The most unexplored places in the world. The most mystical places on Earth. Amazon jungle, South America

With the help of the power of his intellect, man was able to discover many of the secrets of the Earth. In addition, man visited the surface of the Moon and recognized other planets of the solar system. However, there are still some left on planet Earth mysterious places. Harsh weather conditions and destructive forces of nature are what prevent people from exploring some areas. At the same time, these same forces of nature help protect places unique in their pristine beauty from human intervention. So, the rating the most mysterious unexplored places on earth.

7. Greenland Ice Sheet

Greenland is the most big island planets. Most of this island is covered with an ice sheet, which makes the island so uninhabitable and poorly explored. Greenland's ice sheets are 3,200 meters thick and 100,000 years old. Also in Greenland there are glaciers, rivers formed from melting ice, and hot springs. In addition, you can see beautiful white nights and the northern lights there, but due to unstable weather conditions, Greenland remains one of the least explored places in the world.

6. Mariana Trench

The Mariana Trench is located in the deepest part of the planet, in the west Pacific Ocean. The depression was formed millions of years ago due to the occurrence of tectonic plate faults in the ocean. The most deep point Mariana Trench, known as the Challenger Deep, is located at a depth of 11 kilometers. Such depth and high pressure in the depression make it a dangerous place for people exploring it. At the same time, the Mariana Trench is home to deep-sea organisms and rare minerals. The bottom of the depression contains fossils dating back millions of years and other rocks, the study of which can help reveal many of the Earth's secrets. However, exploring the Mariana Trench turns out to be very difficult due to dangerous conditions.

5. Kankar-Punsum

Kankar-Punsum - highest unconquered peak world, located in Bhutan. The height of this mountain is 7570 meters, which ensures its place among 40 highest mountains planets. There are only four known attempts to climb Kankar Punsum, in 1983, 1985, 1986 and 1994. But all these attempts failed due to heavy snowfall and harsh weather conditions. Out of respect for local beliefs, the Bhutanese government banned climbing Kankar Poonsum in 2004. Thus, this peak remained completely unexplored.

4. Deserts

Everyone knows that deserts are one of the least explored areas due to unbearable weather conditions. The Antarctic desert is the largest area devoid of vegetation. The Sahara in Africa is recognized as the hottest desert in the world. Deserts receive very little rainfall and also experience large temperature variations - days are extremely hot, while nights are very cold. Such weather conditions are almost unbearable for most animals, plants and people. Fourth place among mysterious places.

3. Deep caves

There are many caves scattered across the Earth. Their exploration is a great challenge due to difficult weather conditions, rocky terrain, acidic environment and the difficulty of descent. Some underwater caves have conditions so unsuitable for life that even marine inhabitants do not live in them. The flooded Cenotes of Yucatan in Mexico are good for that example. Ice and crystal caves are also too dangerous to explore due to their unpredictability.

2. Amazonian jungle

The Amazon jungle makes up half of all tropical forests planets and occupy an area of ​​5.5 million square kilometers. The wide diversity of species and the presence of rare animals in the forests make the Amazon jungle an interesting field for research. Despite this, the Amazon jungle remains one of the most unexplored corners of the planet. In this area, it rains all year round, and downpours that last from February to May contribute to a strong rise in water levels in the Amazon and flooding of nearby areas. Thus, crossing the turbulent current of the Amazon River also turns out to be a serious obstacle in the path of researchers. In addition, the Amazon jungle is extremely populated dangerous representatives fauna: jaguars, rattlesnakes, poisonous spiders and frogs, mosquitoes, piranhas, alligators and huge anacondas. In addition to all of the above barriers to exploration, the Amazon Jungle has limited access to safe food and clean water.

1. Antarctica

The most mysterious unexplored place on the planet. In addition to being the coldest place on the surface of the Earth, Antarctica experiences huge temperature changes: from -10C° to -30C° in one day. The minimum temperature recorded in Antarctica is -89C°. The harsh climate makes Antarctica the most unexplored area in the world. The maximum wind speed of 200 mph in Antarctica was recorded in 1972. Sheets of ice 2 miles thick, heavy snowfalls, glaciers and deep crevasses pose a serious danger to explorers.

Today, many scientists are trying to unravel all the secrets of our world, but there is great amount places formed for an unknown reason, as well as mythical and mysterious territories that defy any logic, much less scientific facts.

To begin with, let's look at several little-known cities that keep a centuries-old and interesting history.

  • In the center of the Pacific Ocean there is a certain island-city of Nan Mazol, formed from volcanic rocks.

Nobody knows how this city appeared and it seems strange. This abandoned one stone city represents huge building without windows and doors height the famous pyramid Cheops. In appearance the city resembles big volcano. Many people think that this place was previously inhabited by giants, who built this structure.

  • IN Chelyabinsk region there is a certain mystical city of Arkaim, which changes the lives of people who find themselves in this unique place.

This ancient city must receive his visitor. There are legends that once visiting this mystical part of Russia, people understand their lives differently and begin to change it. Also, all the diseases that a person had before this moment disappear after visiting this city in a completely inexplicable way.

  • Present in our world and anomalous zones, where people hear and see various objects and sounds, unimaginable phenomena occur.

Among such places are the city of Kyzylkum in Central Asia, the Moleb Triangle in Russia, famous lake Loch Ness in Scotland, the Mexican town of Chawinda, the Czech catacombs and many other territories unknown to science.

In addition, in the world you can see so much Beautiful places, which cannot be compared with anything, but tourists simply do not know about the existence of these amazing natural beauties.

  • Beautiful sand dunes, which were nicknamed the Wave due to their appearance.

This natural wonder is located in the United States, between the states of Utah and Arizona. You will never forget such a desert.

  • Another beautiful place is a small pond in Brazil. Its name corresponds to the sensations - Enchanted Well. It is located in a cave in the state of Bahia. The reservoir is filled with the purest transparent water, through which the sun's rays penetrate, piercing this well to the very bottom with a blue glow.

  • The Fly geothermal geyser is of indescribable beauty, covered with multi-colored rocks.

This source is located in Nevada, USA. This formation reaches 1.5 meters in height, but every year the geyser grows, accumulating more and more iridescent layers.

  • Another equally interesting and charming place is the great blue spot in the Atlantic Ocean.

This amazing place nicknamed the Great Blue Hole, which formed inside the Lighthouse Reef, state-owned Belize. In fact, this is a deep sinkhole that divers from all over the world love to explore.

  • One of the most little-known places on Earth is the island of Socotra, located in Indian Ocean.

The territory of this island is full of completely unique nature. You will not be able to find the trees that grow in Socotra anywhere else. The tourist flow to this area is so small that the nature remains almost untouched, which is very rare these days. It’s as if you find yourself in another world that needs to be explored from the very beginning. Its name translates as Island of Happiness. The purest ecology reigns here, there are no hotels, highways and expensive restaurants.

  • In Canada, there is a unique Spotted Lake that enchants the eye.

This healing lake Kliluk, which has captivated the world with its beauty and is famous for its high concentration of various minerals, which create peculiar circles of a certain color on the surface. During the summer, some minerals crystallize, forming hard formations around the spots that you can walk on.

  • The dry valleys of Antarctica are also considered an amazing place.

This place is the only dry area among the Antarctic glaciers. There is no precipitation here, and the climate, according to scientists, is as close as possible to the climate of Mars. Frozen water was found in the valleys salt Lake, in which previously unknown organisms and bacteria were found, which theoretically confirms the possibility of life on Mars.

Of course, one can list such beauties almost endlessly, since humanity does not even know half of all possible natural phenomena, which cannot be explained using existing technologies on this moment. All corners of the world deserve special attention, but this cannot be limited to just one article. Do not stop only at the most proposed options popular places, because you will be able to skip many unique zones where no one has set foot before!


Artyom Luchko

Most people tend to think that if modern technology allowed us to begin exploring the Moon and Mars, send spacecraft to Jupiter, Saturn and other planets, then there is nothing special to study on Earth. Actually this is not true. There are still quite a lot of areas on the globe that remain poorly understood for one reason or another.


Namibia is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world (only 2.3 million people live on an area of ​​824 thousand square kilometers). It is located in the south of the African continent and gets its name from the Namib Desert, which is home to a quarter of all cheetahs in the world. (there are about 2.5 thousand of them). The desert land is known for its giant dunes, ancient rock art, meteorite craters and waterfalls, Namibia's landscape is one of the most pristine in Africa. This place is an ideal haven for poachers, so the country’s constitution spells out a program to protect the unique nature reserve, which includes many thousands of kilometers of unexplored desert (including the famous Kalahari).

Greenland ice sheet

Greenland has the world's second largest ice sheet (after Antarctic), and the island is used as a testing ground for fundamental research on glaciers: glaciologists here study the dynamics of the glacier, microbiologists study ancient life trapped in ice. However, the most significant aspect remains the study of the paleoclimatic aspects of the research, since the ice has air inclusions that can provide information about the atmosphere of the past. A total of six deep wells have been drilled in Greenland, and the least explored place is the Northern edge of Greenland, the Lincoln Sea and other surrounding ice-covered waters. Throughout their history, only a few ships have visited here, among them were ours nuclear icebreakers. But this entire icy desert is gradually melting, and at current rates the shield will disappear in 2,000 years.

Tristan da Cunha

Tristan da Cunha is an archipelago of four islands in the southern part Atlantic Ocean, part of the British Overseas Territory of Saint Helena. Along with Easter Island and the Pitcairn Islands, it is one of the most remote populated areas on the ground. The distance to the nearest mainland coast - that is, to South Africa - is 2,816 km, and to South America - as much as 3,360 km. There are no mammals on the islands (except for seals on the shore and mice brought by humans), reptiles, butterflies, but many endemic plants. The main asset of the island is the smallest flightless bird on Earth - the “Inaccessible Island Shepherd” or “Tristan Shepherd”. According to the 2008 census, the population of the largest island, Tristan da Cunha, is 264 people. Three other islands - Gough, Nightingale and Impregnable - are nature reserves.

Mariana Trench

Almost the entire bottom of the World Ocean can be called the least explored space on our planet. However, the most mysterious known point is the oceanic deep-sea trench in the western Pacific Ocean. The depression was named after its nearby Mariana Islands, and its deepest point, the Challenger Deep, is located in the southwestern part. According to measurements in 2011, its depth is 10,994 ± 40 m below sea level. Only 3 people have visited this place: Jacques Picard and Donald Walsh on the bathyscaphe Trieste in 1960, and James Cameron on the bathyscaphe Deepsea Challenger in 2012. The pressure at this depth is 1,106 times the pressure at sea level, but 20 thousand microorganisms were discovered at the bottom of the Challenger Deep. Fauna collected included isopods and six species of shrimp-like amphipods. Further study of the depression, according to scientists, can tell us more about the adaptation of organisms to high pressure and, perhaps, even reveal the secret of the origin of life.


The continent of Antarctica, covered with a thick layer of ice, is also one of the most poorly studied parts of our planet. Research is hampered by the harsh climate, but in the future, with warming, its development is quite possible. There are many abandoned settlements, military and whaling bases in Antarctica and the surrounding islands. Currently, there is no permanent population in Antarctica, but there are about 45 year-round scientific stations, where, depending on the season, live from 1 thousand people in winter and up to 4 thousand people in summer. Studying the ice sheet, which records hundreds of thousands of years of climate and atmospheric composition, sheds light on the Earth's past and future. The least explored part of the continent adjoins the Weddell Sea (West Antarctica). Recently it turned out that there is a hidden pool the size of a small European country (area about 20 thousand square kilometers), and its depth in some places is up to two kilometers.

Gangkhar Puensum

Gangkhar Puensum is the highest unconquered peak in the world. The mountain is located on disputed territory between Bhutan and China and reaches a height of 7570 meters. The mountain was first described in 1922, but the first attempts to conquer it began only after 1983, when mountaineering was allowed in Bhutan. Four unsuccessful attempts were made in 1985 and 1986, but in 1994 Bhutan again banned climbing mountains higher than 6,000 meters out of respect for local faith, and in 2003 mountaineering was banned completely. A Japanese expedition in 1998 decided to summit the peak from the Chinese side, but in the end the climbers were only able to climb the neighboring Liankang Kangri.

Amazon rain forests

Northern Andes

It's hard to say how well researched northern region Colombian Andes because guerrillas and drug lords do not keep official records. This area is known for hiding criminals of all kinds. After all, the unknown mountain ranges, overgrown with forests and shrouded in fog, are best suited for this. Most of the civilians in the surrounding areas are local tribes. Every time in northern mountains A scientific expedition is sent to Colombia; it discovers previously unknown plants and animals there. In 2006, a new bird species, the Yariga Atlapeta, was discovered, and in 2010, a new subspecies of the bird, the Lachrymose Mountain-Tanager, was discovered.

Jungle of New Guinea

New Guinea - the last of the little-studied large islands. More than a thousand different ethnic groups and hundreds of different tribes live here, some of which are completely isolated from influence modern world. On the slopes of the Foggia Mountains in western New Guinea in 2005, a group of American researchers discovered a place they called the “Garden of Eden.” An area of ​​about 300 thousand hectares was isolated from the influence of the outside world, and more than 20 previously unknown species of frogs, several species of butterflies, tree kangaroos, and six-feathered birds of paradise were discovered there. (which were previously thought to be extinct), as well as species of palm trees unknown to science and many other plants. At the same time, many animals were not afraid of humans and even allowed scientists to take control of themselves.

Northeastern Siberia

The northeastern part of Siberia, located northeast of the Lena River, is known for its harsh nature and climate. The winters here are long, with severe frosts, and the summers are very, very cool. It is here that the “pole of cold” is located - Oymyakon. North-Eastern Siberia has a complex topography of folded-block areas and ridges. Permafrost is also common in the area. Farming in this region in open ground is impossible, and development natural resources difficult due to climatic conditions, remoteness of the area, lack of a wide network of transport routes (first of all railways) . This territory is the most sparsely populated part of Eurasia, and most of the human presence here is associated with the constant search for minerals.

With progressive science, many secrets of the Earth have already been discovered. We have already reached the surface of the Moon and explored other planets. But there are still some of the most mysterious places on Earth that have yet to be explored. Here is a list of the best undiscovered places on Earth.

Unfavorable conditions and destructive natural forces make some places the least explored. On the other hand, it is protection. Because this will help preserve even a few places in their original form.

The most mysterious places on earth

The endless island of Greenland

Greenland is the largest island in the world. It is also the northernmost country in the world. 80 percent of Greenland is covered in ice. This is the exact reason why Greenland remains the least explored and least populated. By 2016, living on this big island only 56,250 people.

Some of the ice sheets on this island are 3,200 meters thick. The island also contains glaciers, deep rivers, ice, sun, hot springs and Northern lights. In case of transport, there are no roads or railway networks in Greenland, and to get through you can choose a snowmobile, boat, plane or helicopter.

Mariana Trench in the Western Pacific Ocean

The Mariana Trench is the deepest part on Earth, located in the western Pacific Ocean. This deep, crescent-shaped trench was formed in the ocean millions of years ago. Given the depth and high pressure in the Mariana Trench, this dangerous place to explore it.

So far, there have been only two successful manned descents into the depression. The first descent was made by Swiss oceanographer Jacques Piccard and Lieutenant Don Walsh in 1960. The second mission was carried out by famous Hollywood director James Cameroon in 2012.

The Mariana Trench is home to many rare minerals and ocean creatures. The floor of the Mariana Trench contains fossils.

Unclimbed peak Kankar Punsum in Bhutan

Kankar-Punsum is the most high mountain, not passed in the world. It is located in Bhutan. Even at the most high peak, Mount Everest has already been successfully climbed by many people. But no one has ever managed to reach the top of Kankar Punsum.

In total, four expeditions took place there. In 1983, 1985, 1986 and 1994 respectively. But all these expeditions were unsuccessful due to heavy snowfall and unstable conditions. in 2004, the Bhutanese government restricted mountaineering in Kankar Poonsum due to spiritual beliefs. So, the mountain became unclimbed and unknown.

Lifeless Deserts

This known fact that deserts are the least explored due to poor weather conditions. Sahara is the most big desert in the world. It covers more than 200 million square miles. The Sahara is located in Africa and is the largest and hottest desert in the world.

Deserts receive very little rainfall per year. Dramatic temperature fluctuations are also very common in deserts. The days can be quite hot. But the nights are very cold. This makes for very harsh conditions for animals, plants and humans. Although, some animals and plants can be found in deserts. Such animals are highly technologically advanced to live in harsh conditions.

Unknown Deep Caves

There are a large number of unexplored caves located throughout the world. Too difficult to explore many caves due to unbearable weather conditions and sharp stones

Also some underwater caves in the world are unexplored, even there is no marine life due to the deadly conditions. Flooded, Yucatan Cenotes, cave networks in Mexico are the best example for this. The Crystal Caves and Snow Caves have become too dangerous for expeditions due to unprecedented changes.

Boundless Amazon, South America

With a total area of ​​2.5 million square kilometers, the Amazon contains half of the tropical forests on Earth. The Amazon's rich biodiversity and presence of many rare species make it a popular destination for scientific expeditions. But the mysterious Amazon is a dangerous habitat.
There is no dry season in the Amazon rainforest; it rains throughout the year. Heavy rain in the Amazon rainforest begins in February. This leads to a sharp rise in the water level in the river and severe flooding. In such conditions, transport across rivers also became too dangerous due to extreme river currents.

The Amazon is also dangerous because of deadly animals such as jaguars, rattlesnakes, Brazilian wandering spiders, mosquitoes, poisonous frogs, piranhas, black caimans and anacondas, which can even harm humans. Additionally, lack of access to healthy food and clean water makes an expedition into the Amazon rainforest too dangerous.

Icy Antarctica

Antarctica is the coldest place on the surface of the Earth. It is a dry, cold, windy continent. The climate in Antarctica varies dramatically from -10 degrees Celsius to -30 degrees Celsius under normal conditions. The lowest recorded temperature in Antarctica is -89 degrees. This harsh climate of Antarctica itself makes for dangerous research conditions.

The maximum wind speed recorded in Antarctica was 200 mph in 1972. The ice in Antarctica is 2 miles thick. It reflects the unbearable climate conditions on the continent. Heavy snow, glaciers, crevasses and other potential hazards in Antarctica. Therefore, this place is very difficult to explore.

My personal rating of unusual places on our planet. We are not talking about beauty, although many of the places considered are not without this quality, namely, unusualness and even strangeness. This list includes places that, upon stumbling upon when searching on the Internet, it was difficult to resist exclaiming: “Wow! And this exists on our planet!”

The places are sorted in ascending order of “Wow factor”, that is, starting with the simply interesting, continuing with the unusual, and ending with very strange, even fantastic, unearthly landscapes (although this gradation is very arbitrary).

Unusual places on our planet.

Let's start with a trip to the "Edge of the World"..

It is located near the town of Skagen in Denmark, as it was named local residents junction of the North and Baltic seas:
This is the confluence of two currents of different composition and density, which for some reason do not mix, but form a clear boundary. It turns out beautiful and mysterious, but in my opinion it looks more like something like “The Border Between Worlds” rather than “The End of the World.”

Entrance to the underwater kingdom.

This is the "Great" blue hole", which is located in the Caribbean Sea near the Yucatan Peninsula. Its diameter is 305 meters, depth is about 120-140 m:
Once upon a time, this hole in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean was an ordinary “land” cave, the “roof” of which collapsed, and then it was flooded by the rising waters of the world’s oceans after the end of the Ice Age. This is the largest hole of its kind on our planet. After Jacques Cousteau featured it in his film, it became the world's most popular diving spot.

Inverted sky.

Natural mirror with an area of ​​10 thousand square meters. m.
This is a dry lake in Bolivia, it is called the “Salt of Uyuni”. This fantastic effect of a giant mirror occurs during the rainy season, when water covers the surface of the salt marsh with a thin layer. The rest of the time the lake looks like this:

Crooked forest.

Forest with crooked trees in Poland.
This forest was planted in the 30s of the last century. Almost all of its 400 trees have a synchronized bend in one direction. There is no exact scientific explanation for this phenomenon, but the most plausible version sounds like this:

..As you know, in ancient times, furniture with smooth curves and crooked legs was in fashion. In general, curved wooden parts were used everywhere, for example, sleigh runners, parts of boats, ships, etc. Usually, wood was bent already during the production process, but here, in the area of ​​​​the Polish village of Gryfino, we see the result of an experiment in the production of pre-curved wood.

But, second World War prevented this ambitious commercial project from being realized - the village was destroyed, the young “slender” pines were abandoned. But now, in Poland, which is rather poor in attractions, there is such a strange forest, protected by the state as a nature reserve.

Valley of love.

These rocks definitely resemble something... hence the name of the valley, which is located in Cappadocia (Turkey). But not only the Valley of Love, but the rest of Cappadocia is a place with a very unusual “mushroom-shaped topography”.
This relief is a consequence of powerful eruptions that took place here in prehistoric times, after which wind and water took over, which together over millions of years created these pillars with caps.
Then, several thousand years ago, people got to work and created cave dwellings and entire cave-underground cities here, going down to a depth of 80 meters.

In total, there are about 40 cave cities in Cappadocia, which were once home to up to 30,000 people.

Scuba diving in the park.

Agree, it’s a very unusual place for diving - swimming among alleys, benches and trees:
There is such a park in Austria. It is located near the clean mountain lake, and most of the year it is an ordinary park. But in the summer, when the snow in the mountains melts, the water level in the lake rises by several meters, turning the surrounding area into an attraction for divers.

I think that scuba divers swimming in this lake experience very strange sensations, it’s probably similar to flying in zero gravity or in a dream, because instead of the usual deep landscape they see an ordinary park under water.

Another proof of the wisdom of nature. Look at the beauty she turned an ordinary trash bin into:

50 years ago there was a large waste dump on this site on the shores of the Gulf of California. But somewhere in the 60s it was forbidden to throw out garbage here, the main trash was taken out, but the broken glass remained... And nature, as usual, worked a miracle!

Welcome to Glass Beach in California!

Island of Happiness.

This is how the name of the island is translated , more precisely an archipelago of four islands in the Indian Ocean, several hundred kilometers from the coasts of Somalia and Yemen. The unusualness of this island is that for several million years it has been isolated from the rest of the earth, thanks to which many ancient plants and animals have been preserved here in their original form.

Once here, you will be transported into the Earth's past approximately 10-20 million years. Everything here is the same as it was then, only dinosaurs are missing:

Let's continue the review..

It turns out there is such a miracle on our Earth! This country, or rather a city, is located in China.

This place was created to attract tourists. “Little people” live here, put on performances for tourists, and generally make money from tourists as best they can. Therefore, many Chinese dwarfs have a chance to find work and shelter in "The Land of Lilliputians."

Arizona, 240 km from the famous Grand Canyon. Fantastic, surreal beauty, especially when the rays of the sun fall inside during the day:
or the moon at night:
The place where Antelope Canyon is located belongs to the Navajo Indians, so to get here you need to negotiate with them ($) and hire a guide.

If you decide to go there, be careful in rainy weather - even if it rains somewhere nearby, the canyon can fill with water very quickly and almost silently. Thus, in 1997, 11 tourists died here.


The Arizona Wave is another natural wonder:

They say nature is the best artist, in this case we see her works in the style of “surrealism”.

This place, like Antelope Canyon, is located not far from the Grand Canyon Park. The surface of the “Wave”, despite the fact that it was formed under the influence of rain and wind over millions of years, is quite fragile in places, so large crowds of tourists are not allowed here. The maximum is 20 people per day, and tickets here are drawn like a lottery, so seeing this beauty with your own eyes is not easy.

But you can see a photo or video:

These colorful rocks are located in the geological park of the Chinese province of Gansu, and there are no other hills of the same type anywhere else in the world.

Hundreds of millions of years ago this area was the bottom of the sea. But, as often happened in those geologically active times, the sea became dry land, and the silt deposits dried out and oxidized. Naturally, it could not have happened without the participation of water and wind, which washed and blew out various layers of sedimentary rocks of different colors and shades.

Now it is a unique place of its kind that attracts tourists from all over the world. Comfortable paths have been built for them and observation decks. Another interesting fact is that the famous Silk Road once ran through this area.

The strangest place in the world.

This may be a very loud headline, but if not this strange place, then what!?!

Of course, these toys were never alive, but judging by the eerie impression that discarded dolls hanging on trees make, this definition is quite suitable for this place:

The Island of the Dolls is located in Mexico, not far from Mexico City, among the canals of Xochimilco overgrown with reeds and bushes. Of course, there is a legend that explains what happened here:

In the middle of the last century, a man named Don Julian Santana Barrera lived in these places. He was of a gloomy disposition, liked to drink a fair amount, and was not entirely in good spirits, which is why those around him disliked him. At some point, he completely went crazy, and it happened on religious grounds. He annoyed his neighbors so much with his delusional sermons that they began to periodically beat him.

Because of all this, Don Julian decided to get away from the bustle of the world, chose a wild island among the canals of Xochimilco, began to grow vegetables there and catch fish for lunch. He was alone desert island, just like Robinson Crusoe. Rejected by society, he felt overwhelming loneliness and hatred for the whole world.

One day, Don Julian found a doll on the island. He knew that not long ago a girl drowned somewhere nearby - most likely it was her doll! As a religious man, Don Julian believed that the girl’s soul still wanders here without finding peace, and for his personal safety he needs to somehow win her over. Since then, occasionally visiting the city, he collected discarded dolls from garbage dumps and brought them to the island as a gift to the spirit of the dead girl.

..As the years passed, there were more and more dolls, and Don Julian became more and more out of his mind - the mania for collecting dolls took possession of his consciousness completely. He became obsessed with dolls; they completely replaced society and human communication for him. Now he was not alone - he lived a full life surrounded by friends, girlfriends, neighbors, acquaintances... and enemies. He treated his friends in a friendly manner - he looked after them, shared shelter with them, and they kept him company on long dull evenings.

But Don Julian did not have many friends; for the most part he was surrounded by enemies. And Don Julian Santana Barrera was cruel to his enemies! He carried out executions on them like a medieval inquisitor dealing with heretics, and then hung them from the “corpses” on trees, mainly around the perimeter of the island, in order to frighten evil spirits and uninvited guests.

This is how this strange and mysterious man, Robinson Crusoe of the 20th century, lived on his island. But one day, when his nephew, the only living person who occasionally visited him and brought him food, once again sailed to the island, Don Julian was no longer here. It looks like he drowned in the canal, just like the girl whose doll became the first resident "Islands of Dead Dolls"

Here is such a legend... I apologize if I got creepy at the end of the post. I fantasized a little based on what I found on the Internet about this strange island... just to make it more interesting.


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