Excursion tours and holidays in France. Tours to Paris, Nice and the Provinces. Excursions to Mont Saint-Michel, Loire Castles, Versailles, etc. Provinces of France Individual tours for families with children

First 2 weeks of September 2008.
Tour operator "DSBV"
Nice-Avignon-Pont du Gard-Nîmes-Carcassonne-Bordeaux-Cognac-Angoulême-Saint-Emilion-Arcachon-Sarles la Caneda-Rocamadour-Toulouse-Arles-Marseille + holidays in Nice

The trip was simply wonderful, very interesting and educational, although very difficult. Moreover, the flight was to Genoa (Italy), and then by bus to Nice. The tour was simply about endurance, because in the intense heat (it was more than +30) we had to walk almost 10 km with our legs almost every day, and even along mountains, steps, and abbeys. We must pay tribute, all the hotels along the route were from “3+” to “4 stars” with buffet breakfasts, i.e. with hot buffet, which is very cool and a rarity for a tour of France. I liked Nice, however, the dominance of Russian speech, you feel like in Sochi, and I went specifically to speak French. From Mount Chateau there is an incomparable view panoramic view: Bay of Angels, English promenade, palaces, parks, shops, restaurants. Bright sun, blue sky, turquoise sea. And all this is poetically called the Cote d'Azur! But personally I for beach holiday I would never choose Nice. The beach is large pebbles, it hurts your feet very, very much. And the equipped beach is no different: just a sun lounger - 20 euros, a soft mattress - 5 euros, an umbrella - 5 euros, and entering the water is just as stupid. I had to buy special swimming slippers.

Next we move to Avignon, famous for its bridge over the Rhone River, the Papal Palace and the Notre Dame de Dome Cathedral. The Rhone is wonderfully beautiful, its banks are simply buried in lush vegetation, and the emerald waters rush in a stormy stream. In one of the restaurants in the center of Avignon, a waiter approaches us, a purely Russian boy from Samara, whose mother married a Frenchman. Now he is French too. We eat amazingly tasty fish and wash everything down with rose wine. Mmm... How lovely! From Avignon we are taken to a wine tasting at Chateau Laurent Charles Brotte. These chateaus used to be castles, but now the chateau is an estate with outbuildings and endless vineyards. The tasting is conducted by the young owner himself and even with a guided tour. Of course, we buy 3-4 bottles of wine at a price of 20 to 50 euros each, remembering that the suitcase on the way back should weigh no more than 20 kg. From Avignon we move to a place called “Pont du Gard” (literally, “bridge over the Gard River”). Roman legionnaires also left their legacy here. A magnificent, several-tiered aqueduct, which was built not by slaves, but by the Romans themselves with a good technical education. And a quiet village nearby. You can clearly see how the river is teeming with fish, and herons stand decorously along the banks. If I were an artist, I would immediately sketch this landscape! Next we go to the city of Nimes. He's not small at all. His coat of arms includes crocodiles. Residents are still fighting with the La Coste company, which allegedly stole their crocodiles. The city is decorated with huge arenas reminiscent of the Roman Colosseum; by the way, bullfighting is still held here, but bulls are not killed. There are a lot of beautiful squares and fountains, from the most ancient to the super stylish and modern. Everyone is allowed into the city hall; the doors there simply do not close. The canal itself along which we are walking is beautiful. We go into the "Garden of Fountains", admire the Temple of Diana, no one knows in what century it was erected. It’s hot, the sun is strong, no less than +33, and it’s already the month of September. But the photos will turn out great.

Then we move to the medieval fortified city of Carcassonne. As the French say sité, i.e. its central part is fenced with fortified walls with loopholes. The beginning of its construction dates back to the 15th century. I was there with my husband 6 years ago; we drove to Carcassonne from Spain. Nothing changed. Everything is just as beautiful, there are several museums: schools, ghosts and the Inquisition (the latter, by the way, is very interesting). And now about the town itself. It is located on very convenient routes, so everyone wanted to get their hands on it. He was besieged very often. And according to legend, during a long siege, Madame Carcass began throwing pigs from the fortress walls. By this she wanted to show the besiegers that the besieged inhabitants still had a lot of provisions. The siege was lifted... Since then the city has been called Carcassonne, and on the Narbonne Gate there is a bas-relief of Madame Carcasse. By the way, this is where the film “Robin Hood” starring Kevin Costner was filmed. Wonderful little town. But we lived outside the walls of the site, in a simple city, however, also very old. Our hotel was called Terminu. Simple 3 stars +, the only hotel of this level, all the rest were normal European “fours”. I didn’t like the hotel, the reception desk looked like a train station in the design plan, but the hotel had a swimming pool and a jacuzzi. The rooms are tiny, between the sink and the bathtub directly to the toilet itself I made my way sideways and exhaled air!!!

After Carcassonne we move to Bordeaux. Surprisingly hiking trails Very little passes through this town. However, I didn't really like him. A large industrial city, very modern. And the wide and very dirty Garona River flows through it. True, it is dirty not from industrial waste, like our Moscow River, but from clay banks. I only liked the long embankment with a fountain, all in flowers, but it should have been called “Customs Embankment”! We live in Bordeaux for 3 whole days, going on excursions and returning to it. Here we have a very decent 4-star hotel of the Novotel chain. The room is large, spacious, with a luxurious bathroom and separate toilet. Which one then good restaurant This hotel, one might say, has gourmet delights! We drink wine a little at a time, but at breakfast, before lunch, at lunch, before dinner, at dinner, and after dinner. And we don't even get drunk. The wines are incredible!

Next we move to the city of Cognac, which stands on the most beautiful river Charente. Marvelous beautiful bridge, all entwined with flowers. I can't resist taking pictures. The castle itself (chateau) belonged for many years to Baron Otar, who specialized in the production of cognac. Here the cognac is real, but everywhere else there is only brandy. And several centuries ago, the chateau belonged to Francis I himself. He was an extraordinary man for those times. Tall, healthy, with sloping shoulders and bent horseshoes with his hands. But he really loved the female sex, which is why he died prematurely. He had a mistress, Belle Froniere, and her husband could not forgive her for being the king’s favorite. He “awarded” his wife with syphilis, and she gave the king. The sad result is that all three died prematurely... But Francis did not forget about his wife, who bore him 7 children. We go into the chateau. The tour is conducted in Russian by a simple Ukrainian girl, who has lived and worked there for a long time, wearing a simple long dress stylized as a peasant woman. But we see mannequins in medieval clothes. Bah! Yes, this is Francis the First himself with Claudine of France and his retinue. I can't resist taking pictures! And then we are led through the vaulted halls and down into the cellars, shown the storage facilities, and told about the distillation system. And... finally, tasting. They pour little and little, and only 2 varieties. Of course, we also buy Otar cognac, the price ranges from 20 to 240 euros per bottle, depending on the V.S.O.P. or X.O.

Next we move to Angoulême. Medieval town old part The city is again located high, high on the mountain. Oh, I'm crawling up! My poor legs, they are just buzzing with fatigue! The beautiful ancient St. Andrew's Cathedral, a modern theater, parks, squares, absolutely tiny and narrow streets. It seems that the city is sleeping, there are almost no tourists. And then here’s a very beautiful and old castle, now this is the mayor's office of Angoulême, surrounded by a stunning square with bright flowers and right there a monument to Margaret of Angoulême, the most educated woman of her time, by the way, the sister of Francis the First. In our free time, we sit right in a restaurant near the Hotel de Ville (city hall) and, while drinking aromatic coffee, meditate, i.e. We are transported to the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. Then we move to Saint Emilion. It is because of him that we chose this tour. Here are the best vineyards in France, here, not in Bordeaux. For information: in Moscow restaurants, a bottle of high-quality collection wine from the Saint-Emilion region costs from 5 to 10 thousand rubles apiece. The town is also very old, the cathedral is high on the mountain, and in its chapel there is a clock with such a melodious chime that you can’t help but listen to it, and the spire of the chapel soars high, high into the sky. There are apparently no liquor stores. And they offer free tasting in any of them. I buy one single bottle, but... for 155 euros. Oh, and my husband will kick me out of the house for SUCH a gift!!! Next we go to Arcachon, which is famous for its sandy beaches and oyster plantations. The beaches are indeed sandy, although not equipped. But there are plenty of seafood restaurants. Well, how can you deny yourself this? That's how clean ours is sightseeing tour It also develops into a gastronomic one. We order a huge plate of seafood, only 24 euros, and wine too! There is a huge dune in the city, its height is 115 meters, it gives the impression that you are in the desert. But the town is very nice, a real resort town and there are pine trees all around!

I really liked the city of Sarlat-la-Caneda (absolutely ancient), and we also went to the festive Saturday fair, where local farmers bring their products: excellent cheeses, smoked meats, fish, seafood and foie gros (goose liver pate). The province of Perigo is famous for this particular product. I really, really liked it here. Very old houses, but a modern, vibrant rhythm of life! Then there was tiny Arles, where Van Gogh lived and worked. Next, our path lies in the city of Rocamadour. On sheer cliff, Rocamadour Abbey is located high, high. When I heard that we were going there now, I almost fainted. “With your legs again?!” - a phrase involuntarily escaped from me, directed to the guide. It turned out that everything was simpler, they took us to the very top by bus, and from there, gradually downwards, along serpentine paths we went down to the town itself. The abbey is very old, it dates back to the 11th century, but everything is very beautiful, measured and calm.

And then Toulouse. Very Big city. A mixture of antiquity and modernity, an abundance of squares, parks and fountains. And there are a lot of Muslims, black people and homeless people. While we were relaxing at the Merkur Hotel in the very center of the city, it was in Toulouse that they tried to rob our bus at night. They knocked down a window near the driver's seat and got inside, but they stole little, some candy and cookies, apparently some teenagers got in. But the province of Languedoc has always been considered very, very rich. Remember Geoffrey de Peyrac, Count of Toulouse, who was richer than the king himself, from “Angelique - Marquise of the Angels” by Anne and Serge Gollon? Apparently Toulouse is not so rich now...

And then Marcel and his famous islands(Castle d'If and Frioul). We ate the famous bouillabaisse soup in Marseille. A plate for 38 euros, but nothing special, fish soup made from pureed lentils with fish, however, cooked according to a special, secret and time-consuming recipe. But what I didn't like most was that French in Marseille - the second, the first - Arabic. There is a very large Muslim population. It was in vain that Charles de Gaulle allowed them into France in such a rank. And finally, the most famous cathedral, Notre Dame de la Garde, on top of which rises the golden Virgin Mary, stretching out her arms to the sea and protecting the peace of the inhabitants of Marseille. We ourselves, on a pleasure boat, go first to the island of If (remember the Count of Monte Cristo?), and then to the island of Frioul. All this is very close to Marseille. Honestly, I thought that in Marseille I would see drunken wandering sailors embracing whores. This is a huge port. But I didn’t see anything like that. And then again to Nice, to our 4-star Excellur hotel.

From Nice we went to the Principality of Monaco, beautiful and respectable. All Rolls-Royces, Lambarginis and Porsches. The wonderful gardens of Albert the First and himself princely palace. Even now everyone is allowed into it. And then to Monte Carlo, which is part of the city of Monaco. We also visited the famous casino. The entrance ticket is personalized, issued only if you have a passport and costs 10 euros. They don't allow you to take photographs there, which is a pity. Just a gorgeous palace with stucco moldings and huge crystal chandeliers. Yes... I won’t be a lady. And although by Moscow standards everything is fine with my money, it was there that I strongly felt and realized HOW poor I was! And HOW far I am from this world. However, this did not upset me. I didn’t play in the casino, I just don’t know how, I “rooted” for our men! And now a little about the French in general: they eat great amount bread and croissants, while remaining not just fragile, but dry as a roach. There are a lot of expensive branded clothing stores in Nice; a friend bought a blouse for 270 euros for her student daughter in the Sonia Rykiel brand store on rue Paradis. Don't go to this street. The most expensive stores, the prices in which are incredibly “off the charts”. Sizes of fashionable clothes are mainly from 1 to 3 sizes, i.e. from 40th to 46th. And on the pedestrian street Massena there are the best restaurants. We especially liked the restaurant "Le Mirador", the seafood and marinated mussels served right in the shells are very good there! In general, I really liked the measured way of life of the French. They are never in a hurry at all, they enjoy and savor life according to full program. Everyone is obsessed with their body. In the morning, be sure to jog, bike or roller skate, and then aromatic coffee with a pile of croissants and the morning newspaper. They are actively fighting smoking; in restaurants they don’t even provide ashtrays, but put them on the street, on open verandas. And they themselves smoke a lot, a lot! The ticket for 15 days cost almost 2 thousand euros (price as of August 2008), I spent even more than 2.5 thousand euros there. All in the amount of more than 4.5 thousand euros. But she remained incredibly pleased. I plunged into the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, breathed in the real aroma of France, had a hearty conversation with the French, learned a lot of new things, and swam a little and sunbathed. Yes, the tour was very difficult, but since I survived, it means that it is accessible to everyone. I highly recommend this tour to lovers and deep connoisseurs of France.

Among all the lovers and connoisseurs quality rest One of the most popular destinations is tours to France. This multifaceted country is incredibly attractive both for beginners in terms of foreign holidays and for experienced travelers.

France fully satisfies the curiosity of sightseeing connoisseurs, replenishes the wardrobes of stylish fashionistas, and tempts gourmets with the splendor of its cuisine. Bustling cities, picturesque provinces and luxurious beaches - no one can resist such beauty and diversity!

So different and always beautiful

The starting point for most tours in France was and remains Paris. But after paying due attention to the capital with its brilliant shine, be sure to visit other large cities of the country. By visiting the cities of Normandy - Rouen and Deauville, Etretat and Saint-Malo, you will get a complete impression of the culture, history and modernity of France.

You can enjoy the mild climate of the southern regions and watch the life of movie stars on the coast of Nice, Cannes, Marseille and Monaco. Tours to France, including visits to these cities, will appeal to connoisseurs of beauty and harmony. After all, here hotels for every taste and budget open their doors to every beach lover.

French provinces- witnesses of centuries-old history

Traveling through various provinces with their unique attractions will allow you to plunge into the depths of the fascinating history of these places. And the tour operator in France VAND will help you with this.

Normandy, Brittany, Alsace and Lorraine, Corsica... - all of them are known to us from books and films. With VAND you can see with your own eyes the beauty of these provinces of France and, as if in a time machine, be transported to the distant past. You can trace almost all the milestones of European palace architecture by visiting the Castles of the Loire Valley.

Heady atmosphere

Burgundy, Bordeaux, Champagne, Cognac - the “fragrant” names of these regions and cities give rise in the minds of a sophisticated connoisseur to memories of the best French wines, famous brands of champagne and cognac. With the leading tour operator VAND, everyone has the opportunity to touch the mystery of the production of real wines and cognac, the likes of which cannot be found in any country in the world.

Cozy cafe on the streets with wicker furniture

Provence, warmed by the southern sun, appears warm, hospitable and generous to tourists. Cute provincial towns are home to numerous gastronomic masterpieces that attract travelers from all over the world. Juicy fruits, real French cheeses, exquisite seafood, aromatic Provençal herbs - this unforgettable cocktail will not leave any gourmet indifferent.

Buying a trip to France and not visiting Provence is simply a crime for lovers gastronomic tours who know a lot about really good food.

Better than the mountains can only be the mountains of France

The fertile nature has awarded this hospitable country not only with a magnificent coastline, but also with one of the most picturesque mountain ranges. French Alps can offer holidays for every taste.

Modern comfortable hotels in the ski resorts of France: Courchevel, Chamonix, Meribel, Les Menuires will be the ideal place to celebrate the New Year.

KMP Group – tour operator in France, having over 27 years of experience with this popular destination tourism.

We offer you a large selection of tours around this amazing country, which annually attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world. Today, France is the most visited country in the world by tourists. The number of tourists coming here is more than 86 million people a year. Rich story, special atmosphere and French sophisticated style are the main reasons for such popularity.

Besides, France- this is a country high fashion, exclusive cuisine and winemaking. Once you visit Paris, Nice, Marseille, Lyon or Bordeaux, you will definitely want to come back here at least again.

Location and climate: The northern and western regions of France are occupied by low mountains and plains, the snowy Alps rise in the southeast, the center, east and southwest of the country are occupied by mountains. The geographical location of France allows tourists to visit regions with completely different climatic and cultural characteristics. The southern Mediterranean regions - the Côte d'Azur, Provence and Occitanie - are one thing, and Norman, Brittany and central regions countries. And it’s very difficult to see all this within one tour of France! Each region is so unique and gives so many new emotions and impressions that any traveler wants to stay here longer. We will help you choose from this variety exactly those tours that will be most interesting to you.

Climate of France also varies significantly by region. In the central regions it is sea, moderate and quite mild, which allows you to comfortably travel around the country almost all year round. Southern regions Mediterranean Sea are located in the subtropical zone. In the eastern regions of France the climate is continental. In January average temperature: 1-8°C, July average temperature: 17-24°C;

The most favorable time to visit Paris is May and September-October, the Riviera is September. Mountainous areas have their own microclimate, characteristic of high-altitude areas. The best months to visit Corsica are May to June and September to October.

Capital: Paris

Time: Time in France is 2 hours behind Moscow

Currency: National currency is Euro

Official language: The main language of communication is French, but throughout France it is possible to communicate in English language. In addition, German is spoken in Alsace, and different provinces have their own dialects of French.

Tour operator in France KMP Group offers not only excursion tours, but also wine and wedding tours, with visits to ancient castle hotels, holidays on the beaches of the Cote d'Azur and much more.

Popular resorts

France is one of the first countries that people dream of as a travel destination. Holidays in France mean magnificent palaces, museums where the originals of the greatest works of art are stored, and streets that are described in the works of classics, and with which the most important events of European and world history are associated. These are the most prestigious ski resorts, and first-class seaside resorts on Cote d'Azur, where the most rest influential people peace. Holidays in France are a combination of modern French luxury, the charm of small cozy restaurants with gourmet cuisine and the modest French province.

When purchasing tours to France, most tourists first go to Paris. Take a walk through the streets of Montmartre, try real French coffee, sit and savor the wine, praised by many connoisseurs. You will definitely meet lovers on the numerous stairs and bridges of Paris - believe me, it is impossible not to fall in love here. There are more than 200 museums here, including the Louvre, the Picasso and Rodin museums and the Paris Wine Museum. The heart of Paris is Notre Dame Cathedral, from which distances to other cities are measured.

When planning a trip to France, be sure to plan a visit Disneyland Paris is a whole world of exciting adventures that will delight your children. You can’t get around all the attractions of this legendary Disneyland in a whole day.

You can also choose the Moulin Rouge, Crazy Horse or Lido cabaret. Or admire the views of the capital of France from Eiffel Tower, and then have dinner at the famous restaurant “Altitude 95” (“58 Tour Eiffel”), from the windows of which a beautiful panorama of the Seine and Trocadéro Square opens.

Tours to France are in great demand among tourists, most tourist routes invariably pass through this country. We have developed for you the most interesting routes and excursions to all the significant attractions of Paris and other regions. Choose the most suitable tour for you and call - we will be happy to help you visit the most alluring and romantic country in the world!

“Southern Provinces” is fascinating and original excursion route, who will introduce you to southern part countries. The cities in the south of France, with their unique charm and ancient flavor, are not alike, and each one opens up some new facet on the path to understanding this amazing country.

Tours in the Southern Provinces of France

Tour date in 2020: on request

Paris, even being one of the most romantic cities the world - just a small fraction of what you need to see in France with your own eyes.

« Tours to the provinces of France"is a fascinating and unusual excursion route that will introduce you to the southern part of the country. The cities in the south of France, with their unique charm and ancient flavor, are not alike, and each one opens up some new facet on the path to understanding this amazing country.

The tour includes not only intense cultural program, but also tasting of famous varieties of French wines.

Tour route: Marseille - Toulouse - Montpellier - Nimes - Avignon - Marseille.

Tour duration: 8 days/7 nights.

Direct flight regular flight a/k "AirFrance" AF4317/AF4316, "Moscow - Marseille - Moscow".

Departures: Monday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday.

Tours in the Southern provinces of France - Marseille.

Tour program:

1st day

Arrival at Marseille airport. Transfer to the hotel in Marseille. Late check-in at the hotel.

2nd day

Breakfast in the hotel. Meeting with the guide in the hotel lobby. Transfer to the station. Transfer to Toulouse, 4 hours. Transfer to the hotel.

Afternoon: sightseeing tour of Toulouse, 2 hours.

3rd day

Breakfast in the hotel. Free time. Afternoon: transfer to the station. Moving
in Montpellier, 2 hours. Transfer to the hotel.

4th day

Sightseeing tour in the central part of Montpellier, duration of the excursion -
2 hours. Transfer to the station. Transfer to Nimes, 30 min. Afternoon: sightseeing tour of the historical center of Nimes, tour duration - 2 hours.

Tours in the provinces of France - Nimes.

5th day

Breakfast in the hotel.

Free time or an additional excursion to the ancient Roman Bridge of Gars, duration of the excursion is 4 hours (for an additional fee). Transfer to the station. Transfer to Avignon, 30 min. Afternoon: sightseeing tour of the historical center of Avignon, tour duration - 2 hours.

6th day

Breakfast in the hotel.

Visit to the Provençal market, tour duration - 2 hours. If desired, you can continue the tour with wine tasting at the tasting center Papal Palace, additional payment for guide and tasting - 40 euros + 6.50 euros/person. Afternoon: free time.

7th day

Breakfast in the hotel. Transfer to Marseille, 40 min. Transfer to the hotel. Sightseeing tour of the ancient part of the city, tour duration - 2 hours. Afternoon: free time, individual program.

8th day

Breakfast in the hotel. Free time, preparation for departure, vacating rooms, checking out of the hotel. Late transfer to the airport at 12:00. Departure.

Tours to the provinces of France - Marseille.

Tour cost per person in euros:

The tour price includes:

  • accommodation in a hotel of the selected category;
  • food - breakfasts;
  • excursions according to the program;
  • transfers "hotel - station - hotel" in Marseille, Montpellier, Nimes, Avignon, Toulouse;
  • train tickets along the entire route;
  • transfers “Marseille airport - hotel - Marseille airport”.

Another Paris

This was my first trip to France. Gray and miserable - that’s my impression of Paris! Either my friend tricked me and brought me to a place other than Paris, or the emigrants changed the city beyond recognition. Although how do I know what he was like before my arrival?! I know Paris from Hugo’s stories and from the film “Amelie”. The French women also turned out to be different from those in the films. Ordinary ones, not Catherine Deneuve.


I didn’t really see Paris; I didn’t go to the famous Moulin Rouge. We were taken to the provinces, the French track is boring and not brutal. There is no mystery in it, like ours, when you don’t know what awaits you. You drive too smoothly, you don’t feel the steering wheel. The idea came to do the Dakar here. Let them feel what real off-roading is like! The French are spoiled by good roads, quality wine and social benefits. We have developed immunity even to the apocalypse, so I glanced sarcastically at my guides.

We pass by French villages. Our guide says that the French themselves love the provinces, they are attached to their homes and neighbors. Oddly enough, he speaks of Paris casually, as if it were bustling and dirty city. I agree with him. But I’m silent, the guide is already looking sideways in my direction. He is infuriated by my impeccable English and godless pronunciation of merci, excusez moi.

After a 7 hour flight and disappointment in Paris, I want to send a friend. He deprived me of a Thai massage and an all inclusive hotel. Mark saves him. He is the owner of a winery with bottomless barrels of red and white wine. Red wine with medium rare steak was a great way to end the evening.

Morning in the village

Mornings in the French countryside are not like ours. There are no crowing roosters and, in principle, no living creatures. This makes me happy, no one wakes me up annoyingly. But I found it inconvenient to lie in bed when the owners were already working. They get up early. Mark rides a horse around 56 hectares of the farm - Domaine Sant-Anne. A car ride through a vineyard can ruin it. I join Mark and get on the wagon as his son talks about the family business.

Red, white and rosé, still, semi-sparkling and sparkling wines are produced under 60 different names, which vary in appearance from very dry to very sweet. Chenay Blanc grapes produce wines of four completely different types: dry, semi-sweet, sweet and sparkling. These are traditions that arose under the influence of the whims of the local climate. This grape variety has excess natural acidity and, if it receives enough sunlight, a high sugar content. But, from a viticultural point of view, the Loire Valley is considered a northern region, and wine producers must take into account late frosts, cold winds and changeable weather in the summer. In sunny years, winemakers strive to produce the most full-bodied wines from sweet and savory grapes, but in other cases they can only make semi-sweet or dry wines. Species diversity is at the heart of Loire winemakers' predicament, because you can't build a reputation on inconsistency. With the exception of wines such as the best Savenniere, dry Chenay blanc wines are too often bodyless, coarse and sour. They by no means enhance the reputation of the Loire, but they are similar in characteristics to Champagne wines. And if still wines with such characteristics cause disappointment, then sparkling wines cause delight. It is not surprising that during the period of rapid development of the champagne trade in the 19th century. The production of sparkling wines began in Saumur. Today, the Loire enjoys the reputation of being the largest sparkling wine market outside of Champagne itself.

Spirit Hunter of Louis

My friend clearly liked it in France. What does free wine and pretty French women do! I was still thinking about a Thai massage and an ocean holiday until Mark suggested going to Chateau de Chambord. This is the kings' hunting lodge, where I suspect they took their girlfriends. Previously, tokalkas also bought houses with servants, holding dinner parties in castles, while the legal wife decided the fate of the people in Versailles. I was more interested in the legends about local ghosts. I don’t believe in them, but the French are sure that they are found here. Actually, that's why I went to Louis's hunting lodge. Now these same hunting lodges are being bought by our oligarchs.

I fell behind the guide and turned on my headphones for Russian-speaking tourists. Long introduction aside, the history of Chambord is interesting.

Chateau de Chambord is a citadel of medieval architecture. It was built by order of King Francis I in 1519 and served as a hunting lodge. King Francis spared no expense in building the castle; he was not embarrassed by his debt to Spain. He devoted all his efforts to engineers and workers to build his “house.” Moreover, he raised taxes on the church and forced his subjects to melt silver. The design of the building was developed by the Italian architect Domenico da Cortona, but they also say that Leonardo da Vinci had a hand in the work. It was he who suggested the elements for finishing the building. Leonardo da Vinci also designed the staircase in the castle. The central ladder is made with double spiral winding. There are a total of 77 staircases in the castle. They say that Francis specifically ordered the construction of many stairs so that his favorites would not collide with each other. Beautiful Constantinople with its many columns served as inspiration for the creation of the Chateau de Chambord.

Stinky cheese or fries

After a long excursion, I was attacked by a glutton. The French women who were leaving the castle helped me find the cafe. They turned out to be atypical Europeans; they knew where Kazakhstan and Astana were. The feeling of pride gave way to a moment of anger after the mention of Borat. They apparently expected me to wash my hands in the toilet, but I decided to disappoint them and behaved like an English dandy. In the cafe we ​​ordered oysters, I read somewhere that they have a positive effect on potency. I don’t know about the health benefits, but the taste is a nightmare! Nothing beats horse meat, oysters and frog legs! Send the brie cheese there, smelling like bachelor socks.


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