 MJ/m2 in December to 686 MJ/m2 in June. Cloudiness reduces, on average, the annual total solar radiation by 21%, and direct solar radiation by 60%. The average annual total radiation is 3156 MJ/m2. The number of hours of sunshine is 1628 per year.

Noticeable impact on climatic conditions the lake itself does. This is characterized by a smoothing of extreme values ​​of climatic characteristics, as a result of which continental air masses, passing over the surface of the lake, acquire the character of marine air masses. Average temperature air in the area of ​​Lake Ladoga +3.2 °C. The average temperature of the coldest month (February) is?8.8 °C, the warmest (July) is +16.3 °C. The average annual precipitation is 475 mm. The lowest monthly precipitation falls in February - March (24 mm), the highest in September (58 mm). During the year, western and southwestern winds prevail in most of Lake Ladoga. The average monthly wind speed in the open part of the lake and on most islands from October to January - February is 6-9 m/s, in other months 4-7 m/s. On the coast, the average monthly wind speed varies from 3 to 5 m/s. Calms are rare. In October, storm winds with a speed of more than 20 m/s are often observed on Lake Ladoga, the maximum wind speed reaches 34 m/s. Breezes are observed along the entire coast in summer on windless sunny days and clear nights. The lake breeze begins around 9 am and continues until 8 pm, its speed is 2-6 m/s; it extends 9-15 km inland. Fogs are observed most often in spring, late summer and autumn.

Shores, bottom topography and hydrography of the lake The area of ​​the lake without islands ranges from 17.6 thousand km 2 (with islands 18.1 thousand km 2); length from south to north is 219 km, greatest width is 138 km. The volume of the lake’s water mass is 908 km 3 . This is 12 times more than what is annually poured into it by rivers and carried out by the Neva River. Seasonal fluctuations in the lake's water level are small due to the large area of ​​the water surface of this reservoir and due to the relatively small annual variation in the amount of water entering it. The latter is due to the presence of large lakes within the catchment area of ​​Lake Ladoga and the presence of hydraulic structures on all main tributaries, which together ensure a fairly uniform influx of water throughout the year. Coastline lakes more than 1000 km. The northern shores, starting from Priozersk in the west to Pitkäranta in the east, are mostly high, rocky, heavily indented, forming numerous peninsulas and narrow bays (fjords and skerries), as well as small islands separated by straits. The southern shores are low, slightly indented, flooded due to the neotectonic submeridional distortion of the lake. The coast here is replete with shoals, rocky reefs and banks. In the southern half of the lake there are three large bays: Svirskaya, Volkhovskaya and Shlisselburgskaya bays. The eastern shore is slightly indented, two bays jut into it - Lunkulanlahti and Uksunlahti, fenced off from the lake by one of largest islands Ladoga - Mantsinsaari. There are wide sandy beaches. The West Bank is even less rugged. It is overgrown with dense mixed forest and bushes, approaching close to the water's edge, along which there are scatterings of boulders. Ridges of stones often extend from capes far into the lake, forming dangerous underwater shoals.

The bottom topography of Lake Ladoga is characterized by an increase in depth from south to north. The depth varies unevenly: in the northern part it ranges from 70 to 230 m, in the southern part - from 20 to 70 m. The average depth of the lake is 50 m, the greatest is 233 m (north of the island of Valaam). The bottom of the northern part is uneven, furrowed with depressions, and the southern part is calmer and more smooth. Lake Ladoga ranks eighth among deepest lakes Russia. Transparency west coast Lake Ladoga 2-2.5 m, near the eastern coast 1-2 m, in the estuarine areas 0.3-0.9 m, and towards the center of the lake it increases to 4.5 m. The lowest transparency was observed in Volkhov Bay (0.5 -1 m), and the highest is to the west of the Valaam Islands (8-9 in summer, over 10 m in winter). There is constant unrest on the lake. During strong storms, the water “boils” in it, and the waves are almost completely covered with foam. The water regime is characterized by surge phenomena (water level fluctuations by 50-70 cm annually, up to a maximum of 3 m), seiches (up to 3-4 m), wave heights during storms up to 6 m. The lake freezes in December (coastal part) - February (central part), opens in April - May. The central part is covered with solid ice only in very severe winters. Due to the long and strong cooling in winter, the water in the lake is very cold in summer; it warms up only in the thin upper layer and in the coastal strip. Temperature varies in the central deep-water part of the lake and on the coast. The water temperature on the surface in August is up to 24 °C in the south, 18-20 °C in the center, at the bottom about 4 °C, in winter under the ice 0-2 °C. The water is fresh and clean (except for areas polluted by industrial waste), minerals and salts are dissolved in negligible quantities. The water belongs to the hydrocarbonate class (low content of calcium and magnesium salts, slightly more nickel and aluminum).

Pool and islands 35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga. The largest river The river that flows into it is the Svir River, which carries water from Lake Onega into it. Water also enters the lake through the Vuoksa River from Lake Saimaa, and through the Volkhov River from Lake Ilmen. The rivers Morje, Avloga, Burnaya, Kokkolanijoki, Soskuanjoki, Iijoki, Airajoki, Tohmajoki, Janisjoki, Syuskyuyanioki, Uksunjoki, Tulemajoki, Miinalanjoki, Vidlitsa, Tuloksa, Olonka, Obzhanka, Voronezhka, Syas, Lava, Ryabinovka, Nazia and others also flow into it . The Neva is the only river flowing from Lake Ladoga. The drainage basin area is 258,600 km2. Approximately 85% (3820 mm) of the incoming part of the water balance comes from the influx of river water, 13% (610 mm) from atmospheric precipitation and 2% (90 mm) from the influx of groundwater. About 92% (4170 mm) of the expenditure part of the balance goes to the Neva runoff, 8% (350 mm) to evaporation from the water surface. The water level in the lake is not constant. Its vibrations are clearly visible from the lighter stripe on the surface of the rocks extending into the water. There are about 660 islands on Lake Ladoga (with an area of ​​more than 1 hectare) total area 435 km 2. Of these, about 500 are concentrated in the northern part of the lake, in the so-called skerry area, as well as as part of the Valaam (about 50 islands, including the Bayev Islands), Western archipelagos and the Mantsinsaari group of islands (about 40 islands). The largest islands are Riekkalansari (55.3 km 2), Mantsinsaari (39.4 km 2), Kilpola (32.1 km 2), Tulolansari (30.3 km 2) and Valaam (27.8 km 2). The most famous on Lake Ladoga are the Valaam Islands - an archipelago of about 50 islands with an area of ​​about 36 km 2, due to their location on the main island of the archipelago Valaam Monastery. Also known is the island of Konevets, on which the monastery is also located.

Flora and fauna The northern and eastern coasts of Lake Ladoga belong to the middle taiga subzone, and the southern and western coasts belong to the southern taiga subzone. The middle taiga is characterized by blueberry spruce forests without undergrowth, with a closed tree stand and a continuous cover of shiny green mosses. The subzone of the southern taiga is dominated by dark coniferous species with an undergrowth, where linden, maple, and elm are sometimes found, a herbaceous layer appears with the participation of oak forest grasses, and the moss cover is less developed than in the middle taiga. The most typical type of forest is spruce-sorrel forests. The islands of the lake are rocky, with high, up to 60-70 m, sometimes steep shores, covered with forest, sometimes almost bare or with sparse vegetation. Southern and southwest coast The lakes for 150 km are overgrown with reeds and cattails. Here are shelters and nesting places for waterfowl. There are many nesting sites for seagulls on the islands; blueberries and lingonberries grow on them, and on the larger ones there are mushrooms. There are 120 species of higher aquatic plants in Lake Ladoga. A strip of reed thickets 5-10 m wide stretches along the shores of the islands and the mainland. Various groups of macrophytes develop in bays deeply cut into the land. The width of the overgrowth strip in these places reaches 70-100 meters. There is almost complete absence of aquatic vegetation along the eastern and western shores of the lake. In the open waters of the lake, vegetation is poorly developed. This is being prevented great depth, low water temperature, a small amount of dissolved nutrient salts, coarse bottom sediments, as well as frequent and strong waves. Therefore, the most diverse vegetation is found in the northern - skerry - region of Ladoga. The lake is home to 154 species of diatoms, 126 species of green algae, and 76 species of blue-green algae. The deep waters of Ladoga contain only 60-70 thousand microorganisms per cm 3, and in the surface layer - from 180 to 300 thousand, which indicates the lake’s weak ability to self-purify.

In Lake Ladoga, 378 species and varieties of planktonic animals were identified. More than half of the species are rotifers. A quarter of the total number of species is made up of protozoa, and 23 percent falls jointly on Cladocera and Copepods. The most common zooplankton species in the lake are Daphnia and Cyclops. Large group aquatic invertebrate animals live at the bottom of the lake. In Ladoga, 385 species were found (mostly various crustaceans). The first place in the benthofauna belongs to insect larvae, which account for more than half of all species of benthic animals - 202 species. Next come worms (66 species), water mites, or hydrocarines, mollusks, crustaceans and others. The lake is rich in freshwater fish, which go into the rivers to spawn. Lake Ladoga is home to 53 species and varieties of fish: Ladoga slingshot, salmon, trout, palia, whitefish, vendace, smelt, bream, raw fish, bluefish, silver bream, rudd, asp, catfish, pike perch, roach, perch, pike, burbot and others . Human impact on the reservoir reduces the number of valuable fish - salmon, trout, palia, lake-river whitefish and others, and the Atlantic sturgeon and Volkhov whitefish are listed in the Red Book of Russia. The most productive areas include shallow water southern part lakes with depths of up to 15-20 m, where the main fishery is concentrated, and the least productive - the northern skerry area. From Gulf of Finland Sturgeon passes through the lake along the Neva to spawn in the Volkhov and other rivers. Along the southern and southeastern shores of Lake Ladoga there is pike perch. The lake is inhabited by salmon, which in the fall go to the rivers where they spawn. Whitefish, Siberian sturgeon and other fish are bred in Lake Ladoga and Volkhov. In the Ladoga region, 256 species of birds belonging to 17 orders are regularly found. More than 50 bird species have been recorded here during transit migration in spring and autumn. Migration connections of the Ladoga region cover the space from Iceland to India and from South Africa to Novaya Zemlya. The most attractive areas for birds are the southern Ladoga region. Grebes, swans, geese, ducks, waders, gulls, terns, cranes and rails are found here on migration, as well as nesting sites of dabbling ducks, tufted ducks, red-headed pochards, gulls, terns, great and middle curlews, godwit, grass-billed plover, golden plover and other waders, gray crane, white-tailed eagle, osprey, falcon, eagle owl, great gray owl, short-eared owl and a number of other birds. The northern skerries are a nesting site for gray-cheeked grebe, great and common mergansers, gulls (including sea gulls and black-billed gulls), terns (including arctic terns), waders and many other species; aggregations of arctic ducks and waders are observed on migration. Lake Ladoga is home to the only representative of pinnipeds, the Ladoga ringed seal. The number of seals in the lake is estimated at 4000-5000 heads (according to 2000 data). The species is listed in the Red Book.

Lake Ladoga is the largest freshwater lake on the European continent. For Russia, this lake has great industrial, environmental and historical significance. Another name option - Ladoga.

If you look at the map, you can see that the shores of Lake Ladoga belong to two Russian regions: the Republic of Karelia and the Leningrad Region. That is, it is located in the European part of the country.
On the north side Ladoga The shores are high, rocky, their relief is quite rugged, which explains the presence of a large number of peninsulas, bays, and small islands. From the south of Ladoga, the lake is surrounded by low, gentle, more even shores. The largest bays are also located here: Volkhovskaya, Svirskaya, Shlisselburgskaya bays. The eastern coast is also not very rugged; there are sandy beaches here. In the west the coastline is almost flat. Mixed forests and bushes grow here, and there are many on land near the water. large stones, which also cover the bottom under water for quite a distance.
They bring their waters into Lake Ladoga There are 35 rivers, but only one flows out. The largest river that brings water is the Svir. What river flows from Lake Ladoga? This is the famous Neva, on which the second largest city stands Russian Federation- Saint Petersburg. Some rivers bring water into Ladoga from other lakes, such as Onega or Ilmen.
There are a large number of islands on the lake - at least five hundred. The largest islands Ladoga together they constitute the Valaam archipelago. The largest single island is Riekkalansari. Also a large island is Konevets, where a famous monastery was built, just like on Valaam.

Dimensions, extent and depth of Ladoga

The depth of Lake Ladoga is uneven throughout its territory - it increases from south to north. The maximum depth of Lake Ladoga is 233 m. The average figure is much lower - 50 m. In the north of Lake Ladoga its depth varies from 70 to 230 m, and in the south - from 20 to 70.
The area of ​​Ladoga is 17.87 thousand square meters. km. The volume of water in Lake Ladoga is 838 cubic meters. km. The length from north to south of the lake is 219 km; at its widest point, Ladoga stretches for 125 km.

Climatic features of the area

Lake Ladoga has a generally temperate climate. In the geographical area where Lake Ladoga is located, not much sunlight penetrates throughout the year. Therefore, the evaporation of water from Ladoga occurs quite slowly. Most The days of the year are cloudy and cloudy here.
Between the end of May and mid-July Lake Ladoga You can observe the famous phenomenon of “white nights”, when at night the sun practically does not set beyond the horizon.
Throughout the year on Ladoga there are western and also southwest direction winds. In winter, Lake Ladoga freezes until the end of spring, but is completely covered with ice only in the coldest winters. This long period of glaciation affects water temperatures throughout the rest of the year. The average water temperature here is low: at depth it is 4°C, and at the surface Lake Ladoga Depending on the time of year and site, it can range from 2 °C to 24 °C. The water is not as clear as on Baikal, but this may be due to the fact that many species of algae and small plankton live in it, and constant storms agitate its surface, churning up the foam.

History of Lake Ladoga

Lake Ladoga was formed as a result of the melting of glaciers and over several thousand years its outlines formed and changed.
Until the 13th century, the lake was called Nevo, which apparently was directly related to the name of the Neva River. Then it was called Lake Ladoga, taking the name from the city of Ladoga located here. Many objects in this area have names originating from the Karelian language. But the most likely explanation for the name “Ladoga” is considered to be Finnish versions - from ancient words denoting water or the concept of “lower”, which are consonant with Ladoga. The name Nevo also has Finnish roots and can mean “swamp”. It is quite possible that in those days the lake gave reason to call itself that; there are many traces of swamps in this area.
Along Lake Ladoga, starting from the 9th century, the water part of the route “From the Varangians to the Greeks” passed from Scandinavia through the territory of Europe to the country of Byzantium. In the 8th century, the city of Ladoga was built here, and soon other cities and fortresses began to appear here. At the end of the 14th century the famous Valaam monastery was founded on islands of the same name, to this day its buildings are the pearl of wooden architecture.
For many years there was a war with the Swedish state for part of the lands lying on the shore of the lake. Peter I nevertheless managed to ensure that Ladoga became Russian. In 1721, according to an agreement with the Swedes concluded after the war, the entire coast of Lake Ladoga went to Russia.
To make navigation on Ladoga more accessible, a canal was built here.
During the difficult war years from 1939 to 1944. The Ladoga flotilla was based in Lake Ladoga and fought in its waters. In 1941–1944 more than half of the coast of Lake Ladoga was occupied by enemy troops. From September 1941 to March 1943, the “Road of Life” passed along the ice of Ladoga - the only path along which besieged Leningrad it was possible to deliver provisions and necessary things. The evacuation of people was also organized along it; in total, about 1.3 million people took advantage of the evacuation.
Thus, Ladoga is a lake that has special significance for Russian history.

Ecology of Lake Ladoga

Basically, the waters of Ladoga are very clean, but there are problem areas. This is largely due to the development of industrial zones near Lake Ladoga, as well as with the consequences of World War II. During the war, radioactive weapons were tested in this area and on some islands. In particular, the reaction of animals to the consequences of its use was studied. In addition, many sunken military ships and aircraft with ammunition create an unfavorable radiation background.
The number of contaminated places is growing. On the shores of Ladoga there are approximately 600 industrial enterprises that pollute the air, dump industrial waste into the Ladoga River and others, which then bring them into the lake. By the way, the correct answer to the question - Ladoga is a river or a lake is that it is both. There is a river and also a city with the same name. At the same time, historians claim that first the river received its name, then the city, and only after that Lake Nevo was renamed.
Pollution of Lake Ladoga today is considered to be at a moderate level. In some places there is an excess of radiation standards - where supplies were previously tested, as well as those closest to nuclear and other industrial enterprises.

Nature and fauna of Lake Ladoga

The nature of Lake Ladoga is very beautiful; this place is a very famous place for tourists and travelers to relax and go hiking. Majestic rocks, mountains, pine forests– all this creates a unique image of this place. Rare plants and animals are found in various nature reserves of Ladoga. Despite the difficult climate, even some southern plant species grow here, and in the north - typical representatives of the tundra (saxifrage). The forests on Lake Ladoga are not only coniferous, but also broad-leaved - with maples and elms.
Fauna Lake Ladoga includes representatives of the taiga: foxes, wolves, hares, bears, etc. There is also an original animal that is found only here - the Ladoga seal. The animal, which is more typical for the seas, feels great in the fresh water of Ladoga.
Lake Ladoga is home to approximately 50 species of fish. The most popular among fishermen and industrialists are smelt and pike perch.

Holidays on Lake Ladoga

Around Lake Ladoga you can find places to relax for every taste and for any purpose: recreational, hiking, entertainment. You can often meet fishing enthusiasts here. Everything you need for such activities is located at the recreation centers, including almost every one of them with instructors who will teach you the intricacies of this or that type of pastime.
People love diving here because of the large number of finds that can be found on the bottom and simply beautiful underwater views. You can also choose relaxing holiday on the beach when weather conditions permit.
Excursions to natural and historical attractions of Ladoga are also organized, for example, buildings remaining after the war, old fortresses or mountain peaks.

Attractions on Lake Ladoga

The sights of Lake Ladoga are worth talking about separately. Here is, for example, an interesting beautiful views almost untouched nature of the Nizhnesvirsky reserve. It lives in huge amount species of birds and many animals.
The island of Valaam on Ladoga with the monastery of the same name is of historical, cultural and architectural value. Not to mention the fact that pilgrims come here from all over Russia and beyond.
The memorial complex dedicated to the Road of Life tells the story of the heroic feat of people who, in the most dangerous conditions, traveled on the ice of Lake Ladoga, risking falling through the ice or being shot at by the enemy. Still, they did this in order to save the lives of city residents who survived the terrible siege.
Also of historical and cultural interest on Lake Ladoga are the cities of Shlisselburg, founded by Peter I, with the Oreshek fortress, and Novaya Ladoga.

Lake Ladoga in works of art

Ladoga is a lake that is reflected in folk legends and examples of folk art of the various peoples who lived here. These are mainly Karelian and Russian epics.
The famous Karelian folk composition "Kalevala", which was once passed down from mouth to mouth, describes the events that took place in the north of Lake Ladoga.
In his youth, Constantine Roerich made an expedition along the rivers flowing into Lake Ladoga and to the lake itself. From 1916, he lived in this area for two years and created several paintings, sketches, poems and fairy tales here.
Thanks to its amazing nature Lake Ladoga inspired primarily painters who were delighted with the local colors and landscapes. Many wrote about the Valaam Monastery, as its buildings looked especially impressive and mysterious against the backdrop of majestic nature. The lake with the sonorous name Ladoga also evokes fairy-tale scenes. Such masters of painting as F.A. Vasiliev, A.I. Kuindzhi, N.K. Roerich, I.I. Shishkin worked here.

Industry on the lake

The lake is used for the passage of ships whose routes along it are sections of the Volga-Baltic Route and the White Sea-Baltic Canal. The weather on the lake is very changeable and ships are often threatened by storms and high waves, so shipping is periodically suspended. Once upon a time there was even a widespread expression that if a sailor has not sailed on Ladoga, then he is not yet a real sailor. Such a phenomenon as complete calm is quite rare on this lake.
Various industrial cargo and construction materials are transported across Lake Ladoga. They also go here passenger ships And cruise ships, for the most part these are tourist routes.
About 10 species of fish, such as smelt, pike perch, and whitefish, are caught here on an industrial scale. Not far from the lake there are industrial enterprises: a paper and pulp plant, aluminum, oil and chemical production, etc.

Mysteries and secrets that the bottom of Lake Ladoga keeps

At the bottom of the lake there are many interesting things for researchers and lovers of various mysteries and secrets of things. Of course, the greatest luck is to find something very ancient, dating back to the Vikings. But the most common artifacts found are those left over from World War II. They are better preserved and easier to find. For example, the attractions of that time that attracted extreme tourists and divers included the so-called “Death Bay,” the bottom of which was practically covered with shell casings, since a fierce battle took place here in 1941.
Amateur divers find sunken ships and wartime aircraft. Unlike sea water, fresh water does not destroy and spoil sunken things so much, which is why the finds of Lake Ladoga are so attractive.

Karelia is a wonderful land of forests and lakes. An inexhaustible stream of tourists and fishermen travel to Karelian reservoirs. Largest lake Europe with clean waters, Ladoga, attracts numerous tourists and lovers fishing. However, its complex terrain, coastline indented by skerries, and autumn storms can be very dangerous for an unprepared traveler. The depth map clearly demonstrates impressive indicators where dangerous areas and bottom changes.

About the largest freshwater body of Europe

Lake Ladoga was formed as a result of the movement of glaciers. Its water surface has an area of ​​about 18 thousand square kilometers. Northern part The lake is distinguished by many rocky islands separated by countless channels. The most famous is the height of the rocks, which can reach 70 meters. The coastline is diverse - picturesque fjords and skerries in the north, smooth lines of sandy beaches in the eastern part, swampy southern shores with shoals and banks, a densely forested western shore with scatterings of boulders. Amazing shapes and unusual outlines will be remembered by everyone who visits Ladoga.

The Ladoga pit contains an impressive volume of water - 908 cubic kilometers. The depth map amazes with its solid numbers. The secrets hidden in its majestic abysses can still surprise researchers. The enormous size of the reservoir delights everyone who visits its vastness with its harsh beauty.

Depth and relief of Ladoga

The topography of the lake bottom differs throughout its water area, varying depending on the height of the surrounding shores. The formation of the reservoir bowl occurred as a result of the melting and advancement of glacial masses. The change in depth values ​​occurs gradually from north to south. There is a natural relationship: the steeper the shores surrounding the lake, the deeper its bottom. In the northern part of the lake, as shown detailed map depths of Lake Ladoga, you can observe numerous bottom irregularities with indicators of up to 230 meters. The relief of the southern part is characterized by smoothness with depth changes in the range of 20-70 meters. Most impressive figure marked north of the island of Valaam.

Map - why is it needed?

The map of the depths of Lake Ladoga allows you to see all the unevenness of the relief hidden under the water column, the complexity of which is determined by the physical and geological features of the formation of the bottom. The map also notes the frequent predominance of critical depressions and gaps in the northwestern region, treacherous shoals and reefs. Particularly dangerous are the so-called luds - small smooth rocky islands that, due to changes in water level in the lake, can become completely invisible. The map also offers the ability to search for large shallows for successful trolling. In such shallow waters, shoals of valuable commercial fish such as whitefish, whitefish, and pike perch gather.

Southern part of the lake

Geographically, the lake is located in Karelia and the Leningrad region. One of the three large bays, Volkhov Bay, juts into south coast Ladoga. On the eastern shore of the bay is the mouth of the Voronezhka River. This part of the lake is very interesting place for fishing. The bottom topography is uneven and in some places has pronounced sharp elevations. The bay's soil is hard, sandy, with rocky ridges and muddy areas. The range of depth indicators ranges from 1 meter to coastal zone up to 20 meters away from the shore, as the depth map of Lake Ladoga shows. Voronovo is locality on the shore of the bay, from which you can get to St. Petersburg.

Northern part of the lake

The northwestern shore of the lake is interesting for various types tourist recreation. The unique landscapes of this area of ​​Ladoga differ from neighboring territories. The bays, deeply cut by skerries and fjords, especially attract vacationers on kayaks and small boats. In this part of the reservoir, sharp changes in the bottom from depressions to shallows are especially noticeable, which allows you to see the map of the depths of Lake Ladoga. Sortavala, the most large city Northern Ladoga region, is part tourist route to the island of Valaam. The best assistant in moving among the labyrinth of skerries will be an experienced guide or map.

Numerous beliefs and legends shroud the history of ancient Ladoga. Mysterious phenomena, the beauty of white nights, picturesque shores and exciting fishing attract travelers and fishing connoisseurs. Do not be deluded by the apparent beauty of treacherous Ladoga - it can be very dangerous for inexperienced tourists. Thick fogs, which are not uncommon in these places, and strong storms, which amaze with their surprise and power, pose a serious threat. A map of the depths of Lake Ladoga marks treacherous gaps and shallows. To enjoy the surrounding beauty, it is better to use the services of experienced guides.

When we were just going there, we were very frightened by the fact that Ladoga was supposedly harsh and unpredictable, so if we suddenly got ready to go there, we needed to prepare a will in advance and we shouldn’t count on anything good. I don’t know where these horror stories come from, but in practice, more and more people walk around Ladoga every year, and if any problems happen, it’s either with ice fishermen or with people who are heavily drunk. In general, people walk there quietly until late autumn.

Tourists have nothing to fear there if they observe some kind of safety and do not go on the water in objectively bad weather.

Here I want to talk about Lake Ladoga and how we saw it. Of course, we weren’t everywhere - there are many islands there, but we visited the Priozersky, Lakhdenpokhsky, Sortavala and Pitkyaranta skerries, as well as the archipelagos.

For example, we visited:

  • Mykerikky Island
  • Yalayansari Island (Yalajansaari, Finnish Jalajansaari, Hungry Island), part of the Western Archipelago.
  • Heinäsenmaa Island, part of the Western Ladoga Archipelago.
  • Verkkosaari Island is part of the Western Archipelago.
  • The island of Vossinoisaari is part of the Western Archipelago.
  • The Bay Islands on Ladoga, which are part of the Valaam archipelago.
  • Cross Island (Ristisaari), which is part of the Eastern Archipelago.
  • Kheposari Island - small island in the Ladoga skerries, located near the city of Sortavala.
  • The Palosaret Islands are located in the Priozersky skerries.

First, a little background information about Lake Ladoga

Lake Ladoga is located in two regions, the northern and eastern shores in the Republic of Karelia, and the western, southern and southeastern shores in the Leningrad region.

Ladoga is considered the largest freshwater lake in Europe. The area of ​​the lake without islands is 17.9 thousand km². At least 40 rivers and large streams flow into Lake Ladoga, and one flows out - the Neva River. The water is clean, except in areas polluted by industrial waste.

On the shores of Lake Ladoga there are the cities of Priozersk, Novaya Ladoga, Shlisselburg, Sortavala, Pitkyaranta, Lakhdenpokhya.

There are about 660 islands on Lake Ladoga. Of these, about 500 are concentrated in the northern part of the lake, in the so-called skerry area, as well as as part of the Valaam (about 50 islands, including the Bayev Islands), Western archipelagos and the Mantsinsaari group of islands (about 40 islands). The largest islands are Riekkalansari, Mantsinsaari, Kilpola, Tulolansari and Valaam.

The most famous on Lake Ladoga are the Valaam Islands - an archipelago of about 50 islands with an area of ​​about 36 km², due to the location of the Valaam Monastery on the main island of the archipelago. Also known is the island of Konevets, on which the monastery is located.

The islands of the lake are rocky, with high, up to 60-70 m, sometimes steep shores, covered with forest, sometimes almost bare or with sparse vegetation.

The southern and southwestern coast of the lake for 150 km is overgrown with reeds and cattails.

Here are shelters and nesting places for waterfowl. There are many nesting sites for seagulls on the islands; blueberries and lingonberries grow on them, and on the larger ones there are mushrooms.

The lake is rich in freshwater fish, which go into the rivers to spawn. Lake Ladoga is home to: Ladoga slingshot, salmon, trout, palia, whitefish, vendace, smelt, bream, raw fish, bluefish, silver bream, rudd, asp, catfish, pike perch, roach, perch, pike, burbot and others.

Lake Ladoga is home to the only representative of pinnipeds, the Ladoga ringed seal. The number of seals in the lake is estimated at 4000-5000 heads. You can meet them both in skerries and on archipelagos, but seals prefer low rocky islands for rest.

The lake freezes in December (coastal part) - February (central part), and opens in April - May. The central part is covered with solid ice only in very severe winters.

Due to the long and strong cooling in winter, the water in the lake is very cold in summer; it warms up only in the thin upper layer and in the coastal strip. The water temperature on the surface in August is up to 24 °C in the south, 18-20 °C in the center, at the bottom about 4 °C, in winter under the ice 0-2 °C.

There are an average of 62 sunny days per year. Therefore, for most of the year, days with cloudy, cloudy weather and diffuse lighting predominate.

The so-called “white nights” are observed over the lake, occurring on May 25-26, when the sun drops below the horizon by no more than 9°, and the evening twilight practically merges with the morning twilight. The white nights end on July 16-17. In total, the duration of white nights is more than 50 days.

Calms are rare. In October, storm winds with a speed of more than 20 m/s are often observed on Lake Ladoga, the maximum wind speed reaches 34 m/s. Breezes are observed along the entire coast in summer on windless sunny days and clear nights. The lake breeze begins around 9 am and continues until 8 pm, its speed is 2-6 m/s; it extends 9-15 km inland. Fogs are observed most often in spring, late summer and autumn.

There is constant unrest on the lake. During strong storms, the water “boils” in it, and the waves are almost completely covered with foam. The water regime is characterized by surge phenomena (water level fluctuations by 50-70 cm annually, up to a maximum of 3 m), seiches (up to 3-4 m), wave heights during storms up to 6 m.

Seasonal fluctuations in the lake's water level are small due to the large area of ​​the water surface of this reservoir and due to the relatively small annual variation in the amount of water entering it.

However, in Lake Ladoga, in any case, the water level changes regularly and this must be taken into account. In the Sortavala skerries we once passed a shallow channel between the islands and in one direction in August we passed calmly, and in September, returning, we began to cling to the bottom, which caused us some trouble.

In addition, not only can the water level vary throughout the year, but there are also thirty-year (Brickner) cycles in which the water level in the lake can vary by several meters.

Here in the photo, for example, you can see what the water level is now and what it was like 20-30 years ago. Where the water fluctuated, the color of the stone became lighter, and the structure became polished. Can you imagine how many islands then appear and disappear from the water during such cycles?

The northern shores, starting from Priozersk in the west to Pitkäranta in the east, are mostly high, rocky, heavily indented, forming numerous peninsulas and narrow bays (fjords and skerries), as well as small islands separated by straits.

The southern shores are low, slightly indented, flooded due to the neotectonic submeridional distortion of the lake. The coast here is replete with shoals, rocky reefs and banks. It’s inconvenient to walk here with a motor - unlike northern shore, algae constantly clings, which also does not add joy.

The eastern shore is slightly indented; two bays jut into it - Lunkulanlahti and Uksunlahti, fenced off from the side of the lake by one of the largest islands of Ladoga - Mantsinsaari. There are wide sandy beaches here. The West Bank is even less rugged. It is overgrown with dense mixed forest and bushes, approaching close to the water's edge, along which there are scatterings of boulders. Ridges of stones often extend from capes far into the lake, forming dangerous underwater shoals.

Fortifications from the Second World War on Lake Ladoga

Heinäsenmaa, Verkkosaari, Vossinoisari, Mykkerikke, Rahmansari and several other small islands - this is the Western Archipelago. People call them Defense because during the Winter War of 39-40, all sorts of Finnish fortifications related to the Mannerheim Line were located on them. Also, very heavy fighting took place on Rahmansari Island in September 1941 - the Finns successfully drove our people out of there.

Heinäsenmaa Island on Lake Ladoga

Since the 50s, Soviet testing grounds were located on the islands of the Western and Eastern Archipelago where weapons of mass destruction were tested. In particular, there are several contaminated areas on Heinäsenmaa, fenced with barbed wire and radiation signs.

Verkkosaari Island

There is no training ground or burial ground on Verkkosaari, only old Finnish positions, a couple of rifle cells and a dugout inhabited by fishermen.

Rahmansari Island

There were active battles on Rakhmansari during the Second World War, but we did not see any artillery positions there. All that is interesting on the island is the lighthouse and the landing stage.

Mykerikky Island

I had already read somewhere that on Mykkerikky there were supposedly indeed zones with radioactive contamination, but even though we didn’t have a dosimeter, these zones seemed somewhat dubious. Turning our heads enthusiastically, we dragged the catamaran closer to the shore along flat underwater rocks, deciding first to see what was going on here, and then have a snack and decide whether to go further or stay here for the whole day.

Ristisaari Island

Hiking routes in Ladoga

I was once asked the following question:

  • Kayaks can be assembled right in Priozersk - opposite railway station- there is a convenient beach there, there is a boat station. In this case, from Priozersk along Vuoksa you can go straight to Ladoga through the Tikhaya River. The Tikhaya River is rapids (or rather, rippling) - well, under the bridge there is such a stormy place - you just have to go straight, as the current carries you, and you will pass calmly, but it is very fun to walk along it, and the river itself is pleasant and pretty.
  • In Priozersk you can call a taxi, it’s cheap there, and get there in half an hour to some Ladoga beach- the drivers know all these beaches and will take you straight to the lake. From there you can start in any direction - both to skerries and archipelagos.
  • By car or taxi (from Priozersk) you can get to Kilpola Island - there is a boat station there, where you can leave your cars. Well, go straight to Ladoga.

You can also land on the island of Kilpola or in the village of Tervu or the village of Khiitola (you need to go up the river to get there) or near the village of Burnevo, on the beach and call a taxi there. And, of course, you can leave cities like Sortavala or Pitkyaranta (if anyone ever gets there).

Many people go to the so-called “Kocherga” - you can google where it is, but there are usually a lot of tourists there. In that area of ​​the islands there are large, flat beaches for large groups and easy berthing. True, most likely all these beaches will be occupied in July, so you will have to look for less comfortable places. Although, in July and August there will be people everywhere. I can't imagine where it isn't.

If we talk in isolation from the original question, then for a relaxing holiday it is better to go to the Priozersky, Lakhdenpokhsky, Sortavala or Pitkyaranta skerries. And if you want to climb all sorts of Finnish fortifications and look at the abandonment, then it is better to go to the archipelagos, for example, to the island of Ristisaari, Heinäsenmaa, Mykerikky, etc.

The weather in July-August is usually warm and calm, there are usually no storms (only in the fall), and if there are, there are just slight waves, with some exceptions. And in any case, in the summer it usually doesn’t storm for more than two days in a row. You can swim, sunbathe, and generally have fun.

Border guards on Lake Ladoga

I was asked this question:

We are now planning a short trip through the skerries of Lake Ladoga. Can you tell me what pick-up and drop-off points there are, from where I can get to St. Petersburg? Is it possible to throw yourself out halfway between Priozersk and Lakhdenpokhya?

We travel by train to St. Petersburg and from St. Petersburg, and there we rely on electric trains or taxis for pick-up and drop-off. Or maybe we should even choose one place for the beginning and end of the journey, and just paddle around different islands all days, without big transitions.

How is the weather there usually in the second half of July, and are there any interesting and calm routes for five days of kayaking for a group of beginners and not so kayakers? Are there beautiful wild places for this option or only crowded ones?

And one more thing. Are there any problems with border guards on Ladoga? As we understand it, the border zone is nearby.

How to get to Lake Ladoga

1. Kayaks can be assembled right in Priozersk - opposite the railway station - there is a convenient beach there and a boat station. In this case, from Priozersk along Vuoksa you can go straight to Ladoga through the Tikhaya River. The Tikhaya River is rapids (or rather, rippling) - well, under the bridge there is such a stormy place - you just have to go straight, as the current carries you, and you will pass calmly, but it is very fun to walk along it, and the river itself is pleasant and pretty.

2. In Priozersk you can call a taxi, it’s cheap there, and drive in half an hour to some Ladoga beach - the drivers know all these beaches - they’ll take you straight to the lake. From there you can start in any direction - both to skerries and archipelagos.

3. By your own car or taxi (from Priozersk) you can get to the island of Kilpola - there is a boat station there, you can leave your cars there. Well, go straight to Ladoga.

How to escape (leave) from Ladoga

As for ejection, the easiest way to leave, of course, is from Priozersk, Kuznechny or Lakhdenpokhya.

You can also land on the island of Kilpola or in the village of Tervu or the village of Khiitola (you need to go up the river to get there) or near the village of Burnevo, on the beach and call a taxi there. And, of course, you can leave cities like Sortavala (if anyone ever gets there).

Where to go in Ladoga on kayaks or catamarans

In Ladoga you can go wherever you want just along the islands - they are all interesting and beautiful.

Many people go to the so-called “Kocherga” - you can google where it is, but there are usually a lot of tourists there. In that area of ​​the islands there are large, flat beaches for large groups and easy berthing. True, most likely all these beaches will be busy in July, so you will have to look for less convenient places. Although, in July and August there will be people everywhere) I can’t imagine where they are not.

There will be almost no one on Verkkosaari or Mykerikkyu - more precisely, there will be, but less than in the skerries. But newcomers probably won’t dare to go to these islands. Yes, there is no need for this, since the nearest ones are also interesting. Good route(if not by your own car and you don’t have to return to it) from Priozersk to Lakhdenpokhya. You'll get there in about five days. Well, everything is along the coast, and along the islands it will work out. From Lahdenpokhya you can go home by train.

You can also go to the archipelagos - for example, Heinäsenmaa or Verkkosaari or Vossinoisaari or Mykerikky. True, not everyone will agree to this, perhaps because they think that it is far and dangerous, although we calmly went along these routes in kayaks. And many even swam to Valaam.

Weather on Ladoga in summer (July and August)

The weather in July-August is usually warm and calm, there are usually no storms (only in the fall), and if there are, it’s just a slight disturbance. You can swim, sunbathe, and generally have fun.

Border guards on Ladoga

You can only meet border guards on the train to Lakhdenpokhya, and even then they will only check your passport and ask where you are going. You will say that there are no problems in Ladoga. But if you land in Priozersk, then most likely there won’t even be any border guards. In principle, no passes or anything like that are needed for Ladoga.

By the way, just in case, I’ll write about GIMS. There is no need to register kayaks now. And many catamarans too.


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