Near which continent are the Galapagos Islands located? Galapagos: “Enchanted Turtle Islands. Galapagos or elephant tortoise

When the Galapagos Islands are mentioned, many people think of Charles Darwin, who trip around the world on the Beagle and the pirates who were hiding in these parts from the Spaniards and the British.

Some will talk about unparalleled diving, while others will object that there are a lot of sharks in the Galapagos and it is better not to dive here.

We will tell you some informative facts about this resort, introduce you to photographs and reviews experienced tourists, we’ll tell you how to get here and lift the veil of secrecy regarding prices for tours and vouchers.

Where are the islands

19 islands form the archipelago we know as Galapagos Islands.

These picturesque pieces of sushi are located in Pacific Ocean at a distance of 972 kilometers from the coast.

Relative to Ecuador, the islands are located in the west.

Most of the province is national park, and the waters washing it are a marine reserve.

The archipelago is one of the provinces of Ecuador and consists mainly of volcanic islets.

Not many people live here - about 25 thousand, with the majority of residents concentrated on Santa Cruz, where the city of Puerto Ayora is built - the main tourist centre Galapagos.

But the capital of the archipelago is located on another island, San Cristobal, and bears the poetic name Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. Actually, this is what it is administrative heart islands.

The Galapagos has been called a “laboratory of evolution.”

In addition, there is an airport where your plane heading from Quito will land.

We list the key islands included in the archipelago:

  1. Isabela. The largest island of the Galapagos, pleasing to the eye:
    • numerous lagoons,
    • Urbina Bay (home to local iguanas, giant turtles and even penguins),
    • mangroves,
    • the highest volcano in the region, bearing the formidable name Wolf.
  2. Santa Cruz. Second large island groups.
    Here, as already written, is the town of Puerto Ayora, which boasts a good developed infrastructure. Scientists working at the Darwin Research Station live nearby.
  3. Fernandina. To get here, you need to sail to the western sector of the archipelago.
    Among the attractions are the world's largest colony of iguanas, Punta Espinosa, and the La Cumbre volcano.
  4. San Cristobal. The island is not the largest, but it is a metropolitan one.
    This place is notable for its landscape versatility - each of the Galapagos natural areas is represented here to a small extent.
    A unique freshwater source is also located here - a lake that filled the El Junco crater.
    The uniqueness of the object is that the water here never runs out.
  5. Espanola. This medium-sized islet is located in the southern part of the archipelago. It is notable for the fact that waved albatrosses live here - they do not nest in other parts of the world.
  6. Santa Maria. Another southern island.
    Tourists flock here to admire the Devil's Crown - the most beautiful crater of a once erupting volcano. The object received its name because of the teeth protruding above sea level.
    The Bay of Sharks, which washes the coast of Punto Cormoran, is also very popular.

So, we found out that the Galapagos are located near Ecuador. But how to get there from Moscow?

People get to these islands in three ways:

  1. On a cruise ship;
  2. On a personal yacht;
  3. By plane.

The first two methods are not suitable for all representatives of the middle class, so we will take a closer look at the third.

In the Galapagos you can easily get sunburned in a matter of hours, as there is very high level solar radiation.
To avoid spoiling your vacation, you should use sunscreen and wear hats.
This is especially true between December and April.

First, you need to purchase a flight ticket to Quito, the capital of Ecuador. The backup option is to fly through Guayaquil. From these two cities you can easily get to the Galapagos in the same way - by air.

Domestic flights are operated by two local companies - Ikar and Tame.

Airports are built on two islands - Baltra and San Cristobal. The flight time from Guayaquil will be one and a half hours, from Quito - all three.

If you still decide to travel through Baltra, be aware that this island is not inhabited. You will have to take a ferry ticket and go to Santa Cruz. There is a regular bus service to the pier.

Galapagos on the world map

On a world map, the archipelago appears as a tiny scattering of specks. You can’t immediately distinguish an individual island, let alone the rocks and reefs, of which there are more than a hundred in the local water area.

Islands in the photo

Panoramas of individual corners of the archipelago are invariably picturesque and attract the attention of Europeans.

The photo shows the Galapagos as the purest blue lagoons, rock ledges and snow-white sand.

Island landscape
Relax on Galapagos Beach
Island fauna

Beautiful Galapagos
Undersea world
Galapagos tortoises
Holidays in San Cristobal

Holidays on the archipelago

The entire tourist cycle is centered around Isabela and Santa Cruz.

Most travelers prefer to stay in Puerto Ayora, since the infrastructure here is best suited for tourism needs.

The best places to stay are concentrated on the coast, and they cost accordingly. If you are planning budget holiday— book a room in city hotels.

Let us mention the hotels of the Galapagos Islands that are accessible to the average traveler:

  • Hotel Fiesta. Three star hotel in Puerto Ayora.
    • solarium,
    • restaurant,
    • banqueting hall,
    • conference room,
    • playroom for children,
    • pool,
    • laundry.
  • Hotel La Laguna Galapagos. Localized in Puerto Villamil. Three Stars. Transfer to the hotel is paid. Eat:
    • restaurant,
    • hydromassage,
    • laundry.
  • Bay Suites Hotel. Cubby, which can shine with four stars. At your service:
    • laundry,
    • restaurant,
    • outdoor pool.
  • Bay House. No stars. But it's cheap and cheerful. Bonus: hydromassage.
  • Hotel Albemarle. The hotel's features include:
    • restaurant,
    • room service (lunch),
    • outdoor pool,
    • cycling,
    • laundry,
    • availability of fax.
  • Hostal Sula Sula. Nice little hostel in Puerto Villamil. Equipped with laundry facilities. You can stay with friends.


Among divers, the most popular areas are the area around Wolf and Darwin Islands. Mostly experienced people, experienced in the field of diving, flock here.

Wolfe boasts observation centers where you can photograph hammerhead sharks up close.

Rocos Gordon on Santa Cruz is one of the most respected Ecuadorian dive centers. In the Galapagos Islands, this organization controls diving in the central areas.

The heart of the Galapagos is a true diver's paradise for a number of reasons:

  • depth;
  • ocean currents;
  • whirlpools;
  • large sea creatures.

Kaznz is another iconic dive site. We are talking about a reef, which can be reached if you sail a little north of Santiago.

When visiting the archipelago, do not forget to buy souvenir coins as souvenirs - they are very beautiful here and are highly valued by collectors.


The Galapagos Islands are located on the equator, so the weather here undergoes minor changes.

The average annual air temperature remains at +23°C.

There are only two seasons here - the dry season and the summer season.

Galapagos summer occurs from December to May. At this time it is quite hot here (+31°C). Warm water: +25°C. Near the Darwin and Wolf Islands, the ocean temperature reaches +28°C.

December is a rainy and foggy month. Fogs form in mountainous areas and slowly cover the lowlands.

The water temperature ranges from +16°C to +23°C.

Do not neglect a hat and sunscreen - you can quickly get sunburned in the Galapagos.

Almost the entire territory of the archipelago is under protection, so tourists should strictly follow the rules for visiting national parks:

  1. Walk only on permitted trails and accompanied by a guide from the park service;
  2. Perform actions that can harm wildlife:
    • make fires,
    • make loud noises.

Tour prices

It's time to find out about the cost of travel.

We will try to cover not only trips and tours, but also some of the expenses that an independent tourist will encounter.

So, what is the price of a holiday in the Galapagos Islands?

  • Sea cruise- 2700-6000 dollars.
  • Tours to Galapagos- 2500-6000 dollars.
  • Tour (with a guide who knows Russian)- 3800-5800 dollars.

Tours from Moscow are in the same price range.

In addition to the prices indicated here, you will have to pay:

  • mandatory fee for entering the reserve ($100);
  • medical insurance (it may be included in the price of the trip).

The insurance will take one and a half dollars out of your pocket per day.

Boats regularly run between the islands, a ticket for which will cost you 25-30 greenbacks.

Prices group excursions fluctuate between 80-150 bucks.

Cruise prices local significance differ significantly depending on:

Allow yourself to be happy these days.
Do you want to see the ruins ancient civilization Incas, the price of tours to Machu Picchu will pleasantly surprise you.

A few words about local prices:

  • expensive hotels - $100-200 (night);
  • cheap housing - up to $50;
  • lunch at cheap cafe — $4-5;
  • bread - $0.8-1.1;
  • apples - $1;
  • potatoes - $2-2.5;
  • milk - $0.75-0.9;
  • mineral water - $0.9-1.2;
  • wine (middle class) - $8-14 per bottle;
  • beer - $0.7-1;
  • oranges - $0.8;
  • cheese - $4.5-5/5.

Galapagos on video

Many people, tired of the noise and bustle of cities, dream of “getting lost” on an island in the ocean for a while. This video will show you how to turn your dream into reality.

It is not surprising that the Galapagos Islands are so interesting to explore, because they are home to many unique species of flora and fauna, some of which are on the verge of extinction. The archipelago belongs to the territory of Ecuador and is its separate province. Today, all the islands and the surrounding rocks have been turned into a national park, where crowds of tourists come every year.

Where did the name Galapagos Islands come from?

Galapagos is a species of tortoise that lives on the islands, which is why the archipelago is named after them. These clusters of land masses are also simply called the Galapagos, Turtle Islands or Colon Archipelago. Also, this territory was previously called the Enchanted Islands, since it was difficult to land on land. Numerous currents made navigation difficult, so not everyone was able to reach the shores.

The first approximate map of these places was made by a pirate, which is why all the names of the islands were given in honor of the pirates or the people who helped them. They were later renamed, but some residents continue to use the old versions. Even the map shows names from different eras.

Geographical features

The archipelago consists of 19 islands, 13 of them are of volcanic origin. It also includes 107 rocks protruding above the surface of the water and washed-up areas of land. By looking at the map, you can understand where the islands are located. The largest of them, Isabela, is also the youngest. There is active volcanoes, so the island is still subject to changes due to emissions and eruptions, the last one occurred in 2005.

Despite the fact that Galapagos is an equatorial archipelago, the climate here is not at all sultry. The reason lies in the cold current washing the shores. This can cause the water temperature to drop below 20 degrees. The annual average falls in the range of 23-24 degrees. It is worth mentioning that water is a big problem in the Galapagos Islands, since there are almost no sources of fresh water.

Exploration of the islands and their inhabitants

Since the discovery of the islands in March 1535, no one has been particularly interested in the world wildlife this area until Charles Darwin and his expedition began exploring the Colon Archipelago. Before this, the islands were a haven for pirates, although they were considered a colony of Spain. Later the question arose about who owns tropical islands, and in 1832 Galapagos officially became part of Ecuador, and Puerto Baquerizo Moreno was appointed the capital of the province.

Darwin spent many years on the islands studying the diversity of finch species. It was here that he developed the foundations of the future evolutionary theory. Animal world on the Turtle Islands is so rich and different from the fauna in other parts of the world that it could have been studied for decades, but after Darwin no one did this, although Galapagos was recognized as a unique place.

During WWII, the United States set up a military base, at the end of hostilities, the islands were turned into a haven for convicts. Only in 1936 the archipelago was given the status National Park, after which they began to pay more attention to the protection natural resources. True, some species by that time were already on the verge of extinction, which is described in detail in documentary film about the islands.

Due to specific climatic conditions and the peculiarities of the formation of the islands, there are a lot of birds, mammals, fish, as well as plants that are not found anywhere else. The largest animal living in this territory is the Galapagos sea lion, but giant turtles, gannets, sea lizards, flamingos, and penguins are of greater interest.

Tourist centers

When planning a trip, tourists want to know how to get to an amazing place. There are two popular ways to choose: on a cruise or by plane. There are two airports in the Colon archipelago, but most often land in Baltra. This is a small island north of Santa Cruz, where Ecuador's official military bases are now located. From here it is easy to reach most of the islands popular with tourists.

Photos from the Galapagos Islands are impressive, because there are amazing beauty beaches. You can spend the whole day in the blue lagoon, enjoying the tropical sun without the sweltering heat. Many people prefer to go diving because the seabed is rich in color due to the volcanic lava that hardens in the coastal area.

In addition, some species of animals will happily swirl in the whirlpool with scuba divers, since here they are already accustomed to people. But sharks live near the islands, so you should inquire in advance whether diving is allowed in the chosen place.

What country wouldn't be proud of this? amazing place, like Galapagos, considering that it is included in the list World Heritage. Landscapes are more reminiscent of pictures, since on each side they surprise with an abundance of colors. True, in order to preserve natural beauty and its inhabitants, one has to make a lot of effort, which is what the research center is doing.

Named after the species of aquatic turtle that lives here, the Galapagos Islands are located in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, almost 1,000 km west of mainland Ecuador. The archipelago of volcanic origin (by the way, very recent by geological standards) consists of 13 large islands and 6 smaller islands, and let Wikipedia count the smallest details. We are interested in his main in terms of tourism islands, all as one - with Caribbean-Spanish names that excite the traveler's imagination: Isabela, Santa Cruz, Fernandina, San Salvador, Santa Maria and Hispaniola.


Isabela (Albemarle) is the largest island of the archipelago. It is decorated with many picturesque lagoons, inhabited by flamingos, pelicans, frigates, hawks, cormorants and penguins, and the coastal waters abound with sharks, killer whales and other marine life.

Attractions: Urbina Bay - large colorful iguanas, penguins and the largest colony of giant turtles live there, the town of Punta Morena impresses with the diversity of flora in the mangroves, Wolf Volcano - the highest point of the Galapagos Islands, Sierra Negra Volcano - one of the largest craters in world (diameter 10 km.)

Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz (Indefatigable) is the second largest and most populous island of the archipelago. It is here that the largest city in the Galapagos is located - Puerto Ayora, which is a tourist center with a well-developed infrastructure (which of this region- rarity). Sights: scientific research station named after. Charles Darwin (its most important task is to control the reproduction of turtles, of which there are 11 species on the island), twin craters located in one of the most high points islands (in the space between the craters unusual vegetation grows and many rare species of birds live). In addition, the island’s numerous bays are interesting, each of which is unique in its own way.


Fernandina (Narborough) is the third largest island, located in the westernmost part of the archipelago. Interesting places islands - La Cumbre volcano, Punta Espinosa (the world's largest colony of marine iguanas, as well as pelicans and flightless cormorants), Urbina Bay is famous for its beautiful coral reef, and Elizabeth Bay is home to penguins and pelicans.

Nature of the Galapagos Islands

San Salvador

San Salvador (Santiago, James) - small island, all coastal zone which consists of black rocks of volcanic origin. The capital of the archipelago, Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, and the airport are located on the island of San Cristobal (Chatham). All the vegetation zones of the Galapagos are represented here - from low-growing desert to luxurious pampa, in addition, this the only island in the archipelago, on which there is an inexhaustible source of fresh water (a lake in the crater of the El Junco volcano). The island is home to giant turtles, fur seals, gannets and frigate birds. And in the town of Punta Pitt there are beaches ideal for snorkeling, diving or just swimming.

Santa Maria

Santa Maria (Floreana, Charles) is an island located in the southern part of the archipelago. Its main attraction is the Devil's Crown crater extinct volcano, divided into three prongs and partially submerged in water. The surrounding area of ​​the crater is ideal for diving. In addition, in the coastal waters of the island there are sperm whales, killer whales and dolphins, and in the Gulf of Sharks, which washes the shores of the town of Punto Cormoran, there are both relatively harmless reef sharks and whale sharks. Turtles lay their eggs in the white sands of this beach from December to May, and pink flamingos and a variety of water and land birds live here.


Hispaniola (Hood) is a medium-sized island in the south of the archipelago. This the only place in a world where wavy albatrosses nest. The local beaches are favored by sea lions, seals, iguanas and mockingbirds.

How to get there

From Quito, you can get to the Galapagos Islands using Aerolineas Galapagos flights with a landing in Guayaquil. The flight duration from Quito to the Galapagos is 3 hours, from Guayaquil to the Galapagos - 1.5 hours.

Search for flights to Quito (the closest airport to the Galapagos Islands)

Weather in the Galapagos Islands

The weather in the Galapagos Islands is determined by the nature of ocean currents and winds. There are two main seasons: the rainy season (December-April) and the dry season (July-October). From December to June it is hottest; from July to November the temperature drops slightly. Average annual temperature stays around +24 °C.

Life on the Galapagos Islands

National Parks of the Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands National Park is the first and most big park Ecuador. The main inhabitants of this unique place- giant tortoises, gannets, cormorans, albatrosses and marine iguanas.

Currently, about 90% of the archipelago is protected, so tourists must adhere to strict visiting rules. Firstly, you should only walk on permitted trails (there are a total of 62 permitted sites and trails between them). Secondly, all visitors must be accompanied by a guide from the park service. It is also prohibited to perform any actions that could harm wildlife, from loud sounds to lighting fires.

Paid (currently the cost is about 100 USD for adults and 50 USD for children). Payment is made only on the spot, directly upon arrival in the Galapagos, and only in cash. Prices on the page are for April 2019.

The Galapagos Islands (Galapagos) are a volcanic archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. The Galapagos consists of 13 large islands, 6 small islands and 107 rocks and alluvial areas. Thanks to volcanic activity the emergence of new islands and changes in the boundaries of old ones continues until their time. The islands are located directly on the equator at a distance of 900-1000 km from the coast of Ecuador. .

The equator line divides the archipelago into unequal parts: to the north of the equator there are small islands of rock, and in the southern part all the main large islands archipelago. Between these parts there is not only a virtual border, but also a real deep trench under water

The major islands of the Galapagos archipelago are:

1) Isabela is the largest island in the southwestern part of the archipelago

The island is famous for the Wolf Volcano and Urbina Bay - where you can see turtles, penguins and iguanas.

2) San Cristobal is the island on which the capital of the Galapagos Islands is located. The capital is named Puerto Baquerizo Moreno in honor of the President of Ecuador, who ruled in the 60s of the last century. This is very Small town- population about 7 thousand.

San Cristobal also has a source of drinking water - a lake in the crater of a volcano; it must be said that all other islands are experiencing a shortage of water

3) Santa Cruz is the focus of tourism in the Galapagos; the most Big City Puerto Ayora archipelago and Darwin Research Station.

Galapagos airports are located on the Baltre Islands and on the capital San Cristobal. The airport on Baltra serves those arriving on the island of Santa Cruz, and from Baltra you need to get to the island by ferry.

Do you need a visa to travel to the Galapagos?

The Galapagos Islands belong to Ecuador. Residents of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine can travel around the Galapagos and the rest of the country without visas for 90 days, the main thing is to have a foreign passport valid for at least six months from the date of entry. However, at the archipelago airport you will need to pay a special tourist tax of 100 US dollars (this is the national currency in Ecuador).

How to get to Galapagos

Getting to the Galapagos Islands from Russia will require at least two (usually three) transfers. You can only fly to the archipelago, and from one single city - Guayaquil, and the plane to this city, in turn, flies from the capital of Ecuador - Quito, Miami and Bogota. To transfer to Miami you need an American visa.

You can also get there by yacht, or cruise ships, but not many tourists can afford this method

The flight from Quito with a stopover in Guayaquil lasts at least 3.5 hours. Airline website


The climate on the Galapagos Islands is two-season: the dry and cool season lasts from June to November. During these months, the temperature at night is +19-20, and during the day 24-26 degrees and the warm rainy season - from December to May the temperature at night is +25 during the day - 30-32. Despite the high probability of tropical rainfall, the Galapagos is usually visited from December to May.

The rainiest months are February, March, April.

The rather cool weather in the Galapagos is due to a cold current called the Peruvian. Because of this, the water temperature is somewhat lower than what would be expected in equatorial waters. From July to December 22-23 degrees, from January to June from 24 to 28 degrees.

Why go to the Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands are a nature reserve. Therefore they are not suitable for beach holiday: there is no expensive hotels, embankments and resort entertainment. People come here to experience amazing local nature, as well as for scuba diving/snorkeling or surfing.
The untouched nature of the Galapagos is strictly protected. Animals, birds, insects, plants, seeds and even food (fruits, vegetables) cannot be brought into the islands. You cannot export the same things from there, including shells found on the shore - this is a criminal offense. Some islands can only be navigated with guides; most islands will only have to be walked by guides. hiking trails. Naturally, local animals cannot be fed, stroked or frightened, or in general approached closer than 2 m.
There are public boats going from island to island, all of them based on Santa Cruz, so even if you don't want to stop on this island, you won't be able to get around it. The schedule of public boats is not very convenient and getting on some reserved corners It won't work with their help. You can, of course, buy one-day sightseeing tours, but they are not cheap at all, so the best option for traveling around the Galapagos is cruises. True, as a cruise participant, you will be tied to a group and a strict program common to everyone, so you will not be able to unite with nature.

Animals of the Galapagos Islands

The main attractions of the Galapagos Islands are the animals and birds that live on them. We should not forget that it is to the fauna of the archipelago that we owe the emergence of the theory of evolution.
Most famous resident Galapagos - elephant turtle, the largest land turtle in the world (weighing up to 400 kg and up to 1.8 m long). It was she who gave the name to the islands, since “galapago” in Spanish means turtle. The species is endangered: out of 15 subspecies, 10 remain today, the last representative of the 11th, the famous Lonesome George, died in 2012 at the Darwin Research Station on St. Croix.

Also endemic to the Galapagos are the marine iguana, the common conolophus (another iguana) and the Galapagos sea lion.

Of particular interest (mainly scientific) are the 13 species of Galapagos finches - a visual aid to Darwin's theory. All of these species originated from a single continental ancestor, but differentiated over time to occupy different niches in food chains.
In the Galapagos you can also meet the charming blue-footed booby; its bright azure paws will not leave anyone indifferent. The Galapagos penguin, buzzard and cormorant also live here.

Diving in the Galapagos

All the islands of the Galapagos are loved by divers.

The best dives for little ones are considered northern islands Woolf and Darwin.

Video diving off Darwin Island


Galapagos coins with animal images are a wonderful souvenir


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