Open left menu Hawaiian Islands. Tickets to Hawaii, Hawaii how long to fly

The Hawaiian archipelago, the fiftieth state of the United States, is located in the central part Pacific Ocean and consists of 162 islands, only seven of which are inhabited. The islands have fantastic nature - palm trees and tropical flowers, wide beaches and consistently beautiful weather.

How to get to Hawaii

Hawaiian Islands - the largest transport node the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, through which pass the routes connecting the USA and Canada with the states East Asia, Philippines, Australia and New Zealand.

The most convenient way for Russian tourists to make regular flight to Los Angeles, then a domestic flight to Honolulu (~5 hours). If tourists are heading to the islands of Hawaii, Maui or Kauai, the flight is also to Los Angeles, then - domestic flight before the desired island with mandatory landing in Honolulu.

A flight from New York or Chicago will take 9-10 hours, you can also get there from Japan in about 7 hours, but this option is considered more expensive. American visa to visit Hawaii required: 160 USD. Prices on the page are as of September 2018.

You can also get to Hawaii cruise ship from the coast of the USA. Usually, ocean liners depart from Los Angeles (USA) or Vancouver (Canada), such a trip lasts three days and will cost you about the same money as a flight.

Search for flights to Honolulu (the closest airport to the Hawaiian Islands)

Weather in Hawaii

The climate on the islands is humid and tropical. From May to November, tropical cyclones bring precipitation, but these rains are not prolonged, sundial even during this period there remains a lot. There is no stifling heat on the islands.


One of the main advantages of Hawaii is its diversity. All islands are different in landscape and vegetation, each has its own characteristics. Let's say, on the island of Oahu - very developed tourism infrastructure, there are practically no “wild” places there. The island of Hawaii or Big Island is interesting for its Volcanoes National Park. And the island of Maui, thanks to strong winds, attracts windsurfers.


You can travel between the islands by ferries or planes of local airlines, which is expensive and not always convenient. Inside the islands - by taxi, rented car or regular buses. Car rental in Hawaii will cost from 55 USD/day.

Hotels and resorts

There are no all-inclusive hotels in Hawaii. Tourists have the choice of staying in a so-called resort - a large hotel with swimming pools, restaurants and parks on site, or renting an apartment during their arrival. Moreover, apartment complexes are not much inferior to hotels in terms of infrastructure - they are located near beaches, with swimming pools in picturesque corners. The cost of accommodation in an apartment or “resort” is approximately 150 USD per day.

Diving in Hawaii

The most popular island for diving is Maui. Colonies of corals grow in its coastal waters and are home to a lot of colorful fish and sea ​​turtles. Shallow water snorkeling is also available in the island's western and southern coastal waters. Southwest of Maui lies the microscopic crescent island of Molokini, thanks to its wealth underwater world received the status of a specially protected natural zone.

There are a lot of diving centers on Maui where you can get training and get a PADI certificate.


Hawaiian aborigines consider surfing a royal sport: for many centuries, only the local nobility had the right to carelessly cut through the crests of waves on a board (by the way, using special broom oars for better stability and maneuverability). Today, blue-blooded people are joined by crowds of surfers from all over the world: “board sport” is one of the most popular Hawaiian entertainments.

Popular surf beaches include: on the island of Hawaii - Pine Trees, Kahaluu and Banyans for beginners and Honolia for those who are confident on the board. On Kauai - Poipu Beach and Nahuiliuili Harbor on south coast islands, Tunnel's Beach and Ganaley Bay to the north. Oahu invites surfers to ride the waves around Waikiki Beach and ride the giant waves of Waimea Bay. You can “surf” on the island of Maui at Hookipa Beach or in Honolua Bay (the latter is for professionals, the waves there are rather big and treacherous).

Any of the listed surfing sites offer classes with instructors: both for beginners and for those who want to improve their skill level.

The Hawaiian Islands can safely be called one of the most amazing places on the planet. Here, on the coast of the endless ocean, every vacationer will enjoy the opening landscape, which seems to be specially created for contemplation with its soft sand, tall palm trees, and a variety of exotic birds, animals, fruits and flowers.

Hawaii is also called the Sandwich Islands. They include atolls and 24 islands, as well as many small islets. They are of volcanic origin, and got their name from the name of the large island- Hawaii.

People here do not live everywhere, but only in these places:

  • Hawaii.
  • Oahu.
  • Maui.
  • Kauai.
  • Molokai.
  • Lanai.

Origin of the islands

The formation of the archipelago occurred due to the movement of the lithospheric Pacific plate. Since it moved in a northwesterly direction, the islands in this part are the oldest and smallest due to long erosion. All the volcanoes here are basalt.

The youngest in the chain and big Island- Hawaii, which has 7 volcanoes. The largest of them is Mauna Loa. It is worth noting that Russians enjoy visiting the Canary, Seychelles, and Hawaiian islands. The island on the map (Hawaii) occupies the main area of ​​the resort. It is of volcanic origin and is part of the 8 islands that form the US state of Hawaii. This is the largest inhabited island - its total area is 10432.5 sq. km.

How to get to Hawaii

It is a major transport hub in the North Pacific region. It is crossed by routes that connect Canada and the United States with the Philippines, East Asian countries, New Zealand and Australia.

For domestic tourists who dream of going on vacation in Hawaii, the easiest way is to fly to Los Angeles, then to Honolulu. If tourists come to the islands of Kauai, Maui or Hawaii, the flight is also to Los Angeles, after which there is a flight to the desired island with a transfer to Honolulu.

The flight from Chicago or New York takes 9-10 hours, in addition, you can fly from Japan in 7 hours, but this option is more expensive.

You can also get here from the US coast by cruise ship. They mainly depart from Vancouver or Los Angeles, this trip lasts 3 days.

Flora and fauna of Hawaii

The Hawaiian Islands are home to a variety of ancient species of animals and plants, as their flora and fauna have evolved over seventy million years with little or no human intervention. The Polynesians were the first to come here, enriching the plant and animal world islands with different new designs. Forest areas began to decrease with the increase in population, the number of steppes began to increase, and this began to deteriorate the environment of the archipelago. Because of this human influence, most of the animals living in the forests became extinct.

On islands Agriculture became monocultural. Europeans who came to the Hawaiian Islands (a map of them is presented in this article) made agricultural production and livestock raising large-scale. But this also had a negative impact on the environment, as the rapid growth of cities led to the disappearance of forests. At the present moment the situation has changed, although it still remains on the verge of extinction. great amount species.

Attractions of the island of Oahu

Recently, the Hawaiian Islands have become increasingly popular among tourists. Tours, the prices of which depend on the time of year and in the high season average 120,000 for 10 days, many are interested in the opportunity to visit the island of Oahu, since this is where the capital of Hawaii, the city of Honolulu, is located.

Tourists are offered excursions around the city and the island. Of particular interest here are the Iolani Palace, China Town, the monument to Queen Liliokalani and King Kamehameha, the Senate, and the governor's residence. Of course, you need to visit Pearl Harbor, military base. The USA, after the destruction of this place, entered the 2nd World War. In retaliation for the complete destruction of this base, nuclear bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

There is also a jewelry factory here, where you can trace the process of creating amazing jewelry. If you want to keep something as a souvenir of this place, you can buy jewelry in a local store - there are interesting things made of different metals, precious stones, corals and pearls.

The island of Oahu is the center of Polynesian culture. You can start your vacation in Hawaii by visiting 7 villages - Tonga, Fiji, Tahiti, Hawaii, New Zealand, Marquesas Islands and Samoa. At the same time, each village reproduces its own part of the Polynesian culture, delighting visitors with various performances, fiery dances, and playing authentic musical instruments.

Rating of the five most visited attractions

Hawaii is paradise for every tourist, with an incredible number interesting places. Let's look at the sights of the islands that you need to visit.

1st place: Iolani Palace

This is the former residence of King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani, who reigned here in late XIX centuries. The building is located in the city of Honolulu. The Hawaiian monarch built his palace in 1882 after a trip to Europe. It was equipped with all modern amenities: it is believed that electricity and telephone were installed here earlier than in Buckingham Palace and the White House. This attraction is visited annually by about 60 thousand tourists.

2nd place: Haiku staircase

The 3,992 steps of the staircase lead to the top of Koolau, where the views are incredible. Due to the fact that its top is often hidden in the clouds, this trail is called the “stairway to heaven.” Tourists sometimes have to navigate through thick fog, which creates the illusion of walking in the sky.

3rd place: Akaka Falls

The 135-meter waterfall is the most beautiful and tallest waterfall in Hawaii. It falls from a volcanic rock whose height is 135 meters. The waterfall can be admired in the national park near the city of Hilo.

4th place: Waipio Valley

It is the largest of the seven valleys of Hawaii. It is also called the “Valley of the Kings”, as many of the island’s rulers once lived here. It was a very fertile valley with a climate favorable to agriculture. Its inhabitants, according to local beliefs, are protected by the spirits of their ancestors. The valley is so picturesque that it often becomes a location for filming Hollywood films: the films “Predator” and “Waterworld” were filmed here.

5th place: Kealakekua Bay

This marine reserve is located in historical place: in Kealakekua Bay in 1779, James Cook appeared, initially accepted by the Hawaiians for the god Lono, or rather, his earthly incarnation. Today it is the largest natural bay on the island. Its waters are well protected, with visibility of thirty meters. It makes a bay great place for snorkeling and scuba diving.

Volcanoes - natural attraction

A vacation to the Hawaiian Islands is impossible without a trip to extinct volcanoes, which is not surprising. At their core, these islands are volcanoes, long extinct or still active. Their peaks peek out from the sea, forming a chain 3000 km long.

To see the most active of them, Manua Loa and Kilauea, you should go to Hawaii. You need to know that Manua Loa is the highest in the world active volcano. Its height is more than 4000 m. The islands have all the conditions to view these “giants”. The extinct giants are simply striped with pedestrian paths; tourists are taken to them by buses.

Of course, on active volcanoes It's better to watch from afar. For this purpose there is observation decks and observatory. In addition, there is National Park volcanoes on the island of Hawaii. From here you can see Halemaumau Crater and Kilauea. Its visitors will see an amazing sight of seething hot lava flowing into the ocean.

Where to relax on the islands

The Hawaiian Islands, photos of which are presented in this article, being one of the most beautiful places on the planet, are amazing not only for the underwater world with all kinds of its inhabitants and unique nature. People come to this place to engage in various activities. water sports. Windsurfing, surfing, sailing, kiteboarding, etc. are especially popular here.

For fans of diving on the islands, the beauty of the underwater world seems to be specially created by volcanoes, stunning the imagination. Among them - giant caves and grottoes with arches and columns, an incredible amount of a wide variety of corals and fish. There are sixty well-equipped dive centers on the islands.

Fishing connoisseurs will remember fishing in these places for the rest of their lives, as it is simply fantastic! Fishing will captivate you with the variety and quantity of fish; So, you may catch mahi-mahi, sailfish, tuna or blue marlin.

But for those who do not want to leave the hotel, all conditions for a comfortable stay have been created here, including swimming pools. But few people deny themselves swimming in the ocean, since all the beaches are equipped with showers, toilets, dining tables, neatly trimmed lawns, and places for fires. At the same time, there are absolutely wild beaches for connoisseurs of the exotic - there are raging winds, waves, and crabs running along the shore.

The favorite pastimes of local tourists are golf and cycling.

Everyone who comes here can enjoy not only the unique paradise nature - there is the opportunity to choose for themselves either passive or active view the rest he wants.

Hawaiian style

The Hawaiian Islands are the birthplace of a special, slightly tacky and relaxed style. American comedy heroes usually return from vacation with a flower necklace and a colorful Hawaiian shirt, which immediately demonstrates where they spent their weekend. It is not for nothing that the most famous flip-flops on the planet - “flip-flops” - are produced under the Hawaiians brand. A traditional souvenir that is brought from here is a necklace made of shells with a pendant in the shape of a fish hook. It should be noted that the cost of some pieces is $200-300, and such jewelry can only be combined with classic Hawaiian clothing.

In conclusion, there is one more thing to add. The islands are absolutely safe for tourists. You don't have to be afraid of natural disasters. In Hawaii all year round good climate(neither cold nor hot), although it rains in winter. Dance connoisseurs can learn the hula dance - you will find lessons in this dance in every large hotel. Don't forget to tip the service staff - they have become very ingrained in the culture of Hawaii and have long become an unwritten rule.

The most convenient way to travel between the islands is by plane, but ferries also operate between some of them.

- how to get to Honolulu and how to combine a great vacation in California and then go on a trip to Hawaii. Los Angeles offers a variety of holidays - here you can learn the secrets of cinema, go surfing, go by car to various National parks and authentic towns on the Pacific coast. But the classic beach holiday in Los Angeles, unfortunately, no. But on the Hawaiian Islands you can sunbathe on the beach and swim in the ocean as much as you like - the water is warm, and the reefs and lagoons in the coves protect from big waves Pacific Ocean.

In this article I will tell you how to arrange the best one for yourself vacation in Hawaii: how to fly to Hawaii Honolulu airport how to organize transfer to your hotel on Waikiki Beach. I will also give examples of the best beaches on Oahu and Maui so that you can choose.

  1. Buy a ticket for a flight Los Angeles - Honolulu (LAX - HNL), see cheap air tickets on the website
  2. Choose a beach on the island of Oahu and book a good hotel near it on the website
  3. If necessary, book a car rental on the website
  4. Get there from international airport Honolulu to hotel
  5. Relax on best beaches Hawaii

Now let's talk in more detail about each of these five points.

Flight to Hawaii in the USA

Hawaii and their capital, Honolulu, is in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean, a six-hour flight from Los Angeles. Many airlines fly here, so you just need to choose a flight that suits the time and price. When I bought a ticket from Los Angeles to Honolulu, I flew with Delta, and I will say that it was a very comfortable flight. Six hours passed almost unnoticed.

By the way, from Moscow to Honolulu You can only fly with transfers - through Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle or New York. Look cheap flights.

Recommendation: in my opinion, combining a trip to California and a vacation in Hawaii (which I managed to do without any problems) is much more interesting than traveling there separately. Therefore, it is worth buying tickets in advance in the USA both to Los Angeles and from Los Angeles to Hawaii. Why in advance? Yes, because summer in the States is a period of mass vacations for Americans (much like in Russia, only on a larger scale). And since the residents North America If you are used to planning your vacation in advance, they can buy tickets for all the best flights while you postpone the decision to buy your air tickets.

Honolulu Airport in Hawaii

IN Honolulu airport(Honolulu International Airport, HNL) on the island of Oahu you immediately understand that you are in a completely different world: it is still the USA, but there is already a Polynesian sky above your head. There is a pleasant humidity in the air, which almost never happens in Los Angeles. In addition, at the airport in Hawaii everything is very convenient: you can immediately rent a car and go to your hotel, or take a taxi or even take a bus to tourist centre— Waikiki. If you come on a tour to Hawaii, you will be met at the airport and taken to your hotel, so you don’t have to worry about anything,

Good to know:

  • Honolulu Airport is located near the city center (only 7 km) and almost next to the mecca of beach life - Waikiki (12 km).
  • Good news for travelers from Russia: you do not need a separate visa for Hawaii, like for the islands of French Polynesia (Tahiti and Bora Bora). Since Hawaii is one of the 50 states of America, a US visa is valid here.

Honolulu Airport on the map

How to get from Honolulu Airport to downtown Oahu

  • On Waikiki Express(Airport Waikiki Express) can be sent directly to your hotel for just $16. This service is usually booked in advance, so you will be met at the airport with a sign. You can easily recognize company representatives by their yellow traditional Hawaiian shirts. However, it is worth remembering that this is not a personal vehicle and will travel to Waikiki with all stops at each hotel. The east of the airport your hotel is located, the longer this trip will be.
  • Buses numbers 19 and 20 depart every half hour from stops 913, 914, 915 in front of the airport and go to the center of Waikiki. The bus fare is only $2.5 per person. This option is only available to those who have little luggage.
  • By rented car. Parking at Waikiki hotels usually costs $20-35 per day. The cost of car rental and conditions can be found on the car rental website (follow the link).
  • On Taxi. The cost of a trip to the city center will be $30-40 plus tip. Traveling with three of us is more profitable than taking an express bus, and it’s faster in terms of time.

Waikiki - Oahu's tourist center

(Waikiki) is a large, bustling beach 2.5 km long, located in the southern part of the island of Oahu and is a huge tourist center with all the necessary infrastructure. There are high-rise first-class hotels right on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, many shops and fashion boutiques are located nearby. There are always a lot of people here, because this is the most comfortable spot for those who want to relax in Hawaii, but do not want to travel far from the airport.

If you want to live in the thick of things, then you should definitely choose Waikiki beach. I also lived in Waikiki, because first I wanted to go trekking to the Diamond Head volcano, and then see the rather interesting Honolulu Zoo. And the best shopping in Hawaii is also on the streets of Waikiki.

My impressions of Waikiki: Despite the fact that I arrived in the summer, it was the beginning of June, and there weren’t very many people on the beach yet, so I was able to relax to the fullest! I would especially like to note that the quality of your holiday in Hawaii is significantly influenced by the hotel; you should not skimp on comfort here.

  • Two of Waikiki's finest hotels are four-star hotels right on Waikiki Beach with their own oceanfront pool and beachfront boardwalk that needs no further introduction:
  • 3* hotel near the beach and ocean view - Aston Waikiki Circle Hotel >>
  • Waikiki apartment with full kitchen close to Ala Moana Park and Beach. This is a great option for those who want to be in the center, but also have access to... crowded beach. Look Waikiki Studio >>

Maui Airport called Kahului(Kahului Airport, OGG) and is the second major tourist hub in Hawaii after Oahu. You can fly here not only from Honolulu, but also by direct flight from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Anchorage and other cities in the USA and Canada.

How to get from Maui Airport to your hotel:

  • By car. Most of the hotels are located in Lahaina, Wailea and Kaanapali. Renting a car in Hawaii is not very expensive; prices can be found on this website.
  • By shuttle. The Express Shuttle provides a service to transport guests to their hotel on Maui. The cost of the trip is from 24 to 44 dollars one way (depending on the chosen beach).
  • By taxi. average price Taxi rides on the island of Maui range from $72 to $85.
  • By bus. With transfers from the Pick Up Zone #3 stop, you can travel directly from the airport to popular beaches on Maui. Bus tickets in Hawaii are only $2 per trip.

It is better to stay on the island of Maui in Hawaii in one of the most good hotels close to the beach. You can use our recommendation, or choose the most suitable one for yourself in terms of comfort and price.

Here best hotels on Maui:

  • In Wailea and near Wailea Beach - Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea >>
  • In Kaanapali - a traditional tourist town like Waikiki - Aston Maui Kaanapali Villas >>

After hundreds of questions and assumptions from friends and acquaintances that I was a millionaire, I finally pulled myself together, sat down, patiently went through all the bank statements, picked up the checks, strained my memory and sat down to write this post - about how much my week-long trip to the Hawaiian Islands cost June 2015.

I originally planned to visit Hawaii as part of trip around the world, which was planned 10 months before the start (since September 2014). Tickets were purchased for good prices from Honolulu to Seattle and from Anchorage to Reykjavik. But time made adjustments, the ruble exchange rate became frightening, and as a result, the air tickets were returned through voluntary and (to my luck) forced refunds.
But my fearless friend Elnar (Mishka.Travel) did not give up on a trip around the world and asked me to at least fly to Hawaii, where his wife also flew. And a month and a half before the trip, I began to book, buy, order everything that was necessary for the trip.
So, I arrived at the appointed point - the island of Maui at 12:00 on May 31, and flew out at 10:00 on June 6. Total 6 full days.

Hawaii is a US state, so a valid visa is required.

All Hawaiian notes:


While almost everyone flies to Hawaii from the US mainland, I flew an unconventional route - east, through and Tokyo.

I found all the tickets at the prices listed below using ticket search engines. Skyscanner And Aviasales.

S7, together with Japan Airlines, sold a ticket on the route Tokyo - Honolulu and back for 28 thousand rubles.

A ticket from Moscow to Vladivostok with Aeroflot in comfort class cost me 14,708 rubles.

And from Vladivostok to Moscow I bought a ticket for Aeroflot miles in business class and only paid extra 3208 rubles.

Having arrived in Honolulu (Oahu island), after 3 hours the next flight to Kahului on the island of Maui was waiting for me. For the flight Honolulu - Kahului I paid $72 or 3675 rubles (Island Air airline).

I returned from Maui to Honolulu using MOKULELE Airlines and paid for the ticket $110 or 5614 rubles.


On the way back to Moscow, I stayed at the A Hotel Amursky Zaliv in Vladivostok and paid 1,500 rubles per night.


As a result, we drove (if I remember correctly) about 800 km around the island of Maui and refilled the tank for $20 (I bought bucks for 51 rubles), arriving at the service center to return the car before departure.

In total, renting a car cost us three $335.24 or 18,183 rubles (per person - 6,061 rubles).


It's hard to write about everything that was eaten and drunk)

On the second day we discovered a place where you can order excellent breakfasts all day long.

Since it gets dark early on the island, and it’s light already at 4 am, life was already starting to boil at 5 am. And we had to hurry so that at 5:30-6 there would be no line for breakfast. On average, you could have a good meal for $10.

We bought food in supermarkets and cooked it in our apartments. It was always possible to buy fresh seafood, fish, and meat at very reasonable prices.

On our last night, we bought these two pieces of beef for $25 and cooked them on the gas barbecue in our backyard.

Some price tags:


By car we went to Haleakala Park, and also during a trip to Hana - to Kipahulu Park, where each paid an entrance fee of $15 or 765 rubles ( 255 rubles per person).

Haleakala Park:

Kipahulu Park:


One of my main goals when going to Hawaii was to try stand up on a board. A two-hour lesson in using the board cost $110 or 5,610 rubles for three. At first it seemed to us that this time would not be enough, but after 40 minutes I realized that for the first time it was too much for me, and after an hour and a half my strength was at zero.


Let's summarize the sections in rubles:

  1. Flights—RUB 55,205.
  2. Accommodation - 18,314 rubles.
  3. Car rental - RUB 6,061.
  4. Food, drinks, goodies - on average 50-60 dollars a day, that is, for 6 days approximately 18,500 rubles.
  5. National parks - 510 rub.
  6. Surfing — 3,060 rub.
  7. Postcards - 2,550 rub.

Total: 104,200 rub.

Is it worth spending that much money for a week? In my opinion yes!

Video from the trip

Find cheap flights to Hawaii

All you need to do is enter your origin and destination (Honolulu, Kahului or other Hawaiian cities) and your intended travel dates, then click “Find Flights.” The flight ticket search engine will select for you optimal route and will show minimum price among airlines and air ticket sales agencies.

Americans love to fly to Hawaii, preferring their own beaches anyone else, but it’s difficult to call a Russian traveler a frequent visitor to these islands. The reasons for this are the long flight, the high prices for air tickets and general holidays on the archipelago, and the need to obtain a visa to. If you are not afraid of difficulties, and you study in detail all the answers to the question of how to get to, get ready for exciting and full of vivid emotions adventures on the islands, which are called one of the most beautiful on the planet!

Useful details for tourists in the USA

  • Do not buy airline tickets before you obtain your US visa. Tickets will not be able to influence the opinion of the consul who makes the decision to issue a visa, but in any case you will have to lose a substantial amount if your visa is refused.
  • There are no transit areas at US airports. Any flight across the States will require you to go through border control and receive your luggage at the first landing point. The baggage must then be checked in again.
  • You may not be accommodated in a hotel if you are under 21 years of age. At least one member of your company or family must be of this age.
  • An international driver's license issued in, and credit card enough to rent a car.

Choosing wings

All prices in the material are approximate and are given for March 2017. It is better to check the exact cost of travel on the official websites of carriers.


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