Crowded beach in China. Resorts in China with beaches: reviews from tourists, sea water temperature. The best resorts in China with beaches

Every year, China is visited by hundreds of thousands of travelers who want to touch antiquity. But when it comes to “ordinary” beach holidays, China recedes into the background and modestly hides behind the backs of such generally recognized tourism giants as Turkey and Egypt.

Meanwhile, China is a great place for a relaxing beach holiday. The coast of China is over 14 thousand kilometers long and is washed by the waters of four seas. Pleasant, mild climate, picturesque nature and dozens of cultural beaches for every taste.

Unfortunately, most tourism operators offer tours to the same destination, where overcrowded hotels and industrial infrastructure await vacationers. We have compiled our own list of the best beaches in China, most of which are unknown to the general public.

Surfing, diving, sea fishing or family holidays with children - there is a place for every taste. And you can be sure: any destination included in our list will be in no way inferior to either Turkish or Egyptian beaches.

1st place: Wuzhizhou)

Topping the list of the best beaches in China is Wuzhizhu - small island, located near popular resort Hainan. The island has an area of ​​just over two square kilometers and is washed by the waters of the South China Sea. Wuzhizhu is reliably protected from external currents, so the sea here is always warm and calm.

Geography and climate

Despite small area Wuzhizhu boasts abundant vegetation - researchers have identified several thousand endemic plants here. The pride of the island’s fauna is considered to be the oldest plant in the world, the Dragon tree, more than 10 thousand years old.

Wuzhizhu - typical beach island. The coast, about 6 kilometers long, is completely covered with the purest sea ​​sand. The water area serves as a haven for numerous fish, and ancient coral reefs make Vuzhizha a desirable place for diving enthusiasts.

The climate is typically subtropical, humid, with maximum air temperatures reaching 32 degrees in June. The rainy season lasts here from May to October - but even during this period the water and air temperatures do not drop below 20 degrees. The ideal time to visit is autumn and winter. From October to January inclusive, the weather here is mild, ideal for a beach holiday.


Due to its small size, there is no serious infrastructure on Wuzhizhu. The only hotel is five star Sanya Wuzhizhou Coral Hotel , is one of the best hotels in the world. All beaches are cleaned daily of marine and cultural debris, equipped with umbrellas and sun loungers made of natural wood.

How to get there

You can get to the island by ferry, which departs every hour from Haitang Bay. In Wuzhizhu itself, car rentals are available, and there is also a regular bus service.

2nd place: Yalong Bay)

Hainan Island is considered the pearl of the Chinese beach holiday industry. And in the very center of this pearl is Yalong Bay - the most protected, expensive and prestigious place in this region.

Geography and climate

Yalong Bay is eight kilometers of flat coastline strewn with the purest sea sand. The bay is surrounded on all sides by a chain high mountains, covered with picturesque forests - a great place for leisurely walks. It is worth noting that the air here is especially clean thanks to the efforts of the Chinese authorities, who banned any industrial activity near the bay.

The climate in Yalong Bay is milder than the rest of the island, which is explained by the closed ecosystem of the bay. It is protected from the mainland by mountains, and the natural bay is fenced off by coral reefs that prevent the cold currents of the South China Sea from penetrating inside. Thanks to this, Yalong Bay can be visited even during the rainy season - the air temperature here does not drop below 26 degrees.

Another amazing feature of the bay is the almost complete absence of wind and the same water temperature (25-26 degrees). All this, combined with developed infrastructure and magnificent beaches, makes Yalong Bay best place for a relaxing holiday.


Yalong Bay is rightfully considered the pride of Hainan, and local authorities make every effort to maintain the image of an upscale resort. The area near the coast is built up the best hotels- all, as one, with a five-star category. There are golf courses, tennis courts, shopping malls, swimming pools and even a hippodrome - in short, Yalong Bay has something to do even for the most sophisticated tourist.

How to get there

Despite the constant and calm climate, the best time to visit the bay is from October to May. At this time, Yalong Bay enjoys comfortable temperatures with no rain at all. You can get to the bay by taxi from international airport Sanya, travel time is about an hour excluding traffic jams.

3rd place: Dadonghai

Dadongai is a continuous line of sandy beaches located in the south of Hainan Island. Like most other popular beaches in the region, Dadongai is located within a natural bay, which protects it from unwanted climate changes.

Geography and climate

Overall, Dadongai is a typical Hainan beach, with one exception. The waters of the beach are strewn with unique pink corals, which are listed in the International Red Book. If we add to this the always calm sea and developed infrastructure, we get an ideal place for lovers of tourist diving.

The water of this resort is worth talking about separately. It is surprisingly transparent here, with a barely noticeable turquoise tint. There are rumors that the Dadongai water area has healing properties- however, this statement has not yet been confirmed by anything.

The coast of the beach is homogeneous sea sand, which goes far inland, which distinguishes Dadongai from other beaches with a rocky bottom. The homogeneous and slightly boring landscape is diluted with wild palm trees.

Like the rest of Hainan, the rainy season lasts from May to October. The optimal time to visit is late spring and all autumn, when the water warms up to 30 degrees.


Dadongai boasts a very developed tourism infrastructure. The beach provides its visitors with free umbrellas, sunbeds and soft drinks. A cozy shopping line stretches along the coast, where you can find products and souvenirs for every taste.

A distinctive feature of this resort is the presence of hotels and guesthouses directly next to the sea. The choice is truly impressive: from luxury hotels, where the price per night reaches $500, to small cozy bungalows.

How to get there

There are special taxis running from Sanya International Airport to Dadongai Beach that will take you straight to the main tourist area. Overall, Dadongai is typical beach resort, with developed infrastructure and reasonable prices. It will suit amateurs like amateurs prestigious holiday, and adherents of minimal costs

4th place: Sanya Bay Bay)

Another beach resort in the Hainan region, Sanya Bay City Beach is considered a favorite vacation spot for locals. This may turn off fans typically resort beaches- on the other hand, this beach has the lowest possible prices. In terms of the quality of the coast and water area, Sanya Bay is in no way inferior to its more “famous” tourism brethren.

Geography and climate

Sanya Bay Beach is located in the bay of the same name, which protects it from the very turbulent outer sea. The coast is strewn with amazingly white sand, but the seabed is mostly rocky.

The climate of the Hainan region has already been described in detail, and Sanya Bay does not particularly stand out in this regard. Best time for relaxation - spring and autumn, average temperature air and water are kept at around 26-27 degrees.


A distinctive feature of Sanya Bay Beach is its focus on serving the local population. There is a huge selection of places where you can stay overnight at very affordable prices. Fans of prestigious hotels should be warned: five-star hotels here are clearly not up to the required level. There is a highway stretching along the coast, which does not reach the main beach area - you don’t have to worry about the cleanliness of the air.

How to get there

A taxi from the international airport will take you straight to Hainan. From there you can take a taxi to Sanya Bay or use public transport: Special buses go to the beach.

It should be noted that Sanya Bay is probably the only beach resort in China where you can watch how people live local residents. Fishing and seafood production, lively trade and many small restaurants will not leave lovers of local exotics indifferent.

5th place: Tianya Haijiao

Rounding out the top five is another beach resort in the Hainan region, Tianya Haijiao. Translated from Chinese, this name literally translates as Edge of Heaven. Tianya Haijiao is the most southern territory Hainan Island, which ends with a cape of the same name, from which a magnificent view of the entire water area opens.

Geography and climate

Tianya differs from other beaches in Hainan in its amazing “lunar landscape”. The coast here is literally strewn with the remains of ancient marble rocks, which give it a similarity to the Seychelles.

Here is the most high point Hainan - Cape Tianya, where the active maniac is located. Lovers of green landscapes will also not be disappointed: the area around the coast is a thicket of wild palm trees and shrubs.

The sand here is traditionally “Hainanese” - fine, white and very clean. The bottom is predominantly rocky, with sharp changes in depth. Diving enthusiasts will appreciate the huge number of exotic fish that flock in schools to the bay.


Tianya Haijiao has a large selection of inexpensive hotels, guesthouses and private villas. It should be noted that all of them are located at a distance from the beach itself. Otherwise, the infrastructure of the resort is no different from the rest of Hainan: many shops, souvenir shops and restaurants.

How to get there

Getting to Tianya Haijiao is somewhat more difficult than getting to other resorts on the Island, since the beach is located at its southernmost tip. You should take into account its remoteness when calculating the time - the journey can take up to two hours due to possible traffic jams.

6th place: Haitang Bay Bay)

Haitang Bay is a continuous strip of snow-white sand, enclosed by a natural bay. Haitang belongs to the territory of Hainan Island, but stands apart from other beach resorts.

Geography and climate

Unlike the popular and developed resorts discussed earlier, Khaitan may seem like a “wild” place. Its development began relatively recently, and it is still not very popular among tourists. Thanks to this, an amazing ensemble of untouched nature has formed here, wild beaches and half-empty five-star hotels, built recently.

The coast of Khaitan stretches for almost 30 kilometers. And all these kilometers are not fenced in any way cleanest beaches, untouched by man. The bottom is mostly sandy, the water area is famous for its coral reefs, which makes Khaitan a good choice for diving enthusiasts.

The climate is traditionally Hainanese, the ideal time to visit is from November to April. Heavy rains begin in May, which, despite the warm weather, will prevent beach holiday.


There are really few hotels on Haitan, and all of them are five-star. But what's surprising are the prices. A luxurious room with all amenities, access to the pool and sea views will cost about a hundred dollars per night. Khaitan is a rare case when an unpopular resort can be recommended on a par with a more famous beaches. However, for lovers of active nightlife You may not like Haitan Bay - the infrastructure here is not well developed.

7th place: Riye Bay Bay)

The beaches of Hainan are probably already boring. But what can you do - this is the most developed and high-quality resort in China; it is not surprising that almost all the best beaches are concentrated here. So is Zhiyue, a bay with a name that is difficult to pronounce, which is located in the south of the island.

Geography and climate

The bay has already become a mecca for lovers of wild romance and surfing. Here you can hardly meet pampered lovers of sand and sun. But this place is ideal for those who want to spend their holiday actively.

Zhiyue is practically not fenced from open sea, thanks to which high waves rage here all year round. But there are also protected places where you can soak up the clean sand. This is the distinctive feature of the bay: here you can enjoy active species water sports, then relax on the beautiful beaches.

The water temperature is colder than the rest of Hainan - within 20 degrees Celsius. The air is also very cool, but comfortable. In summer the temperature reaches 27 degrees, and the constantly blowing sea breeze smoothes out the stuffiness.


There are practically no hotels here - you can stay with private owners or rent a bungalow. Prices are low, and the absence of crowds of pampered tourists will appeal to lovers of secluded relaxation.

How to get there

You will have to get to Zhiyue Bay on your own, by taxi. Travel time from the center of Hainan can take from half an hour to an hour, depending on traffic conditions.

8th place: Beidaihe

Beidaihe opens the list of resorts outside Hainan Island. This is a small resort area near Qinhuangdao, located on the shores of Bohai Bay. Beidaihe is not as popular as the previously described resorts in Hainan. On the other hand, there are fewer people here, prices are not as high and the beaches are just as beautiful.

Geography and climate

Beidaihe is literally surrounded by greenery and boasts a healing climate. Beidaihe is washed by the Yellow Sea, which is famous for its calm nature and clear blue-black waters.

The climate is moderately humid, which will appeal to travelers from central Russia. Beach line The city is divided into three parts: Western, Central and Eastern. The central one is most popular among tourists: sandy beaches and bottom, calm waters, many shops and entertainment centers.

The western beaches are not as popular, but also offer a good level of service. The eastern zone is the wildest, here you can meet divers, fishermen and surfers. All the beaches of the city are equally well-groomed and clean - you should choose based on personal preferences.


In addition to beach holidays, Beidaihe can offer its visitors a full range of entertainment. Prices here are moderately low; you can find a clean and comfortable room for 10-15 dollars.

How to get there

Open in Beidaihe regular flights from Beijing and Harbin. The optimal time to visit is from May to October, when the weather and water temperature are comfortable.

9th place: Gulangyu Island

A tiny island at the southwestern tip of Xiamen County, Gulangyu may be considered the region's beach highlight.

Geography and climate

The island is really tiny - you can walk around it in just an hour. Meanwhile, there is a wonderful climate and always calm sea. The coast consists of several kilometers of coarse sea sand, the bottom is also sandy. The entire island is covered with tropical vegetation and flowers. The amazing thing about Gulangyu is that the weather is always comfortable. Even during the rainy season you can sunbathe and swim here.


There are no hotels on the island - only rare private villas. It is unlikely that you will be able to stay directly on Gulanyu - it is better to choose one of the hotels in the city. In addition, there are practically no cars or motorcycles here.

How to get there

You can only get to the island by ferry, which regularly departs from the city of Samen. The most pleasant weather here lasts from May to October.

10th place: Weihai

Last doesn't mean worst. It is with this slogan that we would like to complete our personal TOP-list of beaches in China. In fact, just because Weihai's beaches are at the bottom of the list doesn't mean they're any worse than their more famous beach tourism counterparts. Not at all - the fact is that Weihai is difficult to get to, it is not so developed tourism infrastructure and in general, the beaches of this region do not stand out in any way compared to other resorts.

Geography and climate

Weihai is amazing a natural phenomenon. Where else can you see centuries-old coniferous forests that go straight to sandy beaches? The city and its beaches are located on the Shandong Peninsula. The terrain is very mountainous, with elevation differences reaching several hundred meters.

The climate is temperate, monsoon. Winter is mild, minimum temperature is 14 degrees. In summer, air and water warm up equally, up to 25 degrees. The sea is often stormy, but even in bad weather the water remains clear.

The coast is strewn with coarse sea sand of a bright yellow hue. The bottom is variable rocky, but on the most popular beaches it is sandy.


Weihai - quite Big City, with a population of about 700 thousand people. This means only one thing: a huge variety of entertainment. Diving, surfing, fishing, excursions protected places and tea plantations - in short, an ideal place for active family vacation.

How to get there

Weihai can be reached by direct flight from Beijing, the flight duration is just over an hour. For lovers sea ​​trips can you suggest ferry crossing from Dalian - it should be taken into account that the sea current here is rough, and inexperienced sailors can get seasick.

They have long been very popular among Russians. Another thing is the purpose of trips to the Middle Kingdom. In most cases, people visit China for shopping. Also in demand sightseeing tours, after all, China is a country with rich history. No country in the world can boast of so many attractions included in the authoritative UNESCO List as the PRC. Some travel to the Celestial Empire to try out the effectiveness of acupuncture and other methods of alternative medicine. Others are attracted to mysterious Tibet and the mythical Shambhala. And very few are planning to conquer the most high peak world - Everest - from the PRC, not Nepal. But now it's time to discover Beach China! Read about the best of this country in our article.

Tours to China

Russians living in Eastern Siberia and on Far East, have long mastered the beaches of China on the Yellow Sea. But for a long time, citizens from the European part of the Russian Federation were scared off by long and expensive flights, as well as more low level service compared to Turkey and Egypt. But time takes its toll, and the tourism infrastructure of the PRC has begun to develop rapidly. IN last years, like mushrooms after the rain, new Chinese resorts with beaches, hotels, entertainment centers. To get clients, tour operators offer Russians trips to China, which can be compared to a hodgepodge. There's a little bit of everything: shopping, excursions, learning about Chinese acupuncture, and enjoying exotic dishes. And this “gallop across the Celestial Empire” is complemented by a 5-7 day trip on one of sea ​​resorts China. Such a tour will cost on average 22 thousand rubles per person, if the tour is last minute, and accommodation is expected in a 3-star hotel (with breakfast).

The best resorts in China with beaches

Which of the proposed options should you choose? Which seaside resort in China is considered the best? The most fashionable destination is Hainan Island. The Chinese government is very interested in promoting this place. Therefore, if you plan to travel exclusively to Hainan (up to 15 days and as part of an organized group), you do not need a visa to China. You can deduct one and a half thousand rubles from the trip estimate. Budget tourists will certainly be interested in resorts Yellow Sea. These are Beidaihe, Qingdao, Dalian. But you should remember that you need to come here, like in Sochi - from June to the end of September. Exactly at summer period The sea temperature is +25 degrees. Well, tropical palm trees of Hainan Island can easily replace relict fragrant pines. A longer swimming period is observed in the southeast of the country. As an option, you should consider Hong Kong, where a beach holiday can be combined with shopping.


We begin our review of the best seaside resorts in China. In terms of climatic characteristics, development of infrastructure, and level of service, Hainan Island is the leader. This former place the links of the Chinese nobility are now called "East Hawaii". The word "Hainan" itself translates as "Land of South Sea" The island is located in the tropical climatic zone and is ready to receive vacationers all year round. It has everything that travel agencies lure into the lush greenery of palm trees, turquoise warm water, White sand beaches, all sorts of coconuts, rambutans and others Exotic fruits. Hainan was the first to attract the attention of foreign holidaymakers who fly to China every winter. don't even try to look on the map. Such a water area does not exist. Geographers call the sea washing the shores of Hainan the South China Sea. The capital of the island is the city of Haikou.


Luxurious hotels and fashionable resorts are concentrated in the south of Hainan. But for exotic things you should go to the northern tip of the island. The two indigenous peoples - the Miao and the Li - are completely different from the Han Chinese. Watch the amazing folklore shows they put on for tourists and also try the delicacies local cuisine possible in the Betel Ethnic Minority Park. The resort of Sanya is considered the most fashionable holiday destination on the island and throughout China. The only negative The main advantage of the local beaches is their location across the road. Otherwise, tourists give Sanya the most high marks. Snow-white sand, clear water, European standard of relaxation. Sanya is surrounded on three sides picturesque mountains, and from the fourth stretches the unclouded surface of the sea. Even in January, the thermometer in Hainan does not fall below +22 degrees. The high season in Sanya begins in early February. Chinese from the north of the country love to come here to celebrate the Lunar New Year.


Hainan is not limited to Sanya alone. Twenty-five kilometers away lies a vast crescent-shaped bay, which the Chinese call “Earthly Paradise” (Yaochi). But on the maps it is called after the city on the coast - Yalongwan. This resort is the center of the most expensive and fashionable hotels. The beaches of Yalongwan are considered better than those in Sanya. Seven kilometers of white quartz sand! The coastal strip is so wide that there is no feeling of crowding even in high season. The beaches are bordered by mangrove forests and coconut groves. And on the sea side, five islands and a coral reef reliably shelter the coast from storms. The transparency of the water in Yalong Bay is 10-15 meters. This, along with the absence of strong currents, makes the resort a mecca for divers and snorkelers.


This bay on Hainan Island is not as clean as Yalong Bay. But this resort “never sleeps.” Young people come to Dadonghai for a vibrant evening life and limitless fun. The beaches of the resort present a typical picture of a tropical coast: green palm trees, white sand. However, Dadonghai has the most developed infrastructure active rest. Kites, water skis, scooters, banana boats and other entertainment are present here in huge quantities. Dadonghai is popular with Russian tourists. Therefore, it is difficult to feel the language barrier here. On the streets of the resort you can often find signs in Russian. Service staff in hotels and waiters in restaurants often speak our language. The resort has many treatment centers where traditional Chinese medicine is practiced.


Quite good Chinese resorts with beaches stretch in the southeast of the country, along the coast of the Yellow Sea. Among them, Beidaihe stands out. Legends are made about the beauty of these places. The resort's beach consists of golden sand. And it is bordered by mountains covered with pine trees. The crystal air, filled with the aroma of heated pine needles, created Beidaihe's glory medical resort. The most developed infrastructure is in the western part of the resort. At the eastern end of the beach you can find deserted places and enjoy the sea and sun in absolute solitude. This resort is also loved and even inhabited by our compatriots. Reviews call it an ideal place for a family holiday, as there is a lot of entertainment for children: a dolphinarium, water parks. Adults will also find a lot of interesting things to do in Beidaihe. The double-headed Lenfengshan Mountain with its caves and hidden paths is worth a visit.

Hong Kong, Resistance Bay

Having only recently returned to the fold of the Celestial Empire, the peninsula still delights guests with British quality service to tourists. On all three sides Hong Kong (aka Hong Kong) is washed by South China Sea. And in terms of climatic characteristics it is not inferior to Hainan. Best beaches China in this corner of the vast country are located in the Bay of Resistance. The bay is so named because the British once courageously repelled an attack by pirates here. The beach of Resistance Bay is equipped with everything necessary for comfortable rest: locker rooms, showers, wooden flooring. The waterfront abounds with restaurants and first-class hotels. The main attraction of the resort is giant statues goddesses Tin Hau and Kwun Yam, who patronize fishermen. The latter's junks, gliding through the calm waters of the bay, are a wonderful sight.


Which Chinese resorts with beaches can be recommended for pebble lovers? This is Dalyan - a city on the coast of the Yellow Sea. For our compatriots, it is also interesting because it has a Russian Quarter. Dalyan has several beaches. “Shell” is considered one of the best. You can get here using the cableway, which is laid above the territory of the zoo. If you get tired of swimming in the sea, you can watch a performance by trained fur seals. The pebble beach "Tigers" is so named because of the marble sculptures of large wild cats. However, it is not they that attract many tourists here, but the unusually high tides. Not far from the beach there is a unique “Polar Aquarium”, where you can observe the inhabitants of the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica.

Swimming is very popular in China, but only separate species sports But outside of sports schools there are people who are oh so far from it... According to statistics, only 20% of the entire population of the Celestial Empire have mastered this skill. Others even go to the sea just to sit on the shore and take a break from the bustle of the city.

Is swimming expensive?

With the onset of the summer heat, when they want to plunge into cool water, most Chinese in cities go not to the lake or to the sea, but to the pool. At the same time, all public swimming places are crowded, and going to them is quite expensive (when compared with other entertainment) . Things are this way for the reason that otherwise there would simply not be enough space for all the swimmers. And so there is at least some filtering element - price. On average, a one-time trip to the pool costs an adult from 80 to 200 yuan (from 12 to 30 $) depending on the city and, of course, the complex itself. By the way, having paid for the entrance, you shouldn’t expect to be able to swim there comfortably - you’ll be like a herring in a can, especially if you go in the evening or on holidays.

For many people in the Middle Kingdom, water parks have become a salvation from the heat. After all, there are not only large swimming pools, but also a huge number of attractions. This means you can have fun there, even if you don’t know how to swim. But, again, there are not so many of them, but entry tickets are sold at a high price.

Water Cube is considered the largest and most beautiful water park in China. In 2008 it hosted Olympic Games for all types of water sports. However, it is located far from the center and it takes a long time to get to it. But still, many people come here just to relax, play with their children and hide from the heat.

As you might guess, such a luxury as going to a swimming pool, even if it’s not the best one, is available only to city residents. Chinese living in villages are forced to either look for natural bodies of water or make do with other forms of recreation.

Beach holidays in China

Things are a little different with beach holidays. Yes, it is free, and it would seem that every Chinese can safely go to the sea at least once a year and spend a couple of days swimming there. Although the Chinese population for the most part does not know how to swim, there are still quite a lot of beaches in this country, and they are also very beautiful. For example, on the island of Hainan there is a delightful beach, the pride of which is considered the blue harbor. This favorite place for the recreation of many Chinese and tourists.

Moreover, if travelers come to the beach to plunge into the cool water, the Chinese themselves perceive beach holidays a little differently. According to eyewitnesses, even the large beach in Sanya is a place where the Chinese come simply to sit by the water or stroll along the promenade.

Often, Chinese beaches and coastal areas are polluted due to abundant fishing and huge amount ship Some Chinese consider the beach exclusively a place for fishing, while others suffer from this.

Tanning is for the poor?

Another reason for such a strange attitude towards beach holidays is the peculiar class division of the Chinese. In the Celestial Empire, light skin color is valued, which indicates that the person is not a peasant, but an employee of a company or even an aristocrat. Therefore, it is not customary to sunbathe here. The only ones who are happy to expose their bodies to the rays of the scorching sun are children (until their parents see).

Of course, on the beaches you can meet people in swimsuits, but they differ in many ways from those worn by our girls and boys. It is almost impossible to see a Chinese woman in a bikini. But a young lady walking along the embankment in a long dress is a completely normal phenomenon. Even when swimming, the Chinese prefer to wear clothes so that the tan does not stick to wet skin.

Foreigners are surprised when they see many people coming to the beach in the evening. At the same time, it seems that they came to the park, and not to the coast. After all, despite the fact that it’s hot outside, the locals almost never take off their clothes and rarely go into the water.

You can often see Chinese people on the coast meditating. They sit right on the sand, in suits or closed dresses, and just look at the surface of the sea. Many people walk along the shore, taking pictures of themselves or taking pictures of others.From the outside it looks funny, but the Chinese are accustomed to this type of holiday. If the guys from the Middle Kingdom swim, they do it without hunting and very close to the shore. They plunge into the water not to swim a couple of meters, but simply to cool off. Many Chinese residents are afraid of water, especially when the sea is rough. And some people do not swim at all without a life preserver, even in adulthood.

The situation with “rejection” water element“The Chinese government has also seriously worried - recently there have been active attempts to solve this problem by introducing swimming lessons at universities.To pass the swimming test, you must swim at least fifty meters, and in any style.

Since most Chinese cannot swim, this innovation did not cause much joy, but it will certainly benefit the country. For example, American researchers argue that the more residents of a country can swim, the higher the level of its development. After all, in a poor country, people are too busy working and trying to feed their families to find time for relaxation, and parents do not have enough money to pay for their child’s swimming lessons or send him to the pool. Therefore, by teaching the Chinese to swim, the government will give them another reason to be proud of their country and their achievements.


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