Water parks in Finland near the border, swimming pools and spas. Water parks in Finland near the border, swimming pools and spas Water park in Savonlinna Finland

Savonlinna from A to Z: map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and reviews about Savonlinna.

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Savonlinna is sometimes called the “Finnish Venice”. This is due to the fact that slightly less than half of its entire territory is occupied by rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. They are connected by bridges, you can take ferries along the rivers, and one of the most beautiful places in the city there is the Punkaharju ridge. This is unique a natural phenomenon has remained here since the Ice Age: 7 km of a narrow strip of land covered with spruce forest, on both sides of which there are clean and very beautiful lakes.

When a hotel with a bathhouse was first opened in Savonlinna, wealthy St. Petersburg residents began to come here. Today a lot has been built here budget hotels, and you don’t have to be very rich to see the ancient Olavinlinna castle, stave churches and beautiful nature of this Finnish city.

How to get to Savonlinna

The easiest way to get to Savonlinna is from St. Petersburg via Helsinki, since communications between the two cities are very well established.

From the Helsinki-Vantaa air hub to the railway station of the Finnish capital, trains run every 30 minutes and buses every 20 minutes; the journey takes half an hour. Train ticket prices: 35-51 EUR, bus tickets: 49-75 EUR. A taxi ride will cost 60-110 EUR. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

An alternative way is to take a cruise ferry to Helsinki. The ship sails several times a week, tickets cost from 65 EUR.

Search for flights to Helsinki (the nearest airport to Savonlinna)

By bus

There is a regular bus service between St. Petersburg and Savonlinna. Several carriers offer services: Sapsantrans (office site), BusToFinland (office site), Eurocar (office site), many even pick up passengers at their addresses. In some cases, transport is sent only if the number of passengers is more than 4; it is often necessary to make a reservation. Travel time is 5 hours, ticket prices start from 44 EUR.

Travel agencies organize 1-2-day trips with visits to attractions along the way, shops and a boat trip.

There are also buses from Helsinki to Savonlinna. Direct flights are offered by the carriers Onni Bus (office site in English) and Savonlinja (office site in English). Travel time is 4-5 hours, tickets start from 12.70 EUR.

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By train

There is no direct train connection between St. Petersburg and Savonlinna. Direct trains depart from the Finlyandsky and Ladozhsky railway stations several times a day to Helsinki (the journey takes 27 hours, tickets start from 70 EUR). In the Finnish capital it will be possible to buy a ticket for a train going to a place with a transfer in Parikkala. All transportation is carried out by Finnish Railways (office site in English). The total travel time is the same 5 hours.

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A little history

The history of Savonlinna, the oldest settlement in Finland, is closely connected with the history of another fortress - Olavinlinna, founded by the Swedes in 1475. In 1534, the walls of the structure were renewed and the fortifications were strengthened, and it became the center of the province of Savo. In 1639, Savonlinna received the status of a city, followed by wars, dramatic sieges, changes of rulers, and in 1811 annexation to Finland.

Since 1475, the Olavinlinna fortress has stood in the city. In the old days, it served as a Swedish border outpost. Its powerful walls have seen a lot; they look very stern and mysterious. This did not prevent the fortress from occupying an important place in cultural life Finland: since 1912, it has held annual international opera festivals, bringing together participants from different countries Europe.

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Savonlinna Hotels

Savonlinna hosts a large number of hotels of different categories: from simple rural cottages to five-star complexes, apartments and bed and breakfasts are also available. You can stay in the city itself or in the surrounding area.

Standard Double Room V family hotel Lomamokkila 4* costs from 75 EUR. A room in the budget Summer Hotel Vuorilinna 2* will cost at least 65 EUR in the warm season (this option is often chosen by students). If you try, you can find a small wooden house by the lake for 45-50 EUR per day, designed for 5-6 people.

The shops

People come to Savonlinna not only to relax in the lap of nature or go sightseeing - travelers from Russia and throughout Scandinavia have long appreciated the assortment in local stores.

For Finnish-made clothing, you should go to the Sokos and Seppala chains; gourmet meat delicacies and cheeses (both Finnish and foreign) are presented in large quantities in the Akselinpoika farm supermarket, for low prices and excellent quality you need to go to the German Lidl, where they sell food, electronics, household goods and toys.

An excellent, albeit short-lived reminder of the trip will be the sweet and salty delicacy “Salmiakki”, Lapponia wild berry liqueurs and delicious fish products, which are prepared with special skill in Finland.

It is also worth checking out the Taitoshop souvenir shop (address: Puistokatu 7), located in a building dating back to 1895.

Entertainment and attractions in Savonlinna

Despite small sizes Savonlinna has something to offer even bored tourists. The town looks like the whole of Northern Europe in miniature: here and old castle, and cathedrals, and cobbled streets, and wooden city houses.

The city Dome Cathedral (Pappilankatu, 8) was badly damaged during the war; in the 90s of the last century it was repaired, restored and equipped with a new 45-voice organ. From June 6 to August 21, the cathedral is open to the public daily from 11:00 to 19:00, and at other times of the year - during services, which take place on Sundays at 10:00, and during church music concerts, which are held on Wednesdays At 12:00.

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Linnacatu street

The role of a tourist promenade in Savonlinna is played by Linnakatu Street. In the 18th century, it was central to the city; houses built in the 19th century have been preserved on it, which allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of former life, and numerous boutiques of famous brands, cozy cafes and souvenir shops remind you that this is the 21st century with its problems, rules and traditions.

On the same street there are several exhibition halls offering to get acquainted with the creations of modern Finnish designers, usually somewhat original, but considered throughout the world as an example of functionality and a modern approach to the art of design.

The two most notable buildings on the street are house number 27, the oldest wooden building in the city (1820), and house number 32, the first stone structure, 1910.

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To add summer excitement to the rather harsh climate of this region, you can visit the Kesämaa water park.

Savonlinna Fortress

The fortress and its two museums, which have an extensive collection of weapons and art treasures, are open to the public all year round (office site). It is interesting that some premises of the fortress are rented out for holding meetings and symposiums, and it is quite funny to see in the ancient halls presentations of projects and works devoted to modern problems in the development of information and communication technologies, the use of the latest methods of processing raw materials or the creation of new ones Vehicle. Entrance: 10 EUR, children from 7 to 17 years old - 5 EUR, under 7 years old - free.

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The doors of the city museums are also open to guests. First of all, this Museum of Local Lore and the Fishing Museum. Moreover, the first is located on the island of Riihisaari, in a building from 1852, which was originally used as a grain barn. Their collections contain many interesting documents and curious exhibits, which will help to better understand the peculiarities of life in the region. Another most interesting museum stores more than 2000 exhibits, and all of them are dolls. Unique porcelain beauties made back in the 18th century and modern long-legged plastic creatures are striking in their dissimilarity and suggest that there is something mysterious about the dolls.


Savonlinna area

A visit to the surrounding area of ​​Savonlinna will give you a more complete picture of life in this region of Finland. Tourists here will find not only amazingly beautiful coastal landscapes, but also a wide variety of natural and man-made attractions.

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Wooden church

20 km from Savonlinna stands the largest wooden church in the world, accommodating up to 3,000 people. It was built in 1847 and is still in use. The church can be visited daily from June to August, and in other months it is open by reservation for groups. Sunday Mass traditionally takes place on Sundays at 10:00.

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Linnansaari Park

Linnansaari Park is located 47 km from Savonlinna (office site in English). There are more than a hundred islands on its territory of 3,600 hectares. Many species of animals live here, and the pride of the park is the Saimaa seal, the population of which is only about 250 in the world. On the island of Linnansaari there are marked tourist routes and a campsite where you can pitch tents.

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Punkaharja Ridge

The Punkaharja ridge occupies a special place in the list of natural attractions of the region. It was formed during the Ice Age and is a narrow strip of land about 7 km long between two lakes - Puruvesi and Pihlajavesi. From the beginning of the 19th century, the ridge became a favorite vacation spot for the Finnish nobility and wealthy residents of St. Petersburg. Much water has passed under the bridge since then, many political events have passed, but interest in Punkhakarya is still great. Here, in addition to stunning landscapes that cannot be found anywhere else in the world, tourists will find marked routes and everything they need for accommodation and relaxation.

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Water park "Kesämaa"

And to add summer excitement to the rather harsh climate of this region, you can visit the Kesämaa water park. There are not only standard water attractions, but also artificial reservoirs for boat rowing, a swimming pool, cafes, and shops. The park is open from June 6 to June 18 daily from 12:00 to 17:00; from June 19 to August 1 daily from 10:00 to 17:00; from August 2 to August 15 daily from 12:00 to 17:00. Ticket price from 6 to 18 June and from 2 to 15 August: 16 EUR, and from 19 June to 1 August - 18 EUR. A family ticket costs 59 EUR, pensioners - 8 EUR, evening ticket (from 16:00 to 19:00) - 14 EUR. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Estate "Rauhalinna"

The literally “lace” mansion was built at the very beginning of the 20th century as a silver wedding gift. Tsarist army officer General Nils Beckmann gave it to his beloved wife Alma. Fairytale manor can be visited in the town of Lehtiniemi, which is 16 km from Savonlinna.

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Festival in Savonlinna

One of the key events in the city is the International Opera Festival, held on the territory of Olavinlinna (the first Swedish fortress) since 1912 every summer in July-August. Throughout the month, the best performers come to Savonlinna to delight the audience with their skills. The concerts feature Finnish works based on the folk epic "Kalevala", recognized masterpieces of world classics and works by little-known composers. Sometimes organizers delight the public with unexpected premieres.

Opera Festival in Savonlinna


The most best time for visiting the resort - June-August and all winter period from December to March, when the surrounding forests are covered with an even white cover. In the off-season it can rain continuously here, although even in such bleak weather there will be something to occupy yourself with. Sometimes in the first half of September there are several sunny and fairly warm days - at this time there is an opportunity to fully enjoy the beauty of the transparent surface of the lakes and the greenery of the forests that have not yet begun to fade.


Savonlinna is a small Finnish town located approximately four hours from Helsinki. This place is famous all over the world for its historical sights, amazing nature, captivating cleanliness of rivers and lakes, and luxurious forests. Water fills approximately forty percent of the entire city area, which explains Savonlinna’s second name – Finnish Venice. Parts of the city are connected by original bridges. Every year the city welcomes tens of thousands of guests from other countries.
So, where to start getting acquainted with Savonlinna?

Olavanlinna Fortress.

Once built back in the 15th century, the fortress was called Neishlott, that is, new fortress. However, later the building was renamed in honor of the famous patron of the knights - St. Olaf. The Swedes built the structure in order to repel attacks by Russian troops; its walls could withstand multiple assaults. Early 20th century famous fortress evolved into historical Museum, also often serves as a venue for opera concerts. It is here that the opera festivals held annually in Savonlinna thunder. Once in the castle, tourists can truly feel the spirit of the Middle Ages.

Savonlinna Fortress

Family holiday.

If you are in Savonlinna with children, you should definitely visit the Kösämaa water park with them, which is open only in summer, because it is located under open air. Here tourists are offered swimming in a huge heated pool and the opportunity to compete in golf on attractive, well-kept grounds.

Kesämaa Water Park

You should not ignore the amusement park called the Summer Land of Punkaharja. Here, children and adults have access to a racing track, more than 40 types of attractions, and an artificial lake that can be explored by boat. There are a lot of cafes in the park, as well as souvenir shops with an excellent selection of memorable gifts.


Savonlinna is famous for the beautiful lakes located on its territory. Fans active rest can rent cottages in Finland in order to go fishing to their heart's content, catching such varieties of fish as pike, lake salmon, taimen. If it happens in winter, you can try your hand at skiing.

For this you can choose, for example, cottage village Kuus Hukkala, welcoming guests all year round. On the territory of the village there is a restaurant with an excellent menu, a coastal sauna, a dance floor and, of course, a ski track, the length of which is three kilometers.
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Wonderful old City Savonlinna is located on the islands of the Saimaa water system. The main peninsula and the islands that make up the city are connected by many ferries and bridges, thanks to which the city received its second name - “Finnish Venice”. The unique location and many interesting attractions attract tourists from all over the world to Savonlinna.

Olavinlinna Fortress in Savonlinna. Photo: castlesworld.ru

Olavinlinna Fortress in Savonlinna

The Olavinlinna fortress was built by the Swedes to protect the borders back in the 15th century. More than one battle took place under its walls. It was in the possession of both Sweden, which included Finland, and in the possession of Russia. Each side introduced its own elements into the architecture of Olavinlinna, thanks to which the building received its own unique appearance. The famous Russian commander Alexander Suvorov, who led the fortification work in Olavinlinna in the 18th century, also had a hand in this.

However, Olavinlinna served not only military purposes, but also became an important trading point between the West and the East. In the 17th century, a small trading settlement grew up around the fortress, later called Savonlinna.

Among all the military fortifications Northern Europe, Olavinlinna has best preserved its architectural appearance. The fortress building houses the Fortress History Museum and the Orthodox Museum.

Monument to Saint Olaf

Since 1912, in the Olavinlinna fortress there has been a shrine to many Finns - the monument to St. Olaf, made from a 1500 kg slab of soapstone by the skilled Finnish sculptor Ville Wallgren. In his masterpiece, Wallgren depicted Olaf Haraldsson as a majestic ruler, wearing armor and wearing a traditional crown on his head. After his canonization, St. Olaf began to be considered the patron saint of sailors and merchants.

While walking around Savonlinna, be sure to walk along Linnankatu Street - the oldest street in the city, once founded by artisans of the Olavinlinna fortress. Already in the 19th century, Linnankatu ceased to be a residence of artisans and merchants and became the most prestigious district of Savonlinna. And the street Eerikinkatu that crosses it in those days was called the street of Paris.

Not far from the famous Olavinlinna fortress, on an island called Riihisaari, there is the Savonlinna Local History Museum. The building in which the museum is located was built in 1852 and served local residents pavilion for grain trade. Today you can see interesting exhibits here that tell about the history of Savonlinna and the region. Most of it is occupied by exhibitions dedicated to the history of crafts, in particular, navigation along the Saimaa. Next to the museum are the largest exhibits - the steamships Savonlinna, Mikko, Salama and Akhkera, which you can visit in the warm season.

Connoisseurs of cultural and architectural monuments will certainly appreciate the Dome Cathedral, built by the architect Dahlström in 1874 - 1878. A beautiful ancient building with a huge 51-meter dome attracts not only faithful parishioners, but also curious tourists. The capacity of the cathedral is one thousand people.

Unfortunately, the cathedral has not completely preserved its original appearance. It was significantly damaged during the Winter War, after which it underwent two restorations - in 1947 and in 1990-1991. During the last restoration, a 45-voice organ was installed in the cathedral.

A traveler can get to know Finnish culture and life of the 19th century better in the village of the same name, located near Kuhmo.

The village itself is furnished in the ethnographic style of that time. Here a tourist can learn about the main activities that fed the Finns two centuries ago - hunting, fishing and, of course, resin mining.

Resin at that time was the main export product of the Finns - all of Europe used Finnish resin for shipbuilding. They mined it in the following way: they covered large pits with turf and burned logs in them. The resin flowed from there into the barrels through special gutters. When the boka was full, it was corked and sent for sale.

In the village of Kalevala, theatrical performances based on the epic of the same name are regularly held. However, the village of Kalevala is famous not only for its ethnographic value - it also contains summer residence the legendary Jolopukki - Finnish Santa Claus. In the warm season, Jolopukki with his entire retinue of good gnomes moves from Lapland to Kalevala, where he delights tourists with theatrical performances.


30 kilometers from Savonlinna there is an amazing art center"Retretti." In addition to the fact that Retretti is the largest exhibition center in Scandinavia, it also has an unusual location - most of it is underground.

In a huge underground cave, decorated with artificial waterfalls and lakes, all kinds of light, shadow and sound effects, masterpieces of Finnish and foreign artists are presented. Exhibitions of contemporary art are held here under the slogan “From Matisse to Kandinsky.” There is also an underground concert hall with a capacity of 1000 people, which regularly hosts performances of the Savonlinna Opera Festival.

The most beautiful church in the area, Kerimäki, is located between the towns of Punkaharju and Savonlinna. The church building, with a capacity of 3 thousand people, was built in 1847 by the local Christian community.

This is true amazing monument architecture, surrounded on all sides by lakes of the Samaya water system. Today, the Kerimäki Church, together with its surroundings, is considered one of the most picturesque corners of our planet.

Tourists will be interested in Punkaharju unusual museum"Lusteau", entirely dedicated to the interactions between man and forest. The museum is located in an ancient building railway station, which now houses exhibitions on forestry, the conservation area and scientific research in Punkaharju. After getting acquainted with all the exhibits, visitors are invited to consolidate their impressions by visiting the small but cozy Finlandia cafe, located in a wooden villa behind the museum building.

Material on the topic

Overview of the most famous cities in Finland

Finland is famous for its culture, sights and lakes - and these are not all the reasons why travelers from different countries come here. Finland is the country with the most interesting cities which are a must see.

In the very center of Lake Haukivesi, which belongs to the Saimaa lake system, is located National Park Linnansaari dedicated to conservation natural conditions lake Finland. The pristine beauty of Finnish nature, rare animals on the verge of extinction and endless expanses of water will surprise and delight any tourist.

A rare endangered species of mammal, the Saimaa seal, lives here. Today there are no more than 300 of these animals throughout globe. The main population of these animals lives in lakes Jotenvesi, Haukivesi and Pihlajavesi near Savonlinna. You can also meet rare birds here – the white-backed woodpecker and the corncrake.

In 1990, Kolovesi National Nature Park was opened near Savonlinna, which became one of the attractions of Finland. The park territory includes the islands of Mäntusalo and Vaajasalo, covered with pine and birch forests, as well as adjacent rocky islands and ponds.

Most interesting route The four-hundred-kilometer “Green Gold” road runs through the park, on both sides of which stretches the picturesque forest of Southern Savonia. The route involves not only the picturesque landscapes of the Finnish forest, but also an acquaintance with the culture and history of the region, and inspection of various sights.

In the territory that is now part of the Kolovesi National Park, you can see ancient rock paintings made on steep cliffs Havukka, Vieruvuri and Ukonvuri more than five thousand years ago.

The outdoor water park Kösämaa in Punkaharju, also known as Summerland, offers fun for the whole family. Here you can ride seven different water slides, jump on a trampoline, try your hand at climbing obstacles or boat rowing, play mini golf and relax in the heated pool. There are also cozy cafes, children's rooms and shops.

Savonlinna has not only interesting sights, but also everything you need for an active and exciting holiday. Family tourists and lonely adventurers will definitely find entertainment to their liking at this resort. Those who prefer active outdoor activities can rent a boat or canoe to explore the local lakes and rivers.

  • Jet skis and boats are rented in this city by employees gas station"Neste oil." A rather unusual rental point is located 8 kilometers from the center of Savonlinna at the address: Mertajärventie, 2. For one day of using a jet ski, tourists will have to pay from 300 to 450 euros. This office is open every day. On weekdays you can come here from 6:00 to 22:00. On weekends, the working day starts at 8:00 and lasts until 21:00.

Tourists who cannot afford a jet ski should pay attention to a more budget-friendly one. water transport- rowing boat. A four-hour boat rental with a motor will cost only 30 euros. A small rowing boat will cost even cheaper - 20 euros for 4 hours. On such transport it is possible to arrange romantic trip through the “Finnish Venice” or do fishing. This is someone who is good at what. By the way, necessary set fisherman, consisting of a fishing rod, net and other small items, is also given for temporary use. The cost of daily rental of gear starts from 19 euros. Vacationers can obtain the necessary information about rental points of interest at Savonlinna Tourist Office. It is located on Puistokatu street 1. As for suitable place For fishing , then fishing from a boat and from the shore in the city is allowed in the Haapasalmi Strait. In the mornings, many local amateur fishermen concentrate near the water on the side of Puistokatu Street. By the way, in Savonlinna it is prohibited to fish from bridges, piers and out of season. In the specialized store "Turunen" you can purchase a map with designated fishing spots. Here, for 7 euros you can buy a license giving the right to fish on a specified day for 24 hours.

Lovers riding bicycles You might be interested in a two-wheeled ride through the country's first nature reserve - the amazing and original Punkaharju ridge. This fantastic seven-kilometer stretch of land is surrounded by cleanest lakes, has existed in the vicinity of the resort since the Ice Age. By renting a suitable bicycle for 8–10 euros/day, tourists can admire the fascinating landscapes of the ridge, images of which often adorn postcards and booklets about Finland.

Add variety to entertainment program Maybe pleasure cruise on Lake Saimaa . During a boat trip or a beautifully decorated steamship, travelers will be able to enjoy the beautiful lake scenery and views of Savonlinne from the water. The duration of such walks is usually one or one and a half hours. Ships depart from a small pier in the area of ​​Satamapuistonkatu Street. Tourists can pay for a short cruise right when boarding the boat. Having swam across the strait and lake, sea ​​transport will return passengers to the starting point.

A wonderful option for a fun family pastime can be a trip to Kesämaa water park . This is where tourists of any age will find a lot of pleasure and a boost of energy for several months ahead. It’s not for nothing that this place is also called “The Land of Summer”. On the territory of the water park, seven adults and children are expected water slides, heated swimming pool, artificial rowing pond, mini golf course and climbing obstacle course. While parents are relaxing in the large, warm pool, children can have a blast on the slides. When hungry, tourists should stop by one of the cozy cafeterias operating in the water park. During a break between fun water attractions Vacationers are invited to visit the sauna.

The Kesyamma water park is open only in summer period from early June to August. The park’s work schedule is adjusted monthly, which affects the cost entrance ticket. Typically, from the end of June to the first days of August, you can visit the park from 10:00 to 19:00. During this period, the price of an adult ticket for the whole day is 18 euros. You can also buy a ticket for a three-hour session - from 16:00 to 19:00, but it will cost only 4 euros cheaper. For tourists with children, the most suitable option is a family ticket for 59 euros, which gives the right to a day visit to the park for two adults and two children.

  • The open-air water park “Kesämaa” is located in Punkaharju at the address: Summer Road 2. Tourists can get here from Savonlinna by rented car in 25 minutes, by bicycle, spending about an hour and a half, or by taxi or bus.

And, of course, the main summer entertainment of this Finnish resort is considered International Opera Festival , held annually in the Olavinlinna fortress. For almost a whole month, the courtyard of the defensive castle is transformed into a full-fledged theater stage. During this time, from 4 to 6 competitive productions plus performances by invited opera troupes are presented to the audience and jury. So tourists who find themselves in Savonlinna during the festival can immerse themselves in the world of opera music and art. And even the fact that all performances are in the original language will not be an obstacle for most travelers. As a rule, during a performance at a specially established electronic scoreboard Subtitles are displayed in English, French, and sometimes even Russian.

Winter activities in Savonlinna will bring no less pleasure to tourists. In the vicinity of the resort there are excellent conditions for winter active recreation. Located nearby ski resorts aimed at beginners, children and unassuming skiers. In the city itself, the main attraction of the cold season is ice skating . From January to March, the city organizes real skating excursions on frozen areas, accompanied by a guide-instructor. This entertainment costs about 30 euros along with equipment.

Another winter fun is snowshoeing . You can enjoy such an active pastime right in the center of Savonlinna on the island of Onnellisten Saaret. Tourists can rent snowshoes directly at the hotel or at special rental points.


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